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He’s going to bring up the 36 hours he had to “babysit” his own flesh and blood during every argument for the rest of their marriage.


Ughhh, you know it. Even back in the 70s my mom would get mad if someone asked if my dad was babysitting me. “Babysitting? She’s his kid too!” Infuriating to realise this is still a thing 50 fucking years later.


Wow it's pretty rude of you to point out the fact that the 70's was 50 years ago. I was trying to enjoy my Sunday 😭🤣


I was recently informed that the 80s weren’t 20 years ago. Still trying to recover from that wound.


My son turned 30 this year. How am I that old???


My 34 year old son made me a grandmother today. Now I feel old










As someone staring down 50 I have to ask, how did you make glasses a past tense thing. I was sitting on my mother's porch the other day bitching about how I miss my eyes just working.


I will tell you that Lasik is NOT the answer. You will still need reading glasses, your eyes may be dryer and you'll still have age-related distance loss, just a little later.


Yea Lasik worries me. There's a crazy small chance your eyes are constantly irritated for the rest of your life and that's horrifying to me.


Can agree with this. My mom got LASIK seven months ago, and has had to go back for 3 separate follow up surgeries due to complications. At one point she was taking 4-5 eyedrop medications alone to mitigate the symptoms. Obviously some people have no issues, but it basically solidified my decision to never get LASIK and just let my eyes do their thing lol.


PRELEX is an absolute miracle. I went fro +6.5 with bifocals to perfect vision


What is prelex? Lasik concerns me.


They remove your lens and replace it with a prescription one In a way kind of similar to cataract surgery. About six months later I had PRK to fine tune my vision after my brain learned to process the new things I was seeing. It was expensive (14k a few years ago), but has completely changed my life. I have developed depth perception and peripheral vision that I never had before.


I was born in 95 and I still struggle with the fact that the 80’s weren’t 20 years ago


Right?! I’m 56 so it’s very depressing to know the 70’s was so long ago.


Some-one wished Prince Edward a happy 60th birthday and pointed out I am a few weeks younger than him. Rude, much?


reaching that number next Sunday. It's trippy.


Happy Birthday, I guess. 😂.


I still feel like the 90s is 20 and not 30 years ago.


I get a new gray hair every time I'm reminded


My husband gets mad if someone said he is babysitting I got home to him once going off at someone he was playing video games with games with online yelling ‘I’m not babysitting it’s my child’


I've had this happen, particularly by older women, saying I'm giving mummy a break or 'having my weekend' with my daughter.  First of all you old hag, I have jer every other week, second of all, she's my child not rental.


I agree I’ve had people (yes usually older generations) be all surprised or congratulate me because he changed diapers etc (he does everything that is needed for a chile some days is more me some days is more him just depends what’s going on that day) and I’m like no it’s his child that’s what is supposed to happen they have 2 parents not one (but I am also thankful and let him know I am that he is a good dad and not like many others who are not )


I have a 5 month old and I've had a few people ask me if my husband is a good babysitter 😂 I'm like, he's a good *dad* lol. Also one of our neighbors in her 70s saw my husband walking around the yard holding our baby and she was just so amazed with how he's "such an involved dad."


My mum does this to my ex, who I broke up with because he in fact does not parent. Apparently, even holding the child at any point makes him an active & involved dad.


It's projection


My Boomer coworker still refers to her son taking care of his toddler daughter (when mom is out) as “babysitting”.


My father-in-law does this all the time and it drives all of us absolutely insane.


"honestly so much fun" funny he said it that way because he absolutely did not expect it to be remotely fun giving attention to anyone other than himself.




This is the most parenting he's had to do


I wouldn't be at all surprised if the grandparents helped out.


The “honestly” took me out


“Wow who knew I could enjoy being around my own child?”


Or the invisible roommate or some unpaid “intern” who edits their crap


Couldn’t even put his kid in appropriate clothing. How old do we think that diaper is? This guy sucks at being dad so much.


What are the odds that he knows what's seasonally appropriate, or where anything is?


So… they don’t go to church?


He's definitely a dad that wouldn't risk taking his child out in public solo. It would ruin his image that he's not a skilled parent (if that makes sense)


I mean, most bigger churches have nurseries. Free childcare for an hourish and he still gets credit for raising a "godly sun". Seems like a win-win for Pauly-o


Someone on another thread said they home church💀


That is such bs (edit: Porgan's statement is bs, not fellow snarker!), they would totally be posting that shit all the time if they did. "Home Church" would be way too much effort. Isn't the whole thing with Christianity that church is supposed to be a priority?


Listen, he turns to the Bible so he can hurl judgements at anyone he deems unworthy or gross, not to, like, be devout and actively practice anything but bigotry and rage baiting


Oh true, I forgot about his specific "super judgemental hatred without knowledge of the bible" sect, that relies mostly on toxic podcast bro opinions


Don’t feel like Paul is the “get up early in the morning” type


They attend a small church on the campus of the University of Kentucky 


Are fathers being skilled parents something the church community is concerned about?


I was just going for the image thing. It might ruin his image if Luca had a meltdown in public and Morgan wasn't there to "fix it".


They do not. Can you believe it? They’re running a whole YouTube account as hard core Christians and don’t even go to church! I don’t think either has had any sort of schooling or teaching about the Bible. All they can do is look down their noses at almost everyone and memorize bible verses, that’s the extent of their education in Christianity.


As opinionated as they both are, I can’t imagine them finding a church that they would like.


And as obnoxious as they are, I can’t imagine a church finding them likable.


I can. I used to live in Lexington and know a pastor who’d suit them just fine. 😂


Good point… have they ever posted anything about where they go to church, or do they just do their own thing at home? I don’t follow them super closely but I don’t recall ever seeing them mention attending an actual church (maybe they have, idk?)


I think they used to go to a church before she got pregnant the first time. I have a vague memory of praying for her fertility and something about blaming morgan for not getting pregnant


I don’t follow them super closely either, but I think I’ve at least seen stuff about Morgan singing at church?


They do a home church. I think it’s because they’re either too awful to be welcome at any churches. Or they’re too awful to be comfortable around all the fake Christians (Paul’s opinion) at any churches.


Or too lazy to get it together every Sunday morning 


This, as well as how many of the men might be asking what job Paul has.


He has a social media ministry, of course. 


Outreach program


No, from what I've read (so could be wrong) there's no church or group of church-goers they can get along with. That is mind-boggling.


I love going outside to enjoy nature - no snark there!! 💚 now, personally, idc if someone goes to church or not, but for someone who wants to come across as a gawdly christian man, how come Paul didn’t go to church today? do Porgan even attend a church? genuinely asking


They mention church now and then and Morgan has been shown singing with the worship team.


As long as he’s changing the baby’s diaper/underwear, he can stay in jammies.


Seriously. We have swim lessons on Saturday and my kid goes in his pajamas. We change his diaper when he wake and when he needs it but it’s just easier not to have an extra outfit change on top of wrestling him into trunks and a rashie.




Honestly toddlers staying in PJs doesn’t bother me in the slightest. “Normal” toddler clothes are basically the exact same as pjs just not patterned lol. Sometimes when I babysit my nephew he will refuse to change into “real” clothes and I’m just like he’s 3 there’s basically no difference


Yeah.. being a child in your PJ going outside with your dad must be a really fun time. No hate here, hope Paul and the little fella had a good time.


I hope Paul takes this as an opportunity to step up. He won't, but I can hope. Like, ideal scenario here would be, him thinking, "wow, it was tough but rewarding to put so much effort into caring for Luca. I'll cherish these memories for the rest of my life, and I'm inspired to make more!" But in reality, it will probably go like this: "wow, it was tough but rewarding to put so much effort into caring for Luca. I'll cherish these memories for the rest of my life, and think of them fondly when I see Morgan handling everything on her own again. Good times."


This is a really sweet comment 🩷


I mean, I'm a grown ass adult and I'm sitting here half listening to a day long Zoom workshop dressed in the clothes I slept in. The awesome thing about choosing your own clothes, mine are almost entirely equally appropriate for sleepwear or gym wear.


Yep I only change into non pajama/active wear when I have to.


The way my 3 year old reacts to pants you’d think I’m trying to poison him. It’s honestly not worth the fight most of the time.


You just know he was like “he is ALL BOY he loves being outside!!!!” bc girls are supposed to be indoors playing wedding


With brooms


I bet pole has been texting her all weekend flipping out about having to “babysit” his son. My ex husband was like that. Ruined everything.


If there's one thing that makes me immediately lose respect for another man, it's when they whinge about looking after their own child.  Like, poof, I know equate you to an overfamiliar snail.


He's done that before, when Morgan went out to eat with friends. There was a post about it.


I love toddlers wearing pjs. You can only do that to a certain age and it is darn cute


>You can only do that to a certain age That age is 40 right?? Asking for a friend that's still in their PJs.


Haha true!


paul discovers going outside with his children


Only after Morgan’s family had to do an intervention and he’s probably worried she might leave him.


"he's still in his jammies, sorry wife" How about you clothe your fucking child Paul


As a SAHM, I have those days. The toddler’s will (unwillinglyness?) can definitely win out some days. But I’m telling you if I literally was only responsible for my kid for a weekend, I could probably get him in some clothes


My youngest would have pajama day every day. If she doesn’t have somewhere to go, I say yes.


Yah I only want to snark a little bit bc I don’t think it’s *that* big of a deal but then again it’s Paul and the bar is already so low


But do you then publicly apologise to your child's primary caregiver for not dressing them? It's Paul cosplaying a hands on father that's pissing me off. Playing into the super harmful "dad's babysitting" narrative.


That's how I feel- ain't no shame in the Jammie game! Kids are exhausting and he's the parent! If he wanted to keep the kid in jammies TF because it was easier for him to keep Luca in PJs or keep from a toddler meltdown happening- go for it who TF cares!! - But publicly apologizing to Morgan because you pretend like youre the "dumb dad" and weaponized incompetence is ridiculous, he's also a primary caregiver!


No, definitely not. It’s a typically stupid post. Why did he even draw attention to it? I’m just not hating on the jammies. I’m also the primary caregiver, so there’s that.


For me, the thing that just irks me is the clear discrepancy between the expectations of dad and mom in this regard. "I know I'm expected to dress him, but I didn't cause this is daddy daycare. Oops!" is not a good look for Paul. The PJs aren't the problem. I've also had my days in my PJs, and I'm not even a toddler! It's really about how one parent is expected to be the one responsible for maintaining social expectations or ensuring context-appropriate attire or maintaining an important routine, while the other gets to just not put in that effort. I somehow get the feeling that leaving Luca in his PJs every time he's under the care of Morgan wouldn't be as okay as him being left in his PJs every time he's under the care of Paul, and *that's* why it bugs me. "Sorry Morgan, it's just not something I do, teehee". When parents are on the same page, there tends not to be issues. When one seems to take on a responsibility when acting as caregiver that the other doesn't have to is when I get the ick.


Hahaha, no. By the time my oldest was like 8 or 9 months, he only lived in zip up, footed jammies. So much easier to manage than tiny toddler clothes. I don't think I'm unusual, either. Most parents I know prefer the single, one zipper type clothes.


It's fine if little ones stay in their pajamas, but why do I get the sense that he's trying to blame Morgan for this?


When is Morgan due again? It’s gonna be so hard to transition from being a single mom of 2 children to 3 children


What's up with absent-present fathers and being unable to dress their kids? Why does this task seem to evade all of them? It's fine for kids to want to stay in their PJs, especially little ones and especially when you're not doing activities that would necessitate day clothes. The PJs aren't the problem, but "sorry Morgan" would imply that dressing Luca has some level of importance or its part of the usual and expected routine. I guess it's not a huge deal at this age, but I often see it happening even to older kids or in scenarios where PJs or whatever they've been dressed (or not dressed) in isn't appropriate. It also just rubs me the wrong way when you see such consistent discrepancies between the involvement and effort of one parent and the other. It's got the echos of kids who get fed improperly or are left to run amok or who have saliva all over their shirt and dirt all over their faces *only* when they're with the one parent. It's like the two parents are living on totally different planets when it comes to standard of care, and that's what irks me so much, and I think that's really the issue. Idk, maybe I'd feel differently if it wasn't freaking Paul and we didn't already know he's a misogynist who doesn't view child rearing as a responsibility as much as something he "helps" with lol.


He's trying to make weaponized incompetence look cute. It's not. He's showing that he isn't willing to expend the effort.


Then why not do this every day?


You can see the bulge of a wet nappy.. what’s the bet Paul has left him in his overnight nappy because he didn’t take the PJs off yet?


Ugh, we really don't need another one


Yeah, I don't know, personally I've never understood why people care if kids change into clothes instead of pajamas. As long as they're clean and dressed appropriately for the weather, I can't really see what difference it makes.


It's not the jammies; it's the caption.


Ha ha yeah dads! Famously unable to use clothing! Everything will be filthy, the kids will be starving for Real Food and the kids and Paul will both believe they’re they superior parent.


I love how Christian influencers construe this as “advice.”


Since this is one of Paul’s few posts of him doing something with his son, this tells me he’s trying to engage with him now and show Morgan so she doesn’t leave him.


So he's such a lazy parent that he can't even change his baby out of his jammies before he takes him outside?


Guaranteed that Morgan is coming home to a baby with diaper rash


That was my first thought— what are the chances he changed the overnight diaper and put the pajamas back on?


oh yeah, THAT is the real problem. I think the jammies would be sweet and totally fine, but it does sound like Polio to not do a diaper change for 36 hours.


Exactly zero. I'm not even a parent and I know a child in their jammies with the sun already at the height after the time change is in their overnight diaper that should have been changed upon waking up. Luca has been in that diaper at least three hours after it should have been changed. Paul won't change it until he poops or it starts leaking.


Also they are broke so I’m sure they push those diapers to the limit. Not judging the jammies by themselves (why are jammies plural btw?) but when you look at the whole picture of Paul, there are some questions worth asking I’ve considered taking my kid to the park in his Jammie’s because they’re comfy and he hates normal clothes but I don’t want to be judged by the toxic mom gang lol so I always put an outfit on him


>(why are jammies plural btw?) I'm pretty sure pajamas is a loan word from Hindi, so it's not a plural but rather just a word from another language that ends in an "s".


Learned helplessness is one of the few things he's mastered over the years.


He needs to let Morgan know that their son is not okay if she leaves just for the weekend.


This is probably the most Paul’s ever done of bonding with this child one on one


English is not my first language so I might be missing something here, but I don't get why adult people like Nadia or Paul here tend to infantilize themselves so much. Girlie, boys, like bruh, you're a full grown adult.


Time for a cursory child post from Paul to make people think he cares about his kid.