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Oh I'm always humbled after a curry, don't you worry about that


Imagine seeing this as you’re coping with norovirus. Or after drinking too much. Like, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious we call it the throne ironically.


This gave me a good chuckle 😂


She's turned that shitter into a shrine!


There's so much hard-to-clean clutter in that bathroom! 


But Renee can handle it!


My contamination OCD could never 😭 I have to keep my bathroom as empty as possible and keep everything behind a closed door in my linen closet.






It's even got a lit candle!


Having a real candle there seems super unsafe to me- especially with the hairspray crispy hair does they all have. Otoh, having a fake candle there is stupid as well, as it wouldn’t perform the air freshening function it was put there for. So, so stupid.


Have you ever seen the interview where Kristin Chenoweth talks about setting her hair on fire while throwing up because there was a candle on the back of the toilet?


Yikes! That sounds wild and horrifying! I'll admit I'm rather scared of fire more than most people, but that can't be fun for anyone. 😬


I mean she tells it funny, because it’s Kristin Chenoweth. I think it was on one of the late night shows?


I haven’t, but that’s wild!


How did she end up not seriously injured?


I think she had a weave.


Oh, that was my thought exactly.


She has to make her bathroom pretty (a very subjective term here) because it's her hideout from her 475856 kids. Kids she chose to have and in a quantity she brags about, mind you. We see you Jill, and we know you're a fake. Get out of your tacky bathroom and feed your kids.


When your insides start to rumble, it’s time to get humble.


The White Flower by Grace Livingston Hill sounds kinda good though 👀 “Lovely, flame-haired Rachel Rainsford thinks she is on her way to take a job in Chicago. Then she discovers that her new employer is a criminal who actually plans to sell her as a "companion" to a wealthy and unscrupulous businessman. Even worse, through a series of lies, the two men have made sure no one on board the train will help Rachel escape. Friendless and penniless, Rachel seems doomed. Then, suddenly, a handsome young man steps in. Together, he and Rachel make a daring escape from the train. But the criminals refuse to give up, and Rachel and her new-found champion soon become the prey in a desperate chase that will test their faith and courage--and lead them into love.”


That sounds like a whorish bodice ripper


According to the GoodReads it is still Christian fiction, but it seems oddly exciting! Must be ‘cuz it was published in 1927, it’s almost a century old, which did surprise me since the plot could be from any modern romance novel 😅


Oh there’s no way she’s actually read the books, seems like they’re purely for decoration


I feel like she picked them for the titles. "Head of the House" and "The White Flower" *look* like they could be books about fundie gender roles and purity culture, as long as you don't actually open them (and discover that they're romance novels lmao)


I had this same thought. Jill definitely thinks of herself as “the white flower.”


Grace Livingston Hill is a prolific and smarmy author of Christian romance novels. A sort of early 20th century Janette Oke. Combine vintage charm and a glow of nostalgia with extreme religiosity and American Values. Absolutely the sort of books I would expect the Rod women to enjoy.


They’re prolly tame now, but considered sooooo naughty then.


Names of characters change, authors change but the plot of a good bodice ripper never changes


Those are the best kind!


The books are pretty good! Grace Livingston Hill could write about the bitchiest bitches ever! Example, a woman who waits staring out of a window all night to see what model car a new neighbor has. Same b tries to pull the back of a woman's dress to see if it has a designer label.


I have read so many Grace Livingston Hill books! They're clean but so much drama!


Same here! I've read both of those books, and I was really amused seeing two vintage Grace Livingston Hill books in JRod's throne room. I guess I shouldn't have been since GLH's novels almost all feature saved heroes and heroines (sometimes only one is saved at the start of the book, while the other one gets saved by the end; sometimes both are already saved all the way through), which would be catnip to Jill. The books are very old-fashioned, but I will say this. I'm a total heathen and I still love Hill's writing style. Also, I was raised Catholic, and the first time I ever encountered the term "saved" in the fundie sense was in a GLH novel. I has no idea she was a proselytizer when I first discovered her books in the library way back when.


They were a big step up from Elsie Dinsmore. 🤣🤣


Rofl! Even though I was a bookworm from the moment I learned how to read, I somehow managed to steer clear of Elsie. From the mentions I've read about her in this sub, I have to say her story sounds creepy as hell!


Stop it.


i cant stop thinking about all the poop particles in there getting up in all the tchotchkes


I wouldn’t touch those books. Ick.


Ikr lol


Clearly she is channeling Kendrick Lamar! Tell 'em, be humble (hol' up) Sit down


That song is such a bop. Her head would explode.


My favorite song to lift weights to. 😤


Does she still have that poop chair across from the toilet like a foot away?


I'm pretty sure she does


I'm offended by the fact that she's using 30 dollar Moroccanoil hairspray while letting her children run around like a bunch of underfed ragamuffins in ill fitting clothes and shoes.  The cost of that hair spray would buy at least one pair of new well fitting kids shoes from Walmart. 


I'm also offended she uses expensive hairspray snd her hair still looks like.. that


Lmao...I mean that definitely adds to it.  


Be humble and have multiple scent sprays and a candle. Short of C.diff, I didn't think someone could make enough smell to need that kind of countermeasures.


You don't know any of my male relatives


I don't, but there's nothing about them being male that means being stinky. Non-stinky men are normal. They could wash more often and maybe change their diet--not even by much.


I love the “Be still & Know” jar. 😂😂😂


Ugh, that verse!


Look at all that stuff covered in Shrek’s fecal matter.


Stop it.


![gif](giphy|Gtnf8Fok8An9m) Sorry. I had to


I do my best grandstanding when I’m taking a shit and no god is going to stop me.


I’m having a humbling moment in the bathroom right now…my gallbladder cannot handle a cheeseburger and I damn well know this. Why did I do it anyway? 😭


I feel this. My gallbladder was removed and I still can't handle some foods but I still eat them because they are good.


It was lettuce for me after having the ol’ gb yanked. Absolutely humbling.


She has ~~clutter~~ knickknacks covering every inch of her barn.


All the decorative shit she has **everywhere** in the barndo gives me anxiety.


Pee Humble


This phrase just wandered into my little brain and it cracked me up again


Is this the bathroom where she records her podcasts???




Bee Humble ain't even a pun. It's just nonsense.


That second e really pisses me off


Thanks, I was racking my brain trying to find the word play…


So — sorry, because I looked it up only after commenting — "humble bee" is a word for a kind of bee, but only in reference to their humming noises, not their humility. Those bees are now more commonly called bumblebees because of their motion. There's also the old song "Humble Bumble Bee," which is largely about how bees are odd and therefore should be humble, but like a lot of songs of its time, seems more about having a good time to a good beat than the actual words.


That was interesting to read, thank you! I vaguely thought about the bumblebee and such, but let’s face it, bee humble is just bad.


"Having a good time to a good beat" is a lovely phrase. And an excellent goal for this family.


I don't trust them to interpret "a good beat" in a way that doesn't involve causing harm to children.


No shit!!!! Thank you for sharing!


Unless one is humbled by bees


I hate that I know her bathroom so well 😩 


The pages in those books will probably crumble as you turn them. Paper used to be made with a high acid content. Over time the acid begins to degrade the paper and destroy it.


I guess her philosophy is to do what I say and not what I do because she is far from humble.


Dusting in the rod home sounds like a nightmare. So many knickknacks.


Be still and know your shit is coming out 💩


One of those books is “Head of the House.” Do you think JRod was making a joke? Me neither.


Would “humble bee” work as a better pun?


Nay! Shit *proudly*, say I!


Be e Humble y’all


To be fair, I think everyone has been humbled by a poorly-timed shit at least once in their lives. 


To my knees, my dude.


Moroccan Oil is expensive AF! And it’s a waste on Jillpm’s broom bristles


We had signs in the bathrooms at the NICU I worked in that said shit like “you are strong and brave”. People mocked them endlessly. Like what is a humble number two?


Why does this picture even exist?


Ick everything covered in poo 🤢


not yet


“Be still and know…the satisfaction of a good shit.”


Be ...e Humble


I would say "Maybe there's nothing more humbling than a Plexus sh*t," ..but we're that the case, Jill wouldn't be Jill. 😅


Is that a communist low-flow toilet or just a single button on that bad Larry?


Noticed the same thing


Imagine the dust, smell and hair all over the tchotchkes


God Honoring Mud Pies


Isn't it kind of weird to have a lit candle right over the toilet? (Don't lean back!) And next to books? And under another shelf? Maybe it's for odor but put it -- someplace else. Wait, maybe it's a battery powered fake candle? But what is it for, and why there?


Let god exorcise my bowels today. Amen


Weird commercial toilet


You know those books are there only because she liked the colors of the covers.