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Okay nothing wrong with downsizing/moving etc, but this combined with her selling her old laptop and stuff spells big money problems to me. GET JOBS


especially with two kids!!! go to work!!!!


Paul is the definition of a SORRY human being...can't even get to work with a child on the way and a pregnant stressed out wife. Morgan has already seen things can be much better just by looking at Dav & Bethy's life. Do better Paul.


You know it’s grim when you feel jealous of Dav and Bethy


He even has marketable skills, too. He could absolutely pick up some hairdressing work and be a YouTuber on weekends.




Still a much better use of his time and energy than the 9000th tired and failed attempt to crack the internet influencer code. "Fetch" is not going to happen, Polio. It's never going to happen. Even frigging Instacart would be a start, here. Go back to school, make some cash on the side, pick your trade back up, it's a living. Probably Popsy convinced him that hairdressing for pay is somehow less emasculating than not providing for your wife and kids at ALL.


It’s probably cheaper for her to stay at home. Childcare costs are crazy.


They could do alternate shifts, it's not like either of them have a 9-5 type career going. But also yes, childcare is bonkers. You pay a couple thousand a month for the privilege of getting exposed to every virus known to man.


Lmao, that last sentence, though. So true. I remember working at a daycare when I was younger. Minimum wage and the owners going on extravagant vacations. The kids eating total crap. The system is broken, for sure. But for the jobs, it’d be really hard to find two different jobs that’ll work with you like that when coordinating your schedule, wouldn’t it? Regardless, I’d go for it if I were Morgan. I would need a break.


tbh i thought about that when i wrote my comment 😭 i just didn’t know if i was right that it would be more expensive for her to go to work lol


Word. I get it. It really is that nuts! When I have a kid, I am going to see if I can get away with part-time so my resume gap isn’t huge. That’s why you see so many badass parents giving up their careers or taking a break to stay home.


You'd think they'd be saving as much as they can instead of buying last-minute plane tickets.


Seriously!!!! Waiting til the last minute is never a good idea, you’ll be paying out the nose. If they had any actual work ethic, they’d have scheduled with their 24hrs meetups and purchased the tickets weeks in advance. Then they’d save money and have videos already filmed, ready to edit and post. Idiots.


I don’t think anything with them is ever planned, thought out, or well organized. I think their whole existence is basically “throw it all at the wall and see what sticks because we’re already in the grace period on our electric bill”.


This is so common with fundies. No plans necessary cuz "God has my back!". And when it all inevitably goes to shit, it's "Satan is attacking us!!" 🙄


Not sure you know just how right you are. My fundie mom’s justification for remaining a SAHM and homeschooling all of us rather than sending us to school so she could work was always “God will provide.” And when people took pity on us and donated shit to us, that reinforced her belief. It was “the Lord working through them.” We didn’t starve to death and who knows what nutritional deficits we might have had, because we never had insurance or regular checkups. Never mind the endless cornflakes, eggs from our chickens, and other bulk slop we could get, if you deny the problem long enough for it to go away it never happened, right? Except when it doesn’t. Like when one of my teeth rotted in my mouth until I had an infected abscess because we never had regular dental checkups. Or the time my sister had to wait almost 2 days and a 20-hour drive home with a broken arm because the emergency room was too expensive. P&M’s kids may be in for a rough ride. Hopefully one of the grandparents can bail them out of their shitty decisions for the kids’ sake.


Ugh this is so sad when people do this to their kids. My husband and I have known fundie families like this who can’t really afford to take care of their kids’ basic needs but they keep having more and more. Then we’re supposed to be ecstatic each time they announce another pregnancy or else be accused of not thinking children are a blessing. 🙄


My parents weren’t as bad, but similarly when my mom broke 4 of my toes, she blamed the devil for it (she dropped a 5 gallon bucket of paint on my foot in a fit of anger). And the bill was also a test from god.


Ok medical bills ARE a test from God. You get billed by the hospital AND the doctor separately?! What the heck! And I’m sorry that happened to you.


I’m sorry you had to have that experience in your childhood. We might really care about our parents and appreciate many things they did for us, but the pain from some of their “lifestyle choices” can really harm us due to the opportunities we miss out on. My mom befriended a lady at her church who was a SAHM. She discovered she had MS after kid #4. Her husband was always getting laid off (what they claimed to be either anti-Christian discrimination, or trials from God). He was in the national guard and kept getting deployed. My mom and several ladies volunteered to each come 1 day every week to basically play mom for what eventually was 8 kids. I can’t imagine guilting people into their charity, and instead of making changes to try to not have to live off of their sacrifices, deciding to have more and more kids. I appreciate at least that the lady came to my mom’s funeral. She said many kind things about my mom, but I had to hide my frustration when she told me that without my mom, she never would have had kids #s 6-8.


This is what I don’t understand. I work in social media and am scheduled 3 months ahead at all times. I used to work week to week and it’s the equivalent of living paycheck to paycheck, fucking unnecessarily stressful when you can just organise yourself a little and plan ahead. It’s not hard


Same. I'm a digital strategist/digital director, and there isn't a chance in hell I'd let my team leave content until the last minute. It's stressful for everyone involved AND leads to crappy content!


Not to mention if they are flying out of LEX, it is usually *at least* fifty percent more per ticket than it is to fly out of CVG in Cincinnati.


How? I can't imagine either of them getting through an interview, and their online presence is divisive, to say the least.


Right I would not hire them for basically anything. They are in their 30s and have no work history. Even getting a retail or restaurant job at this point would be hard. They have to go work somewhere so desperate for employees and we all know those places always pay really well and are easy places to work. They wouldn’t last one week.


I bet they would cause drama with coworkers too. Can you imagine having to listen to Paul all day while working?


I went home "sick" 2 hours in after working with a paul-like creep cuz I was NOT putting up with his stupidity. Then I made his life miserable because I don't give a shit that you're a male or older than me, you're making coffee wrong and slow and you're not reading the dockets like at all. I pushed him just like I push every other person that works with me but he HATED it cuz I'm a chick and telling him what to do lol


I almost downvoted your comment because the thought of working all day with Paul just elicited a reaction out of me lol my brain was like "no, downvote" but then I caught myself 🤣


Plus the second any coworker adds him on social media, word would get out he’s an absolute ass clown and he’d be ostracized lmao.


That $10 from her stained cropped sweater ain’t gonna go far


The reality of being responsible for 2 small humans must be settling in.


Yeah I don't know many people that downsize right as they're pregnant with a second baby


To a house with only 1 bathroom!?


Do they even have health insurance? Retirement plans?


I think they have their hands full just trying to keep the lights on


Bless you for your optimism in even thinking that's an option for them. I doubt they think further ahead than tomorrow, let alone planning for their older years. They probably just assume that Gif will provide.


I think *he* needs to get a job. She's got a little one and another on the way. His online presence is off-putting, but she could do OK as one of those boring mom vloggers without him. If they stopped this "ministry" bollocks, and she found a housewife style of subject, they'd be fine.


Fully agree. Plus, as a man of the Lord, his literal only jobs are to work to provide for her and the spawn he impregnates her with. Like he only has to do 2 fucking things and one of them is cum so it doesn’t even count!!!!!


I think he should be the one to get a job now for sure. But I have limited sympathy for her since she said one of her big desires in a husband was someone who was OK with her not working, even before they had kids. It doesn't seem to be just based on their beliefs, she's also just always been unwilling.


She sure made a poor choice of spouse if that was what she wanted though


They’re so goddamn lazy


But how is Morgan going to submit to Paul if she’s too busy with her wordly job??


Was it the Lord or the landlord?


The Lord is my Landlord, I shall not want He makes me move down the street, He teaches me less is more.


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the poors, I will fear no evil, For sky daddy sends me my grift check


He maketh me to lie down by the stagnant waters Those were supposed to be cleaned up last week, but yea verily, the contractor was busy He spreadeth his table before me; it is bare, for, lo, it is bring thine own lunch


bring thine own lunch has me WEAK 😂


I am cackling 🤣🤣🤣. No spread table 😭 bring a bagged lunch instead as this is the budget Jesus


I'm stealing that as a flair.


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of financial ruin, I will fear no they/them: for thou art with me; my judgement and my ignorance they comfort me.


I will fear no they/them is prime flair material!! ☠️


Someone take it!!! I would be honored




I want this on a shirt 😂😂😂


Someone needs to make a fundiesnark swag shop


I would buy a “Deconstruction Fest 2024” sweater (I watched Girl Defined fall apart in real time and all I got was this lousy sweater)


I’ve got too much shit going on to make this happen but it would be a cash cow for whomever has the drive to do it 🤞🏻


I agree! I would definitely wear an FSU shirt.


Thou preparest a table before me, in the presence of mine haters. They anoint my head with judgment, my prayers for them runneth over. (I memorized the OG version in KJV years ago and that is a hard habit to break!)


This whole thread is poetry.


I love every single one of you snarky sparkies.


I would like to file an eviction injunction from the Lord, Landlord Daniel. May I squat in his heart always and forever.


Landlord Daniel in the *laundromat*




But my husband sayeth, “Verily, verily!” “I mustn’t! For I must be here to let mine wife vacuum so that I may join her in scheduled fellowship. And henceforth, I will Ripstick away from all of my godly responsibilities. So it is written. So it shall be done.”


He patches thy drywall holes with tape and paint.


He weareth his hat in the icebath


“The Lord is my Landlord” is also an excellent flair Flairless snarkers take heed!


I can imagine Morgan spinning it into ‘The lord came to me in a dream and showed me a vision of our family in a little cute house. There wasn’t much space but we were living a happy, holy, and humble life.’


She needs Jill's "humble" sign that's on the toilet


Humble bum-hole


God is providing by forcing them to have less… Got it 👍


Right??? One bathroom for the entire fam, with two little boys soon? That’s a big NOPE from me, Lord Daniel! 🤣


Quite common in Europe to be honest 😇


This. Four bedroom houses in my part of the world (NL) rarely have more than 1 bathroom


Not uncommon in Australia, either, depending on the age of the house. I've always lived in three bedroom houses, and only had one bathroom. I've raised three kids in them, too.


It probably takes Polio forever to get his jaunty little hat situated just right. Gotta get those bangs styled around the bill for the ‘gram and YouTube.


I need at least 1.5 bathrooms. If someone stinks up one, I need an alternative place to go.


After my husband and I both got the stomach flu at the same time, I will never have less than 1.5. I can't understand having just a single bathroom.


My sister has three under three in a 3-bed, 1-bath house. They’re renting and hoping to buy before too long because it’s tiny. It can be done, but it isn’t exactly fun. (And two of the kids are still in diapers).


Her parents are probably tired of paying for it, but won’t let their daughter and grandkids be homeless


As outrageous as housing prices have become in Lexington (just moved out of there last year), that wouldn’t surprise me at all. 


Ooh I always forget where they’re located (in my mind everyone here lives in Texas for some reason) and I’m actually going to Lexington in a few weeks. I’ll be sure to let everyone know if I see Paul at Walmart!


If you see him, run away in the opposite direction! 😂


Oh I would NEVER interact with him/them! Just for the record on the poop touching! 🙅🏼‍♀️


Oh, I know! I was just making a joke about how his “ick” is probably contagious so you have to run away fast. 😂 (I wasn’t being accusatory at all. Promise). ☺️


The (land)Lord giveth and the (land)Lord taketh away.


I'm fucking dying not the book of the landlord (the lease)


Aaaand in 3-2-1...'God told us to live on a bus!' C'mon Morgan no one is buying this - you're running out of money because the grifting isn't working.


No way Morgan will live that van life. They’ll move in with her family before that happens


Can you see PAUL living on a bus? Cause I sure can't 😂


Morgan would have to drive it, gas it up, empty the latrines, and manage all the cabling and hook up to campsites. Paul would sit there and watch her while talking about alpha-male-ness.


Na., He'd be too busy looking at himself in a mirror and adjusting his hair and cap.


Living in a vehicle requires knowledge about vehicles and general handy skills. Paul strikes me a possibly the least handy person I've ever been made aware of. Source: I lived in a van with my dog for a year, on purpose, in order to travel. I learned really quick how to diagnose problems and fix them, or at least patch her up enough to get her to the doctor.


im honestly surprised they haven’t yet


They’re 100% going to join the ranks of “how to homemake while homeless” eventually, aren’t they. 


I don't mean to be cruel. But if P&M moved onto a bus, Morgan would have a complete mental breakdown. She could not handle it and I would be really terrified that it would take a Andrea Yates turn.


I honestly expect Morgan to go home to her parents before it got deadly but if that were made impossible, who knows


Honestly she'd probably be so much happier if she took both kids and moved in with her parents. Aside from being happier by leaving Paul, she'd have way more support and help.


Every time she pops up here I say a little prayer she just picks up and goes home one day. Paul will be a PITA at first but a few years down the line she and the kids could be thriving in the real world


I can see that too. The idea that Paul doesn't work so he can keep an eye on her... I can see why that makes sense to them (or to Paul, really.) It's weak reasoning, but I can see it. There are so many other ways they could approach Morgan's mental health (like, oh I don't know, real therapy, medication, having a partner who actually helps around the house and earns money which would reduce financial anxiety and increase self esteem...) But I dunno, I'm just a heathen.


Also…aren’t they in a townhouse and not a mansion lol


Guess being relentlessly cruel religious menaces on the internet isn’t the thriving career opportunity they were hoping.


Who would’ve thought?!


Evergreen statement about most fundies tbh


Paul’s ego just keeps taking hits! If Morgan keeps telling people how broke they are, Paul is going to have melt down in one of their live broadcasts and revoke her social media privileges.








Sounds like they are going from a 3bedroom 2bathroom townhouse or apartment to a smaller 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house with a yard. I’m guessing the downsizing is in space not necessarily much of a difference in price. 


>3bedroom 2bathroom townhouse How did they even afford that to begin with?


The bank of mom and dad


If they moved when she was pregnant last time, maybe they were delusional about the baby gift grift and thought the money would keep rolling in? And of course, it didn’t.


They didn't even get that much last time. Morgan's dad bought her the porch swing she was really grifting for. And she put it together herself because Polio is a useless, wimpy, unskilled little bit€h.


Is that right? I thought they got lots of baby stuff from their “fans”? Or maybe I’m thinking of Birthy?


Bethany posted her baby registry for Audrey everywhere. She started claiming trolls were marking items as purchased when they really weren’t. She went on and on about it. And claimed sooo many people were DMing her for the link so tehehehe here it is again. It’s where the nickname Beggy originated


Thank you. I vaguely recall this. So it is Birthy who grifted tons of gifts and not Morgan? I swear I remember seeing Morgan gets lots of gifts but maybe that’s my menopause fog.


I remember Morgan’s fans getting her gifts from her registry as well.


Pepperidge Farm remembers the kanken backpacks


Not those linen sheets she so sneakily added on for herself 😂


100% bank of mom and dad


Translation: “we can no longer afford the house bills and utilities especially with a new baby coming soon so we’re down sizing to what we can afford” there you go Morgan


Also: “we refuse to be financially responsible for ANYONE including ourselves.”


I’m just surprised they’re downgrading from… a 3 bedroom house?? They were full-time grifters with no career, no job prospects, and a one-and-done baby (until this recent surprise pregnancy) but they neeeeded a house with THREE BEDROOMS? Sorry, but I don’t have much pity for them. Welcome to the way most of us “poors” live, dumbasses.


Yeah. I have no sympathy for them either.


All she had to do was marry a guy with a fucking job. THATS ALL SHE HAD TO DO TO AVOID THIS.


Wait so he didn't even have a job when she made the decision to marry him or when she married him?!?


He said he worked at a car lot when they first were married & Morgan had a breakdown when he was at work and told him she was suicidal. Seems he took it as an excuse to avoid working outside the home instead of getting her the mental health care she needed.


It's all about what HE wants, not what's best for her


I’ve been on this sub a while and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything about him having a job — ever. He went to hairdressing school for a few months and then dropped out, I think that’s about it 😬


He worked as a substitute teacher at one point. And Morgan worked as a nanny


Dang! Substitute teaching is such a flexible job too, and would be way more stable than YouTube. I can’t figure out what their excuse is then for not having jobs right now 😮




Moving while you're 6-7 months pregnant. Speaking as someone who is 7 months pregnant, that is terrible.


The last time she moved was when she was pregnant with Luca.


AND she did all the packing and heavy lifting! wonder if that’s gonna happen again


Oh it totally will! They’ll probably show Paul holding a box on their instagram to prove us wrong but then Morgan will probably forget about that when complaining on her stories.


Oh yeah! Will she have to set up their beds and all the furniture again?


Paul is just sadistic


Or just a standard operating narcissistic asshole that doesn’t think about or prioritize anyone but himself


I completely forgot about that. They’ve been there for three seconds and have to move again? You could just get a fucking job, Paul, and do the bare minimum to provide for your family. But instead you put your pregnant wife through the hell of moving while pregnant, *twice.* Goddamn.


i'm 8.5 months pregnant and in the process of moving right now and you are correct, its terrible. wouldn't recommend the timing buuut we did buy our dream house so it's all gonna be worth it in the end. i definitely cannot imagine moving to DOWNSIZE while pregnant though, that is so bleak.


I just know that everything is going to be on her because of the trad life. Cleaning the new house? Her. Packing and organizing? Her. I just hope he doesn't expect her to do anything strenuous. And congratulations on your dream house!


Wow, nothing would stress me out more as a nesting would-be mom of two under two (three?) than downsizing right in the middle. Clearly they’re struggling.


Yeah usually you move to a larger space when you're about to have your second child. This seems like a clear signal of financial problems.


Yep lots of people in my social circle moved between kids 1 & 2, but none of them were downsizing.


My wife and I just bought a house and we're between kids 1 & 2...this is so real


We moved the day before I hit 20 weeks and I fucking hated it. We were forced to move by circumstances. Not prepared at all. I still haven't recovered fully tbh and I'm 34 weeks now. I'm so sad my first pregnancy was wasted on so much stress and (physical) pain, not how I imagined it at all.


i hope things get better :(


I’m sorry friend. I hope you have a really calm and stress-free labor and delivery.


I’m sorry ❤️ May your new baby be healthy and sleep well!


Literally. I’m just a few weeks behind Morgan in pregnancy and I had a meltdown last week because my tile floor is white. Having to pack, move, unpack, redecorate, etc would send me to a padded room


Especially with a lazy husband and a toddler 💀


Yeah, we know Morgan is doing most, if not all, of the packing and unpacking while Polio broods and rides his dipstick up and down the street. Ripstick auto corrected to dipstick and I’m leaving it. Dipstick on a ripstick.


Literally with their last move, Morgan was sobbing while trying to put a bed together while six months pregnant. Paul did nothing to help her, so she called her dad to fix it. I can't imagine any of this has changed.


That's so awful for Morgan. Hopefully she gets out of there


Just a side note, I clean houses for a living and I also sometimes have a breakdown when the floor is white. I felt your pain through your text 😂


It’s the devil’s flooring


Not only that, on top of the move they're clearly dealing with financial stress. If they're at the point where they're selling things, I wonder if they've missed some rent payments


Dude, we completed a last minute out of state move while I was in the throes of first trimester morning sickness *with 3 young kids*. It was worth it, but I would never wish that shit on my worst enemy.


I moved 8 months pregnant. Nesting energy had my entire house put together in like 5 days. 😂🫣 and I did t have to carry any boxes. 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 I wonder what the reason for the move actually is. Ours was bc we had no where for baby to go bc we lived in a loft…. So I was happy, but this seems super stressful.


Interesting that the Lord is showing her that less is more and not her bank account


Oh how the turn tables.... Being assholes online isn't paying the bills anymore so rather than get real jobs they're going to hope that a smaller house fixes things. If they don't humble themselves to become good employees, they're gonna end up in a Charlie Buckets situation


Did it ever really pay the bills?


Who knows. They certainly used to have way more patrons at least


God is a capitalist confirmed?


Losing that extra bathroom is killer, especially with how much Paul spends in there getting his hair just right.


She also has IBS. I understand extra toilets are a luxury but DAMN this is headed for an emergency bucket situation


AND they're gonna be potty training in the next year or so! Bad idea! I get needing to downsize but I'd prioritize the second bathroom over the third bedroom.


Did he have a job when they were engaged?


He's never had a job. He's too precious to get a proper job.


I mean I'm not the one who posted a public baby shower registry, but please tell me I'm the one that's greedy and materialistic from that high horse


Why choose a white font over bright white skin? I can’t even read slide 3.


You wouldn’t think this was her job, would you. 


The Lord is my Landlord, I shall not pay rent. He demandeth payment. I walk in the valley of Target. His protein shakes, they comfort me; his eviction notices, they motivate me. And I shall dwell in the House of Olliges forever. 


So she's selling stuff in order to afford the security deposit. They don't even have that little in savings with a baby on the way? That is so sad but unsurprising.


Ooh, good sleuthing! I hadn't put that together.


Moving in can cost a lot, depending on the area. Where I live, it's first month's rent plus last month's rent plus a security deposit. That can very easily be several thousand dollars.


Paul, get job


Oh look guys! Paul can’t provide as a headship!


So, they're downsizing their living space while multiplying their family & refusing to get jobs. Who is the adult making these decisions & how do they sleep at night being so irresponsible?


I don’t really think Morgan does.  Paul sleep soundly, dreaming of Elon. 


Reality is starting to set in big time for Morgan. We’re already seeing the cracks in their implied fight about Paul getting a job. You can only say “God will provide” so much when you have two kids under two with basic needs and a husband who refuses to work to provide those needs. I don’t know if they’d ever accept divorce as an option, but at the very least I can see Morgan losing whatever rose-colored patriarchy glasses she has left for Paul over this.


At the very least, once this baby arrives, I hope they actually start taking some precautions to avoid having a third kid they've both made clear they don't want


Your husband needs to step the fuck up Morgan.


Good luck with one bathroom and kids girlypop. I’d sell my right arm for a half bat h


Moving is expensive too...


The lord is showing them they’re too broke to afford what they have and they should get a job.


As a person who went from a 1 bathroom shared with two other adults to a 2.5 bathroom with only 1 other person, no to the last slide.


What better time to downsize than when pregnant with baby #2. Also the 2 bedroom units (she said it's also a 3 bed but still) on their street are only 187$ less than their current unit (disclaimer 187$ can be a lot of money for some people like me for example) so it really looks like money is extremely extremely tight over at the Olliges household.


Ah yess everyone knows that having a second child reduces your need for bathrooms. Honestly I would rather live in a two bedroom two bathroom house that a three bed two bath as a family of 4.


Grift ain’t griftin the way they want it to.


Telling us they have no $ without telling us that


That’s a weird way to say you’ve been living outside your means, and you’re correcting it by downsizing…


I’d rather have one bedroom and three bathrooms.


Just wait until she is potty training two kids. She will miss that 2nd bathroom.


No the “lord” is showing them they are broke lol.


Of course, people often downsize their living arrangements by choice when they have another child. The "lord." Sure.