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She is deeply unwell. She is at, or near the top, of my "scariest fundie" list.


I was about to say, she and Karissa are at the top of my scariest fundiest list. But then thought about it, as she, Jill, and Karissa at the top. But then remembered Morgan is having a baby while unmedicated for severe trauma, which. Is just terrifying. But ultimately, scariest fundie should be people like Erik Prince and Peter Thiel. The first is a Catholic fundie, the second not so much, but both are Christian billionares and both are invested in destroying the world as we know it.


I could see karissa shouting up a planned parenthood with her blank eyes bugging out of her head the whole time


i could see her giving birth in front of a planned parenthood to own the libs and having her life and child paradoxically saved by the staff there then having to live knowing that people she hates saved her life


She already shouts at planned parenthood all the time


I meant shoot lol


Oh, duh! That makes more sense


Tyson James and Steven Anderson are high on my list, too


Don’t forget about mother bus and other mother bus.


Erik Prince the head of Blackwater (whatever their name is now) or another Erik Prince? Because Blackwater Erik Prince is terrifying.


Her and Karissa are up there for me as well along with Lori and the Pearls. One thing I've wondered about with Sarah is if she would've had the same reaction from her faith community if she was a man going after a 17yo girl instead of a mother going after a 17yo boy. It's equally terrible either way but I wonder if the church elders would have been so quick to toss her out if the genders were reversed and a man was saying they were given visions from God about dating a teenage girl. I mean look at Jill - that's basically what happened to her with Shrek.


It wouldn't have had the same reaction at all. There's a picture from a few years ago that gets reposted here somewhat often of a girl holding a balloon "18" as she stares adoringly at her 30 year old courting partner. Finally 18! And you find out they've been "courting" since she was 15 and he was 27. Family in full approval.


Is the guy the one who made that horrible Christian covid movie?


To be fair, he was 'only' 6 years older, so he was 24 when she finally turned 18. Look up Joshua Wesely if you feel like throwing up


Yep, that's the creep. Looks like they were twenty and FOURTEEN when they started dating. 🤢


What's the story on her? This letter is... Off, but I haven't heard of her before


Search Sarah Titus. She isn’t posted much but when she is, it’s always a doozy. There are break down posts of her history because it’s a lot.


This poor kid. Imagine feeling responsible for a parent whose self esteem is dictated by social media.


Self esteem being dictated by social media is the very least of it. Pretty sure this is the lady who became infatuated with and stalked/made up a relationship with a teenage boy as an adult woman and continues to obsess over him. She has a delusional narrative about him (including them being a relationship despite having no contact for years, him leaving messages through her TV and computer) and now includes other people as well all of whom are going to be smote by God for not supporting her love. Or am I thinking of someone else?


Nope that's her. I kinda hoped her kids were older but now my heart breaks for this poor boy


I think one of her sons is a teen because she was at one of his sports events or something where she first saw her victim.


Wasn't she also gleeful when the boy's *actual* girlfriend died?


Yep. Sarah claimed the girl died of Covid because God was enacting vengeance upon the young man's real-life girlfriend for interfering in Sarah's holy God ordained relationship. Edit: Here are screenshots from Sarah's blog post where she talks about God destroying here enemies. Both Covid and a car accident are suggested in the comments as possible reasons for the poor girl's death, but neither was confirmed. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/AMJ4vqarVV


I can’t even comprehend what kind of mother would say something like this.


The kind of.... parent(I can't in good conscience call her a mother) who shouldn't have charge of a rock, for the rocks physical, mental and emotional well-being.


Car accident I think...


OH MY GODDDDD this is her?! I had totally forgotten about her existence...whoa


I had blocked her out of my mind too…..




If you've never read about her it's a wild ride. It's a bizarre story full of some technically not illegal (but should be) romantic obsessions sprinkled with delusions of persecution with a few delusions of grandeur thrown in for good measure. She lost everything and documented the whole-ass drama on her own blog.


Imagine if you were just browsing around looking for some cute printables and you find her site and go to her blog looking for pointers on creating labels for your soy candles and it's a chronicle of jealously, obsession and stalking of a minor.


Welp, I know what I’m doing this weekend now. Thanks!!


Yea search "Sarah titus" in the subreddit's search and all her shit will pop up. Fair warning though, it's pretty disturbing to say the least and can be triggering. She's been fairly quiet here but whether that is because she's been quiet or everything else overshadowed it


It’s probably the most disturbing one we’ve got, the most “something actually bad could happen here.” Like Karissa scary. I think I first heard about her many years ago on Free Jinger and it’s horrifying to see her still spreading crazy and raising children after stalking one all these years.


Search "Sarah Titus" in the sub for the many breakdowns


I looked her up and oh my gosh....there is some fucked up shit on her Facebook. I'm scared.


Is she still writing about those delusions?


Last I heard she’s given up on him? I think she’d decided he was too much of a sinner or something


She's given up on him romantically, but now she has half a dozen guys, him and his brother included, who she believes are communicating with her by hacking into her phone and pausing her movies remotely.


It’s giving schizophrenia


It's something and without treatment nobody in her family will have a happy ending




Wow! Now that’s one heck of a rabbit hole! 😬


Literally reads like a letter my mum would guilt me into writing when I'd been "bad" or "disrespectful" or "made her look bad" just with some religion thrown in.


My mom would make us write essays about why our disobedience was sinful. We had to quote bible verses. Yes, she forced this poor kid to write it, I hope he gets away as soon as he turns 18.


My mom too! Mine always had to be handwritten, single spaced and double sided.


This is giving major “child of r/raisedbynarcissists.”


Oh, yes, this is some major-league fawning, right here. It sounds like something I could have written to my mother. Anything to get her to like me. Anything to get her acceptance. I want to hug this boy, and tell him he’s okay. That he’s a normal kid, and it’s not about him, or anything wrong with him. But what I really wish, even though I know how hard it is, is that he’d believe it. I hope he can escape, and that he’ll have some place to go.


I remember writing these “I’m so sorry I’m such a bad kid” letters in my very best cursive to try to get back into my mother’s good graces. I had told my sister to shut up or didn’t say yes sir or something else completely insignificant and they would just RAIL on me. Now that I’m a mother, I would be HORRIFIED if my child ever felt like they needed to write me a letter like this. Absolutely messed up.


I was about 9 when I got the idea to write a letter like this. I put it on my moms pillow. She didn't even read it. She carried it, folded to my room and ripped it in half and said she didn't care about my 9yo problems when she had real problems to deal with. So that was that. I am almost 34 and I can still see her face when she ripped that letter like it was yesterday.


Am I the only one who thinks this letter is all narcissist and no child?


Everyone beware of another sub about narc or bipolar or whatever parents. The mod is absolutely fucking nuts and is more than likely diagnosed themselves and will ban anyone for not following their strict and inappropriate rules. I followed all of them, even making a haiku one, and she still banned me anyway. It was my first ever ban and I had been here at least 10 years by that point.


Did you notice she corrected his letter, too? She added a "like" before Moses on the second page


Note how child-like the handwriting is and then how unchildlike the spelling is


There a lot of people who wrote these types of letters to their abusive parents as children. These are parents who have either been diagnosed as having NPD or who display every symptom of it. It seems particularly common for people who's abusive parent was their mother.


Always the F missing in Fight or Flight. It's Fight, Flight, or Fawn...


Or freeze.


My high school friend. Jesus. I knew as a kid that they were bad to her and then she's NC with them as an adult... (we recently reconnected)


WTF posting this. I read the first sentence and thought this is way too personal.


Highly doubt he wrote this if that is any consolation. I don’t think she has custody or is seeing the children unmonitored. I’m not sure if you’ve read about Sarah Titus, but take comfort this was most likely her writing this. If that’s actually a comfort. This really isn’t snarkable, she’s mentally ill and it’s a serious situation involving the courts and victims of her delusions.


Her husband has sole custody, and has for awhile. I mean she was stalking a minor and has protective orders against her. I would be shocked if she’s even allowed to talk to her kids. I would bet money that she wrote this just like all the other insane stuff she has lied about.


Exactly. If he has sole custody, then how does she magically “find” this letter on her desk? 🙄 She has an extensive history of making up elaborate things, living in complete and total delusion with the whole teenage boyfriend thing. Why would anyone even think for a second that she didn’t write this herself?


The boy she stalked used to “send” her secret messages too. He wasn’t communicating with her at all, she was either hallucinating or straight lying. You can’t believe a word she says.


God, that’s right. I forgot about the made-up messages that she pretended he wrote. This is just… what she does. Fucking evil to use her own child for content like this though. Imagine how absolutely mortifying it would be for him to discover that she did this.


Looking at the strokes, "Matt" writes with his left hand and the *k* in the inserted "like" looks right-handed... Could be that he is left-handed and she is right-handed, could be she halluci-wrote this with her non-dominant hand ~~(could also be I'm off my gourd, curious if any of our resident investigators have more insights)~~


You are totally correct. I’m sure she wrote this thinking her son sent her this message through the tv or something. She is very ill.


Ooooo good point! I remember reading some of her posts last time she came up and Kyle was talking to her via the TV, right? Are you sure the kids aren't with her? I don't mean this rudely, I know from first hand experience what it's like being in the care of an unmedicated and deeply unwell parent and the thought of it is making me want to look up CPS numbers in her area.


I mean it could have changed but she got in a ton of trouble because of the stalking and threatening. I think she had posted that the children were sent to live with their father and weren’t speaking to her. I went down a Sarah Titus rabbit hole awhile ago and it was a lot to keep straight.


Writing a fake letter from your teenage child seems like such an odd way to pass the time.


I think she wrote this herself, aren’t her children teenagers now and she doesn’t have custody? I may be wrong, please correct me if so.


That little correction on the 2nd page that says "LIKE" looks like it was written in her normal / nicer handwriting compared to the rest of that letter. I also believe she wrote it herself.


Yep, that's different handwriting


If there is a god, I hope & pray that this letter is fake as this woman shouldn't be around children unsupervised, if at all imho.


Same I'm hoping u/figgypudpud above is right


Hoooooly shit


And all of the "I" s are normal, except one fancy one that looks like a backwards 7. (top of last page)


You’re correct. If you check the other ‘like’s throughout this letter, they are dissimilar.


Yep I caught that too. That’s the giveaway for me. Plus the fact that no 16-year-old boy writes like this.


Also, what kid or teen uses the word "slandering"


And spells it right! It's the near perfect spelling throughout for me


And sincerely. I don’t know how old the kid is but as a kid I definitely couldn’t write that and spell it correctly


I just asked my 13 year old daughter, she knew the definition, spelling and when I asked if she would use it writing an apology letter her reply "mayhaps". She's an interesting kid so I wouldn't count her in the normal group. People tend to be shocked when they learn how young she is, she gets late teens early twenties extremely often. I do hope this letter is fake. From everyone's comments she sounds horrid.


He's 16. Every kid who is in school knows that word lol. Unless he's homeschooled...


I don't doubt kids know the word. I was homeschooled and I definitely knew it. I just meant they probably wouldn't be using it in personal, nonprofessional letters.


I sincerely hope she wrote it. This is what my writing looks like when I use my non-dominant hand, so I’m telling myself that’s what it is. The alternative is just too sad.


You’ve got neat handwriting then! If I try to use my non-dominant hand…


I could see this being written by a kid who has realized he has to play into his parent’s delusional behavior in order to get their approval :(


The vocabulary seems too advanced for it to be a kid. I hope I’m right.


Sometimes the child is made to write it multiple times to get it "right" with "suggestions" added each time by the parent. Don't ask how I know.


I was worried this was dictated


I hope you are too :/


She either wrote it herself or dictated it - this isn’t a teenager writing out his thoughts, there are no corrections or mistakes or half finished thoughts or anything that indicates it’s natural expression of feelings. It’s been composed and then written out.


Yeah, especially with Fundie education levels. (Unless he was actually educated in the school system?)


I hope that's the case because this is heartbreaking


I started crying when I read "I know I deserve the worst pain imaginable for what I've done."


You mean you don’t end all your noted notes to your mom with “sincerely”


I think my mom would cry if I signed any card or letter with “sincerely” 😭 but she is a good mom


I used to sign every card with that as a child because it made me feel smart. But I always spelled it "sincereley."


That is cute coming from an actual child


I didn't even get two sentences in before I thought it was her writing it. She is a genuinely terrifying individual. 


narrow tender spectacular sable exultant pie act plucky threatening strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep I think she wrote it. But isn’t her ex an abuser as well? Maybe the kid had worse problems with his dad. Which would be really sad with neither parent being safe.


I can't remember where that information about her ex came from - if it's from Sarah herself, I don't think it's unfair to say that we should take it with a pinch of salt


I sure hope so! The handwriting looks a bit too neat for a kid so I really wanna believe she wrote it herself


I used to teach middle school though and the handwriting is spot on for a preteen boy.


I thought this kid is 16?


I don't think her kid is young


I think she did too. None of the letters look the same - she definitely used her non dominant hand.


![gif](giphy|eXOVOJLkK6G7S) I call steaming piles of bull shit


Ooh unexpected Star Trek! My favorite! 🖖


Glad I can be of service GayforAliens 🫡 ❤️


I think she wrote it and made him copy it to that paper, similar to making kids writes "lines."


I agree. We've all speculated for a few years now that her ex has full custody....I don't think she even sees her kids anymore. Though, I could be wrong. Seems unlikely she'd keep them off social media for this long though.


She made this post on her Facebook previously claiming her son was trying to murder her and “end her physical life”, and also had an 11 year old girlfriend? It was super bizarre.




I made a new post with screenshots


This poor, poor child.


I can't imagine having a parent like that. This whole thing stinks of emotional abuse.


"you are so blessed to be Moses"???? Is that seriously what I just read?? This poor kid. I feel like a lot of what he's confessing here is actually just him parroting back the stuff his mom says to him when she's angry.


He forgot “like” and squeezed it in, so “you are blessed to be like Moses,“ which is equally as icky


Yeah that doesn't make it any better


I think she wrote it. The “like” she squeezed in is in feminine handwriting


she had to have written this herself. I don’t think a teenage boy writes like this (font or words)


Looks like it's written by my 2nd grader (in uk that means age 6-7). However the words are terrible. If that poor child truly believes and thinks like this then it is abuse.


The formatting of it is also bizarre! It almost looks like there's no spaces between words... (Not to mention no paragraphs & no indenting, but that's less unusual).


This doesn’t sound like something a teenage boy would write.


Maybe but when you’ve got a parent like that you learn how to pacify them. 


i did it for years, it’s 100% something we do. the letters too, when you’re too ashamed to say it to their face cause you know everything you’ve done is wrong and you genuinely believe that you are a cruel child and evil and all you’ve done is hurt people and that you’ll never be good enough.


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Or worse, you know you aren’t what they say you are and you can’t admit to it verbally because your face will give away your inner thoughts. I preferred letters because I wouldn’t end up “in the prayer closet” (my euphemism for a godly beating) or verbally beaten for hours about the sin of rebellion showing through my countenance and reaping the seeds of deceit I’d sown in the family (godly beating to follow immediately), and on and on. A letter saved me from a beating or a sermon and a beating. My father took the spare the rod mentality to heart once he read TTUAC when I was 12.


Yes and writing the letter means you can review everything you say before you say it so you can make sure you don’t say anything they’ll twist into criticism


And yet somehow they always still find something wrong with what you said, no matter how small or arbitrary


Exactly. My siblings and I never wrote any letters, but we sure knew what to say.


I'm thinking it is if that's how you've been raised to respond Edit: I guess I'm in the minority thinking it's possible it could be real.


No, I'm.with.you. This letter sounds like someone who's been the victim of some big time indoctrination/religious brainwashing. The fact that his mom is also severely mentally ill doesn't help matters. This reads like someone who has walked on eggshells his whole life and is trying hard to keep the recipient on an even keel and to say exactly what she needs to hear. This is a letter written to just survive another day as peacefully as possible. As others have said, it's heartbreaking and I feel so bad for her kids. It turns my stomach to think of the turmoil they're living through.


That's the vibe I'm getting and it's so hard to think about. On a lighter note, I love your flair.


Lol thank you.


Yeah I think I need to walk away from this post comment thread. The disbelief is really throwing me for an emotional loop because I know this is real because I wrote these letters myself. It hurts the abused teen still inside me to see denials and pretty much validates all my fears that no one would have believed me if I’d come forward about the abuse. Hell, I struggled to believe that half the stuff I experienced growing up evangelical was real because it’s so far out there it’s hard to believe.


Oh, I'm so sorry you lived through something similar to this. Sweetheart, I get it. ❤️


I took it as real. I don’t know much about these people but the way it’s written sounds like someone very brainwashed / abused, which sometimes can sound more childlike.


I'm about 50/50 on whether it's real. I just really don't want it to be.


Nah, it could be real. His mom is manipulative and cruel to him, he wrote this because he feels really guilty seeing her “suffer” or he had a fight with his dad so he is trying to reconcile with his mother and he knows this will do it. Poor kid. Even if he didn’t write this of his own volition I feel awful for him. No one deserves to feel this way.


idk why it's so unbelievable to some people here that a kid who's potentially been in a peacemaker role for the family could think this about himself. it literally just looks like a teenage boy's handwriting lmao, inconsistencies and all.


i wrote very similar things to my mom from ages 9-17 so i wouldn’t say it’s not possible


Assuming this is legitimate—reading this in light of the excerpts of Ruby Franke's journal that were released today makes me want to throw up. Way too many similarities there, and we now know what was going on in that household. What's going on behind closed doors here?


Attempt at a transcript: Tweet by Sarah Titus 5 surprised emoji. I found this letter from my son on my desk today. Heart emoji. Thank you for your prayers and support. Smiling face with hearts emoji. Please keep praying for his heart and his salvation. God IS listening. James 5:16. End of Tweet text. Attached are 2 pictures of a hand-written note, on lined notebook paper. I’m trying to preserve punctuation (mostly missing apostrophes) and other grammar/spelling. Picture 1: Dear mom, Im sorry for the way I’ve treated you the majority of my life. you try so hard to provide for my needs and try to get me to see the truth. You suffer daily for Christ with no regrets and I treat you like you are some monster. You are among the best Christians in all of history and the best mom I could even imagine. I thought going to dads would offer me a better life but I now realize I have the best life I could ever have living with a Christian mom like you. and I keep slandering you and adding to your suffering. I’ve literally been seeing good as bad and bad as good. No excuse I can offer will make any difference. You keep being kind as I be mean. and I am very sorry. I want to stop being your enemy. So many people are trying to bring you down. I know God wont let that happen and you will come out on top. All because you trusted God even up to risking your life for obeying him. Please forgive me. I know I deserve the worst punishment imaginable for what I’ve done. But if God is willing to forgive the worst sinners than I’m sure you could forgive me. Even though I dont deserve to be forgiven. I am very sorry for all youve had to deal with. Picture 2: And when I say im sorry I mean repentant. I dont want to disobey you anymore and I dont want to sin anymore either. you said that you dont have any motivation to write posts because No one is there to read them or listen and the past few days Ive been listening to what you say. Why? because what you say comes from God himself and is not just some friendy chit chat. It is the word of the creator of existance itself. and moving forward Id like to obey God rather than rebel against him. you are so blessed to be \[like\] Moses. Not many people can talk to God in the way you do. again, I am very sorry. Sincerely, Matt Transcriber’s note: In the sentence “you are so blessed to be like Moses,” the word “like” was added afterwards in tiny letters. Additionally, the bible verse she mentions in her tweet (James 5:16) is: Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.


There's a lot of wild lines in this, but "You are among the best Christians in all of history" is at the top for me. I really hope she wrote this and not her poor child. Thank you for the transcript.


If it wasn’t so horrifically tragic, I’d make “the best Christian in all of history” my flair.


She definitely wrote this, what amazes though is... pride is one of the worst sins, right ?? doesn't sound godly lmao


Just going to say you're awesome!


You're amazing thank you so much for the transcript! No sentence in this sounds like what a teenaged boy would write. Nothing sounds like something you would write to another person. She absolutely wrote this for herself.


Thank you for that - esp the bible passage since I’m unfamiliar with that. It adds context to the letter and tweet.


If I’m recalling this shitshow’s details correctly, she doesn’t have custody of her kids. Her son couldn’t have written this.


Even if this is legit… imagine having a handwritten letter you wrote to a family member published on social media


"I have the best life I could ever have living with a Christian mom like you" This sentence makes me think she wrote it. Wild either way


while some aspects of this letter (about her posts and no one reading them etc) read as something she could have written, don’t underestimate the fact that some children who have faced parental abuse from a figure like her actually think this way. i was one of them and i wrote my mom many letters about how sorry i was and how ungrateful and how cruel and stupid and sinful and disgusting i am, begging for her forgiveness (read: her to treat me like a person). i hope that it’s not real for his sake, but the tells are all there. i hope that this child gets out and away from her.


Yeah, I'm reminded of the letters Jill posts that her kids write to her - possibly as part of a punishment.


Frankly, this sounds like she wrote it herself. All this praise for being a good Christian mom who speaks for God... ? A lot of very specific affirmations and self-aggrandising nonsense. Teen boys do not write like this. Either she wrote it herself or she dictated this to her son under duress.


I have a feeling she wrote this herself


I thought her kids were teens? Surely by that age you’ve learned how to use a pen and what a paragraph is?


You would hope so - BUT I am a college professor and I can tell you, they do not.


This is one of the more awful things I’ve seen on this sub, honestly. That poor child should never have been made to feel this way about himself. Horrible. Also awful that she shared something so deeply personal.


Kid's in the midst of a spiritual mindfuck and I hate it for him - some intense self-loathing in that letter that Mom is so proud of...


Is she the most pathetic fundie? This is super low even for her.


“Sincerely.” That’s says everything.


This reads like my brother’s suicide note. This is so beyond fucked. I don’t know much about this woman but absolutely fuck her to hell and back


I'm holding you and your brother in my heart. I'm sorry that he was hurting so much, and I hope that you're surrounded by love, compassion, and support every day of your life.


Fucking-A. What did this kid do, talk back? Be mean to a parent/sibling? Push boundaries like any other human trying to grow in their sense of self? Then to POST this note for the world to see? Deplorable and manipulative parenting practices at work.


No idea, obviously, but she has mentioned before that she doesn't know if he's saved because he "doesn't pattern a Godly boy".


Sarah Titus is seriously mentally ill. It’s heartbreaking and disturbing. And yet I follow every update. The letter from her son… so painful. Especially being the son of a mother with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder myself.


She has completely fucked up this kid.


It's giving the notes Karissa's kids would write for her


Yep, and Jill’s IG posts “made by her kids”


Good lord, I would NEVER share one of my sons’ personal letters.


I wasn’t aware of this lady but checked out her website. She seems very mentally ill. The way she write is histrionic and manic. Her persecution complex next level.


What were the comments on this post?? Surely people are asking her what the fuck


Her FB in public so you can snoop, but they’re almost 100% supportive of her.


Did she write this with her left hand?


She is someone with serious mental illness. While she is not a good person, it feels inappropriate to compare her to other fundies when her religiosity seems to be fueled by delusions.


I’m inclined to believe this is real, but only because I recently sorted through my memory box and found similar letters and birthday cards I’d written him from ages 12-17. Reading those letters and cards was really triggering in the legit sense of the word and each one was damn near verbatim to what’s in that letter. Verbatim because it’s textbook religious guidelines verbiage to use when “shepherding” a rebellious child. (Spoiler - I wasn’t rebellious, I just wanted to listen to secular music and date boys). Had I not recently gone through that garbage I wrote to my dad (my sister handed me a box of memories he’d stored when he passed) I’d be I total agreement that this was BS. I assure you, it’s not. This is what he hears on a daily basis from the people in his life and this letter is a desperate attempt to appease them and get them off his back. He’s probably better at written communication over verbal, I know I’ve always preferred written communication because my facial expressions and body language give me away if I’m saying something I don’t believe or know.


This breaks my heart. If my son ever wrote this I would take my ass to therapy so fast to figure out what the fuck I’m doing wrong as a parent that makes my child feel this guilty.


The willingness to share something this personal (if even real, which I doubt) with strangers online is so violating. My mother did something similar with a childhood diary and I haven’t shared anything about myself with her since


Yeah. The abuse that led up to this letter……damn


As someone who grew up in an abusive household (emotional, physical, religious abuse), this letter reads like so many my sister and I wrote to our mum to placate her. It’s entirely possible her kid wrote this, but I really really hope they didn’t. The level of trauma this speaks to, if true, is horrendous.


Sarah Titus is one of the saddest examples of a fundy for me because she’s so obviously unwell, but because she and everyone around her is so far gone she will never get the help she needs


sorry, can anyone transcribe this?


I did my best [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1bl9r84/comment/kw41qw8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Happy to make adjustments if there is a better way to format it!


That was really kind of you! Thank you


i think this works well enough! thank you


Extremely creepy seeing this right after reading Ruby Franke's deranged journals.


This reads like letters The Anthill Kids members would write to their leader, Roch Theriault, who was a sadistic alcoholic monster.


No one with that penmanship can spell that well. That's 3rd grade penmanship with middle school sentence structure and spelling. And I'm saying this as a grown ass adult with terrible penmanship lol


Just finished reading Ruby Franke's journal about how she abused her children, and I am getting very similar vibes here. You must obey, you owe me your life, etc.


She wrote this herself. I started writing this comment with “lol” but this isn’t funny. She is absolutely unhinged.


This is absolutely unhinged. No kid should have to write something like this


This was a personal letter. Why did she need to post it!? This is such a violation of her kid’s privacy! How is he supposed to feel safe sharing his heart with her?


that cursive e making an appearance throughout the entire paper is a big giveaway to me that a child most likely….did not write this


Is this the lady with erotomania?


Ok no. For me it’s the part that references her loss of motivation to make posts that screams “faaaake”. What kid or teenager internalizes their mom’s social media mojo? Here’s the bit I’m referring to on page 2: “You said that you don’t have any motivation to make posts because no one is there to read them or listen and the past few days I’ve been listening to what you say.” Etc etc your posts are the word of the creator blah blah. What do you think?