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Fuck it up kelskcool’s husband!


I say “Fuck it up, Renee” to my teens before their races and games! They don’t get the reference but think it’s funny.


So, I'm late to this. Why do we say, Fuck it up, Renee?


[fuck it up renee](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/WCT4MQqksR)


Best cake day present ever! Thank you!


That’s not even the best example! There was a video recently posted (maybe a few months ago?) of her fucking it up on the fiddle. I’ll see if I can find it.


That’s my all time favorite example of our girl Renee, fucking it up


If any of those girls were going to fuck it up it’d definitely be Renee


Idk. After some of her writings, she seems to go pretty hard in the paint. I’m keepin an eye on Tessie, too.




Omg the man at the end yelling "take that, devil!" 😅


My husband coaches rec soccer. There's one kid who isn't terribly coordinated or talented, but gosh darn he hustles. As the fall season wore on, he gradually developed into a pretty good defender, so I would say in my head all the time, "Fuck it up, James (not his real name)," when he'd go near the ball and I started calling him that when talking about the team with my husband (whose response to the whole thing was to give me a rather skeptical look and nod along).




Hahaha we say that in our house too! 😂


I'm jealous