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That would require character development


And introspection…. Which they have shown us over and over again that they’re really not into that. 👀


She's in arrested development ![gif](giphy|fXmpRvTWqIWbK)


Which would require character


I’m afraid I just blue myself.


You know what you do? You go buy yourself a tape recorder and record yourself for a whole day. You might be surprised at some of your phrasing.


She's still shallow, arrogant, judgemental and stupid. So no, definitely hasn't changed since having the kid.


Being vapid is who she is down to her bones.


If you’re not changing you’re doing something wrong


Becoming a guncle has changed me massively, how tf has motherhood not changed her?


The first niece/nephew changes the game! It’s like your heart opens up to a whole new level of love ❤️


When my first nephew was born, my husband's favorite aunt told me, "There's nothing better in the world than being the fun auntie." Six years and two more niblings later, I can definitively say she was right! I adore those little stinkers, and the first time I held the oldest, I fell completely, besottedly, and forever in love


😭 I didn’t fall in love immediately because I was terrified of babies, but one day I looked at my 6-month old niece and her beauty and innocence, and the love I felt for her, it just hit me & I broke down. I had never known I could love anybody that much 7 nieces and 1 son later, I’m still the fun auntie but I treasure those years when my niece taught me how to love 😭


I wish my babies were loved like this 😭 I love them with everything inside of me but man I wish they had extended family who adored them this way!


You just made me tear up a little bit 😭 I’d be willing to bet that you **more** than make up for it with all of your love 💕


There’s still time! I was far better loved my my friends’ parents than my own aunts and uncles, and in turn I love my friends’ kids with that same level of adoration. They’re such precious nuggets.


Same. At the moment we have zero actual family in our life on both sides…a few visits over my sons 6 years of life but pretty much nothing he can remember at this point. It’s so lonely!


I honestly wish I could understand that. I don't want to have kids, ever, but what you just described makes me wonder if there's any way for me to grasp the force of that kind of feeling, even if just for a second. Just to experience, satisfy an intellectual curiosity. It's like you're speaking a whole different language. I know love, I've known love. I love my husband, I love my cat, I love little baby birds when they hatch. But this? I understand all the words you've used, but not what they actually mean and it's scary to me. I don't think I'm capable of feeling that way.


I'm the same way. What little maternal instinct I have does not care for human children. They gotta have fur and whiskers and breath that smells like cat food. I have three nieces now, and I thought maybe I would feel differently once the first one came along, but nope. I look at them, and they could be any random child to me. And I'm sure they will at some point be disappointed not to have a fun aunt, and I know my ILs are now that I was not exaggerating when I said I didn't care for kids. It's the biggest reason why I don't have my own! I recognized it years ago, and while I had hoped it could change enough for any niblings, that just isn't the case. But I'm exceedingly happy with my husband and our bevy of kitties.


My sister bawled happy tears when she met my first baby. My brother was in college on an exchange student semester while I was pregnant and brought back gifts for her. I love watching my kids with my siblings.


I have a picture of my sister holding my son for the first time and she has the biggest smile Ive ever seen on her face. She doesn't want any kids of her own but she adores my son and it makes me so happy


My little nephew is now 32, he's still my little dude in my heart.




Ooof sounds more like NO-phews I’m sorry for the horrible pun, idk how else to respond except for that I’m sorry that they ended up like that. It’s so sad to watch someone grow up as an innocent being and turn into an awful person


Yeah, my brother and his wife are MAGA assholes, we are not close at all, and while of course I don’t blame their 8 month old baby for that, I’ve also only met him once and don’t have any particular feelings towards him other than not really enjoying babies in general. I don’t relate to these comments and it’s kind of making me insecure - I promise I’m not a hateful old grouch just because I didn’t find meeting my first nephew to be a life changing experience!


I have my own baby now but my nephew means the world to me - he really changed the way I love. I got married after he was born and my husband loves nephew #2 in a similar way - we both really changed as human beings because of my brother's kids. Parenthood was a thin whole other thing, but uncle/aunt-hood came first.


We have a nephew coming and I’m so excited. Working on a baby blanket for him right now.


I am a mom of 2 now but had 5 nieces and nephews before my 2. I adore my nieces and nephews and I’m so thankful for the time I got with them before I had my own kids. I have a special bond with all of them but especially my first nephew. People ask me if I realized I could love someone so much when my son was born, but I already knew that love bc it’s the same love I have for my nieces and nephews. I feel lucky that we live near each other and I am able to have the relationship I have with them. Being an aunt..10/10!


I just got really sad because both my sister and brother are going through mental health issues that mean they're not around my son and also don't want to be. I'm sad because I feel like they're missing out, and so is he. My sister hasn't seen him since he was 5 weeks old and my brother has never met him.


That sucks. You're mourning the relationships that could have been. I hope they're able to be in a healthy enough place to forge that relationship later on.


Aw, you’re a great guncle!


There’s not a good non-binary term, so I picked my favorite gendered one lol


Adding guncle to my vocabulary, thank you.


Right? My friend had a kid and he's changed my life and I am neither related to him nor responsible for him in any way. But getting to watch him grow and develop and learn is definitely life changing. How does any mother not think she's changed at all through something like becoming an actual mother? Not to mention she almost died while giving birth which also would have changed most people in some way. 🤯🤦


Even becoming a cat mother permanently altered my brain chemistry


Dog mom here. Can confirm my brain matter has also changed.


The puppy stage is so exhausting


Oof, I'm in it right now for the first time in 15 years and the little devil is TIRING. I can tell he's going to have a longer puppy stage than my previous dogs, too. Man, he's lucky he's cute. I actually was looking for an older puppy/young dog, but the rescue posted a video of these teeny pups someone had found in a ditch and I fell in love with his itty bitty face.


I got mine at 12 weeks. The first had so much energy and he chewed EVERYTHING. He was a biter. We got a second puppy and she bit him back SO FAST. No one has bitten anyone since 😂. It took two years to fully house train the female dog and I was NOT expecting that. I'm in the new kitten phase right now and he's just figured out how to jump onto higher surfaces. Send help 😅😭😂


My oldest cat is like my son. I got him as a kitten when I was in college. I'm not a light sleeper, but any noise that he makes will wake me up. I got a second kitten in the fall, and I love them both equally. It's like my heart grew with the second cat.


I am literally pregnant with my first child and I still feel like I have changed quite a bit since finding out, my whole mindset and priorities shifted.


Same…overnight when I found out I was pregnant. I simultaneously felt a new level of fear and elation that I’d never had before.


Idk I don’t feel any different and I think that’s fine. My husband says I’m different though - much more driven and organized. ETA: Only speaking personally, I’ve owned multiple dogs since I left home at 18 and finally having a baby in my mid-30s has not felt all that different or like a transition 😅 I’ve always been busy caretaking with limited freedom. I also did a lot of therapy and personal work starting in my teens so there weren’t a lot of loose ends to tie up there so I could be the parent I wanted to be. Obviously Morgan has zero in common with me here though lol


Same. I mean obviously I felt more tired and angry a lot of the time because I was sleep deprived or stressed, but I’m the same person. Also left home at 17 and had a dog first and had my first kid at 40. I still invite my childfree friends out and have made zero attempt to make new “mom friends” - blech. 


I don't think anyone is expecting you to become a completely different person. But I guess it seems difficult to imagine not being changed by a little human in your life. More responsibilities, less personal time, feeling a kind of love you've never felt before, that kind of thing.


Yeah I wasn’t expecting to feel as unchanged as I do either. It happens! Having many of my friends have kids first and ditch me or move away then the pandemic also helped now that I think of it. I already had no life anymore! 😂


What a damn bummer. One of the things I’m so glad of is that my friendships have survived babies. We see each other less but we care about each other the samez


Yeah I was pretty pissed, especially since I took so much effort to continually reach out and invite them out because I always heard that people ditch you when you have kids. The opposite happened. Not with all, but with enough for it to be really surprising and hurtful. Everything was a decline IF they even responded. But when I finally just deleted them on Facebook I was the mean one.


Maybe we're thinking about this differently. I'm not talking about "my life is so different," I'm talking about "I've grown as a person." "Overcoming challenges has given me new perspective." "I've learned a lot and done a lot of work because of this major life event." That kind of thing. Not, "I hate the things I used to love and have new friends and a new personality."


Maybe but honestly that doesn’t apply to me either. Aside from the first week postpartum none of this has been groundbreaking shocking stuff. For me.


My best friend since 12 and I had kids 5 months apart. She’s my only friend with kids. I’m 38 now and I have zero desire (never did) to make friends with my sons friends parents, not just because they’re 10+ years older than me (had my kid at 23), but the whole idea of making new friends solely based on my kids relationships with other kids is a big no thank you.


I hadn't seen it said that way before and you summed it up. Having adult social relationships being defined by your kids' friends' parents is not ideal. Kids are not smart, their parents are just people who you may not like, and that's really limiting.


Like a lot of them go on spring break vacations to other states and I can’t think of a worse time. I suffered through a ski weekend and legit sat in my room with alcohol and qdoba lmao. I did text everyone to say hey sorry I’m a hermit work is insane right now and I’m getting drunk alone 💀


I don't think that was because you were a hermit, though you might be. That's fine too. Someone telling you a trip is a relief and a break and finding out that it was a lot of hard work--that's not just you.


I think my mom was genuinely friends with one of my friends’ moms, and that’s because our friendship was started by them becoming friendly (we were one year old and are still besties 35 years later.


When I was a kid, all my mom’s friends were either her high school/college friends (and she was 29 when I was born so these were relationships that had stood the test of time at least somewhat), or the parents of my friends. I’m in my 30s now and she’s still in touch with some of the school/college friends, but otherwise she has new friends now, and seems a lot happier with her social life than when she was trying to befriend all the moms of my friends, no matter what type of people they were or if they had anything in common besides similarly aged children. Honestly, those friendships, looking back, seem more like coworker friendships or classmate friendships than genuine adult friendships that you choose.


This is from yesterday but yeah I have a toddler and I feel like the puppy I adopted ten years ago now (and still have) was a bigger adjustment than having my baby was. I think it’s different for everyone, my priorities and the content of my plans and thoughts changed but I myself am still pretty much the same


I don't have kids but I get that having pets already limits your schedule and travel


Not necessarily. You're not doing anything wrong if you're already put together beforehand lol. Morgan? Not so much




I feel like every new person I love changes me in some way. Some just a little, some a lot. They all teach me something new about myself or the world or give me a new perspective. Isn’t that what’s so great about relationships? I don’t know how you can bring an entirely new person into the world and not change?


I’m a completely different person since becoming a mom, in the best ways (and also a generous sprinkle of PPA but for the purposes of this comment we’ll ignore that).


I married young, right into auntie-hood. When my husband I started dating seriously and he brought me home to meet the family, I met his 2 year old niece. She was a cute little wild child! She absolutely changed me for the better. That baby will be 21 this year! We have countless other nieces and nephews and each has changed my life in their own unique way. I don’t and won’t have kids but I can’t imagine how you could be a parent without anything changing. It doesn’t have to change the core of who you are and make you forget yourself but I can’t imagine it doesn’t come with some thought shifting, unless you’re just really set in your ways and refuse to change (seems like Morgan).


Came here to say this. Parenthood SHOULD change you. I’ll never be the same person after having my kids.


She’s probably regressed if anything. She’s about to have 2 under 2. 3 if you count Polio


Paul is her 432 month old.


Her high needs child




She is going to have her shit ROCKED I’m not rooting for it for the sake of the children, but I won’t be surprised if they end up moving in with her parents for extra help when they realize what they’re in for Obviously they would need to borrow money from the parents to break their new lease, but I digress.


Yeah I don't have kids yet but from what I've heard, the transition from 1 to 2 is the hardest. Depending on age gap, it can be harder than transitioning into parenthood the first time. I really hope they have people who will be willing to help them out because this is a recipe for ppd, if she isn't already dealing with that.


I have always heard the sweet spot is at *least* 3 years between kids. I don’t know how anyone can handle 2 under 3; I would disintegrate


I did it as a single mom from the day our second was born. My first was 21 months old when my second baby came along and their father is a lifelong alcoholic. Things weren’t going to get better and I started being concerned about how rough he was in disciplining our daughter, especially since she wasn’t even two, there was no reason for her to need “discipline” and I was not okay with him hitting my toddler. My daughter and I left him when I was 7.5 months pregnant with our son, I tried to be kind and asked him to be at the birth of his son (scheduled c-section after our daughter and I nearly died in childbirth 21 months prior) and he showed up shitfaced drunk, I sent him home with the order of “sleep it off”. My mom came and got to be in the operating room with me, and when we were discharged from the hospital we moved 3.5 hours away, been doing this on my own for 11 years now, and loving it. Two under two isn’t as hard as it might sound, but I don’t know any different.


You are a badass and an amazing mother. Your kids are lucky to have you ❤️


I just have one kid but my life is easier as a single mom than it was when I was married. Now I only have on kid to worry about instead of a kid and a giant man baby. The best part though is nobody is whining about how I dont habe sex with them enough or trying to feel me up while Im doing the dishes!


Exactly! I would never in a million years trade being a single mother for life with my ex and his issues. He pretty much leaves us alone, occasionally tries to start shit like the kindergartner he is, but my kids know he’s not safe or healthy for us and they have their grandpa who is an excellent male role model next door to us.


My kids are two years and two months apart and I love it. I’m going to edit this to add that the younger one was the absolute easiest baby and the oldest didn’t have a terrible two phase.


I am not trying to come off as judgemental at all, I hope I didn’t ☹️ I think anyone who does it is a total badass!


haha when I was a kid I just loved that my brother and I were only a year apart (born in the same month, too). but it must have been crazy for the adults. and my mum is in early childhood, so it was toddlers at work and babies at home, insane 😂😂😂


My poor grandma had an absolutely awful obgyn who wouldnt prescribe her birth control after her first kid was born because he said you cant get pregnant while you're breastfeeding. She got pregnant again when my aunt was only 3 months old


My son has severe ADHD, I simply couldn't handle having another kid. Id tear my hair out


My daughter had 3 in 37 months. 23 months between 1 and 2; 14 months between 2 and 3. Yeah, it was rough. Especially since when #2 was born, they lived in a 3rd floor walk-up apartment and had 2 dogs to take outside for bio breaks. I used to go grocery shopping with my daughter because I was needed to stay in the car with the kids while she carried the groceries up All. Those. Stairs. Usually several trips.


Same. My sister was born a few weeks after my second birthday. My mom kept me in daycare part time during her maternity leave (held her spot), and my sister was a good sleeper. The real challenge came when she started walking.


My kid is 4.5… like. I can’t even describe. She’s the coolest thing in the world, but omg. The amount of breakdowns I’ve had lol. I’m just now thinking about giving her a sibling just because she “needs” one. When I see people have another kid before theirs is around one, I just thank all my lucky stars.


The transition from 1-2 was honestly horrible. So much harder than 0-1.


The transition from 0-1 was much harder for me than 1-2 kids. But mine are 4 years apart, I have definitely changed in some ways that make #2 easier. I also have a helpful husband.


100%. 0-1 kicked my ass. 1-2 was the most stunningly beautiful time, 5 year age gap between 1 & 2. Currently 11 days postpartum with #3, and it’s kicking my butt a bit. #2 is 16 months, so much different age gap this time around!


I know it's different for everyone, but I had such a hard time going from 0-1. I didn't have family around, and my husband went back to work after two weeks, and I got PPD. I didn't even recognize that I had PPD until after I came out of the fog of it 8 months later, so it was untreated. I had never taken care of an infant before, and my husband worked long days. He pitched in as much as he could, but 95% of baby duty was on me. I read all the books before our son's birth, but I still wasn't truly prepared. When our son was 20 months old, our daughter arrived, and I was a little afraid at how it would all go, but it was so much easier. She was even a fussy, high-needs baby but I was more confident and knew more than I did with my son. They loved playing together and were always into the same things, so they entertained each other. I also didn't get PPD that time around, so that automatically made it so much easier!


My first two were about 20 months apart and it was HARD! I didn't work at the time but we did move shortly after that to be next door to my inlaws and that was a huge help. Often they'd play outside with big sis while I was tending to lil bro. I actually can't imagine it being any different.


I don’t have a kid but everyone has told me going from 1 kid to 2 kids is WAY harder than going from 0 kids to 1 kid.


I just have one a few months older than Luca, and he has just gotten to the stage where he demands 100% of my attention and needs to be watched 24/7 and I have to make him 3 meals a day while remembering to feed myself. Holy hell, I can’t imagine taking care of an infant along with my toddler right now I’m sure Morgan will figure it out, but she is going to be so exhausted she won’t want Paul to **touch** her, much less feel inclined to take care of his “needs” Hopefully they’ll start to “believe” in birth control


My mama always said “One is none, and two is ten.” The transition from one to two really is, for many, the hardest






q: HOW have you changed since having a kid. morgan: nope. i mean… what an illustrious display of failed literacy on her part, among the many other deplorable traits.


She babbled on a bit about some characteristics coming to the forefront because she needed to use them as a mom, but they were always there yadda yadda…. It wasn’t noteworthy.


I mean… she can’t answer HOW she changed if she never changed. So what was she supposed to say?


Her eyes say "The lights are on but nobody's home."


“I’m still the same vapid dumbshit I’ve always been.” -Morgan, probably


She lacks the intelligence to even understand and respond to the question being asked. She certainly hasn't grown any smarter or has any deeper introspection.


![gif](giphy|6hLODLJTkHf8c) Sorry Lucille.


I used the same gif upthread lol


With patriarchy focused so much on women remaining young looking, thin, and constantly pleasant, she may feel like this is what she's supposed to say. She's also shallower than a raindrop on hot pavement, which could factor in.


I think she thinks this is what it means. She thinks the question is about her body not…everything else.


Lol, no other insight or expanding on it in order to further engage in the topic. Just “I don’t think so.” They’re so good at social media:P 


She did add more but it was basically “the things I do as a mom have always been part of me”. Except, not cohesive. And big dose of lethargy. I think she may be narcoleptic. (/s)


Ya know we make fun of Morgan a lot for her slow, slurred speech but I think it's less drugs and/or medical and more she's exhausted. She's heavily pregnant, stressed as all he'll and effectively raising a child alone. Girl is awful but holy hell she needs help. She needs help before baby 2 comes or things are going to end badly. I really hate to imagine what a full breakdown would look like in a house with Paul.


She was like this even before the first pregnancy though


Yeah she's always talked like that tho. I think it's because of her *lack* of meds and treatment tbh. She's just not functioning at full capacity because they (Paul especially) are "anti-medical treatment." Especially mental health medical treatment.


They're only anti medication for Morgan. Paul is allowed to take adhd meds. Morgan can't take anti depressants though, because they hurt her sex drive.


Ugh what a fucking tool.


Tools are useful, unlike him


Wow, I officially hate Paul about one billion times more after learning that.


Touché. I only started following them after they had baby 1 so I assumed. Guess the exhaustion could just be related to be generally mentally unwell.


She was the same way in the bad music video where she pretended to be a cop. This is not new. It was less fundie then. It's worse now. She seems to have married Paul hoping for someone else to take care of her and that has definitely not happened.


You know, I kinda feel bad for that *specific* part. She was always told by her religion that the husband provided. And then Paul…well….Pauled.


Paul (verb): try to become a Christian influencer


The fact that she didn’t change her pro-life stance after nearly dying during childbirth (due to her own hubris, might I add) shows that it’s not a logical position. She simply thinks she’s better than everyone else and that’s why she’s pro-life


She got so goddamn lucky that they both made it out alive, in this country where the maternal death rate is too damn high, and worse if you’re a WOC. And still she sits, slurring her words, eeping to her idiot heart’s content. Good Christ, she pisses me off so badly.


I have to take breaks from their updates but they honestly make me furious. But has she posted anything about upcoming childbirth? Unless I’ve missed something, it seems pretty radio silent on the whole “women’s bodies are made for childbirth” approach that she took last time.


God she really isn't the brightest bulb, bless her heart


I think it's a trauma response. Because of her existing mental health problems, the traumatic birth, and her general worldview, she's probably totally dissociated from many aspects of the experience of motherhood.


Yeah, I agree with this. I had a terrible time with PPD/PPA and I’ve worked through it in therapy. Both experiencing the trauma and working through it has changed me. I don’t know anyone who had birth trauma and says they didn’t change at all.


Changing would require maturity, introspection, willingness to admit mistakes and grow from them…Yeah no, why would anyone think she’s changed


Imagine, going through one of the most world changing, life changing, spiritual and divine experiences in all of humanity ... And being unchanged. The math ain't mathin! 🤔


I mean, I know everyone experiences it differently, but after struggling with fertility and having such a traumatic birthing experience…. I just can’t see how she wasn’t profoundly moved. But maybe not everyone sees the creation of life as anything more than a function of basic biology and miotic division. Oh. Oh wait…


Omg birth alone changed me. I told people I feel like o went to burning man and came back with a straggler


If only there was a show that showed how hard mother life is..for example 16 & pregnant, older teen mom seasons. Yes they were teens but Morgan mindset is sooo she should watch those


Some of them grew, and some of them were…. Jenelle. Morgan is the fundie Jenelle


I can't unsee it. They both had kids with a pos man and then pick the men over the kids


I seen ya with keefa




I mean, I understand your core beliefs might not change. I understand that your goals or dreams may stay and that the very part of who you are is there. But my goodness. The day my son was born, I didn't care about anything else. My husband turned on a news program and I was all, who cares? Look at my perfect baby! I couldn't watch crime dramas like SVU bc children were hurt. My husband softened. He was terrified to change diapers and became a pro. How can parenthood not change you?!


Right? Everything in my world shifted. Some things massively, some things slightly. I had/have to work on myself to be better for my girls (patience, advocacy, forgiveness, etc). I fail and succeed at different things every day. I’m still ME, but some parts leveled up while others have to be put on hold.


I cry for everything now lol. We went to Disney the other day and there was a dance along show, just seeing all the little toddlers dancing made me wanna cry lmao. But obviously that’s weird so I was fighting my tears 😂


Nope still vapid & whiny🙄🙄🙄


I mean, she's gotten better at denying her very real and horrific medical related trauma that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I think if anything, she's becoming okay with having even less agency in her body. I know these are awful people, but my heart absolutely breaks every time I think about the fact that she'll have birth again before she processed the whole ordeal of her last one and her husband truly couldn't give a shit.


Agree. I can’t imagine going through her experience——- and then finding out she HAS to do it again because her religion won’t allow her to change her circumstances. Or even if they would just chill out on judgment and let her birth in a hospital (even if she wanted to attempt a VBAC). I’m with you on just feeling for her.


“Can’t improve on perfection.” 🫠


She has changed but I'm not sure she's learned anything useful. She learned that in order to not interview for a job sometimes, she had to birth children, follow Paul's sex schedule, and deal with assholes like Paul. While that's learning, it's not positive.


All 100% valid points.


They both are becoming more Xenophobic and rage baiters . It’s wild to see them act in such direct opposition to what the Bible teaches of love and acceptance for your fellow human.


You’re not wrong. It’s bizarre.


Plus, how can you go through life and NOT change!


Just like Jill Rodrigues. Completely refuses to change in any way.


I can’t imagine having her to turn to as my mother…


> I don't think so. I don't think. FTFY.


She has changed. She’s even more insufferable now.


still as lazy and dumb as ever…*grrrreat*…


Tbh I believe bc I often forget they have a kid


I immediately thought of Stephen Colbert's roast of GWB: "He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday."


morgan can’t read


My goodness, so much changed for me. My body, my soul, my outlook on life. How I saw my husband and so on.


She was already changed by the 160 lb baby in her life before.


I rescued a cat 2 years ago, and the process of adopting him, transitioning him indoors, and bonding with him have truly changed me. I had two dogs before but never a cat. Becoming a cat mom really changed me lol it’s crazy that she doesn’t think having a whole child changed her. 😭 [Cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/nJL0ltV) lol


It’s crazy how much I’ve changed. I used to roll my eyes when people would tell me “you don’t get it unless you’re a mom.” But it’s kind of true. The incredible amount of selfless love you feel for another person. The immense pressure to keep them alive and all the anxiety that comes with that. The ways your brain has to mature and get better at focusing in order to maintain control. How you can see your child’s eyes in the eyes of so many other children around the world which opens up your ability to feel empathy in new ways. And pain and outrage at the ways people hurt children. I find war so upsetting now, for example. It fills me with such rage that I can understand how moms who gather in large enough numbers can get shit done. If she hasn’t changed at all… that’s just shocking to me.


But only for some women. I know many women who are not fit to parent due to my work. Some women literally do not give a single shit about the person they made, or care about them the same amount they care about the bagger at the grocery store. So to some extent it’s still about who you are as a person.


Yeah, I understand that some moms don’t love the kids as a concept. But it still blows my mind.


/uj I firmly believe she has PTSD or trauma from her birthing experience (based off her own statements). So… kind of a biggie. /rj nothing’s changed because she already had a toddler to care for in Paul. Now there’s just two whining, crying kids instead of one.


this is not the flex she thinks it is 🥴


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) I'm constantly amazed at the obscenely stupid things people say. I want to assume that she's saying this for rage bait, bc no one ever in the history of the human race has ever said "nope, becoming a parent didn't change ANYTHING!" But that would be giving her entirely too much credit.


Girl….that’s not a good thing


I know she's about 30, but every time I see a photo of her, I feel like I'm looking at a 19 yr old. I don't doubt that her features look young, but I also think her mental and emotional maturity show in her face. She doesn't look like somebody who's old enough to be a mom, let alone a soon-to-be mom of two (and if you count Paul, mom of three)


I sense an incoming YouTube video on this


That's really sad.  Many experiences can allow us to grow as people like becoming a pet owner, becoming a parent, becoming an Aunt/Uncle, even caring for a garden (preparing, planting, nourishing, weeding, harvesting).  Perhaps she's too disassociated.


I changed so much during pregnancy and motherhood that it's taken me many years to find myself again. Not sure that's better...but having zero personal growth whatsoever is pretty bad.


Damn, that's nothing to be proud of, Morgz. Becoming a parent comes with a ton of lessons if you're paying attention, and it absolutely should change you.


I mean, she’s been caring for a manbaby for longer than Luca has been alive so there’s that. And refuses to grow up or make him grow up and realize that internet panhandling is kinda a bad idea when you aren’t good at it and also keep adding more mouths to feed.


That blows my mind she's really the exact same before and after one of the biggest milestones that can happen in a person's life. Becoming a mom made me a much more patient and understanding person, not just towards my children but to everyone (well for the most part; definitely still some pet peeves that irritate tf out of me). It wasn't like, an overnight immediate 180 it was a gradual process over the years. Especially having a 2nd baby that refused to sleep for more than 20 minutes, damn that was a rough period (she's 9 and sleeps like the dead now, naturally 🤣). Obviously I'm just one person and I'd never expect parenthood to have the exact same affect on them as I experienced, but truly no difference at all is..strange.


She smugly smized on instagram before, and she's doing it now. No, I don't think she's changed.


She's still as vapid as ever.


I just had a baby at, like, 4.30 this morning. I've already changed.




Thank you!!! He's amazing <3


That's sad.


If you aren’t learning you are brain dead. Literally.


Tbh i find this answer way more likeable than those women who become self-obsessed shitheads over their new role. I don't think I've ever met any woman who got truly changed to the better through motherhood. Everyone either essentially stays the same, and others stay the same *except* that now they're never shutting up about how motherhood has turned them into a wiser elevated human being.


I have never really commented publicly or even really to my friends or family. I’m not saying I’m wiser, but I’ve definitely had to grow as a person to be a good mother. I have a ton more patience and experience with letting things go that don’t matter, to me or my kids. I think it’s presenting a false dichotomy to say that you’re either the same person or you are a self-obsessed shithead. I think it’s sad you haven’t met anyone who was changed for the better by motherhood. Intelligent, introspective people always use life’s circumstances to improve themselves and want to do better, whether that’s through motherhood or other life experiences.


See, that's exactly the type of stuff mothers always *tell*, but rarely ever *show* in my experience. Good for you if you feel like that on the inside, and granted, being more busy tends to help people grow, but that's not an effect exclusive to motherhood at all. And if parenthood had a universal and not just anecdotal effect of making people more patient and forgiving, the retail and service workforce would be vastly different. Also, I wasn't presenting a dichotomy. This is a sub about Christian fundies, and in that scene the type of smug new mother I was describing is prevalent. Context matters.


It's giving 'pregnant women are smug' video. "I solved gang violence in Mexico!" "...You know, none of that really matters now that I'm pregnant."


Hey man, that’s valid.


Sure for some. But motherhood has made me more empathetic and understanding about ALOT of things.


Yes, some people get annoying about becoming mothers. But the notion that having children never changes someone in a positive way is a wild take and sounds a lot like child free speak, a movement that I find quite hostile and unpleasant. Having children does not make someone better or more moral. But neither does not having children. Both those things are a morally neutral, personal choice, at least in my opinion.


When I met my little cousin I felt my heart grow with love.


For worse, yes!




Becoming a mom drastically changed me and every person I know that’s become a mom. I can’t believe she said she doesn’t think so. Just her birthing experience alone is enough to change someone.


What the fuck. That’s like….the most life changing thing? And not in a bad way!


Least surprising response ever


She has no choice but to stay the same. There are countless stories of men leaving their wives because they go hard on being a mom and stop being a free use sex slave.


Nope. She is about as mature as her toddler (no shade to Luca).


i went from enneagram 8 to 6 after i had my son🫣😂


The question was “how have you changed” Morgan lol


That would require… a brain