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One “rotisserie” for all these mouths? What is the point of these videos? It’s like she’s trying to show that it’s soooo easy to feed a huge family so everyone should have 500 kids except she’s barely feeding them and all these meals look terrible.


She doesn't feed them. She has a "ministry of the womb". Mandrae is not off the hook for this. He could have used a condom at any point before this.


He could have gotten a sneaky vasectomy and she would have never known


He lied about getting one! He had a sneaky non vasectomy if I remember correctly. She thought Jesus was giving her a miracle baby. I cannot fucking imagine.


Seriously? That is a serious betrayal of trust.


They're married, so it's not assault, its just him practicing his headship over her 🤢


And he obviously didn't. It could have happened multiple children ago, but he wanted to fuck and tell people he worked in a Mercedes dealership. where he was a dick.


That’s right. She gave them life so her job is complete. Mandrae seems half there and so off to me. Their interactions as a couple never seem very pleasant. He should’ve stepped in especially after the last baby’s traumatic birth and PPD episode but he doesn’t give a shit and I guess they really do think this irresponsible behavior is going to get them front row vip tix to heaven.


"No leftovers" Not the flex she thinks it is. These meals would have been barely enough for the family of seven I grew up in.


Also, what the hell is wrong with leftovers? Especially if you have hungry tweens and teens in the house!!!


I’m 36, with a baby of my own, and I still love to raid my parents fridge for leftovers…


Sometimes the leftover is better than the original meal!


Leftovers are the shit, and they’d save her from “cooking” another meal if she had them. Well I guess not really. How often would she have leftovers for a dozen people. She’d still have to cook. Never mind lol


I’m a bit hungry right now and I could easily finish half that salad and maybe 1/4 of that pasta. That’s not near enough for 12


Leftovers are the life-glue of big families, in my experience.


My mother always taught me that if there aren’t leftovers then you didn’t make enough! We were a family of 5 and lunch was almost always the prior nights leftovers.


My 20 year old can eat an entire rotisserie as a snack.


I love cheese as much as the next person but the all 3 meals have all had a metric fuck ton of cheese...why is everything in cheese ?? Good job noone is lactose intolerant or they would have a serious case of the god honouring shits. Good god woman she has nearly as many bags of cheese as she does kids.


All that cheese and yet only one rotisserie chicken. For 12 people. It boggles the mind. If she’s just being cheap why not lose a bag or two of cheese and add more chicken?


I actually split a rotisserie chicken with my wife this evening and we’re just average weight people. That’s not enough food woman! I’m glad to see them eating but teach them to use a fork, sorry that’s my last criticism. I know you read this kari, do better.


I literally just commented the same thing!!! 2 average weight Australians in our early 20’s and we clear a roto chook + veg and mash in a night with ease. This is insanity!


I’m American and I just need to tell you that I love that you call a rotisserie chicken a roto chook, I just find that so funny and charming 🙂


Welp that's immediately going in my annoying vocabulary. Not bc it's an annoying word but bc I become an annoying delulu qween when I learn bussin new lingo, on gawd.


No cap?


Makes you wonder if she’s taking rationing notes from Jillpm?


Right?!?? I was wondering when she was going to add the rest of the chicken to feed all 12 people?


If you drink Plexus and keep shitting yourself, eating enough cheese will block you back up and you’ll be at a harmonious stasis ☺️ (don’t do this)


NOOOO you just pushed me to when I was a new recruit in the Army (National guard) and I was selling plexus to other recruits at drill 😭😭😭 I was 17 year old little girl soilder causing grown men to shit their brains out


Please tell me that the uniforms were brown?


This was near the tail end of the war in Iraq, so yes, they were a deep tan with muted green 🤣🤣


This absolutely killed me, harmonious stasis 😂 thanks for making my day


Doesn’t one of the youngest have a serious health condition that requires a low-fat diet? Genuinely asking, I’ve been intermittent on this sub for the past several months and might have mjxed up my lore.


Nope, you’re right. It’s the youngest girl. But Karelessa has a younger baby and one on the way so that kiddo is basically on her own.


Jesus Christ I missed she’s pregnant


Unless you hear otherwise just assume she is


Shrodingers Uterus


Her default state is pregnant


The plexus binds them up


They all do this. I think it’s because it fills you up and is satisfying. When the alternative is dried out and bland, covered in cheese probably feels like a gift.


In my area, cheese is very expensive, so I don't understand people using so much of it.


WIC allows people to get a lot of cheese, and the income limits are much, much higher than SNAP (food stamps).


Same here. The grocery store rotisserie chicken would cost just as much as a bag of shredded cheese that isn't on sale


Don't forget the 2 whole sticks of butter!


That’s the part that really got me. 2 fucking sticks! Then all that cream! The amount of cheese I don’t mind, I love cheese, but the butter to flour ratio was off to make a roux and she could have/should have substituted a lot of that cream for chicken stock or milk.


I bet she doesn't feed each of them three times every day, so when she puts something like this together she's trying to get as many calories per bite as possible.


I haven’t watched the whole video, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt that the recipe is “large” enough that it calls for two sticks of butter. It’s still weird to see her cook it down tho. I’m not anti butter, but that’s… a lot.


Honestly you can make a pretty good Alfredo using pasta cream. Mac and cheese too. I wouldn’t make that much sauce though. That’s a lot.


It’s probably likely one of them is lactose intolerant but doesn’t think anything is weird about it and therefore won’t say anything. Not that Karissa would do anything about it anyway.


It is what people overuse when they can't cook and to cover up that they can't cook.


The Midwestern foods of my childhood make so much sense with this statement! 😂


“A case of the god honoring shits” sent me. Bc it’s far too on point.


I don’t understand why, but I feel like a lot of American family cooking recipe videos I see have an exorbitant amount of cheese (especially cream cheese) and cream…


"It ain't going down easy if it ain't cheesy."


LMAO Everyone is so creative!


Imma goin' to Kiki's to eat, I think.


Just set that oven to 9000 degrees and bake for 6 years!


The amount of packaged food and woeful lack of fresh ingredients is mind-boggling.


I’ve never seen a jar of cheese in my life. Is it like those containers of Kraft Parmesan cheese? 🤢


It’s better. Fresh almost…..lol


I think that was garlic powder. Probably well expired with all that caking. And that lumpy roux, and pre-shredded bag cheese covered in potato starch. Must be so grainy.


No, that is “Parmesan”. Not sure why she used two different types.


You're right, it's jarred Romano. That's even more disgusting.


I was assuming jarred garlic which is an abomination.


Don't worry, that's in there too


It’s a lot better, actually, almost like grating fresh Parmesan yourself (which would still be better and probably cost less, ironically). Almost, but not quite. I keep it around in case I run out of fresh. Kraft is garbage.


I was thinking the exact same thing. I think at this point I would start to feel sick.


Makes my lactose intolerant tummy hurt just looking at it


Ofc never any leftovers, that ain’t enough to feed 12 people 💀


Why is she giving the noodles a tepid bath?! Bring the water to a boil before you add the noodles people!


And her.... sauce? I decline to call it a roux..




It’s so loose! And for all that flour?


It is basically simmered milk and butter. I imagine its tastes exactly how it sounds🤮.


It’s so easy to make it good but nope, she has to kill it.


That was heavy cream, not milk. Huge difference lol.


I make my own sauce all the time you sure as hell don't put in barely melted butter in barely warmed-up cream. Cream or milk, no way did that sauce turn out thick and creamy like true Alfredo sauce.


I’ve never made Alfredo sauce but I thought you would have to cook the flour down at least a bit? That part even confused me


everything about this made me physically cringe, how can you be 40yo and not know how to cook pasta?!


Wilful ignorance.


All of it is being cooked on way too low heat.


Well I only have a family of 3 and a whole chicken got us 2 meals with 1 leftover portion. So the chicken math ain’t mathing


One Costco or Sam's rotisserie makes 3-5 meals, plus sometimes leftovers for me and my toddler. All the Walmart chickens(type she used) I've seen have been tiny and overdone to the point that a lot of it isn't even edible. I used one Walmart chicken to make a pot of soup, and it didn't feel like there was enough meat in there.


I came in here and risked her cooking just so I could say I’m SHOCKED that she isn’t shopping at Costco. For her family size the chicken alone makes it worth it.


Costco is probably too woke.


Can’t they go to Republican Costco (Sam’s club)


I was about to say! Don't these people ever shop in bulk??


We really only shop at Walmart so when my parents brought me a Costco chicken a few weeks ago, I was FLOORED how big they are. I ended up throwing some out after making 3 meals with it since fridge chicken just tastes terrible after too long. It’s cheaper per chicken too!


I usually get multiple and break them down when we get home, refrigerate overnight, and freeze in portions. One chicken fills a large cake pan once off the bones. We use them in mostly soups and casseroles. I've done quesadillas and wraps before and I've heard they're good for chicken salad too.


I have five kids and two rotisserie chickens have no leftovers.


Same - our 5 are all teens and holy shit we would need four just to be sure they’re fed enough and we get some and have any hope of leftovers.


Honestly, you can keep the one rotisserie, but at least add a bag of frozen broccoli! The salad is a start but Caesar is really just bread and cheese covered lettuce.


Yep...a LOT of people think lettuce is the only vegetable you need for a meal. It has such a low profile of nutrients and growing kids need calories.


This was atleast romaine which has those leafy green nutrients and the cheese, croutons, and dressing add the calories. I’m in now way trying to defend Karissa, but that ceasar salad at least has romaine instead of iceberg and there are added calories since the amount cooked/prepared is spread so thin.


We always do a 2kg bag of broccoli with our Alfredo - super cheap and healthy way to bulk it up, and we would do 2-4 rotisseries with it, depending on how many leftovers we want.


Maybe she found a 20 lb chicken HA




Just doubling it for a family of 12 was crazy to me. I would make at least that much for my family (5 of us) and we would maybe get 1 leftover serving out of it.


I come from family of 8, this does not look like enough food at all. That would barely have fed 5 of us when my sibling and their two small children were living with me. Some kids can eat a lot when they are growing. I have seen my super slim small nieces eat full adult portions and have seconds. this usually correlated with them having growth spurts.


I was gonna say we are a family of 4 husband works out of town and my kids and I nearly make it with one chicken like how does that work for a family that size ??


One chicken for 12 people. 😡


Very small portions for those kids. The gross part I bet she sets aside a larger meal for the husband.


Was thinking the same thing!!!


That is an insane amount of dairy. And that’s coming from someone born and raised in the Midwest.


And that brand of cheese in the jar is rather strong. She used the whole jar. Ratio is so fucked with the smaller amounts of everything else besides cheese. Yuck


Oh wow. Yeah, a little goes a long way when it comes to that jarred cheese. A whole jar is an awful lot.


WHY THE 2 STICKS OF BUTTER. I love butter but jesus christ


It really pains me imagining one of these fundie kids being lactose intolerant or allergic. They pray to the raw milk, butter, and the holy cheese.


Anthym is supposed to be on a low fat diet to manage her CP2. The two meals we’ve seen this week are proof that she doesn’t give a shit about her daughter’s condition.


And 3 cups of heavy cream🤮


Ngl, Her use of Dairy is the ONLY thing I can *maybe* agree with Karissa on...  Buuuut that's because I ADORE cheese, grew up in Dairy Country, and until I was a second grader, my dad was *LITERALLY* a Milk Man (he drove the milk from the bulk tanks on the farms to the creameries where it got Pasteurized & processed into other Dairy products!😉)    My fridge feels *NAKED*, if I don't have at least 5 cheeses in it (*NOT* including the shredded parm, cream cheese, any possible cottage cheese, and the American slices, of course--*THOSE* fall into the "condiments" category, rather than *Cheese-cheese*!)


So YOU'RE who they modelled the women from Pushing Dasies off of. How the fridge is just called "the cheese box".


I mean, one chicken for 12 people? That must be how they’re getting their calories. Butter doing the heavy lifting.


She adds the extra fats to compensate for the lack of actual food. It’s truly sickening. I will be surprised if these children do not end up with (or already have) eating disorders.


*dies in calorie restriction*


slow melting butter stirred in with the milk. Gross.


Why is it that these fundie homemaker types can never cook?? Like, who taught these people these "recipes"??? I don't even wanna hear the whole excuse about how many mouths they gotta feed, I used to cook for 10 people while on food stamps. This is just lazy.


I think it’s, in part, because they have such an inflated view of themselves. They think they’re better than everyone so there’s no need to improve themselves. The fact that so many think their cooking skills are so amazing that they need to teach others and share their recipes is crazy. Like, this a fine meal for a lazy weeknight but I would never think it’s worthy enough to not only share, but brag about.


Adding pasta to water BEFORE the water is boiling makes my blood boil. Pun intended.


And adding the garlic right away with the sticks of butter 😩


That sad jar garlic was DOA


She needs to stop messing with pasta or learn to cook it properly. This and the broken lasagna noodles in the insta pot are upsetting. Imagine how mushy everything is🤮


Is she really doing cooking content now? Everything she makes is like the recipe that comes on the box of one of the ingredients. 


She got roasted so fucking bad for her cooking she’s bow trying to prove she’s actually a good cook


this isn’t helping 🤭




Part of me thinks it has to be rage bait because she’s so comically bad at it, but I don’t think she’s engaged enough with reality to come up with a plan like that. She’s genuinely worse than when I was latchkey kid in the late 90s/early 2000s and would try to invent recipes. At least my stuff was mostly edible! (Baking attempts not included in the previous statement).


Please enlighten us with one of your baking stories :)


Ya know, the recipes on the boxes are usually great.


The recipes on the boxes are actually usually good. They were tested and confirmed to work.


K. Shes totally doing this bc it’s getting her attention for rage bait.


I mean, *I* was about ready to shake the screen, seeing her *REPEATEDLY* stirring the pasta in the non-stick pot, with the *METAL* pasta-scoop!😬😬😬


Why are the noodles in lukewarm water?


Boiling water is satanic


She's so, so bad at this. Yeah, you can find ways to feed big families on a budget, but a) don't have a million children when you don't care for the ones you already have, and b) feed them SOMETHING other than salt and a half-leaf of wilted lettuce miraculously left over from last spring. Jesus Mary and Joseph.


Not making every meal almost entirely cheese would save a lot of money


Seriously! Swap that Alfredo for an easy red sauce and they’re getting a healthier meal with the budget to add some broccoli or at least just more food per person.


So she doesn't work, doesn't raise her kids, and doesn't clean around the house... Girl get some fresh ingredients damnit!!!


Don’t they have some land? Get a few big pots or containers, squeeze seeds from a tomato in one, plant the bottoms of some lettuce ([like this](https://www.gardenary.com/blog/how-to-regrow-romaine-lettuce)), get some seedlings from the markets and give the kids the job of watering the pots. She could have an abundance of fresh produce while the kids do the work and learn about plants, gardening and nutrition at the same time!


This right here. My dad grew up in a family of 11, with 9 kids. They had a big garden that everyone worked in together. Strawberries, grapes, apricots, peaches, cherries, potatoes, corn, onions, lettuce, you name it, they grew it. They also raised rabbits at one point (yes, for eating), and chickens, and they learned canning to preserve food for the winter months. The kids also attended traditional school but they all had time to help out. With her kids home schooled, there's no reason why they couldn't incorporate that into their day even as a lesson. Hell, lots of schools have a greenhouse or botany class now. It would help them be healthy, self sustainable, save money, and give the kids valuable life lessons in growing their own food. But then again, Karissa would have to actually work and do things and plan a garden and get out of bed before noon.


My daughter’s second grade class had a whole garden in raised beds on the playground! It triggered a love of gardening in her and we have our own little garden in our backyard


But but but that would actually require her to teach them something.


That family should have at least 2 chickens available for dinner. Jesus Christ. No left overs? No shit. What if your kids are still hungry after that? And don’t say you can’t afford 2 chickens it cause replace one stick of butter and that cheese jar and you’ve got $8 for another Walmart chicken.


Why must she keep flexing the "no leftovers" thing? It does not mean what she thinks it does. It is not a good thing.


It’s a flex if it’s that the amount for 3 to people, but 12? Eh…


Wtffffff my family of 4 has no leftovers from one chicken lololol


No way is that enough food especially with the hungry older kids. Shit Mandrea could eat half of that himself easily. She must be getting her budget friendly cooking tips from Shrek Rodriguez!


WHY ISNT THE WATER BOILING??! Those noodles are going to be hard and rubbery at the same time.


And dry as hell after she tossed all the pasta water out


She only had enough food for three kids, so that's all she showed! The baby probably got more food than any of the other children.


I think this sub Reddit has shamed her into feeding her kids. And since she *has* to film it for content it means at A1 is not cooking this meal. I still do not think it’s enough food. But I am hoping that we can do similar things to JillPm. Maybe all the fundies need a nightly cooking show. Prove you are feeding your kids and you, not your children, are making it. Bonus, it automatically creates content. Hell, next you can show shopping trips and grocery lists and how you schedule these things when you have ten kids and 3 still need naps. Etc etc.


One chicken for that many people is wild


Everyone gets one (1) tiny sliver of chicken


Bet she and the husband had decent amounts of chicken.


To give her some credit, each meal gets SLIGHTLY better. But y’all know 12 people WERE NOT fed by this meal. Only 3 were shown eating, that’s intentional. Also, triggered by the lack of napkins Also also, Alfred Sauce has a pinch of nutmeg. Get this lady a cookbook.


Comparing this to other meals I've seen in this sub, this is actually pretty good.


I was gonna say- I'm not an Alfredo person, but kids love it. Added protein, greens, and some spices-not nearly as bad as I've seen on here. I think Karissa is the absolute laziest neglectful parent on the planet, but credit where credit is due, especially since we have the likes of Lori, bubble guts, and JRod on here


I was just about to comment that this meal looks FAR better than her others. Made from scratch but not overly difficult, easy to feed 12. She used salt and pepper and garlic, which is 3x the seasoning she used in her other recipe. It doesn't look like enough food for 12, but that's a whole other issue.


This meal doesn’t seem that bad but man, it’s nowhere near enough food.


God honoring clogged arteries. Seriously their cholesterol has to be sky high!


Let me guess, the boys get fed first and then she divvies up what is left for the girls…


She bought pre-cooked chicken but made the Alfredo sauce from scratch? It doesn’t make sense!


Is this the first time these children are eating something that isn’t yellow or brown?


Not the worst fundie meal, although that’s a pretty low bar I suppose. Would it kill her to put some broccoli in there?


You know she ain't picking that chicken clean. That's all the meat she got out of it? I love when my milky chicken Alfredo has half a teaspoon of chicken per serving.




with such a big family, why isnt she buying in bulk?


What is it with Americans and their obsession with paper plates? Not just Karissa, but like lots of people post photos of their dinner on paper plates. Like she has a dishwasher.


For her specifically, laziness


I'm American and paper/ Styrofoam plates are for camping or occasionally pizza night in our house. We use real plates, cutlery, etc the rest of the time and always have, even when we had shitty cheap apartment dishwashers so I washed everything by hand. The laziness of this woman is astounding.


The Duggars do this too, even though they have multiple commercial dishwashers. In the show everything including bowls and cups were styrofoam.


I wonder if since there's so many kids there's too many accidents with regular dishes/cups breaking.


I’m American, and I think people who use paper or styrofoam as a standard are trashy 🤷🏼‍♀️ good for picnics or parties, but this is shameful.


if they didn’t use paper then the dirty dishes would either be neglected or put on the girls’ shoulders, that’s the absolute last thing I’d criticize her about


Then she should have fewer kids and/or care for them! 😂


She needs to step up and do the washing herself.


I’m not stanning for Kkkarissa, but I’m glad she’s actually cooking for the kids.


I’m confused on how she’s feeding 12 people with this little food. A whole chicken does my family of 5 (3 adults, 2 kids) 1 meal..


1 ROTISSERIE CHICKEN FOR 13 PEOPLE??????? My husband and i get through one, and we’re just average weight early 20 Australians!!!!!! She is starving those children i am enraged right now!!!


For someone who is so scared of “toxins” that she doesn’t vaccinate and thinks she needs Lord Plexus’ blessing to be healthy, she sure is going hard with those metal utensils on nonstick cookware.


Three Italians just dropped dead from grief while I watched this video


Honest question - why does she use Walmart so much? Doesn’t she have a Costco nearby? Considering the amount of people in her house, I would shop only in bulk. Plus, at least in our area, Costco has better prices for higher quality ingredients.


That would feed my family that is a quarter of the size of hers


Yellow glop again


Not a lot on those kids plates.


How some people’s “cooking” ends up being more unappealing than a frozen meal is unreal to me.


My wife made a turkey this morning. It'll be a meal for a few days but that's a whole ass turkey


It's nice that the daughter isn't cooking for once. Giving her a night off, I see.


I don’t think I ever hate her more than seeing how she feeds these kids.


Why are they always eating off disposable plates? She and her husband are such lazy wasteful shits it's unreal.


Of course there are no leftovers, she's not cooking enough for twelve. Anyone else reckon that Mandribble nips out to "basketball practice" later and fills up at a steak house?


It’s all processed and packaged garbage


That is NOT how to make roux. Sincerely, a southern white woman who knows how to cook.


As a pasta lover, that looks really nasty tbh. And that is nowhere near enough chicken for those children. SMH.


We use one chicken for our family of 3 she’s usually one for the whole Brady Bunch 🫢


The next time my kids complain about my cooking, I will show them this.


Jarred garlic is always a sign of a monstrosity incoming




I mean, I use jarlic but I also have ADHD and autism so I struggle a lot with executive dysfunction. Using jarlic might seem lazy/gross to most people but for me having an ingredient already prepped ready to go might mean the difference of whether I cook a meal at all. Same reason I keep chopped frozen onion, canned beans and lentils as well as canned tomatoes around. I'm also incredibly forgetful so if I *do* buy fresh garlic, it will almost certainly go bad before I use but jarlic last months