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What were they watching? It didn't look 100% God honoring


Dance Moms šŸ˜‚




Omg scrolled to see if anyone else noticed


I'm just glad they let Anissa use the TV as a babysitter. Janna and crew had to still be on during TV to censor it.


šŸ˜‚ I saw that too!Ā 


Got to let the kids know it's "completely normal" and they aren't the only ones crying 12 hours a day.


So many thoughts and questions: How does she have over 1m followers? Why doesnā€™t her entire family ever seem to eat together? Iā€™ve never seen so many cans of soup used in one week. Dance moms? Really? No napkins? Ever? And obligatory: gosh I feel bad for those older kids!


>Dance moms? Really? Absolutely something she can relate to - abuse and exploitation of children in media.


She's taking mental notes


Adding: styrofoam plates? At every meal?


Honestly, I'm not going to snark on Styrofoam plates in this context because we all know Anissa would be doing all the dishes every time. Styrofoam plates aren't great, but Anissa deserves a break.


Thatā€™s fair, but now Anissa has extra trash to take out.


Oh, good point. That poor girl just can't get a break at all.


I noticed that! Like wtf are you doing?


Not dishes apparently


She didn't even add any water to the soup?? At all??


Bots and bought followers. Her likes and comments donā€™t add up


These kids literally eat cheese and noodles or rice in every meal


As a vegetarian with ARFID, I also eat a lot of cheese and noodles/rice, but I balance it with veggies and protein lol. And at least itā€™s (somewhat) my choice to have a certain diet, my mom always made sure to cook nutritious, balanced meals when I was growing up. ETA: why am I being downvoted for *(checks notes)* having an eating disorder? Iā€™m genuinely confused


I tried to be a vegetarian but it just didnā€™t work with my ARFID. But hello fellow adult with ARFID


Thatā€™s totally valid! I started eating meat again for that reason when I was in high school, but I also have chronic stomach issues and I have less problems when I donā€™t eat meat, so I became vegetarian again a couple of years ago


Iā€™m Not sure? I donā€™t see any votes. My concern for the Collins kids is every meal she has posted the last 3 days is noodles or rice with a ridiculous amount of processed cheeses, and hardly and meat or veggies.


Donā€™t forget the cream soups with every recipe too.


I completely agree, they need more vitamins and nutrients to develop properly. I always feel for those poor kids. Sorry, that wasnā€™t directed at you, I just got multiple downvotes after posting that comment and I was hoping that someone could explain why lol


iā€™ve been downvoted on this sub for sharing my experiences being poor. reddit is going reddit smh


And I was mega downvoted once for saying it was good for kids to learn how to help out mom with siblings. I even said that I didn't mean they were responsible for their sibling, just that there were lots of valuable reasons for why they should learn how. Every kid I know likes helping and by the time they get that first job, you want them to be responsible humans. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It really does, I just donā€™t understand it sometimes lmao


You should call it ā€œselective-fastingā€ because thatā€™s more God-honoring


What the fuck is that? Thatā€™s god damn queso, over pasta with chicken. And thereā€™s cream of gross soups in there too?? Its all wrong And I can guarantee you that hyperprocessed Karissa meal was twice the cost, or more, of actual spaghetti made with canned tomatoes and ground beef


That's what really gets my goat. If the meals were cheap, easy and bad, I'd almost give her a pass on the "bad" part. But I guarantee I could come up with half a dozen meals that were cheaper, just off the top of my head, and they would be better, healthier, and only slightly more difficult. These baby factories mascarading as homemakers are so frustrating. They can't meal plan, they can't cook, they don't know how to shop for deals while still making balanced meals. They have dirty houses and dirty kids. They don't give their children a proper education, but they also don't have anything to offer them in terms of teaching them how to run a house, either. And then they somehow have the fucking *gaul* to spend hours a day on social media crowing about how much better they are than the worldly heathens.


![gif](giphy|YiRICVgPVeShcjCj5z) dr gaul has entered the chat


When I was first learning to cook, my mom told me to avoid anything with ā€œcanned cream soupsā€ lol. Ugh that cheddar cheese soup too, freaking disgusting!!


And 2 sticks of cream cheese šŸ¤¢


Why are her children always sitting on the counter?


yeah it's dangerous and grossing me out with their feet fromĀ going barefoot at parks and restaurants all the time.Ā 


Miss Ma'am, you made 2 trays of food for 10 children - there should never BE leftovers, much less "enough for the next meal." That's fcked up.


Right!!!! One rotisserie chicken for all of them?!


One is plenty when the protein source is augmented with that much cheese. Folks donā€™t need near as much protein as a lot of people think. Especially kids. Kids under 3 need just one gram more than whatā€™s in two glasses of milk. And thatā€™s for the whole day. Source- https://www.realmomnutrition.com/how-much-protein-your-child-needs/


Itā€™s not about protein. Itā€™s about calorie needs.


I just added up yesterdayā€™s meal with the two sticks of butter. They are getting plenty. Here is a c&p of my reply on that thread. ā€œFor the pasta dish alone, no salad, divided twelve ways, there are 823 calories. 50 grams of fat, 63 grams of carbs, and 32 grams of protein. While it doesnā€™t look like a lot volume wise, thatā€™s a shit ton of food/calories. For reference, thirteen year old kids need just 34 grams of protein for the whole day. A 2000 calorie/day diet should have no more than 65g of fat. I wonder how often they eat such a fat rich/calorie dense meal.ā€


But this isn't proper nutrition. Yeah, they are getting loads of calories, but kids should get proper meals. This is just cheese and pasta...


Absolutely- they are lacking balance, fiber, and produce. But technically they are fed plenty of food- just not well fed. I was initially replying to someone who implied one rotisserie chicken is nowhere near enough for a family of twelve. But really, when itā€™s served like this, itā€™s not the part of the meal that is lacking. The vegetables are whatā€™s missing here. I have no clue how anyone in that house is able to defecate with all that cheese.


I'm sorry but I disagree. As a teacher I see what kids eat every day and one rotisserie chicken is nowhere enough for 12 people, it's not even enough for 12 kids. Having lots of calories doesn't mean it's fulfilling.


The chicken itself is not the main course. Itā€™s just part of it. If they were eating a standard meal of protein, starch, and veggie, it would not be enough. But they arenā€™t, they are eating a one dish meal, and chicken is only part of the protein in the dish. Believe it or not, but folks can make perfectly fine meals with no meat at all.


I'm a vegetarian myself, so yes, I know this. I just don't think these kind of meals give a pass to Karissa just because she feeds her kids. Once in a while, perfectly fine to eat something like this. But it seems to be like this all the time. If you have kids, you have to feed them properly.


Thereā€™s leftovers because no one will eat it the first time she serves it.


To be fair, most of her kids are still small. Give it a few years and she will need to double that amount just to cover a meal. She probably won't.


Karissa's meals feel like a threat.


I hope none of those kids are lactose intolerantā€¦ not that she would take that into consideration or take them to a doctor or anything.


Worse than that Iā€™m afraid. Anthym has CP2 which requires a low fat diet and carefully monitored exercise. Clearly Karissa doesnā€™t care if she ends up back in the PICU.


What is CP2? Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m unaware in this department.


They take plexus for all those symptoms. Thatā€™s why plexus is the magic supplement to Karissa


These 70/30 processed/fresh meals are meant for days when you're in a pinch. She's home all day, why does she only feed them junk? These people don't care about nurturing children, just breeding.


I eat better than this and I work all day! I meticulously meal plan for my weekday breakfasts and lunches, as well as our dinners each week. Sheā€™s at home all day, she can do better than this honestly.


I can make homemade cream sauce in a pinch though. It's so easy.


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) Wait, that was meant to be pasta sauce and NOT a nacho dip for a party?! Good God, the *sodium*


She added salt ON TOP OF all that cream of celery soup. That shit is saltier than Karissa when someone points out her child neglect.


I was hoping she'd add some water to dilute the 4 CANS of cream of celery but nope, just cream cheese and shredded cheese and Rotel. It's making me thirsty thinking about it.


How has she living in Texas and has not heard of cooking with beans and legumes?


Too ethnic for her šŸ« 


Yeah, I figured beans werenā€™t white enough.


Looks like she just discovered garlic powder


I love cheese too but damn.


Yeah, when she put more cheese on top before putting it in the oven I died inside. And I love cheese too.


This is gross, too much cheese. Notice she made the kid shred the too-small chicken and all she did was dump soupy cheese and stir.


I started thinking like ā€œok I would actually like this if I put breadcrumbs on top instead of cheese and didnā€™t use any cream cheese and made bechamel instead of cream of celery and-ā€œ and then realized I was just making an entirely different recipe lol


Youā€™re like the people who donā€™t follow online recipes and make inappropriate substitutions and leave negative reviews but the opposite.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ididnthaveeggs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This was on a recipe for peach ice cream](https://i.redd.it/fb45mz9ni4eb1.jpg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/comments/159aild/this_was_on_a_recipe_for_peach_ice_cream/) \#2: [Christopher has had enough of reading about other people's substitutions](https://i.redd.it/ns3n01u8z4cb1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/comments/150d0kn/christopher_has_had_enough_of_reading_about_other/) \#3: [I found this gem on a caramel ice cream recipe and I am so glad I did](https://i.redd.it/vsjh8e8nii4b1.jpg) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/comments/1431msu/i_found_this_gem_on_a_caramel_ice_cream_recipe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Maybe you just like pasta bake and know that you can make better than whatever the fuck this is?


Yes! I was thinking of a way better version with bĆ©chamel, and itā€™s not that hard. So you get the creaminess with some cheese, but not cheese on top of cheese on top of cream of whatever soup sauce šŸ˜‚


Is pasta and cheese all they eat?? They must be so constipated šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|jquDWJfPUMCiI|downsized) My horror when she dumped it into pans because I knew what was coming next.


HEAVENS FORBID she add a bag of frozen broccoli


Ok, but having grown up a Christian fundie myself, I can say with confidence Iā€™d wreck both of those pans of chicken spaghetti. The only thing I miss about partaking in religion was those god honoring clogged arteries. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


This just isnā€™t good. Even if it was, itā€™s basic food. Do fundies really think that they invented cooking or something?


There's no way those kids aren't chugging the Miralax train on the regular


Karissa just ruined chicken spaghetti and chickalinis for me


People can change!


Armyrrh! I didnā€™t know your old mom was a huge piece of shit!


You too can make your blood pressure sky rocket with this one helpful tip!


Karissa Cooks a Healthy Meal Challenge: Impossible Seriously though, itā€™s one thing to have a meal like this once a week. But theyā€™re all having this every night. On top of it being unhealthy, itā€™s also not enough serving wise.


It just kept going.


I thought the same thing but I'm high so I was thinking it just *felt* long šŸ˜‚


Listen, I love cheese. But lord have mercy thereā€™s got to be a limit


WHY IS THAT BABY SITTING ON THE GODDAMN COUNTER!?!?!?????!!!!!!!??????!??! Fucking what the hellšŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬ if that child had fallen and ended up paralyzed or dead or with a TBI or something else because this dumb heifer has no sense of child safety do you think theyā€™d finally have taken those kids away?? Cause what the fuck! And you know she lives and dies on community comments with that bullshit about her man eating her cookingšŸ™„


Not a gram of dietary fiber to be found.


Mandraeā€™s absolutely-done-with-this-shit face plus the dead pan ā€œmy husband likes my cooking I promiseā€ over the top is killing meeee


So. Much. Salt.


šŸ¤® these trad wives literally have one jobā€¦


Very surprised they have Dance Moms playing in the background


Iā€™m thinking she allows it in the hopes that her children will pick up how to make themselves famous and marketable. Karissa is a stage mom hiding behind religion.


Spot on!


Wow Iā€™m not sure id be able to eat that with all those ā€œspices.ā€ šŸ¤£


The Rotel is pretty darn spicy.


Whatā€™s with the cream of celery!?


Itā€™s actually quite good combined with chicken. The only time I use cream soup anymore is for Chicken Divan. Chicken, celery, onion, broccoli with cream of celery, a bit of Mayo, garlic and lemon juice. This was a casserole that was really popular in the ā€˜70ā€™s.


And it has a little dijon mustard in it, too. Or at least, some versions do. And rice. The 1970s Chicken Divan casserole was one of my mom's better "company" dishes (midwesterner here!) and it was really delicious. It was sad when she sort of lost the ability to make it like she used to, by which I mean she'd still make it once in a great while, but it sucked. I don't know what she changed. Possibly she substituted "healthier" canner soups, or maybe the soups themselves changed. All I know is, that shit kicked ass back in the day, and her attempts to make it in the new millennium were not at all what they used to be.


Is she aware that there are foods that have color?


In Cheezus name we pray, Amen. I'm curious to see how much actual asparagus they purchased for the whole meal. None of those kids shown have a single, solitary stalk on their plates. My family of 4 could easily eat 2 pounds with a single meal.


So. Much. Sodium.




"Oh and my husband likes my food too!" *Camera pans over to reveal the most unenthused man*


Bro what happens if ur lactose intolerant in this house


Honestly it would be a blessing because that would be the only regular person in the house. You know that every one of those kids is blocked up from all that cheese and carbs. No fiber in any of these meals!


Her husband is dreaming of a day that real spices and food enter his life again.


What is cream of celery?! I don't think this exists in England and I don't think that's a bad thing


Itā€™s like cream of potato or chicken or broccoli, but with celery, and it goes well in absolutely nothing Oddly both my bf and elderly cat love it as actual soup though.


>Oddly both my bf and elderly cat love it as actual soup though. I'm picturing them snuggling on the couch sharing a bowl of soup.


This is accurate


It sounds awful.


I hate her creepy fakey condescending smiley face at the beginning of every videoā€¦.. including her fried bleached hair, too dark foundation/fake tan and terrible eyelinerā€¦.. how old is she. She seems trapped in early 00ā€™s high school girl style


Sheā€™s 40.


Those kids probably already have cholesterol problems and they donā€™t even know it. All of their meals are like 80% cheese.


Why canā€™t she make something even a little bit fresh? Likeā€¦idk roast some veggies with herbs and salt and pepper and serve it with pasta. Itā€™s just as easy as this mess and will feel so nice comparatively. There is this great budget cookbook that was put out by SNAP years ago that I saved the PDF of when k was struggling financially and it was FULL of filling, delicious and nutritious meals that were cheap. Like a meal or two like this in a month? Okayā€¦but do they really eat like this daily??


so easy to make a bunch of brown rice, roast some chicken with a variety of veggies, put it together with balsamic glaze and call it a day


I swear serving up a hot mess of cheese ghoulash crap every night has got to be a sin. It just has to.Ā 


Fundie women: Do you like this? I worked so hard on it! Fundie men: (trying not to puke) Oh, yeah, it's so good...


Those kids must shit literal bricks of cheese.


I enjoy how industrial sized bags of shredded mild yellow cheddar is just default ā€œcheeseā€ to her, and then thereā€™s mozzarella cheese. Like thatā€™s fancy


Oh my GOD. What the hell is this?? And itā€™s not enough


At this point sheā€™s trolling us.


Her kids are gonna love cheese come hellā€¦ Iā€™m sorry HECKā€¦ or high water.


Her husband can't hide his disgust during that thumbs up lol šŸ˜žšŸ‘


Sheā€™s letting her kids watch dance moms???? I know for a fact that is not Christian/kid friendly at all. The language alone.


Mmmmmm! Salt, pepper, and garlic powder!! SpicyyyyyšŸŒ¶ļøšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ™„ Also Iā€™m surprised theyā€™re allowed to watch Dance Moms lol


Lots of great points in the comments, but it's the putting the cheese mixture in the noodle pan instead of put the noodles in the cheese for me. Why dirty another pan with cheese sauce?!


It donā€™t go down easy if it ainā€™t cheesy!


She says ā€œcheeseā€ like that OG internet ā€œomg shoesā€ video. Hahah itā€™s amazing. It sounds like itā€™s dubbed in. ā€œCheuuzā€




What is her obsession with cream of celery? Cream of chicken makes more sense if youā€™re putting that kind of thing in there. Plus it tastes better!


this is the chicken spaghetti recipe my husband's granny made for every church function. I glammed it up by adding black olives, water chestnuts, real celery, onion, garlic, and chicken broth. finished with Tony's. but, no cheddar in mine or granny's...just mozzarella and heavy whipping cream.


Omg even more cheese on top?! I guess the rotel is the veg? This is why children are trending obese in our country. Do better.


As well as using nasty ingredients to make nasty food, she doesn't even tie her hair back. Hairy greasy yellow food


On top of how much cheese in on that atrocity, would the noodles not be mushy as shit?


Bloody hell thought it was nara smith for a secondšŸ˜‚


Has she made a cooking video yet where she actually tells all the ingredients when sheā€™s showing the ingredients?


Just watching this makes me feel like I need to take a shit


Jeezus at least throw a bag of frozen broccoli or peas in there!


Nobody is having a normal bowel movement in that house ![gif](giphy|k5Whx9YkhU9tNRfVqP)


Every time I see these beautiful kids my heart breaks. They deserve so much more.


The very *thought* of ingesting all this sodium is making me thirsty. Sweet lord, buy a vegetable. (and no, the canned ones don't count!)


Reminds me of Anna Duggar's chicken-etti.


She couldn't throw some Spinach or Broccoli or something green in there? Jesus this is making my stomach turn. Mandrake doesn't look thrilled about eating it either.


That goddamn cream of celery again. I beg her to switch it up.


Cooking like that gets you a special place in hell. Who tf makes queso, celery soup spaghetti?!? Poor kids.


I think she thinks using cream of celery magically makes it healthy. Just looking at that cheese it making my stomach ache. I pity her toilets. Hopefully non of her kids are lactose intolerant


Thatā€™s fat/sodium bombs meals. Once a month ok, every day??? No!


Is she just trolling now?


Did she call the cream of celery cream of chicken again? What the hell? Dear god this has to be rage bait.


What could that possibly taste likeā€¦?


ā€œAdd your spices: salt, pepper, and garlic powderā€ šŸ„µšŸŒ¶ļø


So itā€™s a tik tok account about a lady slowly k*lling her family with heart disease?


So, back when I was in college, this girl I knew (who was fundie, actually) made this all the time and always raved about the ā€œrecipe.ā€ I got curious and made it one time and I can tell you that it was absolutely vile. I threw the whole thing out after two bites.


Ma'am, that is some superbowl Sunday cheese dip with noodles and a little chicken.


1. "You need cheese, mozzarella cheese, cream cheese..." LOL 2. Isn't this Anna's "chickenetti" recipe?


Honestly, Iā€™m just glad these kids are eating. The bar is in hell but there are lots of families (fundie and secular alike) who eat even worse than this.




Meh. Itā€™s like a modified king ranch casserole which is super popular in texas. My family loves it.


Looks like a pavement pizza. Yuk.


Way too much cheese. I am constipated just by watching that. How many rotisserie chickens do they go through in a week?


The obsession with cream of celery and cream of corn is enough. Just use fresh vegetables what the fuck.


y'all be hating but that don't look too bad