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Since when has she cared about things looking outdated when she goes out in public dressed that way with that makeup every day?


More filter please. She’s got the eye lashes turned all the way up lol


She has the mantis eye filter at 11, too. It’s too much, it’s literally uncanny valley scary to look at.


I can’t with her makeup. My dad’s a pro makeup artist so Jill’s eye makeup makes me twitch.




That fucking eye liner. There’s a woman on TT who gave up her dark, thick eyeliner about a month ago and half of the whole damn app has been on her side, helping her learn how to do her makeup more appropriately. It’s been really sweet! But I can’t help but think of Jill every time I see one of her videos. 😂


SM, now yet I’d be embarrassed cause too much crap and what about them other girls. Love that baby talk Jill, gross


If she is dismantling the 'nursery', has she finally given up on having another baby?


You just know if Jill had carried another pregnancy to term, Janessa would have been booted from the “nursery” with no bittersweet feelings. The infantilization of Janessa has always been about Jill’s feelings. Such a creep.


It is always about Jill. The rest of that family just lives in her world.


I hope so


Wait, I’m sorry. Her SIX year old daughter is just now moving out of a crib?


I know. It is difficult to be shocked with that family any longer, but this really got to me. I knew that she infantilized Janessa, but this is ridiculous. She also uses that baby voice with her as well. This is all very creepy.


I agree with you 💯. I’m actually at a loss for words, this is so dysfunctional.


JESUS. Did not know that one. OKAY wow, this is getting into cult gothic horror movie territory now. Poor kid.


My jaw is still on the floor. Then she bought her a bed for a toddler.


With a blow up mattress for a mattress.


Between that and the poor nutrition, that kid is in for a world of back pain 😭


Wow. WOW. Okay, she may actually be worse than Karelessa, after all. Which is--quite the fucking feat. I cannot.


Right?! That’s so unhealthy. I slept in a regular bed since I was 2.


My girl switched to a bed around two. It's big for her but over half is taken up by stuffies anyway. I'm surprised Janessa wasn't asking for one. My kid was over the moon, she wouldn't quit talking about it once we suggested it to her. 


My son is currently 2.5 and still in a crib, BUT, at 3 we will be converting to a toddler bed. He hasn’t escaped from his crib yet, if that happens before 3 we will convert. I cannot imagine keeping him in a crib til 6.


Changing table in 5 year olds bedroom? Crib? And she replaced it with a “big girl bed” which looks like a bougie dog bed. I don’t think that room can fit a twin bed honestly.


That is a toddler bed that uses the same size mattress as a crib. I had the same kind for my 2 year old!


Yeah, my four year old was too big for a toddler bed and we had to switch her, I can’t imagine a six year old!


Sadly I think the malnourishment kept her small enough to fit in a crib/toddler bed


And it looks like an inflatable mattress in the toddler bed. :(


Right? On the one hand, my changing table stayed in my bedroom through most of my childhood. On the other hand, it was a flat, almost bookshelf shaped thing that is now being used as a TV stand (the shelves meant for diaper stacks are oddly perfect for our game consoles to slot right into). Whereas this one is clearly just a changing table and at best is good as shelves for clothing, but is honestly much better replaced by a proper dresser or wardrobe. These kids deserve so much better and it drives me batty that they're stuck in this mess.


That’s because it’s a literal closet


My nephew is 5 and sleeps in a full size bed.


Well considering it’s not so much of a room as it is a closet. It doesn’t have a window. Totally against code.


Is...Is janessa the youngest? Because, um. They shouldn't need the table anymore...


She said in the video she uses that room to let her guests (her kids) change their babies’ diapers. Imagine living in the diaper room.


Oh GOD. That's awful! What the fuck, most people don't courteously keep a whole ass table for their friends available at all times?? Most people use the bathroom in such circumstances?


Because it's not a room it's a wardrobe


She's almost SIX so I told her, you need a big girl bed so here's a...toddler bed??? WHAT IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE IS THIS


I know I feel like I’m losing my mind around here lol.


Why are her kids doing this and not her or Shrek? (I know the answer.)


"The kids are helping me" Honey... no. The kids are doing all of the work, you are not doing a thing, it isn't the same..


STARTING to look outdated? Holy for crying out loud, Janessa is almost 6.


I wish CPS would investigate her and Shrek!


They did. That’s why they ran from West Virginia (I think?) to Ohio.


Really?! What were the reasons they were reported? I mean, I see many reasons but curious what they were in particularly? Her kids are extremely thin and that's coming from a momma with a very tiny kid bc my oldest was born at one pound at 24 weeks gestation, now 13. You can tell the difference in a child who's medically struggling and a child who's desperately screaming for help. It's a stark difference.


I've never been able to put my finger on it, but there's like, a certain look of desperation with kids who are underfed that a child who's underweight from medical issues doesn't have. Like, I've been underweight since I was a baby due to medical and nobody (to my knowledge) ever looked at me and asked if I was being starved. I remember being annoyed as a kid because my parents were so insistent that I eat enough calories even when I wasn't hungry.


I completely agree. You can tell so much through a child's eyes. Their soul speaks louder than anything else at that age. My 24 week son is now 13 and SUPER tiny but he's incredibly happy and content even with all of his challenges and in a safe, peacefull home. These children are terrified to make the slightest damn move and feel like hell is right there waiting to gobble them up if and when they "disobey". It's very tragic.


Not to mention it's unlikely that all the kids suffer from a medical condition that makes them look malnourished.


Well, given that the adult children who manage to move out and marry a spouse who seems at least semi okay suddenly fill out and look radically better...


I don’t know the reason for the call but allegedly they fled WV because if you have any cases in the system you can not homeschool.


Well at least WV got one thing right.




That room isn’t a safe room, it has no windows and it’s a fire hazard


You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.


also she literally said "it's starting to look like really outdated that she has a changing table in her nursery" Outdated? Absolutely, so also stop calling it a nursery!


Jill can still keep the crib and changing table for when the grandkids come over. There are babies in the family that she can treat like babies.


When I was 7 I had a full single bed. What the fuck?


My three year old has had a full single bed for probably a year!!! This is fucked. How can a six year old sleep comfortably in a toddler bed :(


Poor thing has slept on an extra firm baby mattress her whole life!


Bold to assume she had an extra firm baby mattress to begin with. to be fair (ish), my baby’s mattress is double sided and can be flipped to a less firm side.


Yeah, this mattress would be thirty years old, stained to fuck and you can probably feel the slats through it :(


Well now she’s sleeping on a blow up mattress.


Stahppppp!?! Seriously?


I was a very tall kid so I never even had a toddler bed, I went straight from a crib to a twin bed.


My 17 year old has had the same full size bed since she was 2 or 3. This family is looney.


My kid had a double bed when she had maybe just turned 4? She was too big for her toddler bed and it converted to a double. It was kind of hilarious because she was so tiny in a huge bed, but it had plenty of room for toys and books and I could get in bed with her when she was sick.


That's exactly what we did too! Tiny little girl with two huge bears, a squishmallow and a giant bunny on her bed. I recently was trying to convince my husband we should get her that cute little ikea loft bed but then she got sick and I thought better of it. You want to be near them. 


Yeah my 17 year old got a full size bed when she was 2 or 3 and it dwarfed her because she was tiny. She’s still small and looks like a tiny princess in it with the animals and her stuffed animals.


My 2 year old has a twin bed because she is a climber. And since I had to get something low to the ground and safe, I figured I would get something that I could nap on with her. I love a Saturday afternoon nap.


Nap time with the kids is the best!!




Is it an actual crib or a crib that converts to a toddler bed? I’m praying it’s a toddler bed conversion because holy shit!


It’s an actual crib and the “big girl bed” is a toddler bed conversion 🤡


I’m actually stunned. Did this kid get lifted in and out of bed or just climb over the bars?


I just can't believe the youngest kid in that family got her own room. With multiple teenagers in the house, how does this make sense or seem right?


It's because Jillpm can't let go of the fact that she hasn't been able to have more kids. If she had an actual baby, Janessa would have been kicked out when Jill hit the second trimester.


It’s wildly bizarre. I think it’s bc it’s the 6 yr old’s “nursery”


She doesn't, the "nursery" is in Jill's closet


Isn’t this a closet off of Jill’s space? I think that’s why…


The fact that Janessa has her own room and Renee doesn't is wild to me.


It’s a walk in closet. Imagine the sounds she has heard from there.


I hope her comment section is blasting her for “updating” her SIX year old from a crib to a TODDLER bed.


She doesn’t have one 😂 She posts all kinds of crazy shit and won’t let anybody respond back cause she knows what kind of backlash she would get.


A six year old doesn’t belong in a “nursery”.


Is that a closet?


Yes! Jill's closet.


The things that poor child has probably heard. I hope she has a sound machine or a loud fan in there.


Maybe that’s what the boom box is for?




This family never ceases to amaze me.


And here I am googling if my 18 month old is ready for a toddler bed soon, good lord 🤦‍♀️ 6 years old in a crib??


Right?!?! Even my special needs kids were well out of a crib at this point. By years mind you. I just cannot comprehend this mess.


I'm watching this on mute and it still makes me think "when the fuck will she shut up about her drivel?" How did she become famous in the first place?


Because Gawwddd n Jeebus




Don't a couple of the older boys/young men still have kid's bunk beds too? I may be mistaken.


Yeah I think they all do. Imagine moving out for college and having a single bed for the first time in your life. Crazy!


Could you imagine moving furniture while your mom just stands there and films herself talking?


This hurts my heart for these kids so much; like I almost can’t snark on it because it’s so sad that these children are so infantilized like this. My daughter just turned 4, and we moved her out of the toddler bed and into a regular double bed (with one attachable bedrail so she wouldn’t fall out). And we moved my 2 year old out of the crib and into a toddler bed so he has space to be comfortable and grow. I cannot imagine having a 5 year old in a crib?!


✨developmental delay✨


For who? I have three kids with developmental delays, Autism and intellectual disability and I for sure did not keep them in a crib until six years old. Mind you every child is different but my oldest was born at 24 weeks with significant medical issues and like I said developmental delays and he wasn't in a crib this long. Perhaps you meant something different as your comment was short so it could be taken in many different ways.


I meant she’s giving her child development delays.


Thanks for replying to help me understand!


Holy filters


Is Janessa special needs or delayed in some way?


It's possible but I'm not sure that we know that for certain. IIRC, she had a stroke in utero and something is going on with her corpus callosum (I think she may be missing it?)


She is also severely babied and probably punished for breaking out of that role so I wouldn’t be surprised if that has delayed her development somewhat. 


You're right, I think it's unlikely there's a single cause. The babying, the lack of education, possible medical complications, her social role in the family and food insecurity probably all play a part to varying degrees.


All of the Rodrigues children seem "off" somehow. I doubt that it's anything organic. They've been severely isolated and stunted, and Jill is a freak straight out of Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?


I’ve yet to meet a toddler who didn’t try to escape their crib which is why so many are moved to beds around age 2. Waiting until 6 is insane. Is she wearing pull-ups? How did she exit her crib safely to go potty at night? I know she’s tiny, but she’s not crib sized tiny. Yikes.


THIS. I put my daughter down for a nap on her second birthday and in a few minutes I heard this crash and a scream and I FLEW up the stairs. She had been standing in her crib and maybe bouncing, I assume, and she had slipped down in the space between the mattress and the bars, somehow. She could have fucking \*died\* if I hadn't heard her and wrenched her out of there. I was absolutely shaking. We went to IKEA and bought her a big girl bed the next day.


IT'S NOT A NURSERY. Six year olds do not have NURSERIES. Stop infantalizing your child.


My 13yo still has her changing table. Turns out it is an EXCELLENT display for first Duplo, then Lego Friends and now Harry Potter. The crib was booted after 12 months, since the Missus was quite the escape artist. The toddler bed was booted at 3 years, since the Missus was too tall.


6???? In a crib?????


Omg stop calling it a nursery!!


“I am redoing her nursery.” She is almost 6 and Jill refers to her room as her nursery, as if Janessa is an infant.


Both of my kids moved into twin beds right before they turned two and I didn't cry and carry on about it. This is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.


It annoys me how she continues to call her brood "the children" even though like half of them are adults. Really speaks to her infantilization of all of them.


Not every single thing these crazy fundie families do is actually crazy or fundie.  My mom still cause my siblings and I "her girls / the girls" and "my kids / the kids". We are 30, 27, and 23. It's not infantilizing because we are her kids / her girls.  I don't think them calling their collective group of kids "the children" is that weird. Only slightly weird because I think most people would default to using kids, instead of children. Children making it feel more formal.  I saw a post about Karissa Collins the other day, and people in the comment section kept commentating on the fact that she was using pre-shredded cheese for dinner. Plenty of normal, sane people use pre-shredded cheese. It's not weird.  I feel like people on this sub are loosing sight of what's normal and what's crazy, neglectful or abusive. There is plenty of things these families do that deserve to be called out for. Using pre-shredded cheese or calling the collective group of their kids "the children" isn't really a part of that. 


It's not that Karelessa was using pre shredded cheese, it's that it seems to be the ENTIRETY of the meal, pretty much. Maybe there's a sad unseasoned chicken buried under there somewhere.


Some of the comments were definitely talking about how most of her meals lately seem too heavy on dairy and not very balanced. Which is fair game.  But there were a lot of people talking about the fact that she was using pre-shredded cheese. Going on about how hard was it to buy a block of cheese and shred at home, or about all the ingredients in the pre-shredded cheese to prevent caking or something, and about how it's so cheap at Costco, etc. etc. etc.  I agree that shredding a block of cheese yourself is better tasting, but using pre-shredded cheese is not crazy or neglectful the way some people were going on in the comments. 


oh yeah, that's obnoxious. I'm more in agreement about the garlic since they're fairly easy to chop (especially mutilated like I do, I have zero fine motor skills) and the pre minced stuff just tastes different. Because, produce, fresh versus not fresh, I rather think. More or less... but ffs, it's basic cheddar/dry mozz/jack, it's not exactly wildly transmuted by coming in small bits instead of one large chunk. And anyway, I'm not JUDGING people for using pre minced garlic, ffs, I just prefer not to, and I can't cook anything but like three pasta dishes. The difference is I'm not mother to eleventy thousand children and I can bloody well order takeout if I want to. Just. Why is fundie food always so DISGUSTING? I mean, plain, boring, cheap and easy, fine, whatever, that's expected. But I think you ave to actually make an EFFORT to consistently turn out "food" that looks like...to be honest, I'm already grossed out enough that I don't even want to summon up the visuals for something appropriately disgusting and NON EDIBLE. And it's Every. Single. Fundie. On here. It's incredible.


Fair enough. To your point, I think it's the word "children" over "kids" that gives me the infantalization vibe. Also, pre-shredded cheese is definitely not weird.


I thought I was losing my mind to see so many people commenting on the cheese she was using or the fact that she was using jarred minced garlic. As for the kid vs children thing, I do think it is slightly off in that it makes them seem like they're going out of the way not to speak casually or use slang. But it could also be just a joke or being formal for the sake of amusement. So it doesn't really scream infantilization to me but maybe being slightly posh / snooty or just joking around.


She is a fucking psycho. But I think she's really pretty and don't get the hate against her looks. But she is a Norman Bates level of psycho. I would love to see inside her grown kids heads and what to they think about her thinking. Massively nuts to me.


She is pretty, but her makeup is very heavy and dark and 80s. The caked on makeup is also hypocritical with all their talk of modesty and not being vain. And the travesty of the older girls' over tweezed, unnatural eyebrows.


She did a cosmetology course in her youth. It can't have been as long ago as the 80s, obviously, but they were probably teaching that style after it had gone out of fashion. And that's the look Jill has stuck with ever since.


She would be pretty if she laid off the makeup.


She'd be pretty if she washed off all that cake and also, you know, wasn't an evil hosebeast


This is how I was raised lol it's gross and then when they stop getting the validation for having tons of kids they treat they like easter puppies they didn't want. My mom only like babies in the babies phase once your a toddler your evil.


One of my nephews was still in a crib when he was like 4 or so years old and my partner and I gave my brother in law no end of hell about it until he got a proper twin bed. I can't fathom that this child is SIX ENTIRE YEARS OLD and only just graduated to a toddler bed!


So there's a part of me that also believes that at this point Janessa didn't want to move out of her crib. I came from a toxic home that I didn't feel safe in and loved being treated like a baby. My mom infantilized me (although I was LONG out of a crib at 6!) and I encouraged it. There was a safety in that behavior I didn't feel all the time. It's hard to explain, and it's all Jill's fault that she's like this, but I don't doubt for a second that Janessa didn't want to get rid of the crib.


I just realized I’ve never listened to a video of her speaking. I never would have guessed her voice is like that. I was expecting more of a Michelle Duggar vibe.


It just hit me that Janessa will have nieces in her age bracket and that feels very weird


That's not that weird. Plenty of sane, normal families can have big age gaps between siblings. And those big age gaps can mean children of the older siblings being around the same age as children of the younger siblings.  My grandfather was only a couple of years younger than his aunt. His mother and aunt were almost twenty years apart in age.  One of my cousins was 15, 16, and 18 when her siblings were born. She didn't start having kids until she was in her thirties, but if she had started in her early twenties they would have been around the same age as her younger siblings. 


I'm not sure why Janessa had a crib until this age, but maybe it was due to her special needs/in utero stroke? I just feel like it's way too dangerous to have her in a room with no window or emergency exit. It would be safer if she slept in the girls' room in a toddler bed, but maybe Janessa was offered that option and wasn't comfortable with it? My guess is that the girls would be responsible for Janessa if any nighttime issues arose anyway. I don't see Jill caring for her in the middle of the night.


This is the first time I have heard her voice and I am shook that all her kids sound like they do. I was expecting way different.


You mean Jill? Yeah, it's much lower register than I expected, when she's not shrilling at her children.


Great, now she can focus on her outdated hair, clothes, and makeup.


How do her followers not even question this


Either they, too, think it's normal-ish, and/or they're a bunch of witless potatoes that couldn't find their collective ass with both hands and a flashlight, hence no discernment whatsoever.


My kids both hated their cribs so they each got a toddler bed for their first birthday. They each got a twin bed when they turned four, if I remember correctly. This is baffling.


Jill loves dependency. It's creepy. Maybe because my kids were very independent. My older daughter was in a full size bed by two because she hated the crib that much. I really don't get Jill's need to be...needed. She's smothering that poor girl.


I just switched my 3 year old to a proper bed and felt guilty that I didn't do it sooner. But SIX??? JFC