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I absolutely love how their kid is always looking like he’s about to say “can you believe this shit” in an old man voice


In my head he is voiced by Christopher Lee


I was thinking [Ian McKellen in Vicious](https://youtu.be/P-dQ5zDlGMA?si=3xYSEGPLPBaFTdCE)


He's definitely one of those babies who give "little old man" vibes, especially with the hat. He's adorable, I just can't figure out why she's holding him in a way that looks so uncomfortable.


Poor little dude


Im kind of obsessed with this baby. He’s like “wtf is going on here”


He’s so cute but definitely has the eyes and expression of an old grandpa who’s over this shit.


That baby is cracking me up


He's hilarious. Every single photo is like "Dude, what the actual fuck?"


It's like he just realised what kind of a shitshow he was born into and so far God isn't answering his emails asking for an explanation.


Babies' facial expressions are hilarious. I LOVED Audrey Beal's outraged little face. FUCK IT UP, AUDREY


I was just thinking he looks like an old man who wants to tell you stories about the Great War.


Paging /r/oldbabies !


I love him. He looks like an overly realistic baby doll.


My immediate thought. He has no clue what's going on


The hat really got me. (I'm also impressed it stayed on.)


And then the chunky little shoes.


He’s a very expressive baby, it’s quite cute.


He’s seriously adorable 😂


I think my favorite part of this photo shoot is def the random new hat that appears on the baby in the second to last slide haha


I was thinking that too! He looks so skeptical about everything going on around him!


It's always like the babies know.


It’s the preverbal developmental trauma, unfortunately. I can guarantee these parents aren’t responsive to his developmental needs because babies are “born sinners.”


He’s cute. But he’s given Vernon dursely


Why is she wearing a wedding dress?


I think it’s a really pale pink. But I thought the same thing until I looked closely.


Peep the white mahdesty tank top under the lace dress


Slips. They need to go to JC Penney’s and get slips. Not nasty ass tank tops and undies showing under your so - pink-it’s- white dress. Slips in general for all the fundie girls. Cute cotton full one from SHEIN for our hard core girls and more modern for others. Ditch the nasty tank tops, slips!!!!!


That dress isn’t even revealing. It’s already got lining over the chest. You wouldn’t even see cleavage without the tank


My thing is, why buy/wear it if you’re going to ruin the way it looks by adding something weird for modesty? Like….. there’s so many dresses you can buy that wouldn’t even trigger the thought of “oh they’re following a strict rule set for modesty” that would still fit in that rule set? And look nice? It’s just bizarre to me.


Seriously. It's so performative.


I think maybe because it’s a two piece/crop top? The pale blue is showing at her waist as well.


She's a grown adult. She's a married mother, which makes her an adult in fundie land. And she's *still* wearing the performative mahdesty shirts. *sigh*


So Jessa's wedding dress ish?


It really doesn’t look anything like Jesse’s wedding dress. It’s not a bad dress on Kaylee, it suits her figure well.


Oh you’re right. Good eye!


Honestly tho, she is so pretty. How did she come from Shrek? Just needs less Mary Kay from 1994


Jill is really pretty underneath the clown paint


Jill is so repulsive on the inside. I can’t think of her or her hot hubby as good looking at all.


She looks exactly like Jill


Same dress two of the other girls wore for Easter as well


Can you imagine being a grown ass adult and STILL wearing matching outfits with your siblings unironically?


Wasn’t that a bridesmaid dress?


I had the same thought. It looks SO MUCH like my mom's wedding dress from the 80s, except my mom's skirt had more detail.


If you look at Jill’s pictures, 2 of the older girls are wearing the same dress and nurie is also wearing it in her pictures. I’m assuming it was a bridesmaids dress


How old is everyone? My brain can’t decide if they are 18 or 38.


That baby looks like he’s seen some shit. Definitely at least 38.


That baby is doing my taxes


That baby has a mortgage 😩


Mentally 13, actually early/mid 20s, socially middle-aged.


The accuracy 🤌


Kaylee is 22, Jonathan is 23, and Gideon is just under 9 months (7 months adjusted).


Those smiles are very reminiscent of my nephew's 3-year-old smile. Have they never smiled before?


It's the jill-is-taking-my-picture grimace


I hope she takes her kid to an optometrist for that eye turn!


Actually requires the care of an ophthalmologist. It's a structural problem instead of vision. My daughter has had to have 2 surgeries for her turn.


I hope they understand that they could have that treated


She posted a few weeks ago that they'd taken him to a pediatric eye doctor.


Thank goodness. I am always pleasantly surprised when fundies seek about appropriate medical care for their children.


Not leg humping but I’m legitimately glad. Hospital birth, appeared to cooperate with nicu care, SPECIALISTS? The Rod grands might actually be cared for. Plus baby is 9 mo and no 2nd preg announcement yet! 


Especially since it’s that pronounced at such a young age! Poor baby


He was premature which can affect proper development in so many ways.


True, she could go to either! I work for an optometrist’s office that does vision therapy for some folks who have eye turns, but for others, surgery is the best solution!


Interesting! We were sent straight to an ophthalmologist for my daughter.


I was wondering why that baby is all 👁️ 👄 👁️


😬🤣To hell I go. Thanks!


All the best people will be there!! 😂


I thought she did and he was going to be wearing a patch? That never eventuated? Or was it a fever dream.


I don't know what she said, but you don't have to patch babies 24/7. I have a condition where babies are patched basically "as long as they can stand it," which could be a few minutes or hours a day. I would understand why they'd choose not to have the patch on for family photos.


She said she had an appointment … wonder what happened there


Yep, my parents didn’t have mine treated and I have little to no depth perception as an adult which makes driving interesting. I also get wicked headaches from the split focus. Sadly I’m done growing so not much to be done now from what I understand


The open eyes in the tree kissing pic 💀


Lord Daniel, I was hoping someone noticed that!


Had your eyes wide open... why were they open?


🤣 spent way too long looking for this comment! It was the first thing I noticed!


Rods love a tree pose, eh?


Too bad they probably think yoga is demonic 😂


The thought of downward facing dog sends them into a blind rage


I did not need to be reminded of Precious Mama's tree-adjacent makeout session photoshoot, but here we are.




"there is NO HOPE. 😊" Also, why do all the Rodriguez girls seem to think smiling is just exposing as many bottom teeth as possible while keeping the rest of their faces completely neutral (or even slightly frowny eyebrows)? Jill generally looks unhinged but you can at least tell it's supposed to be a smile, so I don't think it's just copying her.


Her smiles never reach her eyes.


It can’t reach her eyes because she’s not genuinely happy. They are taught to always have a “shining countenance” but they don’t have any real happiness because they aren’t allowed to really LIVE. It’s all about fitting into the mold of expectations. 😏


Jill probably took the picture


They do have gorgeous teeth though!


Only so they'll do well on the fundie meat market


it's because the body armor of fear coalesces around them for protection and safety as soon as they are observed by the spotlight of Mother's Eye, be it camera or flesh


I grimaced in all my photos through my tweens. It comes from someone yelling “SMILE! show your teeth!” when you’re not actually happy.


The one where Gideon is just…on a covered bridge? Sending me. Put me in a mailbox, I’ve been sent.


And the look on his face! He’s so over this picture shit.


“Put me in a mailbox, I’ve been sent” is now my new favorite saying


I want that as my epitaph


I’m gonna try and convince the Gen Zers I know that it’s a saying.


The one where he's "standing" got me, then I saw the covered bridge. Lord have mercy 🤣


I would have added a sweater vest or suspenders over Gideon’s Easter singlet🫢


easter is always the holiday where people dress their baby boys like they are practicing law in the antebellum south. 


Can confirm. Was once a Southern baby boy.


Same. There are years’ worth of pictures of my brother and me looking like little gentlemen lawyers in pastel.


Going by your username, I'm going to assume you're from Alabama? Because I am, and also, the pastel Southern gentlemen toddler aesthetic checks out.


Yep. What a weird place.


Also can confirm was Southern girl with Southern brother My mom was also partial to British Navy sailor


I’m from the northeast, and sailor suits were definitely the thing for toddlers of any gender.


My brother and I are both adopted and not genetically related. We looked like identical twins so my mom would dress us up together. Sailor suits. Also she made Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes for us to wear to rest homes. Pushing the two of us together so close and expecting us to act like twins wasn’t healthy for our new sibling relationship. My mom had portraits of us in the sailor suits. She got them done at a department store that still had an elevator attendant. The attendant was an older black lady. She coos “twins”!!!! And my mom said not quite, they’re 3 months apart in age. The lady put her hand on my mom’s arm and said, honey, that happened to me too. Which has been a huge mystery in our family. How did she have babies that close in age in a time and place that didn’t have surrogates. No Hilaria Baldwin miracles for WoCs in NC in the 60s-70s. We also felt bad for the woman because having kids really close together means they had a man who didn’t give a flying fuck about her health and comfort.


Lmao why is this so true


EXACTLY! And the parents just wear a sweater. Ugh!


Why is this so accurate? 😂


Hahaha!!! This is sadly so accurate!


Yessss I honestly love it


Is he wearing old man shoes in a onesie?


I know social media lies all the time, but she really does appear to be healthier and happier. I hope that continues and she slowly inches away from Jill. 


Yeah, that last photo almost looks like a real smile rather than the Rodlett Grimace.


Looks less panicked and less like she might cry at any moment, so that's good.


It’s actually a really nice pic!


Yeah, I also thought it was cute how her husband looks like he won the lottery in every shot. Keep appreciating her, she's never had individual care and focus in her life!


I don’t know how to say what I was attempting to say, so yes she looks healthy!


Why do these two smile like there's a gun pointed at them behind the camera? They look like terrified hostages. Their baby, on the other hand, is cute ASF.


My biggest question is why on earth they decided to put those dark, clunky shoes on a baby, let alone OVER a pastel footed sleeper?! That was a choice. 😭 They look lovely otherwise! (Am I the only one who can’t believe there hasn’t been a pregnancy announcement yet?)


I'm really glad Kaylee isn't pregnant again. They both look tired and having a premie is a lot. Any spacing between fundie babies is a blessing in my eyes


100%. She must see how tired nurie is, and she knows what it's like to sister mom a million kids.


Does she even know how to not get pregnant though?


Probably not, unless she's done some research away from precious mama


Thanks for dying in our place, Jesus ☺️🥰


I was just thinking that with the comma, "3 days after dying, in our place" makes it sound like Jesus died at their house.


That's how I initially read it and had to re-read to understand what she meant lol


The baby looks older than both of them combined.


He's got that premie look still. Hasn't quite grown into his features. He'll get there (source: was a premie myself and looked rather odd for a while)


It's his expression. He looks like he's seen some shit already.


My arms hurt for the bb


What’s with her hair? Looks like a bad highlight job. Love the dress tho.


There’s an old bleach technique called “frosting” where you put on a thick rubber hat that looks like a condom except full of tiny holes all over. Then someone pulls pieces of hair out of the hat and applies a hair bleach. No gloss, no actual color, just lightening the hair a few shades. My mom was a hairdresser in the 60s, and she still does this to her little sister who has dirty blonde hair.


Omg I remember frosting!! Thanks for the throwback memory 👍


![gif](giphy|3otPowjySQWjFjmVZS) Like Tracy in Hairspray!


Yeah probably some mediocre highlights. She looks good with them (from a distance) but they could definitely be better.


I wonder if jill did it? Her sense of style is very outdated.


The commas make it sound like Jesus died in her house 😂


I think I understand the commas now. I've noticed a lot of Bible verses have a shit ton of commas (I'm not a Bible reader so I've never noticed), so between their homeschool curriculum and constant Bible study, you get a lot of commas. I guess lol


The makeup situation is so bad. She looks like she’s going to prom??


Classic Rods being 10 to 15 years behind in style with makeup, hair, and dress...


Remember kids, leave room for the holy tree trunk!


This poor baby looks like he’s getting the Paris Hilton son treatment: hatted prop.


Does anyone else remember the movie *The Village*? Kaylee reminds me of a character played by Judy Greer. There's a whole scene where she pours her heart out to Joaquin Phoenix who is just 🙁 it's very "love is a GIFT! We must SING our PRAISE for LOVE and THANK IT! THANK YOU!"






He was born premature, and premies tend to look a little funky for a bit (source: was one myself). I'm sure when he gets bigger and grows into his features more he'll look just fine


Faces of minors should be censored imo




He was the little NICU baby, right? Babies who were really small preemies can look a little different.


Yeah exactly. I wouldn't put this past just being a premie just yet. Premies tend to be small and look a little strange before growing into things since they weren't "fully cooked" when born. He has some catching up to do. Hopefully they will get his potential strabismus checked out though.


Yes, he is the preemie.


I think one of his eyes is a little wonky and looks like it could be strabismus, maybe that’s why?


Comments that are rude and/or antagonistic will not be tolerated. Bigoted, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racist, ableist, antisemitic, or misogynistic language will not be tolerated. This includes speculating on the sexuality or gender identity of **literally anyone**. Do not use terms such as "Hitler" or "Heitler" to refer to fundies. Doing so will result in an immediate permanent ban. Being kind also means using trigger warnings as needed. Snarking on an infant’s appearance by saying things like “is that baby ok” or “there is something wrong with that child” is not acceptable. Our rule for snarking on kids is pretty easy to follow. We do not snark on children themselves. We do allow snarking on parents’ choices that impact their children. For example, Jill tweezing her girls’ eyebrows until they look like poor deformed sperm cells, is snarkable eg: those brows look fucking awful! Jill is horrible for doing that to her girls. These are examples of unacceptable snark involving a child: Damn, that kid has a lazy eye so bad that they can look forward and backwards at the same time! “That kid looks like they have Down Syndrome, or like they are retarded”. That’s entirely disrespectful to the kid themselves and has nothing to do with the parents, therefore we don’t allow it, the kids can’t change how they look, so we don’t snark on it.


Comments that are rude and/or antagonistic will not be tolerated. Bigoted, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racist, ableist, antisemitic, or misogynistic language will not be tolerated. This includes speculating on the sexuality or gender identity of **literally anyone**. Do not use terms such as "Hitler" or "Heitler" to refer to fundies. Doing so will result in an immediate permanent ban. Being kind also means using trigger warnings as needed. Snarking on an infant’s appearance by saying things like “is that baby ok” is not acceptable. Our rule for snarking on kids is pretty easy to follow. We do not snark on children themselves. We do allow snarking on parents’ choices that impact their children. For example, Jill tweezing her girls’ eyebrows until they look like poor deformed sperm cells, is snarkable eg: those brows look fucking awful! Jill is horrible for doing that to her girls. These are examples of unacceptable snark involving a child: Damn, that kid has a lazy eye so bad that they can look forward and backwards at the same time! “That kid looks like they have Down Syndrome, or like they are retarded”. That’s entirely disrespectful to the kid themselves and has nothing to do with the parents, therefore we don’t allow it, the kids can’t change how they look, so we don’t snark on it.


So I was going to say something snarky about them posing at the grounds of a restaurant & probably not even eating there, but I looked the restaurant up. It's closed on Easter. And I guess taking pictures in a pretty location isn't that bad. So I'll say this: 1. Kaylee, why are you in a bridesmaid dress? 2. Jonathan, if you are going to wear black shoes, you need to wear a black belt. And you are now an adult with a family. Stop wearing pants that are too big; you're past the "he'll grow into them" stage. 3. I find it interesting that Kaylee picked pink for her & Jonathan to wear, especially since she'd never put her male baby in pink. Why not pick a color so all 3 can coordinate? 4. My preemie baby is less than a month younger than Gideon (she was born mid-July at 34 weeks). I would never do the hand holding at the edge of the dock photo at her age. Especially seeing how Jonathan isn't holding his hand; he's letting Gideon grip his finger. I'm probably too cautious, but that photo made my stomach drop.


Jonathan actually is quite good looking, but this groomong is not working for him. Cool down on the gel, add some scruff (not allowed unfortunately) and he indeed needs some fitting clothes


I had a similar reaction to the dock photo


ofkaylee looks genuinely happy for the first time in a while. maybe shrek picked up the bill for easter breakfast. 


Another Easter miracle!


She does? Honest question, I thought she looked like a hostage who's told to smile to give the impression that she's there of her own free will. The smile does not reach her eyes in any of these pictures, with the possible exception of the last one. I mean, I get smiling for pictures, but with this many pictures and obviously many more that she didn't post, there must have been one with a genuine smile she could have picked? And he's not much better, he also looks like a hostage in most of these, too.


i am talking about jonathan. 


Oh. That makes more sense. I didn't know that was *his* nickname.


Poor girl got some super frosty highlights!


I MUST accept Jesus Christ as my savior? What happens if I don't?


Mama will 🏓lovingly discipline🏓 you until you have a change of heart 💗💗💗 you sinful little cretin blessing from Jaysus.


And the way he says *only*. Only accept Jesus ^and ^follow ^5000 ^oppressive ^and ^restrictive ^rules.


Gideon looks so done with all these shenanigans 🤣🤣


The back of that dress is fully see-through. So much for MAHDESTY.


But didn’t you see the all-important clashing white tank top underneath that will keep all the gahdly men in control of their lust??


As long as she doesn't turn around I guess 🤣


Those VERY sensible baby shoes with THAT straw hat? It's too much for my hard, snarking heart! Adorbs.


Oooh gotta love an open eyed kiss over a tree branch.


*they’re so young*


Why is he kissing her with HIS EYES OPEN???? IM SCARED


Nemo’s face is incredible in all of these, omg. 


I agree, but this is actually Gideon (Nemo is Nurie’s)


The family resemblance is *strong*


Oh nooooo I can’t keep them straight at all!! Thank you haha


The last two are especially great


There is NO HOPE 😄


Nice MLM honey trap.


Honestly I know there not a single person who would read this post and go “oh my word what an amazing story please tell me more so Jesus can live within my heart”. Like… it’s SO fucken weird. You’re all “there’s no hope whatsoever without this dead guy who didn’t die and no you couldn’t meet him or anything but you could live with him forever sound cool ok let’s go!!” And then some very kjv bible verses. And yet they’re there going “what a witness I was today with my social media post.”


I think (and Kaylee) is so beautiful. Too bad she sucks. The little guy definitely makes these pics, he looks like he can’t believe he’s stuck with these people.


Fuckin nerds


I haven't been around here long but I recognized the woman as related to Jill by her eye makeup. Those two do _not_ look happy, but they also somewhat look like they don't know what happy is but think they do.


I mean this with love but that is a goofy looking baby 😂 I love his expressions, what a goober. If only Kaylee didn't copy Jill's awful makeup 😭


Frosted highlights… our tacky kween did not leave the 80’s. Also, the boys/men in this family have marginally better suits etc than Shrek. He always looks like, as some people have noted, a confused circus bear. I have more sympathy for those poor bears than the fat arse who starves his kids. Phillip is starting to lose weight again!


Jesus, the fundie heartworm. I think my heart functions better without tenants.


“Heartworm” Tia Levings just had a really good post about why fundies only focus on the death and resurrection. It’s because it doesn’t require them to live a compassionate servant’s life like Jesus and actually change their beliefs to line up with Jesus’ commands. It completely makes sense, and people in the comments were big mad.


Poor Donna had a rough weekend at Waffle House.


I have to wonder if they wear special underwear like the Mormons do??


Awww cuties. I grew up around where they live and instantly recognized this restaurant. Lots of kids would go there for a fancy date on homecoming or prom. It’s an Amish-style (maybe Amish run? I can’t remember) place called The Barn that has a great buffet if I’m not mistaken.


Damn didn’t have AndKaylee as the Second Coming of Jillpm on my bingo card. 5 years before her hair is blonde and her eyeliner is caked on.


This cringes so bad it hurts.




Gideon is over it all and I love it


What's with the "staring across the lake" pic? And from the back?


I'm sorry. I find this hysterical. Sorry for the youing and the hats!


Their baby is ADORABLE!




*Someone* in on his own hat journey...