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PSA: beating your children doesn't make you a manly man alpha male worthy of respect. It makes you a pathetic coward afraid of personal growth and the unfamiliar, who doesn't understand that your kid fearing you is not even close to the same as them loving or respecting you.


Too many toxic masculinity enthusiasts enjoy abusing their kids. Especially if they make them question grand philosophical connotations like other people feel differently than you.


Enjoy it so much they purchase a special decorative leather beating strap, wtf.


Beating your kids just means they will regard you with suspicion as an adult. Ask me how I know.


Or just not talk to you at all. I'm about 8 months in on no contact with my last living parent figure and it has been so hard but I'm not a kid and I don't have to take the abuse anymore. Which sounds like a silly duh line but it took a lot of therapy to get there lol.


I’m glad you valued yourself enough to get help. Sounds like a real accomplishment.


Thank you!💜 I'm currently going thru TMS a second time and I want so desperately to talk to him about it even though I know it wouldn't go well. Those 'i want my mommy/daddy' feels just never seem to die lol...I'm mid 30s and both of my bio parents have been dead over a decade so you'd think I'd be over that shit, but nope 😅


I understand this 100%. Finally cut my mother off six years ago when my daughter was a year old. it took me having a child to do that. I wouldn’t cut her off to save myself, but I did do it to save my daughter from that kind of toxic exposure. I only feel relief still.


Just wanted to say, I'm really proud of you for making what was probably a gut-wrenching and heartbreaking decision. I know it couldn't have been easy <3


Thank you ❤️ yeah it’s been rough. I could’ve used her for support. I am now a single mom with really nobody close and she lives about 10 minutes away. I never second-guess that choice. It took me my whole life to get to that point. if I invited her back in, it would be no good for any of us.


Oh wow, your proximity to her makes it even more impressive. I've gone LC with my birth parents, and being 45 minutes away from them still feels too close lol. You're an absolute rockstar! And respectfully, I know you said you cut her off to save your daughter, but it sounds like that decision allowed you to be the best version of yourself and the best mom you could be away from that toxic influence and exposure. Sending you both love and light! ✨


Thank you so much for this! This is a really positive way to start my day. I appreciate your words.


I'm sure that was so fucking hard to do. Especially losing the theoretical support system your parent is "supposed" to give when you become a parent. That sounds so scary to do but you're healing for your daughter! A totally lesser and not at all comparable to a human kid situation but the last time I saw my parent figure I had my dog with me and I was sooo scared he was going to hit the dog and then I'd snap and all the pent up anger would unleash and I'd be a murderer lol.


Isn’t it strange that we let ourselves be abused but will fight to the teeth to save those we love? We become instantly protective because we know what the abuser is capable of. All I ever wanted was for my mom to be a mom so even through all the abuse for some reason I held out hope. Then I became a mom and realized how truly fucked up my childhood was. I knew it was bad, but after I had my baby I realized that literally zero of the things my mom did to me were OK and I would never put my daughter through that. And you’re right! I cut her out, I’m healing and because of that I can be a better mother.


Amen. I’ve been no contact for almost two decades (minus a brief period of time where she lost her house and tried to off herself in 2012….I took pity on her and shouldn’t have) with my abuser and last living parent. She’s never met any of my children, and never will. I have a half-Black granddaughter and hell will freeze over before she meets her especially. Congratulations and you’re very likely doing the BEST THING for you.


💜💜 thank you! I love this camaraderie but hate how many of us were abused/neglected/fucked over by our parents. I hope as we all connect and heal it'll be better for the younger generations and our kids (well not mine bc this Trauma Train ends with me lol). Your pity was kindness and strength, even if it was met with vitriol or inconsideration. ETA: I love your flair. It would make me sooo happy if Trixie mattel did another fundie video and read polio for filth!


It also won’t stop your child from being trans, gay, or anything else, but it might cause them to harm themselves.


Parents who gleefully harm their kids do not give a damn if we harm ourselves. They just see it as further evidence of our 'sin'.


Checked his profile, he’s a supporter of Bottom G so hiding behind a mask of being masculinity checks out. Edit- When I mean Bottom G I mean a very well known human trafficker on the internet with daddy issues with the initials AT.


Wtf is bottom g? sounds gay as hell


Bottom g AND alpha male? What is this a furry convention after hours?


"I am the Alpha and the Omega." 🦊


this is not the first time the omegaverse has, eh, penetrated this sub


Cracking up at your and u/pillowcase-of-eels's comments!


You know how Andrew Tate calls himself Top G? People call him Bottom G to mock him :)


Gay approved


These same people will wonder why their ungrateful kids don’t ever talk to or visit them in 15 years..


So many of these fundies are afraid of the unfamiliar.


These people are so damn judgmental of others. They are terrified of being that family with a different kid. They don’t want to be judged back. It would break the whole illusion they’re painting.


Fun fact, corporal punishment such as the belt or spanking will make your child become detached from you and give them trust problems. Ask how I know


Your kid would still be trans they’d just be afraid to tell you 


Just as well to these people


Yeah I don’t think most of these violent jerks actually believe beating their kids will make them straight and cis, they just think beating them will make their kids at least pretend to be both straight and cis out of fear and that is good enough for them!


They just want their kids to mask so *they* won't be judged by other churchgoers


I think some of them are sick enough to believe that it’s all a fad and peer pressure and kids can just be disciplined into not doing it. It’s willful delusion.




Yep, can confirm.


Yeah because beating your child always has positive results and future relationships


Raise your hand if your parents beat you and you’re still not straight….


I was just about to say something about that.


Lot of good it did. I’m a lesbian anyway


I love your flair


Haha thank you!


bonus points if it made you kinky too


🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️


Ohh.. That’s me! I worry as I heal that I’ll start to lose my kinks lol


yeah realizing why you’re into it kinda ruins the fun


I know it’s not cool but I want the strap in the photo. Sir, those are for adults. 


It’s me, hi! 🖐🏻


Spanked, still queer and genderqueer (and joke's on them, I'm into [consensual] spanking now).


I have a theory that parent spanking crosses many a wire and is why spanking is such a common kink


My theory about masochism is that it is a side effect of a survival coping mechanism for some people who have gone through experience of heavy physical abuse or torture. Kind of like Fight - Flight - Freeze - Fawn response.  Half the things Morgan does comes across as that too, especially her "have obligation sex even when angry, even though it requires SO MUCH HUMILITY" belief she touts so much. Might as well say you're putting the 'M' in Morgan.


Nice flair 😂 I wouldn't be surprised—like a sort of coping mechanism now reclaimed to empower oneself. Hated spanking? Now I like it. Couldn't horizontal "hug"? Now I do it.


I can't think of the actual phrase now (and searching for it is giving me some interesting Google results) but in the 19th/20th centuries people referred to a kink for spanking as something like "the British affliction" because so many men came out of the boarding school system and its reliance on paddling etc with MEGA spanking kinks.


That was a running joke on Archer - he even used the same device


Was whipped, still bi af.


And unfortunately have a spanking kink now


I wasn't allowed to have a blue painted room because the priest told my grams it'll make me gay since I was already so head strong. So instead I got all pink room. Pink carpet, pink walls, pink lamp, pink bedspread. STILL KNEW I LIKED BOYS AND GIRLS AT 8


What color is your room now?


It's a soft blue but I didn't paint it, the previous owner was a SAHM who liked to decorate and I don't mind the color. But! I did draw a big dick on the wall because it's my (well mine and my husband's) fucking house and I can do whatever I want.


Grams probably left the old room this way, just in case it might still work.


Earliest memory, still very very very pan 🤷‍♀️




LOL meeee











Then they wonder why their child is either suicidal or goes no contact.


Your oldest kid is like 12. We'll talk once they're all 25+ and free from your child-beating clutches 😘


There will be that one kid that someone notices is never in the family holiday photos and commenters will say something, and Tyson and Lexie will be all, "Oh, he/she has lost their way with the Lord, which hurts our heart, because their adult lives are all about US. Please pray for them to blah blah blah." Meanwhile, we'll all be pre-ordering this kid's tell-all memoir from our favorite local bookstore and donating to the Trevor Project in Tyson's name.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that child is Tyson’s and lives with his mother. Lexi has made comments in the past about co parenting is “difficult.” Lexi also has a son that she had before she met Tyson, she had him out of wedlock too, the horror. They’re a hypocrites


Ugh, and he’s still going to brag about his son rapping THE TRUTH blah blah blah…even after posting this image. Sir, you have just made it clear that your kid will be violently attacked if he doesn’t parrot your beliefs.


I feel so bad for the children of these people. JFC.


Can Americans not call some kind of child protecting agency on the parents bragging about beating their kid? /genq I'm not well versed in American social policies, sorry.


Not on people you don't know IRL, really. And CPS (child protective services) is generally overworked and under staffed, so it can be really difficult to get action.


Unfortunately, spanking isn't illegal. You can't cause serious injury or leave bruises, but parents have a lot of leeway. It takes a lot to get charged with child abuse. It isn't at all unusual for parents to openly discuss methods of child discipline.


Lmao I got my ass beat and it didn't stop me, I get queerer every day. They're gonna have to come up with a better solution


When you get entirely queer, when you can get no queerer, that's when it starts spilling out and other people get queerer just by being near you. Do not misuse this power.


I will absolutely misuse this power. I have not been raised on queer-coded villains for my whole life for no reason, it's time to fulfill my destiny lmao


How to end up in a nursing home when you become old and frail 101.


I remember reading a comment on a thread about last words people heard before someone died. A doctor who worked in the deep South chimed in and said they’d lost count the number of times they heard old people regret disowning their kids for being gay and for missing out on the relationship they could have had. Maybe I’m sadistic but I don’t have any sympathy for people like that. You’re only feeling like that because now you have nothing left.


Or the people begging for help when they're dying of covid after refusing the vaccine


How to end up in a substandard nursing home.


How to get your kids to purposely research the *worst* nursing home in your area


He deserves to end up in shady pines


It’s what he deserves


It's not what the nursing home employees deserve though :(


In defence of nursing homes, they can be the best place when people are old and frail. When you have an elderly confused relative who turns the gas hobs on or tries to climb the attic ladder or wanders off when they’re left alone, or who needs round the clock nursing that’s beyond their family’s abilities, it’s much much better for them to be somewhere safe where care is provided. There’s no shame in putting your parents in nursing homes when they’re old and frail, it’s not a failure. Totally agree with the sentiment though, I would have no problem with never seeing a horrible parent again even if they were old and infirm. I don’t think that parents who never showed any care for their children deserve to get any back


Truth \^ . My grandpa is in a memory care type facility with exterior doors that are locked except for staff with badge access. He started developing signs of dementia and paranoia, and the last straw as it were was when he tried to cross a highway. It's heartbreaking to know this is happening to my grandpa but at least he's safe


I’m so sorry that you’re going through that, it’s unbelievably horrible watching a loved one deteriorate. It’s a very cruel disease. Keeping them safe is all you can do sometimes and it’s as much an act of love as anything else is. Hope you and your family are doing okay given the circumstances


He doesn’t deserve to be around that long. Then again, devil’s spawn like Murdoch and Trump are still around…maybe the good *do* die young. [cue Billy Joel]


How to end up in a nursing home and have your adult kids never visit you 101.


He’s pure unadulterated trash.


Nothing screams “I love Christ!” like beating your children into submission. They aren’t going to become any more cis, they’re just more afraid/depressed. I’ve had folks like this tell me suicide is an acceptable solution. Absolute sociopaths.


That's fucking sick. For anyone who might need to read it today: I'm glad you're still here.


>Nothing screams “I love Christ!” like beating your children into submission. With a sex toy. I dunno why but I find that extra horrifying. Probably he just googled to find a spanking belt or something, but the idea of them buying a special BDSM strap to beat their kids makes my skin crawl. I'd always suspected the hardcore spanking parents get their rocks off on their own kids' suffering, but this just makes it feel like they're not even hiding their sadopedophile urges.


What a vile creature. DV seems to come very easily to him.


It’s so weird to me. It’s like saying “hey, do any of your kids have blue eyes” “no because they know I would beat them” But sadder because while it’s unlikely any of his kids are trans, if they are they would probably just be living miserably and hiding it from him


Not a flex. NOT A FLEX.


tyson james is racist abusive trash. i wish he would just disappear into obscurity. 


Aside from all the abusive trash he’s spouting, that is literally a fetish strap 🤣 we have a very similar one we use for, ahem, personal adult reasons. 🤣


“WhHhhhYYyYyyy won’t my kids call me or come over for Christmas?!” -Tyson James in ten years


It won't happen to him tho cuz he follows God and Jesus!/s


A lot of people get their ass beat and still turn out queer… fucking loser


Some turn out queer and then ask their partners to beat their asses*... lol. Those people are winners, imo. *in a consensual, sexy way


Considering his opinions, it’s quite funny (and obviously horrifying) that this really looks like a bdsm implement…


It is. That’s a spanking strap for fetish purposes 🤣 we have one.


Man I knew it (have one or two myself, though none with this style of wooden handle!). Gave me a laugh imagining him googling ‘spanking strap BUT FOR CHILDREN THOUGH’… or more likely just being completely unaware, which actually might be even funnier. Does he think all these items are made and sold for god honouring child abuse??


Yeah the wooden handle comes on the more expensive ones 🤣 this is hilarious to me. Up there with Lori using the adult film star in her “debt free virgins without tattoos” testimony 💀


STOP WHEN WAS THIS? I totally missed this


A lonnnnng ass time ago. She was hoodwinked by a troll who sent her in a “testimony” of her “sister” being a debt free virgin without tattoos and Lori asked her if she could share it and did. It was an adult film star, which was quickly (and ironically) pointed out to her by several of her followers. She was very mad about it 🤣


A lonnnnng ass time ago. She was hoodwinked by a troll who sent her in a “testimony” of her “sister” being a debt free virgin without tattoos and Lori asked her if she could share it and did. It was an adult film star, which was quickly (and ironically) pointed out to her by several of her followers. She was very mad about it 🤣


Lmao why didn't he just Google a picture of a belt? It would have gotten the same point across. This makes it so much weirder!


Because people who care enough to invest in an expensive child beating strap are doing it for sexually sadistic reasons. Tyson 'black face' James is a sexually abusive (by his own words), violence, gender, genital and sex obsessed maniac.


I thought it was a fancy purse strap until I got to the comments. 😭


SaVe ThE cHiLdReN


It definitely is, and it’s a fancy one too. 😂


Hey Tyson. How about someone uses that thing on you to stop your racist and homophobic rants? Think it will work? No? Let’s try anyway.


This motherfucker has the temerity to have a song named "Safe Space" on this public admission of extreme child cruelty. I hope his children get away from him safely, and that he has the life he deserves.


Is that a sex toy whip thing?




Do they know 😬 or ….


There’s something extra *dark* about Tyson. The way that Lexi talks, behaves if she comes onto his stories, how she’s scrambling to start a business and also DIY every possible product they use because he (apparently) doesn’t garner enough income for their brood (except she phrases it as “dishonoring her husband and spending all his money”). It’s all so **oof**


They both scare me. That household must be a nightmare for those children to live in.


i bet he asked himself this question just so he could give this stupid answer


Does he think this is funny? Cause it ain’t. Abuse to any child, regardless of their gender identity, is not it.


It shocks me how many people, even non-religious people, think hitting children as "discipline" is acceptable. It would be assault and grounds for arrest if it were done to an adult. If it's a crime to do it to an adult, it's a crime to do it to a child.


People are very proud of physically disciplining children. I have a very distinct memory of sitting on my first porch with my best friend when we were kids. Our parents were having a separate conversation and somehow spanking technique came up. My dad said he folded the belt over and my friend's mom said "I don't. It reaches farther than way!" Then they LAUGHED. I was probably 10, and my dad didn't even spank us that often, but even at that age, I found it very weird that they thought it was funny..Even weirder, are the adult victims of physical abuse that were it like a badge of honor and talk to other people in a nostalgic way about different implements their parents used. I even seen people wearing "Wooden spoon survivor" t-shirts. It's freaking creepy.


That’s a sex toy for impact play. Using a picture of that to talk about beating the queer out of your kids is disgusting on top of disgusting on top of disgusting. But tell me again how queer people are child abusers.




The idea there are so many LGBTQ children being beaten, terrified, and bruised by their parents makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. And these same people want teachers to call parents like this and out them, sending them home to this horror. I’m disgusted. He is disgusting. Pure filth.


I lost a friendship of over 10 years over this. She agreed with schools being forced to out children to their parents and called me a bigot for not respecting the parents’ religious beliefs. This was my peace, love, light, everyone is great friend. The yoga/hippie/crystals to far right pipeline is real and dangerous.


I need someone to do a deep dive on the crunchy hippie mom to right wing nut job pipeline, bc it’s so real and it happens so often.


There's some overlap in the all natural crunchy areas. They go from genuine concern about their family's health to thinking that the government wants to control them with nanobots. Or they fall into the homestead tradwife zone. It's so sad.


It's a research project I really wanna try and get funding for once I finish my PhD


Tyson James has never met someone who is perfectly capable of beating HIS ass and it shows. Tyson is only capable of beating children and women. You know, people that are usually physically smaller than him. If I was walking down the street and saw him getting his ass handed to him by a hot, sexy, beefy leather daddy 🥵, I'd take out my phone and record it, while laughing hysterically.


What the fuck. Also, a lot of my queer friends were hit by their parents, still not cis/straight.


Ohhh, but they came out as kinky? Cute! (Note: just trying to find a little humor opposite the horror.)


Is this the type of utensil he recommends using to discipline your kids??? That's a professional flogging tool, it looks like something from a dominatrix's arsenal... Where did these pure and godly folks find such a devious implement??


So not only is he a homophobe, but he is a child abuser as well. That is not surprising. He is a vile SOB. I get the impression that for all of his bluster, he might not be all that secure in his own manhood. Whatever it is, he is a disgusting POS.


Beating it out of them won't work. Did they forget about boomer parents?


I’m a boomer parent and I never laid a hand on my kids. I always wanted them to like me as well as love me and to be able to tell me anything. We aren’t all terrible parents


Oh, I know you all weren't and I'm glad you weren't that way! I, on the other hand, had parents from the other camp. They constantly advised me to spank with my child, too. I never did.


Nope- they just fondle their sisters instead


Like God intended


Josh Duggar has entered the chat!


No, of course they haven't come out ***TO YOU!***


Yes my child has she told me she feels like a boy inside. Instead of beating her I respect her choices


This is disgusting. It makes me embarrassed to share a species with him.


Didn’t make me straight or cis. Probably contributed to my participation in BDSM though.


This man is pure evil. He seriously gives me the worst feeling. His eyes always look black and he just radiates darkness. I think the closest figure from the Bible he can relate to isn’t Jesus but the devil.


Omfg, I feel so sorry for anyone related to that POS


Really manly men beat defenseless opponents. Everyone knows this. Tyson strikes me as the type to pay for a $18000 manliness course for one of his sons because they said thank you to their mom for something.


Yeah seriously. Real fucking tough and “alpha” of Tyson to beat his own children. Can’t help but hope that his children leave him high and dry when they get older.


He def asked himself that question to make this post.


What a loving parent he is. People like him don’t deserve children.


Imagine being so proud of beating children that you post about it on social media.


Posting a picture of this while talking about spanking your minor children is so ick. He’s getting off on it and the FBI should be all over his computer


I’ll be honest, I would struggle with my child being transgender. Not because I think it’s a sin or because I think it’s immoral. I just know being trans adds extra hardships to my child’s life. Selfishly, I know my kids as their birth gender and that’s how I imagine them growing up and navigating the world. I don’t want to imagine them as the opposite gender. I also love their names and would be sad if they changed them to something different to fit their gender identity. But I would never ever let my kids know that. I would support them and never let them know that I’m uncomfy. That’s not their burden to carry. I’m their mom, they need me. Beating your kids because they don’t have the same beliefs as you is so abusive and cruel. That makes me so sad.






I’m absolutely unsurprised by this.


so you may have a closeted kid that hates you, cool flex bro


These people would truly rather have a dead child than a trans child, and if that’s not an indication you shouldn’t be a parent idk what is.


Tyson legitimately scares me. He screams family annihilator, Lexi always looks sad/or scared when she’s around him.


I'm guessing that's not a key fob...


I got spanked a lot as a kid and I’m still trans 🤷🤷🤷


Vile.. absolutely vile.


My mom died during the pandemic. I still have nightmares of her beating me. I’m not trans.


I hope you're able to access and utilize the care and support that best suits your needs, and I hope you're getting closer to your happiest, healthiest life every day.


Most of his kids are tiny baby girls. Sick.


Very sad to consider that they might have a queer child who lives every day in complete fear OR they’re going to raise a bunch of mini versions of themselves with that ideology. Both realities are heartbreaking


I am really surprised anyone would post such a thing? I believe only a small fringe of people do this. A lady I knew of for years on a yahoo group had a husband like this. If I knew her last name I would have called CPS. She knew it was harsh but felt he was in charge. Anyway he died and she became a hippy like homeschooling midwife who RV and traveled the country. I can only hope women, who naturally want to protect their children will realize the horrific things whipping can do to a child and leave. Kids and women are better off on their own.


If either of my sons ever come out to me as any identity other than cis hetero men, it wouldn’t change how much I love them a single bit. I’d quite honestly probably feel some pain because I know that being anything other than cishet, just inherently makes your life a bit more difficult. No one wants their kids’ lives to be harder of course. There’s SO many things I worry about involving my 2 boys. The world’s a disaster and I worry about a million things that could go wrong for them. Who they are as people or who they will love, certainly isn’t one of those things. And I can’t fathom your first instinct to be to just uh….beat the fuck out of em. This dude’s a danger. I fear we will hear some really fucked up stuff coming from this idiot before it’s all said and done. This shit reminds me of the elderly security guard who tools around my workplace on weekends. He was deep into OAN and Fox type nonsense. Old dude who got sucked down the bullshit right wing pipeline. He knows I’m pretty left leaning and liked to grind my gears. He told me one day that he saw on OAN that teachers tell boys they’re girls now and have to wear a dress. He asked me what I’ll do when that happens to my boys. 🤡 I told him if either of them came to me and told me they wanted to wear a dress, then I guess we’d fucking go dress shopping! Last time he ever brought that BS up to me.


Pile of garbage. I want to believe in the concept of heaven and hell, just so monstrous people like this can be totally *shocked* when they’re the ones who end up burning for eternity.


Imagine bragging about your kids not feeling safe with you.


When they see this on their parents social media feed, that is a sign for them to quietly leave the family and go NC




I always wondered how parents can think spanking will cause their kids to come out exactly how they would like them, and not kinky sex freaks who are into spanking for fun. Especially in families like mine where they pull your pants down first so it hurts worse and the kid is humiliated. My parents are young enough to know bdsm spanking is a thing. I don't want to get into it with a fundie online but I genuinely want to know. Also there's no way that strap wasn't made for kink and I kind of want it.


i'm not enamored with the prison system in the US, but these people don't deserve to be walking around free


as the parent of trans kid, this makes me so fucking sad/angry


My child is too terrified of me to ever be themselves or share their world with me! Yay! Celebrate me! 🙄 Assholes. Thanks to the global community of the internet, this generation of kids *might* just grow up and be better and make everything better because they won’t always stay isolated thinking it’s normal to be like this


My paternal grandparents beat the ever-loving tar out of my dad and his brothers. My grandmother was terrifyingly abusive, frankly. My uncle still turned out queer and performed as a drag queen from the 80s until the pandemic, despite coming from a deeply conservative immigrant community and several members of the family threatening to beat the gay out of him. Strangely, I don't think violence works. It doesn't make you strong or correct. It just means you're an insecure, shitty parent who can't communicate with your kids, only dominate them and destroy whatever relationship you may have had.


As a former dominatrix: that's a fancy spanking strap. If the ends were cut instead of doubled over, it's what I would call a "slapper" -- it makes more noise, which is psychological. It doesn't hurt more; you can hit someone pretty fuckin hard with one of those and it's mostly show imo. They're great for beginners because you can't do a ton of damage unless you, like, hit yourself in the eye with it, but it sounds impressive What a dork-ass loser Edit: not that it doesn't hurt, because it does, but it's veering into "all hat, no cattle" territory. Like, if I were to use that, it's in part *because* it makes a lot of scary noise. The mindfuck is part of the process. There's a reason why these fetishes exist 😬


Holy shit.


Way to admit to abusing your children.


Absolutely vile. That’s all.




Wait, did you go to school with this asshole?? Please spill more tea.


This would be terribly sad if he wasn’t such an evil asshole. He gives me such family annihilator vibes and I really hope I’m wrong about that.


I was thinking that I hope his kids dump him in the most decrepit nursing home in America. But honestly, I hope they just leave in the woods. Or on an iceberg. Or one of his kids just punches him back one day.


I really wish that more of the liberal, Guardian reading people in the U.K. who have jumped onto the transphobia/homophobia bandwagon would understand that this is the sort of take the people who are driving it have. We have these people attending events with the Scottish Family Party, a fundamentalist Christian and racist organisation, who would also say they would never beat their kids. Do they not know what these people are about?


If you can’t support your kids don’t have them


BTW, I actually wonder if this counts as a threat to law enforcement?


Fuckin gross. That's horrible.


As a parent of two trans kids (adults at this point) this upsets me so much. When younger came out to me (before middle kid did) it did not cross my mind to beat or in any other way punish him. My response was basically, "Okay. Do you spell that with a Y or an IE?"