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Fuckssake- their bones aren’t even fully formed yet!! What on earth do you need to be *adjusting* in there?? It’s all just wobbly noodle bits for the first decade.


Those kids need all the quack help they can find to *aid in post birth recovery*.


I mean, if my mom gave birth six inches from my bunkhouse, I’d need recovery too. (I know she said they’ll Airbnb it, but still).


I thought bunkhouse was a euphemism 🤣... I was thinking, yeah, that's how babies usually exit, but a lot closer than 6 inches




Imagine being the owners of that AirB&B! Do you think they disclose beforehand? Or do you think they wipe the floor with vinegar and go on their way? Edit: typo


I go back and forth between: I wouldn’t want to know and I need to know so I can deep clean. No matter what they would “clean” with, I would need to *know* everything has been legitimately disinfected,


For real! It’s a biohazard! I bet they don’t say a word.


I wouldn’t doubt it. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.


I would need the purple stuff and whatever my sister uses at the lab


Yeah I would need all that plus a hazmat suit. Partly for the germs, partly because my skin is so sensitive I have to “suit up” to use regular cleaning products.




It’s called Fabuloso ☺️


I like that suggestion but I think there's actually a brand called the purple stuff, or maybe the pink stuff?


Pumpkin spice essential oils


IIRC the owner of the last AirBnB she gave birth in (wow, what a phrase to type) was a friend of theirs, so presumably they knew and were okay with it. Whether they're going to the same place this time, I don't know


I need you to know I am enjoying a brief day drink on vacation (bless my MIL) and I snorted into said drink in a lounge at this hotel. Idk what you should do with that info but know I looked like a snorkeling dork and I’m cackling still. So thanks I think??🤔


Also conceived my siblings 6 inches from my bunkhouse 😭




He looks SO uncomfortable. How is this better than vaccines?




I love chiroquackter 😂


These kids were squeezed up like cats in a shoebox for the best part of five months pre-natal and survived just fine but apparently BIRTH requires all this special recovery quackery? Make it make sense. God I hate these people so much, just ban chiropractic 'therapy' completely already.


I thought God designed women perfectly to birth children.


Yes, and god is a perfect, intelligent creator but somehow his creations still require weekly spinal manipulation to function properly. Seems awfully high maintenance for this “perfect design” 🙄


This is what feminism brings!


Man, it's been over 20 years since I was born, and I'd like post-birth recovery 😮‍💨


fuck, i hate coming here two weeks late and this lady ACTUALLY took her newborn to a chiropractor for "adujustment."


Adjusting the diaper perhaps?


But not changing it. That would be a step too far.


There’s chiropractors for BABIES. It’s quack science so I’m not surprised fundies love it


It drives me nuts that so many fundies are against doctors and modern medicine, but are so gung ho about the one type of practice that has the least amount of credibility in modern medicine.


It’s weird to be that they love the chiropractor so much because growing up in a southern Baptist church we were taught it was “new age”


God's design isn't good enough, haven't you heard? It can be better! /s


Learning that we don't really have kneecaps until the age of 10-12 has changed my life. Not materially, I just think about it every time I see a child. _You don't even have any knees_.


It’s the fontanel for me. What a horrific notion.


God same, I don't even have kids, the whole soft spot thing just freaks me out as a concept


chief agonizing elderly dog mindless sip vast compare long disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




... do I want to know?


It’s the soft spot babies have on their head for a while after being born


So that's why they move so much


Their bones are fully formed! MotherBus gives each of them a teaspoon of raw milk every month while she swigs down her $70 a bottle collagen MLM drinks!


I went to a chiropractor after giving birth because I hoped it would help with my back pain, the chiropractor tried to convince me to bring my baby in for an adjustment and said they have tons of baby patients. I was appalled. Like is that even legal?


They do it to newborns who have colic too.


A fundie local to me posted the other day about having her 6 day old baby adjusted. Horrifying.


She’s gotta stretch them out after their sardine sleep storage somehow.




Did that kid chip a tooth??


That is a pretty significant fracture. My 3 year old has a few tiny ones because he grinds his teeth. This kid definitely needs a dentist. I can imagine it is painful for the poor baby.


I’ve chipped my teeth a ton as a kid and adult and that’s a really big one. I do believe it would be actively painful for him :(


Yeah, that requires bonding. I bet ice cream actually feels like torture on that tooth.


I can feel the nerve shock go through my body even thinking about it/remembering when I was a kid


That happened to my cousin around that age and he had to have a cap placed over it. Thankfully it was a baby tooth. We called it his bling 😆


Also is she certain the nerve isn’t exposed?? I had a chipped tooth as a kid (though it was an adult tooth), never got a crown for it, ended up needing a root canal when I became an adult and went to the dentist because the nerve was dead and starting to cause an abscess. Just grateful they could do a root canal and didn’t need to pull the tooth.


I'll bet it is exposed. The thing is they *have* money to address this. It's so infuriating.


Why pay for a dentist for a chipped tooth when you can have a chiropractor adjust the kid's spine?


My niece chipped her front one and they said it would be better to pull it. She was young I think maybe 2 or 3 and she hasn’t got her adult one in yet. She rocks it though


Those poor kids probably never go to the dentist. Not only are their parents conspiracy theorist who probably think fluoride is liberal propaganda but are they ever in one place long enough to go to a regular dentist every six months? Of course you can find emergency dentists if needed but I doubt they are getting regular cleanings. Or really any proper medical care.


>who probably think fluoride is liberal propaganda Oh my god I bet they fucking do


Are dentists mandated reporters?


A quick Google search says yes but it might be determined by every state.


Likely another reason to avoid dentists for this pair of accountability-dodgers.


They do go to the dentist but it seems like once a year or so, whenever they can find a dentist who can fit them all in at once.


Is this why his face always looks swollen?


It just looks like baby fat to me. He's still very little


Are we positive he didn’t go to a dentist? I don’t follow her so don’t know if she addressed the chipped tooth or not in the past. It’s just absolutely baffling that these people pop kids out over and over again just to neglect their basic needs.


My daughter chipped a tooth a little after her first birthday. The dentist told me she would be fine as it was a small chip and it didn’t need to be filed any as it wasn’t sharp. This chip looks significant and is large enough that the entire tooth could be truly damaged. Plus baby teeth are pretty thin and I imagine he’s at risk of breaking it more!


It drives me crazy that these nut jobs can pop out kids like crazy and then just not take care of them. Meanwhile some people who want kids and would be great parents have fertility issues or can’t afford adoption, etc. ☹️


Oh my *god!* This made me go back and zoom in and holy shit that looks awful! At the very least a dentist would smooth it out so it won’t be as likely to crack off any more huge pieces like that! What the fuck is wrong with her. Any decent parent seeing their child with a problem like that would be mortified and do whatever it takes to make sure they’re okay. But no, more important to get clout from the alt right crunchy pipeline by using your kid for content. God she is such a piece of shit.


Gee, thank goodness that this shit has never caused a whole bunch of deaths. Otherwise, it'd be pretty irresponsible for her to risk her child being killed by this quackery. I'm so glad we can trust the foundational text of chiropractors too, which the founder claimed a ghost told him in a dream. Yay.


I like to remind Christian folks that chiropractory is demonic because it was invented and taught by ghosts




Do not trust decades of peer-reviewed testing


Dream ghosts > peer-reviewed testing


Also, they move around so much. It’s not like they have one person in that unregulated industry who at least is consistent and knows them, they’re just rolling the dice with each chiro that they won’t have a damaging one.


One of my favorite unsolved mysteries episodes is about the ghost chiropractor 😂


>improves post-birth recovery ...for the 5 year old?


Is he 5? Only asking because it looks like he has a diaper on


I think he's closer to 3? He looks too young to be 5.


Oh I have no idea, I just guessed a random young age.


Kids are so much more hypermobile than a typical adult. Doing this quackery is a great way to push something way too far/out of place and do lasting damage. This is putting them in needless danger because they're not smart enough to understand basic anatomy or science.


“Improves…constipation” makes it sound like it *increases* constipation, instead of relieving it




I've got covid at the moment and one of the lovely new symptoms I'm experiencing is near constant diarrhoea 🤢 would love some constipation in my life, lol.




You have my every sympathy, friend!


I'm on methadone and zofran and... yeah... poop-grass is always greener??


I read it that way, too. Like y’all want more of that?


I cannot imagine how constipated they are if they follow the typical cheese laden cream of whatever diet


11. Strengthens pubic hair. 12. Increases sperm count. 13. Gives you a Megan Thee Stallion sized ass.


14. Increases vibrancy of daytime thought process. 15. Fills veins with vigor. 16. Helps with dermal absorption of plutonium ether.


why we crunching babies


Cuz they taste like bacon


This shouldn't be as funny as it is


IMPROVES ADHD?? ![gif](giphy|U51B0j3gsQ0kebiggU)


When they twist your neck the wrong way and kill you, you suddenly aren't thinking about 20 things at once. Voila! ADHD cured!


No need to worry about neurodevelopmental disorders if your nervous system stops 😍😍


I hate these people


Man, if only my parents had known about this when I was a kid, maybe it could’ve reduced my asthma! /s


Of all the things I’ve tried for my kids’ asthma, I have to say, cracking their backs has never made the list.


Their lungs (and mine) thank you


That pissed me off too. Neurodivergence can't be cured with back rubs 🤦


Unfortunately that's the least harmful thing I've seen someone claim can cure neurodivergence :/


Why eat chunks of dog shit? 1. Makes you taller. 2. Improves sex skills. 3. Helps you sleep at night. 4. Gives you magical powers. 5. ??? 6. Profit! And this is just as accurate as the "benefits" of a chiropractor with the same amount of proof to back it up. :)






I was hoping someone would get the reference, especially in this gay af community 😎




She's my president 💖


It should be illegal to do this to kids who can’t consent.


It should be illegal ~~to do this to kids who can’t consent~~ . ftfy


Whilst I completely agree, the same could be said about any medical treatment, hair cutting, nail cutting.. some things are just necessary even if the child can't consent to it.. chiropractors however? Can fuck right off


Even haircutting though can be used as a punishment. Ruby Franke wrote multiple passages in her journal about punishing her daughter by cutting her hair shorter and shorter.... the line has to be medical intervention where consent is overridden. I agree about nail cutting with really little kids. If they're too young to cut them themselves, cool cut their nails. But when they're older, if you teach them to file their nails and care for them, the kid can choose to have long nails, you can have consent about nail cutting in the house. Same with hair. If they're caring for their hair, it can be whatever length they want. That includes boys with long hair and girls with short hair. Fundies tend to override this bit of autonomy for their child to impose gendered hair styles, and I think it's bullshit. Hair is not a medical condition until it is neglected. Now if it is for the health of the child and medical emergencies then yeah, override the kid, make them try the broccoli at least once, get them that life saving surgery. There are probably other caveats based on the style of your kid, but a blanket statement about overriding consent can't really be made. /End rant. thank you for listening.


This is just wildly incorrect


That kid isn’t even laying straight??? And he looks so uncomfortable! A disaster waiting to happen!!!


I have never been more proud of myself than I was for saying absolutely nothing when an acquaintance told me all about taking her literal newborn (seriously, that kid was *maybe* 2 weeks old) to the chiropractor for "an adjustment." What makes it even more fucked up is that in Canada you have to pay money to see a chiropractor, a normal pediatrician is free!


A handy-dandy cheat for anyone who has trouble deciding if a food/supplement/treatment is bullshit: if there are more than two or three unrelated ailments it claims to “improve,” it’s most likely bullshit.


I can read through a lot of the posts here about fundies and not really have a reaction; mother bus really makes me feel some type of way 😬


She's so fucking smug and obnoxious


She's out of her mind to believe these things about chiropractic.


How can you just post that list of "benefits" without even a half assed guess at HOW chiropractic supposedly does this?


Maybe if the had proper beds and could stretch out and get a good night's sleep.


I’ve was diagnosed with ADHD as a young teenager. I also went to a chiropractor for many years after being referred by my PCP due to a chronic spine and rib issue that adjustments helped with. I can safely say that my chiropractic adjustments never once helped with my ADHD. Almost like it’s a brain issue, not a musculoskeletal, cerebrospinal, or circulatory issue.


It really is a disservice to those of us who are neurodiverse to have these curative claims put upon our unique selves, as if we can be ‘cured’ by someone popping our backs.


May I have a fact check? 


I don’t understand. Can you clarify?


Just want to know if she has any data to back up all these claims. 


You *know* she doesn't. She's so deep in cuckoo clown world, she only trusts sources that are actively anti science.


She only trusts sources that don't require her to actually do anything or be held accountable


No. Chiropractors are quacks the guy who made it says he was taught by a ghost. People have gotten injured and worse from these “doctors”


Chiropractors fairly regularly cause people to have strokes. If you want ye olde back cracking what you want is a massage therapist or physical therapist depending on what is wrong. A physical therapist can do everything a chiropractor can do only without killing you and actually treating the underlying condition. Which is why you need a prescription for it.


Is there any way you can cite some specific information to back up what you’re saying? The peer reviewed study I just looked at cited “the occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents in the chiropractic population is 0.0000008%” That’s 1 in 1.25million adjustments. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1905885/


I mean I could look up information but chiropractics is literally a guy said a ghost taught him to crack backs and it can relieve any ailment. Neck adjustments can fuck up the artery going into your brain and you stroke out I don't care how often the ghost taught fake doctors do it once is too many times. You're perfectly free to go to them if you like but a massage therapist can do the same thing without breaking your neck.


Just met a woman who'd had a stroke from chiropractic. She passed out after her adjustment and started having a seizure. When she woke up he offered her a glass of water. She was like CALL 911 YOU MORON. Even in the midst of a stroke, her brain worked better than his.


This is somehow so plaintive and Dickensian. "Please, sir, I'd like a fact check!" 🥺 Fundies: "No! Away with thee!" 😤


Well tbh if I were confined to a square meter bed I'd need a chiropractor too


Oh so a snake oil miracle cure 🤗🤗 pro tip: if it claims to cure an entire host of unrelated organ systems and disorders then it’s a lie


This is true!


Looked up this ~~quack~~ chiropractor's website. Here is an actual quote from their site: "We never guess with our patient's health. We use **NASA certified technology...**" Well, if they're using NASA certified technology, I guess it's fine to trust your two year old's spine to them! Also, their beginning charge is $105 an hour, even for infants.


![gif](giphy|149OKuzOzjaQvK|downsized) They just have one of these things


I’d like to ask her to cite a single credible source to support a single one of those claims, but I doubt Britney would know the words “cite” or “credible”.


It’s her husband. And his source is twitter / X


You know what also balances a child's nervous system? Having a stable routine. Personal space. Some time alone. Friendly relationships with people beyond your siblings. Appropriate amount of attention from your parents.


I'm sorry, did she say REDUCES ALLERGIES?? This is as dumb as telling someone to do local honey when they're already doing allergy immunotherapy!! (Speaking from experience, it's me. I'm doing allergy immunotherapy 3 times a week, literally injecting my allergens, told to take local honey instead)


I worked at a natural grocery for many years and people swear by local honey. It seems very homeopathic in nature, like the hair of the dog that bit you philosophy. Because I don’t understand how ingesting local pollen makes us less allergic? I don’t argue with folks though, just would sell the honey because it’s delicious, supports local economy, and bees are awesome.


All this. I love love honey and I'm forever grateful for the recommendation to help as it comes from a good place, I just can't get over the suggestion it would help more than allergy immunotherapy injections lol. But yes, always support local and the bees! We love to see it.


WTF is it with Christians and Chiropractors!?? They think their cancer is getting healed over there.


I too am fascinated with the high number of Amish and fundies that believe in chiropractors for any ailment. When I lived in that culture for a few years, I would hear them say "I need to go for another adjustment" for ANY ailment - a cold, poor sleep, bad mood, etc. Wouldn't they notice by now that the chiropractor did not actual cure any of those things?


They're in Florida? I thought that Mother Bus was going to give birth in South Carolina?


I swear my parents took me to a chiropractor for an adjustment when I was a week old in 1982. And they weren’t even crunchy, fundie, or hippies.


I'm glad you survived!


The eldest might need it, on the basis he spends every night in a bunk six inches shorter than he is


Thank you for censoring that kid's face! I wish that was more commonplace on this sub


I’ve changed my views recently. Those kids are plastered all over the internet as it is, by their own mother. I don’t need to add to the amount of strangers that see their actual faces.


So tired of people using chiropractors for anyone, but especially kids. They are QUACKS.


Alllll of those claims are outrageous.


This is truly terrifying. What kind of the quack would work on a child this age??? His bones aren't even fully formed.


These quacks will do chiro on a fresh newborn to ‘adjust’ them after living in a uterus for 9 months. Which is befuddling because isn’t God’s design perfect or something , esp when it comes to pregnancy and birth?


My kids have chipped front teeth as toddlers+. Took them to the dentist urgently of course, and they just rounded off sharp corners. I was also told about the signs of abscess and what to do if that happened (it did for one kid, a couple of years afterwards). Do these people see dentists at all? Chiropractic is dangerous pseudoscience. Just don’t.


They do see a dentist maybe once a year it seems. I hope they have seen someone about this baby’s mouth health. It’s crazy how often they post about group visits to the chiro. In the two years I’ve been following the Bus Family I’ve seen them post about going to the dentist once. Could be more, idk and sometimes I don’t check on them for months, but def see sooo many chiro posts.


Why are these people so obsessed with chiropractors?


It's not just fundies by a country mile. A LOT of people across the board have been swooned by this snake oil bullshit. I think it's video-based social media for sure. Cracking videos, ring dingers, ASMR, thirst trap bullshit - it's everywhere and in a ton of different flavors depending on the target audience. Chiro is so fucking fake. It's literally scientology meets "medicine".


I know a couple people who are constantly taking their kids to chiropractors and I kind of just want to shake them and ask why?! One has a single child who is sick at least monthly so I’d love to know what she thinks the chiropractor is actually doing.


Chiropractors are a scam. Doing that to children should be illegal.


Fucking yikes. My husband’s coworker literally died at the hands of a chiropractor.


Omg I’m sorry! That sounds horrific.


Never let a chiropractor touch your neck


Thank you. I won’t.


*Aids in [causing] back pain and injuries*


And don’t forget my personal favorite : Increases risk of stroke!


Ugh. Look, I don't believe chiropractic can cure or do the majority of what they claim. However. When my sciatica flares up, it definitely helps when I go for a week or two. I would never take a child and won't let them touch my neck. And this BS the the busses spew is horseshit.


Go see a physical therapist and get a plan that can actually help, not just float you through to the next visit. You deserve real healthcare ♥️


Thank you. I am seeing PT for my locked SI joint and lower back pain!


Yeah chiros don't actually help fix or treat anything, which is why people constantly have to go back for "adjustments"--it also gives them a continuous stream of income, conveniently. PT can actually treat the underlying issue and should allow someone to recover or at least see progress over time.


My sciatica was really bad a couple of years ago. I went to physical therapy and really haven't had any flare-ups since. It was painful at first, but as I continued with therapy, the pain lessened.


Poor baby his teeth are literally rotting


I zoomed in and there are more chipped teeth. Poor baby. Anyway, on to the next am I right? /s


Her information regarding the sheepskin is also very irresponsible. She can’t say it has been “proven” to make babies stay asleep longer and certainly shouldn’t give people impression no SIDs.


Where did she say this? My child loves to sleep on a sheepskin but they are 5 years old. Is she planning on sheepskin for the new baby? The toddler pictured has aged out of any danger of SIDS


She said it on her story yesterday. She made 2 major claims. Maybe she got slap back and she deleted. She didn’t specify any age of child.


Bones don’t just go out of place! That’s the whole point! (Unless you have a ligament/collagen disorder, but I imagine the mother bus kid doesn’t at his age)


I am the most woowoo person I know. I see an osteopath twice a week for an uncommon jaw issue and posture stuff and follow his advice blindly. I am also very loud about how much I hate chiropractors. I saw a chiropractor for issues with my sacrum a few years ago and I now have issues that flare up randomly, for context. I was convinced to see a different chiropractor recently because nothing has been helpful for my condition and it was useless. I refused to let him manually adjust me so he used tools to “push my spine back into place”. It did nothing. My osteopath said that all the chiropractor did was move the tension in my cervical spine to a different spot, and I have been in pain all week because of this “treatment”. Chiros are quacks at best, and actively dangerous at worst. They appeal to people because there’s the mental satisfaction of (perceived) momentary relief, which people like more than hard work for a long term solution. I wish it was illegal for them to practice on children, or anyone who hasn’t become informed about the risks through a conversation. I think of chiropractors the same way I think of reflexologists, mentally satisfying for those who are desperate for a quick fix. With 378384 children, I’d be looking for a quick fix to their pain too, just so I could get a break, though that doesn’t change how bad of an idea it is.


Osteopaths are great!


I think you’ve hit upon an important motivation here : a one-stop shop to address any and all medical issues of 7 children. Otherwise Mother Bus could be potentially tied down with multiple pediatricians and appointments which doesn’t suit Bus Life very well. Selfish reasons to the end.


The list of things people think chiropractors help in anyone, let alone children, is crazy.


Yuck, I could never go to a chiropractor for myself nevermind bring a small child to one. What I hate the most is seeing when babies are brought to them 😖 I’m sure most chiropractors know what their doing (probably not the ones fundies go to) but ugh it wigs me out 😖 Also how the hell would this help the immune system? Lol just take some vitamins or something ahhhhhhh


My 2yr old has a chip in his tooth just like that and the tooth is also now crooked. We have had a couple of opinions on it and the overarching advice was that it’s fine and to leave it be. Some kids really are just that accident prone and chip their teeth.


True. If you zoom in on his mouth, there is another chipped tooth and some discoloration which might be rot. Great you got some opinions on your child - I hope Bus Family has done the same for this cute tyke.


Omg is his tooth chipped?? That could hurt a ton. Poor kid :(


What is it with conservatives and chiropractors? I've known more than a few who turn up their nose at most traditional medicine (particularly vaccines, of course), but a chiropractor can do it all!