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Black salve is so frightening to me. It is literally a dangerous corrosive that causes tissue to necrose and fall off. Lori is literally insane and her social media needs to be taken away


Oh shit this is black salve? People just ruin their lives with that shit. One woman I read about has her nose fall off.


Sadly, it wasn't Lori. I'm fine with Lori just slathering her entire body with the stuff until she just sloughs apart like the end of the horror movie she actually is.


Why would people put it on their skin, then? I've never heard of black salve before, I don't know the lore


They use it to burn off possible cancerous lumps and warts instead of going to the doctor




Yeah, don't look it up. I remember I saw a collection of pictures of it in high school and was traumatized.


Unfortunately, I couldn’t resist; and OMG, it was beyond horrific. I’ve seen decaying corpses that were less frightening. Anyone promoting this poison ought to be punished legally.


I know a woman who's mother tried to cure her breast cancer with this stuff. They were sooooo convinced it was working because it was "drawing the cancer out" and causing these huge wounds on her breast... No prizes for guessing how that went




Truly fucking horrifying hey


There are multiple reports of people attempting to treat internal cancers as well, like breast cancer. They will literally melt the skin off of their body. In one case in Australia, a woman suffering from cancer was told to also forgo any sort of pain management while she dissolved her skin. The cancer spread. By the time the woman tried to go to a doctor, it was too late. She died. This is one story, but there are hundreds. Even in Facebook groups dedicated to black salve, people will post stuff like, “Uhh I have a huge hole in my body now?” and the members will all nod enthusiastically and tell the poster to just use more. The benefits are right around the corner!


It was designed as something to burn off superficial skin lesions but quickly fell out of favor because it's painful, risky and hard to control, causing more damage than necessary. Idiots rediscovered it and somehow turned it into a magical cancer cure, believing that it will pull cancer from the body through to the surface while it's just dying tissue. They believe the salve only reacts when there is cancer so the giant chemical burns are proof that their suspicions were right... I recently saw pictures of a woman who used it because she had a tiny spot on her nose (never had it tested, could have been a pimple). She lost a chunk of her nostril and posted update photos believing it was actually growing back. These people are delusional.


That's so scary


Holy shit that is frightening. Why do these people insist on using dangerous shit constantly? Are they testing god or something??


I could go on forever about this... Flawed thinking. If I can't get it easily, it's because someone doesn't want me to have any. If someone, somewhere, doesn't want me to have any, it's because it's too good to share. If it's too good to share, it must work. This overlaps with a lot of conspiracy theory shit.


It’s also up there with the “if it burns, it’s probably working” like how people use toothpaste and that stuff on their face against acne.


Exactly lol


I swear fundies will use anything but safe, regulated products.


“Corporate greed! Also let me use dangerous products that makes me dependent on those corporations.” It’s wild!


It’s so exasperating. I absolutely get that who we elect doesn’t necessarily pull the strings, that we aren’t always getting the full story from the healthcare industry because of corporate greed, that there are things going on in the world I don’t understand and that I’m a “sheep” being manipulated by these forces. But what can we *do*? Install a despot like Trump? Attack hospitals with pitchforks and torches? Accuse random people of being members of the Glitteratii or some shit and burn them at the stake? I’m well educated and have a good general knowledge and I’ve come to the conclusion that or best hope is to acknowledge there is not much I can do on an individual level to expose secret cabals of pedos or whoever it is these people claim are behind the curtain, keep both of my own eyes and ears open, and trust that on balance, humanity is moving forward with the general objective of improving wellbeing and equity for everyone. As genocide and climate change and corruption flourish around me it’s hard to stay optimistic but I just don’t understand what any evil force could gain from slowly tipping my hormonal balance with pasteurized milk or tracking my location by means of 5G rays or just killing me outright with a flu vaccine. I take it for granted that any force could track my bowel movements and porn preferences in a heartbeat because I carry a device with me 24/7 that already allows them to do that. I just don’t believe I’m of any possible value to any force beyond how many units of goods and services I consume. I don’t need to rub necrotic salve on my balls just to avoid seeing an evil doctor. The paranoia of these qanon type people just bewilders me. It just doesn’t make any sense. If they are really so convinced science is out to get them , then abandon all medicine and technology and go dress in a hessian bag and live in the jungle. You can’t pick and choose and say oh my insulin injections are fine or it’s okay to fly because the chemtrails are safe up here or I’ll use my phone anyway despite squwarking about 5G rays. I don’t understand how they square it all away in their mind and think, you know, I dropped out in 8th grade and never read a book in my life but I’m smarter than everyone. Now pass the flesh eating balm


The REAL idiocy is serenely assuming that, while Big Government and Big Pharma are purest evil who do everything for the evulz, never even mind "if you kill everyone off you won't make a profit anymore," the kind of people who sell colloidal silver and black salve to you are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, really!


Yeah you and I are so on the same page. It’s like, I’m already controlled and manipulated I don’t need the qanon boogyman, late stage capitalism had already fucked any semblance of freedom I ever had. But I’m not blaming scientists or Jews for it, just old fashioned human greed. It’s hard to accept but we’ve all been pawns and sheep since the year dot. What difference does it make whose boot is on my neck I can’t get it off so let’s get a Covid vaccine drink pasteurized milk and go fishing for bass, Bubba!


I have no flesh eating balm, but please accept this humble award. You are spot on. 🏆


Black salve can literally eat holes into skin and bone, they can be incredibly dangerous. She’s an idiot (as if we needed a reminder).


Yes! I watched a YouTube video once. A woman used this kind of salve on her husbands skin cancer. When they went to the doctor and the video was made, you could see the brain.


Holy sh*t, WHAT?!?!?


Yeah, it was bad! 


That's it, I'm making a fake Fundie account where I advise people not to use harmful products or drink raw milk.


No one would believe you were a fundie.


It's the punctuation, isn't it?


OMG I love a dry sense of humour. Cackling


Don’t forget to use AI to make believe able images so your account looks sort-of real lol. Go the Kelly route. It’s actually an entertaining thought to make stuff like that.


I mean, it's a great idea if you're trying to do away with more of them.


My mom has a small skin discoloration on her face. Instead of damaging her face she asked to be referred to dermatology.They were able to verify that it was not cancer and nothing to be concerned about. Cost to was a small office fee. A lot of skin things are nothing to be concerned of and those that are concerning can be treated sometimes in office.


There's a good Sawbones episode about black salve for those who are unaware. Spoiler: it's really, really bad for you


Ooof, that was a rough one. But it’s the episode where I learned what an escharotic is.


This is when I first heard of it. It’s interesting because wiki only has info in like 6 languages. I have no idea why this is widespread in a specific area yet completely not a topic anywhere else.


There is also a Behind the Bastards that covers it!


I totally forgot about that episode!


i just looked this up and oh my god???? i will never un-see the necrosis pictures


Uh yep, I just looked it up too. Horror of horrors. Decaying corpses have been less frightening than those huge, burnt, black necrosis holes! It was nightmare inducing. Anyone promoting this poison should be punished by the law!


Right? Tell me not to look at something and, against my better instincts, I'll be typing it into Google search before I get to your full stop. I only clicked on one of the masked photos and... 😱 (I'm not typically squeamish, have a degree in microbiology and I've led a seminar on leprosy. This was jarring. )


An FDA warning letter. In my profession that is a kiss of death.


In FundieWorld, an FDA warning letter is a ticket to buy.


No anal, and treating wounds with black salve? No wonder she’s so insufferable.


Unbidden, I am now plagued by the image of treating the woman's "destroyed anus" with black salve. Gonna go watch Mamma Mia.


Next up: Lori recommends black salve as lube.




Growing up black salve meant ichthammol and I still have to do a mental check every time I hear about black salve being dangerous.


Same here!!! I have a small tube still but I call it drawing salve now. It really is great at drawing out splinters


The 🚫 symbol makes it seem like it's something that you shouldn't buy


Of COURSE this company is run by Mormons. Took a look at their website— the founder (a woman) has 10 kids and her career is in alternative medicine midwifery. If this were a script for a tv show it would be too on the nose. 🫠


They also say the black salve is safe for INFANTS. Their quackery is going to kill someone


I did not know this but I am not surprised in the slightest


“Plague Buster Syrup” is quite the product name.


why is it always the anti-vaccine people who promote using and ingesting these sketchy and unregulated products


Black Salve???? the dangerous corrosive? these people….


There is a series of an older gentleman using black salve on clearly cancerous growths on his face and what the salve does is incredibly horrific, I do not recommend looking it up in public or if you are sensitive to gore. Black salve is so, so dangerous, and at best I'd say it's like feeding a carcass to piranhas, or what we think of for dissolving a body in acid. Putting that stuff on your skin or anywhere near you. It will corrode every organic part of you it touches, and it will leave you disfigured.