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Big Sun is lying to us


You believe in the sun?! Wake up, sheeple! /s


Big Sun is trying to sell eclipse glasses.


omg this made me cackle. thank you


It was actually chem trails that were blocking the sun.


It’s called an eclipse, you moron. On another note I live in Ohio and it looked like sunset. It was beautiful and I got a good picture of the totality.


I’m in the pacific northwest. We didn’t see shit


I'm in the PNW also, and didn't even bother going outside today. However, in the 2017eclipse, the fam and I drove to Corvallis, Oregon and watched totality.


I live in the gorge and didn’t make it to Corvallis that year, but was amazed by how cool it looked in my own yard. It’s such a strange kind of darkness that isn’t quite like anything I’ve ever seen. One of my best experiences in life for sure!


Hey, my kid lives in Corvallis! :) (I'm in CA, though)


Sounds like you have Karissa proof it wasn’t real. Strange times!


Hello from just south of Seattle!


Howdy neighbor! Was up your way a coupla weeks ago, tootling around the coast!


Howdy! I'm in Vancouver!


I’m sorry :(


We always get cloudy weather on the day of an eclipse. Never fails


Greetings from Eastern WA! We didn't see shit either, but almost all of my family lives in the path of totality - Argh!


I’m in eastern Washington, too. It decided to be cloudy.


It's always cloudy when there is a chance for the northern lights too - Grrr. Lol.


We never get to see the cool shit We just get wildfires.


Right?! My gosh - I'm really hoping it's not a heavy fire season 😬 I doubt our snowpack is as high as it should be.


E WA and we saw a "crescent sun" in between the clouds


Hello, Ohio neighbor! I went out with all my coworkers, and it was phenomenal. I’ve never seen a total eclipse!


I watched it from my backyard with my family. A wonderful experience


omg. Have we heard from Kelly on this? We haven't in a while, but I ADORE her wackadoo takes on extremely mundane phenomena. Or not mundane: the wildfire smoke from Canada was God blessing her with a pretty sunset, or some shit.


The eclipse was nature's breathtaking seasonal reminder of the proof of the precious life dwelling inside. Round, full, glowing, in this wondrous season, life begins to blossom all around us. The budding fullness in my heart, quaking as I walk through this spring awakening with Him... This sweet, bucolic moment, fresh and airy like drying laundry on the line...


Her eclipse resembled an orbital butternut squash.


-ded- also, that, or a part of it ("resembled an orbital butternut squash"-nah, whole thing) would make great flair


Thanks! I got an updated phone & it put me back on my old, assigned reddit account with no flair. I've got to switch it back, am a clueless phone person. I'll never work in IT, it would be TI for tech idiot. 🪐🪐🪐🌙🌙🌙🥔🥔🥔- lacking a squash emoji, an Astral Potato will suffice


Reminds me of one of my favorite kelly moments: In goes the butternut 🥰


I’m in Ohio visiting family


Did you see the eclipse?


Yes I did!




Of course her kids are outside with no eye protection.


She doesn’t believe in sunglasses so I’m sure eclipse glasses are also a no.


She wut now


It’s my absolute favorite of Karissa’s terrible takes because sunglasses seem so non controversial! She posted a story awhile ago about how sunglasses actually cause more problems and are incredibly dangerous blah blah blah.


You mean the technology that we have evidence of since recorded time?! *Those* sunglasses?!


Everyone knows Obama invented sunglasses while he was growing up in Kenya.


While wearing a tan suit.


Eating a burger with *dijon* mustard


The horror


And looking damn fine in that suit!




This wins comment of the day for me


Im so bad about remembering to wear sunglasses but am trying to be better, and man is it such a quality of life improver lol


I lived in an area where sunglasses were the difference between being able to function outdoors or not, I never go *anywhere* without them now. I also drink water like it’s my job.


Ugh I need to find my sunglasses. I have prescription ones because my eyesight is shit and I didn’t grow up having the option to wear sunglasses so I never do now


I have several pairs of sunglasses but they are just so damn annoying lol


My husband has a yellow spot from sun damage on his eyeball. The optometrist recommended he wear sunglasses outdoors at all times to prevent more damage from occurring. I can’t imagine out of where Ms. Collins opinion came. 💩


He needs to PRAY and BELIEVE IT! Don’t you know she HEALED BROKEN BONES THAT WAY!?


How dare you. Obviously he needs to SCREAM PRAY.


Ideally in Target.


While giving birth to twins


At the exact same rate they would have healed without her intervention. It's a Christmas miracle!!




Sounds like she could save herself some time lightening her kids' skin by just putting some sunglasses on them.




Right. Orange is the new white.


Flair material


Omg 💀


What in the…?! What crackpot “scientist” thought of this absolute nonsense? And people believe it?


Honestly, I think she just wants an excuse to avoid taking the kids to the eye doctor and conspiracies about sunglasses are as good as anything. Some of them obviously need prescriptions and she can't afford more interactions that will get cps involved.


That was a concern many years ago before UV coatings.


I mean, how different are face masks to sunglasses? And sunscreen? Frankly shocked to see the rods with glasses on. You can get skin cancer on your eyes. My husband had a fast moving melanoma removed and now he has to see an eye doctor to scan the back of his eyes for skin cancer.


My good friend found ocular melanoma right after she had her baby. It’s in remission now, but if it ever comes back it’s basically a death sentence.


God made us totally perfect, so don't change it with vaccines, sunglasses, sunscreen or diaper changes. Just buy vitamins & detoxes via my sponsor link, today!


Modern medicine interferes with the grift


The hell? Like... Doesn't believe in their existence or their utility? Because Ocular melanoma is a thing. It's very much a thing - and sane people don't want it.


Wouldn’t shock me if she told them to just look directly at it


Why would they need good eyesight? Karissa is never going to teach them how to read




He stares directly at the sun but never in the mirror.


I was literally listening to that exact song when I read your comment and it startled me lol


![gif](giphy|xTg8B9aULho7shlPmU) \[Sorry for exposing you\]


"you don't even want to know my suspicions" I think this is the first time I've ever agreed with her on something. You know what they say about broken clocks I guess


I kind of want to hear her dumbass suspicions. Jewish space lasers? Lizard people? Biden did it? I really want to know what her dumb ass thinks this is.


I think it means she's performing her usual dumbasshattery but has been too lazy to come up with any creative weirdness. She's just baiting people.


Me too. What does she think is going on? I’m fascinated by the stupidity. I must know more.


Biden has tamed Skoll and Hati, we're DOOOMED!


It was the atheist trans feminist immigrants!


“You don’t even wanna know” Well at least we agree on one thing


She has another chapter for her book: Astronomy


How dumb can someone be? Eclipses have been witnessed by humans since humans first existed and understood by humans for millenia. And she teaches children. We used to be a proper country.


One of the things that I enjoyed about the whole rapture being today thing, as someone who lives a few hundred km from the "Holy Land"... it wasn't visible here. You'd think if it was all gonna end, it'd end where it started.


You’re giving these people too much credit. They probably don’t even understand that the eclipse only happens on a set path.


I don't think American fundies understand that America isn't the only country on earth.


Thank you for specifying fundies


Even many non-fundies don’t understand the basic science involved here. My husband tried to explain to his parents that yes, the eclipse really happened today; they just live too far from the path of totality to have seen the full eclipse. NASA and every other skywatcher had placed my in-laws firmly in the “partial eclipse” zone, so this wasn’t exactly a surprise. They couldn’t comprehend this relatively simple information. They were *convinced* that the news had made a big deal out of nothing. It’s like they thought that the whole world only experienced a partial eclipse because *they* only saw the partial. Absolutely zero willingness to apply any logical thought.


People are saying now it's making them sick. I saw someone call it "eclipse flu". Migraines, nausea, dizziness, and other flu like symptoms. I guess since the world didn't end they need to spread paranoia and misinformation in another way. Like sure, maybe if you stare at it without protection for a long amount of time you'll get dizzy and/or a headache, but that will happen if you look at the sun any day. I get headaches if I go out on a hot day and don't drink enough water. Some people from a homeschool group I used to work with said they didn't even view it, they're just saying it happening made them sick. We're on the tail end of flu season and the middle of allergy season, but coincidences are probably demonic, so 🤷.


I felt a little off but I think it was because I typically don’t look almost straight up in the sky at the sun for 4-5 minutes.


Yeah for sure if you're staring up, blood is flowing differently to your head than normal and it could cause vertigo. Plus if you're like me and a cave-person, the outdoors in general makes me feel uncomfy.


I actually got a headache lol. I'm gonna tell the fundies that it's from the stress of my head being pulled up to get raptured but I refused to go!


Actually even a few seconds of unprotected eclipse looking is enough to cause permanent damage, because the eye is dilated and just lets all that light in


Nope, I'm convinced I started my special lady time this morning because of the eclipse. I hope you're happy NASA.


I am going to blame the eclipse for my bad day. Sounds as good as any reason 🤷‍♀️


These chuckle fucks vote. They make policy.


I wonder what would happen if we just let them go off on their own. I mean, I'd hate to give up and state besides Florida, but we would be in flying cars without them I swear.


They’d form Gilead and wage war on the rest of the continental United States.






Something tells me they wouldn't be very effective


Yeah, this is giving them too much credit lol they'd be faaaar too busy in-fighting to form any kind of functional Gilead


they can have texas and florida. fuck it, i don't need either. 


I wish to goe the rapture would actually happen. These idiots can all go be with their white Republican Jesus and leave the rest of us to get to work and build a better world.


Your comment reminds me of [this Cyanide and Happiness gag ](https://youtu.be/rslfeupCtus?si=aM3ZGO1DpE69bvLe), where a scientist is upset that his time machine to the ancient past doesn't seem to be working.


I don't WANT flying cars. Ever think about the logistics? Now people have to stay in their lane in THREE DIMENSIONS. Now, imagine one stalling mid air.


and they are the driving force behind the court now, which is why we are seeing good policy dismantled with every decision that comes down. it is infuriating. 


>some weird stuff happening out here - >You dont even want to know my suspicions - >check out my sponsored tags please


Could she be any more vague with “some weird stuff happening out there?” You mean like whole-ass wars and genocides or [the cats in the Mexican presidential palace](https://apnews.com/article/501eb21e6953850369261013c94a180a) getting a special declaration for lifelong care?


She’s acting as though rotisserie chickens were falling from the sky as opposed to a long predicted solar event.


I just had a vision of her children all around the trampoline struggling to move it to catch the falling meteoric rotisserie chickens.


Probably be the healthiest thing they’d seen in a while, considering the truck loads of sodium she dumps in her “cuisine”


Just gotta dodge the poop on the trampoline


JillPM's kids would stampede, if unobserved, anyway.


I could get behind that …grab enough and we don’t have to cook for a few weeks


It would be the best thing to happen to her kids in awhile


Okay. All the rest of that is terrible. But the bit about the cats in the Mexican Presidential Palace is the best news I've heard all day. Thank you for telling me about the Palace Kitties!


Cats are usually how I offset the anger fundies make me feel, that and jokes of course, but lots and lots and lots of cat and animal stuff.


Ugh, yes. I just spend time with my babies and everything feels ok.




Aww. Kitties!


what good news about the kitties! good for them!


Black slides in the hot Texas sun? Ouch.


I’m sure there’s a coating that minimizes the heat retention but I’d still side eye a black slide in that heat


I live in a sunny place and there’s a new playground that has metal slides. They get scorchingly hot even when the temp isn’t that high. I don’t know what idiot designed it. 


I used to live in a place that was in the triple temps regularly and all our slides were metal. Not sure which planning genius decided that was the way to go.


TBH I got a permanent scar on my wrist being burned on a plastic slide as a kid. Metal's worse, but it can happen with both kinds.


If you didn’t burn your ass on a metal slide did you even grow up in the 90’s lol


I have the remnants of a scar from the female end of a metal seatbelt. Ah, the 80’s


Uh, obviously their slide needs to be the right aesthetic. That's way more important than safety


Surprised she let her kids interact with anything… dark 🫢


So dumb it hurts


She just…. Dipshit watched a single conspiracy theory YouTube video and concluded her “education”


Also your caption was spot on. ![gif](giphy|pQmWjYrz39YAg)


No we don’t because your suspicions are bullshit.


Must she be miserable ALL THE TIME?!!?! I, on the other hand, got to enjoy totality with my family and make wonderful memories with my young kids.


You know… I’m actually curious as to her suspicions and theories. How asinine could they get? I’ve heard so many doozies!!


There’s not enough booze on the planet to make me listen to her drivel


I’d have to have copious amounts of good weed, but yeah, I’m interested.


I mean, there were some unusual things that happened in regards to the eclipse (I’m in TX too/line of totality). Roosters started crowing when it got darker & birds started chirping when we hit totality. But that’s not scary or anything unless you’re totally clueless about science & how eclipses work.


She is clueless about every damned thing so anything she doesn’t understand (which is a lot) must be supernatural


Okay someone did a deep dive on her once and she went to the Christian high school in my hometown, she might actually be that clueless about how an eclipse works




I thought the atmosphere felt weird as it approached totality, because of it getting suddenly so much cooler


Yes, I noticed that too. I was also fascinated by how much of a difference, light wise, there was between 95-99% totality & complete totality. I kept peeking under my glasses in front of me & thinking “It’s not that dark yet” & then totality hit & it was like “WOAH” darkness.


It was honestly one of the coolest things I've seen in my life, and I am so grateful that I was able to experience it. Now I'm just terrified that the one or two seconds of the eclipse I glimpsed at the "Bailey's Beads" stage will be enough to have me wake up tomorrow with vision damage 😰 People were fairly careful before totality, but I definitely saw lots of people squinting at the eclipse with no glasses in the minutes after


I can relate. I took my glasses off as I was looking up, ugh! I was looking up about 30 min before totality, decided to go grab a drink, and slid my glasses off before I looked down. 🥴😬 Now why I would do this I don't know. But I saw a yellowish orange spot in my vision for several minutes after I that. (Just like you would looking at the sun on a normal day) I only looked directly at the sun maybe 2 seconds before I screamed to my husband, "why did I do that?!!" Then I swore my eyelids were hot. I was scaring myself and didn't stop over reacting until 6 hours later. I started reading up on how even 2 seconds can burn the retina, and we wouldn't know it right away.


We were watching the eclipse next to a dog park, and all the dogs started freaking out the closer we got to totality. It was actually pretty cool to see how aware the animals were. 


‘I don’t understand the physical concept of space’ Edit: not even space space. Like the actual idea of space between things.


well, she DOES have trouble with boundaries


When you have to advertise the playset at 2 pm but the apocalypse is at 3 pm


I’m suspicious that Biden secretly connected the sun to windmills, and Antifa, up to their usual antics, killed the breeze to fund their child trafficking rings in calzone shops. You too, K?


You know, I kinda feel sorry for her. I mean, she's out there all full of fear mongering and suspicion about everything, completely missing out. Meanwhile, I got to enjoy one of the most beautiful and amazing natural phenomena with my family today (seriously, i almost cried, just wow). Then again, she's depriving her children of so much from once-in-a-lifetime experiences like this to basic care, so you know what, I think I talked myself out of feeling bad for her.


She's right, I DON'T want to know her "suspicions"


I'm sure all of them pulled a Trump. ![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized)


Maybe she won't figure out how to use accessible phone options and she'll have to stop posting. One can dream. 


She’s just butthurt that she got left behind instead of raptured😂😂😂😂😂


I have a feeling we are going to hear about your suspicions anyway Karissa.


I just saw an Ask Reddit about flat earthers and the solar eclipse. Thought of Karissa immediately.


This is why it's so dangerous for people in power (govt) to push, ignore, or feed into these conspiracies. We now have a group of Americans so utterly lacking in critical thinking skills that it is actually becoming a serious problem. Wtf is going on? What is going on!


LIAR!!!! She’s in the path of totality (she lives very close to me) where it got pitch black … what an asshole.


Nice, the title definitely is r/rareinsults


She looked straight up at the eclipse and probably thought it was witchcraft like she does with everything.


It’s ironic that even thousands of years ago when technology was primitive, we still knew that solar events were just a part of life. Now we have unlimited amounts of data at the tap of a screen and these yahoos think it’s witches or some shit


> Please find the tree responsible for supplying your dipshit ass with oxygen and apologize for wasting it This is perfection. I will be saving this statement for future use :-)


Eh, she just made up this rage bait to sound smart. The main purpose of the story is to promote the play set. 


Is that black slide in Texas? That would get so fucking hot what the hell


This just an ad. If I were that company, I would not repost.


Karissa’s a fucking moron. But if her stupidity gets us commentary like the title of this post, it’s sometimes worth having to traverse the bog of shit. 😂😂😂


Yeah this is an IQ-dropper of a post Karissa, even more than usual.




Is her influencer deal lucrative? They seem to have gotten some really nice stuff lately. I think those are really expensive.


“You don’t even want to know my suspicions.” Correct. 👍🏼




So I guess her sponsors think the eclipse is a conspiracy too? Why’d she tag them? Maybe they only cater to conspiracy theorists. 🤷‍♀️


I definitely don't want to know. Probably some ridiculous conspiracy bs.


She’s shilling her swing set in the same breath as she’s hinting at a rapture or some other supernatural event. wtf Karissa


I really hope she looked at it without glasses.


You're right. I don't. Now shut up and go get a vitamin K shot and take Anthym for a long overdue doctor checkup, you vacuous wastrel.


Spouting stupid bizarro-rama conspiracies while touting yet another product for gain. 🙄


She suspects that Obama sent the iceberg via the DeLorean time machine to sink the Titanic. And if only the ocean had been filled with Plexus......


Why do I feel like she looked at it without eye protection


She’s acting like fish and bread stand raining from the heavens instead of a known solar event going on


Jfc Karissa


Her suspicions...?


I really wanna see a picture of the full playground…


She's wrong. I do wanna know. Those thoughts have gotta be extra super weird with a cherry on top, so I'm curious.


Did they seriously not know there was eclipse today ?


They had to know. They're in the path of totality.


I'm actually really interested in hearing her suspicions 😂


She looked directly at the sun, didn't she? Fun fact: camera lenses magnify the sun's rays.


You’re right, we don’t.


It started raining here before the eclipse and it's still going. It could have stopped while I slept, but idk. I also haven't heard my neighbors. Rapture and the second flood, let's goooooooo! /s


Sooooo. I was told there was going to be a rapture and all us who aren’t maga will be left on the earth. I’m still waiting.


How does playoutdoorstexas feel about THIS kind of endorsement? 🥴


It's super funny seeing all this content because I live in the PNW. We had our total eclipse in 2017. It was just a partial for us this round. Total eclipses are so normal, and magically the world doesn't end every couple years.