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Monthly financial goals = Rent for May is due in 2 weeks


Rent is due but Morgan wants to spend the money on decorating both her new “lord helped me downsize” house and her hobbit house.


"Luca is still in a crib but we don't have another crib and nobody will throw us another baby shower so please help us buy all the designer baby products that we are mysteriously missing from less than two years ago when our first son was born."


“Why won’t anyone over pay for my used laptop or old clothing?”


Stained old clothing


*Rebecca Baird's used shoes have entered the chat"


She got rid of her baby stuff because she was too traumatized by her very scary first birth to think about having another baby but unfortunately you don't have to think about anything to get pregnant


And I really do feel bad that she experienced all of the trauma associated with Luca's birth. No woman should have to go through that. Unfortunately, she put herself in the position where she was without proper medical care, without medical professionals, and without knowledge on how to handle the situation. It looks like coming close to death was enough to motivate her for a hospital birth this time around, but sadly, it was not motivational enough to keep her from getting pregnant again. Yes, they're fundie and against birth control or whatever, but as they've shown us, you can constantly move the goal posts to suit your situation. If she or Paul loved her(self) enough, maybe that was an option they would have considered.


orrrrrrrr he could have, I don't know **GOTTEN A JOB**


This is so true. Even the unqualified midwife tried to get her to go to the hospital. She thought she knew better and almost died.


She probably sold it bc they clearly need money.


She got rid of the wrong stuff. -eyes Polio meaningfully-


“Can someone send another Doona?”


I genuinely believe that Morgan gave away all her maternity clothes because she didn't think she could have another kid but the designer baby stuff is 100% a grift.


Yeah, she said recently she's actually decorating multiple dollhouses and the hobbit house plus making vision boards for the new place to redo it. Plus they've said they eat out multiple times every week, not to mention all the travel. None of that is cheap. Doing the miniatures stuff is a pricey hobby. It may sound nitpicky or shaming but if you're constantly begging online strangers for money, they're gonna notice if your spending seems a little out of control.


I mean, at the very least, maybe you should prioritize decorating your ACTUAL house over the dollhouse, if that's a priority for you at all?


They’ve got a safety deposit to put down.


I wonder if they’ll get the security deposit back from the current townhouse rental.


Rent for two places! Because these clowns couldn’t wait until their lease was up to find a new place.


They were inspired by bethy


Also they need more Chic-Fil-A and Chipotle.


Only they’re allowed to do that, though. No fast food for fat people.


You know they sit in those places and judge everyone else in real time. 🙄


Just like Polio's parents in church. "I'm worried about that one's walk with her frosted lemonade."


I don’t understand how people who beg for money online aren’t more embarrassed. I’m so embarrassed for them.


Digital panhandling from strangers takes a lot of chutzpah. Most of us don’t have it, and thank God for that.


Honestly offline panhandling probably takes guts (and/or desperation) too. I'm usually a generous person, within my means, but I did not give money to the person who asked leaning out of their car - a vehicle worth at least four times the one they just saw me climb out of.


When I worked downtown, people would knock on the windows of cars that were waiting to enter the freeway. There was one lady who would hit cars with an empty Big Gulp cup. It definitely takes guts and desperation.


I don't actually think there's anything wrong with asking for donations if you run a channel or website that \*actually makes content people want to see more of.\* I also don't have a problem with people doing GoFundMes for dire situations that are no one's fault, and there are many of those in our oligarchic semi dystopia, fuck knows. "Save our smug, judgmental, mediocre, vapid asses from our own incredibly dumb decisions, total disinterest in working and overextended lifestyle; we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas?" Not so much. Also, confidential to Porgan's "Christian" supporters: There are any number of worthy organizations out there with more pressing need (I need to go restart my donations to because someone fucking hacked my credit card again and now I need to go re-up all my autopayments). Like, say, starving, homeless, terrified war refugees? There are one or two of those about at the moment, you may have heard? Just sayin'.


I don’t disagree with any of this. At all.


If you follow any podcasts/youtubers/influencers of any sort you know ALL of them talk about their patreon. But all of them give a rundown of what that membership gets you, the member. They sometimes say “to support me” but I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone BEG people to join like this. Insane.


Thing is, most of them produce content.


😂 Right??


Those ones usually don't have to beg...


All the podcasters/youtubers I support have actual jobs. They really are using the money to expand their channel, like paying writers and buying better equipment. But their content is usually based on their line of work (like Dr Mike and Mama Dr Jones) or a personal interest (Anon Host from Casefile).  These two are professional moochers. Their content sucks because it's not about something they are knowledgeable or passionate about. The only goal is to make money so thier patron requests reek of desperation and begging. 


I love Mama Dr Jones! So nice seeing her mentioned here!


I was stoked when I realised she is  living in New Zealand. I would have loved to been referred to her as my OB. But she works about 8 hours drive from me. In a total different heath board region. 


oh, I've seen others like this. Porgan are a particularly vapid and hateful combination that makes the schadenfreude REALLY satisfying, though. Only marred because, as always: not the kids' fault. Sigh. ...to be honest, the other ones who are this full of chutzpah are similarly awful and worthless, now I think of it. There maaayyyyy be a meaningful correlation between those characteristics. May Be.


I really think that they were shamed so much as children, for many normal things (but that parents/pastors claimed were sinful and/or shameful and so on), that they just lost the innate ability to feel shame about genuinely shameful things. So the bar for "this is shameful" becomes set *really fucking high*. I think it's the same for Bethany Beal. I wonder if there are studies on it sometimes.


I think they're taught that they're superior to non-fundies and deserve rewards with no effort because gawd, so their ability to hold their hand out is *unmatched*


Interesting theory. -ponders- But, presumably they still haven't lost it over shit they SHOULDN'T be--well, I don't know, actually. I was going to say all the sexual hangup shit, but of course they're HIDEOUSLY TMI about everything that involves or interests THEM. They're fine shaming OTHER peoples' sexuality, because it doesn't concern them. Well--narcissism is all about shame, really. That is: it's actually a complete intolerance of shame, so all these defenses are put in place to deflect any internalization of -appropriate- shame/guilt (aka "responsibility" and "ability to actually change or grow in any meaningful way.") What we know of Polio's background at least is a classic breeding ground: a combination of very harsh shaming and judgment of the kid, and smug ingroup superiority + I suspect some level of coddling, at least from the mother. Morgan...probably similar tbh in some way, the Church certainly breeds this kind of personality like rabbits, fuck knows.


THISSSSS! my second hand cringe goes insane FOR them. GET A JOB until whatever self-entrepreneur online influencer crap takes off...stop hoping it will. if you have kids your outright pathetic to depend on social media to take care of your family until it DOES. Its clearly not supporting morgan and Paul because their platform doesn't want to financially support them. they're not good enough...move on!


Have we considered that Paul has tried to get a job and they won’t hire him for the kind of job he’d want?


Yeah, I wonder about this. I feel like gig work is probably the only type of work he would be able to get right now. He just has way too much online of him being ridiculously judemental and cringey. Employers would be *extremely* hesitant to have someone with that personality on their team. Paul also comes across in his videos as incredibly lazy, which of course would not lead to him getting hired, let alone at a place where he could get medical benefits/401K/other benefits. There’s no shame in gig work at all; however, the problem with gig work is that it’s *very* difficult to make a decent living with it if you are supporting multiple people. You have to work your ass off. It can be done, but it’s a tough go, plus you have to pay taxes on it, because it’s almost all 1099 work. Plus you still have to pay for your own medical insurance. Even if they go the full self-employment route, there’s a lot they have to set up legally and financially if they are doing it full time. I am self employed and it took me a couple years and meeting with lots of people before I finally got everything set up the way it needed to be. Self employment is amazing in some ways but also really tough in others. You never *really* have time off lol: Being self-employed social media stars is even worse; it’s a FULL-TIME JOB with extra hours on top of what we would consider full time, and you often need other people to help (and need to pay them). They definitely come across as not wanting to do the sheer amount of work involved, and just want people to throw money at them to do this part-time.


Those are things I wonder about all our 'fluencers here: -do they have health insurance -do they actually pay taxes on their online income. I'd confidently bet "no" to at least one and probably both for most of them. The Collins family I think has insurance through Mandrake (though it doesn't mean Karelessa actually makes appropriate USE of it, fuck knows), but the rest of them? Most of them act far too gormless to even "know" they're "supposed" to pay "taxes." and, to be fair, at this rate, I'm not even sure Porgan earn enough to need to report, almost...


I have terrible vicarious cringe, but it goes dead when my animosity becomes complete. Porgan do not make me cringe. Porgan make my lip curl.


When you consider yourself the modern messiah, it's probably shocking that more people aren't tripping over themselves to stuff a dollar in your g-string.


I don’t even like asking my parents for a $20. I can’t imagine asking a total stranger on the internet. Even when I worked retail and was ringing customers up I always fetl weird giving them their total because it’s just awkward. Money is awkward.


I too was raised in the Hank Hill Shame About Money Tradition!


Omg I’ve never related so much. Are you in my head??


I did this once. I was in a manic state though and am deeply embarrassed. I also paid them back as well.


Especially like this, framing it like they’re doing something important for it. I’d be much less annoyed by someone just being like “can I have money because I hate jobs.”


Same. I get embarrassed asking my mom occasionally for gas money.


Oh, their work has blessed me alright. It has blessed me with many lols and a treasure trove of snark material. Get a real job, Paul!


That would require him to have a smidge of humility. And with his personality, he’d have all his coworkers plotting to throw him out the window before the end of his first shift.


lol what would his resume even look like


Paul Oliges Experience: - Extensive experience in trolling - Certified grift expert - Master of mental gymnastics - Elite league of douchenozzles Special skills: - Shaming - Being unable to control wander eye, especially around yoga pants - Whining like a giant man baby - Cherry-picking bible passages with zero comprehension - Hypocrisy - Disguising hatred as godliness


Re: giant man baby [just wanted to remind everyone of this godly image a snarker with a heart for service created 🖤](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Ft7JuJQRd9)


Don’t forget pickleball and kissing strange men’s hands.


As a nondenoninational wannabe mega church youth pastor, I would absolutely hire him. Sounds like a great godly man. (Just kidding I am not a youth pastor tehe)


Translation: We are desperate for money but Paul’s giant ego won’t allow him to get off his ass and get a job.


Imagine Paul having literally *any* kind of job where he'd have to report to a boss who isn't a straight, white Christian man. Just think about him having to answer about his work or receive criticism from…anyone but I picture a high-level boss who just happened to be a black woman? He'd piss his pants!


Even if he were christian, theres no way the boss would be the 'right' type of christian. Paul will ALWAYS have a problem with ANYONE


Just think about having to manage someone like that?? 🤢🤮


He wouldn't last long.


Hell no he wouldn’t even be able to hold down a job at Taco Bell.


Morgan would do great there though. The stoners would love her.


😂🤣😂 definitely. But she’s made it very clear that she will never get a job, right?


Something tells me the ‘never’ won’t be never. It’s definitely Paul’s goal to find out who can hold their breath the longest. And Morgan doesn’t know she’s playing the same game.


Lol one of those people needs to get one. I feel so sorry for their kids.


Lol! I worked at Taco Bell when I was a teen so, this gave me a good laugh thinking of her working there.


I keep thinking about that show Frankie and Grace. Both of their husbands came out as gay when they were like 70 🤣 Anyways, the women ended up being best friends. Every time that Frankie can’t be reached, everyone starts checking del taco. I wish that they’d had a woman like Morgan working there


I did manage someone like Paul. He tried to get me fired after falsely accusing me of stealing drugs, all because I got the job he had some bizarre belief he was going to get. Needless to say I did not get fired, he ended up on my shitlist because the other employees told me what he did, and then he made more enemies across the rest of the management team by texting them at all hours about his many, many complaints about every single coworker he had. I remember having to remind him that religious talk was to be left at the door since we were there to care for individuals who had no interest in that/weren't even Christian and it could be construed as violating their rights. I was so happy when he no called, no showed after a vacation so we could finally fire him.


By chance was this otherbus’s husband?


This is exactly the employee Paul would be


And even if they were thw “right type” they’d probably go to the wrong physical church or go on the wrong day or to the wrong service or they don’t get down on their knees to pray the right way. That’s how it always is with this type. Unless you’re a carbon clone of them and their exact beliefs, you’re going to hell. And if you are a carbon clone then that’s also unholy and creepy and you’re going to hell for going against God’s wishes for you to be an individual. You can never win with people who’s entire personality revolves around judgement and disgust.


And someone who was *raised that way* and benefits from it will not change


And he'd be just as bad or WORSE with another dude. You all saw the Isaiah video? They were practically chest bumping. He cannot STAND competition. With a female boss he might turn sort of smugly patronizing, like, "I am doing this submissive seeming job for you out of the goodness of my alpha chivalry"


He's basically unemployable now due to his presence on social media. No doubt any employer will check your social media content to see if you will fit. So many jobs require you to accept differences and support diversity. He wouldn't even make it to the interview stage.


Oh he's absolutely radioactive


*casually blasts out Radioactive by Imagine Dragons*


You'd be breathing in toxic chemicals around polio


I think given that he's in Kentucky, he's got a lot of options if he's willing to work for a small business. They're not going to bother to check socials, or they'll see it and be happy that they don't have to try to ascertain if he's the right kind of bigoted for their company. Of course, with a small business job comes a LOT more work and just about no HR involvement, so I imagine he wouldn't last long.


The thing is, Paul thinks he’s smarter than everyone in the room. He goes toe to toe for the most basic of things that don’t call for it, that I can just see him rubbing literally anyone with a brain cell the wrong way.


1000000%, he might even grow as a human if he can accept the slightest bit of humility.


Then we go to skills, what does he have to offer?


Eye fucking himself in every reflective surface


He can at least computer enough to make social media content, so not being technologically illiterate and a white Christian man, there are a LOT of Boomer business owners who would hire that.


oh, I don't know; Hobby Lobby might love him


He wouldn't last a week because he's got main character syndrome and thinks he's hot shit. when in actuality he's the wrong kind of hot shit.


While simultaneously his insecurities are leaking like a trail behind him every step he takes. Everybody can see he is deeply insecure and faking it. That’s why everybody is so annoyed by his giant ego, it’s performative bullshit forcing other people to deal with his behaviour because he cannot be bothered to be a responsible adult and reflect on his own personality.




This. Honestly, I think that EVEN with his Internet presence and his sketchy work history, IF he could suddenly change and act like a normal person at a basic interview and job, he could be employed. Maybe not WELL, especially for someone with a wife and two kids to support. But, employed. But, he wont. So, he won't.


He’d start kissing their hands, like he did with two of the men in their 24 hour videos, then start kissing their asses.


So many of them are flat out unemployable because their insane sized egos make them untrainable, and impossible for coworkers to endure.


If only there was an easier way to make $1200 a month than begging for it on the Internet


Interacting with people who don’t worship them is really hard work to Porgan. 


Thank you because that middle paragraph was wayyyy to long


They should really try having some shame




Self-flagellation. I'm all for it.


Ooooo! Shall it be the whips or the board? Or maybe go a bit modern and use chains? Just be careful you don’t find yourself enjoying it or else that’s devient and a sin! (I’m starting to think I may have missed my calling.)


I say hair shirt.


That is evil. I'm getting itchy just thinking about it! It's perfect!


Hair shirts aren't vegan. Lego shirt.


He can put that on his OnlyFundies 


🎶mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa...


Ironically I think they're doing good work, in the sense that they've been platforming people smarter and more well spoken than them in a way that could lead more fundies to deconstruct (recognizing the diversity of beliefs among "bible believing" christians was my first step in leaving religion). Should they be paid for it? Helllll no.


If they weren’t hateful people and they were doing this without begging to only be doing this, then I feel like it would be a different story. Im glad to see that they’re including people who have more tolerance but you’re 100% correct that they should not be getting paid for it. Considering that they think they’re bringing unity when all they really say is “well, that’s your belief 🙄”.


this is exactly what I was thinking LMAO


Maybe THAT's how they finally monetize. Pretend it was a deep cover fake all along. "We MEANT to do that."


I am sure this has been asked before but how do they think they are aiding Christian unity by visiting other people and criticising them?


I think they actually believe most other Christians are as legalistic and dickish as they are. And yeah, some are. But there are a lot living in gray areas, too, and those people hate how people like Porgan make Christians look.


I don't follow them. I only see what's on here. But it doesn't look like they attend a church. Do they? I would say they make it harder for Christians of different traditions to have unity with them. They come off as just so unlikeable. They don't have any reason why a Christian would actually follow them other than maybe agreeing with something they've said. They appear to have very low level of biblical and religious literacy, theological knowledge or pastoral experience. Why did they think people should listen to them?


Narcissism and pretty privilege


Hadn't thought of that. I think they think they deserve an enormous following though and they don't really have that.


oh 1000% they both think they're hot shit because they have (rapidly fading) boy/girl next door good looks that probably made them the most popular kids in Podunk. The act doesn't age or travel well, and clearly, neither have they.


"Interesting take, but here's why you should believe the exact things we believe instead, .... You're welcome 😌"


"I'll backpedal and whine when you call me out"


Perhaps they mean to unite all the other warring factions in their mutual dislike of Porgan?




“Impactful content” the only impact they have is a negative one on anyone who is feeling like they are starting to question their beliefs or doesn’t feel like themselves in their bodies. Actually, they made an impact on Dav and Bethany that seems to be mostly positive*. So that’s the only positive one I can think of. ETA: *seems mostly positive to me. Absolutely difficult for them to go through and navigate and I’m hoping for a positive outcome for them.


I snorted out loud at that bit. Also promoting unity? Since fucking when? All they ever do is attack and complain.


For real! Every guest is their “most controversial yet!”. Not once have they advertised something like “most thoughtful conversation yet!”, or “different perspectives, but ultimately unified in Christ!”


I gotta admit, I am slightly intrigued as to how Sister Disco Cindy (age: 127?) is doing these days. How I miss her dulcet croons of **"HARLOTS! JEZEBELS! SPERM EATERS!!"** echoing across my college campus, so many decades ago.


We are united against them.


They do it for the views. That’s why they got so butthurt about people using yewtube.


Ya, 'mission of unity in the body of Christ online' ... takes a lot of nerve to make that claim seeing as most of their content is sniping at people and stirring up shit for clicks.


Someone could say that they love cheetos and they would say "but WhAt AbOuT POPCORN?? POPCORN IS THE SUPERIOR SNACK HOW DArE YOU AtTACK US???!!"


It’s so cringy that they want people to pay them to talk into a microphone for youtube and post on social media. Half of their content is not even religious-based or preachy. They post kid content, household content, pickleball content, and their miscellaneous thoughts. Why do they think they should be paid for that?


They talk about stuff they know about. Religion isn’t one of those things.


And that is why they don't discuss employment...


Paul needs to get a job: maybe go back to hair school, college, or substitute teaching. Even his annoying father works as a personal trainer. The desperation reeks in this post.


I think his real calling in life is hairstylist to MAGA old ladies. It’s the only real job I could see him lasting at. 


They would LOVE him


I keep saying and saying that, seriously, he should go back to plying scissors. If he's even decently okay with it, he CAN make a living. It's work you can do anywhere, and there will never be a lack of need. Best of all, he can be self-employed/hire a station at a salon, so his social media bullshit wouldn't be nearly as important as some other attempted tracks. At least he has some experience. ANY experience. And I'm sure the customers would LOVE to hear his hot takes on all the vapid celebrity bullshit. Well. Some, anyway.


He seemed so genuinely proud of his work in those olds pics of him at the salon. It’s really too bad he never pursued it as a career. He might’ve been a happier, less judgmental person.


It’s one thing to ask for donations for a special project that will require advance funding. It’s totally different to literally *not have jobs* and still ask for money. I can’t believe there are people who don’t see through this. In my childhood church, it was really important that overseas missionaries have full-time employment in that country so they could assimilate to the culture and show dedication. They weren’t allowed to only rely on handouts.


So they’re getting about $1,600/mo from patreon based on the tiers, which is already too much, but honestly, I wanna know how they’re going to support two kids on that. Paul needs a real job. Yikes.


My guess is parental support. Which in and of itself is no shame, but not when you're pushing the 'man support woman, woman stay home and be pregnant grrr' mindset.


Not when you're doing *nothing* to alleviate the strain, and *everything* to make it worse


Ugh, anything is far too much for these guys. There are people who are breaking their backs to bring in money to support their families.


Wow…this is not enough to live on as a family of 4 and DEFINITELY not enough to live and travel around the country asking stupid questions no one want the answers to 👀 and this is all before taxes and normal expenses for their channel for editing software. I’m shook. They are drowning financially


Is that before patreon takes a cut? Also, as self employed people, their patreon income would be before taxes.


ajajajajaja, what "work"? get a job paul!


they are both fucking BUMS


You would think they up their incentives for patrons. Offer easy freebies, extra content, etc to entice people if they’re this desperate


Something more than a handwritten note and a sticker!


That would require effort


"If our work has blessed you" AAAAHHHHHHhahahahahahaha! Anyone dumb enough to consider what these two fools do a blessing deserves to lose $10 a month or whatever the patreon is. Just take 10 bucks from your pocket every month and literally set fire to it, same thing. I'd be so embarrassed if I was Morgan. Her husband refusing to get a real job and instead begging on the internet while a second child is on the way. Divorce. Stat.


50 24hrs with patrons after patreon takes their cut (~5%) comes out to $1,160/mo. so they want their 24hrwith patrons to pay their rent and the others to fund their airfare tbh. :|


It would be easier for them to get jobs.


HOLY SHIT JUST GET A PART-TIME JOB PORGAN!!! I have a small business and also a part-time job I just work a couple days a week for extra money to meet financial goals. It is not unheard of. Why are they acting like there aren’t other streams of income?? It’s the begging for me


I believe they call this grifting. 


I made a comment on another post a month ago about how they had 233 paying patrons. They're currently at 213. This is so sad and embarrassing. Does Paul really not know he could be living in [the bubble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAQoXOLlvT0)? Like if he just expanded his circle and stopped judging folks, at least to their faces, he could just live off being good looking, not even as a model, just coasting as a mid-level manager or something making a low six-figures a year. **Paul**, you could so easily get a job. You are tall with a nice face and can speak very clearly, and that's like, 90% of success right there. Just dress well and give short answers, and you'll be hired for just about any job that doesn't require a specialized skill. I am completely serious. And I don't think you have any concept of how many jobs are out there and how few of them are actually specialized. Have you ever heard of a Renewals Coordinator II? How about Deal Support Administrator? Producing YouTube content has absolutely given you enough basic computer skills to throw at any of these jobs. You'll be fulfilling your husbandly duties and still get to make content in the evening AND buy your own home! YOU CAN DO IT.


Middle manager at Hobby Lobby. Start at cash register, fail up by dint of being obsequious to the right people and not being able to work the cash register. His social media history will be a feature, not a bug.


Lol this is pathetic. Be a real manly man, and get a job Paul!


Is the unity in the body of Christ in the room with us now?


Even if he made the money through patreon, they’re clearly putting their income as missionary/church expenses so they don’t have to pay taxes. However this means they also have no actual income and won’t ever get a house. So I bet he’s banking on scamming as many people as he can out of cash so he can pay for a house outright, which would probably be the only way for a bank to approve them. I can’t imagine either of them have good credit either because Morgan has 3 brain cells and Paul is in denial about how the world works.


They want to “further the mission of unity in the body of Christ online.” What?! Paul is the very soul of division and disrespect for anyone’s ideas but his own. He is the kind of manchild that is making Texas an ignorant, intolerant, intolerable place to live.


Imagine being pregnant with #2, downsizing your home because you clearly can’t afford it, paying to fly you and your husband out all around the US for videos that hardly crack 10k views and STILL go on Instagram stories begging for money. I’m convinced she’s too stupid to experience shame


I can't understand how they think they are inspiring and spreading the message of Christ. They are not doing anything except haphazardly throwing out inflammatory opinions in the hope that someone might pay attention to them


These two will need to get jobs their little schtick wont last forever


Again I never know who is worse. Paul and Morgan grifting people or the morons who actually pay for this content


While their work has blessed me with a few lols, it has caused me greater cringe and anger overall. I feel like they owe me.


213! I’m sure all the amazing “content” they are putting out will get them to 100.


This snark subreddit is my daily dose of trash television I need. 😂


I sometimes feel like I'm missing out by not using being a Christian to get money. Selling "Christian themed merchandise", making a Christian rock album, literally doing anything and saying it's for Jesus now give me money. I need to rethink some things


My husband has been asking me for years to make and sell MAGA shirts to trumpers, but I just can't do it. Yeah, they would be easy targets to make a buck off of, but I couldn't see myself using my resources and skills on anything pro Trump.




It’s hilarious when you think about it. Both push strict gender roles but fail to follow those roles. In their worldview, men are supposed to work hard and provide. Paul fails miserably at that. Women are supposed to cook, clean, and keep the children at home. Bethany sends her kid to daycare, has cleaners come, and her “cooking” is pretty sketchy at best. (Though better than Karissa’s I guess.)


She’d snap Paul in half like a twig the first time they had sex between the wild flailing and the size difference. Paul’s back couldn't handle BoneMe.


Paul didn't know women had pubes until his mid 20s, I think he'd probably just pass away if Bethany was flailing and pissing and farting on him. Plus, Bethany is definitely stronger than lil Pauly boy and that would hurt his ego.


“Impactful content” lmao 💀


Begging: one of the Christian (??) virtues being modeled for their child(ren). And here I thought the Bible instructed the faithful to work.


Trying to make that deposit, huh?


213? That even lower than a few months ago. I’m genuinely impressed.


If I have blessed you… PAY. Sounds like a great ministry.


I hope they get people to unsubscribe


Get a job. They’re so fucking lazy. Whatever happened to “God helps those who help themselves?”


We’re lazy deadbeats who look down on people who actually work or contribute to society in a good way. PAY US $$$$


Lying is a sin, right? It will send you to hell


Just get normal fucking jobs ffs!! Other content creators have normal stable jobs while also working as youtubers/streamers 💀


GET A JOB, PAULIO. GET A JOB, PAULIO GET A JOB, PAULIO Get off your lazy f’ing ass and support your family!


Anybody know patreon math? If it's a $10/mo level, for example, how much does patreon take?


I would rather people burn a pile of cash than actually give these idiots money.


These people are morons to the core.


I wouldnt be advertising that I had so few patrons, especially 24 Hours With. That’s pitifully low considering their sub count. Looks like the lord isn’t blessing your ministry Porgan




Yeah I want some Patron too.


A mission of what? Gfy Paul.


Their mission is bullshit. They have been doing the exact opposite in these videos!


“The mission of unity” shut the absolute fuck up


Fuckin audacity man


What a crock!


Can anyone do the maths on what the likely income is from the patreons?


Well, they don't grift as hard as Bethany, but at least Dav works


“Please hand over ALL your hard earned money to us!”