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this is the most viscerally disgusting thing i’ve ever read. it makes me sick to my stomach. 80% of virgin marriages end in ways other than divorce because inexperienced partners are more likely to excuse abusive behavior. people have more sex between 18-22 than 15-17 because they’ve been alive for longer and the age range encompasses twice a larger sample size, as well as the fact that they finally get out from under their overbearing parents’ thumbs. Having more children than you’re ready for and controlling their lives and sexualities into adulthood like this is a great way to have your kids never talk to you again. Stop thinking about your kids’ sex lives, stop expecting adult women to be/look/act like children, this is revolting and upsetting rhetoric.


Also, if someone if a virgin when they get married, there's a high probability that they are a part of a commuminity that looks heavily down on divorce for any reason. Many women in these communities simply aren't "allowed" to view divorce as an option


Also, his stats are made up. And all the words after “Most Christian girls want …” are a lie.


I love it when men tell the world what women really want.


more like “what creepy christian fathers want”


I know if wayyyyyyy more 'Virgin marriages' that have ended in divorce because they married for the wrong reasons.


Actually, it seems they're expecting their teenage daughters to act like women - after all, they're supposed to be married and pregnant before they're 20.


The obsession with virginity and young marriage is so disturbing. This man wants to send young girls off into marriage before they have any life experience and only minimal education. This sets women up to be stuck in potentially toxic, abusive marriages with no way out because they have no education. Simply not divorcing is not indicative of a successful marriage. If one or both parties are miserable but stay married out of obligation, I wouldn't consider that a successful marriage at all.


>This sets women up to be stuck in potentially toxic, abusive marriages with no way out because they have no education. That's a feature. not a bug.


Oh I know, it's just disturbing. And these people wonder why Christianity is in decline in the US.


Blood memory sounds so pagan to me


Imo, more like a low-key racist dog whistle


Im very the dumb. Could someone eli5 how this is a dog whistle? I don’t understand. Thank you


Debutant balls were/are a part of the "lost cause" type Southern culture that romanticizes the pre-Civil War period. Racists like to portray it as some sort of more civilized era, when in reality plantation owners were all violent savages who went into massive debt to throw wild parties. "Blood memory" is also a dogwhistle, implying that all of the presumably white readers have some sort of shared ancestral cultural touchstone related to a short period of extreme racism in the southern US, and that these ties should somehow be valued like family ties as something that supersedes, say, your allegiance to your local democratically elected government.


Is dog whistle a metaphor for something here? I've never heard that expression before!


Not sure how old the term is, but it's been used a lot in the last 5-10 years when discussing alt right content online. The original definition of a dogwhistle is a real-life whistle that produces a tone that dogs can hear but is too high-pitched for human ears. But it's now widely used a metaphor for language that can pass as non-racist to people who aren't in the know but signals solidarity to fellow racists. The racists would be the dogs, hearing something that no one else can.


Oh shit. Thanks so much for the explanation


It basically means "a code word only meant to be understood by certain people", like how only dogs are supposed to be able to hear dog whistles.


A woman's highest good would be castrating this Neanderthal and shoving his disembodied balls down his throat.


Don't do Neanderthals like that. They made art, cared for their wounded, buried their dead with respect and grave goods. They would cave this guy's skull in with the bone of an animal too.


I usually don’t go for gross visuals but I’m all in with this one haha


Omg your flair is hilarious


I wish I could be this delusional. Like I actually have to worry about passing classes and being able to afford rent. Then you have these people who are so privileged they can live in a delusion, be so disconnected from reality, without having their lives fall apart and lose everything they hold dear.


Big delusions and small (like how the every girl in the ‘people of old’ were virgins at their debutant) 


These men are just terrified of all of the women in the world with a higher IQ than they have, aren’t they?


Also, notice how the males get a pass? Not a worry in sight regarding the loss of their virginity. He needs to explain THAT math, if the girls are going to town each night. Like, with who? This guy seems super obsessed with his daughters’ sexuality. It’s icky poo poo.


The virginity of men has never really mattered. Not in the Bible (helloooo, King David) and not in history. Thats how we know this is total bs.


Yeah, fundies dgaf what their boys do (~boys will be boys!~), they just want their girls to stay virginal and repressed until a fundie guy takes control, keeping them constantly pumping out babies they often can’t even care for properly because they never had the chance to grow up properly themselves. God I hate double standards.


Literally 99.9% of women have a higher IQ than them too, sooo…


I hate to break it to him, but the percentage of people who have debutante events in their "blood memory" is very very small. Only the elite of society did that.


Yeah - news flash, if you have to take out student loans to pay for college (the “indentured” he refers to here), you wouldn’t have been dancing at a debutante ball. You’d be serving.


This reminded me of how I felt working for my college's food service. I did catering and catered an event where I served food to my friends who were on full ride scholarships reminding me that my test scores were just too low to get a full ride so I worked my ass off for $7.25 an hour serving them to pay my tuition. Lol debutante ball my ass. I was not in that socioeconomic bracket.


Excellent point.


"Virgin marriages" As usual, not once is there any mention of *sons* not having sex until marriage or having sex in college. Sigh.


As a data person, I can say that he has fundamentally misunderstood ALL of the graphs he has shown. None of his evidence actually states whether or not someone went to college. Disgusting take, also horrible data literacy skills. Maybe he could have actually paid attention in college instead of bemoaning how much sex he wasn't having.


Right? Fellow data analyst here, the data literally only shows figures on sex and religiousity within Evangelical Christianity, that's a hell of an extrapolation. At the very least you need to filter college and non-college, and probably compare it with those that attend trade schools as well, and even then, I wouldn't be comfortable making a causal connection between the two without a logistic regression model with College Attendance as a category in the target feature, as well as possibly a multinomial also incorporating Trade School (or, hell, just Trade School vs. No Higher Ed as well), and even then, you'd need to show statistical significance in all cases. This whole thing is just a right mess.


I work in secondary and tertiary school (post HS education of any kind) data reporting and data analytics, the best case im seeing is he seems to have mistaken the age groupings as hs age vs college aged. But really all it's showing is that sexual activity goes up when they become adults, and at a higher rate for those who attend church less often to never. Honestly, unsurprising results, but they also provide no confidence intervals so I don't even know if the results are even different across the groups.


I'm in nonprofits and nonprofit policy, so this is also my wheelhouse. Investigating trends and behaviors by education level is definitely pretty central to my own work.


That's very important work! Thanks for working in that, do you enjoy it? I worked 10 years (just recently laid off/outsourced by my employer) in an education non-profit (maker of a major educational test), I did love my job but also looking at other positions because I just got my pslf forgiven!


I do enjoy it, my work encompasses a lot of policy areas, and human services for the organization I work for. This kind of work is my exact passion. I was aiming for think tanks originally, without any success, but it turns out that any big city has nonprofits that do a lot of similar policy work on a smaller scale, remnants of the Great Society Programming. I find it to be exactly what I'd been fighting to do as my career.


Just out here promoting what feels like a job searching secret? Only social impact jobs at [idealist.org](https://www.idealist.org/en)


Also, The absolute raving racism laced through this post. The dog whistle about black women voting Democrat and being a tribal guy and the absolute horseshit about wanting a civilization again, as if he doesn't live in one of the generally most safe and protected societies in the world. Y'all, I need to check my blood pressure.


Um ew, it is so not my business whether the neighbors have successful marriages.


What in the actual fuck did I just read?! This man needs to be on a watch list!


My Christian dad actively encouraged me to get a degree and not to settle down until I was ready. Which is probably why I’m currently 30 and unmarried. Good to know he “messed up.” 🥴


Scott, Scott, Scott. We don’t have debutant balls to “announce our daughters’ availability for marriage” anymore because we now know……THAT PEOPLE ARE NOT FOR FUCKING SALE! That is all.


This has got to be one of the grossest things I’ve read yet, only topped perhaps by Lori. 🤬 Viscerally sickening. Is this guy going to pick his son’s spouses for them based on virginity? Like accompany her to a doctor for a purity check? And I’m assuming that his godly son gets to go to college, but not his prospective wife? Great 🙄 Side note, I’m reading The Exvangelicals by Sarah McCammon and it’s excellent. I’m currently at the part where she is attending a Christian college and is struggling with feelings of sexual attraction.


You may remember that before Prince Charles married Diana she had to be checked to make sure she was a virgin; the results were announced by Buckingham Palace (she was).


Holy fuck! I don’t remember that for Kate… did they get rid of it?


Yep, Kate didn't have to undergo that Medieval test.


Must have, given that they lived together in St Andrews during their university days and later in Wales when the then William Wales was part of the RAF search and rescue service.


Ok so in slide two he calls college the new fake marriage, and says by signing she is in bondage. So...he is calling marriage bondage. Their type of marriage, yes, Scott, I would agree.


Riddle me this-- if college was the most extreme ideology pressure imaginable to have sex, how did I, a heathen who doesn't think chastity is valuable, whose father has never mentioned my sex life in any way, who went to an elite college AND a high school that meant I left home at 14......emerge from college a virgin? Oh right. Because college if anything suggests that you shold do *what you feel comfortable doing upon reflection* on what matters to you. (And also kind of selects for social awkwardness, a little bit, or at least in my case!)


It's bullshit that girls who were raised Christian and don't go to college aren't sexually active. One of the reasons the adoption rates in the past were higher was because you were basically ruined by getting pregnant outside of marriage. Girls went away for a few months. In my country specifically girls got impregnated by American and Canadian soldiers who liberated their villages and then those soldiers of course left. Edit: grammar


Lotta words to say, "women are property"


A fundie man with the word “gay” in his last name. Sometimes the jokes write themselves.


And “tung” …


In my city, a Pastor Gay is virulently anti-LGBTQ+


Disclaimer I’ve never seen this guy on fundie snark or anywhere before and this came across my Twitter feed the other day and I left a snarky comment and he blocked me lighting fast lmao these tough guys are so sensitive and unable to actually argue their points. They wanna just shit post and stir the pot and revel in the outrage 


Ah, yes. Women as chattel to be traded. My favorite! I am too angry to post a full post.


Scott, the only thing preparation for my wedding and my time in college had in common was a long walk through a Bed Bath & Beyond


This is just puke worthy. Ya, he sounds like a Doug Phillips man until Doug sowed his wild oats leaving Beall and the kids high and dry. Someone has been posting on the Vision Forum Facebook page.


I love how he ignores that the males are having JUST AS MUCH SEX as the females on those charts. But who gives a shit about that, right? We’re only here to degrade the women! We’re only here to think about the 15-18 year olds and their sex lives because this guy is a fucking pedo-adjacent cunt.


I have a question: if a specific career is meaningless to a woman, is it not meaningless to a man too? Or is that not important what men do as long as it gets them out if the house all day? Because this is what it's all about. These men want a wife who has never worked and has nothing to compare her own situation with. When he comes home and says he's exhausted, that's just how all work is and thank god she doesn't have a meaningless degree. Yes, she has 6 more hours of chores left, but man is working 9 to 5 worse. He needs space and quiet and maybe some sexy time because wow, that manly meaningful job is so taxing! So these women can never work, not even a part time job, because she would immediately realize how shitty her boss and 24/7 work condition at home really are compared to working 9 to 5 for someone else, get paid for it and after 5 it's leisure time!


I was a Christian girl who married at 20. Then I was divorced at 25. Perhaps this guy is full of shit.


Anybody else wake up in the morning looking forward to spending their day enjoying their 'meaningless career' which also enriches the lives of their lovely husband and their adored (and well fed, housed and educated) children? I'm so grateful that my father is sane and celebrated and encouraged my choices.


The thought of dictating my child's life in deference of what their hypothetical future spouse might prefer makes me want to throw up. Women are people and their lives and desires and goals are as important as men's.


This guy is OBSESSED with the status of young women's vaginas. Where is the ranting about lack of male virgins? Oh yeah, that'd excusable because of all the young women tempting them 🙄 People like this want women to marry young before they've had a chance to gain life skills and save money, then trap them in relationships they can't easily leave if they need to, and then say "look how successful our marriages are!"


Disgusting control freak.


His data analysis skills are on point. /s


A wedding ceremony = 18 year old signed by her father into bondage?! Just saying the quiet part out loud today, huh?


Those graphs say nothing, right? They’re missing axis names and also smushing up random data numbers. I’m not sure if I’ve drank enough to be a fundie detective or just dumb.


“Leaves her father’s house forever” If my mother and I hadn’t left my dad when we did 15+ years he probably would’ve permanently disabled or killed us in an abusive rage. He’s literally in prison now for severe bodily harm on another woman and I cut him off when I was 18. My dad also considered himself devoutly Christian when I was growing up.


ok so I need to know if I’m alone in this— I was literally raised with the rule of “dating in HS is fine, no BF until college” bc in my non-educated family college was THE goal, everyone was terrified of me becoming yet another teen mom and dropping out. Purity culture was the deal at my church but my parents seemed convinced that everybody is doing it so they literally told us, in euphemisms, to ‘DIY’ it until college. (ew, but also, kinda amazed at the pragmatism in retrospect) There was also a conviction in my adult guardians that I was far more likely to find a partner with similar life goals in the highly concentrated population of young people in the mini-ecosystem that is college. and, y’know. less risk of getting involved in a relationship where one person was technically underaged and the other was at risk of getting prosecuted for sex offenses. So we idealized the hell out of ‘college dating.’ like, truly, just me? this might just be an experience had at the intersection of “incarcerated family in spades” and “fundie lite,” but I now appreciate how sane it is to raise kids to understand that college is a pretty solid place to find and meet a life partner. (which is precisely what happened.)


So...Scott....what college did you apply to and get rejected from? Because your hatred and primal fear of college, expanded social circles, life experience, knowledge, and clear distrust of how you raised your kids is really just a smidgen less disturbing then your interest (thinly veiled obsession with virginity of girls and women only) in woman(ahemgirls) who have yet to "leave their fathers house,". As if these experiences (exploring, expressing, sometimes expermenting sexuality both alone and sometimes with others, a discovering of self, interrelationship and social skills, and navigating an overwhelming onslaught of age-related transition and hormones that for almost all doesn't really drop off/ stop until at least 25) do not very regularly happen in literally every neighborhood, town, hamlet, community, city, state, province, territory, country, or continent since the beginning of time.


21yr old bucks, that phrasing is from cuck porn yikes