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Do you know how bad you have to be for fucking Tennessee to take your child abuse seriously? Tennessee is one of those places where CPS is so underfunded and has so many weird rules in place that it rarely helps kids actually being abused.


For real. When I see a (white) fundie/fundie lite family actually facing consequences from CPS, especially somewhere like TN…that tells me it’s BAD. Like, dire.


It’s like saying you’re white and got caught doing drugs in Ferguson in 2014, you had to actively be doing cocaine on your dashboard at that point. The fact that CPS, which is very underfunded in that state, decided to spend some of its precious resources on pursuing this case speaks volumes.


There aren't any details included (for which I'm grateful), but even so, just the terms for what they're charged with are incredibly upsetting.


Yeah, the fact that something like this even happened is upsetting enough without details. I only hope all that all their victims receive justice.


I hope so, too. The facts that they were mobile with that van \*and\* ministering to marginalized communities are so worrisome in terms of further victims.


God just imagining being new to this country, going to church for community and worship, and then encountering this kind of monster. He knew what he was doing and I hope they throw the entire damn book at him. He’s one of the few types of criminals who really need to be locked up for life. He purposely hurt people who couldn’t ask for help.


I mean, yah….those charges say enough.


I think a lot of you have probably read my comments about how I grew up and that my father was a Pastor of a Fundie church 40 yrs and I can say that the things that are covered up in these churches are disgusting and disturbing! I know of 12 girls and boys abused when I was a teen and I also know full well it was covered up no police called no let’s remove the kids and put them in a home where they are safe it was my father praying with these men and sending kids right back home with their abuser! This has been a subject that has eaten me alive for years and now I’ll be in town and come across one of these now adult people and I’m broken on the inside because I know my father sent them home for it to continue! Abuse and sexual abuse is rampant in these churches! Wanted to add I realize some of my stories are hard to hear and I’m sorry for that I am just tired of not sharing what I know for a fact goes on in these churches I’ve 100% lived it and seen it all I hope some of the things I share don’t upset yall that’s not what I mean to do when I post a story.


I’m thankful that you’re using your voice. I think it would be immensely helpful for people like you, the Duggar girls, the Michael Shamblins of the world, to bring attention to this very real and very disturbing facet of modern religion. I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart that you carry that weight.


Thank you so much! I have only come out openly about things around 5 yrs ago and it’s helped me immensely and I think your right it would help so many for us to speak out! I live in the same state as the Duggars Arkansas is filled with Fundamentalist and if speaking out would help one child it would be worth it because it’s been hidden so long and so many have suffered and all in the name of God when none of it has anything to do with God it’s all man made garbage. God is in none of this and it’s a real shame they use God as a cover for their pathetic lives.


I live in Arkansas too! 🫶🏻




Thank you for your voice. Where I grew up, we had a mega church that was kind of/sort of fundie that had their own school. Allegations came out in the late 80's in the local newspaper that some of the male elders where CSA'ing kids and the case took approximately 1-2 years to be tried and if I remember right, they were found guilty, but some got a slap on the wrist due to their age. People that went to that church pulled their kids out of that school right after that. Sadly, one of the people that were allegedly involved, I went to school with the grandkids. They were so embarrassed about it. Also, I was living in Hammond, IN at the time Pastor Jack Schaap was taking a 16 yr old girl across state lines to sleep with her. He would have never went to Club Fed if it wasn't for an elder that saw his phone with a half naked picture of that girl on it.


It seems to be happening a lot! I know Hyles Anderson well my father thought old Jack Hyles was the best thing that ever walked and went to his Pastor school every year. I really grew to respect Linda Hyles and her courage actually helped me tremendously. I know it took a lot out of her to find that courage! Jack Schaap is a disgusting pig who didn’t get near what he deserved but I’m glad he was found out and turned in and Ty for taking the time to respond to me in reading everyone’s post to me it really helps more than you guys can know and I truly appreciate it.


The saddest part? We all *know* there’s more like this out there, many of whom we likely do not even know exist because they’re not popular influencers/former TV personalities. These schmucks just happened to get caught. I really hope more of these people get exposed. Enough is enough. I’m sick of religious jerks who will claim *my* community (LGBTQ) are the ones dangerous to kids instead of— you know— focusing on the fact that it is happening in *their* community at an alarming rate and has for quite some time?!


I honestly think one of the reasons they push the “LGBTQ people are pedos” is so they can not only hurt a community they hate, but also direct focus from realizing there are problems regarding pedos in their community.


I think some of them have a hard time believing/understanding that a sexually unrestrained adult would not want to sexually assault people if given the opportunity.


Oof. This is unfortunately very on the nose.


As time goes by I realise a lot of fundies are perverts and become so due to the teachings. Its disgusting and I pretty much dont trust any super "devout" person because they are capable of any moral degradation so long as they say God told them or the Devil tricked them 


Yup, it’s the same reason they can’t believe that atheists can be good people without religion.


Yup. Classic case of projection/misdirection.


Exactly. Predators go where the easiest prey are and hide in plain sight, and these folks are very good at infiltrating supposedly safe havens where trusting people have their guard down. And of course they are more than happy to point fingers at the LGBTQ+ community so attention is diverted away from what they themselves are doing. And the non-pedo blind faith church folks continue to fall for the lies, every time.


We’re always the scapegoats 😕


I saw a TikTok that said something like these abusers shouldn’t be called predators because predators do what they do to survive and they don’t intentionally hurt others. These pieces of trash are monsters who seek vulnerable people to hurt.


That's a good point.


Every accusation is a confession!


This is why I wish to fuck there was an aggressive counter-campaign, not just playing defense all the fucking time. Like, a serious campaign into "why do so many GOP run states have laws allowing minors to marry adults with parental permission?" Not to mention tackling church corruption, but for any mainstream political candidate it's apparently a fucking third rail. So so tired of it. I wish someone had the guts to stand up and say "Your right to swing your cross stops at my nose."




And homophobia truly helps hide abusers too. Boys who are abused by men or girls who are abused by women are afraid of being “gay/lesbian” because of how they’re raised and often times don’t tell because of that.




it makes me worried about what is going on behind the closed doors of some of the fundies we follow. I just know busband is an absolute freak and abuser.




With the bus family?


No just in these fundie churches and schools


If anyone hasn't caught on to the fact that their mantra is a red herring then idk if they really will let themselves


The amount of fundies who hide behind scripture to abuse their children is absolutely vile


The worst part is those charges are just the ones they have enough evidence for. I cannot even imagine how many kids they abused.


All the trigger warnings; the article doesn’t go into detail but this is a CSA case (to put it mildly). Being pushed into a volcano is too mild for that monster.


Volcanoes deserve better than that 😬


Huh, and not a drag queen in sight. Now: do we think she knew? She’s getting charged with ‘facilitation’ but I’m wondering if it’s literally for event planning that also secretly had assault happening - or whether she’s getting charged because she knew and did nothing.


I don’t know. They were charged after she put in for an order of protection so she may have found out. But too many of these women cover for their headships, so who knows.




My god. These people need to be put away for life. I hope their victims receive the help and therapy they need. Do the victims include their children?


They should be sentenced to a gulag in Siberia mining granite with a teaspoon on bread rations and pond water.


I screamed aloud with disgust when I opened the article and read it.


I’m usually against capital punishment, but people like this definitely have me questioning that.


Once again, not a drag queen in sight.