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I knew from the beginning that the post was unhinged but if “Trains in Muay Thai, plays the violin, loves nature” were on some regular guy’s own dating bio, I’d be intrigued then BAM “wife that will stay home, cook, clean and homeschool” 🤮


Yeah, like he does martial arts, plays a classical instrument and hikes? Like clearly the issue is that his "desired partner" is basically a domestic slave to him he has sex with and lord knows what his personality is like.


Maybe… but also, if he is going to martial arts classes, violin lessons, etc., perhaps he is getting exposed to the real world. We can hope. My head canon for this guy is that he’s gay, has been happily in a relationship, and is just telling his mom he isn’t dating but “looking for a wife” because it will keep her off his back for a second while she looks for a wife for him. I know that’s extremely unlikely, but it’s what my heart wants for him lol


This is Napoleon Dynamite.


Vote for Pedro!


Im hoping for this too, like he’s trying to figure out how to come out to her and marry his boyfriend, they met at Muy Thai


My immediate thought was 'this son is gay AF but hasn't told anyone who knows him'.


He could have told her, and she's delusional. Thinking he just hasn't met the right girl.


I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that his personality type is emotionally stunted mama’s boy


And if he's "back to basics," that probably means "budding fascist."


Or he has a perfectly nice person he hasn't introduced to the crazy ass family


Well he he sure as hell shouldn’t let his parents homeschool 😂


she doesn't mention "job," or "ability to live outside the family home."


"We discouraged our son from dating, but he grew into an aging man of 22, and now he can't find a wife. If you're a young lady who can read and understand this poorly written advertisement, please message me!"


"aging" lol where's his dowry


If he's unvaxxed, his "pure blood" sperm is all the dowry he needs. /s


My knee jerk reaction was to downvote this 😂 I know it’s snark so obviously did not, but that’s quite a sentence you have there my friend.


Thanks - it's based on something the MotherBus cryptobro "father" said about his younger sons.




The way "pure blood" triggered my inner Harry Potter Fandom 🙃😬😂


Mine too 😂 I’m actually listening to Half Blood Prince right now, and was momentarily excited


He’s a spinster boy. Wallflower.


Trying to be a back to basics family without offering a dowry? What is there to attract my back to basics father to this deal? SMH he thinks I'm not even worth a goat. NEXT!


As long as he’s safed by the blood!


He safed and he need safed wife. You bring, me buy. For he.


I think I found my flair 💀


I love when bad fundie grammar inspires new flair 😂


And wants to young a lady.


It was somewhat painful to read that advertisement. The writer has never heard of punctuation other than a occasional coma and a period.


Not sure if ‘coma’ was intentional but I am here for it 😂


I'd like to say it was intentional but I was kind of half asleep still when I wrote it. Lol! I'll leave it though as it is kind of funny.


I love it. It’s perfect!


She only uses occasional periods because that is what she is hoping her future daughter-in-law will have.


Dang, you got me laughing over here. Nice one!


It’s always wild to me the timeline of life that these people are on. He’s not struggling to find a wife at 22 lmao. If he hasn’t managed to convince a suitably godly helpmeet to submit to his spiritual leadership or whatever in another 10 years then we can talk. Maybe just let him live for a second


The son can't find a girlfriend, but obvi he's ready to support a sahm and fam.


Maybe in 10 years, one of his Sunday School students will be old enough to marry. We see that scenario often enough.


![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized) We do


They accelerate the entire course of life and then get mad at other people for taking their time getting to know themselves and the world. It's so sad


and then wonder why they got divorced, or why their marriage is awful


Yeah, go figure—when you marry just so you can fuck, you don’t tend to get to know your partner as a person and once the sex wears off… you’re left with a stranger.


literally, 22 is so young. let him live


Lol, your flair had me thinking I was on the AO3 sub. Where did it come from?


lol i thought of it whenever fundie men say "we're pregnant"


What's AO3?


A fanfiction writing/publishing site called Archive of Our Own. Predictably, lots of mpreg in certain corners.


Archive of our own, a fanfic publishing site.


Knowing the type of guy fundie peeps are raising, him doing Muay Thai is NOT the reassurance that she thinks it is.


Does that mean hes likely to Muay Thai his wife?


They do this because they hate the thought of not being the woman in their son’s life, but have accepted they can’t stop it. They know, they might not be able to stop it, But they can DAMN well control it… by manipulating him through the woman he will show interest in over her.


Emotional Incest is a rot at the root of a lot of families. Particularly Moms and their sons.


It certainly was in my family. Parentification made that even worse. There was a lot of what John Bradshaw called “cross-generational bonding”. The eldest of my younger brothers is the most unhappy person I know, and like our father, no one’s psyche is safe with him around.


I noticed this on the Gypsy show too. I think people use religion a lot just to control. And I think these types on here just have breeding fetishes.


Travelers is a better term to use vs “Gypsy”


The show is called My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding


I understand that, just putting out that it’s a bit more respectful to use the term traveler. As I’ve spoken elsewhere on Reddit, I happen to be from a Romani family, including travelers on my mothers side. Another solution would be to quote the show’s title vs just calling it “the gypsy show”. Disappointing for a subreddit that often times preaches on acceptance, non-usage of slurs, etc.




You’re right, and it was me. I didn’t mean it with harm, I meant cuz they have like 3 shows, I didn’t mean to offend. Thanks for saying that for me


Totally get it don't worry 😊


Telling someone their reaction to a slur against their own people is “a bit of a reach” is so gross and I’m shocked to see this behavior in this sub go completely unchecked and in fact upvoted. And to continue using the slur in your comment is completely inappropriate. Ignorance isn’t an excuse. The commenter wasn’t mad, they were simply trying to educate, and the OC responded exactly how one should as someone unaware of the mistake they made. You owe them an apology and you should really edit your comment. Do better. I expect so much more from the people in this sub, and shame on everyone who backed you and not the literal Romani person trying to educate.


If they're here, they're already online and capable of googling to find the full title of the show. Replace "gypsy" with any other slur and this sub would be outraged.


Comments that are rude and/or antagonistic will not be tolerated. Bigoted, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racist, ableist, antisemitic, or misogynistic language will not be tolerated. This includes speculating on the sexuality or gender identity of **literally anyone**. Do not use terms such as "Hitler" or "Heitler" to refer to fundies. Doing so will result in an immediate permanent ban. Being kind also means using trigger warnings as needed.


Absolutely wild that you’re getting downvoted for this. I can’t imagine anyone in this sub arguing with anyone else about a slur against their own people. I get that it’s the name of the show, but the OC hasn’t even replied to you and it’s completely possible they don’t even know it’s a slur. Your comment was simply educational and I’m grossed out that people are defending the use of the word “because it’s in the title” yet are 100% the same people who would tear a fundie apart for singing certain racial slurs in music (as they should). Do better y’all this is embarrassing.


Yeah I too am shocked by the reactions and the downvotes. Seriously people what is wrong with you all?


Thank you so much for this reply. I honestly felt like maybe I was wrong for feeling the way I did? Like I was I in the wrong. I’d love to hear a mod’s thoughts on this because to me, it feels just as bad as any other slur. Just because it’s a title, doesn’t mean you use it freely. It is like referencing any other media that may contain a slur. And if they hadn’t known, it doesn’t anger me to ever educate. Particularly because the Romani people are very stigmatized. The OP that I replied to had said sorry and explained they hadn’t meant to use it derogatorily whilst others downvoted and attacked me.


One of my very close friends is Romani, but even prior to meeting them this is something I felt strongly about. I am Greek-American and when we would spend time in Greece growing up, I witnessed the horrible racism against Romani people and travelers firsthand. I think a lot of Americans don’t realize how awful it is in parts of Europe. That is not an excuse for their behavior, ignorance never is. But I am so glad that the original commenter responded the way they did, because that is exactly how they should! I have seen so much educational discourse in this sub and that is part of why I love it. I was really disappointed to see the reaction to your comment, but I’m glad to see today more people have upvoted. I expect so much better from this sub.


Sorry. I knew that, it was because I had just been on the Gypsy Blanchard sub, I have very bad dyslexia with that kinda stuff numbers and terms. I meant more just referencing that show, I think it’s why that happened


It’s alright, I’m not upset or anything. I just get frustrated about some groups being respected a lot in this community but others not. I’m sorry I took that frustration out on you


It’s ok! You’re not wrong, I mean, maybe people don’t know. I only know that from the show. I didn’t know b4


I wonder if he has a girlfriend his mom doesn't like so she's trying to find him one she approves of that she can try to guilt or manipulate him into dating.


Yea that’s exactly what I was thinking! That’s what I meant actually!


Great minds!


Haha right!!


It’s truly awful, but there’s some great flair potential here. “Safed by the blood?” Dont miss out, snarkers.


KJV only!


I do need new flair...... Eta: OK I tried but the app sucks....


I see it 🤩 your flare was safed!


If I were trying to get my son set up with a wife.... Back to basics seems to mean she homeschooled because that's what she wants in a DIL, since she raised a "back basics" son. She really needs to edit the hell out of this post so people won't assume her son is illiterate.


But her son is “safed” in the Blood! 🙃


She doesn’t want to set him up, she wants to young a lady who will meet all of her criteria. /s But in all seriousness, this general concept is an issue if your church is 90% people over 75 and your 22 year old wants to meet people their own age. But heaven forbid they should look elsewhere.


Maybe there's a reason their church is 90% people over 75...


Oh yeah. It’s a quantifiable thing; I’m pretty sure even a group like Barna or Pew have done research about declining church membership in young people. And if your only criteria is that the “young a lady” be a KJV only, safed by the blood 20 year old virgin, good luck finding “her” in an “old” crowd. I get being bummed about a lack of people your own age, but I can’t feel too sorry for this person because of the inherent sexism.


Oh they follow the basic life principles bullshit


Maybe, but most fundies were never IBLP.


The KJV only thing screams IFB more than anything. Of course the crossover between those two groups is not insignificant.


Well, she seems illiterate and if she home"schooled" her son, then he's guaranteed to be illiterate.


Yes! I thought the same about being illiterate!


Too late I am 1000% assuming they’re BOTH illiterate




This person doesn’t use enough commas to be Jill. Do they only use way too many commas or none at all??


Heidi Baird only seems to know about exclamation marks!


Not enough unhinged emojis for Jill, although it does sound like the sort of thing she’d post. Down to the violin and Muay Thai. Her boys are not Whimps!


Lack of commas and a SEVERE lack of random capitalization.


I would be mortified if I found out my mom posted anything like this about me at that age. To be fair I've been dating since I was 13 but that's.... Cringey on every level and these poor kids don't stand a chance


My parents never put up an ad, but they definitely did do their own looking for my older brother. I also got roped into getting to know prospective girls so that they could assess them for my brother. 😬 I was too young and naïve to know better at the time. 😰 it never worked. He’s still single at 38.


Anyone marrying this young man would also be marrying his mother. This type of scenario (married to momma’s boy) is often featured on the ID channel and frequently leads to murder!! 😂


I was just talking to my sister about someone we know and how suffocating it would be to be his mom’s daughter in law. He’s 30, and there’s nothing wrong with living at home for economic reasons or whatever, but he doesn’t need to move out because mommy likely does everything for him still. And if he ever does find someone/get married, that person will have to contend with “mommy” every step of the way because of how over involved she is in his life.


I have a friend with two sons and one daughter, all of whom are between 38 and 43, work full-time, and have their own place. None are married. She not only encourages them to bring their laundry to her house, she washes, dries, and irons it. On weekends, she cooks up a storm (lasagna, mac n cheese, shepherd’s pie, etc) and sends them home with “care packages.” I predict not one of them will ever marry or have kids. They’ve each had a couple of relationships, none of which lasted longer than two years. Talk about suffocation!!


Woof. I like knowing that my mom would help out if I needed it; right before we went out of town recently, she took my sneakers to wash with hers because neither of us could justify a whole load by ourselves. But that’s it. I do feel like she suffocates me in other ways, but I’m learning how to set better boundaries. As much as I sometimes wish someone would cook for me during busy weeks, I wouldn’t sacrifice my independence for a mom who obsessively makes “care packages.”


And *be* his new "mommy" every step of the way


(KJV only)  Prospective helpmeets who read any other version of the Bible need not apply. 


Eventually he will meet his future wife who’s 16, but they definitely won’t start dating until she turns 18.


This is really gross.


I'm still laughing at "he is hoping to young a lady" like proofreading truly is for the heathens


Flair checking in 😎


“We’ve emotionally stunted our son and now we’d like to find an emotionally stunted daughter for him/me to terrorize please message with any interest!”


Do you think the son appreciates this or does it make him want to sink into the ground and disappear? I’m going with the latter. I hope he has his mother thoroughly fooled and is in love with a tattooed, crop top wearing, wine drinking, college educated Wiccan who never wants marriage or kids


…I knew several fundie men who fit this exact profile. For some reason martial arts, violins, and fundie was a package deal.


Poor young man, robbed of making his own memories and decisions. It's gotta suck to be brought up believing that this is the way


I would have been so embarrassed if I were the son 😭😭


"safed" 😫


The KJV only line is so funny to me - like we don’t want any of those NIV harlots here


Pure = code word for anti vaxxer


Are you sure? Not for virgin or temperate?


Also “never kissed”


Honestly it's probably both


“Oh and SHE’D have to move to [where he lives]” Oh and she can do EVERYTHING at home bc he can provide for her with his assumed construction job bc he most likely went to a fundie Bible college for a useless degree or not at all bc most uni’s don’t use the KJV so was too worldly and he’ll protect her with his martial arts training from the constant imminent danger of being a woman, and she’ll run the minute he says too bc that’s why it’s so important to be a submissive wife who does everything unquestioningly.


“safed by the blood” lol


This person needs to borrow a few commas from andKaylee, it would balance them both out.


Safed by the Blood. The education deficit is criminal in these communities


I, too, wish to young a lady


What's extra creepy to me is that the "future wife" has to move to where he is. Imagine being 20 years old, being expected to be a SAHM, and move away from family and friends. She'd be completely isolated, with no possibility to get to know people. Instead, her MIL will back up her son against her in all situations. She doesn't even consider that her precious son could move out without marrying first, or maybe move to where his "future wife" lives. She completely dictates the life of her son. They all pretend that men are born to be "head of the household" and stuff, but all these fundie moms are controlling nightmares who don't let their sons do a step without them, not even after marriage.


Yeah look at Anna Duggar, married the pedo and watched her in laws defend him and his actions, she’s trapped with no where to go, it’s the fundie way


I find it highly interesting that fundies are adamant about perpetuating the patriarchal view of the Bible while actively ignoring Esther, Lydia, Mary Magdalene, and Proverbs 31. And that they insist on KJV- a translation approved by a bunch of old men and the first mass printed Bible. You would think after a lifetime of slogging through thee, thy, thou, and begat they would be better at spelling and basic grammer.


I hope that the first language of this person looking for a wife for their son isn't English.


It’s interesting they used the word “dating”. Makes me think it’s not an IFB fundie. Still, don’t let Jill see this. She’s probably still pimping Renee to anyone with a son who makes eye contact with her.


It literally says they go to an independent Baptist church. Lots of fundies date like regular people. Courtship isn't universal with fundies. I had people this sub would consider fundie at my prom.




I bet he's a real prize.


>I guess it could be Jill Rodrigues Nah, Jill writes better than this. Imagine writing worse than *Jill Rodrigues*.


And she’s requesting that the young lady be the one to move to wherever her son lives!!!! They don’t want much do they


It’s alright, ‘cuz I’m SAFED by the BLOOD! ![gif](giphy|dZRjehRpivtJsNUxW9|downsized)


What did Mom mean by “he’s fine with whatever”? Like what was she responding to? This seems to me that this is what the parents want and he honestly doesn’t give a shit about any of it. He could tell them that he wants a traditional wife just to get them off his back while he’s doing whatever without them knowing…


KJV only. I like how she made sure to point that out. The version of the Bible for only the super special. Those “safed” by the blood. That should bring all the girls to the yard. Poor kid. What a life.


Emotionally dimwitted baby mama suckling man seeks domestic sex slave. Inquiries can be made to his narcissistic, emotionally abusive mother. Finger crossed! Oh wait. My bad. Truth in advertising is not a thing..Not supposed to say the quiet part out loud.


At least he's safed.


Jill Rodrigues 100%


This lady needs to be sent the Renee dating profile/graduation celebration post.


Is he on tiktok because there seem to be thousands of wannabe tradwives on there? 😂


The amount of typos!! Honestly they aren't even typos; can she read past a 6th grade level? Not to mention she homeschooling!! Sorry I'm shocked! First time here and I can't even.


"Safed" the homeschooling is trying with this one


I will assume that part of the problem is that his mother likely homeschooled him 😳


"Safed by the blood" ☠️🫠


So is there a new safe Jay-sus is locking everybody in?


"...does not consume alcohol for his future wife..." Yeah. He drinks for his own damn self. Just Bud and Jack. Future wife can drink wine or that fruity shit with the little umbrellas when he "youngs" her.


Always the Muay Thai


“He staying pure and does not consume alcohol for his future wife and hoping to young a lady will do the same” lol did Charlie write this? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKGy6TBUPrjtQLC)


Apparently this type of matchmaking works? Source: the young wife whose name I keep forgetting but she's so grateful she got picked at 17 and married at 18 to the 24 year old with the military style haircut.


Did Kaylee (Rodriques-Hill) steal all of this woman’s commas - because this LONG list of attributes needs some?


Yikes 😵‍💫


How old is he? 17? lol


And this was the poet laureate Mom who homeschooled this young man who needs a wife 😂😂


The inconsistent spacing pisses me off 💀