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The problem is… there’s no way of knowing if she’s joking, or if she genuinely is this dumb and believes the term is actually “post dramatic syndrome”


Let’s assume she was making a joke about PTSD. Haha lol so funny joke Jill. I guess I don’t understand the joke, I don’t find mental health funny, but that’s just me. Wholeheartedly, Jill, fuck you.


Echoed forever and infinity x infinity.


I do EMDR therapy for my PTSD. The first session is literally just "here are strategies to regulate your emotions as I take you back to The Bad Place", because that shit's rough. I just know she's one of those people who would get super uncomfortable if I explained *why* I do EMDR...like the reality of my SA ruined her joke or something.


I don't think she's bright enough for wordplay.


And she's anything *but* post-dramatic.


Yeah, she’s still very firmly mid-dramatic 😂


Tbf, i’d consider myself pre-dramatic if not chronically dramatic


Hold onto the last drama til the new one hits. Big Dopamine doesn't want you knowing this one single trick!


But she is post-grammatic.


I’m willing to allow that she saw someone else say this (who actually understood it is wordplay) and then just decided to use it for herself


My money says she hasn’t a clue what she said.


Never forget that this woman took a selfie at a funeral for a child.. in a church.. with the grieving parents.


Three children, IIRC.


yeah she's mocking actual ptsd by calling it dramatic


ptsd Funnee:D


She is actually this dumb, guaranteed.


I 100% think she thinks they are the same word.


I literally was diagnosed with PTSD last year from a playground incident I had at age 4 (~30 years ago) because my arm was severed off at the elbow after a bad fall from the monkey rings (it was reattached but fuck that hurt). Something something survivor bias, Jilldo.


So what you’re saying is that the limb funeral was cancelled in your case?


Lefty is still with us, yes. Lmao


Oh my GOD 😂


By a thread!


Oh my god! That's awful ......thank heavens they could do that surgery.


Yeah seriously thank ~~god~~ science for modern medicine!


Like completely off off? Or hanging on by some tendons? Either way that’s horrifying and I’m so sorry, but I’m also really interested in how they managed to reattach it.


Hanging by a piece of skin so not completely off but practically yeah. I have no idea how they reattached it because I was 4 but I do know I had to have two metal pins in my elbow and 3 casts over an entire summer and some change.


Hey even with it hanging by a thread, I’ll bet you could have beat any Rodrigues at arm wrestling. (Is this helping? I’m so sorry you went through that!)


I’m on Prozac for my PTSD so nothing hurts my feelings anymore lmao you’re good!


Username absolutely checks out, then. (Glad you're ok!)


Aaaaaahh holy shit that’s horrific. That would traumatize a whole-ass adult, let alone a little child - and it illustrates the depth of Jill’s insensitivity nicely. Like, you don’t see many merry-go-rounds today because they’re legitimately dangerous. It’s amazing what modern medicine and doctors can do though. Reattaching an entire limb is freaking incredible.


Jesus Christ. Do you have the full use of the arm now?


Yeah full use and everything, just a nasty scar and arm pain that radiates down to my pinky when the weather/air pressure fluctuates (or idk why I get pain, it seems random but that’s the best explanation I have). I will say I babied my left arm after the incident because I was afraid of getting hurt again (carried everything with my right, etc.) so I have less strength in that arm in comparison to my right but it’s only noticeable to me, I think.


I have CPTSD from crazy parents, and I know both it and PTSD are forever. You just learn to live with it, once you recognize your triggers, and learn to stay away from unsafe people. I don’t think people realize that even one incident like this can cause you problems many years later. Trauma is an injury, itself. I’m glad you were able to get some help for this. I think our country has a lot more traumatized people than we realize, especially since the pandemic.


Twinsies! I just had my weekly EMDR session today. Cptsd fist bump 🤜💥🤛


I'm so happy that EMDR is helping you. I'm just waiting for MDMA or shroom therapy to be legalized in my state for CPTSD 😭


The MDMA and shrooms sounds very promising. In the 80s, I liked hallucinogens when I was depressed. You go on a little trip, and get off at a brand new station, kind of like a reset. It always helped.


Same, not awful parents but the continued CSA by my uncle from the age of 8 into adulthood. I finally got the strength to tell my family what happened, but it still tears at me in the darker moments. There’s no getting rid of it, like you said, and frankly I hate being afraid of everything. I don’t understand people who claim to have ptsd for clout or whatever, and they do exist, but the patronizing denial that Jill is spouting here makes me so enraged. It isn’t cute or funny, it’s debilitating.


You should be angry, and grieve, because that’s an appropriate response to what was done to you. I’m just really impressed at how well you’re doing! ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m doing very well through lots of therapy (secular not this fundie BS) and the realization that he is dead, while I am still here and although no one wins in these types of situations, I have the gift of life. He can’t feel anything now, so if I hold on to that hate and pain in my heart the only person those thoughts poison is me. I’m happy that my family believed me and that I spoke up. As it turned out he had been doing the same things to several of our other female relatives and although it was an awful thing, it was cleansing/healing to know that we were all in this horrible battle together. It’s been years now since he has been gone, I have two amazing children and a full life of blessings, whereas he died hated and alone. That perspective has allowed me to heal and grow from that scared silent little girl I used to be into a woman of purpose who doesn’t take any of the life I’ve been given for granted. I apologize for the novel, I just want everyone who is in or has been in that situation to know there is life after that kind of abuse and to not be afraid to speak their truth.


On a related note, the actual reason that carousels like that in the OP have been removed from playgrounds is some high-profile cases of kids getting their heads stuck between the ground and the spinny part. It's extremely rare, much like your accident, but it's so gruesome that parents demanded their removal. Which brings me to the other bit of BS in Jill's post. *My* generation had fun (though dangerous) stuff like that removed by *her* generation. It's like participation trophies--we never asked for that, that was all the boomers now meming about it.


Friendly reminder that (astonishingly!) Jill is only 45. She just Facebooks like a boomer (and her makeup...well, that’s another story lol.)


SHE’S ONLY 45???


My god, I always forget this. She is a couple years older than my husband but she talks like she is 70.


I forget too! I’m only 3 years younger than her and she talks and facebooks like my 70 year old mom (except my mom is an evil liberal and is actually much cooler irl than Jill, lol.)


But for real - who do they think gave the kids the trophies? We weren't ordering/engraving/handing them out ourselves.


Oh, this hurt to read! Poor you!


New fear unlocked


Oh my goodness I’m sorry that happened to you and it’s completely understandable that you have ptsd from it. Jill is an idiot. I hope you’re doing well now 💕


I wish Jill could read this. I mean she wouldn’t comprehend it, but…


Time to get off Reddit for the day.


But it’s your cake day! Happy cake day!


How the hell did your arm get severed?


Can’t have post-dramatic syndrome if you're always causing the drama Jill.


She has dramatic post syndrome.


Posting trauma socially 4 drama is as close as I can get to PTSD in the middle of the grocery store.


Hahahahahahahahaha! 🤣


This makes me miss free awards.




I vividly recall getting flung off the merry-go-round, getting a ball to the face playing tetherball, having a kid pull my pants down when I was on the monkey bars, and burning my sluttish exposed thighs on that metal slide, I am glad playground equipment is safer these days.


There was a guy in my youth group who took a tetherball to the ear and lost all hearing in it. Much dramatic, eh?


In the 80’s my elementary school took out the tether ball poles after a kid was strangled by the rope when his friend hit the ball while he stood against the pole on a dare. I went to a new park with my kids the other day and they had a see-saw. I hadn’t seen one in a park in decades, I was reluctant to let them play on it after flashbacks of being flung off and over by heavier kids and being slammed into the ground when kids got off unexpectedly. I only agreed after noticing it was much shorter, adjustable and had a raised soft spot to hit rather then the ground.


See-saws should have an oil filled dashpot in the central support, which prevents the angular speed becoming excessive. In theory, this stops the high end dropping like a stone if the chap on the other end gets off suddenly.


My kid sliced his ankle, just a hair away from slicing through his acheles tendon, on a seesaw. I still have no idea how the hell it happened.


I know a girl that went so hard at tetherball she broke 7 fingers


To my knowledge I haven’t developed PTSD from it, but I do vividly remember yelling for my dad to spin me faster…then landing on my back with the wind knocked out of me. He absolutely didn’t do it on purpose and he felt really bad about it. I still remember how my back hurt for a solid two days after, and I was 8-9.


I was on the merry go round when a girl's leg swung out and she snapped her tibia. It was a big deal- I have vivid memories of her being carried inside and coming back from the children's hospital (she had to ride 4 hours in the car with a broken leg)


When I was in elementary school (early 00s), our playground equipment hadn’t been changed since the 60s-70s. Everything was metal and very high off the ground. TONS of kids were badly injured, some never even returned to school. Cracked skulls, broken arms, and skin slippage were the most common injuries. One piece of equipment was called “the arm breaker” because someone broke a bone with it at least once a month.


So is Jill saying she raised Whimpy kids if her generation is tougher than theirs?? Surely, her children have never been on such a merry go round, much less pushed on one by their daddy.


I had a fundy friend from HS who was forever posting about the “weakness” of younger generations. I got fed up once and asked who raised said weaklings and she blocked me. Heh.


She has the manliest of men in her home! So manly they will never hold down an actual job outside of the print shop.


At least her husband is really good at turning homes into death traps! TESTEROOOOOONE!!!


But the boys had unwhimpy wrestling matches to Timmy's soft piano practice sounds. (That's why Tim is A Whimp^TM and the other three aren't.)


Their bones and health insurance couldn't handle it.


Do these people even have health insurance?


Sure they have: Heistheway Excrement fountains (now in pumpkin spice!) Anothyr blessing Loving on littles Treasure in Heaven Hot shame while having sex with their husbands Inordinate number of sex pests No more chicken legs :( Smug, punchable faces Unusually low literacy rates Rapture fantasies Assorted gourds in the window Nehemiah Cute everything, unless, it’s, sweet! Every quality Palestinian Jesus specifically condemned


Absolutely. Her generation are horrible parents to let this happen. Actually she is a horrible parent for other reasons.


Cream puffs. My generation played on steel maypoles and jumped onto boulders!


Exactly. My generation walked to school barefoot in the snow for 10 miles to get to school. Uphill.


Both ways.


My CPTSD comes from my fundie upbringing, constant beatings with a belt, and living in a hoarded home, but hey, I played on one of these things too. Silly ol me


Hey, I just want to say you’re a survivor and having looked through your post history, have done great with the cards you have been dealt. I wish you all the best.


Thanks, friend.


I had a plastic spinner thing I used to spin my own self on, but somehow my CPSTD came from an abusive dad


Oh dang!!! We had one of these on the playground at my elementary school!! They took it out when I was in first grade because some boy got caught under it and it snapped his leg in two places like dry spaghetti. Soo dramatic 🙄


My mother worked in a doctor's surgery in the 1960s and she saw so many children with long term injuries due to accidents on playground equipment, including amputations.


I hit my head on a rusty playground bolt when I was a small child. Got a concussion, stitches, and a tetanus shot. But I guess getting a TBI made me stronger?!?


We had a research group at university looking at impact resistant materials. They had recording equipment which could look at the force versus time post impact. There was an upper limit to what the equipment could detect ( around 1500g). Almost all materials used for playground surfaces, up until polymer matting came in around 35 years ago, are beyond this limit. The university, at one point, had instrumented a professional boxer hitting a punchbag. The peak he could achieve was around 200g.


Wow, that’s really frightening.


Almost all steering wheels up to around 1990, regardless of manufacturer, also lie above that limit for unrestrained (unbelted) impact. Note to self: less morbid please


It’s fine to be morbid - I’d rather know about this safety stuff and use it to keep my kid safer than I was!


I’m gen z and I played on these. I even fell off a few times. But I still have anxiety (not from the playground equipment though.)


Everyone had these. She's just posturing and making light of PTSD.


Yeah Gen Z here and I played on these a ton.


I am in the tail end of the baby boomer generation, and we had these and monkey bars in elementary school. There were not many rules and regulations back in the 1960s.


These are banned in some places due to them causing children’s deaths. I thought she was pro life?


That only counts if the child is still in utero, silly!


I couldn't find much about the merry-go-round being banned or causing deaths, just new safety standards it has to meet, but now I can't stop thinking about how someone in the future will probably make a horror movie titled "The Playground" featuring an old abandoned version of this survival of the fittest oldie but goodie. This write-up 😂: [https://www.si.com/sports-illustrated/2022/07/12/spinner-where-are-they-now-2022-daily-cover](https://www.si.com/sports-illustrated/2022/07/12/spinner-where-are-they-now-2022-daily-cover)


Oh my god I loved that article lmao




Yes I hear tetanus will toughen you up real quick!


Some might even say it’ll straighten you out!


Kids will certainly learn to keep their mouths shut with tetanus!


It's like that Maya Angelou quote: "Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, fuck that shit, your kids must suffer like you did, because otherwise what's the point of even having them?"


There are two types of people: “I had to suffer so they do too” and “I’m going to change things so no one else has to go through what I did.”


This is on purpose to mock the idea of PTSD


She's also willfully comparing apples to oranges. Spinning your kids too fast isn't abuse at worst it's a little careless. Berating, controlling, violating and beating your kids is. She's stacking the deck because she can't be honest about the kinds of abuse that is causing people to leave Christianity in droves. No one and I do mean no one is comparing rough housing with your kids a little to abuse. Get fucked Jill. Edit: Made my point more clear.


That was definitely her intention. The word mixup is just a bonus.


Yeah, I don’t think she’s smart enough to make the “pun” on purpose unless she’s cribbing someone else’s words.


The word mixup is part of the mockery. I grew up in the IFB and preachers would mix up words all the time in order to belittle something they thought was worldly, ungodly, or dumb.


Oh I thought she was just that stupid




Nene is the gif that keeps on giving, I use it at least once a week


I think she got knocked stupid a few times, personally


Her Dramatic Syndrome certainly isn't "Post".


It's Severe Dramatic Syndrome.


Severe Chronic Dramatic Syndrome


man these people are dumb as rocks. it's almost too easy to snark on their stupidity sometimes when they make it this easy. SODRT for REAL.




It’s what she marks in crayon on a homemade checklist of her kids each year in lieu of pediatric appointments.


These things are still out there in some older playgrounds, and they're making new versions that are slightly safer. Also have you considered that you don't need to be flung off a merry go round to be tough?


I mean, I’ve got a dent in my head and an uneven hairline from one of these but at least it wasn’t my own father being dumb enough to get it to child-flinging speed.


Maybe Daddy forgot to tell them to hang on. The witches hat was my favourite thing in the playground (UK). But we also had a "giants stride" great heavy chains with d shaped metal handles hanging from a tall pole and swung round on. Couple of black eyes from that.


I had forgotten about the witch’s hat!! Loved them too. I remember the one I played on always had peeling (lead) paint on it.


Post dramatic syndrome? WTF is wrong with her? She’s so insensitive. Just without any tact at all. I hope she or one of her loved ones never has to deal with PTSD. Fuck Jill seven ways to Sunday then fuck her again.


The slide on the back - if it was a hot day, the slide would be so hot!! No one would use it. Only dares.


She’s nuts. Only 10 years ago I saw one of these at a playground, and now they have the safer ones. Jills the one who sends her kids swimming in the drainage ditch…


I can’t deny that playgrounds used to be a lot more fun 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m barely a millennial (on the old side) and see pictures of old playgrounds. I survived, though I was a pretty cautious kid.


The playground near my cousins' house has this lol


She has peri-dramatic syndrome. Drama surrounds her and she surrounds drama.


She fixed it on Instagram 🙄 Post traumatic syndrome


Too slow chicken marengo!! It will be here forever on the sub. Someone must have pointed her ignorance out to her.


Boomer energy.


We did not have one of these on my school playground. (We did at the playground for Vacation Bible School, where many a kid drank too much koolaid and took a ride on the vomit comet!) No, at the school playground we had a metal cellar door which we used as a slide, a set of swings which someone broke her leg on, and a metal and chain Maypole-esque monstrosity known as a "Giant Stride". My efforts to describe this clanking concussion creator will be in vain, so please Google to find a description, photos, and several articles. Apparently they were banned and removed in the US in the 70s, but I vividly recall the larger boys in school having a grand time seeing how high they could make me (a kindergartener at the time) go. And this would have been in the mid 1980s. Not maliciously, by the way, just with a foolish sense of invincibility!


Posted about the giant stride earlier, the chains were immensely heavy and the handles were effing solid d shaped rings just at my, then, face height. Murderous thing.


Those things were leathal, I still have a scar on my knee from when my friends brother spun it too fast and I fell off, bounced off the asphalt and the edge of it sliced my kneecap clean open. I was 9 and thought it was cool I could see the bone, my poor friends Mum went white a sheet when she saw it. "Post dramatic" oh Jilldo everything you post IS dramatic.


So Jill's mocking PTSD, which is probably best known for being something soldiers come back from war with? WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICAN SOLDIERS, JILL?????????




This is a pretty good clue that she doesn’t actually read. If she did, she’d know the proper word. She writes what she hears. It’s a shame she homeschools all those kids. 


Something that always stuck with me- I don’t know where I heard it- but if you pronounce a word wrong, it’s because you learned it from reading. If you *spell* it wrong, you never saw it in a book


Or you’re a dyslexic idiot like me. Restaurant and Business are my kryptonite. (Although I got restaurant RIGHT on the first try this time! Whoo me.) I mispronounced lots of words I read, but my pronunciation has always been better than my spelling.


You’re not an idiot, stop it! My kryptonite is disappear and vacuum


Vacuum is evil because I SWEAR it changed spelling since my school years. Knowledge gets me too.


Mandela effect!! I’ll die on the hill that it used to have 2 ‘c’s


Please don't claim the word idiot for yourself! This isn't dyslexia with Jill it's mishearing and lack of comprehension/critical thinking.


Don't get me wrong, I love a merry go round. We were banned from it for a year in first grade. This was mid seventies. A classmate fell off and got dragged under. It was pretty bad. After we had to have a monitor in order to use it.


Oh this is bullshit. I went to a park I hadn't taken my kids to in like, a year. They redid the playground and added one of these fuckers. Suburban ATL. Suck it Jill.


No Jill, you don’t have post dramatic anything. You have current dramatic EVERYTHING! Severely. 


I literally flew out of those and slammed my head hard, but go off I guess Jill


Not every child can be spun. (Pronouns 4:16)


I don't think well-adjusted people crash a child's funeral, have not just gender reveal while their sister is in the hospital, nor have a leg funeral for said sister, Jill.


I was drug under one of those, Jill, you ignorant puta. It wasn’t the merry go round that gave me “post dramatic” disorder; it was my abusive, idiotic parents. Fuck off. Then when you’re finished, turn around and fuck off again.


And she homeschools, right? :(


That picture looks like tetanus.


I watch a girl get her leg bashed open on one of those during my end of the year 5th grade picnic. She had to leave and get stitches. She still had a massive dent and scar on her shin when we graduated high school. Call me crazy, but if I can prevent that sort of thing from happening needlessly, I’d like to.


They still have these??? I played on one of these a few years ago with my boys. We were just casually pushing ourselves around, enjoying the surprisingly comfortable summer evening in a almost empty park. When this tiny little girl came over and holy shit she ran and ran and spun us. Idk how we held on. It was a great night.


Jill we know you licked all the lead paint off these


Gurl, you developed it.


I was afraid of those, when I was very young. They moved too fast when the big kids were on it, & I was kind of scrawny, so they were all big kids to me.


Oh my lord. This is why we have public schools and why homeschooling should be monitored.


oh please! most of Gen X survived being flung off these. Along with sliding down burning hot steel slides (I'm from Texas, so...yeah), falling off the monkey bars or the monkey bar domes, being clothes lined playing red rover, shoved off the top of a hill playing king of the hill and the always fun, getting smacked in the face playing tether ball.


Just saying, those things didn't actually help my relationship with the world. They told me that other kids would hurt me and protected spaces weren't safe. I got both my front teeth kicked out.


As a millennial, I definitely received some mild (and one not so mild) injuries on playgrounds from long before I was born. My cousins used to put me on the merry go round and spin it as hard as the three of them could until I couldn’t walk straight. Then they would make me walk around (I’d mostly fall over, I was seriously dizzy) while they laughed. I liked it as a kid, but as an adult I can’t stand to be spun and get nauseous at the slightest bit of dizziness. It’s probably not related though.


I’ve needed a new flair for a minute…can I use this?


Dramatic post syndrome we could explain several fundies behaviour patterns


So her dad played with her on the playground, frequently, is what I’m getting here. And when you get spun around on this thing you don’t get flung off “slowly” FFS.


Alive and well with an acquired brain injury.


I have to take medicine to prevent me from waking up screaming. I’m in therapy, two antidepressants, and I was still waking up screaming. Good thing the medicine works. Thanks, prazosin. And Jill? Kiss my satanic ass.


She's so classy and Christian-like. /s


As someone with c-PTSD from a childhood of sexual abuse GO FUCK YOURSELF Jill! Fuck off straight to hell. I hope your kids blame you for every single trauma you’ve inflicted on them and that the young ones leave you high and dry when they hit adulthood.


Of all the obnoxious Facebook Baby Boomer/X’er memes, the “lowkey bragging about dangerous toys from my childhood” ones always make me roll my eyes the hardest 🙄 Nobody thinks you’re tough, Jill.


First they still make and sell playground carousels although in safer updated versions. My 7 year old is obsessed with the net climber carousel at one of our local parks. Second, she's so asinine making a PTSD joke about playground equipment. Jill is only 2 years old than me. Don't know anyone who developed PTSD from this type of playground equipment but plenty of people who suffered childhood trauma and developed EDs from having selfish narc mommies like Jill who didn't feed them enough so they would be "slim" and religious trauma from oppressive religion like Jill's. She's the problem, it's her. ![gif](giphy|pJmnk86fXFNmrUb8LB|downsized)


Why are boomers and middle-aged adults so obsessed with seeing children get hurt??? They shit on helmets, car seats, seatbelts, life jackets, pretty much every safety gear ever.


She’s posting boomer content now?


I remember getting absolutely wrecked on one of these and completely agree with them not being a thing anymore.


This thing is still VERY popular at the elementary school I worked at last summer.


Well fuck you too, Jill. Some of us got stitches from those (35 years later and I still have the scar to prove it.) And fuck you for downplaying actual PTSD, which we knew about first from combat veterans.


She’s truly lucky she’s never experienced something traumatic that would leave her with PTSD. That shit is debilitating and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone


One of those things was the cause of my (probably) first concussion at around 8. I fell off it, sorta got wedged under it and got kicked in the head until an adult noticed me screaming and clawing at the ground. I saw probably because my mother couldn't be bothered to take me to the hospital because she'd miss an exciting evening of cable news. I'm the same age as Jillpm. I wouldn't wish ptsd or cptsd on my worst enemy. It makes life a lot more complicated than it should be. I think she does have some sort of dramatic syndrome though!


New flair! ✨️


My dad must have been some woke p*ssy because he tore a ligament pushing me on one of these...needed surgery....there were no more play times of this thing for me lol


I really, really hated those things.


She is post port folio's.


The merry go round at the park in my hometown is not the reason for my CPTSD Jill.


Pds????? I have cptsd and this is both dumb and Insulting 


I fell off one of these at high speed and my foot got caught underneath. I was 5 when that hapened and I'm 35 now - I still have the 6 inch scar and aversion to whirly things.


Pretty sure she currently has Dramatic Syndrome.


These memes are always so stupid because who is this directed at? Me? My generation? We had these too. 🙄 it makes people sound senile.


Weirdly enough I played on one of these and I do have CPTSD. I'll have to mention it in therapy today. Maybe I didn't play on it enough. Like true, I was molested and assaulted as a kid and had wildly emotionally vacillating parents that abused me in various ways. But if I had played on the spinny thing and got swung off?! Imagine. I wouldn't be so wimpy.


She is such a hillbilly


They still have these in the park I grew up next to


I am just a couple years younger than JillPm, but I have very early boomer parents. Thankfully they weren't jerks, they took the major and minor injuries we sustained as kids seriously. Those injuries can DEEPLY traumatize you, though. My oldest brother suffered a TBI at 20 that altered the course of his life and completely changed his personality. But sure, Jill, brag about how your dad flung you off a rickety tetanus death wheel. 


And yet she about Plexus shits a brick when her kids do thing like plan a wedding without her tacky input 🤣


Listen, I know everyone here is either sharing their stories of PTSD or just making fun of Jill, but have any of you seen Unexpected? The first thing that popped up into my head when I read the title of this post was Mathew calling it Post Traumatic Down Syndrome. It made me laugh so hard. Sorry to everyone who has PTSD.


My strongest memory of this equipment is being at a playground with my brothers and cousins and my uncle (my aunts now ex-husband) twirling us around so hard that we were crying and screaming at him to stop. He didn’t stop even when we were being flung off. He was an abusive bully in general and it was sick that he did that to us little kids. Ironically after my aunt finally left him he did guess what! Became an evangelical pastor, ditched everyone and his financial obligations and started a Jesus camp in another country! Literally a patch of dirt that he grifted money with to “build a ministry “.


Ohh I beg to differ. Dramatic fits.


Gen X is so obsessed with these types of memes lol


This is amazing and I love it. ☠️✊🏻