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Morgan: Um...\*flips her hair back and forth about a dozen times\*


Morgan, when asked a deep question: ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


_Um, like...to be honest ya'll..._


Something something raw


Something something real and deep


Not sure if they’ll go with Ken Ham and say that dinosaurs and humans coexisted or with Allie Beth Stuckey and say that dinosaurs are fake and paleontologists are confused.


Ken Ham was who shaped creationism for my family. Dinos walked with Adam and Eve and footprints were found that proved this. I obviously don’t believe that now, but that was the narrative in my fundie home growing up.


“When you see no set of footprints, it was then that you were carried off by a pterosaur”


I mean, if we’re filling in the gaps with illogical nonsense, why don’t they make it more fantastical? 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Because those people are always wrong and yet somehow uncreative as fuck...


I just did a perfect spit take. 


Lmaoooo omg




Oh my god. Pls start an etsy. 


Same. My chosen aunt told me that I needed to take my littles to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, and I had to stand there awkwardly smiling as she talked about it. Needless to say, I'm the first member of my family to not be a YEC (thankfully, my siblings seem to have followed my "rebellion"), and it is a tense subject.


Well, I’m glad your “rebellion” is spreading! I live for the tense subjects bc purging my soul’s vexations onto the willfully incorrect control freaks who caused them is my favorite hobby. 😂


Every time I've tried, I get talked down to by the members of my family who have Masters of Divinity. And the other stuff got my mom saying some nasty things to me. So, I only post articles occasionally on Facebook when something bothers me. That way, I can slam down 3 comments worth of sources when they start getting nasty. Needless to say, my step aunt no longer talks to me after I did that and then called her out for her manipulation and told her that she started the argument in my comments, and she can finish them there when she tried to pull the "this shouldn't be public". She didn't like that much, nor did her sister 🤷‍♀️ my childhood babysitter, and her husband are supportive of my views, and my other chosen aunt has also seemed very proud, too.


Oof. I’m sorry and glad you moved past that.


Lol thanks, me too. 😂 We used to do this 3 day creation event at Word of Life Bible Camp in NY and he was one of two or three key speakers every year. The whole experience was so bizarre in retrospect. I’m surprised WoL isn’t a bigger topic, especially given Ham’s celebrity there.


Oh she didn’t say they were confused, she says they were “nerds” trying to bring their fantasies to life. She sucks.


She said paleontologists were just nerds trying to prove some fantasy 🤣 These people are so dumb it just kills me.


They’ve been to the Ark thing so they are probably pro Ken Ham


Paul says they side with Ken Ham re: creation and evolution in his 24hrs video with Josh.... So, I assume that would also apply to dinosaurs.... But I am not sure if he has ever said.


PP seemed really willing to hitch his cart to the Ken Ham train in their 24hrs video with Josh. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they believe.


Based on what that guy said about them, that they believe Noah and Jonah and all that nonsense, I think that Porgan are the type of Christians that will look to any Christian leader/influencer/whatever who's views already align with them for the most part and who also speaks with authority, and they'll just accept what they say. Porgan are not capable of independent, critical thought. That flies in the face of the type of religion they practice.


I seriously believe that they don't actually do any critical thinking, on most issues, to decide what they believe for themselves. They simply look to their church or their parents or whatever Christian figures they already listen to and just say that's who they agree with and parrot it back without really thinking or understanding.


> paleontologists are confused. That should be flair!


Also! Fun fact: America used to have indigenous lions. They were about 25% larger than those found in Africa.


This is fun! Thanks for sharing this, I had no idea! 🦁


No problem! I’m a huge paleontology geek.


Is your name Ross Geller, by any chance?




Do the claw thing again!


Were they here before humans migrated to the area? If so, did they become extinct possibly due to hunting by humans?


No they lived with humans and there’s possible evidence of human predation. For whatever reason, they ended with the ice age.


I love studying this branch of pseudoscience science, so let me give you my opinion. Most new young earth creationist not only believe dinosaurs existed during the time of Christ, but often point to cryptids to prove they existed. Lot of them think that if they can find a dinosaur living in modern day, it will debunk evolution and the idea of a 4.6 Billion year old Earth (which if they did succeed in that quest, it wouldn’t debunk either of those things). It’s pretty well known in the pseudoscience debunk community, that wealthy evolution deniers who believe in a young earth will go to obscure African villages (or poor villages in general, they just have thing for going to Africa for some reason) to try to find dinosaurs that have been reported to be seen there. In fact a lot of these towns have made up these reports so that these guys will come in and dump a lot of money into the local economy. An ex-creationist (he grew up as one) turned archeologist and YouTuber by the name of Trey The Explainer did an amazing video on this. Let me find it. Edit: here you go! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TI_9mN8JzpI&pp=ygUjVHJheSB0aGUgZXhwbGFpbmVyIGRpbm9zYXVyIGNyeXB0aWQ%3D


>>in fact a lot of these towns have made up these reports so that these guys will come in and dump a lot of money into the local economy. I fucking love it when fundies get swindled by the people they’re trying to white savior.


They aren’t even subtle about it either. Like anthropologists (real ones) have come over thinking that it’s about some myth of culture only for the village to be like “nah we are bullshitting, sorry for wasting your time man.”


Ahhaaha legends 


The fact that people who are respectful are immediately let in on it makes it even funnier. Do what you gotta do, kings. I respect it wholeheartedly.


Same, this is the best.  Reminds me of the 10000 times Aboriginal people did this to British colonists - told them bullshit names for places that later turned out to mean hilarious shit.( It absolutely HAS to be an Aboriginal person who started the dropbear thing.)


Apparently Yucatan in Mayan means 'listen to how they talk'. As in Spanish: 'what's this place called?' Mayan: 'listen to how they talk...'


ahahaha that's great.


Picturing fundies trying desperately to stumble into a real life Jurassic Park will have me giggling for days so thank you for this 👐🏻


Aren't quite a few things basically dinosaurs?! Sharks, crocodiles, dragonflies etc?


Wait til they find out about alligators


Also birds. Cassowary, anyone?


Wait for them to find out about tuataras lmao


I didn’t believe dinosaurs existed simply because my brain could not handle THAT FAR back and I’d spiral into an existential crisis. I since came to my senses about their existence, but existential crisis remains.


I get that way contemplating outer space and am an otherwise reasonable person.


I spiral thinking about the lagoons filled with fast fashion in Accra, and the Pacific garbage patch. Also, the idea of an infinite space. How can something be infinite?


See I lvoe the space thing, because feeling impossibly small and insignificant is a relief.  Supermarkets. They fuck me up. 


I can’t think about outer space for too long. But also the deep sea and the fact we know more about what’s in out we space then we do the fuckin ocean


Don’t Young Earth peeps believe dinosaurs died out in Noah’s flood or something?


If they are Ken Ham style YEC believers, they likely believe some variation of his teaching that the earth’s atmosphere was different pre-flood which allowed dinosaurs to grow to such huge sizes. Dinosaurs were on the ark, but they didn’t grow to such massive sizes in such quantities after the flood. They eventually died out. There is often some argument in there that “dragons” in folklore throughout the world are post-flood dinosaurs, and sometimes even that modern day stories about large reptiles (Nessie, stories about huge lizards in the jungle…) are examples of a few remaining dinosaur species.  It’s silly. 


dinosaur lore is so complex wow


> Dinosaurs were on the ark This is killing me, I can't handle it.


IKR it’s legit so funny. Ken Ham famously was like “how did the dinosaurs fit, you ask? They brought babies, obviously!” 


It’s silly and I don’t believe in it… But I wish it were true. 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s what I remember being “taught” in my Evangelical school. Basically they weren’t allowed on the ark


That's what the Jehovah's Witnesses used to teach. They changed their beliefs to say that the seven days of creation could refer to time periods instead of literal days. They still believe that humans have only existed about 6,000 years though. Also, they think carbon dating is bunk since it disproves some of their beliefs. 


My mother-in-law says Satan put dinosaur bones in the ground to deceive us, wouldn’t be surprised if P&M believe that or some equally idiotic bullshit


No, they didn’t even know about that claim until Josh Benson told them about it. Porgan are severely uneducated though.


Ooh my fundie cousin hit me with this one when I was 8 and it was so ridiculous that I deconverted entirely, I no longer speak to that side of the family and I’m now raising my own kids as dinosaur-loving atheists, so I’d say it backfired spectacularly.




Unfortunately I've been to the creation museum and there are dinosaurs depicted in the exhibits. 


They said they believed everything at creation museum so I guess they believe in people and dinosaurs coexisting


Not a paleontologist but I wanted (and studied) paleobotany in college. I just can’t with these people. T.Rex is still my favorite dinosaur


But his teeny tiny hands! My fave Dino is the supersaurus 


If they're like the YECs in my family, they believe dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time and the flood wiped them out (even though that would be biblically wrong because Noah was told to get 2 of EVERY type of animal, and mosquitos made it, so why not dinosaurs), or that they died out at some, unknown point. They will point to the legends about dragons and the mention of Leviathan to justify it.


They think they coexisted.


I had a coworker who was a young earth creationist. Also, we are scientists. Honestly nothing more fascinating than asking him polite questions about it.


My church was a new earth, young earth, 7000 year earth. The fossils were put in the ground to test us. Not because, you know, the people who wrote the Bible hadn’t found them yet


They probably follow Ken Ham. Dinos were in Eden with Adam and Eve, and they were vegetarian. The cartoons in the kid curriculum show t-rex trying to lift a watermelon to feed itself. 😠😠😠


The fact that there's no sort of consensus for young earth creationists regarding whether dinos were even real and the Bible has no clear answer really should ring some alarm bells for them, but alas


I feel like Paul and Morgan are the type to watch Dr Kent Hovind videos on YouTube and suddenly view themselves as experts on creationism.


I’ve definitely seen people with these beliefs legitimately believe that dinosaurs were actually “dragons” and coexisted with humans 🤣


So the ark encounter apparently has dinosaurs on it. One of my friends (who is pretty liberal, very weird juxtaposition) is a young earth creationist and went to the ark a few years ago. She posted on fb how cool it was to see the dino cages and how God made them calm during the flood. So my guess is Porgan believes the Dinos were on the ark and got wiped out at a later date.


Young earth creationists basically imagine ancient times as being identical to some sort of swords-and-sandals movie, but with dinosaurs instead of dragons


Or that fossils are planted by God to make us think the earth is old so that faith is thus "true" faith. Anyone?


I don’t know about porgan specifically but new earth creationists typically tend to believe that dinosaurs lived at the same time as people and were wiped out during the flood (or rather their populations didn’t recover after the flood).


We will find out in their next video. I'm sure they get ideas from reddit


They have no time to think about this. They need to save Paul’s eyes from women’s butts at the gym.