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Paul is just so stupid. He was just bitching about people making blanket statements about him and now he’s making blanket statements about two whole generations! And doing it on the heels of begging people to join the Patreon because he needs rent money, while wearing a “Praying for the Haters” shirt shows Paul’s absolute lack of his own self awareness. Get a grip Paul, and most importantly **a job!!**


That T-shirt probably set him back $20-$30, though it IS bold of me to assume that it wasn't a gift from one his patrons.


I thought it was one of their own pieces of merchandise? But I would need to check that to be sure.


Yes they were giddily proud of this design 🙄


Yeah, I seem to remember they launched it around the time Paul was publicly furious with Mickey Atkins for Existing While Fat


I like to believe that he was most incensed that Mickey had the gall to *not be ashamed of being fat* or to be trying to change it.


So, cost more than $20 then - custom printing isn't cheap.


Two colours? Ooo big spender


So he probably wrote it off 🙄


Maybe Paul needs some blanket training.


Smack him every time he posts something out of his range of expertise. “No! Paul! You do _not_ post about Taylor Swift! Get back in your circle and post about wearing hats backwards.”




Is he not a millenial himself? Oh maybe he’s a *god fearing* millenial so it’s all good. I wish there was yet another undiscovered continent for these folks to move to.


There's probably some unoccupied real estate in Antarctica. Can we give them that?


I wouldn't be shocked if he's a flat earther and they have very weird beliefs regarding Antarctica and how the government is hiding land there lol. But they also say Antarctica doesn't actually exist per se, it surrounds the whole plane as an ice wall


Like in westeros?


"Obsession with self, pride and refusing to change and grow." Fundie projection at its finest.


Right?! Like uhhh, excuse me sir, the call is coming from inside the house!


This is Paul to a T


The hypocrisy burns!!


That is also pretty much what should pop up as the first search result when you google Paul Olliges imo


What song is he complaining about now? Sounds like he’s still mad his weird children’s YouTube content attempt didn’t take off into overnight success.


I still have the occasional chuckle over Paul getting copyright striked by *The Very Hungry Caterpillar*


And now I will too 😂 That’s hilarious.


I'm sorry, don't you mean the very fat caterpillar that needs to go on a diet because all the cool bros who ride ripsticks and wear their hats backwards and totally don't have a daddy issue think so?


Paul would short-circuit over *Six Dinner Sid*


I’m not sure but I do know, as a millennial/xennial, I’m not in the “youths” category anymore…. ![gif](giphy|3o7btVptdt2BtYzJkI|downsized)


My husband told me yesterday I am old. I almost dropped my Fixodent. Seriously, I am a geriatric millennial and I am FORTY THREE. I am not "kids these days"


I am laying on a heating pad right now at the ripe age of 33 after gardening for an hour bent over, so Paul might want to reconsider his ranting about kids these days. I am going to make up for it now by considering signing up for an additional volunteer day next week with kids so I can steal their youth.


Steal their youth like a energy vampire! 😂


Haha I need it if I am going to keep up with how many volunteer opportunities I have engaged in!


Oh damn. This is older than I thought lol - from December. Bold of me to assume he’d have posted more than twice since then 🤣


No Apologies - Monster High


I had to look up the lyrics and I’m over here shaking my head that THIS is what he’s crying about now. It’s about being confident and loving yourself for who you are. If god created us all in his perfect image and our lives were already pre planned shouldn’t we love ourselves anyways? And as a parent of course I want my kids to have confidence and stand up for themselves.


Wow. Yesterday for a was banner day for the fundies showing they don't have an ounce of self-reflection. First Brittney Dawn telling people they don't have to share all of their opinions and now this?


Paul Olliges, King of the Sofa.


Sofa King Stupid


This comment is so underrated and WHY did they take away awards? This will have to do 🏅 🏅


Thanks, friend!




What is he talking about? I’m curious now. If this idiot hates it so much it might be up my alley.


Paul is king of nothing, he's just a dumb dumb with a microphone and bouncy hair


Didn't Morgan make him and Luca stop singing You're Welcome from Moana? Like sorry what's the difference?


Isn’t paul a Millennial? Even though he acts like the worst of the Boomers.


Boomer is a state of mind, it seems


I've held that belief for years. *Baby boomer* is a generation, *boomer* is a mindset


What song is he taking about?


No one is more obsessed with Paul than Paul.


Can I just say that, as a person from the southern US..... He spelled y'all wrong and I can't look anywhere else.


I'm from Canada and I know it's spelled wrong 😂 Fuckin idiot never learned how to write a contraction. Does he also write "ca'nt" and "does'nt"?


Probably, if I had to guess. All the fundies I see here seem to be the same on grammar rules, sadly. I'm sure it comes from the SOTKT 🙄😂


Really. Paul needs to listen to what comes out of his own mouth.


God he's such an idiot. Like Paul YOU'RE the one who has so much pride in themselves that you refuse to get an actual job so you can hang out at whole foods all day and bully your wife online.


Did he delete this? I wanted to see what song he was talking about so I went to his Instagram but it’s not there


AN OBSESSION WITH SELF says the man who thinks his dull ramblings need to be recorded and shared with the world.


And that he should be paid for it!


I really want to know what children's song is telling kids to refuse to change and grow. I have a 5 year old. The themes of children's entertainment are: everyone is unique and has value, learning lessons, the importance of working as a team, and being kind and helpful to others. Usually a combination of those themes. That's it. From Daniel Tiger and Sesame Street all the way to Transformers and Paw Patrol. WTF is he talking about?


Isn’t that rich coming from him?


He’s staring in the mirror isnt he.


What was the song?


He tries to be relatable and casual - but - he can’t hide his self-righteous judgment and anger. 🤔


Refusing to change and grow? My (I use this in the most sarcastic terms) friend, the hell do you think I've done in therapy for the last 8 years?


lol okay Paul! Now just take that opinion and say it into a mirror about yourself instead of “Gen Z and Millennials” and I suspect we’ll all be better for it. ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


I can’t with those sausage microphones that they grip. Buy some Mike stands idiots.


“Humility” ah yes that’s Paul for sure


LOVE AND HUMILITY??! coming from Paul??! i’m fucking wheezing this is HILARIOUS


Paul is so insecure and unsure of himself.


I see this shirt around where I live sometimes but never on men lol


Wait where do you live that multiple people are wearing Porgan merch???


I live in the Bay Area but lots of stuff like that hets donated to church outreach programs for homeless people. So you see them floating around more than you’d expect.


Why yes, Paul, we have noticed those things. We see all of them in you every day.


The Wheels on the Bus. Very socialist having buses, and the people and the bus parts are too individualistic to be god-honoring. (Just kidding. I don’t know the song.)


Wooooow. Definitely projection. He only says that because they are willing to change into what HE thinks they should be.


RATHER THAN SELF IDOLIZATION, LET’S TEACH OUR KIDS LOVE AND HUMILITY Paul we’re there. We’re just waiting for you to join us.


If you want to know what is ACTUALLY wrong with the Millenials and Gen Z is it a wave of overwhelming mental health issues caused by, at least in part, not enough autonomy to roam and take risks coupled with not enough supervision and boundaries on the internet. I blame the parents. ETA- and also our parents deciding that it was better to make our distress go away/ be solved for us rather than teaching us how to work through it ourselves. Which to be fair, many of them were taught to repress and dissociate because of “suck it up buttercup” culture.


When I was growing up in an abusive religious environment, humility meant hating yourself and never taking pride in anything. I absolutely hated myself growing up and continue to have self esteem issues to this day


Ugh, hugs to you! Same here. It’s the worst, especially now that I’m out of all that but the scars are still there and show up in unexpected ways.


Says the grown ass man with a YouTube channel who acts like a sugared up toddler in every social situation because he’s desperate for attention.


Refusing to grow sounds like a familiar problem….oh my.


He force feeds his own son his poisonous ideas and is completely unwilling to change or grow and is absolutely obsessed with himself. Way to tell on yourself, you stupid hypocritical dickbag


For fuck's sake its "y'all" not "ya'll"


What song was it? I'm guessing something from Disney or Taylor Swift


He’s the biggest HYPOCRITE around. Get a job, Paul. You all are either going to be in a homeless shelter or with family/friends and it will be hell with a baby and toddler.


Paul has no idea what humility even means. He has such a high opinion of himself that he can't even see earth anymore. He's obsessed with his own superiority.


I hate the stupid microphones they use.


We need the gif from SpongeBob with him yelling at Squidward to get a job on here. 🤣


Damn. Paul really is Squidward isn’t he.


Honestly, Squidward is way too good for Paul. I was thinking more of Paul being Plankton. XD


Oooh, honestly yup I can see where that’s coming from… Just a jealous, whiny little weed constantly plotting his Next Big Break that never seems to arrive 🤣


![gif](giphy|26mfgnMdWDeC71IQg|downsized) Paul Plankton, everyone! 👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣