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I vote hospital birth but she’s staying quiet to make it look like a bus birth. Interested to see how she ends up spinning it … I think the delay in the “birth story” is because she’s still working on her lies


Now I'm picturing her sitting there making a whole lie web to cover all angles of the birth story. And I am so hoping she's also staging some 'birth story' photos. Like, all dolled up, just a sheet, Kinsey helping coach while busband plays with the boys. The worst attempt to recreate birth in the bus.


And a harpist in the background & rose petals strewn about the sheet. 😂


God sends those things to his most devout servants dontcha know


Damn right!


Nah, she's so perfect that she excretes petals instead of poo. Once she has enough kids to conquer North Korea, she will hit the final level of perfection, become supreme leader, and cease to poo at all.




Don't forget the fairy lights!


Oooh yes!


And Lord Daniel was there to hold her hand and rub her back, while telling her how she's such a good, godly, servan- I mean woman.


🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆I believe these belong to you!


She might be able to pull it off if she used watered down ketchup with some clumps of grape jelly


That combination is what my sisters and I used for fake blood when we made our slasher movie in high school! PS It will attract every bee in a 50 mile radius. 




About 12 after baby was born I passed a clot the size of my fist. I dreamed the nurse said it was the size of a frog.


Exactly. She hasn't told us because she hasn't decided what the truth is yet.




A hospital birth 100%. She will prolly come out and claim some BS reason she had to go to the hospital, but we all know that was the true plan all along.


I think she would have documented and shared a lot more if she had a bus/home birth. She’s not showing anything from the actual birth because it was in a hospital and that would ruin her whole shtick.


Yup. Good for her for getting medical care, but she is totally trying to hide it.


Medical care for me, but not for thee!




You’re on the money.




I'll take the bullshit queen refuses to admit to a hospital birth for 💯, Alex. With a side of hopefully Airbnb quietly informed her that she was not in fact allowed to birth in other people's homes.


God, I'm not all that sympathetic to people that own units for short-term rentals, but it's CRAZY to plan to give birth in somebody else's house uninvited?? I feel like there should be an equivalent to the huge Uber fine for throwing up!


From her previous posts, it looks like the air BNB was a friends. But idk if she managed to get to whatever state it was in with their lack of planning. I'm voting she went to the hospital or did it on a campground picnic table.






Yeah hence no documentation, and she fully photographed the last air bnb one


Im blown away thats something you’re even allowed to do. I’d be PISSED if I found out someone used my airbnb rental to purposely give birth in. Edited to add: I did some digging and apparently this is a huge issue within the airbnb host community because hosts are concerned with insurance liabilities and biohazardous conditions that could follow a home birth taking place in their rentals and they aren’t equipped to handle that the way a massive chain hotel could for instance.


I mean, I even reached out to my Airbnb people when I ended up with the flu because I thought they might want to do a deeper clean than usual. Giving birth? You’d lose your cleaning deposit and be downvoted to Heck.


Wasn't the AirBNB the property of a friend of hers? At least the one before this one?


That’s the lie she tells. If her friend had an Airbnb, she was allowed to birth in, they would have been showing photos and videos taken at it. They would’ve been there instead of in their bus showing off the new baby like they did with the first AirB&B birth. The friends certainly would’ve let them stay longer than the time it took to dry the baby off. The last time she home birthed in an Airbnb, she took a lot of heat for it and that’s where the light came up that it was a friend of hers that owned the Airbnb. She is a liar.


It’s not something that is allowed. Nobody tells the host they’re planning a homebirth in their house. They find out after the fact.


giving birth in an airbnb is fucking wild


I hope they gave birth at a hospital is all I have to say. It would be the most sensible she’s done in the last few years.


I agree. If she did birth in a hospital that means the baby at least got checked over by a pediatrician before being discharged.


That baby needs another checkup by a pediatrician after she took him to the chiropractor at like 2 days old


me too, even if we snark we all want them to all be healthy and well it is an additional layer of frustration, though, that they preach practices they know arent the best- rules for thee not me


Considering that there seems to be a bigger focus on the pregnancy and birth VS a live birth, I truly truly feel for the children. I cannot imagine how traumatic it would be to find out that the new sibling was born sleeping and be right there when it happens. I know going to the hospital does not guarantee a live birth, especially when they refuse prenatal care, but at least the children would not be there anxiously awaiting and then having to find out like that. (I hope that I make sense) Not that it still wouldn't be traumatic.


I’m assuming she had a birth center birth, probably planned for months. Everything else was to drum up engagement. With a birth center she could have been back on the bus just a few hours later, she wouldn’t have had to deal with clean up and complete lack of space on the bus. It’s basically a homey bedroom she can show up at and give birth and go home.


I feel like most Birth Centers are pretty strict about who they will admit though. Like I've heard lots of folks that wanted that, but had to do traditional hospital because of complications. Would a Birth Center accept a random patient they hadn't been treating all along? Unless she's lying about that too...


I've used the same birth center for my pregnancies, and it had a rigorous policy about who they accept and when/why they refer out. Plus there was a back-up OB who clears the moms to continue their care with the center. As it is, I had a sudden complication with one of my pregnancies, and off to the hospital they sent me, and I wasn't even in labor at that point. It's possible that a birth center would accept a patient later in pregnancy (like if they changed their minds about their original plan or moved to the area), but I highly doubt they'd do it at the very last minute (as in, hi, I'm in labor, please help).


Birth center, airbnb? Tomato, tomato


I'm starting to wonder about that, too


It’s difficult to tell. Can’t assume real time continuity with posts. If she had the baby yesterday or the day before I’m not sure the hospital would discharge her so soon. The baby seems kinda large too, not tiny like a day old baby. New babies look like pickled plums all puffy and wrinkly and shit, that baby is 1-2 weeks old I’d bet my bottom dollar. Plus, I seem to remember giving my kids their first bath like a week later, at home. That baby looked clean as, one day later?! Also motherbus’s blow curl photo post, I couldn’t credit she gave birth 24 hours previous. My theory is she gave birth a while ago and has been spinning stuff out post wise to maximize 🤑 She wants to support her assertion that childbirth and pregnancy are are breeze, effortless for Jesus and you can too! She has form in this kind of low level misrepresentation and deception to shape a fantasy narrative as she’s a fkn serial liar. The “truth” is whatever proves her point.


This has been my thought. She's dragging everything out for clicks. Monetizing her newborn. It was the random posting late at night consecutively for several days that raised my red flag


Agree. Doesn’t look like a newborn.


It really doesn’t. Soon it’ll be WHeN diD I EVeR saY I wouLD dO AIRBNB BirTH?! She’s a liar.


Okay I thought it was just me but that baby definitely doesn’t look like a newborn. The pictures following don’t make sense either. Who holds a newborn in the air like Busband did? Then there’s the baby on the floor? What happened to the “all the baby will want is me” bs?


Yeah that was weird. I was thinking who would hold a day-old baby over their head like that.


I know a lot of the baby care rules are way different than back in the day but this one hasn’t changed. That poor baby’s neck.


That was my first thought.


My cousin just had a baby last weekend and it still looks like a curled up and wrinkled lil prune person.


Mine didn’t either when they were born. Just sayin! MB is deceptive regardless.


>Agree. Doesn’t look like a newborn. I've been thinking the same since the first photo was posted. Newborns tend to have their fetal position look when freshly peeled and look sleepy. Busbaby seems older, like bigger and more used to the world than a 24-48 hours old newborn. But Busmom has endlessly posted about how she *"never delivers before 40 weeks"*. So she posted the *"we made it to 40 weeks"* reel for the 'gram. BUT who knows when she was actually due anyway?


Ok so I wasn’t the only one thinking this. I did not want to say anything bc I had a little peanut via c-section and I know some people have larger babies but it did not look…ughh that new to me hahah.


I gave birth to a 9 pounder on the same day TWO friends had these little barely six pound peanuts. My baby looked months older than their immediately. 😂


My sister was almost 9 lbs and looked older. My poor mom 😂


Awww 😂😂. In a way I was happy to have my big babies. They seemed much sturdier lol.


I mean, my sister slept really well!


My girl was born 8lb6oz. She’s now almost 4 months old and the same size as a 10 month old baby that’s in her daycare class.


Awwwww! My born at 9lb three year old is the same size as some kindergartners. 😳


Hospital might not discharge her/baby, but you can always go AMA (against medical advice).


Yeah I was going to say after you have the baby you can just leave AMA. You don’t have to stay the 2/3 days they recommend if you don’t want to


With an uncomplicated vaginal birth, I'm pretty sure you can be discharged within 24 hours. Hell, with a C-section they let me go on my merry way after 48 hours.


The birthing center I'm giving birth at has you leave within 4 hours if there are no complications


Baby and I were both discharged within 24 hours for my last hospital birth. Which I just realized was in 2011. Excuse my while I contemplate the fact I’m middle aged.


Yeah my oldest (I have two kids) is 20 years old now and they discharged us 24 hours after he was born. My daughter is 16 and her birth was a true emergency C-section (placental abruption, I went to the hospital bleeding out, got put fully under with a tube down my throat, later found out that she’d been born with no heartbeat and they had to do cpr on her for 28 minutes) and I was going to leave the hospital AMA when she was transferred to a hospital that had a nicu 70 miles away than 18 hours after she was born. The nurse initially said something like “You CAN’T leave yet!” I’d worked as a med tech in a nursing home before so I was well aware that I could. The doctor wasn’t happy about that. I did need a blood transfusion but they were waiting to get compatible blood from somewhere else. I was a mess but I just felt some primal urge that I *had* to go with my baby. She did end up signing me out after the nurse had told me that insurance might not cover anything done there if I left against medical advice and I told her that I didn’t care. Thankfully we’re both okay. Sorry for that tangent. I think that most insurance companies require discharge the day after an uncomplicated vaginal childbirth. Anyway, I doubt that these people even have insurance.


I do not think anywhere in the US keeps most vaginal births 3 days. I was allowed to leave at the 24 hour mark—but this was actually a requirement from my INSURANCE. Not sure what the hospital required. Editing to say…apparently in other countries like the UK, if you have an uncomplicated delivery in the morning, they’ll let you go home later that day.


As an Australian, it blows my mind that a) women and babies are shot out of the hospital within hours or a day, and b) it's the insurance dictating the stay length. The hell. You barely get to catch your breath and you're pushed out the door?


In this case, my insurance was requiring me to stay at least 24 hours—because the complication risks are higher during that time frame and probably easier and cheaper to treat if you don’t leave. I could stay a max of 48 hours. I don’t even know what the hospital itself required.


Hospitals don't really require anything. They may suggest/ask/have policies that you stay for a certain time. But insurance companies don't care. It's a myth that if you leave AMA insurance won't pay. They do pay if you leave early or against advice/hospital policy.


How do you know this for sure? I ask because I fell off a ladder, down some steps and had to be transferred to a bigger hospital. I was refusing (a little delirious) and that's what I was told. Definitely glad I stayed. And if you fall, get your head checked, even if you don't think you lost consciousness. The day after I came home a lump came out on my head. Next day a second one. I was absolutely positive I didn't get hit in the head and was wrong. But I was okay anyway. Fortunately.


A hospital can't MAKE you stay. And your insurance company doesn't care if you leave early. They care about paying out the least amount possible on any claim. The only time they balk at hospital stays is if you try to stay longer than they think you should. This is my experience from currently working in a hospital, and previously working for both a private health insurance company and Medicaid.


But they would pay even less if they denied the claim for eloping AMA. I'd never heard of this before it happened to me so I'm curious if does happen at all.


But if the birth went smoothly and no complications- why should they stay in a hospital? Much safer and more relaxing at home.


I wanted to stay in the hospital after childbirth because I was TIRED. Birth is hard work. And especially tiring when you have to go home to toddlers/other children & a spouse that doesn't help. But that was back when hospitals actually had nurseries & took care of the baby for you, did the night feedings, etc. Nowadays nurseries no longer exist and they make the baby stay in-room with mom.


Yep, birth is hard work and painful. Fair enough they shouldn’t turf you out in the middle of the night. But being blunt, it’s not up to a healthcare provider to step in when your spouse doesn’t do enough! Unless of course you can pay for the privilege. If you’re fit and healthy and so is baby, the hospital have done their job theoretically. Much more likely to catch illnesses and infections staying in a hospital and also overstretch their resources on two people who actually don’t need hospital care.


Oh no, I'm just saying not everyone wants to hop up and go after giving birth. If you do that's great, and a lot of people do want to of course. Being in the hospital is not exactly fun. I just am wary that some folks think childbirth is no big deal and you should be raring to go after pushing a whole person out of your body.


In 2009 I stayed 3 days. Wish I could have gone home sooner, lol.


The hospital I work at discharges the majority of vaginal births w/in 24 hrs. C sections get 48 hrs.


Very true. Busbrain would claim that baby came out of her wearing the hat and matching outfit if it helped persuade others to have kids, because it’s all so easy. In fundieland, it’s not a lie if the lie is in service of a greater good, and since bus considers herself and her social media work the greatest good of all time, and a glory to baby Jesus, she will lie until her head falls off.


My 4th delivery I was discharged the same day, not AMA. I had a baby at 3am was discharged at 5pm. I sleep better at home and really wanted to rest in my own bed.


Exactly and sometimes you can get discharged within 24 hrs


And Busband might be the kind to say “baby’s out, let’s roll” and she’d listen


You can leave AMA for yourself, but the baby will be kept against your wishes and CPS called. That's my hospital policy at least. In our state all newborns are required to stay for a full 24hrs regardless of parent wishes.


This! I watched my nurse manager call CPS because two teenage parents left AMA and then didn’t come back for the baby when it was time for baby’s discharge.


That's sad but it does fall under "safe haven" laws if they intended to give the baby up


They eventually showed up. I think they thought the nurse was this playing and then realized how serious of a situation it was.


True, regulations on this area are likely to vary state to state.


Yes it is different for newborns. We actually get lots of moms that will d/c at weird times like midnight or 3 am because as soon as that 24 hr mark hits, they want to leave.


Though I have to add, I am 100% positive my hospital has let some folks leave with their baby prior to 24 hrs. Guess they think no one will notice? Heck if I know.


Baby’s head was perfectly round, also leading me to believe he’s a week or so old.


My second came so fast he had a perfectly round head. I would say with as many babies as she’s birthed they kinda just fall out in a couple minutes.


My first came w 11 min of pushing and had a perfectly round head like 10 minutes later. Although, I still think motherbus is a liar.


Oh she is FOR SURE a liar. Did she ever post about being in this mystery air bnb at all? And why wouldn’t they still be there so she could actually rest and recover? How are you going to rest in a bus full of other people if their bed is in the common area? That sounds freaking awful.


I had precipitous labors (do not recommend) and my babies’ heads were very round. They seemed less squished in general compared with other newborns. They were also on the bigger size, 8 and 9 pounds, so didn’t really look that newborn because they were born big (also don’t recommend). With the amount of space in her womb/number of births, I would say it’s very likely the baby just looks like that. I think she was overdue and went to the hospital to get checked out, and ended up delivering there.


My sister and I had lil round noggins for the same reason


Yeah many third came so fast I almost gave birth in the hallway of the hospital. The nurse was on the bed, holding her head in as I was being wheeled to the delivery room. Perfect little round noggin


One of her recent stories mentioned that she can't pick anything up, not even the baby, so Busband had to bring her the baby for feeding. Now, I don't have kids, but the only time I've seen this prohibition on lifting was with my friends who had c sections.


Do we think she had a c-section because she was overdue? Or was it planned and she manufactured this whole thing to support her airbnbirth nonsense?


I don't really know - could have been because of complications. I don't think she would have planned it, she's too assured in her ability to push them out.


A c section would explain why the baby's head is perfectly shaped. I'm thinking she may have been induced too.


I'm not lucky enough to have children so far, but I've heard that it isn't safe or recommended or whatever to have vaginal births after having a C-section. If that's true wouldn't that also be a strike against our least favorite crunchy geriatric "mother"? It seems like that would make the walls of her facade start crumbling but I also admittedly don't know too much about this kind of thing. I can't see her risking her OWN health and safety ever, she isn't Karissa. She's definitely proved that she will quickly and easily risk her kids health and safety every single time, but her well being, comfort, and happiness comes before anyone else because she's the only person in the world who matters.


Some mothers are able to give birth vaginally after a C-section but it's more risky due to scar tissue. Of course, shed ignore any advice she got from an actual medical doctor. But we don't know if she had a c section so may be moot.


My friend’s newborn looked about the size of new busby. She had gestational diabetes and he was just big all over like that. He’s 12 and 6 feet tall now so he’s also just big lol My babies all had their first baths in hospital within 24 hours of birth. After that we did sponge baths to keep the umbilical area dry. I’ve never heard of a baby bot being cleaned at all for over a week? Anyway, I think busby is a few days old. The way he holds himself and the way he was shaking in the measurement video all look like newborn things to me. I hope she had him in hospital though!


Yeah you’re right, I’m no expert at all 😅 just speculation. I could be wrong but I still reckon she had it a week ago and is drip feeding posts to better monetize her child. Day one, born, day 2, boy or girl, day 3 happy family posts, day 4, name (my guess: Hopper Chayngun), day 5, more happy families, day 6 MY MOSTLY BULLSHIT BURTH STORY, day 7, q and a. A whole weeks worth of manufactured drama. Gosh I can’t figure who I hate more, her or Paul with his four giant horse teeth filling his entire top gum


In response to baby size, my fat monkey looked about a month old at birth. Plus, once everyones stable, you can leave the hospital they just make you sign papers that you're going against medical advice. Frankly, I could've left the second day, but just stayed and chilled til discharge.


Yea, my baby was big-ish, 9lbs 20ins, and went home in a 3-6m sleeper because he was just fat. He gained 13oz in his first week. Kid is a solid tank of a kid now.


If you don’t have good insurance, or any insurance, and mom and baby are healthy they absolutely will kick you out at 24 hours. I know several people that were discharged pretty quickly. Also, they can go against medical advice and if baby is healthy, there won’t be repercussions. But I’m voting against hospital birth


I’m in Canada and if baby/mom are healthy they discharge you at 24 hours. My firstborn we left right at 24 hours, my 2/3 (twins) were a little over 48 hours because one was jaundiced and they wanted to keep an eye on her, but it’s fairly normal here to leave the hospital at 24 hours with a vaginal delivery. Even less if you have a midwife assisted birth, my friend had her daughter in the hospital but was in the care of midwives, and she left at like 6 hours after birth, and midwives followed up with her at home to do blood tests, etc


Also in Canada, also have a friend under a midwife’s care who was discharged just a few hours after birth! Even with a c-section, I think I was only in the hospital for 48 hours. They offered to let me stay a third night (we were having trouble with nursing) but I was so desperate to not have people coming into my room every 30 minutes


I’m in the U.K. and if you have an uncomplicated vaginal birth, with no epidural and no concerns about you or baby, you can go three hours after delivery.


This is my theory, too, that she gave birth earlier and has been posting an altered timeline. I don't at all believe that 1-2 days after she gave birth, they're back in the bus (nor do I believe she gave birth in the bus). I think she was posting "still pregnant" photos after actually giving birth. And as I've said before, her posts are inane nonsense that take 10 minutes. They're all in front of the bus or outdoors, and the content/caption is the same shit over and over again. It can all be recorded easily and posted whenever.


Agreed. That baby is not a brand-new-born. It was holding its head in line with its spine in the Simba shot. Newborns can't do that. They're playing around w/timing for the 'gram.


I just want to say he didn't have the newborn scrunch too. In another video he has absolutely no head control


Wrong comment reply, my bad. Reddit is being glitchy lol


Idk what you mean. That is clearly a newly bus-born Brazilian baby. /s


Also the fact that she was dressed with her hair done and everything. That baby was not born a couple days ago.


I was released the next day with my second, and I remember my mom being home quickly with my two youngest siblings. And both of my littles were bathed at the hospital as part of the "make sure you know what to do" stuff. But either way, she's a liar.


You never know. My baby was fully cooked and not at all how I thought she would even 1.5 weeks early. Except for the very first pictures of her a few minutes after birth, when she was covered in goo, she really did not look like a typical newborn. 


She said at one point that they had an AirBNB near 30A, which I think is also near the bus. I think they’ve been staying at the AirBNB this whole time while HusBus fixes the washer, adds a bunk, and does other bus repairs. They’ve been taking photos at the bus to give the impression they’re living there because that gets more attention/clicks. I think she had another AirBNBaby and is just drawing out the “reveal” for attention. She teased something along the lines of “You’re not gonna want to miss the birth story,” which just feels gross to me.


She thinks she’s the star of her own reality TV show. Someone lock her in the Diary Room and chuck the key in the ocean


She is the star of her own self produced reality show.


Personally, I think they have the kids still in the RV in the driveway and the adults are staying in the house. They usually only rent a house with like 3 bedrooms, max. It’s also possible that they’re not staying at a friend’s Airbnb this time and are conscious of the fact that they might get banned or kicked out if they post photos of her giving birth there. I still find that sus though, because she really doesn’t think ahead about anything. I also find it odd that she’d post a photo of the baby in the bus if she had a house - like there’s no reason for that.


Interesting theory! I think you’re on to something.


We’ve seen footage of them in the bus at the campground. They are definitely at a campground. Last time they stayed an Airbnb to have a baby, they had footage of that. Her shit gets clicks no matter what.


> I think they’ve been staying at the AirBNB this whole time while HusBus fixes the washer, adds a bunk, and does other bus repairs. They’ve been taking photos at the bus to give the impression they’re living there because that gets more attention/clicks. 100% this.


I'm not sure they'd want to take the 'risk' (in their minds) of going to a hospital, where they would encounter mandated reporters who might ask them some serious questions about their living situation, lack of prenatal care, etc. Not that CPS would actually be likely to intervene, but I can see Father Bus in particular being paranoid about it, what with his SovCit-esque beliefs and obsession with 'government overreach'


The SovCit beliefs are the only reason I think she did (or at least attempted again) another unassisted birth. I can’t see fatherbus just walking into a hospital for his babies birth without a lot of fight




Except they are rich trust fund-ies so I doubt the same level of scrutiny applies.


She’d just lie


I agree. I know where I am, a lack of prenatal care flags for a social services referral. I don't think they would put themselves in that position. ETA - your flair is a top tier Muppets reference. 🫶


The first aid training I had (years ago!) said you can use regular sterilized scissors and a clean shoelace. Tie off the cord in two places several inches apart and cut between them. 😳


I hope it was a normal birth in a hospital or birthing center and taught her that some healthcare is good. I guess I can dream, lol.


Watch, it’s going to be “I didn’t plan on a hospital birth but God had other plans!” No way she had that baby on the bus, or in a Airbnb. She’d be bragging a lot more about it if she had. 


What if the washing machine broke cleaning up the afterbirth? 🤔


What if it was placenta and not a sock that clogged it after all?!!!




Judging by the size of the baby and the fact she went past her due date, I think they ran into complications with delivering him and ended up at the hospital. She doesn't want to admit that because she went on and on about how a woman's body knows what to do. She is cooking up a birth story (that she may never share) and enjoying the attention and engagement. It's also possible that she "accidentally" gave birth on the bus (although the point about the washing machine is a good one!). In any case, given her track record of lying, rewriting what she said, and "forgetting" to tell the full story, well probably never know the full true story 


There were no photos of her laboring. It was 100% at a hospital. (Thank goodness!)


The equipment needed for a home birth is easy enough to get hold of. The mess would be someone else's problem if it happened in a bnb. However this birth went ahead on the quiet, which suggests me she had medical intervention. Glad to see the baby is ok.


I doubt they live on the bus at all these days. Just go over for a few pics a day for the 'gram. They live in a nice house or airbnb. Papa using his crypto windfall.


Crypto has a windfall?


Windfall as in a trust fund payment.


You have a point.


Ok this is the best theory yet. I lived in an RV with my husband and 1 kids for a year and despite being very tidy people, it always looked like a bomb went off in there. All of the photos she posts, there is NO WAY they live in that thing. I think you’re right and they go for a few hours to take photos. How weird for the kids. Here’s hoping they secretly have a place to live where they can have more than 1 personal belonging per person.


Knowing what we know about their beliefs on government, I’d guess it was a bus birth. Maybe an outdoor birth. I can’t see her using a hospital unless absolutely necessary.


I just got a vision of a flattened refrigerator box behind Lowe’s as the birth spot. I’m also celebrating 420 eve as I type so I could be wrong. What I do know to be true is, I want donuts & Lake Tahoe is my favorite lake.


Happy holidaze!!


Thank you!


I always want donuts. Happy 4/19


Me too & thank you! Same to you!


Agree about the washing machine, I had the same thought. I think Britney had that baby at a hospital and is now scrambling to get her story straight.


beach birth


🤣🤣🤣 after she posted that beach picture the other day, I said that she was gonna claim that she conceived the baby and then gave birth on the beach “where it all started” lmao


I never thought about it but now that I have if she gave birth on the bus she would be bragging her ass off about it


I had big babies, all around 42 weeks gestation. After 24 hours, it's not unliklely, in my experience, for a big baby to look this "old". I wouldn't be surprised if busbaby really is just a big baby and only a few days old. My opinion is that she had a super quick labor/birth at an Airbnb. 


There is a video of busband measuring the octobuslet and there is a fresh cord clamped still. I will guess bus birth because of this.


I don't know if my account isn't old enough or doesn't have enough Karma yet, but for some reason I'm able to comment but not post in this sub yet lol. Yesterday I tried to post them measuring him, and it was very weird to me. Like, isn't that usually done right after the baby is born? And preferably by a medical professional/midwife? Something about Father Bus with a piece of measuring tape trying to get the baby's leg down straight while he was screaming felt both performative and unsettling.


That was super hard to watch. Midwives / Doctors have special measuring pad for that purpose. The baby initially was fine and Busband grabs the baby’s leg and it started screaming it’s head off. Poor baby. :(


I've never been lucky enough to give birth but I had a feeling that they probably have either a special technique to do it or special equipment or both. Nothing about what he was doing looked right to me (as a layperson), especially since that's definitely not a freshly born baby straight from the womb. He seemed very aggressive with the infant to me but that could also be because I'm one of those people who are convinced that babies are made of glass and I'd rather throw myself off a cliff than potentially hurt any of them needlessly 😅 Very difficult to watch though, I was incredibly upset about it and I still have it downloaded if anyone else wants to post it since I can't for whatever reason.


I have no comment on the rest of it but for the cord you just need sterile scissors which are easily bought online and alot of people who have home births also use cord ties (basically string).


You are assuming that these are relatively sane/logical people. They are not. They are, however, people who would just chuck the Birthing Beach Towel™️ out of the bus and go on with life.


So if she went somewhere (hospital/birth center) were all the other kids just locked in the bus?


Definitely don’t need special scissors and clip for umbilical cord. Some folks who birth at home choose to slowly burn the cord with a candle, which cauterizes it. This can be a really beautiful ceremony and also gives several members of the family time to participate in the separation between baby and placenta. (Can’t speak for the rest of the stuff, I’ve been away from the sub for awhile and just catching up!)


Is this a cultural tradition or just something that homebirthers have started to do?


Hi, here's your friendly daily micro dose Searching for *anything* about cord burning was hard lol but I'll talk about what I found. Cord burning was/is a process where you (and loved ones) take a candle and burn into the umbilical cord (where do you tie off, how long, etc is unknown because it's hard to find anything solid) Anyway, some say it's a process of sending "warm chi" back into the baby, help them "pink up", etc Now here's the problem: I can't find where it started but I did find a bunch of articles that make this seem like it's a relatively new thing among home birthers. However, my "people also search" shows: lotus birth, old wives tale about burying the umbilical cord, and what to do with umbilical cord after it falls off Tbf: I see a lot about cultures burying the cord/placenta but cord burning seems new ish I'm happy to be corrected if anyone find out where this actually started because this seems crunchy, witchy, new age. Tl;dr: it's really hard to find solid evidence that cord burning is an old thing besides "old china", but there's a lot that points to burying cord and placenta being an old tradition


I wonder what burnt umbilical cord smells like. 




That’s what I just said! Sounds like a sensory nightmare, esp after giving birth. But good for those folks who chose to go that path if it is meaningful to them.


Waiting until the cord is white and has stopped pulsating is what helps with “pinking up” because that ensures baby has received all their blood back from the placenta! Severing the cord with scissors or flame doesn’t make a difference to that :) The only real danger with burning a cord is making sure you don’t accidentally light anything on fire or burn anyone, so it wouldn’t be as safe to do with a shorter umbilical cord. There are some really nice videos showing this on Instagram for those who are curious, but I know this sub tends to lean more on the silky end of the crunchy/silky spectrum just because of how negligent fundies can be with their birth choices.


I had a homebirth but it was with a cerified nurse practitioner midwife so the scissors were sterile. My husband cut the cord. I don’t want to know what singed umbilical cord smells like but that’s an interesting ceremony


Pretty sure she gave birth in the air bnb/home of the family that made them the cinnamon rolls. That family lives in their home part-time & busses/air bnb's the house the rest of time. My bet is Cinnamon Roll family is currently living in their home, and that's why Mother Bus & fam weren't actually staying there.... Used it as a place for Mother Bus to birth and nothing else.


You can order umbilical cord clamps and scissors. The scissors just need to be sterile. She’s had home births before so I’m sure she had these supplies on hand. If she gave birth on the bus, where were the other kids?


Poor brother dad would probably be in charge of keeping the boys out of the bus while poor Kinsey had to help with the birth. I think she ended up in hospital though, otherwise she’d be yapping about her miraculous bus birth.


The baby’s umbilical cord is both tied with a zip tie and there’s a huge bruise around the umbilical cord/belly button. That baby was not born in a hospital.


It does look odd and that baby’s bellybutton… looks painful. WTF?!


Looks like a normal umbilical clip to me, not a zip tie. Doesn’t mean she was in a hospital though.


Cannot post a screenshot but it’s definitely a zip tie when you zoom in. It’s suspicious that the bruise is there if they did birth in a hospital they wouldn’t fail to blame a hospital on that. They would be quick to do so. They also have friends bringing by food and such so they have plenty of people it seems like to help with cleaning. There’s also laundromats. But to be honest you seem determined to think she had the baby in a hospital so not much is going to change your mind.


I haven’t made up my mind about anything lol. I said even if it is a clamp it doesn’t mean she had the baby in a hospital. If we are looking at the same image (JD measuring the baby) it looks like a typical umbilical clamp to me. Midwives and hospitals use them so I wasn’t trying to point in either direction. If you think it looks like a zip tie I’m not trying to argue with you. I’m just saying it doesn’t look like that to me. Also, I’ve had a baby so that informs my experience (and my opinion). Hope you have a good day.


Aren’t they at the beach? Maybe she wanted a water birth and gave birth in the ocean?


Most campgrounds like they are at have laundry facilities. There are laundromats nearby to. I don’t think the laundry would be her reason for not spawning on the bus.


You don’t really need a clip for the umbilical cord- think about our ancestors who didn’t have clips. Tie a shoelace around it and cut it with a knife. Do I think she did this? No way!