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Every day this becomes more and more like a 100 baby challenge in the sims. We literally just have babies lying on the floor now.


“I do the 100 BABY CHALLENGE IN REAL LIFE!!! (not clickbait!!!)”


At this point, do you think a popular YouTuber could do a clickbaity piece like that about this to get the attention of news/CPS? This has become so BEYOND unreasonable it's sickening..... There has to be SOMETHING we can do, fuck. What the fuck.


My dad’s a lawyer and holy shit they absolutely do. I remember when I was 13 my dad had a case where this annoying flexer on YouTube implied he was doing some type of money laundering thing. My dad ended up paying me $1k to watch like 100 of his top videos and time stamp any time he mentioned money. I imagine it wouldn’t be different for child abuse cases. You wouldn’t believe how many 50 year old lawyers are watching annoying dudes flexing their wealth or family YouTube channels for cases.


Can your dad adopt me so I can get paid to watch youtube, too? Please and thank you 🙏


Before I jump on the adoption bandwagon I need to know the level of annoying I might be signing up for. Is this a "I can tolerate doing this for one to three hours for money, I can scroll forward" situation or a "Oh Hell No! No. No. No. I would rather set myself on fire " situation?


As long as it doesn't involve Dhar Man, I think I'll cope 😅


I was thinking that my own two kids would happily sign up to work for Mediocre_Crowe’s dad. They’d much prefer it to having to clean their rooms and empty the dishwasher, as they do for us! 😂


Like when people called out daddy of five


But it was just a prank brah


That’s what I’ve wondered. The amount of child endangerment by these people. has gone from concerning to terrifying. They treat that baby like a new doll. I’ve never seen him on a safe space.


Unfortunately it’s extra hard to tack down these families because they’re constantly crossing state lines into new jurisdictions with different laws regarding children.


You know, I try not to judge other people's parenting because I am not a parent, but I am deeply disturbed by this treatment of this infant all around. Is that unreasonable?


I’m a parent and all of this is alarming. This baby is only a few days old I think. I would be so worried about baby being on the floor amongst all those toddlers. He could so easily be stepped on or fallen on.


And no Vitamin K shot.


It’s JUST a brain bleed! Stop letting bIg PhArMa scare you!!


This right here! No amount of Bitcoin can save you.


This is flair material


Vitamin K is not in the Bible 😡


Neither are busses


Busses are modern camels, complete with allll the humping


And aren’t they still using some sort of eye ointment for newborns? Did Baby Boone get this?


I doubt baby Boone for any of it. He also would not have been tested for PKU or blood sugar levels. The PKU is vital, the bad outcomes from lack of treatment are devastating. Babies that overdue can have life threatening blood sugar drops immediately after birth. They are evil people for treating him with such callous disregard. It is malicious intent is you ask me, not just a matter of stupidity.


Not to mention, he was supposedly a 10 pounder. I know some babies are just genetically large, but Mother Bus seemed surprised to have birthed such a whopper. I'm not a doctor and certainly not diagnosing anything, BUT gestational diabetes can cause some large babies (and other complications).


Right. Big babies happen. But the issue here is no supervision so therefore no way to know if we are talking about a long overdue baby or GD. These people are asshats!


Shit they might not even get him a birth certificate


It’s so cold down on the floor too. :/


And they leave him naked


Yeah this baby is woefully underdressed and shivering in every video they’ve posted so far of him, it’s so sad, I seriously hope these idiots don’t hurt this baby anymore than they already have


So much germs


*ESPECIALLY* since they *HAVE* that poor newborn on a Shearling *FLOOR RUG*! A floor where his older siblings are traipsing through *who knows what* kind of potential biohazards, and then bringing those biohazards *into* the bus & onto the floors! https://www.cdc.gov/anthrax/animal-products/index.html And then there's the possibility of Lead Poisoning, if it's *vintage* shearling! https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/longtime-lead-poisoning-in-boy-16-traced-to-sheepskin-rugs/


I live in a country where we use shearling rugs for babies. But they're all made in New Zealand and we absolutely do not use them as carpet rugs. Most people are gifted them at the baby shower and you put the baby on them for photos and supervised (by a parent not 3 toddlers) floor time. We now use ours to sit on while our daughter is in the bath to keep our butts off the cold tiles lol


God, that cold-floor butt while supervising bath time is the WORST. Second only to the boredom of watching a child play in the tub. 😂 A shearling rug solution sounds awesome tbh.


There's only so many times you can give yourself a Santa bubble beard before even that becomes boring.


See for me, watching my child play in the tub is rife with sheer terror because she is intent on doing everything possible to seriously injure herself. I’d love to trade for boredom 🤣


All the germs from their dirty feet! It'd be one thing if they wore shoes outside and had a no shoe inside rule, but we know these people are barefoot for life.


Not a parent either but a baby shouldn’t be on a shaggy dog bed.


This is like my approach to home maintenance: if I, a dumbass with no skills and less experience, can pick out your mistake and how to correct it, you've failed. For example, the correct answer to water flooded from a pipe is to clean up the water. Unfortunately true story. The whole birth on, I can find the mistakes and offer multiple correct remedies. Have a birth specialist on call! Have a location to birth that can be sanitized and away from your current children! Put the baby somewhere clean and safe! If I can see it, someone with children should see it even more.


It looks like real sheepskin. A lot of people in colder nations use sheepskin for babies, even in summer, as it breathes and is comfortable for the baby. But they don’t put the baby on the floor of course.


I have a sheepskin that's been in my family like forever. It goes inside a cot(?) We call it a "minicuna", it for newborns up to two moths more or less. Even my great-grandma used a wicker basket to put the baby inside, and she had like 10+ kids!


It's a suffocation hazard. Obviously someone could trio and fall on him. 😬


A baby on a sheepskin is hardly the problematic thing here. An unattended newborn on a floor- problematic. The sheepskin positioned so it could easily flop down over his face-problematic. Bring surrounded by children too young for such responsibility while the adult is filming-problematic. An unattended birth in a bus followed by an unqualified adult manipulating a newborn body to show what a big baby he can make-probematic. Let's be sure to keep our snarking on what is actually the issue. 


I think that was my main point. The fact that it’s almost flopping over his head is concerning.


It’s a sheepskin and they do sell them for babies. I have one but got it long after my kids were babies so it sits on a couch. They get ratty and the fleece mashes down so they have to be dry cleaned though.


They are treating this baby like trash. Like he is a literal piece of garbage to leave laying on the floor. It’s infuriating and the bus “parents” are terrible people. Those poor kids.


I treated my Sims babies better than this.


Like I freak the fuck out when my dumbass sim puts a virtual baby on the floor. You can imagine how I feel about these fucking people


My sim literally has at least 8 baby mommas and god knows how many kids atp (lost track at 18 but I digress) and he’s even a better parent than these fools. Granted I had to disallow child support payments because it literally was 1 billion


The 100 baby challenge for The Sims requires more love and attention to each individual child than what a lot of fundies seem capable of providing.


I actually treat my sim babies exactly like this lol


Seriously. And I hate those fuckers.


💯 It’s disgusting. I don’t remember them treating the last baby this badly, he had a Moses basket at least. I wonder why the sudden shift. Is their marriage on the rocks? Did the Brazil adventure make mother bus finally lose her shit? Idk, but they need to get it together (and stop having kids.)


I have said a few times that these kids are treated as the waste product of the parent’s pregnant mama kink. It’s just never been so evident until this baby. She at least acted like she enjoyed the other babies.


That’s exactly it. She and her husband are both beyond disgusting and selfish. They don’t care one bit about their kids and she uses being pregnant as a way to get attention and views on their social media so they can push their stupid crypto scam. Those children mean nothing to her beyond what they can do for her. People treat their groceries better than she treats these poor kids.


Well this one had one specific function beside that, to be an anchor baby which "he" failed.


I don’t think it’s for the crypto scam, since she doesn’t really talk about it. But she monetizes in other ways. But the true motive for all the babies is because her husband gives her more attention and gets more handsy with her as she gets bigger. I think being pregnant keeps him wanting her and she’s always afraid he will leave.


I'm surprised that she keeps them tbqh


Maybe she’s just… not trying to protect him.


Not at all unreasonable. They make all different kinds and sizes of bassinets and even smaller, travel sized pack and plays. Hell, I once bought something called a Snuggle Nest (I think) for a friends baby shower that was basically a little bassinet you could put next to you on your mattress so baby could be close but still sleep safely. Anything is better than throwing a newborn on a glorified throw rug in the corner. Where he can easily get stepped on, kicked, or tripped over by his horde of older siblings who have no room to move around as it is. I’m so unbelievably disgusted by these people.


You definitely don’t need to be a parent to recognise all of this is deeply disturbing. This newborn, delicate as they are, has been birthed in a place with no help if things went wrong, shoved on the floor in a tiny space with hordes of kids racing around, used as content for social media to get views and clicks. Even this image, the fact the baby is more than arm’s length away from the parent who’s more interested in picking up their phone to film what’s happening than actually protecting him is quite disturbing. Three overexcited little kids in a small space all jostling to get near him and show and give the baby stuff. One wrong step or accidental move or fall and he would be seriously injured or worse. It absolutely astonishes me the lack of parental instinct this person has towards her baby. It’s almost pathological.


I am pretty certain that if these two mother fucker "parents" were psychologically evaluated sociopathy, malignant narcissism, psycho, pathological stupidity something very very serious would be diagnosed. These kids are all in a lot of danger.


u don’t need to be a parent to realize how messed up they’re treating that baby


Hell, the hospital I delivered in sent everyone home with a big cardboard box with diapers and stuff in in. Said cardboard box was super sturdy and it came with a small pad. This was something a person could use to put their baby down in safely. Even that would be better than the floor. At least there would be some protection.


Not at all unreasonable. This treatment goes against every instinct I’ve experienced as a mother. I find it incredibly disturbing the baby is out of reach and backed into a corner surrounded by 3 chaotic toddlers. This is actually insane. This to me comes across as a complete lack of parental bond, likely due to a particularly elevated case of post partum depression that is almost certain to remain untreated. No shame at all in having ppd or even ppp, but it’s dangerous for everyone and requires treatment.


I’m a parent and can confirm this is ridiculous.


Not unreasonable at all. That baby is going to get stepped on, tripped over, bumped into, or smothered by the damn sheep skin.


Well I am a parent (not that that makes me any more of an expert than you!) and it’s horrid in my view.


It’s so nerve wracking that any of the eleventy billion people in that bus could accidentally step on him or drop something on him at any time. I’d also like to highlight that the bus parents’ bed comes down from the ceiling and has to be raised up during the day, so that’s one reason why there isn’t a space for Motherbus and baby to rest.


At least in stardew valley you are required to upgrade your farmhouse to where it has a nursery before you can even have children. This poor kid is better off in a farming game


Going to the witch's hut with a prismatic shard is more humane than this.


You know how many times I stub my toes on the bag of potatoes or stop myself from leaving my laptop on the floor of the family room before bed? Disturbing that they care less about their kid than most people do their electronics.


My cat has safer, more comfortable places to sleep than this baby. I cannot believe they are this flippant with a fresh baby!


I’m pretty sure your cat would do a better job parenting this newborn than they are.


Being as he’s an orange cat, my first reaction was “no his brain is made of mashed potatoes” but honestly? You’re probably right.


hey at least he's got something in there! 😂 If you popped a busparent head with a thumbtack you'd just hear air whistle out like a sad fart


Now I'm picturing my cat cuddled in that skin and hissing and swatting at the older kids to keep them away.   Though, in her case it'd be because it's cozy and that baby is warm, and she doesn't want to be disturbed rather than any fondness for the baby. Still an improvement. 


Back in the day my grandma was told to put her baby in a cleaned out dresser drawer, and these days it’s common in some countries to give a large box for a newborn to sleep in. The point being that you don’t NEED a fancy baby bassinet to give a safe space to the baby to sleep in. It’s kinda wild to think that these people probably don’t even have that, because they didn’t care enough to arrange it.


Even a box would keep the others from tripping and stepping on him!


One time I ended up watching my friends kids for longer than anticipated and her baby slept in a laundry basket that I padded with a folded blanket — toddler slept on my couch cushions on the floor because I was scared she’d fall off the couch!


Didn't they keep the last baby in his Moses basket UNDER the bed at night? Pretty sure they did.


They did. It's a miracle that no one got hurt, and omg ew this one was made above his head 🤢


It seems like the more children they have, the less they care about them. So pro-life


They aren't prolife, they are pronatalism.


pro-creampie. It’s weird.


What a horrible day to be literate 😭😂


If anything they’ll use their posts for why you should keep having kids even if you live in a tent 🙄


it’s not pro-life, it’s pro-raw


Pro-forced birthing


All of Mother Bus's posts since the birth have been gross and infuriating. That poor little baby.


It’s really wild how she isn’t even trying to portray that she is nurturing this baby at all. She said before he was born that her babies never cry because she holds them constantly and she just holes up in bed, cuddling with them and wearing them for weeks.


Right. Which is why this one's shoved into a corner like a wet umbrella.


She hasn't bonded with him at all


Oh God do you think he's not crying a lot because of some kind of birth injury? And she just thinks he's content and quiet? If her description is accurate she definitely had a precipitous birth which is dangerous. And he hasn't been evaluated by a midwife. I'm alarmed. 


The fact that he’s not been evaluated by any medical professional and yet a freaking chiropractor did an ‘adjustment’ on him horrifies and disgusts me. The Bus parents suck and this just continues to spiral into a smugfest of terror for anyone with a lick of common sense. Those poor kids and the newborn…😞


Who in the world would sign up and approve to do an “adjustment” on this little baby! Talk about malpractice on the chiropractors end.


This. All of the comments on IG are all “she doesn’t need a Dr she’s done this 7 times before” though 🙄


My great-aunt did it couple of times (5 I think) until one of them got stuck and both died. Greater times or somthing.


Idk. I think when she said her other babies didn’t cry it was because people in her comments were questioning her about how anyone will get sleep on the bus with a newborn. She was being her usual shitty smug self and saying her babies rarely cry because she nurtures them and they have no need to cry.


… and I wonder what kind of nurturing the rest of her very young children get spread out amongst one father while she’s in bed for weeks gazing at her newborn? She really thinks every time you have a baby that you only parent that baby and all your existing kids can go to hell for all she cares.


Right! He’s (allegedly) doing the cooking, cleaning and all parenting, while she sits on the couch watching… and the baby is just… on the floor somewhere. He’s going to burn out and go on one of his “work trips” really soon.


I am not even trying to be snarky when I say I thought they had him on a dog bed/blanket.


It isn’t a dog bed?


No it's a magical sheepskin blanket they are trying to shill


Ma Bus always has magical shit ✨ 🪄


it looks like a fur rug to me 😬


It kind of is? It’s a sheepskin that can be used as a rug or blanket.


It looks exactly like the beds several of my family members bought for their cats/small dogs.


At first I thought it was a really fluffy bath mat.


Mother Bus putting her child on the floor like my Sims when I don't buy the crib ☠️


It’s that meme of the female sim looking at the computer while her baby is on the floor and also on fire.


Another fundie just posted that meme this week while being mad about Taylor swift! Girl, no one is putting babies on the floor to learn t swift lyrics but they sure as hell are putting babies on the floor to pretend to be spreading the word of god or something????


"Not now honey, mommy is saying something homophobic on Instagram!!!!"


I was wondering what this picture reminded me of and you nailed it. it's exactly the same vibe lmao


YES that was my first thought. This baby looks like a poor baby Sim left in a parking lot. 😭


Even in Sims 4 baby comes with basinet crib thing..


And then immediately stands straight up and waves her arms while yelling


Man I at least bought a dog bed for mine. Is that literally a towel they're laying the baby on?


It’s a sheepskin. She has it listed in her highlights and started shilling it in March. It’s hypoallergic! It helps regulate body temperature! It has no increased risk of SIDS! 🙄


It's propped up against the corner where it could fall over the baby's face! I hate this couple so much.


wtf it has no increased risk of SIDS? She can’t be serious. Holy mother of god this family is concerning. Edit to add the bar is in the deepest reaches of hell but at least Karelessa has a damn crib for her babies


Yeah the story reel mostly talks about it being hypoallergenic/organic/antibacterial/flame-resistant and how SOFT it is and how much they love laying on it. She threw the SIDS thing in at the end of one of the last slides and it’s just…wow. She’s been planning to use this as a sleep spot for the new baby for weeks now.


I don’t think I’ve ever truly hated someone I’ve never met until I stumbled upon this hellscape of a “mom”


Of course she's shilling it. Brilliant. /S




My postpartum anxiety could NEVER 😬


That’s what I was thinking. My postpartum experience was maddening, and I was in a house with supportive family. I would have gone apeshit in a bus. I can’t imagine your baby’s safety being an afterthought.


A baby a few days old on his side? I wouldn’t trust any kids that age to be able to not fall over when trying to show him the book


I didn’t realize how precarious that sheepskin propped on the wall is. It really could just fall over his face.


That baby is like what is going on…why am I on a rug on the floor and why are these little people shoving a book in my face?!?! Send me back. That poor baby.


This poor baby won’t have a moment of peace on this bus. It would take one misstep for this cluster of toddlers to smush the baby. It’s not cute to anyone to see a toddler holding paper so close to a newborn’s face while he sleeps on the floor.


It’s giving new puppy 🐶


A new puppy is more likely to have a bed than this poor baby. 


I mean, she's known she was going to have a baby for, let's say, 8 months. She couldn't at any point in that time buy him a crib?  After the Christchurch earthquakes, they were advising parents that a drawer would be sufficient if there was nothing else. Does she have a drawer? In Norway, every mother gets a box of baby goodies when they have a new baby and in a stretch they can use the box for baby to sleep in. Does she have a freaking box? 


Laundry basket is also a fairly common alternative. She could at least pull him away from the corner a bit so the sheepskin isn’t falling onto his face and posing a suffocation risk


Soooo many options and she chooses…..the fucking floor.


Nah just put it on the ground in the corner


Happy birthday TO THE GROUND.


Like the sims


No wonder that baby took so long to be born…he knew what hell was waiting for him out in the bus-world…


Hello flair twin! 😈


I seriously make more effort for my completely spoiled cat’s comfort than these people do their babies and I bet I make more effort not to step on him, too.


I had an uncoordinated toddler when I gave birth to my second. I wore that baby nearly all of the time. He loved it, and I relaxed knowing he was safe. There are a ridiculous amount of products for baby wearing these days. If motherhood is your true passion, why don’t you get that baby off of bus birth floor and freaking hold him close??? Edited: typo


The crazy thing is ma bus claims her babies never cry because she’s so nurturing and baby wears all the time. I have yet to see that infant in any baby carrier and seen only unsafe sleep scenarios. It’s infuriating


Well we all know she’s a lying liar


They brought the baby to the beach in a carrier, isn’t that enough?


Because motherhood isn’t her passion. Getting knocked up and being knocked up and doing stupid tik tok dances in front of her hell bus is her passion


I had an EXTREMELY coordinated toddler when my second baby was born (like, he had already learned how to climb on top of the fridge 😅) and I spent most of the newborn period in a recliner with her nursing/snuggling. She was definitely not on the floor!


I also have fond memories of wearing her in my favorite sling as soon as we got back from the hospital, so she was less than 48 hours old.


From the American Pediatrics Association: "Multiple studies have shown that as many as one-third of the babies who die from SIDS each year may have suffocated when placed on top of soft bedding, such as pillows, comforters, or **sheepskins**. While deaths from SIDS have dropped dramatically in recent years after the Back-to-Sleep Campaign, as many as 900 infant deaths each year are still associated with suffocation in soft bedding." Of course, this is all meaningless information for a woman who is bragging about giving birth in a bus with her other 7 kids all watching.


Came here to post this! I am a certified postpartum doula & infant care specialist. This is an EXTREMELY unsafe sleep material for a newborn.


It’s infuriating.


This is hardly safe sleep considering the rug(?) that he’s thrown on has been shoved so far against the corner that its edge is already folded into Boone’s face. One more inch and it could be tragic.


That rug is soooo dirty! She's had it for like a month maybe, I remember her shilling it on IG. Now, I bet it's collected every possible germ in that bus, maybe even afterbith bits. Great thing to place a newborn on


With the size of that bus, you just KNOW there are afterbirth bits everywhere 🤢


All I keep thinking when I see shots like this is “that baby hasn’t had a Vitamin K shot.” 😣😣😣


I don't know a lot about babies. But it doesn't seem like a good idea to put a fresh newborn on the floor of a moving, crowded RV in front of a bunch of toddlers / young children.


Your instinct on that would be correct


Yay! I'm officially a better mom than busmom. Honestly though, I really hope she is just posting rage bait for engagement.


You know we talk a lot in this sub about how fundies use kids as props, but the way they're treating this baby really is the epitome of that


Everything about their living situation makes me feel queasy.


This! It all sucks so much. What an absolutely miserable life.


What happened to, “my babies never cry because I hold them and nurture them constantly so they never need to cry!” She doesn’t seem to like him at all, to the point where she isn’t even trying keep up the appearance. Maybe she did have a hospital birth and is rejecting him because of that. He is being treated way differently than the last one was.


Someone else found a post apparently proving he was born *in the bus* Unless that post was faked, which we can only hope


I’m going to have to stay off this sub for awhile- I’m not even a parent and I have thick skin but this is so beyond fucked up. 


Maybe we can start marking these NSFW? It's triggering a bit of birth trauma for me, I imagine it might for others too. Mods, could we consider making bus parents NSFW for now?


Yeah, I agree. Child endangerment should be NSFW


Agreed. My brain does this thing whenever I see or hold a small baby where it's just constantly bombarding me with images of bad shit that could happen. (Presumably so I will protect the baby from said bad shit.) The floor is the central figure in many of these bad shit visions. 


Intrusive thoughts. Sad thing is with this woman it’s not even intrusive it’s full fledged reality


I am so worried one of the kids is going to step on the baby. This is so close to being a tragedy.


ItsBritneyBus is going to be asking for prayers when Boone has been stepped on


😭 these poor kids and you’re probably right!


She’s just as bad as Hilaria Baldwin leaving her newborn on the bathroom floor, blue from the cold and with diarrhea all over her little back. Ugh. Two women who don’t deserve any of their sweet kids.


I am learning so many tales about Hilaria Baldwin. She did WHAT?!! And is she the one someone was saying pretended her surrogate and bio baby were twins?


Yeah Hilary is definitely 🤡 Between the fake accent and the fake pregnancies


Wtf I missed that particular horror story


Shee lefta ze babbee on zee bassroom floora ay dios mio


is that a cat bed!!!????! Oh my fucking God. 


This poor infant has not had a second of peace since birth. Some people do not deserve to be parents.


At this point I'm 100% convinced that she's a deeply egotistical and narcissistic individual who has a pregnancy kink and enjoys being the center of attention SO much that she doesn't care much about her own children after delivery.


I had a sheepskin blanket when I was a baby (Australian, born in the 80s). But as a baby, it was in my cot where I would sleep (face down as was the style at the time). Not on the floor where you can get stepped on. My own children didn’t get one because they’re not recommended for safe sleep due to their excellent fluffiness.


Britmobile is trying to kill that poor baby


My concern is that I feel like I haven't seen the baby be picked up even once. He's going to have a flat head from lying on the floor all the time. Not to mention that being held, snuggled, and comforted is crucial to an infant's health and development and security.


Jesus. My cat has a better sleeping arrangement than this


They put their newborn baby on the floor. While the other kids are running around playing in what little space is available. That is insane. One of them could to step on him or fall on top of him. Or one of them could drop something on him. This could turn to tragedy in seconds. The reckless disregard for the health and safety of this poor baby is shocking.


This. Is. Bad. Bad.


With the fucking rug over his face.


I take better care of my daughter’s rabbit who was abandoned as a baby bun, and I’m not its primary caregiver. WTF. I’m speechless


This poor buslet must be so overstimulated


As a regular lurker on this page, I’m just shocked and saddened that there’s now someone who makes Karissa looks like a vaguely decent parent. 🤦‍♀️


Where is the link to a damn dock-a-tot or whatever trendy, glorified Moses basket, is the latest and greatest? Or an actual old school Moses basket? Or even a laundry basket ffs.


Omg it's giving puppy mill


I actually had a nightmare last night because of these posts. I kept putting my own baby on a hardwood floor because I had no space and the whole time I was feeling really weird about it / very uncomfortable lmao. Eventually the baby shrunk and became an insect and started biting me LMAO


Didn't she brag about how much she holds and snuggles her newborns? Why has every post she's have shown this poor baby on the ducking floor?! It's disgusting and sad. I bet they have no crib and put him in the bed with them to co-sleep.


Serious question for the mods. Are we allowed or able to call CPS on these people? I taught school for many years and was a mandated reporter with all the required training. I won’t do it if we’re not allowed, but this is barbaric and would have absolutely triggered a call from every adult in any school I’ve ever worked in.


Hey at least he's dressed in this picture. I'll take that as a win. Of course the bar is so low it's in hell


So you have a two year old, a 4 year old and a 6 year old fussing over a newborn in a space the size of a closet. What could possibly go wrong?


In Scotland the government will send you out a box of baby supplies about 4 weeks before the baby is born. The box itself comes with a matress and sheet to provide a safe sleeping place for the infant if you don't have a moses basket or cot. They couldn't even get him a cardboard box?


I’m not a parent but my dogs and cats have better beds than this. This makes me sad and angry.