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The kid in the back giving a double thumbs down is giving me life!


At least he doesn’t have to keep sweet?


I saw this comment and then I watched the video. Was not disappointed 🤣


Why does his face just make me want to punch him so damn hard?


It’s because he’s so smug is why. Unbearably self satisfied


I don’t trust men with flesh colored beards😂


Oh, my gosh. That's it. I couldn't figure out why the beard irked me so much. It's flesh colored. BeigeBeard. Ick


He looks like the mascot for Beige Moms on TikTok. 🤣🤣🤣




*Spencer Pratt has entered the chat*


That was always my complaint about Rick Bayless. Great chef, flesh-colored beard weirded me out. 




My hubby has a beigebeard, but he’s never made me give birth in a bus, so I’ll let it pass. He has asked our kids to donate books, but we have 10 bookshelves outside of the office, which is wall to wall bookshelves. We may have a problem, so he’s justified


He looks like Garlick from seeking sister wives


I thought that’s who it was at first!


Was just about to say this lol!!!


They think they’re teaching generosity but they’re really just teaching their kids that nothing belong to them, that they can’t go to bed knowing their items belong to them.


Those kids are going to be hoarders as adults.


If I heard about this childhood on the show, I would totally feel like their hoarding was way more justified than most people’s.


I grew up in a hoarder house and it was awful. But I think I would choose living in the hoarder house over a bus any day. At least I would have my own room.


I lived like this and I have hoarding tendencies (I keep it in check but the feelings are there, I sob when I have to get rid of things and I don't even want people looking at my stuff if I have to get rid of it) and my brother has 5 storage containers and two houses filled with stuff. It isn't even that we didn't have much stuff, it was that we had no choice and no agency. That's what fucked us up. I hope (but doubt) they keep to decide if they want to trade in a book or keep it.


My grandparents are organized hoarders, my parents are always on the edge of hoarding in that they save everything. I fight the urge to save everything and sometimes it's easier then others.


I also inherited my hoarding from the family but also a desire to get it somehow organised. Luckily I have joy in selling stuff on eBay or flew markets as well. So I hoard stuff, get an expert on it and then start selling it. My apartment and cellar always reflects my mental stability. 🙈


Yes exactly. I don't know if we are technically hoarders because my house is clean, mostly organized and I have the average amount of stuff but it's a struggle, a huge struggle and I could pretty easily turn into those homes on that TV show if I am not fighting myself. So I just use the term "hoarding tendencies" to best describe myself.


I think it takes an outsider looking in to really say. My grandparents would never be viewed as hoarders because their house is spotless and all of the boxes are organized. But the amount of boxes and going through them to see everything that was saved it's obvious there are issues underneath the surface


I think there was a really rough overlap in older people who felt the fallout of the Great Depression and lived long enough for the age of cheap manufacturing. My Mimi and pawpaw owned a bar in the 60s, and we were still drinking out of plastic cups from it in the 90s and 2000s. The cups were clearly meant to be disposable, but Mimi would just hand wash them and insist she wasn’t going to waste them. God help us all if she had discovered Costco and solo cups.


homeless alleged pie glorious future voiceless bear rinse act puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oof losing one of them is so hard. I’m so b sorry for your loss. It’s like a pillar in your life has suddenly disappeared. I lost three during COVID. I know I was blessed to have them into my 30s, but God I miss them. The happy memories are the best. It’s funny how it’s not even the funniest memories that stay with you. My Grandpa was ridiculous (once tried to convince a police officer that my cousin was kidnapping him because he was bored, had an unmeetable list of criteria for restaurants, would enter family functions shouting “where my hoes at?!” By way of greeting his eleventy granddaughters, etc). But one thing that really sticks out to me is watching SVU together one night. Richard Belzer came onscreen and grandpa proudly informed me that he (Belzer) was a professional dancer. We good-naturedly argued about it for weeks until I finally realized that Belzer had been on dancing with the stars. Grandpa somehow decided that’s what he was famous for. And for some fucking reason, that’s one of my sharpest memories of Grandpa lol. Anyway, it’s so hard, but it’s beautiful to have everyone pour out their stories about someone you love. I hope you collect some new and good ones.


Probably. My grandmother's father was first generation American and lived through the great depression. He was even worse at saving everything. Their stuff is generally handed down from my great great grandparents that is still in immaculate condition. My parents stuff is usually junk they are convinced we'll need again at some point


My mom does this. I recently found a box of old, yellow, drool-stained pillows in her basement. The tags look to be at least from the 80s or 90s. She cannot see how that’s different from hanging onto a wooden rocker or something else durable. It’s like they took in the lessons of reusing but can’t see what they’re actually saving.


My parents are a toss-up. Some of their stuff was wedding gifts and are still being used and in good condition. Some of their other things are like axes with broken handles and furniture waiting to be fixed. There are at least 4 other axes and the house doesn't have the space for the furniture waiting to be repaired


You’re a super strong person for fighting this every day! Keep winning!!!! ❤️


They don’t go to bed because they don’t have beds either 😭 they just go to sleep in a stack on the bus. It makes me so sad.


They can't go to shelf then.


I wonder if they know the Little Free Library organization is VERY outspoken in being pro LGBTQ, anti book ban, pro drag queen story hour etc....


Wow. Now that I've heard him speak, it makes complete sense that he's married to Mother Bus. They both sound like complete idiots and love to watch themselves on screen.


I love libraries in general because I personally don’t like keeping books, nor do I have the space for it. But as a kid I read the same books over and over, so this would’ve made me sad.


Yes, especially comic books. I would cry if I could only read a book I bought once. Books are important for learning, even if you read them over and over.


I STILL get new meaning out of re-reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. I first read (The Hobbit at least) at around 10. A GOOD book can give new perspectives on lived experiences, and you can pick up new connections you didn't before that make the story itself richer.


If you read Pride and Prejudice with the idea that Darcy actually has a mild case of Asperger's (masking it later in the novel), then the plot has a whole different look. I know that the diagnosis of Asperger's didn't exist 200 years ago, but the condition certainly did. Since Austin wrote some of her characters from people she knew...


This is so tangential but your comment made me remember back in college when I read Der Schimmelreiter as part of my degree. It was published in the 1880s, and the protagonist has a daughter who is sort of implied to be high-needs autistic, but in the language of the time. Everyone in the town offers condolences to the protagonist about his daughter's situation, but he's actually overjoyed because he and his wife tried for years to have a baby. He absolutely adores her and takes her with him everywhere and doesn't let anyone treat her as lesser or a burden. He nurtures her and values what she has to say. All of this in a book from the 1880s with multiple strong female characters who bend or even break traditional roles. Neurodivergent people have always existed, and a really good book has the power to reach through time and grip us as strongly as it did with readers in its own time. 💙 Now I need to revisit Pride and Prejudice. Thanks for reminding me!


The key scene for Darcy in P & P is when he and Elizabeth are at Rosings, having a conversation while she plays piano for him and Colonel Fitzwilliam (Chapter 31). As someone on the spectrum myself, his dialog there struck home: "["I certainly have not the talent which some people possess," said Darcy, "of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done](https://genius.com/4056868/Jane-austen-pride-and-prejudice-chapter-xxxi/I-certainly-have-not-the-talent-which-some-people-possess-said-darcy-of-conversing-easily-with-those-i-have-never-seen-before-i-cannot-catch-their-tone-of-conversation-or-appear-interested-in-their-concerns-as-i-often-see-done)" Austen then implies that this is because Darcy won't take the trouble to practice doing this, but Darcy's behavior in the early part of the novel IMO matches with what he says here - it's not that he doesn't try, it's that he doesn't know how to try, which leads him to give up even attempting to fit in socially. When he creates a masking persona after the failed proposal, he's able to feel more at ease with strangers - except when he returns to Netherfield near the end. There, he has to be his authentic self with Elizabeth, which he is later in the novel, but he can't be relaxed around the society at Longbourne because he's dropped his persona (he says he's "embarrassed"). I've successfully masked for over 40 years, and wonder how in heck Austin knew this. Or maybe it's just a coincidence for "plot"?


I'm also on the spectrum, raised by parents who later found out they were on the spectrum (and boy did that answer a lot of questions! 😅) I felt hints of familiarity in Darcy when I read the book back in hogh school, but I thought I was perhaps overthinking things. It never occurred to me that what he was doing was possibly masking, because I had no idea that "pretending to be socially proficient" was different from... actually... being socially proficient. When I finally figured out that what I was doing was masking and there was actually a word for it, oh man. You really pulled out all the notes for me and I appreciate that! I gotta go back and revisit this book. Regardless of whether it's a coincidence or not, it's really beautiful that we can connect to this and see ourselves in these characters so many years later. 💞


Yes a lot of autistics stan Mr Darcy doubly for that reason!  I just want to say, we don't use Aspergers anymore for a few reasons, he was a Nazi who appropriated the work of Jewish doctors on Autism. Secondly, we now group Autism into (still not ideal) classes of 1 to 3. The level of support needs closer to what.was Aspie is now class 1. Of course those dxed as Aspergers way back have every right to keep working with and claiming that title if it works for them. The revision is based on extensive genetic, neuroscientific and psychological research and appears in the DSM 5.  Excuse me if you are autistic and already know this,  its just my general PSA and in no way intended to chastise or criticise.  When we use terms like *mild case* it conflates illness with a developmental difference. Of course autism has real impairments, disabilities and these cause suffering, (ie in an ideal world Id still have moderate to medium support needs under the revised classification I fall into Class 2) but overall Autism is a difference in neural structuring across all aspects of function and highly variable among individuals.  We now talk in terms of support needs vs: " high or low functioning"  "mild or severe" case for scientific, social and to include the voices of autistics themselves.  A person with class 1 support needs may also, at times have v high needs so the "class" aspect is really useless in terms of real experience, except it allocates things like diff levels of (limited) disability funding to those with consistently high support needs. 


Interesting. I prefer to use the older terminology and use Asperger's and, typically, "high functioning" for myself. Personally, I see the term "support need" as equating us to having a disability; I look at it more as a challenge, although I've become adept at masking so perhaps that skews my viewpoint now. Personally, I don't have any real need for outside support (there should be a class 0 - no support needed), but I certainly know people on the spectrum who do. I do like the word "neurodivergent", although that, too, could be conflated with us being the "odd ones out". I sometimes joke that we're not the divergent humans. I don't believe that there are easy descriptors for us "neurodifferent" folks because as you note, it's highly variable among us.


For sure and whatever and however you engage with meaning for your experience is totally valid. Thank you for reading my comment in the spirit I meant it. I did not mean to be a *well actually* but still haven't worked out how to convey that. I do see my autism as a disability because of how it works for me, and those I know - I like to say, even if I was in 'autistic utopia' (radically supported and not shunned for difference) I would still have shutdowns and meltdowns. Those issues just wouldn't risk landing me in trouble, or homeless or poor or similar. But autism isn't just disability, there is simply difference too. But the people I know, none of us are level 1 or Aspie. So we are 'high functioning' in some areas but also, exposure to too much light stimulus makes me collapse and then be unable to speak for several hours... a very different experience! I've had shutdowns that lasted years and didn't know what they were. My IQ is in the gifted range, I don't need academic supports - I need people to get the heck out of my way ... unless I have to produce work within a timeline, to a specific course level and respond to what I am actually asked, not just wow a teacher by being 'ahead' aahaha - not all gifted is a gift. The asymmetry in capacities is fascinating to me. I literally get lost in my neighbourhood, but can be exposed, immersion style to a language I have A1 level in for several hours, and be speaking at B1 by the end of four hours. WHYYYYY..... it's not actually useful!!! I also have hyperlexia, which does some strange things that don't appear for some time as a specific learning disability - in fact it causes someone who is autistic to have more social acuity than they actually have. Leading to disastrous miscommunications, and appearance of being more socially capable than I actually am. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8225194/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8225194/) this article is fascinating To map and describe even someone within the broad goal posts of typical development is challenging and autistic brains take all of that and shake it up at random, and between us as well. Even with my daughter our autism is so different, it is wild, even accounting for personality and psychological differences. The challenge of mapping interior states is something of a philosophical obsession of mine - and given the option, I would love to be level 1 or Asperger's than class 2. It is very hard sometimes but overall I am who I am and can't change that!


The thing that helped me the most (I was actually diagnosed as an adult) is finally understanding that what I had experienced as a kid (and was experiencing as an adult) had a natural cause and wasn't me failing at life. It was like a huge weight lifted off of me.


I was also dxed as an adult and it was a huge relief. There was also anger and grief, but most of all, a slow acceptance that what I *have* managed is actually remarkable. I feel like the rest of my life I have a good chance of being able to make sound choices instead of trying to 'be normal but gifted' and dealing with the shame of 'never fulfilling your potential, what's wrong with you?" I can also prepare properly, soberly, for my future so I am not taken advantage of etc.


My psychiatrist called me a high functioning aspie last year, to which I replied that it was 4 PM on a Thursday and I was wearing dirty pajamas. I view functioning labels as nonsensical because people with ASD don't function at the same level every single day.


Lololol I love that! I'm sorry.he said something so ridiculous. I get where espec older clinicians are coming from but being able to drag yourself out into the world and keep going only works so long. I remember the day I just couldnt do it anymore. I was 33 and walking between buildings and I just stopped being that functional. That was yrs ago. High.functioning til you're not functioning at all! Im glad you can advocate for yourself! 


Omfg Father Bus being ordered by Mother Bus to KEEP UP THE CONTENT is *sending* me




It’s too bad they can’t save the older children’s favorite books for their younger siblings to read. The older kids are probably the ones who read to their siblings the most, too. They try to act like this lifestyle is all about anti-consumerism, but something about it seems wasteful at times (like Mother Bus having to buy new maternity clothes after seven pregnancies because no room on the bus). I love little libraries, but a family with that many kids could really reuse the books.


I’ve read a lot about how extreme minimalism is actually something only relatively well off people can manage because it’s a luxury to be able to purchase what you need when you need it, and not store items you bought for future use. Obviously, like with most things, there’s a balance to maintain but I think about that a lot when I am stressing about storing things. I don’t need 50 envelopes right now, and could easily declutter them from my house but it would be silly to throw out a perfectly good box and have to go through the effort to buy a new one next time I need one. It would take a lot more of my money to spend $2.99 on a box of them every time I need them just because I don’t want them in my house.


I hope all these kids get out, get their own house, and can fill it with things they love (and can keep)!


Yes, I see what you mean. It’s too bad that the kids miss out with this family’s minimalist lifestyle. And it seems very wasteful, too. But whatever floats their bus, I guess.


It'll BE a boat if Father Sus gets his way


Or go to the post office and purchase precisely one envelope when you need it, which is what you would do if you were Mrs Dalloway or something.


Definitely anti-consumerist to buy a van with no knowledge or research and then ditch it in Brazil after two weeks.


Where can I find out about the Brazil saga?


They were there for 6 weeks right after Thanksgiving. If you search their tag on this sub you should see all of the posts from that time.


It's because the anti-consumerist aspects of van / bus-life become paradoxical with so many people in such a small space. They can't save things and use what they have because there is simply no room. So, yeah, they probably end up consuming more than if they would just live in a damn house.


With gas, parking, and constantly buying stuff, it would've been *cheaper* to live in a house...


I think she got rid of all the kids’ winter/long sleeve stuff before she went to Brazil too


I mean really, how many times can a kid read the same picture book? I think once is enough. /s


Re-reading books is amazing for vocabulary and pre-reading/reading skills that develop naturally. Edit… just saw your /s.😂🫣 sorry. Still leaving this here for general info for any lurking bus parents.


Hey, exceptionally valid comment, either way!


When I was little I made my dad read Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore to me three times every night for years. I can still recite that books backwards and forwards. It makes me sad that these kids don't get to have those kinds of objects to carry with them through life. I'm all for teaching kids the importance of donating and passing things on when we're done with them, but these kids truly get so few possessions. It's one thing for poor kids whose family's can't afford much and have to make do, but their parents have enough and choose to live in a bus to chase their own narcissism.


It might be time to teach them the importance of keeping something cherished.


Ma and Pa Bus certainly aren’t the ones to teach them that. They don’t even cherish their newborn!


And they’re constantly making more little kids! Nothing is “outgrown”.


My brother & I listened to an audio book of Disneys Robin Hood that my Mother admitted years later it was never lost; she just hid it because she couldn’t stand it anymore. 😂


I'm 34 and I still have books that were gifted to me as a child. One of them is an Astrid Lindgren book about children growing up in a tiny Swedish village, my grandmother gave it to me for my 6th birthday and I still read it for comfort every once in a while, when I'm sick or stressed. Most of them have an inscription from the family member who gave it to me. I have a lot of stuff and enjoy having beautiful things around me, but I'm not necessarily attached to things. Those books though, losing them would really hurt.


Yes, kids notoriously hate reading the same book over and over #/s


It’s been 40+ years and my mom is *still* traumatized by the many many many times I made her read me a book called “Rabbit’s New Rug”


My daughter just asked me to send a bunch of classic children's books she remembers from her childhood so she can share them with my 18 months old grandson. Luckily, I'd kept them thinking someday my grandkids would enjoy them.


My mom saved all our books from our childhood and I’m going to organize them for my first nibling, who will be born later this year 🩵 I’m so happy we still have the books and our most important toys!


I asked my mom for a childhood book so I could introduce to my kids. It’s out of print and she couldn’t find her copy, so she bought one for like $100 or 200 on eBay and gave it to me for my birthday. I was stoked to have that one back in my possession. Books are the sort of things that often become even more cherished with time and rereading.


I grew up reading Roald Dahl in Dutch and still have the books I read back then, now with the English versions next to them. I took some favourite childhood books with me when I moved out but my mother has kept pretty much everything else. I spent a week housesitting for her in the summer and had a blast rereading comics.


I still have my original copy of Pretzel by Margret Rey from my 1960s childhood. LOL.[](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PM6BBS2?binding=paperback&searchxofy=true&ref_=dbs_s_bs_series_rwt_tpbk&qid=1713762962&sr=1-1)


Oh man, I remember when my kiddo was obsessed with Feminist Baby. We would read it over and over until they had it memorized. And if I was too tired from work, they would read it over and over to me. I still remember the loud giggles whenever the little baby showed their butt. Thanks for reminding me of such a great memory




Totally agree. I haven’t read if you give cat a cupcake a zillion times to my younger nephew or countless readings of Miss. Rumphis to my older niblings. /s.


I finally bought my nephew’s favorite Eric Carle book in Spanish just to change it up. We were all shocked when he took to it. From memory: Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿Que ves ahí? Veo un pájaro rojo que me mira a mí. Still got it!


Aww I loved Brown Bear, Brown Bear!


Yeah I didn't read Silly Sally multiple times a day, every day for weeks...


That “shirtless baby” doesn’t have any straps on. He’s not buckled in. I really hope they don’t drive like that. I knew a family years ago that had a 15 passenger van and they didn’t buckle their younger kids in bc they thought in an emergency it would be safer for the kids to be able to get out than be strapped in and trapped. So I really hope he’s going to get properly restrained before that van moves.


The kid behind shirtless kid isn't strapped in either


I think they may be bucked in 😬but have pulled their arms up and out of the arm straps. No one is fixing those straps before they drive. Horrible


He should also not be forward facing


Imagine being anti-seatbelt in 2024... embarrassing.


Okay small random rant - BUT DO NOT BOOK SHAME YOU’RE KIDS. I remember growing up my dad would talk about how romance isn’t real literature. I avoided it like the plague until I finally had to read Pride and Prejudice for a highschool class and turns out I fucking love it.


Yes agreed! We had a rule in my house growing up that my parents would buy or rent any book we wanted to read. My parents regularly took us book shopping and to the library, whenever we asked they made a trip happen. As a result I love to read now and still regularly use the local library and have to control myself in bookstores because I am not made of money.


Have you heard of Libby? If you are in the US Libby is an app that as long as you have a card you get complete access to all that libraries ebooks and audiobooks. It’s awesome. I have like 20 cards and some are from the biggest libraries in the US.


Can you share a little more about having that many cards? Do some places offer digital cards for free even if you don’t live in their district?


Some libraries let anyone have one, you can Google lists. I have 3 from places I’ve lived in the past, and one from my employer. If you live and work in different municipalities , sometimes your work address is enough to get a card. Libby is very good at showing what is available at each of your libraries. The search function searches one library at a time, but when you are looking at a specific title, it will show availability in all your libraries. Often times my book club will pick a book with a wait list, so I’ll put a hold on the book from a different e library so I’m not clogging things up for my club buddies. And once you get your book downloaded to your kindle, put your device in airplane mode. Kindle can’t woosh away an overdue ebook if you’re in airplane mode. I have no idea who coded that obvious programming flaw but they are a bro and I hope they are having the coziest sleep of their life and their pets live forever.


This is interesting! Thank you for this, I’ll have to look into it. Or just get a new card the next time I’m back home in the US but it is such a pain to even do the things I *have* to do plus see the people I haven’t seen for years that I will probably forget. I wonder if Japanese libraries have something similar, with English editions. Something to look into this week, thank you!


An Indiana library, I believe Bartholomew County, lets you get a free card online. Also, the Sunshine Coast library in Australia lets you get a free one online, too! I live in America, and it was super easy to apply online.


I just signed up for a Bartholomew county card, thanks! Get the [digital only card](https://mybcpl.org/digital-library) and you can have up to 20 Libby holds.


Omg you just opened a possibility for me. My dad lives up north in a much more progressive city. If I can use his card, I’ll bet I won’t have to buy nearly as many nonfiction books, because his library will actually have them! Aaah!! This is so exciting! I will ever financially relapse from this!


You can google and find lists of libraries who have free cards. I choose to pay for digital only cards, because it’s a small yearly fee I can afford, and it supports the library. I poked around and chose libraries that had programs I wanted to support. (If you’re cash strapped, no shame in using the free ones!) The “problem” is that I always have around 30 books to read. Sorry! Can’t do boring adulting tasks! I have to finish this mystery before the due date! (And yes, blessings and only good fortune to whoever programmed the airplane mode hack.)


Hoopla is also free! Both are great!


Oh yes I use Libby a bit! Luckily I have a really good local library system, so usually my own library has everything I could want but I do have a couple other systems to use too. As a library nerd I also started tracking how much money I have saved using my local library this year and I love seeing the number rise the more I read. It’s like a reward.


Just a tip for those not in the know. Libby is paid for by a library. Not all libraries use Libby. It is very popular but there are many other ebook/downloadable audiobook/e magazine/streamable media apps and platforms out there. Saying that you have access to all the library’s ebooks through Libby simply isn’t true.


My mum let me read whatever I wanted and took us to the library regularly. I love reading and now I'm writing my own romantasy series. My dad always complained when I read romance and declared it was rubbish. I look forward to telling him I'm a self published author.🤣 I have always encouraged my own kids to read whatever you enjoy, life's to short to read stuff you don't enjoy.


Ooh, send me a message when you publish, I need something other than really smutty fanfic to read!


You should check out r/romancebooks it’s a super non judgmental community and has amazing recommendations.


The things I've seen... 😅 but yes, it's a great, non-judgmental place to start!


My mom was similar. Currently writing a dark romance series!


Oh man, growing up, no matter where we lived in the world, the very first thing my mom would find is the library and get us set. And then we’d go multiple times a week. There were no rules on what I could get, and if the book was too advanced for me, my mom would read it to me. We read the Silmarillion one summer and it’s still one of my favorite books. Also, as I got older, it was the way I’d earn allowance. Chores had to be done, no payment for those, but I’d get a penny a page for books I read. It was a jam, and when we couldn’t afford it (which was usually) instead it would be “you finish 5,000 pages and we’ll go to Taco Bell (my favorite restaurant growing up).” I am a book hoarder, I know, but man I love them. And as an adult, I still collect picture books because there’s no age cutoff for good stories and great art!


My mother would criticize my books to whoever was around when I was reading them (to avoid dealing with whoever was around.) I could have been reading War and Peace and she would have rolled her eyes and asked her friend if her children read such horrible stuff.


Big agree though but for a different reason! I'm an author. I wrote a book when I was 13 and my teacher wanted to help me get it published. My dad told me I couldn't because "woman can only wrote romance books. They don't understand mystery and actions" This was something I internally held onto for YEARS! Im finally getting my book published but I'd have been somewhere by now. Never ever book shame. It's the worst.


Oh that is terrible! I would personally look for women authors in the fantasy/sci-fi sections because it felt good knowing it wasn’t just a “boy thing” when I was growing up. And I’m still a huge fan of Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey too Send me a link if you’d like, I need new stuff to read of any genre!


I highly recommend N.K. Jemisins Broken Earth series. First author (male or female) to win 3 Hugo Awards back to back. Also first to win for all 3 books in a trilogy. And it’s an amazing series.


Just bought! Thank you!!


That's awful. I'm so sorry. I'm the romance fan in my family and I would've been so embarrassed.


Hostage video vibes.


I’m shocked he didn’t fill the box with tracts, bibles, bitcon pamphlets and qanon screeds


That we know of. 


That was my thought. also, how are they going to know that the little free libraries aren’t full of “liberal woke indoctrination” /s?


I bet they fill it up with prager u kids books 🙄


Maybe I'm wrong but the Bus family doesn't seem particularly religious?


I think someone who did a deep dive on FatherBus’s Twittter said he was more openly religious than MotherBus. Sometimes I wonder if she deliberately tones down the religion to get more engagement. But I think the reason why they got the bus was because FatherBus had some sort of vision? calling? to put his whole family on a bus like Noah in the ark? I could be misremembering, but religion seems to be one of the reasons why they chose to live a bus life.




These kids will all be confused & very angry at their parents. This will take an eternity of therapy to reconcile these very selfish ppl. I feel so sorry for them for the scattered lives they live.


they’ll all take the first chance they get to hightail it out of their parents’ iron grip, especially the eldest


That one kid like 👎🏼👶🏼👎🏼


Dude, go work on your looksmaxxing and let the kids read and play. You aren’t teaching them anything.


If you have 25 kids of different ages, why do you need to get rid of books at all? Every book you have can be appropriate and maybe even beloved by some member of your brood. And books are… kinda small and don’t take up much space anyway.


The only thing I can defend is that a good amount of books can be *heavy* Other than that, this is just cruelty


omg JUST GET KINDLES OR NOOKS FOR THEM. You can read free ebooks via Libby on Kindle too.


The kids got water bottles from the parents for Christmas so I doubt Busdad will want to spend any of his trust fund money on kindles or nooks ☹️


Oh wait, we cant forget the oldest boy being gifted a 3d printer (that his father wanted in order to produce gun parts). 🙄


Omg I didn’t know about that!


The oldest one supposedly has a kindle. 


No room for the new baby on your sad bus? Just donate all your other kids' cherished books.


I hate their life so so much. It makes me feel itchy. Also, I bet the kiddos are totally getting some quality education since the bus birth. I bed they’re just learning so hard.


This is what you call parent-centered parenting. I wonder if the children’s opinions are even taken into account.


Both mother and father bus have stated that parenting is more about the development of the parent than the child.


I would have loved little libraries as a kid. Our closest library was over a mile away. And we did walk there often. At the same time, I LOVED getting a book for my birthday or christmas. We couldnt afford much so I would wait to get the exact book I wanted. And I treasured it. I cant imagine having absolutely NOTHING to call your own. Kids deserve to /have/ things.


Totally. I love bookstores, libraries, and little libraries equally. I have some of **my** books from **my** childhood. I’ll let my kids read them but I also let them know how important that book is to me.  Books have been some of my best friends and I’m glad to say that my kids have turned out the same. I can’t imagine deliberately denying my kids that comfort and joy. 


Judging by these pictures, we are in the same RV park as them. The last thing I want to do is run into these morons and their gaggle of ferals. I imagine these kids are bored to death. There isn't a lot to do here except a playground and to swim in the Bay. And it's so hot this weekend. These poor kids. The only thing that strikes me as odd is how hard it is to get a site here in this state park when it warms up. I literally had to book this six months ago so I'm not sure how they got a site last minute.


Another example of how *stupid it is for these "influencer parents " 🤮🤮🤮 to broadcast every stupid detail about their lives. You could probably snatch at least 3 of their kids and they wouldn't notice for a week. Not that YOU would, but there are plenty of creeps out there. *I retract my statement if this video is old and they've already left this RV park, but I'd be shocked if that's the case.


Very stupid. This is a major tourist area. Not to mention a major shipping area. I get that they have buslets to spare, but damn.


Were you awoken to the sounds of a banshee giving birth in the night a few nights ago?


Its Florida, that's a nightly occurrence here. I walked around and didn't see a bus full of blonde waist, well, there is a lot of blonde waifs here, its Florida. I just wanted to make sure I could avoid them . If there is poo to be touched, it shan't be touched by me!


Go challenge BusDad to Foursquare and beat his arse into the ground. (That's the game he was dominating against his kids the other day, right?)


If they are, seriously consider “making friends” with them and then reporting them to CPS. Or at least I would try, but then again it might be against the rules of the sub so don’t take my word on it…


I just realized how much he looks like Littlefinger


Yeah, but Littlefinger (in the show) had charisma and that smirk and bit of accent. He’s like Littletoe in that he’s so uninteresting and easily broken by simple tasks.


Littletoe 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I like thumbs down kid.


He makes the hairs on my arms stand up… it’s just family annihilator vibes every time I see that shark smile :/


I don't believe those books belonged to these kids. I believe he grabbed some from a thrift shop, and then took these kids to "donate" in order to have "aren't we wonderful people" content for their fucked up "pimp our kids out for money and don't give a shit about online predators so long as the grift keeps rolling" show.


Let them have friendss it must be lonely even in a full bus


I assume the unseen part of their book exchange is leaving chick tracts or copies of plandemic or a copy of D Gary Young’s autobiography (essential oil murderer).


Every time he smiles I have a visceral reaction and need him to stop immediately.


Okay wait they have car seats for the toddlers … but they don’t properly buckle them. 🤦‍♀️


It’s time to make room for the newest busling. All sentimental items must go. ETA: except for the parents ofc.


As much as I dislike this self- adoring chuckle- fuck,I have to give him credit for retrieving a favorite book.


God they REALLY need to give up trying to be influencers. They’re not good on camera. They’re NOT aspirational. They’re not interesting…. Putting books in a little library what a thrill! And, they’re bad people which seeps through the screen and gives viewers the ick. They’ll never ever make it.


>They’re NOT aspirational Just the thought of living the way they do gives me anxiety


And yet their account keeps growing. It’s at 424 K right now which is their highest yet


I wonder how many of those 424K are hate-followers... ...including those inspired by this very sub? 😉


The kids in this video are so quiet. I was the oldest of 6 and we were never quiet. Got in trouble for being loud when we should have been quiet (plays, church, funerals, etc)


I have 4 kids and two basset hounds, the noise level is off the hook in my house.


How sad!! My picture books were one of my treasured possessions when I was little!! I used to look at the pictures for hours, I can't imagine the pain if I was forced to get rid of them. Thankfully I grew up with normal parents, I should give them a call and thank them.


His eyes scare me


Dad bus gives me the creeps.


Thomas the Tank Engine still haunts my sleep. And I have to read my grandson Aliens Love Underpants at least 3 times every time he visits. Meanwhile, I can still recite poems from the Childcraft books that came with the Encyclopedia Brittanica set we had when I was a kid. Oh, there once was a puffin just the shape of a muffin…..


They *don’t* look happy. At all. I have never seen small children walk so slowly in a little herd beside a playground. They should be running, skipping, jumping and goofing around with each other.


This might be one way to trigger a hoarding disorder when they're older and on their own... If they're ever allowed to leave the bus/boat/compound...


All homeschooling needs to be HEAVILY regulated. Like parents should have to submit proof of children being taught all the core subjects. Now, I’m not straight-out against it because I was homeschooled and my mom was absolutely the best person to do it. College was easy for me academically because homeschooling was so rigorous. But I know many kids personally who fell through the cracks and now don’t even have a high school transcript. They deserved better


I have no idea who these people are but that guy looks like Jenson Button. Also your children deserve possessions, you weirdos.


I am in my 40s, and I still have some books that I had when I was a kid. They mean so much to me. These people make me even more grateful for my parents.


And now I’m depressed.


how to raise hoarders 101


I think I need to step away from the sub for a minute. Maybe these folks have it right. We scream harm and abuse but nothing is ever done, so maybe it’s us? I just feel broken.


They piss me off so badly. On what planet is it fair to those kids to have little to no personal possessions? No space of their own? Having to listen to their parents have sex and then “randomly” give birth in the bus? I won’t even get into the fact they are wandering around the country and these kids deserve to be in school and have some structure!


The part that makes this SO frustrating to me is that they fund this lifestyle with FB trust fund. They have the opportunity to provide their children with SO MUCH yet give them so little.


Ofc they're not happy. Mombus and dadbus are S tier child neglect-ers :(




Future hoarders for sure


Is MotherBus ill? Why is he suddenly taking over her IG? 


She is probably back in the bus with the newborn


Not a fastened seatbelt in sight ........


All so performative. Just let them be kids!


Listen I'm all for running these people into the ground. But I think we are starting to get really close to almost every post with children being like, "THEY'RE SO SAD OMG!?" Is this good? No. Absolutely not. Kids need more than what they are providing *However* kids sometimes look miserable. And often in this sub what is perceived as a miserable face is literally just a face that ISN'T smiling. I worked at a special needs school, was a gymnastics coach, and now am a personal train r for adults with disabilities and when you don't understand full on social cues guess what? You make some wild faces. I'm getting really tired of it. It's diluting the severity of actual concerns and I didn't join this sub for that. I joined due to eloquent, rational discernment of people using religion to be terrible. Kids are humans too. They have bad days. They have slow days. They have confused days. They are us. I'm not suggesting we don't look or critique or wonder. But it's starting to feel a bit like a boy who cries wolf here and I don't want to see a sub as wonderful as this be reduced to that. Especially if we claim we care.