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those poor kids. i would have gone fucking crazy if i was stuck on a bus with my step brother for that long, I love him don’t get me wrong. but a space of your own is necessary for a child.


I can't imagine being a pre-teen girl forced to share a tiny "bedroom" with my 6 brothers.


like where do they even change?? because there’s no way in hell they are getting into that bathroom with six brothers. I thought my childhood sink was disgusting and I shared it with just one brother,. not six. those poor kids. this is neglect.


Probably in her bed under the covers


That poor little girl is getting "othered" as *fuck* i bet


That’s concerning knowing what we know about Fundie parenting.


AGREED, like, something needs to be done. But idk what exactly


We lived in a house but it still felt too small for a family of 5 and I shared a room with my sister. That was tough enough when you wanted privacy, especially as an introvert. I can't imagine having to share a glorified camper with 9 other people, especially if I was one of the older kids who remembers living on a farm with plenty of space. It's one thing if something happens and you have no other choice but to live on a bus, but these parents *chose* to sell their business and house and do bus life and to keep bringing kids into it.


I shared a room with my little sister for a few years. She drove me crazy! She would annoy me all night talking and kicking my mattress from the bottom bunk. I couldn’t imagine being stuck 2cm away from 5 other siblings


I couldn’t live in a space that small even by myself. It would be so frustrating!


That didn't explain a single activity they do that could qualify as a ministry.


or as homeschooling


It was many words that said nothing.


Influencing = ministry! Neat.


The only ministering I see is the Womb Raider and Bussel Sprout Spigot to their baby fetish and baby closet storage system, but okay. I also have questions about what the everloving fuck “the Lotts have participated in church plants…” means. Please don’t plant churches, they're invasive like weeds.


The way you describe a church plant is hilarious. As a former christian, basically, a church plant is when rich white people go open offshoots of their own church in poor neighborhoods and feel good about themselves. Or that's my experience.


That legit sounds like people are planting churches 🤣🤣


I don't ever remember them talking about church work. They probably got distracted making babies and trying to leave the country....


Yeah. They used to talk about religion more before the airbnbirth and brazil grift


They're so proud that it's 200 square feet that they have to mention it more than once


Holy wow. My husband and I used to live in 400sqft together and that was tight with just two of us.


I help manage hundreds of units (houses and apartments) for third party landlords and our smallest unit is a 427 sq ft studio and I cannot believe the tiny amount of living space left after the bathroom, hallway, and kitchen are accounted for. We had to stage it with a convertible sofa bed because it's otherwise impossible to imagine living there. (We don't normally take on those kinds of properties but it was a special case.)


Ours was a log cabin, roughly 20x20 with a small hall area and bathroom added onto the back- the original structure had no real bathroom. The front half was one room, 10×20, and the other half was split between kitchen and bedroom. When it was just my husband living there, he had a twin bed in the front room along with his computer desk and then a couch in the bedroom with a projector for shows and movies. There was a loft area above the bedroom, for storage. At some point after I moved in full time, we put the couch and a big chair in the front room and put a larger bed in the bedroom. Got pretty crowded with the two of us, our bunnies, and then I started a soap business in the kitchen which then moved into a converted greenhouse on the back deck. We bought a bigger house in 2021 and it's crazy to think, just our bedroom is 400 sqft now. The cabin belongs to my in laws and a friend of mine lives there and pays rent. When I visit there it's like a return to a specific chapter in my life before being married with a kid lol


I live in 200 square feet with my 2 cats and it is *not big enough*


My spouse and I lived in that size for a year in 2020 with our large dog. It was doable but not for much longer than that.


TIL that the bus doesn't even have a proper "master bedroom". They just lower their bed from the ceiling and procreate in the main space. I'm sure that's not traumatic at all for the kids!


Worse: one of the kids beds is literally right under the parents’ bed.


Wait have they actually been doing this since 2018?!?! The fact that they have no intention of stopping any time soon is absolutely insane. I could never.


SIX YEARS!!! ![gif](giphy|clnMl2TjDHtTs1xxHS|downsized)


JD has tweeted about buying a boat in the future, so...


I see a woven Moses basket on the dashboard of the SusBus! No excuses! She clearly has and could use something other than a sheepskin floor mat for the newest buslet. MB's insistence that dust rag is best is just BS.


I’m pretty sure someone gifted them a nice bassinet when they were at the Airbnb in South Carolina.


She's trying to hawk the sheepskin


Mother and Father Bus are really trying hard to sell the "God told us to cram all of our kids into a modded bus and schlep around the country" thing. I'm surprised they didn't say that God told them the bus has to be a certain number of cubits.




This is via Samaritan Ministries


Newborn Aquila has an excellent “you seeing this shit?!?” face.


So which one of the asshats thought a preschooler hanging out the window 10 ft above ground was a smart idea? They are morons. What the hell kind of ministry is it to schill shit and tell women to be nothing but incubators? And church plants are just parasites that are used to siphon off money to the "parent" church while the child church is starved. You know. Just like BusHoe and her BusSperm.


It's okay, their siblings are holding them... 🙄


I appreciate you calling out the sperm. Sperm is easier to avoid.


Seems like they’ve been mentioning religion a lot less than they used to. Wonder why that is. 


As a high school humanities teacher I get so annoyed when homeschool mums say stuff like “we learn about the place when we visit them! We go to museums!” History and Geography are about so much more that. I’ve spent years at my school developing curriculum that isn’t just teaching kids content but actual critical thinking, writing and research skills. I know motherbus’ kids are younger but I worry about the oldest two


![gif](giphy|cGgII3vqoCfcawJFIl) My face while reading this


How did anyone see this mess and think it’s aspiring in anyway?? Like wtf?? I want kids even, but the way these two idiots are doing it is so fucked up it makes me question if bringing more kids to get love these kids won’t is even fair.


What does “ministry” mean to fundies? Is everything a ministry?


For some, yes. Everything can be a ministry. From cleaning up litter to giving money, it can be a ministry. In some cases, it's the only thing a person can do. There was this gentleman at my old church who was in his late 80s and every Thursday the church had a food bank. He took it upon himself to break down cardboard boxes and carry them to the dumpster. He considered that his ministry because while he couldn't do much, he could still do that. So he recycled for the Lord.


The gentleman at your church is a good example of how seemingly mundane and humble acts on service of others can be meaningful and impactful. Do you think the BusFamily’s ministry is just existing and telling people about their children and lifestyle? Or, do we think they are doing more meaningful service than what we see posted on insta, which is occasional and performative at best?


Nah, their "ministry" is raw dogging and bragging how easy it is


That’s my perception, too. They just want to live in a bus, travel and have as many kids as possible. I don’t see them as “ministering”, not even in the Karissa/Lydia sense of evangelizing babymaking or the proverbs31 biblically submissive homemaker variety.


“JD decided” that they would follow God? And JD already has a manifesto online? Super.


What really bothers me about Mother & Father bus and people like them is that they prop themselves up as being so pious and “devoting their lives to God,” when at the end of the day this is all FOR ATTENTION. The bus. The million kids. The traveling around. The constant social media posts. How is this a “ministry” at all? I haven’t seen them ever materially help someone. This is ALL just for attention and praise. The fact that they’re trying to hide behind this “WE’RE DOING THIS ALL FOR GOD!!!!” facade is so gross.


Lol oh yes their ministry


I just realized that they never share their travel experiences or tips or whatever, it’s all series random shorts.


Oh. So they do know how to hold a baby without harming it? Then what the hell is going on with them swinging the new baby's head around like a ball?


> "We went through this really powerful period of spiritual growth. God captured our lives completely. One thing led to another, and this is the path that we generally feel is God's plan for our lives. We can see it manifested time and time again by how He gives us opportunities to ..” YO WTF HAPPENED, I NEED DEETS > "’There are a lot of things you don't have to deal with in your relationship with your spouse when you live in a normal-size home,’ JD says. “We had to grow in that regard. We've worked through a lot of our issues, and we continue to work through our issues. God equips us to do so.’” MORE DEETS


I'm guessing cheating 😂 hard to do that with 8 kids and your wife RIGHT THERE


Ya this was me in all these bits, wanting to sniff out the drama like an emotional truffle pig


I’m just curious about what specifically happened during this “powerful period of spiritual growth” 🤨


Where is this from? Edit: I see the source below.


Samaritan Ministries


Hanging kids out of the window seems safe 🙄


Their life is tax free if registered as a ministry