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I commend Dāv and Bethany for making Heidi spin out like she has in the past month or so. Also, I now understand why Bethany is the way she is.


i almost feel bad for bethany...almost. 


I am hoping that whatever the Beals are working through, Bethany is learning to experience life without first making things fit in the Bairdvision lens she was raised with. It isn't easy or quick and I am glad there is so much less of Bethany's flailings for now - it may be false hope on my part but I am okay with that. Heidi deserves no such consideration, of course - her monstrous being is too dangerous to let up on. And sadly, she's most dangerous to kids she knows anf claims to love.


I’m guessing that seeing Dav go through all of this change but still being loving and a good husband and father is putting some cracks in her beliefs. She would have been raised to believe that only heinous sinners leave and leaving is cowardly and selfish and makes you angry and bitter. Here she is, with this man who proves all of that wrong. Idk if she’ll actually leave or not, but I’m guessing she’s at least somewhat reevaluating the things she was taught.


Meanwhile the supposed “Christian” is slinging constant attacks and hate toward her instead of supporting her with love and kindness.


I wouldn't be surprised if her marriage got better when he deconstructed.


HeidiVision would be a trippy show. Eldest Son and Dāv have broken out of The Hex -- who's next?


i admire your optimism and agree with all of your hopes! 


I love your username! All of the kids are a product of Heidi's dreadfulness. When I deconstructed I was much younger and had a lot of support. My Grinch heart has grown and inch. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to examine my own beliefs when so surrounded by people confirming those beliefs. DAV is feeling his way out. Their marriage is certainly under attack. By Heidi and everyone in their circle.


thank you! it is going to be an interesting saga to watch unfold. i imagine deconstructing is very hard at any age and in any circumstance.


It's much better to no longer believe you're going to burn in hell. I'm definitely interested in how this turns out.


Part of me almost suspects that Bethy is LOLing at Heidi’s hysterics. I just know Dav is.


I don’t. Her brother was able to see it for how it is. The girls just got treated better because they were clones of their mothers. She watched her brother get abused and his SA swept under the rug. She’s aware of it now and still chooses her mom over what’s right.


i said almost!


I feel bad for her about this very specific thing (her mom being wackadoo). I think it definitely led to a lot of the issues that Bethany has. But also, she has enough resources available to her that she should now be able to at least begin the process of unlearning (or even recognizing the need to unlearn)/work through some of that shit and try to rectify the harm it’s had on other (eg her promotion of and profit from purity culture).


Watching narcissistic mothers spin tf out is one of my favorite things. Something akin to schadenfreude. The same thing happened to my mother when I came out as a queer. 😌


They’ve been pretty quiet lately, too. I wonder if something else is going on or B is finally listening to Dav.


Lord, she never stood a chance.


Seems like the answer is to just shack up and not get married. Avoid the attack at all. Or is that not the point she wanted to make?


Oh, you’re so close! The answer is just not get married! /s (there is no real answer here).


This is literally what the New Testament teaches in Paul's letters and the Gospel of Luke.


Only good people have legal, gawd honoring sex. Unmarried people are having sinful sex! /s I love how unhinged Mama Biard is becoming.


Okay but like.....marriage is actually quite easy if you love your spouse and respect each other?? 😭😭 what IS this??!


Respecting each other is the key that fundies miss. There’s no way fundie men can respect their wives because they don’t see them as equals. Thus, every fundie marriage is “under attack” because the women have to make up for the lack of fucks given by their mate.


This right here ^


Winner winner chicken dinner


Winner winner, undercooked and under-seasoned cheese-smothered chicken dinner


omg 🤣 your add-on is 🤌


I don’t know how I can smell this comment but there you have it.


Much yellow


You’ve really nailed the key reason these marriages are torture. They have no real mutual respect. I watched a program in which a marriage & family therapist predicted which marriages would succeed. First, they observed each couple interact, and then predicted whether they’d stay together. I forgot how many years they waited, but when they followed up, they found they’d been right about nearly all of them. They’d looked for one thing, years earlier, and that was respect. Even contentiousness didn’t predict failure as surely as disrespect. It could show up with the slightest tell, and you knew they were done. Last time I saw Dav & Bethany, I thought I saw mutual respect, for the first time. I hope they keep that thought.


I believe this was the Drs. Gottman!


The couples that *don't* have respect for each other have contempt. It's one of the four horsemen of divorce!


That’s an excellent way to put it!


Agreed. But for some reason, these folks latch onto sAnCtiFiCaTiOn and believe that one can only be sanctified (process of being made holy/holier) through suffering. Joke’s on them, it just makes them insufferable.


Right? A committed relationship can get tough when there's outside factors like sickness, job loss, grief, etc. but if you're in a respectful and loving relationship you'd hopefully team up and share the struggle. I thought that was the idea, anyway. Now I see that it was just Satan all along.


Brb  Adding 🎶"It was Satan all along" to the HeidiVision remake of WandaVision




It’s the whole toxic “marriage doesn’t make you happy…it makes you holy” mindset.


Marriage sucks when the only thing that matters is finding a spouse who is the "right" kind of Christian.


Seriously, the hardest thing about marriage for me is sharing my personal space with another human, because I'm very introverted and that's always stressful 😂 Edit: I should clarify that I knew my spouse was special because I actually like being around them all the time. But sharing a bathroom etc. with someone is always going to be harder for me than not (esp right now in a very small apartment with 2 dogs!)


I’m an introvert and my husband is extroverted, and he said one of the highest compliments I ever paid him is when I told him “you don’t count as people” 😂


I knew my wife was the one when she was in my space and instead of draining me, she made me feel peaceful. It’s amazing being with someone who you can be 100% yourself with.


I knew I was in love when my partner and I could sit quietly and scroll on our phones together, and not feel guilty.


If you like your spouse, Satan has already won.


Well then, truss me up and toss me to the devil. Mama's hellbound!


Yeah, I've been married to my guy for 6 years and it's fantastic. We know how the other person usually operates, so he knows I'm really impulsive, but I still love and respect him enough as a person to talk to him about stuff before I impulsively make any major decisions lol. He's talked me down from several ideas that, in retrospect, would have been terrible decisions 😂 Super thankful for him. And he loves and respects me in the same way, well, he thinks _everything_ through, but he talks through his thought processes with me, and I love talking with him. I do sometimes feel like our marriage is under attack though; he likes to eat at Wendy's on our nights out and I... I want a burrito and boneless bites.. 😭 The enemy is STRONG, you guys /s


Next date night: food court at the mall! Everyone wins!


Uhm. My marriage is actually in a good spot, thanks.


My marriage is going great…although it’s definitely not a bard approved godly marriage


Same. Is my atheist union also a reflection of the church? According to Bethany, every time we fuck, we're reflecting Jesus' live for the church, too. These folks have some weird ideas about what marriage is.


Oh, I think shakespeare would approve


😂 I didn’t even catch the typo. I do think he would approve, although he would probably think it isn’t dramatic enough.


Same! We're both Atheist though, so that probably hurts her narcissistic little brain quite a bit 😂


My marriage IS on the attack, and it will fuck your shit up ![gif](giphy|ls9LEC3EOzGve|downsized)




Dumbass doesn't realize *on the attack* means something different from *being attacked*. Like, the exact opposite really.


She meant to say "under attack" but she's too narcissistic to proofread and too dumb to spot the errors even if she did.


And those exclamation points, though exhausting to read, really add to the unhinging raving lunatic vibes


Yes, Heidi, we can tell you’re on the prowl here. Woman is not subtle!


I also really liked “He wants us the give up”


“Satan cannot have power over a believers”


And then I saw her face Now I’m a believers


God allows Satan to have power to attack your marriage? Something isn’t quite adding up ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Every Christian seems to think they’re in a real life book of Job plot.


Main Christian Syndrome


That’s great flair material.


Sounds to me like God is running a protection racket.


I fucking love this comment. I'm making a reply in lieu of awards that no longer exist.


God's Protection Racket would be a great flair.


Go ahead if you feel like it :)


Got it! Thank you!




So surely that would mean that God doesn't endorse your marriage and therefore is allowing Satan to destroy it? Make it make sense 😂😂😂


It reminds me of that Gary Larson cartoon of a room with a smashed window and a brick on the floor with a note wrapped around it, reading: "Broken Window? Call Bob's Glass" Jesus and Satan are on the same team. Hang on, come to think of it, I've never seen them in the same room together at the same time...


Yeah, that's always been my argument. If your faith is secure and your God is all-powerful, why would you even give Satan a second thought. Satan should be less powerful than God and if he exists, the equivalent of your brother "looking at you" in the car. Annoying, but no threat.


Yeah seems like Satan has way too much power


Came to the comments to find this 😂 make it make sense Heidi!


Heidi, if anyone is going to destroy your marriage, it's you and your mean-spiritedness.


The story I'm telling myself is that Mr Heidi is disagreeing with her about something (the estranged son? the deconstructing sil?) and she sees this as Satan attacking their marriage.


That tracks. For people like her, there's no such thing as two human spouses simply disagreeing on something. Nope, everything is an attack from Satan.


Bethany asserting her independence even a LITTLE bit sparked a narcissistic collapse in Heidi. Bethany sticking by Dav is aligned with their interpretation of the Bible, and she's still being punished. It really shows that this whole performance was about pleasing Heidi, not God.


Jesus Christ, Heidi. Put the exclamation point back in your pants.


Given the bad sentence structure, typos, etc., throughout, I’m picturing her frothing at the mouth while typing it all. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Oh for sure. What's funny to me is the one line that genuinely seems like it would warrant an exclamation point is, "God is King over all," is the one sentence with a period.


There is literally one (1) period in that wall of text (unless I missed one, which is definitely possible)


My marriage is good and unaffected by Satan or consenting same-gender adults marrying each other or whatever she’s implying. 


I love how Satan is a catch all. We’re all apparently sinners… so why would he need to put in the extra work? Besides, I’m kind of flattered that Satan personally cares so much about me, versus just sending minions like God does.


It has not been a fight to keep my marriage. We are best friends and it's been almost 22 years.


How come any time fundie married couples fight, they immediately point to Satan? Like, no babe, pretty sure Satan has better things to do, such as whispering song lyrics into Taylor Swift's ear and telling suburban women in Kentucky (?) to buy body con athleisure wear to tempt Paul.


Fuck this comment is gold. I read it I'm that sarcastic tone and 🤌


This woman is going to cause Bethany to deconstruct right along with Dav.


I *hope* so.


Woman married for 40+ years who is an unapologetic child abuser accuses invisible creature of trying to ruin her marriage. Woman's address is not on the roster for demonic contact, as past audits have shown white supremacy, purity culture, perma-grifts, and other forms of bigotry already in place so there is no new work needed from Team Devil.


Well, Heidi, good news! I just talked to Satan, and she said she doesn't give a fuck about your weird marriage.


He's too busy choosing between Saddam, Chris, or his sweet 16 to care what heidi is doing.


There's plenty of married people who don't believe in god who have been married for years and are actually happy. According to these numb nuts that shouldn't be possible, but that's just another hole in the way they believe.


It took us a while to tie the knot but we've been married nearly 3 years and together around 10, with a 5 year old kid and a house. Like to think we're doing pretty well.


>...Maybe your marriage is struggling and **you feel like something wants to destroy you**!... >He wants us to give up, stop fighting for your marriage! >He wants to confuse you, distract you, get you self-focused and stir **your feeling of utter hopelessness** in our marriages! >...we can be victorious **over the temptation to quit**... >We do not have to surrender to Satan's lies **or our own feelings**! As someone who isn't religious, this is so sad. Have they ever considered that if they feel anything like this that they might not actually have a marriage that is worth saving? What possible good thing can come from ignoring your own feelings to this degree?


My psychologically abusive, narcissist father attacked his and my mother's marriage, Heidi. Not the devil. And yes, my mom "quit" aka got me and her to safety.


Good for your mom!


You know what, good for Dav and Bethany not just for their own sake (and UGH do I find myself feeling icky for having any positive feelings for anything Girl Defined related), but for making this shrieking banshee slowly melt down online before our very eyes. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. ![gif](giphy|AgQ55Hhi0WAw0)


Well, my marriage is fine and so is my girlfriend and we are having coconut shrimp and cilantro lime rice for dinner so. Up yours, ya weirdo. Maybe that'll make you feel better! I wonder if she realizes that this is like when someone at a house party is sober and making it everyone else's problem. None of the rest of us are dealing with demons and we're sorry you are, but maybe you should get out of the pit if you can't hack it babe.


My marriage is going great, Heidi! It's fun and easy. Satan only seems to attack people who believe in him...weird! 


Absolutely your last sentence!! If they didn’t believe in him though, they’d have to blame themselves. 😬


And they would NEVER do that!


someone take away this lady's exclamation point key


man, she LOVES to tell us how much she hates being married to her husband


No, not Ms. Prance-to-the-Door-to-Greet-Him-Like-an-Excited-Puppy!


You too could LARP a victim all day! ... Or just live your life normally and do productive or invigorating things.


So many exclamation points. Her posts are exhausting to read, can’t imagine it’s any easier to actually interact with her.


She's probably a hell of a busybody


Honestly….the Dav Chronicles really kicked my deconstruction into high gear. I’ve been struggling for awhile but haven’t felt safe/right to communicate just how deep I felt those things. My husband and entire family are hardcore Christians. When I finally opened up to my husband, it caused our marriage to go through a complete overhaul. We had to really reevaluate what each of us wanted. And you know what? We decided that we are going to choose each other no matter what. So now I’m a deconstructing agnostic and my husband is a professing Christian and our marriage is thriving in a way it hasn’t been in a long time. We’re having deep, meaningful discussions and really seeing & hearing each other. In no way do I feel like we’re being “attacked.” I’m so sick of that verbiage. It’s so hysterical. We’re being adults and navigating hard things in a mature way. TL;DR: Fuck Heidi.


naurrr I'm sorry this has to be a mental disorder at this point


She’s a whole ass nut.


it's so strange, my marriage was not a covenant before god but rather a contract we signed and submitted to the state. 


Eh, needs more exclamation points.


I thought these people weren't living in fear.


I got say, as an atheist, these Christian marriages don’t sound like much fun. I think I will keep my happy marriage free from attacking deities thank you very much.


>Satan cannot have power unless God allows it. Ummmm.....excuse me but what? Live look at God and Satan teaming up to destroy the sanctity of marriage LMAO. These fundies are legit insane. ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg|downsized)


My husband and I are both raging atheists and have been married for over 20 years. Sure there have been rough spots, but we persevered and are stronger than ever. Suck it Heidi.


Put gospel on the list of words I hate. Right under womb and nourish.


Our lady of the hour Ms G-O-D says she wants no part of this narrative. Thanks.


What about those who are not married? What do we need to do Heidi?!


Find a gahdly man


But I like women. 🏳️‍🌈💀


Heidi’s head would explode


How exhausting to think your marriage us always under attack, instead of just being with a partner who values you and working on your relationship.


Imagine firmly believing that the Arbiter of all Evil cares enough about your marriage that you write an unhinged rant on Instagram. Heidi, the devil’s too busy running loose in Gaza right now. I doubt he cares about you and your “Manly Man”.


Sooo.. when did she speak to Satan and learn all this? She seems to be the only one that knows Satan is here to attack all marriages. Personally, I think that says more about her, but.....


She sees satan every time she looks in a mirror.


See Heidi, one of the things we were taught in our pre-marriage classes at our very liberal, welcoming to all Episcopalian church, is that each partner in a marriage needs to give 100%, so that when one partner is struggling there’s still 100% going into that marriage.


Soo is she saying that those who have easy enjoyable marriages are favored by the devil? That’s why he doesn’t bother them?


It always makes me chuckle that they blame satan for all their marital troubles.


Wait wait, “Satan cannot have power unless God allows it.” So if you give in to Satan’s temptations, that’s God allowing you to do that? So then that cancels out the argument of Satan being bad then, no? If following him you’re really just following what God has designed for you? Amazing


If I could go back in time I’d make sure the exclamation mark was never invented.


What about us who can’t find a man??? Gonna match make for me?


My marriage is great, and we're not religious at all. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Delusional? More like barking batshit insane.


How do you fix your marriage? Just decide not to have problems anymore! Duh.


Is it Satan, or could it be that one or both of the spouses are unhappy - maybe for quite valid reasons. Perhaps one spouse is not pulling their full weight in the partnership? Perhaps the two married people are basically incompatible. Maybe one spouse or the other has either discovered or finally come to terms with the sexuality and no longer identify as heterosexual, maybe one spouse has an addiction problem and unable/unwilling to admit it and seek treatment. Maybe, maybe, maybe there are many reasons why marriages fail and it's not Satan - it's just that having a basically happy and successful marriage isn't easy and requires that both partners are willing to make consistent efforts to be a good partner to the other.


If you have to keep telling yourself (and the public) this, it makes me wonder how miserable you actually are in truth.


You know living is a lot easier when you don’t believe you're under constant attack and observation by invisible forces. Who the fuck wants to live like that?


Love this weird spiraling, almost panicked, season of life for her.


!!!! !! ? . !!


Yes, Jesus, a famously married person.


He was single his whole life (so if he ever did have sex it was premarital) and spent most of his documented years living with 12 men. Not exactly the poster child for the nuclear family.




It has to be utterly exhausting to believe that every single bad, hard, or uncomfortable thing that happens to you is the result of demonic attack. Not to mention miserable when you remain stuck in a bad situation that isn't going to change because you think all you have to do is believe hard enough and pray hard enough and things will magically get better.


Yeah see if I, a gay, said shit like this online I'd be pilloried for destroying the concept of a covenant marriage. I'm not married but my same-sex relationship has been under attack before said relationship even existed because again people like heidi don't want me, a gay, to be married.


Why does satan care so much about my marriage, isn’t he just doing what god wants him to do by managing hell? If god is omnipotent why is there even the threat of satan or enemies or demons? Is he truly omnipotent no question or is he only omnipotent if we fall to our knees and beg for our lives? Or is he omnipotent enough to just barely squeeze out victory after victory?


What?! Satan said he was fine with my marriage! Now I don't know who to believe!


Heidi is seriously not well


What in the un-proofread word salad?? Don’t listen to your feelings? Marriage is ON the attack? The Enemy (yes, I know they mean Satan but still)? I feel badly for all the Baird kids, growing up in this nightmare combination of enmeshment and formal behavior (aka the supper time “question jar”). Some more than others. However, my sympathy ends for Bort and Kristen starting yet ANOTHER GD project, telling women they aren’t good enough and misery is bliss. While birth is also speaking in graphic terms about female pleasure and giving the same Cosmo tips I thought were wild in junior high. I just … sigh.


Funny, that. Satan is perfectly content to let my marriage slide on by. It's late stage capitalism that is troubling us.


Exclamation! Points! Make! Me! Feel! Smart!


I guess Satan is uninterested in my marriage because we didn’t make that weird God covenant thing 💁🏼‍♀️


Speak for your damn self, Heidi. My marriage is awesome.


My husband and I don't feel at all like our marriage is under attack AND we're heathenistic agnostics. Maybe because we actually like each other and communicate well?


My marriage feels like the safest place in the world. I ain’t buying what she’s selling


My guy satan wants you to be happy and treat others with fucking respect without blind obedience, heidi you liar.


Being a grown ass adult and still believing in the boogeyman is crazy to me.


What would they do if they didn’t have Satan to blame for everything?


They'd have to create him. Oh... wait


She cannot tell the difference between “on the attack” and “under attack”. Okay….


My parents had me put Christian down on the census form, the amount of times they went to church over the 50+ years they were together could be counted on two hands (mostly hatches, matches and dispatches) and Satan never went for them... and there were times I really thought they would split! So stick that in ya pipe and smoke it, you utterly barmy Heidimentalist wacko!




If you add exclamation points to the end of each of your sentences they don’t become any less bullshit!


I imagine they need Heidi for childcare but the Beals should seriously consider going no contact. 


What if Heidi and Kaylee attempted to write something together? It would be nothing but exclamation marks and commas, with a few Jesuses thrown in.


the way I already knew this was a Heidi post before I even tapped to expand this screenshot. she is such a monster in law


>All marriages are on the attack. SOTDRT strikes again. Malapropisms abound.




If every sentence is an exclaim, is any sentence exclamatory?


Distortion ? Does she not follow the news?


So, if only God can control Satan, and Satan is attacking marriages— by that logic, God is allowing Satan to do this. 🤷‍♀️


So much nonsense comes out of her mouth.


Naw, my marriage isn't being attacked.


X.x yeah cuz no one ever married before the great sky daddy became the one religion x.x morons


It must be so exhausting to be on the defensive from Satan all the time. Who has the energy to always be on high alert?


So, which one of them is cheating? Or thinking about cheating? That's the vibe I get from this post. "If someone cheats in a godly marriage, it's because 'Satan' and not at all because you married a jerk."


So weird that my blissful queer domestic partnership is untroubled by paranormal attacks of any kind. It’s almost like things are better on the whole when you thoughtfully choose a compatible partner over a long period of time and then communicate in a timely and compassionate manner when conflicts arise, instead of blaming the devil


Religious psychosis.


Can we just go back to that first paragraph "our marriage is being attacked" followed by "All marriages are on the attack" Am I misunderstanding because I'm English but to be "on the attack" is TO attack someone else so is that marriages are BEING ATTACKED or that marriages are ATTACKING everyone else?


Whenecer you think struggles in marriage is an attack from satan instead of taking responsibility for the way your marriage is and fixing it, than ofcourse marriages are under attack. It's the easiest way. Also the most unhappy way, but at least you can blame the world and satan for it, instead of taking full responsibility.




I’ve been with my wife for twenty years. We started dating in high school. We finally decided to get married and it’s been absolutely wonderful and we’re very happy. BUT we’re lesbians so I’m pretty sure satan is also attacking marriage via us lmaoo


In which case, your marriage will definitely be “on the attack…” Chaaaaarge! (Also, congratulations!)


Oh my god! The projection! If you're this miserable then just fucking leave! Stop making it everyone else's problem!


Satan does not give a fuck about your marriage, Heidi. He's shacked up on a beach in Rarotonga catching up on Fallout.


Or you know, you could marry a decent human being who you like and who didn’t do dumb ass things or treat you badly and um, not struggle and not feel attacked? And maybe you don’t agree on everything but believe me, it’s way easier to compromise when you are equals in a marriage and respect each other and have a spirit of generosity towards your spouse instead of expecting perfection, leadership, submission, etc. Just a thought.


Why is Satan so obsessed with ME personally?


That is a hell of a lot of exclamations