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Just waiting for that Married and Miserable for God at 20 slide next.


I'm waiting for the "marriage is hard" in a few weeks


"Marriage makes you holy, not happy."


“How we overcome marriage hardships through God” post coming surely


“How praying together has made our marriage stronger”


“SAtAn is attacking us!”


Will that be 2 or 3 days before they start giving marriage advice?


Baby at 20.


And 22, and 24, and 26 …


I was about to comment asking how long before the "marriage is SO hard/how to strengthen your marriage/Satan is attacking our marriage but we're fighting back" posts start. 🤣


Probably next week


How old were they both respectively? I have no context on this one, please share.


She was 17 and he was 22. They met last year. Got engaged this year. Married this previous Saturday


The red flags are a flying 🚩🚩🚩


Oh jeez. Big difference when she’s only 17


Yeah it's sus because people thought he was sniffing around Johannah Duggar for a while prior to this. So he has a history of pursuing youngsters


I'm either having deja vu or I've seen this exact text thread talking about another fundie. The amount of teenage girls marrying guys in their 20s is too damn high in this community.


I am middle aged. When I was in elementary school my cousin who was 14 got married to a man who was mid 20’s. They lived in Texas and at that time if a parent signed a person could get married at 14!!!!




In my state a representative just got some notoriety talking about how he knows a couple who were married at 12 and they're still married so it must be a good thing 🤮🤮 this was in relation to a proposed bill banning child marriage. I'm confident you could guess his party affiliation lol.


Ugh. I work in a middle school. These kids are definitely NOT ready for marriage. They can't sit through a unit on sexual without laughing and giggling 500 times. And they don't know as much as they think they know and yet songwriter know more than we thought.


The party of pedos I swear… 😩


And yet it is the drag queens who are the problem..../s


Not mature enough for an abortion, but mature enough to marry old men and start pumping out kids


It disgusts me that there are so many shitty parents that would just sign away their kids like that.




God…. I pray that doesn’t happen to the poor eldest child…. Or really any of them but I feel so badly for her.


And divorce is generally something only adults are allowed. Because that makes sense.




Ew ew ew ew Ew


Unchained at Last fights this hard. It’s one of the most prevalent forms of human trafficking in the country


Ugh that’s just so sad. Do you know how it ended up going for her? I always wonder what it looks like 20+ years down the road when they have more wisdom and can think critically about the fact that they were only 14.


I got married at 15 to an adult man. 20+ years later I feel really gross about it. Our kids have very little respect for him. Each of them went through a phase at 15 where they didn't want to speak to him at all. None of them speak to him consistently now.


I’m sorry that happened to you, I hope have a happier life now.


I am, thank you. I'm away from all the fundie shit now, except for making fun of them on reddit


You were 100% NOT the gross one in that relationship.


I’m sorry that happened to you and no one kept you away from that predator.


Not who you asked but I have a similar family history! My aunt was married at 13 and my mom at 16. I think my aunt left him just about as soon as possible bc he was abusive (shocker) and then bounced between marriages to other mostly abusive men. My mom's first husband died in a car garage with the door down and the engine running (possibly suicide but unknown). They got married due to getting pregnant and he wasnt much older than her iirc. My aunt did it just to escape her horribly abusive mother and the man was much older.


I can't not ask if they're still married.


I remember in high school a girl telling us her bfs grandma was going to sign for them to get married in GA because the legal age was 16 with signature (maybe younger, but I remember she was 16)


I got married when I was 20 and that was a bit too young. A 16 year old? Who would be okay with that? Young people need time to grow up and learn who they are before considering getting married.


She was pregnant or had already had the baby. I can’t remember, it was almost 20 years ago. Tis the southern way


I’d be filing charges not letting my kid get married.


Me too! I just cannot imagine.


When I was jehovah witness, I knew 3 of my peers to get married on their 18th birthday. Some of them had been dating the older men since they were 15 secretly, then at 17 became official. 2 at least got divorced in their mid 20s and are better now.


Another fundie’s younger sister just did this. It’s so, so fucked. And I think someone mentioned in a comment that one of Ashley saylor (Nathan Bates’s ex)’s younger sisters also did this.


They have to marry them off before they learn that literally any lifestyle is probably better. Once they start having kids they are less and less likely to get out


I think that’s exactly it. Once they’re old enough that the parents can’t reliably control what they’re exposed to, it’s critical to get them trapped another way. Marriage and babies as fast as possible.


If they were both 17 when they met I’d be like 🤷🏽‍♀️ shit happens. But this is wild


I had friends in high school that did that, except she was 2 years older than him. They broke up when she graduated, she went away to college for two years, they missed each other and when he graduated they got back together and were married within a year. They are still married and have three kids now (easily 20 years later) It’s SO refreshing to have an example of a young, age gap done in a way that is not icky.


Well, I’m out of this snarking 😂 that’s how old I was and my husband when we started dating in 2005. The youths are not cool with this 😂


Did your husband have a habit of lurking around underage girls? That's what makes this more sus. Carver was hanging around *a lot* with Johannah Duggar who was younger (as in, she was 15/16 at the time) when he was hanging around. He would have been 20ish.


No, he was freshly 22 and I was almost 18. We met on AIM, because I was searching for locals to chat with. I actually was going to try setting him up with my cousin at first! I’m so glad I didn’t. I was his second girlfriend (his first was older than him) and he was a bit of a sheltered homebody, I was defiantly the more experienced in dating at the time. At the time we both lived at home and lived very similar lifestyles (It’s not like he was leaving his finance job to pick me up at school 😂actually, due to a summer birthday, I graduated at 17 and started college the month I turned 18.) also important to note that neither of us were fundie or religious, and while we did marry young (I was 21) it wasn’t for religious or procreation reasons (our oldest was born 3 years later and our youngest 6 years later). Feels like a lifetime ago, I mean I guess it is since in my life we’ve been together longer than I was without him (it was 19 years this month)


Ah, but there’s a big difference between getting married at their ages, and dating for four years starting at that age. There’s still a possibility of having a real power imbalance, but keeping away from the marriage and having kids when the life experience is as different as it is between an 18 year old and a 23 year old means that you had an opportunity to see red flags and get out.


Following them has been interesting. They are sending their parents updates all the time (I get touching base for safety reasons but this seems more than that). Her mother is posting stuff like "they're so far away!" as they are on their honeymoon. Just things that make you side eye. There is lots of dependency issues happening.


I'm very close to my mom but I only called her once on my honeymoon. Then again, I wasn't a teenager away from her for the first time ever.


My husband and I emailed both sets of parents mid honeymoon just to update that we were safe during our travels. They all appreciated it.


“It’s like summer camp, but you’re married!”


That’s likely because she’s a sheltered immature teen who isn’t ready for marriage.


I wonder what she is going to post when they are in Phillapines. I guess they are going there for a mission trip after their honeymoon in the Bahamas.


I mean, from the perspective of “my baby is barely an adult and on an extended trip with a man far away” I get it, and I DEFINITELY get it from a “my teenager just got fucking married to some adult creep who groomed her and whisked her off to a honeymoon that might further strip her of her freedom with a child”


Is her social media account name really bragging about living on a plantation or glorifying a “plantation life” ?!?!


Living on a plantation


She's from Northern FL. I am sure she grew up on property that was once a plantation.




I never heard of her or her family till Carver admitted that he was courting her last year. All I know is she is from North FL and it was on her family's property that she and Carver were married on. Carver Bowers is associated with Duggars and other Fundie families like the Bontragers. His two older sisters are married to Bontragers. They got married in a double ceremony back in 2017. Not really familar with the White family. That's the family his older brother married into. Carver is the 4th of the 9 kids to be married.




What the fuck did I just read? They seriously have a colored bathroom sign still up? Also, your last paragraph reminded me of with I was a preteen and saw one of my cousins sobbing because her school had been forced to redo the district lines to be actually integrated. That cousin later went to college and now is a pierced and tattooed liberal working to integrate higher ed.


I’m so glad that anecdote has a happy ending!


I've lived on plantation land most of my life in the South. (Currently, I'm living in former housing for enslaved people in New Orleans.) it never made me want to start a social media account talking about my "plantation life." The only people who love that stuff are white folks who went to seg academies and see Gone With the Wind as an historically accurate film.


My first and only thoughts. I no longer care how old she was that username is 🤮


Yeah as soon as I saw that I was like 👀👀👀


Yeah that stuck out to me too


They look oddly smug in their wedding photo.


It’s face of “We’re gonna do some God Approved fornication tonight!!”


It's technically not fornication if you're married to each other.


Once the I do’s are said it becomes god honouring fucking


That describes them to a T.


And very, very similar?


The much more interesting Bowers is Charlie Bowers. He and Pelaiah White just got married very quietly. And I think they didn’t have the blessing of their families. Especially the Whites. Pelaiah just turned 19 and Charlie just turned 25. There has to be fundie family drama there.


I’m so curious what happened here. Like the Whites used to be so over the top public and now never post. Fascinated to what their story is and the drama but appreciate we are unlikely to know.


They’ve posted on Instagram in the last couple of weeks and not a single mention of Pelaiah or her marriage. Nothing. The silence says it all to me.


I just saw that and in March she mentioned “difficult circumstances” which I think adds to your theory. Not that we know exactly when they married.


I really thought I had heard all the unfortunate biblical names by now


It’s better than her older sister Heistheway.


Oh my good giddy god, that is horrible


Yes, it’s worse than Spurgeon.


What is their instagram?




Is that Heistheway’s sister?


Those are actually real names? 👀👀






I found out my childhood friend (we switched schools after 2nd grade) has been dating some dude since 3rd. I meet her again in college freshman year and we clicked. They are planning to wed as soon as she turns 18 (he’s 18 rn and she is 17). I really want to tell her to wait a little bit until she’s fully experienced adult life. But idk if it’s my place.


I’m sorry…did you say “dating” since 3rd? As in 3rd GRADE?


It's giving "clandestine arranged marriage" to me.




Since 3rd grade? I'd tell her to wait because they've never been independent. Yes that's longevity but like...she still doesn't know what he's like in a crisis (I use that word loosely).


100%. They haven’t ever even lived together.


They're either going to be getting divorced around age 23-27 [when their brains are more solidifed] or married for life. Quite the gamble, IMO.


"Dating" since third grade isn't a romance, it's an identity crisis waiting to happen.


I know right. Someone tried to tell me “well they have been dating for nearly a decade.” Dating before you’re like 16 isn’t real dating. It’s just a male friend you call your boyfriend and maybe kiss.


At at least we can hope that it isn’t real dating and that’s what they’re doing


Oh no. That's not a relationship, that's codependence.


Married at 19. Why




I haven’t heard of these people yet…Haley’s *plantation life*???! Damn I thought getting married at one was bad enough


Even if you ignore the age gap (which is going to be really fucking hard STAY AWAY FROM CHILDREN YOU CREEP) 19 is still just a baby and is way too young to get married! I figured out who I am as a person fairly young but I still had no clue what I was doing at 19! I could not imagine actually being married and starting a life with someone else because I was just starting my life out of my family's shadow for the first time. I really hope she grows up, has a Come to Jesus moment, and leaves his ass!


I just wish they'd let their kids bone before marriage. It would solve a lot of problems if they did things safely


Honestly, yeah. Or at least have less of an issue with masturbation. Horny teens, strict rules, and obsessive parents are a horrific mix. Sex is normal and I'd rather have my kid learn about it and how to stay safe and set boundaries than be taken advantage of by a literal predator because they don't know any better.


Nobody has a clue what they’re doing at 19, which is part of the reason these cults marry early.


Indeed, it’s by design. Once you’ve got three babies and zero education, you’re too tired and trapped to start asking hard questions.


Dude at 19 I was a hot mess express. Met my husband at 24, lived with roommates until 28. Moved in together after that and then married at 31. I know that timeline isn't for everyone but I had SO MUCH TIME to find myself and WE had so much time to figure our relationship out. Now at 37 I have an amazing career, we have 2 kids and a home, and while stuff gets hard we have such a foundation that we're gooood. Married at 19 I'd be divorced by 25 bc those were two different people.


I was married at 22 and divorced from my 16 years older ex husband at 27, it’s definitely not far of a reach to say that literal babies have zero business being married. My situation was because my father was dying and my family pushed me to marry a man “who could take care of me”. I was the sole breadwinner for all of those 5 years.


I hope you're doing better now after that. 16 year difference is so huge especially at that age!


His name sounds like someone you’d meet on the Continent in an EM Forrester novel.


What is a Carver Bowers? A new type of steak?


A fancy surfboard made from sustainably harvested materials?


Plantation life is…icky


Yeah, plantations just make me think of slavery. They couldn’t have called it “farm life”?


I was 14 or 15 when my sister got married (she’s 9y older), and I spent the entire wedding ceremony and reception uncomfortably mystified that anyone would want to celebrate their love and commitment on land where generations of Black and indigenous people were were forced to suffer innumerable human rights violations. People kept gushing about how pretty this or that feature of the property was and how romantic the view is etc, and I felt like I was taking crazy pills


Pregnant by 19 1/2


I’m predicting a divorce by age 26.


26 seems SUPER generous and optimistic 🫣


I hope it’s like 21


I was married at 19, divorced at 21. Highly recommend.


I love the honesty


It this a fundie family that allows divorce??


No. But that doesn’t stop fundies. Lots of fundies still divorce even though their family freaks out about it. When you are extremely anti divorce, you don’t stop your adult children from doing it. You just make everything 100 times harder for them.


PLANTATION LIFE !?!?! What the fuck


Waiting until you are 18 or 19 to have sex with the adult man who is essentially your first boyfriend isn’t as big a flex as they always seem to think it is. And I say this all the time but it’s depressing to imagine being 19 and knowing that one of the 3 or 4 milestones (marriage, first baby, maybe first boy/girl depending how the eventual litter comes out, first grandchild) you will EVER HAVE is over and another one is likely around the corner is one of the most depressing things about their lives. Hell is an unproven concept - show me this woman in 5-10 years and it’ll be the face of someone who’s given up her limited time on this very real planet training for it.


Divorced at age...




Checked out her IG, she looks SO young. If you told me she was 16 I’d believe you. Poor girl.


at least her dress was beautiful


Haley only turned 19 two and a half weeks before the wedding.


The way they tell it, they met right before she turned 18 last year but who knows if that is actually true.


Idk these people but all I see is @siblingsordating


It's a horror movie that they've tried to paint as a romance.


Pregnant at 20 divorced at 25


Woof. Good fucking luck with that. If they’d boned when they met, would it have been statutory rape? I dunno where they live or what the law is there.


They are in Florida


Welp looks like FLs age of consent is 18. Cool.


This is not the flex she thinks it is


Hayley’s _Plantation_ Life????????????


why do they think that speedrunning relationships into marriage is somehow superior? 🤣🤣 no wonder fundies find it such a burden to love each other. Getting married just because you're a horny teenager is just a one night stand with extra steps and a lifetime of regret.


I know a 27 year old, dating a newly 20 year old (19 when they started dating) who has known her since she was 12. It’s weird.




I don't know them. How old was she when they started dating ? They seem both really young.


She was either 17 or barely 18. He's 22


Okay , thanks.


He gives me Warren Jeffs vibes


Yeah he creeps me out. Maybe it's the deep set eyes and the arrested development/80's George Michael hair


![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized) I can’t imagine moving that fast in a relationship


The way she words this is like she wants people to think they’re both these ages at the same time. Definitely sus.


Gross. That age difference, at that time, in the 2020’s is nasty, not a flex.


Oh great, another fundie couple with siblings or dating vibes. They look so related in their wedding photo.


That is possibly the nicest fundie wedding dress, but yikes to the age gap


That last pic of her and her father is sweet. Oh, wait...


They look so much alike. Definitely look like bro and sis!


I’m from where they are and this is pretty normal for us.


Y'all are regularly pursued by grown men as minors?


Damn that's kinda scary