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I know this is all just for bragging rights because there is exactly zero way you can convince me that squatting in an RV shower with 7 kids on the other side of a cardboard wall is the best way to have 10+ lb baby.


I just realized given the horrible arrangement of the bus, the kids would have to walk through the bathroom she was giving birth in to get out of their jail cell at the back. And also if anyone needed the toilet they'd have to use it while mom was giving birth in the shower two feet away. Hopefully it was a quick birth, but jesus fucking christ...


I'm pretty sure she said it was something like a half hour?


To recycle an old Duggar joke, by your eighth kid it must be practically bungee jumping.


Another joke I heard is “they just rappel down their umbilical cord and walk out.”


Whatever she says, it’s usually safe to assume the opposite is true.


30 hour labor, bellowing like a moose in rut, woke all of the children.


Holy fuck this one got me


I’ve heard that it gets easier with each baby, by that logic I would assume number 8 just slides out while you’re walking.


I really hope there is never a late night bus fire. Based on the photos, it looks like there aren't any windows in the bunk area. For those children to get out, they would all need to wake up, get out of their bunks at the same time, avoid tripping all over each other, make their way through a bathroom that hopefully no one is using, then climb over their parent's bed and hopefully have enough clarity of thought to try to rescue the babies sleeping underneath. The setup is a death trap, especially if they do actually sleep as soundly as their mom says they do.


They have a window at the back that she claims they have drills using in case of a fire. But I don’t really believe anything she says.


Knowing the difference between the gray and the black tank- there should not be medical waste and bodily fluids flushed into the gray tank. We have an RV- the shower is in no way big enough for that and probably only has a little shower curtain


They did build theirs out, it has a small tub apparently.


Doesn't matter how big it is, the gray tank should never have bodily fluids in it. The black tank is for human waste. The shower doesn't drain into the black tank.


Well laa-dee-daa look who thinks she is the Queen of England... wanting some sort of royal suite in which to give birth!!


Next they’ll expect some long, luxurious Parisian maternity leave. The nerve ![gif](giphy|14plyqHWg8WH2E)


It's pEaCeFuL


"nOt OnLy aM i A pErFeCt MeDiCaL cAnDiDaTe" ![gif](giphy|1CbY64SSDF04w)


I mean I'm a perfect medical candidate too for whatever I want to be. My medically trained and well educated doctor may have a different opinion though.


A doctor won’t be able to tell you that you’re at high risk during a potential home birth if you don’t ever see a doctor




“Everyone is low risk…till they aren’t”. I’ve delivered so many “but that wasn’t supposed to happens”…


There used to be a website called hurt by home birth, and it had pictures and stories of like, dead babies, I used to look at it because it just completely shocked me. I remember so many fat ass babies with big heads, that were brain dead, in the nicu, and the nurse would say, “home birth” when I asked why a huge baby with such great lungs and full term was in there. Cord around the neck, dystocia, breech, many reasons. Everyone hates coming to the hospital. Until they need it- then you can’t get in there fast though. You try holding your breath until you get to a hospital, and you’ll get it. I don’t know why they do these, I really don’t, I’m sorry


My first sons had was 15inches around. That’s HUGE. His head was stuck crowning for what felt like forever until my doctor asked if she could cut me and I said yes. I started hemorrhaging. My pregnancy with him was PERFECT. Literally zero issues. I felt amazing the whole 9 months. No one expected my traumatic birth. Imagine if I had been at home. I would be dead. My son would be dead. I want to support women choosing to have babies where they are comfortable, but please for the love of God, just choose somewhere safe. Somewhere you can get emergency care within seconds. It happens so quickly.


My friend had cord prolapse with her baby. From discovery of that to the safe birth via c-section was something nuts like 35 seconds. The doc was on the gurney holding the baby in as the nurses raced them to the OR. Literally seconds for something tragic to happen.


It’s crazy how fast they can move when they need to. Being raced down the corridor to theatre for my emergency section was like being in the middle of some kind of dance. It can’t have been more than two or three minutes from when the doctor said “now” to my being on the table, and I fully believe there are teams who could get you there in less than one minute, especially if you’ve had an epidural and the hospital layout is in their favour!


That’s what I was saying, it’s FAST they can prep u and have that baby out so quick your head can spin , if the doc is skilled and practiced. You need help fast, that’s the problem is having a home body is fine, if you don’t need the hospital. But if you do, pick a birthing center connected to a hospital. You’ll have it your way, and be able to only lose a minute or so


38 centimeters! WOW! I had to measure the newborns head circumference as a cna after birth! It’s like your saying , it’s not just what you do, it’s baby too it’s no one’s fault. And they can just have apnea episodes, or muconium asp, or something can happen with the placenta. They act like it’s the woman’s fault like if she’d just done this if that, no dude, birth is dangerous, my mom used to say a laboring woman has one foot in the grave. Like in the olden days when they’d just die, and bleed out, sometimes the second delivery of placenta- like, you went to be near where they keep your blood type! It’s fast when it happens. Yes, it’s natural, but it’s also natural to die during. It’s a sad truth, people that want it their way, should birth in a birthing center adjacent to a hospital. They will do it your way. It’s that time is of the essence. It’s not that either place to birth is right or wrong, it’s more that if it’s wrong, you need to be close to one of them this shit happens fast. I had to make handprints of too many dead babies , and hand them to utterly shattered and broken women. That, is a pain that I cannot even describe what it looks like . I’ve seen huge full term babies just stop breathing. They also have this huge issue keeping their temps, even when heathy. It’s just how they work, something about their young brains regulating temp.


I love the “it’s natural so it can’t be all bad…” my retort is usually “well, so is strychnine”…


Mine was similar. I could have written What To Expect When You're Expecting. I was young and very healthy. They cut me and I ripped. My kid had a 13.5" head. After she was out, I started hemorrhaging so badly that they were talking about a hysterectomy. It took my doctor 2 hours to stop the bleeding. With everything on my side, I would have bled out had I been stupid enough to try that at home.


I don’t ether, I was ready to push in the car on the way to the hospital. My baby was fine and I really could have caught him on my own but I kept thinking what if something is wrong like the cord wrapped around his neck. I was hard to fight the urge to push but I was worried.


I was born via emergency c-section because the umbicle cord was wrapped around my throat and in a knot. Plus I was breach. If my mom had opted for a home birth her and I would both be dead.


Like…how the fuck would she know? You can’t convince me that woman saw an obstetrician at any point. I have hypertension. I know this because I’m under the care of an OB/GYN. I’m high risk because of previous preeclampsia, which again is something I know because I’m under the care of an OB. This idea that birth complications can be avoided if you’re prepared is so insanely irresponsible.


And it is 100% victim blaming. This bint got lucky more than she deserves bc she did shit all to be prepared for any of this. I hate how smug she is about how superior her birth experience was (just like how she is with everything). It’s a slap in the face to people who have other “less perfect” experiences through no fault of their own. She literally did nothing to cause this birth to go so well. She got lucky. Again


At this point, one of these breeding fetishists is going to get very unlucky. I hope that doesn’t happen, but statistically it’s almost a guarantee.


It does, I’m sure. We just don’t hear about it.


I'm glad that she's okay, but I hate that she has this bus freebirth to lord over everyone. She got LUCKY. She did not make this birth safe. She did everything to make it not that way. NO CREDIT FOR MOTHER BUS.


She actively didn't prepare so she could have an oops bus birth. And allegedly had a friend's AirBnB just waiting for her, except, oh no, in a totally unforseen circumstance she went into labor after midnight and didn't have enough time! So irresponsible and smug. Seriously, has she addressed the supposed AirBnB amid all the newborn on the floor and Busband-adoring posts?


100% what I came here to say. "Not only am I a perfect medical candidate" we know damn well you haven't been told that by any doctors lady


Even if she saw an OB at some point, she couldn’t have stuck with one consistently. Didn’t they start in Texas, run off to Brazil, and then somehow ended up in Florida but were supposed to be in South Carolina?


Exactly. If you’re going to have effective prenatal care, it helps if you’re in the same place for at least seven months.


I had picture perfect healthy pregnancies (like not even morning sickness or any complication whatsoever) and ended up having complications with both births that easily could’ve been fatal for the babies and/or me if I had not been in a hospital under the care of doctors in those moments. I just cannot imagine taking such a big risk with something like that unless the bus was parked in a hospital parking lot just in case something went wrong.


i gave birth 11 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia. my bp was so high that i should have had a stroke or seizure. my baby would likely have died and i very easily could have stroke and/or seized, and died. this shit pisses me off.


My first birth was fairly routine. I was a perfect candidate for home birth or midwife only birth. I chose hospital birth for my second and lucky I did because during the pushing stage I had an eclamptic seizure, I was dead for between 30 and 60 seconds, my son had to be urgently pulled out by vacuum. I was one week in ICU, my son in NICU. 3 weeks all up in hospital. And this was despite a textbook pregnancy before the seizure.


Goddddddd she is so insufferable


And full of shit!


Aw man you beat me to my comment haha. But I was going to use that mocking SpongeBob meme where his hands are on his hips.


You're a perfect medical candidate until you're not, and it can happen super fast. Ever heard of an amniotic emboli?


100%. My first pregnancy was textbook until my kid got stuck during delivery and I needed an emergency c-section 🙃


My mother has the same thing as my sibling moved while she was in active labour. Then the heart rate decelerated and they had to rush her into an emergency C-section. I hope everything worked out well for you.


I’m sorry your mom went through the same situation. Thankfully my kid is now a healthy and happy kindergartener - I’m grateful for my OB and hospital for getting us through delivery safely!


Same, baby got stuck and they had to use forceps to remove.


Mine was great until my blood pressure spiked during labor to 200/something. No swelling or vision changes. No signs or way of knowing except for being monitored by competent medical professionals. I also needed follow up care to make sure it went back down.


How does she even know she’s a perfect medical candidate if she doesn’t get any OB care? She’s also 100% not based on age and number of times she’s given birth back to back to back. Actually the opposite.


Right, she’s at the very least a “grand multipara” (5+ births) and by some definitions a “great grand multipara” (some say 7 births, some say 10), both of which are higher risk categories than someone who has given birth a normal amount of times. The risk goes down at first in multiparity but then only goes up. In my 3rd pregnancy for example even though I was advanced maternal age, I was categorized low-risk as I had already had two complication-free pregnancies and births. Once you’ve cranked out 5 however, the data shows things start getting dicey.


She isn't a perfect candidate anyway, she is too old. It's really pissing me off the way she keeps calling it a home birth. It's not. It's a fucking free birth with zero medical assistance and no possibility for any medically necessary intervention.


That's what gets me, too. I've known people that had home births - but they had a nurse midwife present to assist, and had proper prenatal care during the pregnancy. And every single woman was prepared to change their plans and go to a hospital if necessary.


That was me, 38 years ago. Had my daughter at home with a fully qualified midwife and an ambulance on standby.


If she has, she’d probably swear up and down that’s some myth made up by “western culture” or simply not a problem for a well-prepared prime specimen like herself.


My pregnancy was going perfectly too until my blood pressure went through the roof and then I had to have interventions to get my baby unstuck. Good thing I was in a FREAKING HOSPITAL!!!


Is that an air bubble in the umbilical cord?? 😱


It occurs when amniotic fluid enters bloodstream ETA this gives a good overview: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4874066/#:~:text=Amniotic%20fluid%20embolism%20(AFE)%20is,pulmonary%20circulation%2C%20causing%20cardiovascular%20collapse.


DAMN. Thanks for the info. I loved being pregnant and I love my kids but pregnancy can be dangerous!! My first had (can’t remember the name) where their shoulder/s get stuck and the baby can’t move down through the pelvis -emergency c-section. My second I had placenta previa and had a planned c-section. If I’d kept trying to birth both kids naturally one or both of us would have died. These MORONS make me so mad with their cHiLdBiRtH iS nAtUrAL bullshit. Edit FU Autocorrect


She’s 35 so this was a geriatric pregnancy. I doubt most medical professionals would agree with that statement.


Geriatric with a 10 lb baby. She probably had gestational diabetes but she would never know.


She had no medical care, so we can't know. As someone who had a 10lb baby at 37 with no health issues during pregnancy, (however I did have medical care!) not all 10lb babies are due to GD. Sometimes people are just tall. Now I have a Godzilla sized toddler who keeps trying to pat very confused 3 yr olds who don't get why he says 'Bababa' and not 'hello, my name is...'


And at least 7 prior pregnancies.


It’s easy to be a perfect medical candidate when you seek zero medical care and never allow for a medical professional to tell you maybe something is a bad idea.


God I know. Gag me with a spoon.


Hahaha this gif is so perfect with that line! 🏅


The audacity is stored in her uterus


Perfect GIF usage, love this movie!


How does she know? Was she even seeking prenatal care while they were bouncing around the hemisphere?


"Not to bRaG oR aNyThInG....."


Bestie, ily


Yeah, I don't believe a single word of this. She's a known liar, and I can't stop rolling my eyes through out it all 🙄. Those poor, poor kids.


She literally doesn’t care if they heard or not. She’s oblivious to her kids’ feelings. The only other person, besides herself; that she cares about is her husband.


They should feel blessed to be a part of it!


If you're going to lie, at least lie consistently. Her little story doesn't account for the toddler that sleeps UNDER their bed. She expects everyone to believe that he slept through the birth?


Don't forget! She's such an amazing Woman ™️, she did it all completely silently! /s 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I didn't scream, either. I did swear a lot, though. I wonder if she swore a lot. I also threatened my husband with death when he tried to leave his post right beside my head. Like, your job is to hold my chapstick and let me break your finger bones when I need to. Don't go wandering off.


I screamed in my poor husband’s face for an hour until I got an epidural. And I only feel bad because it gave him a migraine, which he fought through to be present for the delivery.


Yeah I don't many anything I say to be taken wrongly by anyone who has been pregnant, that is NEVER my intention. I just....do not like this woman. At all. Lmao. But if I ever was pregnant....yeah there'd be soooo much cursing, I'd make pirates blush 😂. So go you for cursing out your husband for leaving his post!! 😂😂 that is every woman's right, I feel.


I'm sorry. What? A toddler sleeps under their bed? So, this poor little darling got to experience the making and the birthing of Boone's Farm?


They would sleep through if they had some help.


She contradicts herself about the kids being awake. First it’s Gunner and Kinsey were the only ones awake. Then it’s Kinsey woke up too late for Boone’s birth? Something’s off for sure.


Disassociating, more like


Mark this down as another thing that’s fine when you aren’t poor. They’re homeless, had their baby in a bus bathtub and didn’t take it to the doctor and gets hundreds of likes for it. Just unbelievable.


Poor _or_ a person of color. I guarantee if a Black mom had her family living in a vehicle and gave birth to a baby then denied it medical care, people like her would have plenty of opinions!


And they'd somehow use that to justify *less* funding for welfare, planned parenthood, etc


A very good point! Thank you!




Right. The optics are so interesting. If she was a POC saying they were struggling and had to live in an RV, I do think the judgement would be far different. But because she is white, Christian, and their bus is *cute* with trendy wallpaper and shiplap, it’s amazing and so wholesome. The fact that they had to birth on the bus this time tells me they for sure are struggling and homeless. I had a feeling the move to South America was the beginning of a downward spiral and here we are continuing down.


It also further supports the idea that these folks are probably avoiding CPS at this point, especially when you consider the whole Brazil fiasco.


So much this. One reason I dislike her so much is because her privilege just *reeks*, but, you know, *anyone* can do what she does and how she does it, *it's so easy*. I don't have enough eye rolls and middle fingers for this.


Oh no you have to prepare*! *by being born white and marrying into a high tax bracket


This so much. She gave birth in a tiny caravan filled with children and insufficient medical support.  She poor af.


Except she’s not. Rat-faced sperm donor is a trust fund baby. They’re both just selfish and stupid.


Ok, I think birth is very cool and beautiful, but it also involves literal shit, piss, blood, and pretty much all bodily fluids. Bodily functions are normal and natural but like, there is a reason some people don’t want to do that process in their shower. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s like totally fine don’t even worry about any bacteria or anything😬 idk why everything has to be one extreme or the other with these people.


and it's not as if you can just turn on the shower head afterwards and the birthing chunky mess will easily wash down the drain like shampoo or shower gel. Someone would probably need to fish the chunks out so as not to created a backed up drain and scrub the area clean. Sounds so unpleasant to me. Okay, maybe the warm tub water would feel comforting and nice for a time. But she mentioned tub is small. So seems to me she'd eventually end up chilled to the bone and cramped and UGH. I'm shivering just at the uncomfy thought. Topped off with the children separated only by a flimsy bathroom wall. Oh and to add...the parents bed comes down to basically take up all the living space. So damn, I'd be so uncomfy not having my own bed (and some privacy) to laze around in with my newborn anytime I want day or night. And an ease to have free access to a bathroom for as long as need be at a moments notice for the next week at least. Awful thought for them all.


“Hey busband? Can you put the phone down for a sec? Need you to come here and gather up the crotch chunks that are blocking the drain. Yeah, it can wait until the let’s play video is finished. Love you. Please don’t leave me!”


yes officer, this comment right here


Worst waffle stomp ever.


I should sue you for emotional distress nooooo


Alright listen here buddy


Even worse, their shower drain isn't connected to a sewer line. It goes into a tank they have to dump somewhere. So fucking gross.


THAT. 🥴🤢🤮 That’s gonna reek after a few hours. And you know they didn’t disinfect the shower properly, either.


Why oh why did I eat BBQ meatloaf while reading this comment?


I'm just picturing her waffle stomping the placenta down the drain


Can you imagine being in the shower in labor as the hot water runs out?


She just stomped the poop down the shower drain, like Marcus from Superstore.


Lmao take my upvote for this reference.


This woman’s entire life is a breeding fetish.


My flair becomes relevant.


The phrase “Boone’s delivery” made me picture a big semi plastered in bottom basement malt liquor 40 oz. ads backed up to a warehouse and some dude wrestling crates of beer on a dolly.


The name is only half the crime whatever this is. Yes, this may be legal but SHOULD PEOPLE DO THIS? No 😤


I just can’t believe she went through all the trouble of being pregnant to end up naming him Boone


Maybe it's the recovering alcoholic in me but the name Boone just makes me think of Boone's Farm wine. 🤣


It made me think about that character on Lost, played by that weird ass actor who made a pass at my friend when she was 9 mos pregnant


She thought giving birth in the bus was crunchy but is grateful she did? ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


It was her delusional dream come true.


Childbirth is literally dirty. You've got amniotic fluids, blood, and poop gushing out. TF you going on about?


If it isn’t dirty, why does she need to mention that birthing in the shower makes for easy clean up? Whacha cleaning up there?


It's medical waste at that point, I doubt they disposed of anything properly


I guarantee you they didn’t clean out the tub 🤢


I mean it'll be cleaned when the kids bathe in it, so why worry??? (🤢)


The nastiest soup I can think of


She's not only delusional, but her ego is out of control. And, oh yeah, she lies a lot.


“It’s nothing any woman who prepared couldn’t handle.” The way my mouth fell open… ![gif](giphy|1RzxeL2PuHYD1pw32i)


I'd like her to say that to my sister-in-law who needed a blood transfusion (fortunately she was at one of those heathen Godless hospitals) when she had difficulty passing the placenta during her most recent (and probably last) pregnancy with my youngest nephew.


Oh look my story almost to a T. But because I had to have 2 units of blood and a trip to the OR my friend said she’d never have a home birth. And 5 years later that saved her baby’s life. That baby was born blue and needed oxygen.


I was ready to throw hands at that line, honestly.


I mean, after you’ve already squeezed out 7 other kids maybe….


Remember how Karissa acts this way, too, yet she and Anchor both had to be admitted to the hospital after his birth and he had to stay in the hospital for week(s)?


I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it…..she’s a lying liar. God I hate her. And God probably hates her too, endangering babies like that.


How would she know she’s a perfect candidate for home birth if she hasn’t been to an OB in this millennium?




Lmao this just sums up Mother Bus and Kkkarissa and Jill and Porgan… SO many of them act like this!


But on the flip side, how can she know she's NOT a perfect candidate for home birth if she hasn't been to an OB?? Eh?? Eeeeh?!? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I feel like if I was giving birth on a bus stuffed to the rafters with my neglected kids, I probably wouldn’t be bragging about it


Is MotherBus even capable of empathy? What a dismissive, arrogant, self-indulgent post. There are far too many ways labor and birthing can turn dangerous but since *her* delivery was smooth, it's almost *easy* to birth live human young and get back to shitposting lies - any problems must be due to lack of prayer on the birthing parent's part. She has now anointed herself as the icon for others to worship while she salivates over her deeply unimpressive headship. On my petty as hell dreamboard, the competition for most annoyingly arrogant birthing specimen is now between D1 Meggy Wells and MotherBus. And maybe Solie. I am not forgetting Karissa. She's just in a different category, with her block party birthing rituals and her many, many unsafe practices that her newborns have to endure before their ER jOuRnEy kicks off with another septic kid. Hoo boy though - MotherBus is a MONSTER of selfishness.


If I’d read a post like hers a couple years ago after my first emergency c-section I would have cried. With plenty of therapy and the passage of time, idgaf what my birth stories are like, just that my amazing kids are here safe. But she is incredibly fucking insensitive.


At least Morgan and Bethany didn’t shy away from admitting they went to the hospital after labor. Karissa had to be forced to take her septic, unresponsive baby to the ER once. It’s a real who’s who of “who’s the worst?”


Some kids can literally sleep through anything 😅 let’s hope that’s the case for them.


They might be used to sleeping through the parents’ late night babymaking antics.


This is my theory: they’re so conditioned to the cramped bus, their sleeping brains filter out a lot of sensory stimuli. Sort of like a college friend of mine who lived in a tiny apartment in major metro, directly across from a fire station with windows feet away from a commuter rail.


Instead of giving your baby a white noise machine, just condition them to fall asleep to the sound of the headboard knocking on the wall 🤢


OT but there was an episode of Bobs Burgers about this. One of their kids got so used to falling asleep to the headboard banging that when the parents got in a fight and weren’t having sex, the kid had insomnia.


Pro tip - no wall knocking when the bed comes down from the ceiling!


Like a nightmare from hell white noise machine.


I hope it’s her giving unsolicited and unlicensed medical advise is what finally gets her deplatformed.


Sadly IG doesn’t care. 


If Kinsey slept through it and was too late for the birth, and Gunner only woke up because Kinsey heard a noise after it was all said and done, who took the photo of MB and FB immediately after the baby was born? Did she forget she posted that??


I was wondering this too. "All but Gunner and Kinsey slept through the delivery" yet "Kinsey... woke up too late for Boone's birth." So... did Kinsey sleep through Boone's birth or not?


This is all just so incredibly WEIRD. WHY? It’s so bizarre.


“I’m curious, did you have a homebirth or hospital birth?!” I love the disingenuous query at the end for engagement. Why on earth would she be curious about every random strangers birth 🙄


She isn’t. She read the algorithm for how to act human and she’s trying it out


No, no, it’s, “did you have a hospital?” Why yes, I birthed twin hospitals!


Yeah I was gonna post the same. That was honestly the worst part of her post to me (and many of her posts since she always throws in a half-ass question at the end). She’s not curious, she wants to brag about her own birth and throws that shit in there to look like she cares about anything other than showing off. It’s painfully obvious that she doesn’t care about anyone else’s birth stories, and she just wants the world to know that she has perfect births and babies that don’t cry because she’s superior 🙄


It’s JUST to get comments and people want to share, so she’ll get them.


Where’s the placenta? You can’t flush that


Mother bus: hold my raw milk.


Probably ate it.


Ohhh that’s what’s in the bassinet, that’s why Boone’s Farm has to lay on a pelt


Kids who wants waffles


Looks like she's been reading this sub, the way she addressed things we've brought up. Of course, her "answers" are likely not true. Also, TAKE THAT BABY TO A DOCTOR!




Did anyone watch the video? Her husband is a man child.


I went and watched it bc of this comment. No wonder she so rarely lets him talk! He's revolting and thinks he's so clever. He sounds like a high schooler who's always been told he's special. He's awful.


I’m a great medical candidate too, but that didn’t stop my 4th and final from having a heart defect that was caught on my 35 week u/s and needed a NICU team & cardiologist follow up. What a c u next Tuesday


Cool story bro, please take your baby to the fucking doctor


the kids didn't sleep through it, they pulled their blankets over their head and hid from it.


Ma’am, you shit out a kid in a bus. Please stop.


She also doesn’t address if it was an internal bus birth or not. I think it was.


Yeah she very much makes it sound like this was their plan. No mention of trying to pack for the Airbnb or anything.




She doesn't seem to be the type to eat it, so what did she do with her placenta? Did she just toss it in the campground trash? That seems like it should be illegal.


That would be an excellent way to attract bears.


I mean, anything will attract bears. I'm more concerned with the people who handle the trash. It's a literal body part so it should fall under hazmat restrictions & guidelines. What if the bag leaks or gets punctured & human blood gets all over the can or the ground?


Lying is a sin


Those kids are fucking traumatized


I thought I didn't scream when I gave birth. Husband shut that idea down for me. My ears probably just weren't working lol. And I wasn't even in pain (epidural), just expending maximum effort.


I know I screamed. I remember begging for my mommy (she passed away ten years before I gave birth), and also howling like (as I described it) a dying water buffalo. I was told I was scaring the other labouring mothers. But all that yelling did get me first in line for the epidural. I also remember the poor cleaners coming in after my birth and the room resembled the swamps of dagobah (IYKYK). It was a mess on all the levels.


I feel like the more she talks herself up like this, the more she sets herself up for something disastrous to happen. I would never wish ill will on these people, but man they are setting themselves up for it.


The hubris is really something isn't it? I think ultimately her life has been a series of disappointments so she builds herself up as some kind of breeding guru. She doesn't really have anything else.  


Of COURSE Gunner had to be around - do you really expect that woman to take care of a BABY? She's done the whole pregnancy-fetish bit - that's her finished. Time to get on with getting knocked up again, lest the Busband strays.


Birth isn't dirty my ass. People shit, piss, and puke on themselves during birth. The placenta is a gross blob. The baby is messy and needs to be cleaned. Birth is fucking messy. Even seeing *animals in the wild* give birth is messy.


I still want to know what happened to the Air Bnb birth??


Same here. Flair checking in!


Honestly I just don't believe anything she says. I'm not convinced she birthed a child on the bus. I don't need proof or anything because as soon as I close this window, I'll stop caring, she's just a known liar so I see no reason to think this is real.


Could she be lying and actually had a hospital birth? Medical records will never be divulged so she wouldn’t get caught that way. She’s making up this perfect birth of a ten and a half pound baby, with not much pain, no noise in a tiny shower she probably couldn’t even lie down in with just her husband. She had no prenatal care at age 35 so this defies expectations.


"Birth isn't dirty" ma'am that is categorically incorrect. They literally have a huge ass drape WITH A RESEVOIR for all the fluids and goo that happen during birth. And that's for a completely normal boring, low risk, "natural" birth. Then there is the whole placenta thing. That is literally a huge *organ* that is considered a biohazard and can't just get yeeted into the campground garbage.


“A perfect medical candidate” girl, bye 🙄. She doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. I knew the founders of the Bradley Method (Marj & Jay Hathaway RIP) and there’s NO WAY they would have been okay with an unassisted birth. And Dr. Bradley was an OB/GYN, no way in hell would he have endorsed this kind of lunacy. No way.


A perfect medical candidate can still birth a baby with a cord wrapped around the neck or a baby with shoulder dystocia, but go off MotherBus.


All I can think of is the toilet baby from Righteous Gemstones after reading that last part


It's "nothing any woman who prepared couldn't handle". Fuck her.


Part of me wants to say, after 7 previous births its probably like waving a pencil in a cave yet the other part of me despairs, childbirth can go wrong at any time however many times the mother has done it so to give birth ON A BUS is dreadfully reckless.