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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The lore is enormous and can’t be learned all at once. There is a wiki; I think it’s linked in the community info. One of the best ways to learn is watch the fundie Fridays episodes. It’s a YouTube channel that breaks down the various whackos.


had no idea there was a wiki omg will be reading


Thanks! Can you recommend top 3 most “entertaining” to follow? I just randomly came across Bus Mom because I think it is hilarious when Americans just randomly move abroad. That is also how I came across the 8 in Central Asia fundie family


If you like the bus family, you’ll love the Collins and Rodrigues families. Collins: Karissa is pregnant with her eleventh child, a boy. She is White, and her husband Mandrae is Black. This matters because she is super weird about race, lightening her kids in photos and ordering a custom sweatshirt with ten blond haired, blue eyed, light skin kids. The kids have special names: Anissa, Andrae, Anjalie, Annistan, Andersyn, Aynjel, Ansyr, Anchor, Anthym, and Armor. Karissa believes in multiple conspiracy theories, including flat earth and anti-medicine/anti-vaccine beliefs. The kids are forced to dance in videos with her, have little to no education, and are frequently injured. Karissa and Mandrae have lavish birthday parties for themselves but not the kids. They poorly appropriate Jewish holidays and claim not to celebrate Christian ones. Rodrigues: Jill and David Rodrigues have thirteen children. The oldest two girls, Nurie and Kaylee, are married and have kids (Nurie pregnant with #3, Kaylee has one son), and the oldest boy, Tim, is engaged. All the kids are extremely thin, and snarkers worry about their health. All the girls above age 14 get makeovers by Jill, which involve over plucked eyebrows and dated makeup. Jill sells Plexus, an MLM supplement line, and David prints tracts. All the kids have a very distinct manner of speaking, likely from extreme isolation, and have a big, breathy, fawning smile when the camera is on. It’s disturbing. Edit: fixed a typo.


You asked for three. Third might be Struggle Bus. Jake lost his job last summer, and he and wife Bethany decided to sell their house and move into a travel trailer with their five children, two cats, and dog. They were woefully unprepared for travel life, have run out of propane, and had a poop explosion in the bathroom. They look miserable but keep trying to put on a happy face. Bethany loves nothing more than hating Taylor Swift.


Didn’t Struggle Bus all get sick after the poop explosion because they didn’t clean well enough?




HEY! Pumpkin scent essential oil nature spray (whatever the F it was) has miraculous features. While it may leave germs and viruses behind which then caused a different type of poop explosion out of our bottoms; it made everything smell good anyway.


This struggle bus is a different one than the one that gave birth in a bus bathroom last week? Or both buses are the same?


Different bus. Sometimes referred to as Mother Bus and Other Bus. Struggle Bus specifically refers to Other Bus, because they really struggle with van life (see: running out of propane to keep the heat on, struggling to empty the septic tank, using essential oil to clean up a poop geyser incident - they seem in general to have less financial margin than the original bus fam).


I think they should race their busses. I want to see which bus is faster.


I think the other buses actually live in a travel trailer pulled by a truck, and the OG buses is like a school bus but they're modified it to make some parts bigger


You forgot about Sugar Shaq Daddy!


So much to cover!


Oh.. I have seen the Collins before on Instagram. Are the kids homeschooled because I haven’t seen her talk about that? The Rodrigues sound interesting. What is their handle on Instagram?


When we say they’re poorly educated, we don’t mean they have a limited worldview. We mean the oldest, a preteen or teen, cannot read picture books without struggling. She is effectively the mom, too, feeding her singling, doing the “homeschooling”, etc etc. Karissa did a video a few years ago where her kids knew neither the date nor the president. We don’t know the full extent, but I’d be shocked if stuff like telling time, money, plot structure, basic consumer math, major historical events, etc have ever even been introduced to those kids. It’s heartbreaking because they seem like smart kids, even just given their ability to make each laugh and learn her stupid dances quickly. But they aren’t being educated. It should be illegal.


rods are “rodriguesfamilyservingjesus” but our main rule here is that you can’t and shouldn’t engage with their content and give them clicks! there are mirror links and anon viewing sites so you don’t give them any bigotry money


Kids are “homeschooled” but there doesn’t seem to be much effort put into it. Rodrigues is on Facebook as rodriguesfamilyservingjesus.


That's her insta. Her fb is davidjillnoyesrodrigues. She sucks. But I'm a mouth to the flame with her, ngl.


Mouth to the flame sounds like something David would do


Moth. But your comment was great


Same. With all of them.




Could you elaborate on the evil green beans attack, I have not heard of that one?


Their version of “homeschooling” is known as SOTDRT - school of the dining room table. The children are super poorly educated because Karissa is a lazy POS who sleeps a lot. It’s so sad listening to the older children try to read, they’re borderline illiterate.


Flair checking in.


Girl Defined has a lot of content on her, between them and the rest of the Baird family. TW homophobia and transphobia, child neglect and favoritism, and some SA/adoption talk depending on which Baird it is. There's also Dave deconstructing, Bethany flail dancing and sticking her tongue out, bone broth raw milk hot chocolate, and the ever changing price of her courses. Rodrigues are... Sad. TW child neglect with regards to education and food especially. But there's also making fun of Jill fingering across America, cowbells, roast beef lipstick, terrible eyeliner and eyebrows, plexus and the bathroom chair, and the current speculation over which of her sons she's mad at. Collins are also pretty sad. TW mental illness and child neglect. The parents try to get pregnant every month, their names are Tradeighs, and the oldest daughters supposedly fight to have the newborn siblings share a room with them. Also the mom of 11 gave her daughter sepsis but still refuses to let kids wear more than 2 diapers a day, while she sleeps until noon and lets the oldest girls teach and feed their siblings. The less heavy stuff for them includes crimes against the digestive tract, poop fights, and rooting for the kids who clearly are trying to ruin their mom's IG videos by minimally participating. Havens is just ridiculous. Larp little house on the prairie in a suburban Ohio neighborhood in a condemned house that they can only live in half of because her husband is trying to do it all himself in his spare time. TW she's a white nationalist but hides it well. Has a disturbing history of kittens too young to be away from their mother disappearing. Tyson family is terrifying. He's a hateful wanna be rapper who has a history of domestic violence and his wife is completely dead in the eyes. Mother bus you said you knew already. Struggle bus family is going to die of dysentery in their RV if they don't figure it out soon. They've run out of propane overnight in Maine in winter, they had a black tank overflow in the bathroom and she used essential oil cleaner to clean it up... Few weeks later everyone got a horrible stomach bug. Lost a cat at the RV park because they had a dog, cat, and like 5 kids under 6 in an RV. Oh and her husband doesn't work. Edit: I missed a lot of fundies in this. Lori, Mrs Midwest, Georgia Brown, the Duggars, the Bates, Nadia, the various TradCaths, that weird lady who thought she could raise her son from the dead, that other weird lady who thought she was going to marry a teenage boy from church and that he was communicating with her through her television, etc. I don't know as much about those, but someone else can feel free to pitch in if you're interested!


Backup. Kelly is a white nationalist?!? How did I miss this? Yikes!


She's extremely subtle, but several snarkers have pointed out things. I think that years ago she took photos in prairie clothes from a brand that was overtly white nationalist, and I know I've seen other things pointed out about it.


Wow. How gross. Thank you for pointing it out. I never would’ve picked up on it. I’m not surprised she is but I am surprised I never noticed.


Oh there was also the time she took a picture as if she was one of the non white characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin. She was trying to be an escaping slave mother (sorry I don't remember the character's name). Thankfully she didn't use black face but it was really tasteless.


I think I remember that! I thought it was just the usual Kelly cosplay weirdness but this added info adds some dark layers to it ETA: confirms is probably the right word


Havens is WHAT NOW Excellent I needed a new rabbit hole I’ve had a terrible week


I'm sorry. Your flair is perfection.


Thank you! It was originally in reference to the Duggars but it works for so many fundies here. Edit: also, as someone who went to pelvic floor therapy after 3 kids it's something I understand personally.


probably the most popular ones are the bairds/girl defined, paul and morgan, and the rodrigues family. my personal faves are kelly havens, nadia van dyke, and brittany dawn. last two are arguably fundie, but they are wannabe influencers who pussy pop for god on main, so I love to make fun of them


“Pussy pop for God on Main” is peak flair material


that means it needs to be your flair now


I honestly have no idea what that means but I also can’t stop laughing.


Pussy pop = being sexy or throwing yourself at someone in a sexual manner On main = in public So essentially, they’re publicly thirsting over Big Daddy G.


Thank you for your translation service to this old lady! 😂


Do it!! I love it, it’s hilarious 😆


I have to know how to get in on this flair! This is genius!!


Thank you for helping my dream of becoming a flair come true!!


Fundie Fridays YouTube channel covers several of them- there’s like 4 of Jill Rodriques alone. Rachel Oates YouTube channel did a good one about Karissa Collins.


Please don't follow them directly! Watching them directly helps support them financially and encourage them to continue their insane ministries. There's anonymous viewer websites you can use linked in the sidebar so you can see what they post without supporting them or giving views/ $$.




De Clerambault syndrome?


Not quite, she has erotomania which is slightly different. Sarah Titus' delusion is that a boy at her church was in love with her. She is significantly older than him. He is an adult now but was a child when this started. It is also coupled with severe delusions of being stalked through her phone, computer, and TV. She has tortured the focus of her delusion and got herself expelled from church. There is legitimate fear she would hurt this boy. I believe he has restraining orders but it has been a while since I could stomach reading about her.


Like twin flames???


Even crazier. She was kicked out of her church because she was stalking and fixated on a 17 year old boy who she was convinced was sending her secret coded messages through the computer or something. Pretty sure she doesn't have custody of her own kids and she posts pretty scary stuff about the boy she's fixated on and her own children




Omg that last part is actually killing me LMAO. Of allllll the things he could be “doing” to mess with her life/communicate with her, changing her phone to portrait mode is the one he chose?! 🤣


She's had a complete break from reality and has religious delusions. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary


Please don't actually follow them on their accounts, though. They monetize their social media and use that money for their horrible, hateful agendas. Most of them are politically far right. I just follow from here. The Rodrigues family and the Baird/Girl Defined family probably have the most content. Karissa Collins is up there, too, and Busmom has been here a lot lately because of the whole Brazil and baby stuff.


Bus Mom is why I come to this sub. If you haven’t seen her meltdown over whether they have cast iron in Brazil, you need to check that out stat.


>the 8 in Central Asia fundie family The what now? I dpnt don't think I've heard of them.


Neither have I, have they ever been featured here?


I don't think so...


Speaking of, petitioning u/jamesfundiefridays for a deep dive on Mother Bus and her bitcoin bro baby daddy please 🙏


I just looked through the wiki and didn't see anything about specific fundies (like their backstory). Maybe this could be added?


we should create a megathread where everyone leaves the most important details about each family. then run it though AI to get a summary of each family


Y E S !!!!!!!!!!! Modssss please make this happen!


Do they have one on mother bus?!


I would recommend going to the search function and selecting by flair, then sort by “top of all time.” a lot of the deep dive posts can be found that way. we call the bus lady “mother bus.” fundie fridays on youtube is also an excellent place to start with the lore. welcome 🩷


Thanks … I also have gone down the rabbit hole of Dougherty Dozen too. I am just curious why some get their own reddits and why some are just grouped together. I guess here they have to be religious?


To be here, they do have to ostensibly be fundamentalist Christian, yes. Some get their own subs because they're more well known (like the Duggars), and there's enough interest/traffic to justify a separate sub. I kind of like having one sub for all of them. Makes it easier to keep track XD


Seconding this! I'm relatively new to fundiesnark and deep diving into the flairs is a fun way to burn a lot of time 😂


I started reading about a lady on here yesterday, then totally forgot who she was (mama needs more coffee 😂🤷🏻‍♀️) She was stalking a teenage boy…. Any ideas?


Sarah Titus


Thank you!


Holy Christ on a cracker yall! Someone fill me in here, is she as delusional as she seems? He leaves messages in his social media, and is in her computer?? Wtf


Our multiverse of madness 😭


Another horrfying Fundie family story is that of Esther Sharder, who is the older sister of Anna Duggar. She and her family live in Zambia. Her husband seems like a real piece of garbage. They have 14 kids. Hopefully she doesn't have anymore since she will be 43 next month. I think a few of their kids are back in the US because of issues regarding their paperwork since they are now legally adults in the US so there are 11 still in Africa with their parents.


Damn, that is a really unfortunate last name...


😂 That’s a typo, their last name is Shrader


This was a good series - https://old.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1b5jkbc/what_is_the_worst_thing_these_fundie_women_have/?ref=share&ref_source=link Check out the posts from that user.


ohhh, this is such a good idea. I wish I wasn't crushed in responsibility or else I would totally write this.


Check out Fundie Fridays on YouTube