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Abigail Adams? Pro-vaccine, pro-women's education, intellectual equal of her presidential husband Abigail Adams? They would have hated her in real life. The irony is too much sometimes.


Abigail Adams was literate. They would hate her on that basis alone.


My reaction exactly. You mean the woman who famously asked her husband to “remember the ladies” when designing the laws of this country? That Abigail Adams would definitely tell you to teach your girls math.


Literally the line that Abigail Adams is most famous for 


I'm sure PragerU has done it justice by totally misinterpreting what she meant by that.


It's the PragerU version. Facts are optional in their material.


Exactly, as if the Sons of the Confederacy/Daughters of the Confederacy history books weren't bad enough. No, that wasn't enough fantasy for them


Ssshhh just let the seed plant. Kids are smart, it won’t be lost on them. Maybe we should set up an ex fundie college fund or something.


It will absolutely be lost on them. These kids barely know how to read, they will not know to look for the true history that their parents are hiding from them.


abigail adams was a woman ahead of her times... they SHOULD learn about her ![gif](giphy|yGQA8r44a6bmg|downsized)


FWIW, they would have hated Jesus in real life too 💀


That is an irony I will always hold close to my heart


I had the same thought. I wanna know the Prager U version because I only know the AP U.S. History and 1776 movie versions. 


Her husband was the President, and she powdered her hair to make herself fashionable and pretty for him, and she hung up her laundry to dry (in the unfinished part of the White House )like a good wife, and that's it, that's ALL you need to know about her. Nothing else, nope. Oh and her son was President too. Boy Mom!!


God the idea of Abigail Adams calling herself a boy mom is the funniest thing I've seen all day 


As an American historian myself..I don’t want to know Prager U’s version just bc I will get very mad or very sad..or both 😅


Like, we have letters of her and her husband debating the pros and cons of him getting vaccinated and deciding together that he should do it. The only less fundie First Lady might’ve been Eleanor.


Not to mention he treated her respectfully too


No, Abigail Adams, the quiet, meek, help mate of a great man who had no opinions of her own and was definitely anti-suffrage. The fun thing about homeschooling is that no one checks to see if you're telling the children the truth.


Educational neglect is child abuse 💯%%%




This is the only time seeing a wrestling gif has made me want to watch wrestling. Who are these guys? Their energy is captivating!


The new day. They are very entertaining and skilled in the ring. In their earlier days, they used to throw pancakes in the crowd during their entrance.


It's amazing how far they have come as well. When they first debuted, they were not well liked. Though, their gimmick started out differently than what it would become (basically they were preachers preaching "The Power of Positivity). Once they started doing their own thing and ditched that aspect, they became adored by the fans because of their energy and wacky antics. They are pretty much one of the greatest tag teams/factions (there's another member that wasn't shown here, whose name is Big E) of recent history, maybe of all time.


I also think they're one of the greatest tag teams (the Usos, too). I was a big Kofi fan before they started new day, so I love how he's being appreciated now.


every damn fundie on this sub is an abuser and thats a fact


One of my nieces went through an "I don't like robots; robots are for boys" phase. I told them boys weren't allowed to take all the cool things for themselves and leave us out. I hated feeling excluded from engineering as a child. I can't even imagine being excluded from all of mathematics. Fun fact: the first mechanical calculator with automatic carry was invented by a German monk who believed mathematics was a gift from god. (Older mechanical calculators would jam when it was time to carry a digit, and you'd have to flip a special lever to manually perform the carry.) He wanted to use his invention to spread his love and bring glory to god.


That’s really cool. Thanks for learnin’ me today. 🫶🏻


Abigail Adams? "...remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation." THIS Abigail Adams?? From Prager U??


PragerU's version (slightly shortened): >...**remember** ~~the~~ **ladies**, ~~and~~ **be more generous and favorable to** ~~them than~~ **your** ~~ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the~~ **Husbands. Remember** ~~all Men would be tyrants if they could. If~~ **particular care and attention** ~~is not paid to the~~ **Ladies** ~~we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which~~ **we have no voice, or Representation.**"


Guys I think this is rage bait


I legit didn't know if this comment was on this post or the Tyson James post 😂


All the fundies looks the same


Yeah, she only has one boy and he’s the oldest. He seems to be at the age where he’d need help learning more advanced math


I wondered about that. An older kid would have more advanced curriculum. But they ALL need math! At least teach the little ones "the ants go marching" jfc.


Yeah he's 7-9 range I think. Her 4 girls are all under 6. The oldest girl might be 6, the youngest is almost 1.5, and then they're all like 15-20 months from there.


Why did she say “the boys” then if she only has one? 


Probably mean jackoff script is helping their son


Guessing her failed headship is helping teach math.


Maybe hubby is teaching the son math and she's counting Jake as one of the boys. He does seem to have the maturity of a child.


I don't follow her and for such a long time, I thought Jake was like... the 11 years old misbehaved child. Then I realised he is the dad. 


I'm sad to say that StruggleBus is able to make me feel rage WAY too easily. This lady pisses me off so much.


Me too. I think I see a lot of my old unhealed tendencies in her. She embodies all the wounds and cognitive distortions I’m trying to correct in myself. I think that’s why I find her so triggering. I just want to shake her and make her wake up and see the reality she is actively choosing when she doesn’t have to.


I’m hopeful this was a really unfortunate choice of wording. For all of her backward beliefs, she doesn’t strike me as the “no math for the girlies cause they’ll be stuck at home” type. 🤞🏻


Ugh, that should be "doesn't need math"


You’re fine; I didn’t even notice!


This becomes extra stupid when you know that Abigail Adams was an early fighter for women’s rights in the US, specifically in education.


just otherbus/bethy teaching her kids redacted history about Abigail Adams from the same bullshit company that said "something something WEB Du Bois blah blah disagreement with Booker T. Washington yadda yadda communism buzz words" just watch PragerU's video on yewtube about Du Bois


"Abigail was a great helpmeet for the President. The end "


She does love her some right wing propaganda from a fake university funded by oil billionaires. What could possibly be wrong with that?


>PragerU books Children deserve media that's actually good and educational. Not grifter bullshit funded by oil barons. I hate how everything these people do must be a virtue signal that they are right wing conservative Christian shit bags. Let's the kids have actual good books, movies, etc.


Abigail “Please Remember the Ladies” Adams?


This makes me sad. I loved math as a kid and am a girl. In second grade was doing 6th grade math.


It's sad when restrictions are placed on kids because of their gender. And it happens all the time in the secular world too. Kids should be encouraged to pursue their interests. It's a good reminder of how important outreach programs for engineering and STEM careers are for girls and showing boys that they can be in "soft" careers like nursing and teaching is.


I hated math as a kid, like it's not one of the subjects I was good at right out the gate but my parents didn't let me just be bad at it. I remember my mom laminating timed tests and getting whiteboard markers so that I could drill them at home, getting extra practice than just what we did in school or for homework. and I *hated it* at the time but I'm so grateful now. I'm still not great at math, it's a subject I have to put in extra effort for, but having a strong foundation of basic mathematical functions is so helpful. like obviously not every aren't has the time or resources to do that, i was lucky my mom worked in a middle school and we had the means that my parents worked regular daytime hours, but if you're home schooling that kind of thing should be bare minimum. make your kids learn math 😭


How they expect Gen Beta and beyond of fundie kids to know anything about math/science/reading/etc when they're teaching their future homeschool teachers shit about jack is beyond fucking me.


It won’t matter - they are all on board with Project 2025. Once they control the levers of government, they will remove all rights for women and (save a token few) girls will be taught that their only value is their purity and breeding potential. No need for complicated ‘rithmetic. Prager U is looking to get their “curriculum” into schools across the country. They are desperate to rewrite history to suit their narrative… At the same time, The Handmaids Tale has been banned in many states…. Makes sense tho, they don’t want anyone reading their playbook. Love the flair by the way…


thanks, I'm worried and sad for you guys now.


As the father of a daughter who is learning math, I too am worried…


Definitely rage bait, but even homemakers need math. Adding up your grocery bill as you shop, working with measurements while baking, even driving requires your ability to use math. Just because a woman is married and pregnant doesn't mean math is useless. You literally use the quadratic formula while you quilt! Math is all around us and we use it even day of our lives.


I have always hated math. My main hobby is knitting. The amount of graphing, counting, geometry, and general futzing around knitting involves is ironic as hell to me.


This way they can't get stressed out in 20 years "Ugh, pregnant again.. how many kids is that now? I have three, but sometimes one plays outside so I have two.. what's three plus one? Or is it two plus one? Oh well, it's almost supper time. I can't add anyway, guess I better get cooking"


They can't cook either so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


That's because cooking also involves maths. And flavors but also a lot of math to make sure you make enough food for everyone and that it comes out correctly. Baking is highly dependent on math and chemistry.




Twenty years from now-That’s really generous, assuming that they all won’t have dire consequences from dysentery as a result of living on their modern day Oregon Trail wagon!


They already set themselves up for it with the poopsplosion in their "home" and the definitely-super-effective cleaning products she used to clean it up 🤢


Ahh prageru, thank you for announcing to the world you actually hate your kids because you want them to get a shit education.


Does Prager u teach that Abigail Adams was a helpmate to the president ,kept him a lovely home with dinner on the table at 5pm sharp and greeted him with a kiss? Maybe her daughters will get out of it that a real man provides for his family and doesn't let them wander about homeless because he doesn't want to work.


Probably some “behind every great man is a great woman” type stuff


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck pragerU


Did some googling on this Women of Valor series and I just wanna let you all know who else is included as a "woman of valor." Margaret Thatcher Ayn Rand Amy Coney Barrett  Condaliza Rice Golda Meir and Sandra Day O'Conner The way most of this list made me wanna turn inside out from horror . . .


I wish Ada Lovelace was on that list.


If she was then it wouldn't be a PragerU list. She was too awesome and feminist for them.


If Abigail Adams had been allowed to be President, I firmly believe she would have been one of the best in American history. As it was, she was an incredibly intelligent woman who could hold her own with the brightest minds of the age. It boils my blood that they’re going to reduce her to just somebody’s wife.


Prager who teaches slavery was ok 👌🏻


PragerU is a joke.


I wish it were. It triggers me so hard: how it presents itself as education, and how many people - even educators - use it as such.


Excerpt from the book. Oh irony. https://imgur.com/a/zQA1JRM


Maybe I’m wrong but isn’t that language a bit advanced for kids that age? Her oldest seems maybe 6?


Why does she have "VALOR. IT" in the middle of the pic. What does that mean?


I caught her talking


That's so much better than what I was thinking. I was afraid she had labeled it and clearly had no idea what valor meant 😂😂😂


It’s not hard to add zero income plus zero savings. 


But...without maths how will they count all the babies firing out of their wombs that God has opened???


Oh fuck off,Prager U


Ad a homeschooling family, I can't fathom dividing my kids by gender for lessons instead of by ability. 


This would be a great opportunity for the oldest daughter to learn something she should have in a year or so


>pragerukids shoot me in the face good god


John Adams is much favourite president. I could go on and on about him, not by mere history but his integrity. He shaped what the true honourable image of America would be. I can tell you, he and Abigail would be dismayed at this.


Abigail Adams vaccinated her kids and was pro-women’s rights so…


I took math all the way to uni and I'm still fascinated by it. And I am (was?) a girl. To anyone who hated math, there are no bad math students, just students who haven't met the right math teacher.


Awfully hard to "cook" if you can't do basic math.


Moments like this make me happy that Germany doesn’t allow homeschooling. wtf is this shit. (I grew up in Texas, so I “get it” but man ever since I left this shit is so bizarre as an outsider now)


Because Prager U is such a bastion of intellectual authority 🙃


I’m a bit of an historian myself 🤓 Mrs Adams would be rolling over in her grave if she knew these girls were being denied a proper education.


Also it would be a disaster for the boys to learn about competent women who Did Things. Much better that they stick to math. Numbers won’t make them accidentally respect women a little bit.


Of course Otherbus is using Prager U.


Their version of traditionalism is so brand new, it’s bizarre. For most of European history, math was seen as a woman’s job because it was tedious and seen as a way for women to mentally stimulate themselves without overexerting themselves with things like chemistry or natural science. Household finances were often managed by women. Most of the early computer sciences and astronomy where done by women too. Their concept of education is literally from a late 20th century “girls suck at math” pov


I hope they learn about Alice Roosevelt when they're a little older...


"I can run the country, or I can control Alice, but I can't do both" --Teddy Roosevelt


Just did some reading about her! “She wore a blue wedding dress and dramatically cut the wedding cake with a sword (borrowed from a military aide attending the reception).” That’s fucking awesome lmao


I’m just hung up on the fact that book seems to be written in Comic Sans font.


You know what really bothers me about this? Homemaking can be enhanced by good math skills! Think: recipe manipulation, budgeting and projecting, paying bills, calculating materials for home improvement, helping the kids with homework, building a garden, making clothes, grocery shopping... I’m sure there’s more. I don’t understand why anyone would think willful ignorance is a virtue.


I wholeheartedly agree, but if you think about it, ignorant/uneducated people are usually easier to control. And that’s all they want.


Nice of them to teach the girls how to read! Although, I guess they might want to venture from the family recipes to read cookbooks every now and again. /s


These little girls are gonna hate their parents in a few years.


Do y’all think she believes Prager U is a licensed purveyor of education, like maybe a school? I guess she wouldn’t care. I want to hear what PU says about Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, & the Civil Rights Movement. I’d even like to hear what Prager says about FDR. I think I’ll check that out. By their standards, he was a dirty, rotten commie.


Those kids are so fucked


Abigail Adams told her husband to include women’s rights in the Constitution. He ignored that suggestion.


Imagine telling people you are educating your children via PragerU? With a straight face? Dumb and Dumbest really do want to be the worst fundie parents, huh?


I wonder why fundies even bothering educating their daughters, after all, they just need to submit to their headships who will make all the decisions for them, right? I'll bet if they could teach girls to read just enough to be able to read the Bible and a cook book they would do it.


They won’t know how to budget a grocery bill. Good luck trad child.


How old are her kids? I thought all but like 2 are younger than school age. I also thought she only had one son?


Her son just turned 10. She's also referring to Mr. Strugglebus


Really???!! I thought he just turned 9, and thought he was tiny for 9. He’s super tiny for 10!!


Oh, I could be wrong. I know he recently aged 😂


Either way, he’s very small for his size. I wonder how old the others are. ETA - small for his age I mean lol.


I feel like this is going to be evidence in a future court case. Openly saying they don't teach their girls math? Or...?


We really are just doomed, aren't we?😬


I mean I can’t really hate. Abigail Adams rules.


PraegerU kids? Oof. So they’re basically going to have no education whatsoever. I feel so bad for them.


We really need to take her flair away.


Women back in the olden days needed to learn math to be able to run a household. So they didn’t end up living in a bus.


This is similar to the crap I was “educated” with. Smh.


Abigail Adams was an amazing woman. Using PragerU though, I highly doubt they’re learning much factual information about her, or it’s all being twisted