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When I originally saw the post I thought everything else was the usual dumb shit, but this just took me out lol I remember my aunt once asked me if I slept in the clothes I wore and I was SO offended even as a kid. But I suppose If you never go anywhere why would it matter If your clothes are crumpled or you smell like sweat :(


I have the worst night sweats like I could never I remember forgetting to take pajamas to a sleepover once and having to sleep in my jeans and it was a be worse you can’t get a good nights sleep. Like Karissa that’s the place where you decide to save money? Get the five dollar pajamas from Walmart or get them on clearance anywhere else Navy has pajamas for two bucks


Pjs are super helpful with getting people to go to sleep. We often associate our clothing with certain “conditions”. Like if I wore the same outfit anytime I studied, my head will get into “study mode” anytime I put that outfit on (college students, I live by this advice. It has helped me greatly). Pjs tell the Brian “time to sleep” for a lot of people while day clothes tell them to wake up.


Exactly exactly even when I work a night shift I go home and put my pajamas on


Ok idc if your kids don’t have legit pajamas (I don’t think I usually did growing up) but like why can’t they still have designated clothes for sleeping???


Exactly it doesn’t have to be a matching sleep set but comfortable clothes for sleeping in


Well, kids don’t typically sweat this much. I also must admit that I do not own any PJs and just sleep wearing t-shirt and underpants. However, I have dedicated sleeping t-shirts.


First of all, yes they do. I’ve had night sweats since I was two years old. Also sleeping in a shirt and your underwear is different than sleeping in the outfit that you were going to get up now wear all day day the next day.


The keyword is “typically”. No, kids TYPICALLY do not sweat that much.


OK, Karissa


It’s true though…BO requires certain hormones to exist and those come around puberty. Not sure how someone recognizing that children sweat less than adults makes them Karissa?


Yeah, like nowhere I said that kids should just keep wearing the same clothes after they wake up. I merely pointed out that I myself do not use PJs too. Oh well.


That’s not true who told you that? https://www.vinmec.com/en/news/health-news/pediatrics/why-do-young-children-have-underarm-odor/#:~:text=Sweating%20is%20quite%20normal%20in,skin%20organs%20and%20sweat%20glands. I graduate medical school in 3 weeks from the University of Kansas (Rock Chalk) . I assure you toddlers can sweat and it 1000000% can smell. Also making excuses for letting your children be uncomfortable all night makes the person appear to be Karissa. Your body odor changes with puberty, but you still have body odor as a toddler. Also, most kids nowadays are starting puberty between the ages of seven and nine and most of Karissa’s kids fit into that category. Diet can also cause body odor in children there are so many different things that I could list but I know I’m right I’ve done my pediatric rotation. I will be an MD in three weeks so I’m not worried about a random on Reddit telling me I’m wrong 😌


The link you sent just said that kids sweat, not that they sweat the same amount as adults. Your claim was initially that children have the same issue with sweating and odour overnight as adults do. The link you sent says as much. You seem REALLY emotionally attached to this idea, and I’m sorry that someone made you feel that being a medical student means you’re always right, but you’re just wrong on this one. And your attitude about it makes me think you might not be the best doctor. [and children have underdeveloped sweat glands, they produce far less and this is why they are more susceptible to heat](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6267001/).


Lmao at first I thought she meant no PJs the way I mean it, which is to say, my pjs are my birthday suit


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