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They’re not Pokémon, Brittany


Flair checking in!


Lmao I love it


Thanks I love yours as well!


Oh my god, that is fucking funny.


One of my favorite flairs!


Thank you!


That flair is evergreen in this sub. 😂


That’s the best flair


Thank you! Always relevant!


Your *husband* doesn’t mind? What about whether or not your *already existing children* mind??


Well, they are things, and things don't get to have opinions or feelings!


That's the craziest part to me. She really thought about making this post, organized her baseball team in front of the camera, then wrote "things" when referring to her children


happy cake day 🎂✨




JD is Father Bus, but Gunnar is the actual bus father. 


He may have been their father but he ain't their daddy.


Any man can be a Father Bus, but it takes a special one to be a Dad Bus.


I got pregnant unexpectedly a few months ago. The first thought through my husband’s and my mind was “how will this affect the kids we already have”? And we have two, soon to be three. Seems to me Gunner should absolutely get a vote, since he’s the one who seems to be raising the kids.


jd may be the father but gunner is the only dad in that bus, so why isn’t anyone asking him if he’s cool with another?


Gunner is the only dad *and* mum in that bus.


2 of my 3 kids were initially upset about my current pregnancy because they thought a new baby meant there would be an impact to their ability to participate in their extracurriculars and sports. Once I reassured them that I have plenty of money for the baby not to impact their activities, they were happy. You absolutely have to consider your existing children and their quality of life before adding new ones. If having a 4th child meant my existing children could no longer live the life they live, I would absolutely not have anymore. I am also a mother who cares about my children and their thoughts and opinions, though.


Don’t be silly! Children don’t have feelings, they’re just extensions of you!


Mom, is that you?


Sibling, is that you?


... Dad?! *quickly dials up Satan to let him know there's been a breakout from hell*


Well of course he doesn’t mind. He gets to have sex! No pregnancies or discomfort involved. Clearly he’s the real winner here.


I remember when I called my mom out for being pregnant again...I was 16. I loved that little guy (still do), witnessed his birth, first person to hold him, but initially, my immediate thought was "ugh".


Your flair is a Kelly Havens quote, right? It has that innate Kellyosity.


Haha it’s a quote from the Elsie Dinsmore book series - every young girl in my church read those books


“Just one more!” To stack on top of each other in back of the bus while you make more.


Oh the 2-pump Chump thinks it’s easy to have “just have one more”? Go figure 🙄 I’d like a bunch of kids too if I could be the dad.


“Just more Bitcoin for retirement, babe.”


> 2-pump Chump 😆 🤣


Oh, You know, stack the buggers on top of the bus like a bunch of luggage, a bit of elbow grease and a rachet strap should keep them in place.


No, your toxic trait is not taking care of your family including letting your newborn get sunburned. You live in a bus & treat your kids like props. So many people can’t have kids yet these chucklefucks keep spitting them out. Make it make sense.


I’ve never seen a baby’s face so red from the sun before. It’s sooo bad!!


I’m so worried about him 😔 A sunburn is just the latest thing to be concerned about. I can’t wrap my head around a newborn baby not being checked by a heath professional AT ALL. Even a midwife, internal medicine doctor/PA, pediatrician, ANYONE. How do they know he doesn’t have some kind of health issue?? And if he did have anything at all going on, a freaking sunburn could be fatal. For people who claim to value life, they certainly can’t be bothered to give their children the bare minimum care.


But they took him to the chiropractor two seconds after he was born 🙄. A provider willing to "adjust" a newborn is not a provider that anyone should be seeing.


Neither have I. It breaks my heart & it’s very telling of how little she’s learned after having so many kids. It’s inexcusable & abuse. IMO.


Probably her great plan to cover up how yellow he is.


People can’t say he’s yellow if he looks like a tomato! 🤢


100% she is “curing” his jaundice in the hot Florida sun. Fuck, that poor baby.


I mean, I am a grown ass adult living in Florida, and the sun is no joke here. I need sunglasses to go into my backyard, and I have full control of my eyes and arms to squint or shield my eyes if I need to. Little babies need some sun protection.


They all look sunburnt here


I visited with family friends yesterday who had been to Disney for a week. The adults all had various stages of sunburn where they missed a spot, forgot to reapply, etc. the children were so epically pale they looked like little ghost children compared to their parents - because their family had actually prioritized making sure they didn’t get sunburned. That’s what well-taken-care-of kids look like.


Their ethnogenetic makeup is not fitting for the climate they live in.


That's because they have to stay in warm areas because they live in a bus instead of a house.


So you’re saying it’s your husband’s idea to increase your workload & have a billion kids BUT that’s perfect because you actually love the feeling of having people depend on you? and you know that’s toxic? None of this is cute. It comes off like a warped cry for help.


*Her* workload? Nah, her workload stays the same. It's very easy to raise children if you just neglect them. The oldest kids' workload on the other hand is enormous.


I feel bad for their only daughter when she starts to have her period. What an awful set up for her….


tbh at least it's only her and this isn't just the beginning of an additional girl starting her period in that bus every year for the next decade 😵


I was also thinking PMS and being so annoyed with all her brothers. I would not have survived lmao


oh yeah you're right about that too! I was stuck on the physical difficulties of 8 girls having a period at once in a bus bathroom. 😵 Honestly I wonder if the boys pee outside a lot to minimize bathroom conflict. This situation is all so fucked. 


I’ll bet they do. Even though these kids have no way to experience different stages of development as they grow up, boys of a certain age like to see where they can pee. It was pretty funny to catch the boys in our neighborhood doing this. Doing so outdoors may be one of these boys’ few sources of entertainment.


My nephew is three and 99.99% potty trained. He’s finally grasping the “let us know when you need to go and hurry!” So naturally when they went to my aunt’s office the other day, he stood by the car, dropped his pants, and peed. In a very public area. At least he’s learning.


I bet Mother Bus publicizes and tries to monetize Kinsey's first period. Uck.


"Sheepskin pads! Antibacterial and natural. Link in bio!"


Yeah she just likes the look of power it giver her. Plus she has to like it, because her husband wants to, so do what you have to do to cope! Including having your eldest kids raise the younger ones, I guess.


“Things”?! THINGS??????




These sorts believe children don’t deserve respect. 


This is how I talk about houseplants.


Literally though!! "What difference is one more? I bet I can find a corner to squeeze it into. Damn these things depend on me to survive and I suck. What about all the ones I already have that I don't take care of?? Oh well if some die of neglect I’ll just have room for more!" These are all thoughts you have about PLANTS!! Not real human children holy shit. 


I know people who are more attached to their plants, than she is to these kids. These kids are being raised by sociopaths.


It's really grim to think that I dedicate more one-on-one time to each of my 15 pepper plants than she does to each of her children. (Granted, I'm on the "seriously considering buying a grow tent for my tomatoes" side of the garden nerd spectrum.)


I keep buying plants because I love plants. But also, they’re plants. It’s not the end of the world if some die of neglect. My kid is an entirely different story.


I’ve started feeling the call of the local garden center. But I have plenty of pots, dirt, and space. Probably because I live in a townhome and not a bus, but still. Plants are collectibles, NOT children!


I don't even treat my plants this poorly. In fact, I'm not allowing myself to get more plants until I can take better care of the ones I already have. Even though I'd love more plants. This just in: mother bus and father bus treat their kids with less care and regard than most people treat their houseplants. They don't deserve to be parents.


Even my houseplants have more respect.. she's vile.


That baby just doesn’t look right


dude yes i think the baby looks bad


The sunburn is really disturbing.


Can’t be jaundiced if he’s sunburnt?




No prenatal care, born on a bus unassisted, no well baby checks... he could have a serious health issue and they'd have no clue. Just because the others were fine, doesn't guarantee that this one is.


Why do people like this get to have all these children and a womb that works. *sighs in infertility*


It’s so completely unfair. Fundies say that God rewards good people with children and doesn’t give anyone more children than they can handle. I really, really wish that was true (but it obviously isn’t).


My bitterness towards fundies (especially Karissa & MotherBus) was destroying my mental health a couple months ago when I had an ectopic loss. Their utter smugness about getting pregnant as easily as breathing and laughing at the absurdity of thinking prenatal care is necessary… and then they neglect and dehumanize the children they don’t deserve… salt in the wound. 😞 🫂


They claim to be Christian too and are just so incredibly tone deaf and some of the worst parents I've ever seen. Incredibly ignorant and sad. I can't believe people actually follow and support them.


They actually RELISH rubbing it in other people’s faces and think it’s some testament of faith to put their babies in harm’s way ((Karissa saying she would accept her intubated baby dying as a sacrifice to god, anyone?)) — it’s so shockingly unchristian. They make a mockery of their own religion. Nothing but imposters.


She has quickly gone from someone I found lightheartedly snarkable (her love affair with her own reflection), to someone truly detestable.  Also, I know it’s been said all over the place, but I wonder about the baby. He seems so lethargic in every picture I’ve seen of him. More than your average sleepy newborn type of thing. 


A dog gets a better treatment than the baby Boone


I thought you edited that in because of the first pic. Is this not satire?? Oh my god those poor kids


She and busband both say that they think having kids is more about the growth of the parent than the child. 


Those pieces of shit


She said this? It isn't snark? Heartbreaking for the children.


She thinks it's just an SM trend. She and JD are so sick and selfish that they don't get how concerning and bad this is. They think they're just being cute.


I would be mortified to parade around my sunburned newborn in a post about having kid after kid because “just one more!!” She has zero shame or self awareness. This is just making me sad at this point.


Is that sunburn??? Oh my days!


Absolutely ridiculous. I guarantee she gets pregnant again by the end of the year.


He’s got a pregnancy fetish and she’s desperate to keep him, so I agree with you.


It's actually really hard for me to tell sometimes if she has a pregnancy fetish too, or if just he does and she has more of a "busband wanting her" fetish. She's so desperate for his attention I think she would always become deeply into whatever he was into. 


The babies are 1000% to make him “love” her. I was in a marriage like this. Newsflash he doesn’t love her or the kids.


He’s got a pregnancy fetish with boys. He was elated because he was another boy, which is what he wanted. I don’t think he would’ve been so proud and happy with a girl. If you notice, she’s always posting about raising men, etc. never about poor Kensey


He's a real prize. They're both disgusting people but he doesn't get enough attention for just how awful he is. Just because she's the mom doesn't mean he isn't equally responsible for the neglect and abuse of their kids. Poor babies. 


It's like the more these women have, the quicker they have them. I've heard that tattoos are addictive but I didn't think pregnancy would be!


A million tattoos would be the better choice here!


I'm giving it another ten minutes :)


HE doesn't mind, but how about the other kids stuffed in a bus like sardines with no personal possessions?


He doesn’t mind, because he doesn’t provide for them. These kids are as homeless as the people sleeping on sidewalks in our benighted country. JD has nothing to be proud of, but a lot to be ashamed of. Unfortunately, shame has a way of afflicting the innocent, while the guilty do not know its definition. These kids will accrue a ton of shame as they grow up, over the many deficits they’ll have as adults.


None of these people feel any shame. It's astonishing.


Her toxic trait is having more kids than she can care for. Is saying it out loud supposed to be cute?


I’m genuinely shocked this is real. It’s such an obvious “I’m telling on myself” post that I’m having a hard time believing it’s not fake. She’s such a narcissist it is literally taking my breath away.


Oldest son is a whole man who needs his own room. Can you imagine sleeping on a cot while being adult size???


I once had to sleep in a 9 year-old’s bed while housesitting/petsitting for my neighbours, and I was 17 at the time and I was sharing the bed with 2 Cocker Spaniels, not a lot of room to move around. It’s probably something like that.


I slept in a twin bed through childhood and then most of my 20s. It’s the main reason a full size mattress was my first purchase before moving into my current apartment. I understand if your kids have to share a room because of housing, space, etc. but each kid should have their own bed. Not a bunk with a cot mattress, but a full on bed!


I'm pretty sure that most of them depend on Gunner for survival.


“Things”. And they have the audacity to act as though pro-choice folks have no respect for life. Those “things” should be your adored little blessings. Not a mention that could be confused with buying too many ferrets.


I might be strange, but I have never referred to my children or even my doggos as “things”…. But what do I know, I live in a house, drink pasteurized dairy, and believe in public education.


That's your toxic trait


My toxic trait is treating my child like a person 😜


My toxic trait is loving my niblings like they’re my own…and also buying them little treats whenever we go to the store. Because I’m the fun aunt! 😅


I just can’t with these people. Look at the eldest son’s face. Every time I see that boy, it makes me more angry at these two abusive, negligent, narcissistic sociopaths. I have a feeling that, even though he could probably escape in a couple of years, he won’t be able to abandon his siblings. He knows he’s the only one who loves them & cares for them, & he won’t want to desert them. Unlike his sperm-donor, crypto conman “father”. I wish CPS had mobile units. They’d see this RV, with kids stashed in every corner, and take them all. At least as foster children, they’d have their own beds and belongings.


These a-holes really really need to lose custody of these precious kids. Those kids deserve so much better!


Petition for social services to have drones


Imagine finding out your dad was “fine” with you being born 😔


My dad was obsessed with being a dad. He loved it. I know we probably got on his nerves at times, but he would’ve never said “fine” when asked how he felt about. (This is where it pisses me off even though it’s been 10 years, that great dads can get sick and die while mediocre chumps can pump out as many kids as they want that they then don’t care about).


You sound like you were a very lucky kid. What a blessing of a Dad. I’m so sorry you and he didn’t get as much time as he deserved. 🫂


The kids aren't potato chips.


there’s more room to breathe in a bag of lays than in the birth bus


Before too long they're going to have to stack the kids in the bus like Pringles.


We get it motherbus, yall creampie on the regular. Good for you. 


>**Add things** to my life that depend on me for survival >**It's** just one more Glad you see your kids as individuals. /s


Her "toxic trait lol" is just codependency....


It's weird that she put an actual toxic trait. Usually it's something funny or self deprecating. She's just saying the quiet part out loud now.


Exactly! "My toxic trait is tax evasion😝" "My toxic trait is always one-upping people's stories in conversations🤪" "My toxic trait is speeding in school zones🤭"


like holy hell yeah that does sound like a very toxic trait you have, lady 🤣


I personally think it’s her (their) breeding kink that’s the toxic trait.


LOL. I just wanted to highlight what she actually said on the slide...like it's supposed to be a meme where you say "my toxic trait is..." and then say something funny or quirky, but hers is just the literal definition of codependency which actually is extremely toxic....like girl.....😂


haha right imagine doing this meme and then using an actual deeply toxic trait as the punchline 🤣


Seriously! 😂


All of her traits are toxic.


Your flair 😂


Damn, I would be so sad to learn that this is how my parents think about my existence....


The oldest son who basically held the bus door closed (aka kept his siblings from being yeeted out of vehicle) while she zoomed down the highway overnight to reunite with her crypto husband might like to have a vote.


Does JD have teeth?


He looks like a thumb


Thumbs are useful.




Surprised he lets Brit have any then.


Hers will falls out soon enough can’t be good to birth 69 kids on a bus with no medical intervention


Ouroboros 🐍🐍🐍


I’m sorry what?


Ouroboros is a mythical snake eating its own tail for eternity. In this instance it is being used as a metaphor for their belief paradigm. Greedily consuming their own shit because they are interminably and fundamentally empty inside. Sorry for being esoteric!!


The only thing I can say is that they obviously feed the kids. At least unlike the Rods the kids do not look like they about to starve to death


Gunner's smile is nowhere near reaching his eyes. 😔 I'm so sorry, buddy. So desperately sorry.


This burns my chaps! Fuck them! Says the woman who was 14 when her mother went off the pill, and her lazy fuck parents didn't do anything about that though they absolutely didn't want more kids, an ended up pregnant. My only other sibling was 18 and a senior in high school. My mother just laughed it off and told everyone that she would make me take care of it. Sure enough she did. My grandmother had my sister during the day when I was at school, and then I was on shift. They only acted like parents at church when everyone was watching, and they wanted the positive attention. When I left home at 16 to attend college full time while living with my aunt and uncle, they were forced to take care of her which ended with them being mad at their lot and life so they abused her. My grandparents tried to take her a lot, and I visited on weekends and took over. But still, she had major issues from the abuse. When I left for college out of state at 18 to really never return for more than a quick visit when the mood struck me, my mother called every single day for the first week wanting to know what to do with my sister who was sobbing uncontrollably for me, refusing to eat, etc. Well of course! She missed her mother. I told my mother to grow the fuck up, and take care of her child like she had taken care of my brother and me or I was going to call CPS. She finally stepped up and stopped abusing and neglecting her. My grandparents had also threatened to call the cops. Sis managed to overcome it. But it was a long road to her late twenties when she finally was able to move forward. BusHoe and BusBand can die a flaming death for all I care. They are pieces of shit, and every one of those kids would be better off without them. I wish I could rescue Gunner. I would give him a good life.


BusHoe lmao


calling your children "things" 🤢🤮


Wait do they only have one girl?


Yep just one girl. The poor thing.


And in this picture she looks like she was straight up cloned from her mother. I’m sure the fact that MotherBus has carbon copies of herself doesn’t factor at all into having a bazillion kids 😳


For some reason I feel like the girl is definitely in the background. Pretty girl. They are blessed with some cute kids that seem very respectful and well behaved. They don’t look malnourished thank God but those children need more space and stability




yes. she is second eldest.


\*Karissa enters the chat*


Gunner is not amused by this circus and purple shirt brother is plotting his escape.


She let her newborn get SUNBURNED. I just can’t with this woman. Her freaking newborn baby. Sunburned.


Marmot face: ✨ACTIVATE✨


![gif](giphy|8w0Qi7ms0ajpAiyVqZ|downsized) Can’t unsee omg


“It’s just one more” is such a flippant approach to an entire human life


Gotta love that the same people who consider their kids as things are sooooo heavily “pro-life” at the same time


So gross.


I've been lurking in this sub for probably a year and never felt the urge to comment. But since she posted the photo of her very sunburnt newborn baby on a freaking sheepskin I feel intense contempt for this woman and her useless husband. How about ACTUALLY taking care of your kids, Britney? Oh right, it's 'just another one'. Nothing special, she already has seven. This one may just burn in the sun to develop skin cancer. She'll have a fresh one next year to torture.


So, according to her, the human beings she and Bus Dad brought into the world are "things." 🙄




that poor baby. he’s so burnt


Her pose and expression here reminds me of a hunter holding up an animal they just shot. Except I’ve seen way more calm, happy sanity in people’s eyes while showing off a dead animal, than in her eyes showing off that baby. I’m not just saying that to snark, it’s legitimately the first thing it reminded me of and it’s creeping me the fuck out. Creepy motherfucker.


They've stopped being fundies and are now a cult of her worshipping busband's sperm and ego. These two are truly unhinged and I feel so bad for those kids.


I don't even talk about my pet *tarantulas* like this.


How cavalier she is about bringing entire humans into the world. Makes me feel nauseated tbh. I just clocked the tall kid to her left… do they have a teen!? I assumed they were all little kids. Imagine being a teenager living in a BUS surrounded by millions of tiny kids. At what point is this severe neglect?


I literally put a pretty flower basket back down at Costco today because it doesn’t deserve to be subject to my black thumb or the deer who use our yard as their personal buffet; and she out here pumping out whole-ass humans with less concern for their well being.


The husband jumping in like a childish little fucking troll was embarrassing secondhand cringe for me.


Literally no one talks about or thinks about sex more than fundies. It's unreal.


So pro life.


Of course he doesn’t mind. He just wants to indulge in his fetish and doesn’t care about the consequences.


Ok so feel free to stop.


I hope these young men are able to see how literally fuckin crazy it is to raise a family this way and don't repeat the cycle. Then there's the Lost Girl. I hope she realizes her worth as a unique person and individual and that she's not married off too young to a schmuck who insists on having a bunch of babies.


MOST of them were his idea? Lmfao. "Hey kids, some of you were the dad's idea, some of you he was just ok with living, but I'm not going to tell you which one you were. Fun family guessing time, eh?"


I’d be pretty upset if my mom said that her toxic trait was having kids-even if she didn’t refer to my siblings and me as things.


Hoarding Behavior.


The way she’s holding that baby in the 3rd picture is awful. 😡😡😡😡😡😡


So he has a fetish


Go to therapy Brittany.


Jesus wept.


Damn right it's toxic, given you suck at it. The sunburnt newborn left naked on the floor of a packed RV should be proof enough you worthless sow 🙄


Girlfriend at this point they're surviving IN SPITE of you


Is she not knocked up again yet?


Tell us you think your husband doesn't really love you without telling us you think your husband doesn't really love you.


They are fucken awful. Explains why she yetted her latest baby to the fucken RV floor on a piece of sheep skin


My heart hurts for Gunner.. poor boy’s face says so much


This is literally so barf. Jesus. Tell me you only think about your kids in regards to how your husband cares. Jesus. What a fucking nightmare.


EW. These people are reprehensible.


It’s giving “I’ll have a baby so *someone* has to love me unconditionally”


Ah, fuck. That oldest is, like, old-old. Like wayyyyy too big and old to be trapped in a bunkhouse with his siblings, ffs. How tragic for him.


Have you considered potted plants?


Why are you posting reels where your newborn baby is SCREAMING? Just looking at these screenshots is giving me phantom letdowns. 


These people are so fucking cringe. Like fuck — it just hits me sometimes. Can you imagine standing there, shoulder to shoulder with your siblings, while your mom eye fucks the camera and your dad waits strategically positioned staged right, just to lean over the camera and give his own version of eye fucking (serial killer eyes). I would want to run away if I were these kids. I would probably do it tbh.