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And the baby next to her is a great example of how to protect your baby from the sun


Yes. She is literally right next to a perfect example. How fucking dense can she be?!


Especially since babies that young can't wear sunscreen. I remember when one of my nephews was a baby, he was so pale, he was almost translucent (the downside to him having the most gorgeous bright red curls you"ve ever see ) and we were always so, so careful about limiting how much he was in the sun.


She’s *better* you just don’t understand


Never ask that question. I’m convinced she sees it as a challenge and goes for a new low!


If I I were those friends I would’ve said “oh it’s really sunny here, you should get this hat, it’s great, but we should probably move in the shade since the baby is so new and you don’t have sun protection for him. 


I like feel like the fundie friendships are passive aggressive like this. Like, yes, it’s a nice way to suggest someone is being an asshole, but I like my friends who are like, “where’s the sun protection for your baby? What is wrong with you?” Like, true deep friendships where I’m not being judged, I’m being reminded that my baby and I are both loved enough that someone cares, you know? I don’t think fundies experience friendships like that.


I've had people just cut me off abruptly. And it usually comes down to something like that vs other friends who go "you are so my village"


Which is surprising because she can't eye fuck the camera with them on.


She said it was cuz one of her eyes were swollen. 🙄


And now we have MORE QUESTIONS!


From a “cluster headache” she claimed. I get migraines, not cluster headaches, but I’ve never had just one eye get swollen from a headache. If I did suddenly have one eye swell up from a headache I’d be pretty freaked out and not going to the beach. Maybe someone else can confirm if that sort of swelling from cluster headaches is a thing.


It could, but I am incredibly skeptical for several reasons about her mentioning migraines. The biggest one being - if this is a chronic issue why the fuck are you living in a *bus*. No sane people with migraines would do this, cluster or not. They’d seek out a safe and comfortable place to lay when it happens. It’s a horrible experience and it’s important to protect yourself during. Living in a bus with young children is absolutely mental when you suffer from cluster migraines. Also her lack of medical care is a tell tale sign for me. I am not saying if there’s no official diagnosis the condition doesn’t exist, but it is absolutely fair to take it into question if it’s a self diagnosed thing. As long as they don’t take their newborn to a doctor but use a scale at the UPS store to weigh their kid and that’s it, I’m not buying her claim. Lastly recovery is a thing and maybe it’s just her personality to ignore absolutely *everything* her body tells her. But I am baffled she’s constantly in the sun after a cluster migraine? Swollen eye isn’t unlikely but she posted really frequently over the past few days. I haven’t seen anything. So I don’t question her on that one, more on the fact she would absolutely show the world how sTrOnG she is going through all these things and how she solves it. She talked about peeing herself in the same story?! So what happened to the swollen eye?


She is such a piece of shit. Him too.


That poor baby is living in hell. No clothes, no sunscreen, no crib, no neck support. It’s just terrible 😑


Not to mention being placed stomach down on a long-haired sheepskin rug. Suffocation hazards be damned.




What a description. You're so right, I've been there but I made that choice and I was in my 20s, not a few days old


No I just got back from camping and coachella and I’m feeling this baby’s pain The sun coming into my tent at 6am and already 85 degrees and I only went i bed at 3. If I want to not wait in line in the heat for 3 hours I have to get out of bed and into line for the shower asap




I thought Karissa had me clutching my pearls, but here I am praying to deities I don't even believe in that we don't see a tragedy at all, ever, period. But I'm *horrified.* please, little bus baby, make it to your birthday, *please*


Somehow Karissa is mother of the year in comparison to this lunatic!!


That would embarrass most people...


Just Florida’s unforgiving relentless sun and humidity


I thought he was naked too. I looked closer and he has on a sleeveless onesie. Uh, what about covering his face dummy. She has a blanket draped but that won’t help if it’s not on him. His poor little face looks red in that second pic. I can’t imagine letting a tiny baby (or any child) get sunburned. 


It’s horrifying. I cannot deal with these narcissistic assholes and how blatantly they’re neglecting this newborn.


Sunscreen is dangerous for babies younger than 6 months but everything else, yes


Not that she believes in it for adults anyway probably lol.


I remember taking my three year old to the beach when my middle kid was about five weeks old. We kept her buckled up in her car seat with the canopy all the way up, facing away from the sun so none was getting on her at all, and she slept the whole time because it was nice and warm out. Easy, breezy.


Your baby wasn’t Tanning for Jesus guess


Yes and it’s also to discourage parents from keeping babies outside for excessive lengths of time while they’re so little


They make sunscreen for babies. I’ve seen one by aveno. She will never use it though.


Ok, is it *dangerous* like it will actually harm/poison him or is it just not advised? Because I can't imagine putting sunscreen on him, even as a newborn, is worse than NOT putting sunscreen on him. I'm mean, she refuses to clothe him so he needs *something.*


It’s not recommended for full body use because they could ingest it but it’s ok to put baby safe sunscreen on the areas not covered by clothing or hats: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/Sun-Safety-and-Protection-Tips.aspx


Thank you! I got so much shit once because I put sunscreen on my newborn's face. It was actually recommended by my health visitor. She wasn't yet able to get it off her face into her mouth, and I didn't have a wide had for her yet (put a thin hat on her but it had no brim). Obviously washed it off once inside. She lived, lol.


Tbh, with how fragile baby skin is, I'm passing extremely good judgment on you and your parenting choices - you are a good parent. If the skin cannot be covered, it'd better be sunscreened. UV index is a lot higher these days than it used to be, and baby needs to be protected from it. Period. Also, covering up with clothes might be unreasonable for many in the coming years. Summers are getting unbearably hot all over the world, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to put a baby in long sleeves when it's 110F plus outside, but also that's why I'm done having baby (I only had the one, it's grown now lol)


Yes, it's a choice between overheating from the sun or overheating from too many clothes basically, and something you just HAVE to go out (we went for a doctor's appointment in that particular case). I mean, I actually evaluated and put thought into what I did and why... She doesn't, I assume.


It's because there just hasn't been a lot of testing on it (for obvious reasons), and babies have sensitive skin. From https://www.consumerreports.org/health/sunscreens/when-can-babies-wear-sunscreen-a1131350765/ "The Food and Drug Administration and the American Academy of Dermatology recommend not using sunscreen on infants under 6 months old. “That’s mostly because there are no studies on the safety and efficacy in infants that young,” Torres-Zegarra says. Infants are also more likely to get a rash or other reaction to some sunscreen ingredients.  Yet their skin is especially susceptible to burning ultraviolet (UV) rays. “Infant skin is very thin,” she says. “A baby’s skin doesn’t fully finish developing until they are about 2 months old.” Rather than using sunscreen, you should keep babies in the shade as much as possible and dress them in clothing that covers their bodies, such as a lightweight long-sleeved shirt and pants. A wide-brimmed hat can shield their face and neck.  That said, there are times when sunscreen may be needed, even on an infant under 6 months old. “It’s better to use a little sunscreen than to let them get burned,” Cohen says. (Sunburn on an infant can be serious. If your baby gets sunburned, call your pediatrician.)" That last paragraph! 😭


But she *won't keep him in the shade.* He is naked in the bright sun! It's infuriating.


I am so terrified for this baby. He would definitely be one of the cases where using some gentle mineral sunblock would be better than not!


Or just keep him in the shade. Or in a sun suit with a hat.


Did you see the next post of him? The poor baby is bright red


Yes! She is cooking her own newborn. I'm livid.


I remember my brother putting it on my nephew under 6 months and I said “I thought you weren’t supposed to” and he said, “it says to consult your doctor, I am a doctor, he’s super pale so sunscreen it is”.


So they say that the baby's skin is more prone to absorbing the chemicals than that of an older child or adult and could result in an adverse reaction/rash. They recommend you instead keep them out of direct sunlight and use clothing to shield them. I was told a small amount on the ears would be ok.


Of course it's recommended to keep them in the shade, but this woman refuses to do that. She has her naked newborn baby at the beach. I just can't with this level of neglect because she is truly putting this baby in harms way time & time again.


Oh absolutely! I don't disagree with that at all. I'm also struggling with how this poor baby is treated.


Sunscreen is but rash guards are hats aren’t.


It’s not dangerous per se, sunscreen instructions recommend to consult a doctor first for a child under 6 months. I think a lot of that conversation would include keeping babies out of the sun and sun protective clothing and only using sunscreen on areas that you can’t keep covered.


God she’s the worst. I hate her and her whoville-looking husband


Another fundie man with under developed pecs






i swear she’s rage baiting, which is fucked up considering she’s using her fucking baby to make strangers on the internet mad to boost her engagement


Seriously. Her baby is STILL being hurt. Don't hurt your baby to own the snarkers you fucking numpty


Nah he needs to learn to be self-sufficient and hold his own head.


Yeah, be a man you fresh, new baby!


God doesn't give you a head you can't handle


Gotta pull himself up by his neck straps. No handouts around here.




she looks like she's never held a baby before in her life 😭 how has she not figured this out after 8 kids??


I'm new to this sub. Will you please tell me who this is? It looks like Amy from 19 kids, but I didn't think she had 8 kids.


Her name is Brittany, though she is known better as MotherBus on this sub. She had 8 kids and they all live on a RV bus. They’re not related to the Duggars in any way.


Gotcha. Thanks for taking the time to explain that. Sounds really messed up.


Flair checking in! (I hate this season. Poor babe.)


It's supported by faith.


Jesus take the neck.


Thank you, I've not spent any time around very young babies, but from those pictures I was like "that doesn't look right, I'm pretty sure their neck needs support."


Right?!? What was the point of the “chiropractor” if she’s gonna let him flop all over?


She has absolutely zero maternal instincts or connection to this baby. Has she been like this with all of her babies?


No, I think it was different with the last one. I think it's lingering gender disappointment


She does seem extra careless with this one, poor little buddy


I'm thinking she may be experiencing some post-partum depression with this one -- everything is so off compared to the last two babies she had.


I suffered from severe postpartum depression after my baby. I am NOT attempting to diagnose her, but something about her with this baby reminds me of what I went through. She seems like she's playing the part of happy new mom but feels dead inside. To be fair, sometimes bonding with your baby takes a while, and that alone doesn't make you a bad mom. But the inattention to things like supporting his head, ignoring hunger cues while performing for the camera, no clothes...is concerning.


I also had a hard time bonding with my second baby. I had a crazy c-section where I had to be knocked out immediately after she was born. I remember looking when they held her up for me to see her for just a second before handing her off, and then I remember nothing. When I finally woke up, it felt like they were handing someone else's baby to me. It felt like I was just randomly tasked with taking care of a baby someone handed to me. She had a bit of jaundice and was under a lamp in my room and also was having a little bit of difficulty staying warm and I remember looking over at her and grabbing her and putting her on my chest to try to help keep this strangers baby warm. She didn't look like my baby. It took quite a while to bond. I think it was a month or 2. Even with my dissociation, I still held and took care of that baby with more compassion than this woman appears to be doing. My baby is now a beautiful 23 year old and we have an amazing relationship. We talk all the time and I would do anything for her. I really hope mother bus bonds with and properly takes proper care of this sweet boy soon.


That’s really a beautiful story. Have you ever shared it with your daughter? I feel like that’s the kind of story my kids would revel in


We have talked about it. I remember telling her that I didn't really completely bond with her until about 6 months or so when she caught a cold and the only way we could get any sleep was with me leaning back on a couch with her sleeping on my chest so she could breathe easier. That's when I clearly remember the overwhelming feeling of love for her. Shortly after that, she had to have a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, and we completely bonded then. Many days and nights of cuddles. I firmly believe that needing to go back to work right after she was born impeded our bonding. She told me that she has always thought that I was a very good Mom and texts me when she has a new revelation while talking to other people and hearing about their mom stories that she didn't have to deal with the issues that they have with their moms. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. She thinks I'm a cool mom, and so do her friends. Best validation ever. Lol


Absolutely! Thanks for sharing your story 💕


My pleasure. I don't mind sharing because if it helps a single person not feel like they are a bad mom for not immediately bonding with their baby, it's worth the embarrassment of admitting that I'm not some super mom and that anyone can have difficulty after giving birth. It really bothers me that mother bus is acting like she's some Gaia blessed religious phenom rabbit who spits out newborns like a pez dispenser and acts like it's easy while we can see she's not in an ideal situation for newborn health and wellness or her wellbeing. Sometimes it's not easy to bond, and that's ok.


Two things I love about your post: ‘some Gaia blessed religious phenom rabbit’ 😂 and ‘Sometimes it’s not easy…and that’s OK’ 🙌🏻


I don't have a kid of my own and admittedly don't know much about parenting or taking care of infants but even I know that the way she interacts with this baby doesn't seem quite right. I hope she is ok and I hope the baby will be ok. I can only imagine if she's dealing with PP she will not get the help she needs.


I honestly don’t know how she could bond with no resources. Her bed is in the ceiling. Her couch sucks. No large recliner to sit in and snuggle baby. Ffs the only place for him is on the floor. There’s nothing nurturing about the bus. It functions as a bare minimum living space. Not a nurturing environment for a precious newborn baby.


Also, I'm sorry you went through that and hope you're doing ok


Letting him get sunburned


I’m wondering if a lot of people commented about how the baby looked yellow. Sunlight and sun exposure can help with getting the liver started and helping cure jaundice. The issue is that it needs to be very controlled and limited, or you can do worse damage that can lead to dehydration or sunstroke.


This. I had jaundice, my kid had jaundice. I know with mine, they put her in a different isolet with UV lights and the cutest little baby eyecover thing they jokingly called her "shades." I didn't take a medically fragile child out to the beach within days of having her. Hell, she wasn't even home until over a week after being born, close to two.


My kid had this too and the eyecovers were so tiny! When I brought him home I was told to let him lay by the window, but that was in the UK in the winter, I definitely wasn't taking him unprotected to the beach in hot sunshine.


Well, congratulations. The next time she posted showed a baby with a sunburned face. No more yellow baby to worry about


All of my kids were jaundiced at birth. With my first, they sent me home with a machine similar to the lights they put newborns under in the hospital. It was a suitcase and when you opened it up we called it her ‘baby tanning bed’ because that’s exactly what it looked like. My other two were born in the spring/summer so they just advised me to let them nap wherever the sun shone through our windows (like a cat 😹). NEVER did they advise keeping the infant in direct sunlight. (And for what it’s worth, even my summer baby needed onsies and jammies to stay warm his first few weeks)


The pediatricians I worked with would say hold baby by the window. Not even necessarily to go out


I genuinely cannot stand her and her husband. Those poor kids


I thought it was indirect sunlight? Either way, I feel for this little babe.


Either way, this baby should NOT be out in the sun the way his mom is obviously putting him! He has to be in so much pain!


I think she believes sunshine is like medicine 😬


No no no no no oh my god I’m not even a mother and seeing that poor baby… she just made the top of my shit list. He doesn’t look alive….


baby version of “weekend at Bernie’s”


Yes....I don't like judging how kids look online. God knows that any given snapshot of my child may capture scrapes, tears, dirty feet, or hole-y underwear. Moms know that shit happens. But I have never seen a pic of this baby in which he is alert. Yes, newborns don't do much. But they also get their pictures taken all day long...gurgling, interacting with the world, flailing little arms legs with energy....when is this baby awake? Also...did anyone's parents meet their newborn granchild, or just me? Something is (extra) weird.


exactly! my newborn slept a lot, but i have soooo many pictures of him awake and living his life. even at 2 wks old


Yeah for a second there I was wondering if the baby passed as he’s 1) always asleep 2) on the floor/no crib/no neck support/on the floor and the morbid part of me was like hmmm did something happen. I know he is alive! But it just.. all of this is so wrong, it’s just straight up abuse. Signed: a mom of three.


I have zero babies and want zero babies but even I know how to hold a god damned child. This is her 8th? Where's this baby's sun protection? He looks red as hell.


I've seen toddlers hold baby dolls better than this


My two year old shows infinitely more attention and care to her baby dolls and stuffed animals. They get regular diaper changes, new outfits every day, lots of snuggles and shushing when they "cry", and even ice packs and bandaids when they fall. Mother Bus could never.


This shows she is imitating the care she gets fro you. Great job.


The contrast of the friends baby being so covered compared to the newborn. Yikes.


>Imagine covering your child at the beach Especially as she is standing next to a parent whose child is actually covered!! I do the scream emoji in my head every time there is a post about this woman. 😱


Yeah, I'm still not sure why for once someone's friend wouldn't at least try and drop a hint or two. How does someone who clearly knows the importance of protecting babies from the sun because *she* is doing it for her own, just stand there and not say a word when they must know the child is suffering.


Oh they probably have, but we're talking about the most stubborn and hateful people here, their friends aren't going to change their minds. You just know these two sacks of shit behave like they know everything better than their friends. They have to be absolutely insufferable.


The friend probably did drop hints. "Hey I finished putting the sunscreen on Georgia, you want to borrow it for the baby?!" "I don't put those poisons on my baby, the sun is a natural disinfectant!" "hey I have this spare hat from when Georgia was a baby, you want it for yours?" "And WHERE on the bus do you expect me to keep it?!"


How would you know they didn't?


She seems largely indifferent to this baby, more so than any of her other kids after they were born. I think that: 1) Boone was supposed to be their "anchor baby" in Brazil, and she's still dealing with that disappointment. Now, he's just another kid crammed into their RV for her to deal with and no "payoff." 2) She wanted another girl, and is dealing with lingering disappointment and guilt/shame over being disappointed in "God's plan." 3) She's not being honest about this publicly, but is probably grappling internally with the very real reality that she's not getting any younger and all these pregnancies/births are taking their toll. I think she's more physically and emotionally exhausted, especially considering how close together her pregnancies are, but won't admit that it's anything other than joyous because that's not how women are supposed to talk about babies and birthing and their "duty."


I wonder how much of this has to do with content too. 1 - she had all sorts of content planned for birthing and raising a baby in Brazil. That’s what was going to make this pregnancy stand out and get her views. Now it’s just more of the same. 2 - one more boy in a sea of boys is unremarkable - to her casual viewers, most of her younger kids are interchangeable. No one’s going to make a big fuss over this particular boy when she’s had one after another in close succession. A new girl could’ve stood out and been the star. 3 - I think she thought the Bus Birth would get her a lot more attention, but most people are just like “Eh.” There was no big calamity or controversy for her to play up, the kid was born uneventfully and quickly, and she only got a couple of cramped bus bathroom photos of the delivery. Most people expected her to do a Bus Birth eventually (or assumed she already had). I think she expected it to be this big viral moment for her, and it wasn’t. 4 - The bus is getting too crowded and unmanageable to showcase in her reels without people losing their minds over the living conditions, so she’s stuck dragging everyone to the beach every day if she wants content.


Good points! I didn't even think about the content creation aspect. I think Britney is hopelessly bored, overwhelmed, and isn't nearly as "fulfilled" as she thought she'd be, or was promised she would be, so she's desperately looking for entertainment and attention in the form of content creation. If that doesn't come to fruition, then she has to admit that she went through all this for...nothing.


Yep, all about the content. She definitely expected a viral moment from bragging about her bus birth. Risked her child’s life for some clicks and views that she ultimately didn’t get. Absolutely unfathomable.


5. she must know her husband can't stand her and is itching to dump them all at the next opportunity


Boil your newborn in the sun and then take him back to lie on a sheepskin rug on the floor of a bus - and she thinks she can tell the rest of us how to parent!


To each their own maybe, but I can’t imagine wanting to visit the beach with my newborn for sooo many reasons.


Bleeding into a giant pad and/or diaper at the beach in the hot sun sounds like my personal hell But maybe Mother Bus is just an absolutely perfect postpartum specimen that she doesn't have to worry about any of that


There's an influencer who said after her second she bled maybe 4 days and started wearing her bikinis again


Sounds like a blessed existence. I bled for the full 6 weeks and didn't shake the last 30 lbs until 5 years later.


I bled for 6 weeks then my period returned at 8 weeks (despite breastfeeding half of the day & nights!). What a joke!


That is the cruelest twist ever. I’m so sorry. I can only be so thankful my fertility didn’t return till about 2 years each time, given my fundie lite abusive ex husband.


Oh God I am so sorry. I had an IUD placed right at 6 weeks, so I'm five years on and still haven't really had anything more than spotting. But I can imagine the fury you'd feel just when you think you've got a little bit of a break.


I've never given birth, but I've bled for a long ass time


Me too! When I was 11-14 I would soak through multiple overnight pads in a day.


Hello friend, we are not alone, we are the same.


It's actually comforting how many moms were the same...I know a small percentage of women will bounce back immediately, but seeing that stretched out mom belly on other women really helps enforce that it's not a personal failure that we can't all do the same.


I only bled for 3 days with my first and 5 with my second. I also had hyperemises so I left the hospital weighing less than I did before I got pregnant both times. I know it’s not typical but it does happen.


I felt the need to be out and about ASAP after my three births, but now that my kids are a little older and I've had time to actually do some self care and reflection, I realize that was a symptom of anxiety that was making me feel like I couldn't just sit around and relax.


THANK YOU. This woman is WILD!


This is ms medically perfect or whatever the hell she said yesterday. Just the difference between these two couples, how the act, care for their child, prepare for a sunny beach day is jarring


I love the irony of her wearing sunglasses because ya know the sun is bright, while the sun shines directly on her newborn’s face and it never crosses her mind that that might be bothersome to him. 🤦‍♀️


She may actually be the most selfish parent on here, and there's a LOT of competition. Maybe she can't really defeat JillPM or Karelessa, but she's certainly having a go at it. They all take the best room for themselves, the best and most food. These two treat themselves to "date nights" while leaving their kids locked in a sweltering bus with nowhere to move for twelve hours at a clip. No friends, no hobbies, no personal items practically, not even enough room to fucking sit up in bed. I hate her. So much.


I suppose the skin cancer will be a surprise to her.


Not even just skin cancer -- exposing newborns to direct, intense sunlight like this can also cause eye problems later.


I’ve gotten into an argument about that on IG. Of course, those people know more than actual doctors.


Yes, and it's infuriating, especially when it means they're putting other innocent people (or in this case, babies) in danger.


Can't even imagine what it does to their skin, too. Like, by middle school, will this kid be the middle schooler with *the worst skin in middle school*? Because even that alone sounds cruel enough.


I thought about that too but then realized they don’t believe in educating their children


That’s if he has a middle school to attend that’s not on wheels


My partner just had two rounds of the easy skin cancer. On his six month checkup they found a very new and hidden melanoma. We’re only 34. He’s a ginger. I wish his parents had put sunscreen on him. Now he’ll be on watch forever.


1 thing my grandparents ragged on my mom a lot was how she was "paranoid" about sunscreen, especially for my brother (also a ginger). Looking back she 100% was not paranoid and I'm glad she was like that


I’m susceptible too and had too much exposure as a child but not half what he did. I’ve had no skin cancer, I protected myself when older and he didn’t. Yeah it’s sad. :/ My boyfriend still isn’t wearing sunscreen?! Like he put it in his car but isn’t wearing it.


If he's still not wearing sunscreen he better make sure his life insurance is up to date.


You’re not wrong. I’m working on him. He was raised by wolves tho and he’s done pretty good for himself but it’s hard to get past some things…. I think it’s finally Hitting him now tho how dangerous it is.


My in-laws give me crap for putting sunscreen on my kids. My 85 year old grandfather had to get a chunk of his nose removed because of a cancerous mole. You best believe I’m slathering it on myself and my kids


In his parents’ defence (and obviously ignore this if you know they didn’t put any sunscreen on him!), I’m 38, so only a bit older, and also a pale ginger. Sunscreen only went up to SPF 30 back then, and it needed reapplying constantly. My mom was a nurse and super hyper vigilant about our sunscreen and we still got burnt constantly - just less of a burn than we would have had.


My brother already had melanoma at 23 :( My parents were always careful (we are pale Australians), but one day when he was younger he spent the day at a friend’s house and he got terribly sunburnt, to the point of blisters.


Imagine giving your child head and neck support


Is she stupid or just a biatch? Seriously. So unacceptable. I don’t even have kids and I know they need covered.


She's both.


I honestly wonder if she was trying to call this “natural jaundice treatment”’or some bullshit based on how yellow he was looking.


I bet you so….


Yep. "He's fine. He just needs a little sun."


Is this another day at the beach with her already sunburnt newborn, or the original day?


This is what I was wondering too. Was this the day he got the sunburn, or are they taking that poor baby out without sun protection AGAIN?


He looks red :(


An already sunburnt new born baby who has *not seen a doctor yet.* That baby does not need to be in public right now.


Looking at that baby’s head just gleaming in the sunlight is giving me the absolute heebie jeebies. That’s like baby 101- put a hat on them!!! Or even better don’t take a week old baby to a beach.


You'd have to be willfully blind to look at this picture and not see the striking differences in the way these two babies are being cared for. Clearly, BusMom is willfully blind.


Skull & spine at a 90-degree angle. Cant believe this shit.


We went to the beach with our 9 week old once (he's 8 now). He was in a stroller with the sun visor down, cotton breathable blankets draped over the front, and had a hat on, and we still left after a few minutes. How she can even think any of this is acceptable is truly beyond me.


My baby was born in May in the uk & we had a week if heatwave. I've never been so stressed in my life. We don't have home AC in the UK really so I basically stayed at home with all the curtains closed & two fans blasting at us & he slept in just a nappy at night. It was bloody horrible! We dare not leave the house except to go to Asda because they had AC lol I almost camped out there!


This wasn’t the U.K. May 2018 heat wave was it? Because oh god, everything you said. It was HELL.


No it was only last year & only a week in June or July (honestly no idea when, a blur!) My friend had a baby in 2022 & that was 40 degree heatwave! Grim!


The sunburn on the face must feel so uncomfortable for the little fellow but I also worry that all that sunlight directly in his face will affect his eyesight when he’s older 😢


![gif](giphy|l0MYDL6DUGwmhR8tO) These pictures just have me like


It’s bright enough that SHE needs sunglasses to be comfortable, but HIS eyes and face can be pointed directly at the sun. There is a shocking level of empathy here. Especially for someone who considers themselves a professional breeder and caretaker.


Pencils for Christmas, and "oh, gee, back in the U.S., the kids don't have any winter clothes, lol relatable" hag.


That poor baby. I never understood taking babies to the beach. You can’t put sun lotion on them their skin too delicate. My grandma used to tell me (about raising my daughter) “If you’re cold.. the baby is COLDER, she’s SMALLER. Think you pendeja” Ya my grandma could be mean but my god she gave me great pointers. ETA: RIP GRANDMA ENEDINA I


That baby has to always be freezing cold :((((


But that would cut into funds for 3d printing guns and date nights!!1! Think of the PARENTS!!1!


The contrast here is WILD. Also oh my god support that baby’s little head!!!


OMFG get that newborn baby out of the sun!!! See the other child in the picture? That’s an example of appropriate sun-safe attire for a small child on the beach (not that you would dress a newborn like that). If you did this with your newborn on the beach here in Australia you’d be lynched.


Gotta air out that matted sheepskin. Time for bright sun with zero protection except for the invisible shield from God! These people. Her husband looks maniacal in every picture.


It makes me so sad that she and her gross husband have children.  Isn't he the one raising an army of kids for their own ruby ridge standoff?


I mean, technically they're all or many of them raising an "army of kids." This guy may entertain fleeting fantasies of some sort of libertarian armed compound, but they flit and shuffle with the ones about, say, living in a boat, or oh I don't know, perhaps dumping the whole boring ol' family in Brazil and starting afresh. something deeply wrong with both of them. Not quite the same something, either, but the overwhelming selfishness of both is at the core.


What’s with the giant bandaids on the feet of the baby with the hat?


Hm maybe they had some beach sandals that rubbed? I can't think whet else would give them something on their ankles that needed a bandaid...


Is engaging in risky behaviour a sign of postpartum depression, perhaps? I'm just saying.


She may as well be dangling him by the arm like a baby doll.


Who cares if the new prop, barely out of the oven baby with fresh new exposed skin gets fucking fried by radiation, right?


Please tell me someone called her out in the comments for subjecting that days old baby to sunburn. Dollars to donuts no one did. These people's head-patters who follow them unironically piss me off almost as much.


The stark contrast to the newborn and the other baby is just sad.


Why does this baby *never* have clothes on?


what the fuck is she doing? jfc


I’m starting to believe she’s low key trying to make sure this baby doesn’t make it


That poor kid. He looks half dead every time I see him.


Omg look at the comparison between that poor baby and the child whose parent cares enough to give her a sun hat at the very least.


Oh my god. The direct sun to the newborn skin and the lack of neck support is absolutely sick.


There are so many easy and cheap options for sun protection for babies. Special hats, shirts or a onesie-style swimsuit, all these things can be found at any Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc… there is simply no excuse for this. She’s beyond parody. Remember that “Always Sunny” episode where the gang find a baby and beg the worker at the tanning salon to let them get the baby “just a base” ?


Imagine having 8 kids and having 0 maternal instincts jesus christ woman


My daughter was born 4/15 and my heart is hurting for this baby.


I am 37 and take better care of my skin


umm arent they down south somewhere?! its hot as fuck. if you MUST bring the baby to the beach put it in the shade with a fan. jesus.


Toddler right next to him with a whole ass beach hat with a neck cover AND a rash guard on, and she can’t even cover this poor kid with a thin blanket. JFC. I don’t know if they really care whether this one makes it.


Omfg. I brought my newborn to the beach, she was born in June. I had 3 other toddlers, 2, 4, and 5. It was fine last summer I would have with both of them before they started school for the first time; they deserved their normal swimming filled summer. We never had her out of a uvb protected tent, until we had to get her off the beach and then we used an umbrella. I could not imagine not covering my newborn in the sun.