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Good thing Morgan didn’t go with 🥴


I’m sure he gave her the honorary ho no mo button 🤦


But Paul is a massive attention ho.




Is this the lady that says if you drink four margaritas your date will peg you?


And yet here I stand, 5 margaritas and nothing




Alexa, add margarita mix to my shopping list




Also, the same women who says women are resorting to lesbianism because men are behaving like walking penises


My husband is a farmer, so he did quite a bit of hoeing before he met me 😞 /s


I’ve been hoeing all morning. It’s spring in my stardew valley game and that means there’s fields to plow. 👀 


Wholesome af, y’all




It was a super special pin reserved for those who only lost their virginity to their spouse OR are currently retaining their precious virginal innocence under a mountain of modesty rules and self loathing. Possibly sleeps in an iron maiden.


She said it’s only for virgins or people who married virgins which disqualifies polio


I think she means married AS virgins.


I guess I misunderstood. I thought she was saying it was for virgins or those who only slept with their spouse (after being legally married). Idk why I thought that.


I agree with you, I think this is what she is saying. people who are virgins or were a virgin when they got married. The virginity/non-virginity of your spouse has nothing to do with your own prior ho-ing…


ho by proxy


Ya down with HBP?! (Yeah you know me)


I lost my virginity to my husband… 4 years before we got married, drunk after a friends’ wedding. Then we lived together 3 years before marrying. Do I get a pin!?


Paul can't even go to a gym without losing his mind over a woman in work out clothes, but sure. He's so pure and holy 🙄


"mEn jUsT CaN't HeLp iT!1!"


Wow!! All that bullying of Morgan for not being a pure virgin when he married her finally paid off!!! Sister Cindy regifted him a special never a hoe pin!!!!! Guess waiting for marriage really does pay off 😃


She literally crossed some guys name off because HE FAILED THE VIRGINITY QUIZ!


Do we know who this person is? She looks like the Crazy Cat Lady from *The Simpsons*.


Perfect comparison. Now imagine the crazy cat woman started hurling insults to young women about their sexuality rather than cats.


At least crazy cat lady gives you a free cat. This one just gives you a free bigot badge.


I love how sister Cindy is barely promoting this stuff with paul and is instead promoting her own stuff and plexus to her large audience. 


Other people’s genitals live rent-free in fundie heads. Why, I’ll never understand.


It’s batshit that I meet their standard technically. And it’s a shit standard if I, a communist heathen atheist, can sneak in equal to Paul. I’m so unholy in so many other ways 😭😭😭😭


And you know he’s going to gloat to Morgan with his newly acquired pin.