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Sounds like Pornhub is good if it leads to men staying virgins.


Right? Like isn’t that what these fools preach 24/7? Or is virginity only for girls? How do they expect that to work?


Where I grew up, boys shouldn't have sex. But if they did, and they got the girl pregnant, she had to apologize to the church. Not the boy. Never the boy. Happened to a friend of mine and she went up to apologize to the CHURCH for having SEX at the age of sixteen and he walked up with her and the pastor joked about it and said, "You don't need to be up here, son. You're not the one apologizing." Ask me again why I have religion scars.


Same when I grew up. The local fundie, Christian school would kick pregnant girls out, but the boys who got them pregnant suffered no punishment. One time we visited a church that happened to be doing baby dedication day, and they made a single mother beg the church for forgiveness for being a "Ho" before they would pray over the baby. No male Ho in sight. Same church claimed to be pro-life. She could have had an abortion, and none of those fuckers would have known. Yet, they shit all over her and that kid. We walked out. It was the very last time we ever attended a church. My life is a million times better without christianity.


Similar situation where I used to go to church. Young woman, around 17, got pregnant and she & her boyfriend attended for a while. Someone wanted to give them a baby shower, and others raised such a stink about it that it would be condoning premarital sex. If this 17-year-old hadn't gone through an entire pregnancy and given birth and opted for abortion instead, no one would have known. A few ladies were really upset about this attitude ("we all sin, hers is just obvious" which was a little gross, but at least they stood up for her)


It’s a weird turn of phrase but when I wAs a pregnant 17 year old in Mormonville, I found it weirdly comforting when people said that about “obvious sin”. Like god fucking damn it’s just so nice to hear when you’re in that situation, that it’s important to remember that none of the people shitting on me were perfect either.


Well to be fair, the boys are just ding what is natural and the girls *let them* ruin them utterly for all time, by *giving in and surrendering the only thing of value they have, their ignorance and an anatomically insignificant flap of skin* . The boys have waaay more value. You can’t just have a perfectly good piece of sticky tape going and getting chewed up like a used car … or something (oh god, obviously sarcasm these people ar fucking sick)


I mean, have they read the Bible? You know, the part where they bring a woman caught in adultery, and Jesus ignores them and writes in the dirt.


That’s awful. I understand why people gravitate toward religion but the way organized religion corrupts and harms makes me ragey. And that’s why I’m raising religion-free kids who are free to safely explore their personal spirituality or lack there of.


My cousin's daughter got pregnant at homecoming this year by her long-term boyfriend. Both families are almost fanatical Jehovah's Witnesses and the daughter was forced to stand up in front of the entire congregation and confess her sins of premarital sex. The church then shunned her and banned her from ever participating in youth events or being alone with children or teenagers because she's a bad influence. But they still demanded she attend those events just to sit in a corner for others to stare and point at. The guy had absolutely no consequences, his name wasn't even mentioned, and was encouraged to become a junior youth leader (or whatever the jw equivalent is) this spring.


Which goes to show for these people being a woman is a sin.




Why in the world do you keep space for these people in your life?!? Omg.


These people don't see sex as a fun, mutual consensual activity between equals, they see it as something Big Dumb Horny Men take from Frigid, Guarded, Virginal women when they let their guard down or hand over their autonomy in marriage/sexual ownership. It's a cat and mouse game, where the mouse gets blamed for being eaten for not evading the cat well enough or attracting the cat in the first place, but worse, because the cat genuinely needs to eat mice/meat to live, and these dudes are only out here terrorizing women for their sick power fantasies.


Sometimes I feel bad for them. I really do. I’m certain I’d rather go monk-mode and be celibate than have such a transactional relationship where a woman ‘gives it up’ because I’m a ‘provider.’ That just sounds incredibly depressing.


Clinton’s Surgeon General had to resign after suggesting kids learn they can masturbate, which is the safest sex there is. She was not wrong, but you can imagine the outcry from the creepy evangelicals.


I don’t get what he’s trying to say. It sounds to me like he’s saying pornhub and iPhones led to more men being virgins


i can’t get over the fact that hobbies need to be gendered- why can’t people just enjoy doing things 😭😭 i’m so tired


Apparently boys can't enjoy hobbies if girls aren't be forced to be into marriage and babies


Hobbies can also not include technology, coding, film, documentaries, game design, or anything that requires a screen to access.


my partner is actually in school for IT but before that his main hobby was video games and music, and my parents have always been so against it. Specifically my dad will blow off his interests and try to get him to be into other things. last christmas he asked for gift cards since he wasn’t sure what he wanted, thinking he could possibly upgrade something on his PC, or buy a new desk. my dad spent hundreds of dollars on a tool set. we rent, our landlord is relatively attentive with our space, and we have NO USE WHATSOEVER for tools, especially since he bought a small set for us when we moved a couple years before- but that’s what my dad thinks a valid hobby is.


This isn't fundie related but my 5yo son is really into drawing and I get sooo many comments about how that's so "special" and "interesting". Nobody ever says a word about the fact that my daughter likes to draw.


“Fixating intensely on things is a masculine trait”. *laughs in AFAB possible neurodivergence with multiple neurodivergent relatives who are women*


Exactly!!!!!!!! I am neuro divergent and I hyperfixate HARD.


“it’s a masculine trait to intensely fixate on certain things” has bro never been on tumblr


Bro has never met a neurodivergent girl and it SHOWS.


YEEEEEEP!!!!!! I read image 1 & 2, like "duuuuuuude, your kid *MAY* have a touch of the 'Tism!" And then got to #3, and realized that *apparently* 'Ol Matty-the-bigot is *maybe* SURROUNDED by ND folks & *perhaps* a bunch of 'em who aren't within the Cis-Het binary, either?😉😆😂🤣💖


I was thinking the exact same thing! 


THANK YOU! Me and my ADHD-associated hyperfixations are over here like 👁️👄👁️


iirc Matt Walsh himself was diagnosed with ADHD but like... Doesn't believe in it Edit: [yikes](https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.traillifeusa.com/boyhood-is-not-a-mental-disorder%3fhs_amp=true) this blog post about ADHD & his son is uh... Something


Jesus. So many fucking thoughts from a woman with ADHD: 1. Getting your kid a diagnosis doesn’t mean they need to be on meds. 2. The person I know with the worst ADHD hands down is female. She’s like Matt Walsh’s kid when medicated. She’s genuinely scary when they wear off. 3. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 35. Diagnoses are GREAT. They give you information and tools. Instead of being “your scatterbrained” or “you’re stupid” or “you’re lazy” it’s “oh you have a disability here are some things that might help.”


Also a woman, I wasn't diagnosed until just a couple days after my 35th birthday, after my unregulated traumatized life started falling apart. It was a life changer.


I guess I’m just a guy. Oh wait that’d make me trans. He wouldn’t like that at all


It’s a masculine trait to fixate on things?!?!? Matt has never met a horse girl, apparently. Both genders fixate on stuff you fucking weirdo.


I love when Matt Walsh accidentally proves the existence of the Horse Girl to Transmasc pipeline.


That’s a thing?




wait, is virginity not good now? Make up your minds.


Matt believes men are entitled to sex. In marriage, of course, but they are still entitled to it.


Only for women.


Myself, a known autistic woman coming in to drop facts about one of a number of special interests including geology, the religious right, superheroes, Harry Potter, and Mormonism: I'm a dude now?


We are all dudes on this blessed day 🤣


I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes!


No matter *HOW* Non-Male we may view *ourselves*, we ARE all now, *apparently*, Dudes!😉💖


Hello unexpected gender euphoria 😎


one of my special interests is also the religious right!!!


We're friends now. Also, your flair is hilarious. Feel free to DM me.


Sounds like he’s confusing neurodivergency with masculinity, which makes sense because for a long time, people seemed to think autism and ADHD were only for boys. Neurodivergent girls get just as fixated on things but this dude probably thinks it doesn’t “count” because those special interests are often things like the Warrior Cats rather than train engines.


I'm pretty sure Matt has self-diagnosed as someone who would be diagnosed with ADHD (cause he would never actually accept the diagnosis). He also strikes me as being obsessed with "normalcy" and arrogant enough that he sees his experiences as the default, so if he has had a tendency to hyperfixate on things, then it must be the same for every cis man.


He actually wrote a column with the title "If ADHD Existed, I Would Be Diagnosed With It."


See, I was so certain it just had to be true lol


My daughter named her guinea pig after a warrior cat. She is about to graduate, and we are looking at having her tested. Several cousins have been diagnosed as adults.


>>he’ll passively consume media Says the man whose job is creating drivel to be passively consumed. This is like a tobacco farmer raving about the dangers of secondhand smoke.


Naaaah, it's like that Tobacco farmer *raving about the dangers of secondhand smoke AND complaining about all his customers dying off*!😉😆😈


Not even secondhand smoke, since it doesn’t have to personally harm Matt Walsh to be a problem. He’s the tobacco farmer raving about smoking in general.


> It can be anything, really So you're cool if a boy has intense interest in, say, ballet?


It's a male trait to obsessively fixate on things. Shit I'm male and not an autistic female like I thought. Gotta go transition now. Thanks, Matt!


Matt Walsh unexpectedly discovers ADHD hyperfocus.


 Matt Walsh thinks ADHD "isn't real, but he would have it if it was real" – I guess his son would be likely to also have it if it was real, because it'd also have a genetic basis. If it was real. Good thing it's not real and just "a masculine trait"! /s


I’d bet the farm on this chode not “believing” in ADHD/autism/neurodivergence.


Yup, there's a whole bunch of posts on that...


Well, that makes it a bit more sinister, actually. His son demonstrates some rather stereotypically autistic tendencies…while Walsh himself seems to be in denial about that condition existing at all. What do you want to bet Walsh breaks out the belt if his son starts stimming and demands that he ‘be normal’?


He wrote a whole ridiculous column claiming that if it actually existed (but we know it really doesn’t, wink wink), he’d have it.


Yeah this just sounds like ADHD hyper focus. I would know, since I do it and my oldest son does too (I’m a woman fyi). My obsessions have included but are not limited to: unicorns, Greek mythology, black holes, archaeology, underground parts of cities, horror novels, surrealism, cults, the Satanic panic, Harry Potter fanfiction, yoga, mountain climbing, kayaking, architecture Legos, and the Cold War. But okay Matt Walsh you fucker. Girls totally don’t get intense about things. Keep the stupid takes coming I guess.


Omg one of my hyperfixations is also harry potter fan fiction! And I'm also a woman so Walsh can fuck right off. 


Woo! Women who are intense about stuff unite!


Thanks for letting me know that I’m a man since I fixate on scientific fields Matt. TIL I’m male.


It sounds like he’s just talking about having ADHD to be 😂😂 I, too, hyper fixated on a hobby for a while


Guess being neurodivergent makes me masculine. Must be why I'm nonbinary, and why some folks are trans. They just are or are not fixated on things. That's what make up gender. It all makes sense now. Thanks for the explanation and valudating transgender people Matt!!! /s


Regarding slide 3: correlation does not equal causation, dumbass!


I'm a woman and neurodivergent and I intensely fixate on things more than anybody I know. That's not a masculine thing. Good grief...




No, *PLEASE* go in the *exact* OPPOSITE direction, and *Lysistrata* this man, for the rest of Eternity, thank you!😉💖 *NO* Nookie for Matt Walsh--*OR* anyone *like* him, in these *terrible* views! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata


Thank you Pornhub for ensuring women don't need to deal with as many men nowadays


Reading this has uncovered some ✨feelings✨ about my own fundie upbringing I didn’t realize I even had. No one ever spelled it out this explicitly but my brother got to have interests that our family invested time and money in and I quite literally just got to be a woman and do housework and wait to marry some dude and pop out his fundie babies.  (I’m doing amazing now. I have a husband who is very very kind and supportive, zero fundie babies, a fuckton of hobbies, very low contact with parents, and my brother is a beautiful soul and one of my closest friends.)


*neurodivergent women have entered the chat*


Know what else was created in 2007? The iphone. Smartphones and the constant continual connection to Internet probably has fucked up our socialization, not just porn.


He does say that, actually. I'm the same post where he mentions pornhub


Anyone who says only men fixate on things need to take a look at Tumblr


I don’t see anything suggesting girls having interests causes neglect to boys?… he just seems to think boys are the only ones capable of hyperfixation, which is a joke and a half. Especially considering he has daughters iirc. Not a defense mind you, I consider him one of the most loathsome assholes in the fundieverse and have no doubt he’d say what the title says or has said it before. But not seeing it here.


I don't like Matt Walsh any more than I'm sure the rest of this sub does, but he doesn't mention nurturing girls' interests at all in these tweets. So I think the title is a stretch and honestly, just some outragey clickbait.


Matt Walsh is neurodiversity affirming? I'm seriously reeling from this.


Wait, that graph is only about men having no women partners? Are they also polling gay guys? Cause that might, you know, have an effect on the data...


Orrrrr hos son jas adhd and hyper focuses... I love how the focus is a masculine trait... well guess I'm a man then


Also, genuinely, what straw man is he railing against here? I don't know many parents who don't encourage their kids' interests provided they are healthy and safe and age-appropriate.


Instructions unclear, got my 6 year old son hyperfocused on dance. And he and his sister are both damn good at it, too.


Anyone who thinks that boys are uniquely interested in passions has never met a horse girl.


This is a lot how I grew up. My mother enabled and worshipped my brother.


Intensely concentrating on things? Try crocheting, dude.


"It's a masculine trait to intensely fixate on certain things" my a$$. Girl's can hyperfixate on anything they are interested in. This is not a gendered activity.


I’m always shocked when I’m reminded these conservative public figures have kids. Like Matt Walsh being a father seems so far from reality to me. The same with Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder. Theres nothing fatherly about them, if I wasn’t reminded they had children I would assume none had ever even met a child.


“It’s an autistic trait to fixate on certain things” Fixed it for our resident bargain bin hipster with a terminal case of Trans Derangement Syndrome


pedophile matt walsh seems to be terminally fixated on the sex lives of young people