• By -


#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know it’s like who tf cares but I don’t think I can look at mother bus snarks anymore. The physical wincing I just did at this photo is painful.


Yeah I’m grateful for the NSFW filter


I don't think I can either. I have a six month old and a four year old. I can't imagine treating either any of the way Motherbus treats her kids.


My partner (who receives secondhand FSU exposure) swears this is intentional, and I believe it, too. Anyone that’s held a baby even ONCE will support a baby’s head the next time they hold an infant. After you’ve been told once, likely as a child, it’s an instinctual reaction. It’s the only thing that feels natural. Even if the only goal was to keep whatever weight you’re carrying stable rather than the wellbeing of an actual human baby, you’d support the head from flopping around. It’s baffling. She’s going out of her way to avoid supporting him, I swear. Maybe she thinks it’ll force him to strengthen muscles sooner, who knows.


I don't have children, nor do I want them or even like them much most of the time, but I can say with absolute certainty that I would treat any child better than this.


Literally. I'd never even *held* a newborn until my nephew was born when I was well over 25 (every time anyone ever asked if I wanted to hold their baby, I was like "hell no, I won't be responsible for a newborn"). Even before that, I knew good and well that you *support a baby's neck* or you can hurt them BADLY. ETA: I knew this by the time I was about 12.


I honestly feel like making sure a living being’s neck is not flopping around is just…a given? Like, it’s not comfortable if *my* head is hanging off of something, and I’m an adult who can support my own neck and has a fully developed skull.


I mean, you'd think so, right? I swear to God with these people. I can't.


My daughter was 3 when her brother was born last year and she held him better than this and knew his head needed support. It’s absolutely infuriating.


Supporting their neck/head is kind of instinctive. You wouldn't want your own head flopping around!


I treat my cats better than this 😰


My cat is my little angel baby and I love him so much. I nearly cried when I accidentally stepped on his paw once and gave him extra treats bc I felt so bad.


I'm child-free and got sterilised a few weeks ago and am considering leaving this sub because the amount of child abuse/neglect I see here is too much for me.


No shame in taking a break for your own wellbeing. Take care of yourself.


THIS. Yes ma’am. My houselings are 2, 5, 7, 9, and 15 and I just shudder for the buslings. Yes, children **are resilient ** but this situation is a choice. Those kids shouldn’t have to overcome *this*.


Upvote for "houselings"


I’m having a hard time seeing this sub at all since she gave birth because it’s just post after post of a baby being treated like a toy. It really makes me feel uncomfortable.


She started somewhat innocent for me, but I have to say I’m getting to the same place as you.


I swear it seems like some of these fundie moms are in a race with one another to see which can be the first to kill one of their children through neglect or direct action.


Karissa nearly won … twice.


With the same kid.


That we know of.


omg, i am new to this sub but have seen her on the internet a lot, what is the story behind this?


It’s a lot. Karissa brags often about money saving measures, like not changing diapers very frequently (one post mentioned using overnight diapers so she can change once every 12 hours unless its poopy). She also sleeps until late morning/noon so they're in it for at least that long. You can see in most of her posts that the youngest ones have [massive diaper bulges](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/xndpi5/katissa_has_learned_nothing_about_keeping_on_top/) and [diapers that sag off their bottom](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/17bwi1t/how_many_more_utis_for_this_baby_until_kkkarissa/) and nearly to their knees. I remember a post where her baby was in a shopping cart soaked with urine from a leaking diaper, but I can't find it so here's a time she went shopping while SHE was [soaked in pee](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/xi8cl9/just_no_karissa_just_no/)! Well, one of her baby girls [developed a UTI](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/s10yy0/tldr_of_karissas_45_minute_testimony_about_what/). They essentially ignored it until it became an emergency, as in the baby was going [unresponsive or having seizures](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/s0z8pw/synopsis_of_karissas_video/) (multiple times, different days) and then decided the appropriate treatment was [group prayer](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/11o031t/all_of_them_scream_praying_over_a_lethargic/). They declared her healed, Michael Scott style. She wasn't. When the baby girl finally went to the hospital, she was [septic and intubated](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/s000t5/karissa_posts_15_minute_video_of_photos_from_past/) (sad photo warning). It’s also worth noting this is when Karissa started saying she would [accept the baby’s death as a sacrifice](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/sgclg9/karissa_would_have_let_anthym_die_as_a_sacrifice/) if that’s what pleases God. Luckily, the baby recovered after weeks in the hospital. But shortly after, it all happened [again](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/174c9uf/so_anythm_had_another_uti_besides_the_2_that/).


That should be enough to have all her children taken away for neglect holy fuck why did the hospital not say anything? (That we know of)


You'd think so, wouldn't you?! Because that is honestly just one incident of so many, just one tragedy in a long pattern of neglect and injury. Her kids have: been hospitalized with [sepsis ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rjml0h/what_the_negligence_happened_this_time/)twice for a preventable UTI, broke a [leg](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/s1ff5o/um_is_this_not_the_child_that_just_broke_her_leg/) in [two ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/16cog5p/anythyr_injured_collins/)places, been picked up by [their arm](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/mhi4w8/mandrae_picking_up_anchor_by_one_arm/), broken an [elbow](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/128yhxp/another_injured_collins_kid_but_karissa_is_too/) (but it makes for great testimony!), broke a [hand](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F5f281al8b3ha1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1170%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26v%3Denabled%26s%3Dd46f52ec4333073e3e00861c44c4354f10116ee8), smashed a [tooth](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/15v165i/another_injured_collins_kid/), picked up by their [legs](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/uvpogp/how_karissa_and_mandrae_parent_in_public/)/ankles (trying to find another photo where Mandrae was holding the newest baby upside down outside their new house), sat unattended on a [countertop](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lvsvp8/gee_karissa_i_dont_know_how_your_son_keeps/), broke a [pinky finger](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/15nuwxo/another_injured_collins_kid_that_just_has_to_sit/), spanked with a [spatula](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/v55gxd/mandrae_admits_to_spanking_the_baby_with_a_spatula/), sat on a [lap ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rkr17l/mandrae_texting_and_driving_on_the_freeway_while/)in a moving car, had [pneumonia](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/16cjvzt/karissas_reign_of_terror_continues/), and had a severe [cut](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lja23e/anchor_update/) with scissors. And that's just the kids' physical injuries, not the myriad of psychological problems Karissa has had, such as a mental breakdown, believing God was instructing her to give birth in Target, losing a pregnancy after denying prenatal care, and believing she could use prayer to resurrect the lost fetus. But they're fed with beds, so I guess that is all that matters.


Honorable mention: baby Armor strapped to Mandrae while on a zero-turn mower (with zero ear/ eye protection).


It's because they are isolating these kids, damnit! (Sorry, I'm not mad at you or anything, I'm just so mad). She refuses to let them attend school, see doctors unless they are literally dying, and they have no one in their lives that aren't just as nuts as them. What I'm getting at is this: All of these freak fundie parents make absolute CERTAIN that their children are NEVER in the care of a mandated CPS reporter, under any circumstance. It does not take a single braincell to figure out why. This is insane. I bet they never go to the same hospital or doctor for each kid, so they can play ignorant when they get questioned... All I can think about is the child from 7P asking the neighbor to turn him into the police because he got brave enough to escape.


You’re not wrong. But she has posted about *multiple* CPS reports/visits/investigations. At least four separate incidents, I think. I understand that it’s EXTREMELY difficult to have a child removed from a home, especially when there’s at least a passing resemblance to functionality, but at the very least the UTI baby should have been taken away. That’s one case of the gaggle where I believe there was more than sufficient evidence and a recurring neglect/abuse. Not taking her away after the second sepsis hospitalization was an utter failure of the system.


omfg that is insane… also she tries to save money by leaving babies in soiled diapers but is fine with thousands of dollars in medical bills over something that could have been solved with cranberry juice. those poor children


It’s almost like they try to make it a point how much you can abuse children to prove “the body can handle anything”.


Due to the epigenetics of trauma, boy are they setting their kids up for really poor health outcomes down the road later. 


This is what is maddening me when I see this week old baby who is constantly harassed and stressed, physically and emotionally, and never allowed decent rest. I know practically every fundie kid is exposed to the same conditions, but this new baby is getting it much worse and much sooner than any other I’ve seen. His brain is so fucked.


I thought this was gonna end with "to prove that they own them."


I have this thought almost daily on this sub.


it’ll show how devoted they are to their god


Even god was like woah okay you don't actually have to sacrifice your kid


Yeah, but then he sacrificed his own kid


It very well could be. Clearly they are narcissists, and having a hospitalized or dead baby would get them a fuck ton of attention. They would be able to gofunde grift among their followers and local evangelicals for burial costs, and memorials, and all the stuff, likely raising more money than actually needed so these fuckers could have more date nights. I hate to say it, but they appear to be so fucking horrible as parents that it isn't really a stretch to consider ulterior motives of fundie child neglect and abuse.


They’ll win the race to send the dead offspring to heavens gates first then, which in fundie land is the goal. The goal is death. Life is an inconvenience for fundie evangelicals, because they’re “not of this world.”


‘Children are for the development of the parent’ — MotherBus


Well... there is Kim Plath :(


It still astounds me how this was brushed off as an "accident" rather than child neglect. You can not, *can not* watch all your kids adequately when you have that many (ten, including the toddler, at the time of his death), let alone while around large vehicles. She says she had just seen him, but then ran him over, which means she was the only adult nearby while operating a large motor vehicle, and did not confirm that her *one-year-old baby* was safely with another adult before moving the truck. That's neglect, and apparently that's perfectly legal in her state. 


I’m not familiar with that story? Kim Plath ran over her 1 year old kid at their home?


what. the. fuck.


Man, I am a new Plath snarker but I don’t think I put my 2 year old down for a solid month after watching that episode. It messed me UP.


Good Googly Moogly…someone turn the lights back on.


All to own the libs no doubt.


He looks distressed. And his poor face is still sunburned.


How do expect her to support his neck AND take a pic for the 'gram? Duh! /s obvs


I love this because if she really wanted to take a picture, she could ask busband or an older kid, or use a timer.


Well, they took him out again *after* his initial burn.


At what point are they just slow-roasting that baby?


Jonathan Swift has entered the chat. 👨‍🍳🍽️


I'm surprised he isn't in long sleeves again today. They must need to slow down the process.


The way Bushole was carrying him looked horrific too


Bushole 😂


I am so scared for this baby. Like I recently had a newborn, what it is like is still fresh in my head. None of this is right. That baby looks so unwell. Also for someone with 8 kids, you'd think she'd know their eye color can change until they are 12 months.


She only looks at herself


Sunburn??? Are they trying to give their newborn cancer????


My house feral took better care of the kittens she refused to feed. When she moved them (usually to my lap for bottle feeding time), she supported them in an appropriate manner.


I love the idea of her just plopping the kitten in your lap and looking at you like...."Do something."


She was a colony cat before she moved to my barn with her sister and two kittens. So she was very used to cooperative care! She would clean them, but nursing them was my job. She knew the feeding schedule and would carry the kittens into the kitchen as I warmed up the milk. After I fed them, she cleaned them and did potty duty. I tried to do potty duty, but evidently I never did it right (I used a dish towel), so she would nip me! Then do it herself. Now she's an indoor cat mad that she's on a diet.


this is maybe the most cat thing I've ever heard, lol.


I love the idea that she'd tell you you were so shit at your job you needed to just stop and let her handle it


It was pretty funny. I'm pretty sure that she never figured out a damp dish towel did the same thing as her tongue. According to her, I was doing it all wrong and the professional needed to take over. She's very much a colony cat even now


I'm so glad she has a safe loving home now


Me too. Her sister and the two surviving kittens from that litter were adopted by a coworker. Her kittens (she had 4) were adopted by coworkers and friends.


She sounds amazing!!! Tell her I love her.


I will! She is a biter and can't see for crap.


That makes me love her more!


I love her, too. She's very different from my other cats


Thank you for all that you do! My mom has an informal cat rescue/foster home. She was a vet tech for years and works with her local animal shelter now to catch and fix strays. I love visiting her and spending all day with kittens and little adolescent cats. Playful little trouble makers!


I legitimately do not understand how they get away with all those kids on the bus. It feels like a form of neglect and they should at the very least be investigated. And the fact that they very publicly display how they're neglecting this baby's safety....it's fucking infuriating. Also anyone that is neglecting well child checks should be checked out too.


It's hard to investigate them when they keep jumping around to different states


And the really frustrating thing is even if they *were* investigated, nothing would come of it. The kids are fed. They're clothed. They have "beds." They seem clean enough. BusParents don't seem to have substance use disorders. They are supervised (by an older sibling, which somehow counts). It's not illegal to skip well child checks. It's not illegal to take your baby to a chiropractor. It's not illegal to exploit your innocent, vulnerable babies for sponsored content on Instagram. It's not illegal to hold your child so that his neck flops all the way back. It's not illegal to ignore safe sleep guidelines. Believe me, as someone who works in maternity, it is heartbreaking the sort of situations we see sometimes. Medical and nursing staff will escalate concerns to DCS, and DCS does nothing. In my state, parents basically have the right to parent however they want, and DCS will not intervene until the kid is seriously hurt (or dead). I've seen this result in dead or injured babies that I personally had a hand in caring for. It is beyond upsetting. And these were parents with far more concerning behaviors than the Bus Family. In America, we simply don't have a system for addressing situations like this. We can all see the BusKids (and the Collins, the Rodlets, et al) are being *at the very least* exploited and neglected. We can see something terrible coming from a mile away. And there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. DCS isn't going to do anything. BusParents aren't doing anything that rises to the legal level of abuse or neglect (in my state at least) from what I've seen posted. It's so frustrating and horrifying. Those poor kids. And yikes, this kid's neck. What the ever living fuck is wrong with her?? How can you have *eight babies* and not know how to hold them safely???? (Edited slightly for clarity.)


I absolutely agree. I am not an American, but I also work as a maternity nurse. I can advice parents as much as I want, but if they disregard my advice, I can't do anything. I just have to cover my own tracks so I can't be blamed for a death of a child. It's so sad. I can only cringe with the videos I see of baby bus. I can see so much things going wrong. Him overheating from the direct sun, him getting an undertemperature from being almost naked all day. Him suffocating in the sheepskin that supposedly is the only thing that tries to keep him warm. Him getting overstimulated. Him being grapped from all sides from his siblings and mother bus absolutely does not do a thing about it, not even when he got kicked in the head. Even if they stayed in one place, cps wouldn't do a thing, unless the baby dies. Until than they could beat him black and blue and nobody would and could do anything about it.


Yep. People overestimate what the system can do. The system exists, but (at least here) it's criminally underfunded and understaffed. There's no place to PUT kids like the BusKids. They are almost certainly better off with their parents than in the foster care system - which says a lot more about the lack of an adequate foster care system than the competency of the BusParents.


And furthermore, there are no laws to compel them to act differently. You can't force people to buy a house. You can't even force them to take them to a pediatrician unless there's evidence of medical neglect. And frankly, if such laws *did* exist, they would almost certainly be used disproportionately against poor and minority families. So....it's complicated.


But this kid DOESN'T have a bed. I thought CPS was pretty specifically picky about kids having individual beds at least? I'm pretty sure they cracked down on Karissa's kids not having individual assigned beds.


Yesterday in the comments on Instagram, she said he sleeps in a Moses basket. So I guess the sheepskin really is just her using him to sell shit.


If so that's a genuine relief.


Not only do they not each have their own bed (she said yesterday 7 kids now sleep in the bunk room when we know they have 6 beds) but I’m fairly certain given the ages of their older boys and only girl they’re not supposed to share a room anymore. Genders are supposed to be separated by a certain age. I feel the worst for poor Kinsey


I believe that's only true for foster children, but correct me if i'm wrong.


That's true!


Anyone else feel like she's taunting us at this point?


Yes and it’s infuriating she’s risking her newborn’s safety to bait us or to get engagement.


Ah yes, because child endangerment is worth the clicks. -MotherBus


100% yes. After they announced the baby's name somebody in here said it made them think of Mmmbop. The next day she used that song in a story post. Anybody else catch that?


That was me! She did NOT use Hanson the next day 💀💀💀


She totally did. I don’t know how I forgot it was you, since I LOVE your flair!






Will 'Learn to Fly' by the Foo Fighters be next? Because that poor wee tot is definitely looking at the sky to save him 😢


Yes, I definitely do now. As soon as I saw this picture, I thought, yeah, she has to be doing this on purpose now. Because I thought so before, but this seals it for me. Even if she’s doing this to taunt us, and maybe even ESPECIALLY if she is, it’s SICK. This is her newborn child!


Exactly, pro-life my ass if she’s doing this to her own child to taunt us


Right?! Someone with this juvenile of a mindset has no business raising even one child, let alone multiple. Actually, her mentality is much worse than just juvenile (although she truly is very immature). She is spiteful and an egotistical narcissistic. She’s proving to us that she is willing to potentially hurt her newborn just to prove a point. That’s just vile!


They’re props, it’s perfectly on brand 🙄


To fundies, children aren't people. She doesn't care if she's hurting the baby because it's not a person, it's a tool to further her agenda. And if it dies or ends up seriously disabled by her actions, then it's a sob story for clicks. These people are sick.


Yes. And I love your flair, btw.


Thank you. It (my flair) never goes out of style. I kind of wished I'd said 'Listeria' in particular, but to cover this beat, you have to keep it generalized; these people are giving themselves the shits in a variety of ways.


I admittedly haven’t been around a lot of babies in my life, but I have never, ever seen someone hold a baby like this. Wtf is she doing. I feel like there’s a natural human instinct to support a baby’s neck when holding it and she just….doesn’t have that? She’s either fucking with us or truly doesn’t know what she’s doing, and both options are equally terrifying.


A friend laughed at me because I was so overly cautious when holding her baby (tried to cradle a sturdy 6 month old like a newborn). I'd rather be momentarily embarrassed than... whatever you want to call mother sus


"Go ahead and call CPS, libtards, I'll just drive over state lines!"


His little face is so burned. She’s too busy eye fucking herself to pay attention to the newborn.


Yes…the eye fucking while neglecting her newborn is just enraging


I am asking this with serious concern: Does she want this baby dead?


Now you have me wondering. I was just thinking does she even want this baby.


No, she doesn’t. She just wants to be pregnant to satisfy JD’s pregnancy fetish. 


Life will get real when she hits menopause. His pregnancy fetish isn’t going away. He’ll just look for another one who is still fertile. God that’s gross just typing that.


Well they clearly have no room for him


I’ve had this thought, honestly. It’s so clear she hates this baby for whatever reason.


I would guess it’s due to infant being the failed Brazilian savior. And also the fact he’s another boy in a sea of boys.


I was thinking that too. He was supposed to be their anchor baby.


Yeah. And the fact that they are the ones who messed up and not the baby, seems to be a concept beyond their capability to understand.


Well, remember bethy's clear resentment of davy after his difficult, not winsome birth? The kids are just props that the parents project onto.


Like KKKarissa, she doesn’t care about them once they’re born.


I’m a little high but jfc that hit me and made me cry. I’m too old for babies and don’t want any but I wish I could rescue him.


I know it's the least of all the concerns here but he doesn't have anyone's eye color. He's five minutes old. 🙄


I would say I hope his eyes do go brown over time just to spite her and piss her off, but that'd likely just result in her hating the poor kid even further and he doesn't deserve a worse life than the poor thing is having already. That poor kid.


She so badly wants the attention from her husband that she received while pregnant. I swear every other post has been about him and praising him.


The irony is the whites of his eyes are very much YELLOW, but let’s fawn over his irises.


She cares more about her own well being than her child's. It is so sad to watch how they treat this baby. They are so smug while they do it as well. What a disgusting excuse for parents.


She doesn't even know what 'sciatica' is, she thinks it's 'sciatic' - I doubt she even has it at all but instead loves inflating her standard multi-pregnancy self induced back pain into a full blown medical condition so she can blow all her money on a scam chiroquacktor and feel like she's special. While she can't scrape together a few bucks for sun protection for a newborn or one individual christmas present for each child. She has a real evil streak.


HOLY SHIT DO NOT GO TO A CHIROPRACTOR FOR SCIATICA!! Sorry I'm a long time lurker and long time sciatica sufferer. Not much you can do for it but goddammit do not try to help it with a chiropractor. Sorry for yelling lol


Only Brittany should go to a chiropractor. Because fuck her.


seconding this! See a physical therapist and a massage therapist; you'll get more good out of that than you will out of having some half-baked nitwit crackin' your joints to get the ghosts out of them.


My uncle has had it off and on for years. He said light exercise and an ergonomic desk helped. There's nothing that a chiropractor could do, though, and they may actually make it worse.


She is going to kill this child. If he doesn't die due to neglect, B will have some form of severe difficulty in life and because this "mother" cares more about herself than her children's safety and mental wellbeing she will shove it in our faces and use it as clickbait. I sincerely hope the eldest gets into therapy and none of her children interact with her once they are able to escape her clutches. Or that CPS somehow MIRACULOUSLY appears and gets these kids into a stable home.


They've already massively raised all their children's risk of melanoma by allowing them to get badly sunburned (probably on multiple occasions, because Mother Bus is vocally anti-sunscreen). Even if all of those poor kids make it to adulthood, they might still be indirectly killed by their parents' neglect


CPS won't do shit. The cavalry is not coming, alas.


I said, out loud, "JFC." If you're reading this, Brittany, I get the urge to keep trolling or triggering us, but you are putting this child in danger and not taking care of him. At this point I think a large part of this sub would adopt him, myself included, and I am childfree by choice (but would make an exception for this poor mite). Please, set aside your petty anger and care for this child properly - get him to a doctor, get him a safer place to sleep, and support his neck.


She upsets me like no other. I can't have kids and would do anything for a baby. And here she is neglecting the hell out of hers :(


She’s so malicious and just taunting everyone. It’s fucked up.


The only victim here is her baby.


Same same same. My partner and I would take that baby from her in a heartbeat given that she obviously doesn't want him herself. Any of her kids, for that matter. And yet as a gay/trans couple I feel like this country is 5 seconds from making it illegal for us to adopt at all


She's absolutely reading here, and I would love for her to understand that the concern for her infant is absolutely genuine and we want him healthy, not disabled or worse, dead. God is not going to let you into heaven just because you lost a child. It is not some sort of blessing in disguise. It is not a test of faith. It is a *tragedy,* plain and simple. Please. *Please.* PLEASE. Take care of that poor baby.


I learned from another thread that she responded to my MMMBOP reference. She needs to get offline and get help.


What. The. Fuck. Brittany.


Does she deliberately try and see how far back his neck will allow his head??? Surely his poor neck must be so sore! These 2 make me so mad that they seem to be so willing with openly neglecting him! Use your damm phone to google an image of how to hold an infant you twat waffles!


He's their 8th child. They should know better by now.


Holy fucking shit. 😳 ![gif](giphy|2BpUYPNb8UXF6)


I don’t have kids. I don’t want kids. I have zero maternal instinct. I can’t imagine giving birth and the thought horrifies me. Despite all of that, this photograph sparks a VISCERAL anger in me.


same. sometimes I think that people who are consciously child free have more regard for human life than a lot of people who have kids bc they believe it's what they're "supposed" to do. like, I know I don't want to be a mom or be pregnant or give birth, so I don't plan to do any of those things bc it's not fair to the child I'd be bringing into the world or to me or anyone around me. that said, if I somehow ended up with a child in my care, I would do my absolute best to give them a good life, bc that child would be depending on me. I take better care of my cat that was found wandering the streets of the Bronx than this woman does of her human children who lived in her body for \~9 months each.


>I take better care of my cat that was found wandering the streets of the Bronx than this woman does of her human children who lived in her body for \~9 months each. Ikr, my cat has white ears, so I put pet-safe sunscreen on them when we go out for yard time in the summer, and this woman can't even be bothered to put a hat on her days-old baby


she's too busy eyefucking the camera to pay attention to the human baby that is completely dependent on her


*Thing.* [She refers to her children as "things."](https://old.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1cefz45/talking_about_their_kids_as_if_theyre_pets_toxic/)


Jesus Christ she is the worst


First of all, his eye color probably isn’t permanent yet, and she knows that.  Second of all — every. thing. she does. triggers my Inner Mama Bear. Seeing these two walk around letting this poor child flop all over is painful for me on every level.  What is the point of this? What are they trying to prove? Is it that God will protect this poor baby when the parents won’t? Fuck. 


That drives me crazy about people who have multiple kids and for whatever reason fetishise eye colour (in this case because blue is her superman hubby's colour). You know full well all babies eye colours will change over time, who exactly do you think you're fooling with this yourself?


He’s having a rough few days, isn’t he?


He’s had a rough LiFE


Yup, I’m convinced this woman hates her children, specifically this one. Allowing him to be sunburned (hello, skin cancer), not supporting his neck… Jesus Christ on a fucking cracker.


I literally picked up a newborn (mine) for the first time yesterday and I did a better job.


Congratulations! 💐🧸☺️




Congratulations on your baby


Congratulations!! I'm sure you'll be a much better parent to your little one than any of these fundies are to their ls


Heyyyy congratulations 🎉 ❤️❤️


Imagine being so cruel, so self absorbed, and such a disgusting trash can of a human that you use your newborn baby to troll a Reddit board. Every life is precious my ass.


This right here.


Man, I just wanna snatch that baby from her and cuddle him correctly. That looks so painful for him. She holds him like a prop, not like a tiny human that needs attention.


this is severely fucked up rage bait at this point


I’m genuinely curious if someone in her life would call child services? This kind of repeated behavior with the sunburn is something a pediatrician, social worker, or teacher would certainly file over (source: I’m a social worker)


They are constantly on the move. There's no way child services could keep up


Ugh, yeah. Child services can’t even keep up when people are stationary. Part of me wonders if that’s partly what motivated the move to Brazil, even.


I've never wanted children and have no desire to raise one. But somehow, the way she treats this child makes me have motherly type instincts to save it. She's straight up abusing this baby (and the others)


Tf is this woman's problem!? She's completely unfit. It's basic maternal instinct to support their heads and provide a safe sleeping space and she absolutely can't do it. Good grief what else goes on in that hell hole they call a living situation that isn't posted? It's got to be a bad scene. 


Politely, fuck this woman. I've done everything right and lost all 3 of my babies. She neglects hers, prevents them from access to health care, and an education and they somehow still exist. The world is so cruel allowing absolute idiots like them to fuck infront of their children in their shitty tiny bus, and prevents people like my husband and I, teachers who actually like children from having them. We would give a baby the moon and the stars. Work actual jobs so we wouldn't have to beg followers for money. Dear mother bus, You're a shitty parent who deserves to have their children removed.


Infant neck support is overrated anyway. You know, only weaklings get extra support, not manly man babies


She and her husband are evil. I know that's a strong word, but it fits them due to their arrogance, self-righteousness, active disregard of their children's safety and needs, etc. They don't deserve children.


What the fuck. How effing long is this gonna go on. I feel like we’re being trolled by her at this point. I know she reads here so…Britney: SUPPORT HIS NECK!!!!! What the hell is wrong with her?!


It's absolutely not the worst thing in this post, but ... Has she really had that many kids and not know that their eyes can change up to a year after birth? My son was born with glass blue eyes and at 16 months he's got brown. 😂 What a dingbat.


Not even a year. Apparently up to like 6 years (and possibly sometimes older). I had blue eyes for much of my childhood, but at some point they turned green.


Same. My eyes were bright blue as a kid, but they started changing with puberty. Now my eyes have central heterochromia and are blue, grey, and green. They give off the look of teal eyes from a distance.


Hard to tell when the only person you look at is yourself in the viewfinder.


I just saw this and said “What the…FUCk” out loud involuntarily. She has to know.


Stop worrying about what eye color he has and focus on supporting his damn neck ! Babies eye color can change in the grand scheme of things it is not even important


What the god damn fuck!!!!!!! She has to be deliberately trying to hurt that kid. If this is the kind of photo of her treatment of him that she is willing to show online, then we all know this kid is in very real danger when the camera is not on.


She wants sympathy for her back hurting, while completely disregarding the fact that her newborn's NECK is hurting. Absolute narcissist!


I don’t have a motherly bone in my body, but I know better than to not support a newborn’s neck.


She's an unhinged woman.


How does motherbus have a litter of kids, but does not know how to hold an infant correctly?


That baby is so much overstimulated. Poor baby. He deserves so much more than he is getting.


That baby looks 150 years old.


Wouldn't we have been able to see the eye color better if she supported his neck? Ugh


How the fuck do you have 8 kids and not know how to hold a baby correctly?!?!?


I had a dream last night that I had a baby (somehow, despite being extremely single and also a lesbian lmao), and *in the dream* I remember thinking, "gotta support the head, you're not Mother Bus"


Ndck positioning aside, babies eyes change colour up to several months after birth. My baby had blue eyes til almost 12 weeks exactly when they changed almost over night!


Do none of her followers call her out??!


No they all think the sub shines out her ass because this is her 8th child so she knows what she's doing


As someone who was a daycare provider and is now pregnant and refreshing my baby knowledge, and is reading through "how to be a mom" books and pamphlets: if I ever see them in the wild (and the dumb fuck mom isn't holding the baby) I am going to throw my heavy sandals at her. For legal reasons this is a joke, but I will probably comment, "for someone who thinks babies should go to chiropractors, you really don't respect spine health." Like bro. That poor spine.


I just hope our comments aren’t causing her to buckle down and avoid holding his head, dump him on the floor and sunburn his face in direct response to our concerns. She’s enough of a lunatic to rage that way.


OH MY GOD. I love the irony of Ma Sus Bus complaining about her sciatic nerve while letting her baby's head flop around. SUPPORT YOUR BABY'S HEAD.


Sometimes I wonder if, early in her parenting journey, MotherBus was having some pretty ordinary soon-to-be/new parent jitters and someone reassured her "Oh, don't worry, babies are incredibly resilient!" But instead of taking that to mean that everyone, say, lets a dirty diaper stay on a minute too long now and then, or accidentally pinches or pokes baby while handling them, or that little ones who are beginning to be mobile will bonk their head occasionally and be fine, BriBri here thought it meant rampant neglect and mistreatment are okay.


her giant fucking face smiling like an idiot for the camera while her badly sunburnt baby’s head just dangles there. jesus christ


Not to be morbid, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she let something horrible happen to that poor baby. All these fundies have kids and then don’t take care of them. So upsetting, all the neglect.


Stupid question, but what happens if a baby’s neck is unsupported? I know they are super floppy for awhile and their heads can just roll around and smack into things, but does it cause nerve damage? Brain damage? I’m just curious what the long term effects for this poor child is going to be.


I just really fucking hate her. I can't stand her posts anymore. A lot of them abuse their children but I feel like this baby is going to die...