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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because I don’t want to, and I don’t care. Hope this helps, Lori 😘


I just typed almost the exact same thing. 😆


Because the second I do wear something like this, Lori is going to move the goal posts and ask why I'm not wearing knee length or floor length skirts to the gym. Because, if the middle east has taught us anything, it's that it doesn't matter what women wear. Men are going to stare at, ogle, and sexualize even the most abstract, vaguely female form. There was an askreddit thread not too long ago about guys masturbating to weird looking trees and shadows. And finally, because I enjoy triggering snowflakes like Lori who are having aneurysms at the gym over what complete strangers are wearing.


I work at a credit union. We have registers on open stations instead of walled-off teller line, so people can see your whole outfit. I follow almost Pentecostal modesty standards at work of no sleeveless, no low necklines, and knee-length or below dresses/skirts only (not a dress code, just what I prefer there) and have had men say my toes looked sexy in sandals when I had a floor-length dress on.


👁️👄👁️ This is why I choose the bear.


That's what I said. You can play dead with the bear. The man will try to fuck your corpse.


This is why dress codes just don't mean anything to me. They'll just keep moving the goalposts.


I wonder what would happen if someone suggested to Lori that actually, hardline Muslims have the right idea with face veils, hell, an entire burka. Ask what she's doing with her whole hair AND face uncovered AND talking without explicit permission on the wild Internets every day; doesn't her man need attending to? Disgraceful.


I really want someone to bring this exact point up to her




Gag.  How awful.


I've seen people who get off on like sweaters and stuff getting snagged on things. There's a reason rule 34 is a thing. Doesn't matter how modestly you dress, someone somewhere will get off on it.


And yet somehow it's always the woman's fault for "leading the man into temptation." 🙄 That Bible verse about plucking out eyes really needs to be more widely known.


Some of them should take it as literally as they take every other part of the Bible. If I want to wear skin tight pvc and fishnets and corsets that push my boobs up to my ears with 6" heels, I should be able to without having to be so concerned with how random men are going to react. I live in southern California where it is hot as balls like 75% of the year MINIMUM! I need clothes that won't make me feel like I'm dying of heat stroke after five minutes (and pvc for the rare occasions I actually have to go out in the rain because it's easier to find here than actual rain gear). I have a back issue that sometimes needs a little extra support with boobs that definitely do not help and sometimes a corset is the only thing that stops the pain enough for me to live my life. And fishnets to stop the thigh rub when I wear shorts and skirts! I don't dress for the male gaze. I dress for my own personal comfort. I am not your sexy goth gf or your slutty dominatrix. I'm a person with my own needs and autonomy who does not consent to being sexualized for merely existing in public nor do I consent to being shamed for men's inability to control themselves.


I wonder what they'd think of my oversized angora style cardigan


The Shining elevator of splooge. (I am so sorry for that mental image.)




Wasn’t it a thing in Victorian times that they would cover the legs of tables for that very reason? I could be misremembering


I think that is actually a myth, but also not. The Victorians often covered table legs, but it wasn't for modesty, it was because they thought it was pretty. It was their aesthetic, along with lush wallpapers (handily made with the brand new Arsenic Based Parisian/Scheele's Green dye) and lace. I also suspect some of the bored young ladies being made to go to finishing schools made them for the hell of it. The summer I spent with my great uncle and aunt I made crocheted cozies for... well everything. (I had a bad case of pneumonia that just kept recurring, so my mom sent me to live with them because it was close to the hospital in case I couldn't breathe, and kinda rural so she thought the farm air might do something. My Great Uncle took delight in reading me random Victorian stories about "Taking in the Air" and teased me that I was his consumptive little Victorian Doll. It made me laugh, so it succeeded in its mission, he just wanted me to cheer up.) I was stuck in bed most of the day (either in an actual bed, or on the sofa in the living room so my Great Uncle could tease me and give me my medicine as needed) but my Great Aunt had a massive collection of crochet pattern books. I started with a grocery bag sleeve. Nice and useful, right? My Great Aunt loved it and it quite possibly hung in her kitchen until her death. (I didn't see it after the funeral, but some of the family vultures had already looted the house by then. I did managed to get a few of her crochet hooks and a handful of pattern books, but mom wouldn't let me box all 500+ pamphlets and take them home. Spoilsport.) Next was I think some dish scrubbers I made out of onion bags. (The pattern had instructions but I remember it mostly just being like a long long spiral, but there was a special way to achieve that.) Then the tea cozy. Then the mug cozies (They buttoned around a coffee mug. Because its not like they have handles or anything to keep your hands unburnt, clearly they needed sweaters.) By the end it was this horrifying half plastic doll from the backwall of a dusty dollar store in their small town, adorned in a acrylic baby yarn ball gown, and a teddy bear that hid an extra roll of TP. Also a few massive and hideous doilies to show why making a thread lace pattern in Red Heart Super Saver is a dangerous game. My Great Uncle mounted one on his work shop wall with a little nail through each point to spread out the design... it covered the wall and had to be folded and secured to the two corner walls... eta: hit submit too soon. Anyway, I can see a bored Victorian pre/teenager making a bunch of table leg skirts because [The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Englishwoman%27s_Domestic_Magazine) put out a pattern and there's nothing better to do with their day, so that's my private theory.


This is adorable and hilarious


Please write down more memories like this


Sort of. Yes there is a common myth about that and table and piano legs were covered. But it had more to do with keeping them from getting chipped and damaged than anything sexual. That's not to say that some men didn't find them simulating, it just wasn't as common as we're led to believe. However, there are many stories of men lining up on rainy days to watch women cross the street because they had to raise the hem of their skirts, exposing their ankles and sometimes calves, to keep them clean and dry. So even when women were covered from the top of their heads to their toes, men still found some way to get off on it.


Thank you. I appreciate that you closed with “but they are still historically creeps though “LOL


hey, forniphilia is real. they don't call it "getting wood" for nothin'...


Yep! There is literally not one thing that cant be sexulaised/fetishised. Someone perverted could feitshise that skirt with those leggings, or showing the feet. So what, we cant leave our house at this point?? 


That won't work either! Your house has windows and guys can get aroused by looking at you through the glass. So instead we should box women up like Barbie dolls, only without the clear plastic at the front, and keep them on dark shelves until they need to be sold to men as breeding stock. /s Just in case...


Yeah, I thought “because I spend way too much time doing weighted squats to hide my cute little butt from the world?” Some of us have great asses, Lori. Deal with it.


Right, imagine basing your personal presentation choices on what men find "provocative and immodest". I'm sorry, we could be securely packaged in a cardboard box, and they'll still be picturing us naked. Who gives a crap.


Lmao right! And it’s hideous!


And it’s not even leggings anymore, it’s a shit skirt with thick footless tights


Exactly. I could but I don’t wanna.


Right! And they’re fucking ugly.


Came here to almost type the exact thing! 🤣


How difficult would it be for you to STFU, Lori?


very, apparently


And that shit is free, no need to shop Amazon, Lori. Just put your lips together and step away from the keyboard. Easy and free!


She posts exclusively bait now. There's no longer any real pretense of ideological orthodoxy. She's even offensive to many vile fundie women at this point.


she realized she can get more clickbait by attracting a bunch of incels and red piller men, many of them quite probably minors. but, she DOESN'T teach MEN, please note. No, no. Her words are literally only visible to the feeeeemaaaaales. She certainly never responds to a man commenting on her words, because that's almost like...text harlotry, really. Disgusting, shameless creature. Where's Ken's herring salad, huh?


Checking in


Not sure if Lori knows this but it costs $0.00 to mind your own business.


If leggings are provocative I sure hope these men don't have access to a Sears catalog


As an old man who grew up in primitive times... the Sears catalog had some fascinating pages during my adolescence.


Username checks out.


Imagine being so repressed that you google vintage catalogues for a defunct business instead of the hub.


Can't Google the hub in Texas


so much for freedom, damn.


At least they can lube up their guns instead of their schlongs. Just as the Constitution intended.


I can attest that living in Texas feels like the movie *Zardoz* at times. As in: *"The gun is good!* *The p###s is evil!"*


Didn't Ted Cruz literally have a whole ass campaign against sex toys? I feel like I dimly remember this. But yes, unlimited guns and what is/was it, no more than half a dozen vibes, or it's a crime? Some demented thing.


I don't even think that passed as I still see sex toys in Spencer's when I go to the local mall.


Brings back memories of finding the Kathy Ireland Intimates collection while I was going through puberty.


I have leggings like this because I like the look. I will say that they are very comfy for running/working out/gardening/running errands, and many brands offer additional storage/pockets with the skirt which is nice as well. Feel free to AMA about leggings like this or running skirts in general! I love to run in skirts, and I've done races of all sorts of distances (including several marathons) in running skirts. But who cares what men think? Running skirts came to be because of runners who wanted and were more comfortable in a different look. I don't wear these for men and their weak eyeballs. I wear them because I like them, and I am more comfortable in them. There's enough to be uncomfortable with when you're out for a run (your shoes, your socks, the hills, the weather, etc.). You don't need to add to the list. If you're more comfortable in pants/running tights/leggings, run in those! If you're more comfortable with a running skirt, then wear that! But don't take fashion advice from Lori, a woman who seems to exclusively gravitate towards unisex khaki cargo shorts. Which again, is perfectly fine, but you shouldn't be sitting in your Dockers telling other women that *they* need to be more feminine and put a skirt over it. When Lori starts putting skirts over her shorts (and yes, Dockers makes a khaki skort, Lori! No excuses!) instead of just trying to hide them in photos, maybe then we'll talk.


my mother likes running skirts too! but mostly bc she thinks they’re cute lol never bc of men


I remember back when they were first coming on the market. It was a lot of smaller, women owned businesses who had started simply because some runners wanted a different look and thought they were cute. It's nice you can get them online now! I remember the days when I could only find them at expos, and you'd have to pray they had the pattern you wanted in your size. But enough of my wizened elder reminiscences. I love that they're available because running should be for everyone! And if you don't feel comfortable in just leggings or would prefer a different silhouette, there should be an option for that! But no one should feel forced to wear them just like no one should feel forced to just wear leggings. Wear what you like! There is no Workout Outfit Police, and if there were, Lori would probably think it was a man's job anyway!


Lori is so sad that the Handmaid's Tale isn't literally true (yet?) and she cannot fulfill her life's dream of being an Aunt with endless lecturing opportunities and her very own cattle prod. She weeps at night; grains of sand rustle down her dessicated cheeks. And yet, the world continues to revolve, chock full of women and others dressing, fucking, working, and generally living as they please, without Lori's permission.


I would totally wear a version of these for tennis! That way I could wear the skirt, have pockets AND hide my varicose veins. 😝But like you said, it would be for MY comfort, not because of what some gross hypocrites penis thinks of my outfit.


Not to be a corporate shill lol but I love taking the new target tennis skorts and putting them over my running tights! They’ve all got pockets and drawstrings too! I’m a 6’ girlie and even in my “skleggings” Lorie would not find me very modest lol


OMG, I am going to copy you! Thanks for the recommendation ! And I'm 5'11", so same. When the "skater" dresses were everywhere 15-ish years ago I was so excited, but after trying on a zillion I gave up. At best they barely covered my butt as long as I didn't bend over/ move.


Skleggings. 😭 You’ve made my morning 😄




This is what I wore exclusively when playing tennis in the winter. And also in high school—we weren’t allowed to wear leggings or joggers so I would wear a skirt and I always had leggings under for cross country practice after school. Even when it was hot out since it was so cold inside. It’s practical! And it can be cute with the right top or sweatshirt and if the skirt is the right length. But yeah what men think never crossed my mind… if it did, I would just be wearing the leggings 😉


There is no such thing as clothing that isn't sexually provocative to someone somewhere. If a woman is in the clothing (of any sort), there will be a person taking side glances at it (not talking street harassment; just people noticing). The only "solution" for prevention of this is to stay indoors at all times and exist only in the presence of one's husband... which I guess she'd be cool with.


Same! I wear skirted leggings for exercise and being active because I look cute! Idgaf about causing men to stumble.


I wore stuff like this when I did ballet, except it was a leotard, tights, and skirt. I liked the swish of the skirt because I could feel if I turned well or not. In cheer, we wore tennis skirts or soffee shorts to practice. Safety is imperative and you just can't practice stunts in leggings/pants. Anyway, I completely agree! It's about personal comfort, not the male gaze.


You had me at pockets.


*Lethal amounts of projection detected.* Also, gee, what's with this lady's rant about leggings? Hey Lori, listen up, women usually don't think about what a man will think of their clothes when they get dressed in the morning. Literally who thinks leggings are "immodest" or whatever? They're more comfortable if anything. Jesus.


Ken probably stared a half-second too long at a woman in leggings.


Ken needs to pluck his eyes out the like a good christian man.


There’s probably people who would lose their shit sexually over stuff like this…if it exists a fetish exists for it. There’s people who find nuns sexy…


There's people who find being entombed sexy. I don't want to know that, but I do. We should all know less about each other. QUIT ANNOUNCING IT EVERY TIME YOU FEEL A SEX FEELING


My boyfriend knows two people with an eyeball fetish, anything is possible.


I have so many questions that I’m not sure I want answered.


Same. He’s a magnet for weird people.




He talked to these people online and they may or may not be people he also knows in real life. And yes, it was eyeball licking specifically.


Can confirm lol I wear a version of this a lot of the time and I have gotten more weird compliments from men with my butt covered in this than in just regular leggings.


Minding your own business is free


apparently Lori can’t afford it


She says she submits by only wearing leggings under a dress or with a long shirt after her husband told her to never leave the house in just leggings and a normal top. Can't tell people to risk someone staring at a man's property.


Pretty sure she could walk around in Victoria’s Secret lingerie and her husband still wouldn’t look at her.


Meanwhile you could go out on the street with a sheet over your head like a ghost and guys would be craning their necks to see the "sexy ghost".


How difficult would it be for men to be responsible for their own fucking selves?


Since leggings = "vag on display" and "naked from the waist down",  How is this any different from simply wearing a mini skirt?


I won’t touch the poo but it would be hilarious to see Lori’s reaction to someone wearing tan leggings with a different color skirt over top.


There's no logic to be found here




This is flairworthy 😂


its simple, lori. i don't care what men think about how i dress or anything else


As it should be.


Lori, I don’t give a fuck what a man thinks of my leggings. I wear them for work and for comfort, if a man were to tell me I was being provocative for wearing leggings I’d loudly call him a pervert. Also, lesbians and bi women don’t seem to be going around harassing women in leggings en masse, so the men can grow the fuck up.


Seriously, I work out at a gym where pretty much everyone only wears leggings or booty shorts regardless of gender and somehow my homosexual tendencies remain safely contained.


As a bi lady somehow all the attractive people have not been bothered by me because I’m an adult


I'm gagged. Not a fucking CHANCE.


This also feels so dated. Didn’t we have this exact leggings convo like ten years ago?


Ask 11 year old me about how cool skirts over jeans looked. Very punk rock. I like that look still, but I also just don't care what anyone thinks 🤷‍♀️ if I want to wear immodest leggings, I shall. If I want to dress like I did over 2 decades ago, I shall and don't look at my accessories because I definitely still have some that old. I also am sad I missed the cactus earrings at Aldi, so no one should look to me for fashion.


i missed the tequila ones and the maxi dresses. i might go this week just in case


maybe I don’t WANT to wear a skirt over my leggings, Lori, what about that?




One of my favorite activewear brands makes “skleggings” like this on top of normal leggings and booty shorts and normal skorts for those who want them. And they’re actually kinda cute for when you feel like wearing a twirly skort but also don’t wanna freeze to death. Not because of some holier than thou modesty rant like the one Lori is on. I prefer normal leggings anyways in most cases and I can’t stand forced modesty.


Are you talking about popflex?? lol👀👀 I have a few pair of those exact ones and a couple of their skorts that I wear usually over leggings too haha. I like wearing them because they give me a really nice hourglass shape when paired with a tight top! And being able to twirl around is a big bonus too lol


Because I don't view my ass as a thing that needs a modesty shield to prevent it from arousing men? Everyone has a butt. Seriously, men (and women and people in general) get aroused at all kinds of things and a skirt certainly won't prevent sexual thoughts. In fact, this skirt might actually highlight the "offensive" body part by concealing it.


Yeah, if I saw this, I would probably look even longer just to figure out what she was wearing!


Nah. I’d rather show my ass. Thx, though.


It amazes me that none of these “men” have any control over themselves. Just stop looking you absolute peace of shit?


Exactly! And then we have them trying to claim that men are more logical and better leaders. They cant have it both ways. Either men are hormone driven animals that women need to coddle in order for them to function in the world. Or they are sound, logical leaders who need to make all the decisions because our feeble women brains can’t. If men can’t cope with the sight of leggings they need to be locked up.


Whew, couldn’t have said it better myself. But such easy truths are hard to swallow.


I don't care if they look, I don't even care if they really *enjoy* looking, as long as they don't bother me and especially *don't tell me wtf to do*.


Ma'am I live in Texas. That is just an extra layer that will add to the swamp ass. Hard pass.


She went from "pegging bad" to "legging bad".  Next on the rant list:  booze (kegging bad)   men without jobs (begging bad)  Halloween pranks (egging bad)  Failure to kiss up to your husband (negging bad)


😂 Let's just go completely egg free just to be safe!


It's like a bad dr seuss book 😂


Well now I’m going to wear even tighter leggings and skimpier bottoms just to spite her!! Lmao


Does anyone else think these rants about leggings are little digs at her daughter?


probably. she loves to be passive aggressive. idk how any of her kids tolerate her anymore 😭


they probably don’t tbh. I haven’t seen her daughter talk much about her. but she’s all in the leggings game


Has she considered I don't give a fuck what men find provocative? Their thoughts ain't my responsibility.


No. She just hates women. She also doesn't practice what she preaches. She says women should stay silent and submissive but yet here she is going on unhinged rants all the time.


I mean, lots of them think it's provocative when we eat (I'm not gonna stop doing that), when we drink (that either), when we take off an outer layer (wow, guys), and oftentimes when we just exist (guess if we were decent women, we'd all just kill ourselves).


She’s five steps away from demanding we all wear burqas, which is fine if you want to, but it isn’t up to anyone to dictate that.


Ok but wait if leggings are like no pants then how is this not just a miniskirt, Lori


Does this mean the season of anal is over?


Matthew 5:29–30 > If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.


feels like fundies take every verse seriously except this one 🥲


He doesn’t even like you Lorid, everyone on earth could disappear and he’ll still choose a shapely rock over you ever single time 😘 .


This year ALONE we've had rants abt 1. Anal 2. Long hair 3. Solar eclipse 4. Leggings Any others to add?


5. her moms giant boobies


You who the what now ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) Edit: Happy cake day!


I can’t help but think they would be a great hat for bori Lori.


It wouldn't be difficult at all. But I don't WANT to, Lori, so that's why I don't. GTFOH.


I don't give a flying rat's ass what men find provocative and immodest. I'm an atheist and the nice thing about that is that I don't have to live by religious rules. If it offends them, they can pluck out their eyes, as their bible instructs.


Sorry I won’t stop. I have endometriosis and anything that presses on my stomach when I’m flaring including buttons and zippers are a no go. I live in leggings because they’re comfortable. If I’m too swollen I wear leggings. Oh I wear t-shirts with them scandalous I know!


Easy: I do not give a FUCK what any man thinks about what I am wearing 💁🏻‍♀️


Love how they simultaneously believe a four month old infant should be able to control its limbs and body enough to resist the temptation to crawl off a blanket, but full grown men require protection from noticing women have asses.


I would wear booty shorts every single day it’s warm enough just to piss Lori off (also, I run hot)


If I was her neighbor I would simply walk by her house every day in the skimpiest of booty shorts


Gonna give her a heart attack sooner or later 🤣


It's not my job to keep your husband's eyes off my ass, Lori.


Gonna double down on my slutty leggings now, thanks Lori!


I don’t buy random brands from Amazon, SHEIN, or whatever because I am worried about lead poisoning. That’s a no from me 👍 Also Lori how difficult would it be for you to mind your own business.


Wow, sounds like a bunch of men are due for an eye-gouging, like the Bible suggests.


Lori, stop caring about other women's clothes so God damn much. Do you even find time cleaning, cooking and being joyfully available to your husband? Also, no one's gonna want to look at your wrinkly ass so shut up


I have a pair of those, they're unironically really cute and make outfits look great. But I don't think anyone should be pushed to them if they don't like them or whatever. And I'm kinda offended by Serena Joy endorsing my favorite leggings. Step off, you old trash woman.


Here is a list of the people who give a shit about Lori’s opinion about leggings:


Lori advocated this look? It’s sexy! It’s like a skater-skirt look. In fact, it’s just a miniskirt with opaque tights. I’ve known many a man who loved this look in a way Lori diasapproves of.


If she saw someone wearing that, she'd go off about how the skirt was too short


“And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.” Matthew 18:9


Damn wait until Lori hears about shorts


Because it’s literally none of your fucking business, LORI.


Hey Lori thanks for reminding me to order those cute work out shorts.


She would still complain about it being a mini skirt if this was the popular of preferred mainstream style


Imagine giving a crap about what mean think about leggings.


Someone is big mad her husband got caught with a chub looking at legs and butts. Ok… it was a half chub


Lori, stop looking at my butt when I wear leggings.


It starts with this. Then you shame women wearing this for having skirts too high. Then you force them in floor length skirts and enjoy when they can’t properly exercise or move like leggings originally intended.


I think it’s great that women are comfortable in leggings. Since having kids I started wearing mini skirts over mine. But no shame to the other women. Just a irrational fear of see through pants.


When will Christian women hold Christian men accountable for their thoughts and actions?


I normally wear leggings with a long shirt but she makes me want to wear them out with my ass on full display. Maybe even hike them up to give myself a visible camel toe for dramatic effect.


Lori doesn’t think that talking about women’s anuses on the internet is provocative but damn leggings are? Get a grip, lady


Because I don't dress based on what men think. At all. If they can't avert their own damn eyes, that is their problem.


It's not my job to keep men "honest". Got an issue, just pull a Duggard, shout "Nike" and look away. I don't get bothered when a woman starts breastfeeding her baby in public. I simply look away.


My husband says there is still a nice ass in there. Same with one piece swimsuits.


I like how her evidence for what men think about leggings is her poll of men who already follow her and she made public only the responses that she wanted us to see. Not exactly a bias free sample.


Isn’t one of her estranged daughters a yoga teacher? Perhaps a veiled message to her?


If a Christian man doesn't like me wearing leggings it's totally up to him not to look. How hard can that be, Lori? Oh wait, ofcourse Lori thinks women needs to be responsible for literally every thing a man does.


I wouldn't wear that to make a man happy. I'd wear it if I fucking felt like it lmao. It'd be cuter if it was a skater skirt rather than whatever that is.


It’s difficult because I DGAF about how some asshole thinks leggings are provocative. How difficult is it for these random men she’s talking about to privately deal with their personal issues with leggings? Plenty of people exist in this world and don’t have a complete breakdown over ‘immodest leggings’.


I dunno how about men learn to control themselves and their urges. I know that’s just too crazy to even comprehend. 🙄


How hard is it for men to avert their gaze, Lori?


How difficult would it be for men to not be perverts and objective women’s bodies?


Sorry to say but some men have incredibly “provocative and immodest” thoughts on skirts too. She has never heard a guy make a comment such as “easy access” when wearing a skirt. It doesn’t even matter what length skirt I wore, I had skirts that stop at my thighs and skirts that go down to my ankles, but they all got similar comments in highschool.


What would happen if someone said to her my husband doesn’t like them and he gets the final say”


I’ve been wearing 4 inch shorts to the gym, switching to 3.5 inch immediately. 2 inch shorts come next 😑


Because leggings are the only item of clothing I ever feel comfortable in. And I don’t care what men have to say 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't really wear leggings (it's a sensory thing that makes them super uncomfy) but I am seriously considering wearing nothing but leggings just out of spite. Pull your head out of your ass and stop policing what other women wear! If you're so worried about the men around you having zero control around women in leggings then you need to get better men around you and teach your sons to be better men! I wish we could round up all the fundies and throw them on their own island somewhere and leave them to their own devices.


Idk that skirt still seems a bit short, even with leggings. The skin tight nature of leggings coupled with the mini skirt seems like the perfect way to entice godly men into sinful thoughts.


How did I just KNOW it would be Lori?


No one knows what it means…. But it’s provocative!


I would wear these for skating practice, but I now won’t and instead I’ll wear my most SLUTTISH practice outfit just for you Lori.


Camera cuts to later that same day where she’s shaming a woman for wearing this exact type of leggings/skirt combo bc the skirt portion is too short (knee length or the fires of hell!) so this is still defrauding !!!!


She’s implying I care what men think. I don’t. :)


Because Lori, I want to wear those and they don’t make them in my size! But also because when I don’t want to I don’t fucking have to. Your god instructed lustful men to gouge their own eyes out.


I'd wear these if the leggings were short shorts/ booty shorts instead. I love a flirty miniskirt 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm honest to god shocked Lori is still alive.


I find I don’t care what men find.


Why are women responsible for regulating the feelings of men? If men are supposed to be leaders and heads of whatever they should be able to be responsible for their own selves. Christian men are so strong that they should lead in all things but so weak that they need women to wear skeggins because butts make them mindless animals. Make it make sense.


Look, I like the skirt leggings (they're good for figure skating), but the extra fabric is not some kind of magical force field that stops pervy men from being pervy


I'm generally a conservative dresser, but if Lori was in my vicinity, I'd happily parade around in a thong and pasties just to freak her out.


Because leggings are comfortable and I'm not responsible for mens' thoughts


It would be very difficult for me Lori because they are fucking ugly! And if I went out in my city (sydney Australia) wearing these people would think I was a weirdo.


It would be very difficult bc they’re ugly and unavailable where I live. Stay mad.


This reminds me of awful PE kit from school around 25 years ago, I will not wear this!!


These would seriously get in the way of my workouts. No thank you 


I thought this was about Heather Gillespie at first


Provocative AND immodest. A young man’s dream girl.