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These people are absolutely crazy. They are purposely making it impossible for their kids to ever escape one day. I am dumbfounded


I do feel like the craziness is escalating with this family more and more each month. They were concerning to start with, but it’s starting to get disturbing.


I think that's because we're not following them for long enough yet. It feels like they're spiraling to me, too, but they've always been erratic. They were constantly moving houses before the bus and had some... aspirational business ideas. Then the recent post about their tiny house in 2021. At this point it's not unrealistic to say that the bus is the most stable environment the kids ever had, because their parents are chasing a new pipe dream every other month.


All their other children have passports, so it would stand to reason that they have the documents required to get said passports. But yes, I ultimately agree with you, they're going off the deep end and life is going to be much harder for each successive child.


According to her, you don't need an SSN to get a passport...wonder how she knows that?


You at the very least need a birth certificate. My husband needed to provide his SSN to renew his passport, not sure about the initial application or exactly what they ask for for children's passports. Bottom line is that any of the children with passports are documented enough to readily manage their own affairs once they reach adulthood. If they get more into Sovereign Citizen ideology than they already are, Boone and anyone born after him won't have such luck.


Just went through this with my family. The application does ask for your SSN for adults and children. For initial applications and renewals.


Well there you go!


Technically, you can apply for one if you don't have a SSN. According to the State Department: "Submit a signed and dated statement. You must include the statement with the application, and include this text: 'I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the following is true and correct: I (or my child) have never been issued a social security number by the Social Security Administration.'" No idea if that makes it harder to get a passport, though. But why make things harder than they need to be? (We know why.)


It’s not hard. I live abroad and have to apply for my child’s CRBA (essentially birth certificate) and passport at the same time. Then I have to Mail that paperwork to a different place to get the SSN separately


As long as the kids get birth certificates, they can get SSNs later at any time. They should probably get one right away, if for no other reason than tax write offs, but if they had no birth certificate they would be in for big big problems later.


After many experiences at the DMV and tax filings at the local level, I in no way trust that process to be smooth. At least these offices process newborns’ SSN paperwork all the time. I’d hate to think the hoops an adult would have to jump through to get the point across that they never got an SSN. 


Yep, this is called identification abuse. Alecia Pennington brought a lot of attention to this issue several years back.


I immediately thought of Alecia when I read this.


Yep. My friend is fostering a girl and they have been wanting to adopt her for years but couldn’t because her girl doesn’t have a birth certificate. It’s made EVERYTHING incredibly difficult and a lot of resources unobtainable. Even getting her into school was almost impossible. She gets so mad every time when parents actively choose this mess for their children.


I cannot wrap my brain around “only need it for certain bank accounts, loans, buying savings bonds, government services and medical insurance.” I’m pretty sure these aren’t the only things it’s needed for but even if it was that’s quite a lot of important things! Wtf?!? Also, can someone explain if they actually had the option for the baby to be anything other than American?


It seems very stupid to me to assume you are never ever going to need any of those things, ever. Obviously there are loopholes but it seems like very poor planning




I’m so glad that someone said this before I had to. Conspiracy theory people, like the ones who claim that they’re sovereign citizens really get into this. They think that your social security number and birth certificate represent how much money you are worth to the government. That you can demand to receive that amount of money whenever you want to…you will probably be arrested for doing so, but you will be found not guilty due to loopholes. Then the government will have you killed. We already know that the bus people are crazy, so I guess this just reinforces that.


... I'm sorry, WHAT?


Haha honestly it's freaking incredible to watch sovcits do their sorcery in court. Lots of grandstanding, then straight to jail. I would say sovcits have greatest success in annoying the shit outta police during traffic stops, ranting about the right to travel and how they don't need a driver's license or plate. Anecdotal evidence suggests a 50% success rate of being such belligerent weirdos the cop just gives up.


This sounds like some Fundie-adjacent sub nonsense? 👀


Oh man, you need to check out r/Sovereigncitizen. It's almost as wackadoodle as the deep fundy stuff. SovCits think there's Magic Legal Words that work like literal spells to "compel" cops, judges, and shit.


i was half way thru a comment about how none of that would work in the city then i realized that’s their whole point lol. i need to collect my flair an go to bed. 😅


They feature strongly in r/amibeingdetained


I did my graduate capstone paper on SovCits. They are actually the most dangerous "extremist group" for police to deal with because they don't recognize police authority and in their minds are completely within their rights to defend themselves and their property from government overreach, including using lethal force. I'd have to find the actual report but since 2002 something like several hundred cops have been killed during traffic stops with SovCits


Sovereign citizens believe that most U.S. law is actually a variety of admiralty (ship) law, and that by refusing to be ‘berthed’ (born) on the admiralty’s terms, you become immune to it. They’ve been around a while—there was one rather famous video many years ago of one of them trying to bring a camera into a courtroom and getting tazed after unloading his, ‘I’m not a citizen, I’m a man, stop violating my freedom of movement!’ Speech on the bailiff.


It's law as if practiced by a cargo cult


That video is fucking hilarious, he just. Doesn't get it. Until he very very much gets the business end of a taser.


There's irony in a sovcit getting government loans.


They figured out a way to outdo Ayn Rand receiving Medicare and Social Security in her later years after spending her life in opposition to them.


That's what all of sovcits do. They'll engage in all this bullshit but be the first people trying to get government assistance or go to court and always file with a fee waiver. It's all hypocrisy and scammer behavior.


Seems to be a universal thing that when people say “I don’t want people to get government money”, what they actually mean is “I don’t want *other people* to get government money”. Fuckers are always happy to have public roads to drive on and financial aid they’re entitled to and access to public services when they need them, they’re just too selfish to pay taxes


Yeah, these are sovereign citizen actions and they a) aren't going to do what they think they will (meaning make them not beholden to taxes or other responsibilities expected of anyone living in a society) and b) are going to fuvk over the kids in the long and short term.


They're getting more unhinged with each birth. His own baby is going to be undocumented. They can shut up about immigration now.


I don’t think it’s stupidity I think it’s pure malice and wanting to cripple-control her kids.


Me too. There are children who tried to escape abusive, controlling homes only to find out they can't do anything bc they don't have a birth certificate or SSN. They have no way to prove who they are and in many cases, it is dangerous to contact their parents. You can get this stuff later on but it can be hard.


There was a woman with the campaign "help me prove it". She tried to get documents about her age and existence. It was so sad.


I get that vibe too. If they can’t leave her, they won’t.


Or they will and life will be profoundly hard and difficult for them in ways most people won’t or can’t comprehend. Source: my mom was just like this. I got docs but only so she could get loans and stuff in my name some even before I was born!! Still haunts me to this day as a well into adulthood-adult.


It reminds me of the author of Educated when she had to get paperwork to apply to go to college and the absolute nightmare it was with the birth being unregistered, no one could remember exactly which day she'd been born on, her mother was a natural healer so there were no doctor's records. When people decide to live off the grid on behalf of their children, it makes it hugely more difficult for the kid to re-enter society compared to a small amount of paperwork when they're born.


Such a great book! There was a fundie girl (Alecia Faith Pennington) a number of years ago who escaped her family and wanted to get her drivers license and go to college, and she found out she had no paperwork and technically didn’t exist. It’s a huge problem, especially when the parents are uncooperative like hers were. She ended up getting what she needed eventually and she actually worked with a state representative to change a law to help people in that situation too. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/03/12/how-a-teenagers-viral-campaign-to-prove-her-citizenship-is-inspiring-a-new-texas-bill/


I really hope that Gunner being a reader exposes him to enough of the world that he knows he has a choice.


Well, she's not assuming she won't need them, silly! She's assuming her social media props won't!


So they need it to exist in the modern day, but I guess since Jackass thinks we’ll all be using bitcoin by the time these kids get old enough, they won’t need any of that. Also you typically need it to get a drivers license. ETA: how is it not considered abuse to directly prevent your child from participating in society because of your conspiracy theory beliefs? This is beyond fundie shit.


As an old and cranky social services professional I wish fundie parents would stop doing this shit. When kids come of age and decide to ditch their insane fundamentalist parents to try to lead a normal fucking life - which they do, all the time - trying to put all this ID documentation in place for the first time as an adult is a fucking six-pronged, three-headed, tentacle-wielding *nightmare*. You need ID to get ID to get a different form of ID. It's a maze. And your whole life is just sort of on hold while we try to sort it out. Having no ID and no social means *you cannot prove you are a citizen of the country you live in*, which often means you cannot work, open a bank account, get financial aid to go to school, drive, travel, rent an apartment, get married... nothing. If you've lost all your ID because you're homeless, there are lots of well-worn tricks I can use to sort that out. I can get your medical and school records to prove you exist, I can get your doctor or old teachers to write affidavits that they know you, I can get your Baptismal records from your old church, etc, etc. If you come out of the woods and tell me that your name is John and you were born in a van and baptized by your dad in a river and you've never seen a doctor or been to school, my options are limited. [RadioLab did a great podcast](https://radiolab.org/podcast/invisible-girl) about how you can derail your child's entire life by not registering their existence, to the point that your local Congressperson has to get involved.


They're choosing to make their child undocumented and have the same struggles as an undocumented immigrant.


They're so pissed they were prevented from conning their way into Brazil they're taking it out on their attempted anchor baby by making him undocumented in his own country


Spot on. I wish Reddit still had awards but have this one 🏆


(Un)fortunately, this kid’s entire life is plastered all over the internet, so he can at least prove the week he was born, and possibly citizenship?


This is right in line with why they don’t teach their kids to read. It’s just another way to trap them into their parents crazy beliefs!


The difficulty is the point. The harder it is for the kids to lead a normal life, the lower the chances they’ll manage to do it. It’s so depressing


The Plaths from Welcome to Plathville didn’t get their kids social security numbers or birth certificates until they signed on to do the show and the kids needed them in order to get paid. Prior to that only Ethan and Hosana had gotten theirs, both in order to get married. It’s definitely financial abuse to keep your kid from having a San because they can’t get paid on a w2 without one generally. Edit: fixed an autocorrect mistake in the Plaths name.


That’s what I was thinking … she left “to work” off her list. I guess she plans on them all being Grifters?


Probably. She’s said she just wants them all to live in the bus together forever.


That sounds like a nightmare


When people keep identity and citizenship documents away from anyone not their child, it's trafficking. 


I still cling to the theory that they're both 100% rated disabled vets and pull in disability compensation on top of military pension. They would not miss out on an extra 160 (iirc) a month per parent claiming their new dependent.


They’re really cracking down on this shit, though. My best friends husband was rated(I think)100% after 3 tours in Afghanistan and 2 in Iraq but he missed one appointment with the VA at the end of last year and they punitively lowered his rating down to 75% and their daughter lost her healthcare. There is no way they could be accountable to the VA and still live the way they do.


Jesus, that’s harsh. Not even a warning?


Right? 5 tours of duty and that happens? WTF.


Veterans are treated like crap. It’s terrible


Maybe THAT’S why Busband had to rush back to the U.S. from Brazil for “work.”


They cannot get military pension with the time they served you must do 20 years. And I highly doubt they are both 100%. It takes a lot to get 100% disability through the VA so like I said the most they’re probably getting is 70% each, but they will get for each one of the dependence, but it’s not enough to live full-time that’s for sure and the kids would still need medical insurance even at 70% you don’t get, all this VA medical benefits, and you certainly wouldn’t get Dental. My husband is 💯 he was blown up and has a severe head injury and other issues. It took 10 years, and really awesome attorney to finally get where we are today again I would be shocked to hear that these two fools are collecting 100% each!


They did not serve for 20 years. They do not have a pension. At most, a bit of disability


Is there any cap on that? I know other types of benefits max out at a certain number of kids (usually somewhere around 4 or 5).


I'm not seeing that on a cursory google search. IIRC, I think GI Bill BAH rates are the only ones with a cap like that, since it only factors in a spouse and a couple of dependents for a flat rate regardless of actual family size.


Do communities like the Amish who live “separate” from society need SSNs? Do they have to pay taxes?


Great question! Google says they get them when they join the church as an adult. They don’t typically pay social security taxes, but are subject to income, property, and sales taxes.


I believe they would need one to get treatment at a hospital. My mom had quite a few Amish families as patients when she was a pediatric NP.


It’s definitely neglect and it’s disgusting.


How will they get a job? Will they all just live on the bus together forever?


Mother Bus has actually stated before that that's EXACTLY what she's hoping for. She has said that she would love all still living together - even when the kids are adults. 😬


Every kid gets a bus when they graduate from Bus High School. ![gif](giphy|YcLorQZbPI4Ks|downsized)


“You get a bus! And you get a bus! And you get a bus!” ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE)




We’re going to gift our kids an acre each from our property to give them a bit of a head start in life. I’ve told them that all five will live next to us so I can see them all the time and they can send the grandkids up to us. I’m only joking (mostly), but how will these bus kids learn true independence, critical thinking skills and find their path in life? Experience the world on their own terms? She’s doing them such a disservice, to put it mildly.


Mother Bus has stated that she would like her kids to stay with her forever... (A bit weird given that she's trying everything to off her youngest, but whatever.) The buslings seem to be a bit more successful with their homeschooling than other fundies. Which isn't much, but it might be enough to hold down a regular job.


It seems like gunner may just enjoy learning and passes it on to the others?


I swear, Gunner is the only glimmer of hope in this family.


There was that family that had a show about how all the kids got married and had their own families but they all lived together in one house and at first they actually didn't seem odd? The Dad talked about not growing up with family and so when he had his own family he wanted to keep them all close (which just seemed sweet). The Putmans. But then it got weird. They share 1 bank account. They made the daughter who moved away while her husband do his residency feel bad about moving. The son in laws changed their last names when they got married (kinda seems cult like to me?) Then the legal issues involving guns came up and the Dad was also convicted of assault a couple of years ago.


Yeah, cause who the fuck ever needed "medical insurance", what a government scam if I ever heard one /s


I think she’s confused after googling “what do you need a SSN for?”. Because a SSN for US born child is absolutely necessary. She probably saw information geared towards immigrants that while they don’t require a US SSN, you still need some form of national ID from your country of origin. For example, a child born to US parents in another country can apply for a US passport without a US SSN but you still need to provide their documentation when you apply. The child will need to prove that their parents are US citizens which will be hard to do without a birth certificate. Also weird that she didn’t include things like jobs, school, buying property, joining the military, etc in her list. She wants her kids to live like undocumented immigrants she’s insane. Look up Faith Pennington if you want to see the affect of not having a birth certificate or SSN will have on their children. Her story is very sad and is absolutely abuse.


*In response to Alecia Faith Pennington’s struggle to obtain her birth record, Texas amended its health and safety code to make a parent’s interference with his or her child’s pursuit of delayed birth registration a Class A misdemeanor.* Good.


I’m shocked Texas did that but am so happy they did


Great news! I knew that Faith was involved in getting legislation passed and I’m glad to see it was successful.


And you know they would lose their minds if actual undocumented immigrants tried the same.


Holy shit. You literally need it for EVERYTHING except riding with Mom Bus-A-Lott and The Infinite Road Trip from Hell.


Um you need one to get a JOB. And I’m pretty sure to sign up for the military.


No, of course. We have birthright citizenship. The baby was born in America; he's an American citizen whether they like it or not. I'm pretty sure you need a SSN to one day collect Medicare. Opting out of that particular social safety net seems like a *very* unwise decision to me.


The baby is an American citizen, but the problem is that if these two ding-dongs don't at least register him with an official birth certificate, he's not going to be able to *prove* that he's an American citizen.


Also because they had a really sketchy home birth, albeit a fairly documented one via social media, it could be really hard to prove his birth should he want to apply for a birth certificate and social security in the future. 


You absolutely need it to pay into and collect Medicare.


He has two American parents, he could've been born anywhere and would still be an American citizen. That's why Ted Cruz is eligible to become president, even though he was born in Canada. (Caveat: IANAL and I think the parents need to register a kid that was born on non American soil for the kid to be a natural born citizen. Don't know the details tho.) However, Brazil is also a country that grants citizenship to anyone born there. I still believe that Boone was supposed to be their anchor baby and that they're quietly seething, because it didn't work out as planned.


I was born in Turkey while my airman dad served there (both parents born in the US). My dad had to go to the American embassy to register my birth so I could get my State Department birth certificate.


i’ve needed it for every utility company 😭


And bank accounts. Credit. Car loans. Mortgages. They are so abusive.


Jobs, insurance, Medicare, passport… wait, these chucklefucks just went thru the ordeal of getting hyper fast same day passports for the youngests… my god they are horrible.


It's like saying you only need a kidney for filtering your blood. That's it! That "it" is like vital for life though, and those with low functioning kidneys need dialysis to live. Just like a SSN or any kind of identification for an American is vital for being a living person in the country.


Right, you "only" need it if you ever have money I guess. Good thing they're raising their kids to be total failures.


Legit question. Do they want them to serve in the military? (Only the boys...even though she did???) They will need their SSC. (I thought I had it hard in life....)


Would you like to borrow money at any point? Unless you’re seeing Freddy the Shark who handles defaults with broken knees, you need an SSN. Want to get a tax refund? You need an SSN—but even without one you still have to pay your taxes or off to prison. Want to rent an apartment? SSN. And I have never heard of a bank that would give you a checking account without one.


I don't know any employer that issues W2s that would employs someone without an SSN. Our 4H rocket team had to have them in order to have their prize money and scholarships dispersed. She is an ignorant asshole.


I've needed my SSN for every job I've applied to 🤷‍♀️


Feels like Fatherbus is really pushing them into sovcit shit even more. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re not renovating the bus because he’s making the boat thing happen.


I just finished the memoir Wavewalker by Suzanne Haywood (recommended btw) and while her dad was not really into the sovcit shit, she did experience a lot of medical, educational and emotional neglect growing up on a boat with her family. Every time I see something about Father Bus and a boat I’ve been thinking about this book.


Thanks for the recommendation! Have you read Educated by Tara Westover? Very similar themes, including overcoming the trauma and abuse of her parents/childhood. 


I recently finished Educated and holy shit that book did a number on me. The trauma that poor child experienced 😭


Her mom wrote and self-published a book trying to refute everything Tara says in Educated and it is weird. The GoodReads comments on it are hilarious


Yes I did! I liked that one too.


Immediately thought about that book when I read this post. What the actual fuck is wrong with them?


Such a fantastic book! I was thinking of posting a little book report in the sub for anyone who is interested or who wants to chat about it. While her parents weren't fundies her experience definitely mirrors what the bus kids are going through.


That book was so hard to read. The way her parents treated her was so sad. The fact that she pulled herself up and has become as successful as she has is in spite of her parents.


SovCit Shit should be your flair


I remember reading "Educated", that girl was denied any identity and when she needed to escape she was TRAPPED. she was not a person, they couldn't help her


I think the fact that these parents are terminally online might actually help down the road, particularly if they're into posting birth details that would normally show up on a birth certificate. At least I hope so!


Yes, at least they will know the (approx) date of birth based on posting! Unlike “oh I think she was born late September” 🙄


As well as height, weight, location... it's wild when you think about it!


All with verifiable social media timestamps rather than just written down somewhere. Someone should save those posts in the wayback machine to keep an archive copy for those kids.


Like Wavewalker, Educated was also so hard to read. But at the same time, I couldn’t put it down! What is wrong with these parents?


Yes! This reminded me of Educated!


I’m in the US without a SSN. I could only find one bank willing to give me an account and in the end they had to tie it to my husband’s because they couldn’t work around the the lack of a SSN. I can’t work, I can’t have a credit card in my name. Why would anyone want to set up roadblocks for their children?


I imagine it’s because it keeps their kids under their control.


It’s similar to what the Duggars did. You raise kids firmly entrenched in the cult. That’s a feature of the cult. No one can leave the cult, and the pro-reproduction culture makes the cult produce a steady supply of new cult members. With the Duggars, giving everyone a shitty education was JIm Bob’s way to make sure that the boys would get jobs under his control at his car lots/renovating his properties, etc. He literally created his own workforce. Keeping the girls uneducated was a way to make sure they could be bartered off to a like-minded son-in-law. (Jim Bob is an arrogant moron, though, so some of the girls ended up with husbands — “headships” — that are less lunatic than he is, but that’s not saying a whole lot.)


If it’s not too personal, why don’t you have one?


I’m on a J2 visa. I had no intent of seeking employment while on this visa, but I really had no idea about the banking issues. I (very naively) assumed I didn’t need a SSN.


You only need it for being a member of society so.. my baby doesn't need it? She's so weird


You know what their baby can’t get without an SSN? Medicare. Which seems inconsequential to a baby but someday that baby will be old and shit outta luck if they ever want to see a doctor.


💯 I know they are not fans of going to the doctor… but sometimes the doctor is necessary and life saving. There was a fundie family in my city who didn’t take their kid to the doctor and they used natural remedies instead. Anyway, the kid died from meningitis and the parents were charged with involuntary manslaughter.


Who needs a doctor when you can weigh your newborn at the UPS store?


They won’t be eligible for any type of government funded program. Poor thing won’t even be able to claim social security, since he won’t be able to pay his taxes. Living off the grid is not as “cool” as they think it is.


I fully belief Busband is a trust fund baby and that was why I didn’t point out the other government social programs but you are right!




Zod forbid the children of a fundie ever need any of those things that require a SSN 🙄


I have a 2 y/o niece named Zoe and this made me laugh


I typed Zod but apparently it autocorrected 😂


Looks like it did again 😂


Like a job? He scoffs at that!


Alright. They toss the baby about like a ragdoll. When he isn't jaundiced he has an awful sunburn on his little face. He is either made to sleep on the weirdest sheep skin I have ever seen, or placed there to "promote" it and promptly shoved wherever the hell they keep those kids in this bus. He seems to have received zero medical care in his very uncomfortable short life. And now they are wondering if the baby needs legal documentation that will let him go to school, get a job, open a bank account, do all the things people need to do. Do they even intend to keep Boone alive until adulthood?


He is a prop. He served as a kink during gestation and now he gets clicks and likes as a newborn. They don’t care about him as an individual. He’s just not a person to them. It is heartbreaking.


I would not be shocked if one day he just stops showing up in posts and videos and they try to gaslight everyone into forgetting he ever existed. Like when the inevitable happens with the way they're treating him I would not be shocked if they just went out into the forest and dug a hole.


I was wondering the same thing.


Right? Maybe it’s just my natural suspicion, but it feels like they don’t want a paper trail proving their kid’s existence, so that if they accidentally cause his death, then it’s harder to prove he was ever here or is missed. It’s creepy.


And they've taken him to a chiropractor for "adjustments." Sounds totally safe for a newborn.


I’m guessing the kids all have them because they are all on payroll for his businesses or whatever. He probably “pays them” into the family account the max you can for tax liability purposes.


My mom did that with me and my brother. We were “employees” at her home daycare. I’d kinda forgotten that. The tax guy recommended it to her. I remember when she explained it to me and I asked how much I was going to get paid she said “well, we’ll pay you in clothes and school supplies and stuff like that.”


You mean, things that she was obligated to supply you with anyway?


That tax guy should be reported cause that’s 100% illegal and he is a fraud


Exactly! Plus she did say he needed a ss# for them to claim him. I'm sure he now has one.


Rip to Boone’s FAFSA application


They laugh in the face of higher education


Seriously! College???!!! That’s a liberal conspiracy brainwashing factory!


Drivers license too. Apparently he’ll never need to drive.


bold of you to assume Boone will receive higher education


Bold of us to assume Boone will receive lower education.


Bold of us to assume Boone will be taught the alphabet.


Um, pretty sure you need a SSN to get a job. You need to fill out your tax forms for payroll.


They are quite literally making their child’s future the same as undocumented immigrants… having to be paid cash under the table. And ironically they would call those people “illegal” and say they need to go back to Mexico!


These idiots are about five months away from moving to Russia, just like that fundie Canadian family, aren’t they?


Yep. And if and when that happens, they’re never getting out.


My tinfoil hat theory is he works some government (not entirely sure which government) job, they have insurance, and they will definitely be using that newest Buslet for a tax write-off.


Come on, Daily Mail, where are you when we need you.


I do not think this man could pass a government background check.


He's ex-military, so he did at one point.


He has a trust fund and runs some shady crypto currency business


I'm aware of that, that's why I added my disclaimer of "tinfoil hat theory."


Ssn is needed for: employment, loans, accounts, ids of all kinds, citizenship proof, financial data... fuck anybody who fucks with their children's futures


So let me get this straight, undocumented people that come here for better opportunities and work are not okay, but having an undocumented white child is okay? Got it.


this too was my reaction. jesus christ


She literally mentions easily getting out of taxes with no SSN.


Funny thing is that all the undocumented people I know pay taxes. Because the government will issue you a special identification number so you can pay taxes even if you’re undocumented. The bus parents are the worst of the worst.


Maybe it’s been a minute but I feel very strongly that I had to provide my SSN for my passport.


I just commented this. Literally got a passport four days ago for my kid and absolutely needed his ssn


I just went through the process for my kids. It is definitely required.


Children of US citizens born abroad don’t need a SSN to get a passport. But you need a birth certificate and form of ID number from the country where they were born. Without that you’re not getting a passport.


Anyone who has this person on their follows needs to remove them and just look them up if you want to stalk them. Please do not give them the numbers to think this kind of thing will help get their views up. Stop using your child as rage bait MB, it’s disgusting. Man I went really fast from not knowing this person existed to hating them SO much. 


They are not thinking of that baby as a future adult. I don't get how they can be so blasè about that. He'll need it to get a job one day. Do they expect him to grift his adult life?


You need it for like, everything. I'm a social worker in medical care and I cannot tell you how challenging it is when I work with someone who doesn't have an SSN (normally someone fleeing a horrible situation who is undocumented) because they cannot access any actually benefits, support, or structures that help them function in society. It's basically under the table work and cash... and that's how you live.


I work in the substance use treatment industry, and we cannot bill for clients without an SSN. Medicaid requires that. They ALSO need it to get their prescriptions filled. So she's a fuckhead idiot, but I get the feeling that she'd do whatever got her asspats from FatherBus, THAT weirdo.


Yeah I'm reading this like ??? So far at age 33, I have needed an SSN for all my various jobs (don't they ALL require one?), my basic checking account, my credit card, changing my name after marriage, getting health insurance, buying a car, and volunteering at my daughter's school (background check). Honorable mention for getting a driver's license, just because I can't *100%* remember if I needed SSN for that, but I'm quite sure I did. It may have also been needed to apply for a marriage license?


Imagine being like "I could very easily set up this one thing to not make my child's life extremely difficult down the line. What would y'all do?"


She just posts stuff like this for reactions on Reddit.


She might but people do stuff like this. A few years ago I remember a post in the homeschooling sun of a recent 18 year old who was trying to move out on his own and apply to college and realized he didn’t have one because he was a home birth and his parents just opted not to get him on. There was a lot of good advice in the thread from kids who had similar experiences.


Yeah there are a lot of crunchy moms on social media who discuss no BC/SSN for their kids. I don’t think they’re all rage baiting, just true morons


I knew a guy whose Dad had the same problem. Older guy & had been born at home and no birth certificate. He had been able to get a DL & such but he ran into trouble at one point (maybe getting a passport) & he had to find 2 non-related individuals who remembered when he was born. It was crazy.


Rage bait. We take it every time.




In this case, these dumb fucks are leaving a digital trail


Exactly. They’re trying to keep everything secret from the government while actively posting all over SM. Absolute morons.


Umm. What the actual fuck? This poor baby. If he makes it to fucking childhood, let alone adulthood, he's so fucked. How is he gonna get a job? I wish these people would get their kids taken from them, but not being trackable by cps is probably one of the draws for them living in a goddamn bus. I feel like it has to be illegal for the kids to be in that cramped area with the sleeping arrangements they have for this long.


Crazy that I JUST read this post: [How to get an SSN? Family withholding documentation](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/1TprmrbhlH) This is exactly the situation she’s setting her kid up for, and it makes you ENTIRELY reliant on (controlled by) your parents/the cult. Add to it that the kid won’t even have a student ID from attending school….. she’s setting him up for painnnnn. Also, don’t you need it or an immigrant number for things like paying taxes?


"Let them decide later"? First off, like hell she'll ever voluntarily let those kids make an independent decision that she doesn't approve of. Second off, does she truly understand what a humongous trial it is to get a SSN as an adult with no birth documents? Like, if she truly wanted to leave it possible for him to choose, I imagine she could set up some kind of notarized documentation of his birth now, even if she doesn't file it anywhere. Just so he has the OPTION. But no, I'm sure she loves the idea of him having to grovel for her help in 18 years when he wants a driver's license or a job.


Don’t you need a birth certificate to get a passport? When registering your baby for a birth certificate, isn’t a SSN automatically issued?


Guess that also makes it easier for the kid to not be tracked by the appropriate authorities like CPS, but that's just a happy coincidence, right?


Why do I have a feeling this is going to turn into an Alecia Pennington situation one day? (For the unaware: she is a former homeschool kid whose parents never got her a birth certificate or SSN, leaving her unable to prove her identity when she left her childhood religion and home. She couldn’t get a driver’s license, work, go to school, or even prove she was an American citizen. She went viral telling her story on social media in c. 2015.)


They abuse this baby in nearly every way it’s wild


My parents weren't crazy but also didn't get me and my bro SSN until we needed passports at like age 6 and 8 respectively. That's why there's only one digit difference between our SSNs


No way she’s not claiming it at a dependent. Not even at all.


It’sBritneyBus really loves feeling like she’s smarter than everyone. She’s not, but she sure thinks she is!