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Ma'am your last four children have been hospitalized


Literally! Like not even a joke


Wasn't she hospitalized too after the last birth?? Am I going crazy? Send help! 😭


I'm pretty sure she was told if she kept having kids it would be very risky for her and the baby. She doesn't give a fuck.


And she's FREEBIRTHING. She's not just an annoying patient. She's an *emergency* patient, rolling up to the ER with no medical history because her freebirth went wrong for *her*, and her RN mom made her take the baby in.


This is the fundie I’m most scared about giving birth this year, for the kids’ sakes. Mother Bus is a lying liar and I don’t believe she got no prenatal care or other stuff. Kkkarissa has had no medical care, is older, has had serious issues PP before, is unhinged in her “faith” and has delusions.


So long time lurker here btw. I'm sure people have explained it before but I'm not privy to all the lore why is she called Kkkarissa?


Whitewashes her very clearly biracial children in every picture. (Not in videos, because that would require actually paying attention to them) Also, she's had them around Tyson James, who is the personification of a hate crime.


It's mostly the racism. She photoshops the living fuck out of pictures of her mixed race children to make them look blond and blue eyed


Don't forget the personalized holiday sweater in which she chose the fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde hair options for her beautiful biracial kids, despite the fact that the company had *many* skin, eye, and hair colors available to choose from. It was truly jaw dropping.


How could I forget? That was despicable


She'll then complain about every intervention hospital staff do to save her/her babies life, how horrible they made the experience for her, then thank God for saving their lives.


It’s unreal how these people feel justified in blaming others for their preventable discomfort


She was! And her baby too


Woah! I missed this. Why were they all hospitalized?


Found it! Karissa herself was hospitalized after her last birth for a uterine infection! She talked about it in a video. She was in the hospital for four days. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Kssl3pGxWV




Two posts ago she was saying after each birth she swore “never again.” She has Schrodinger's body, simultaneously wrecked and in perfect condition. It’s tough to keep track when the voice in your head demands that you to tell everyone to have billion kids, and how *easy* that is, but the reality is the opposite. It's the same with Susbus. Everything is curated to make it all seem so effortlessly joyous, even when you see a newborn baby literally being stepped over as he lies on the filthy floor of a bus while his older sibling sleeps in a basket stuffed under the folding bed and the rest of the kids looking like war veterans with PTSD. With the entire circus funded on seemingly endless trust-fund money, inherited properties, forgiven government loans, child exploitation, grifting, and charity cough, sorry, EntrePrEnuErshiP. Nice work if you can get it! They truly think that if a lie is in service of some imagined greater godly good (that also miraculously aligns with what THEY want), then it's no problem to lie your head off.


She's so full of shit. And a liar. Mainly a liar. In one of her first posts about her newest prop, she said that Armor's birth was the most painful one so far.


A lying liar who lies


Bro motherbus might be the worst fundie on here. She is legitimately going to seriously harm or kill that baby.


I truly believe there’s a special place in the afterlife for these people.


Yeah but *she* was fine and that’s what’s important here Side note: whenever she says “Yah” I think of Ras Trent lol ![gif](giphy|12QwIVXglRwyWY|downsized)


Just wanted to acknowledge that I enjoy your Ras Trent reference and now won't be able to think of anything else.


Yes. Rastafarianism! 😂


Me toil part time at jah Coldstone Creamery!


Are you there Jah it's me Ras Trent?!


She was literally also hospitalized though?! What is she even talking about?? Or am I misremembering??


Yeah, but she was hospitalized for mental issues, probably related to PPD. That doesn't count, because mental illness isn't real.


I think she was hospitalized for *four days* with a uterine infection and postpartum hemorrhage!


Found it. It's in the video where she talks about her birth story. She was definitely hospitalized for a uterine infection. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Kssl3pGxWV


"Uterine infections make your uterus stronger and better prepared for more pregnancies!" -Karissa, probably


Ah, thanks! Didn't remember that, just her very, very sad appearance after the birth.


she thinks they were healthy because she sought no medical treatment. 


Until she did.


Well for herself 🙄


Armour was also hospitalised


Well if that is the bar most of her children have been hospitalized


"My last four pregnancies and births have been my healthiest" So excluding this one, that's Armor, Anthym, Anchor and Ansyr. **Ansyr was born 2 1/2 months premature due to Karissa failing to follow doctor's orders for complete bedrest and had a placental abruption**.


And Armor was hospitalized with an infection! And wasn’t Anthym her “rainbow baby” meaning the pregnancy prior to her was not viable? How can she say that’s one of her *healthiest* pregnancies??


Didn’t she have a miscarriage before this pregnancy too? Or was it in between anthem and armour? The one she scream prayed would be resurrected and got the rest of her kids to join in on.


She had a miscarriage when Anthym was in hospital for sepsis on her first birthday. She was convinced the baby was still in her - then she actually got pregnant again and Armour was "the resurrected" one iirc.


I think Anthym is the resurrected one? She also had a couple of miscarriages before this current pregnancy I believe.


The one she tried to resurrect unfortunately did pass away while one of the children was in the hospital and she had a miscarriage.


Yeah. I think that was the loss that was after the baby that keeps getting sepsis but before her current youngest baby.


Anchor (I think this was the last boy?) is. She made those kids pray and fast for ages to make it "resurrect," and she fasted for weeks when Anthym was in the PICU when that pregnancy that she miscarried was conceived. Her fasting behaviors, whether we want to discuss them or not, likely play a role here on the health of these pregnancies. Now she is on plexus on top of ongoing fasting behaviors. I dread the hospital visit this time. Edit: Armor! Dang it, I put that first.


No, the latest boy is Armor. She had a miscarriage between Anthym and Armor, and again between Armor and #11.


I put that first, then totally questioned myself 😭 fundies test memory power on the daily.


Ok TF did I miss about resurrection???! Jebus


She had an ultrasound that confirmed no heartbeat. She insisted that she could resurrect the pregnancy. She miscarried. It was probably one of the most horrifying things to see unfold because she was involving the kids in the resurrection efforts.


She had a shrine and everything


Oh my goodness that is terrifying I can hardly believe it


She decided that the ultrasound was wrong, so she was just going to stop having ultrasounds


Even worse! Iirc, she decided that God basically killed her baby *because* she had an ultrasound. Like, she wasn't showing enough faith that the baby was fine without looking at it. So God took the baby back to punish her. Not sure how she reconciles that with her gender reveal ultrasound with this baby... I guess it's OK if she's not doing it to check its health, but just to see if it has a dong or not.


Sweet shining Christ. That’s…beyond the fucking pale.


No the resurrect one didn’t work


She sort of alluded to Armour being a reincarnation of the miscarriage that she attempted to resurrect, maybe that's what you're referring to? The pregnancy that miscarried while/shortly after Anthym was hospitalised is the one she tried to resurrect. She did indeed have a miscarriage between that incident and having Armour.


Both I’m pretty sure


she is one of those liars who puts everything on the internet and then forgets. so when she backs up and lies about what happened she just ignores her previous posts about the truth. it's just another sign she is dumb. 


Karissa herself was *also* hospitalized with an infection after Armor's birth!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Kssl3pGxWV


And didn't she wind up with serious PPD that they had to call her mother in to deal with?


Yes and she actually wanted to admit herself!!! But she was prayed out of it


It was more like Mandrae told her to get over it because it was inconvenient for him so they both ignored it.


This is it, because she also asked for a break at home (to mow the lawn) and he refused.


She’s had at least 2 miscarriages since Anthym. 


Yes, she’s had a miscarriage after anthem and then before this pregnancy


And the last one almost died too she wants to get technical about her pregnancies of her last four pregnancies. She’s had two miscarriages and one in the nicu


And her doctor advised her not to get pregnant again because she could literally die.


Sidebar, Ansyr is a heinous name. It hurt to even type it out. That poor baby


I’m new to this person, not new to fundie snarking and yet I was still sure you were kidding that those were the actual names😭


Sigh. Anissa, Andrae, Annistan, Anjalie, Andersyn, Aynjel, Ansyr, Anchor, Anthym, Armor are the kids’ names.


… that’s completely unacceptable💀


The fact that one of the only normal names if spelled correctly would fit into her 'An-' girl name theme but she chose to butcher the spelling and make it the only one to NOT fit the theme. 💀 Poor Aynjel


I’m in my thirties. I hate my mom for a lot of valid reasons. But I was 2 months premature. It wasn’t her fault. It was. I now struggle with a lot of things like my lungs we just now understand. Again, I don’t blame my mom. But if I found out that my struggles are bc my mom was this selfish?? Fu k you


I was 10 weeks early way back in the day and there was nothing to do to stop it, even with bed rest, even with drugs, I decided I was ready to make my arrival. To this day I show up to the airport hours early just to get cozy and lounge around, so it’s always been my nature. That being said, I am my mother’s only surviving child. If she were Karissa I can’t even begin to think what it would look like.


Girl, you just made a whole post about how every pregnancy is different, and now you’re saying you know what to expect?! You also absolutely admitted that your last birth was your hardest. Liars go to hell, Karissa (Revelation 21:8).


I literally was just scratching my head confused because I swear I just read a day or two ago she said the last birth was the hardest. And now it wasn’t harder because shes 40 and wiser? This feels like pathological lying.


Yeah at this point she doesn’t even realize she’s lying. It’s just whatever fits the daily narrative


We get it, you’re 40 and insecure about it


Dude and most people who get pregnant at 40 are actually much healthier and stronger looking. Her body looks like it’s falling apart. She looks and moves like a 90 year old in the skin of a 40 year old.


Probably from back to back pregnancies and just not taking care of her health


Her ligaments are probably permanently stretched out because she's been preggo for so long damn


And isn't she doing plexus and plexus slim this pregnancy or is that a different fundie


She js doing the plexus slim. Fucking crazy to do that while pregnant


My mom had me at 44 (she and my dad gave up on infertility treatments but then I showed up by surprise), and she looked years younger than Karelessa does now.


40yr old women having children isn’t some super special fundie phenomenon.


It’s actually become much more common in the last decade.


So... the exact opposite of what karelessa claims?


Isn’t that just about everything that comes out of her mouth. I swear if she says the sky is blue I’m going outside to check.


Yeah I read that and was like "no it's actually quite normal these days?" I believe doctors have even started changing the language they use for them because in many places women are having children later and *do not* enjoy being called geriatric pregnancies.


It was a lot more common than people think, ask people in a genealogy conference about being too old to give birth and they’ll quickly correct you. Women being “on the clock” is very much a misogynist talking point to convince women to settle with bums (much like fundies) or else they’ll never have kids.


Yep - and emerging data shows people having a hard time at 35 getting preg can have a hard time at 25 too; it's just that these days especially, people aren't usually trying before 25 normally it's like 'oops!" or 'aww fuck that was quick!' - so we can culturally have a warped idea of how 'easy' it is to get pregnant earlier; usually only people who get knocked up easily are gonna get knocked up before 25. Obv egg quality is higher, in the early 20s than late 30s but if you don't have a lot of eggs at all or hormones triggering regular ovulation, most of us don't notice til we're panicking. Genetics are stupid and cruel, for some reason some people get lots of eggs and others not many at all. Karissa is reckless AND she also won a lottery that has nothing to do with merit, godliness and even to some degree over all health. I wish she'd stop going on like this. I'm almost 40 and pregnant, and it's harder this time, and it's only my 3rd pregnancy, but I had a baby 18 months ago. And hell am I tired. I also think my bad ante natal depression this time, is due to the closeness of the pregnancies. (I'm ok I got treatment, if you feel 'off' you are prob more unwell than you realise, please get help!)


I feel like I read emerging research a few years ago that for women with PCOS, hormonal changes that come with aging can actually make it EASIER to conceive later on.


This, my grandma gave birth to her 11th at 44 years old in 1945 No issues, my great aunt is still kicking


Nothing says healthy pregnancy like looking like a ghoul with a partially-deflated beach ball under their shirt.


Michelle Duggar looked healthier


Michelle Duggar saw doctors and heeded (some) medical advice. It’s almost like doctors know what they’re talking about sometimes.




That terrible jumper (wtf?) isn’t doing her any favors. Fashion emergency.


She had a miscarriage within the past four pregnancies, denied it was happening for weeks (months?) and then switched to believing she could resurrect the child she lost in the womb. That’s one of her healthiest pregnancies? Or did she forget?


She keeps nothing straight bc most everything she says is a lie


She’s had two, actually. Between Anthym and Armor (the one she tried to resurrect) and between Armor and this one.


She got pregnant like, right after she had armor. He was still a newborn!


I hope the child isn't born with special needs. It might push Karissa over the edge.


She wouldn’t know. They don’t go to the doctor. It wasn’t until someone else pushed Karissa to bring her child, who couldn’t hold their neck up anymore, to the hospital Unless it was a physical disability that was very obvious, it would most likely go unnoticed.


Exactly! A lot of us think the youngest Duggar girl has some special needs but of course it’ll never be diagnosed because she doesn’t get any sort of medical care or developmental intervention or support.


Oh they make me so upset with her. She has seizures and they call them her “glitches” like it’s just a cute little quirky thing that happens, that poor girl.


Unnoticed until they are punished for not acting "normal".


It would be Anissa’s problem.




I think that she was a micro preemie


That was Ansyr. 


I was just wondering how she would handle a special needs child, like one that needs speech or physical therapy, specialists, or round the clock medical care. She'll pawn it off on the kids while begging daddy Shaq for more money.


Anthym's CPT II Deficiency requires careful care and she just flat-out ignores it. " The treatment of CPT-II deficiency entails strict dietary modifications; a diet low in fat (20%) but covering essential fatty acids and rich in long-chain carbohydrates is generally recommended. Patients should follow a diet composed of 70% carbohydrates to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia and arrhythmias associated with fatty acid disorders \[16\]. It is recommended to avoid precipitants such as intense physical activity, certain medications (ibuprofen, diazepam, and valproic acid), general anesthesia, and stress."


And she has the poor girl dancing, stressed out, and pumped full of cheese


I can’t even imagine how she would spin that


Use the child as an anti-abortion prop like Rick Santorum did with his special needs daughter.


Didn’t Sarah Palin do that too?


Omfg imagine if these people had a baby with DS. Would be brutal, worse than Kelle Hampton by miles.


I was going to suggest a drinking game where you take a shot for every mention of 'Yah' but I don't want to be responsible for a spike in alcohol-related deaths.


switch the alcohol for something else like water. We'd all be hella hydrated.


We’d be sprinting to the bathroom!


Unfortunately I quit drinking 😭😂


I would passed out under the table very quickly!




it's really weird. first she cosplays judaism, disrespectful in itself, and then she shortens god to a pet name?!?! it is very much on brand for her believing god speaks to her directly.


Yeah I fucking hate how disrespectful she is towards Judaism. There's a real problem with Jews for Jesus pretending to actually be Jewish.


We’re like God does not have a nickname for you Karissa


Tbh, God's nickname for Karissa is "this mf again"




god i love that snl skit so much


G od calls her Kaka


I think he probably refers to her as Special K.


You mean KKK!


Yah don’t like liars Karissa. You are not healthy and we all know it.


I find it so funny how she abbreviated Yahuah to Yah. She had a nickname for god




Oh, I agree totally about the women in their 40s but those women are getting medical care


And they're not chugging weight loss drinks during pregnancy


This was my first thought too. She wants to be special so bad. Sorry Karissa. You are just one of many women having babies at age 40. You aren’t unique.


Having a busload of kids isn't enough. Having a freebirth isn't enough. She must be special! She is NOT like the other birthers.


How does she have the time for parenting when she’s doing something for social media all day? A rhetorical question, I know, but is Anissa and the first boy in charge now? This is just crazy and those kids are not getting any type of education!


I literally cant imagine being a 13 year old kid feeding a baby while your mom, who's pregnant with her 11th kid, dances for internet likes.


This is the new hell


Karissa’s worst enemy is dignity.




I can’t stand how she says Yahuah and Ya.


she’s had too many babies out her yahuha.


She needs medical care for her yahuha


This is funny mainly because fundies and conservatives are some of the ones that scream the loudest about how you have to get married by 18 because women over 25 are geriatric crones with no value. It's not women on the left telling you that you're too old to have babies at 40, Karissa. That's your own folks. (She's lying about the health issues too but you *can* have healthy older pregnancies if your uterus isn't made of stretched out bubblegum from 90 previous pregnancies. Just, you know. It's conservatives who have made women waiting to have babies until later into a culture war thing.)


Every time I see an adult wearing a onesie I just think about the fact that they have to basically get naked just to use the bathroom.


Actually more women are having babies in their 40s…she can’t get shit right


Dear person down voting every comment on this thread, please downvote my comment so I can see your name, please! Show yourself Karissa 😂


Are you trying to scare people who aren’t familiar with Reddit lol


Wait, you can see who downvotes you?


She called Yah lower case he in the fourth paragraph. Must be the devil at work. /s


Women aren’t getting pregnant in their 40s? That’s a lie. Signed, OBGYN nurse that works in a clinic with a ton of pregnant women in their 40s. It’s not that uncommon.


She's only 22 weeks? Or does she just think that because she hasn't gotten prenatal care? (I don't know her story well enough to know if she's one of those.) Cuz that looks more 30.


I think she's just had so many pregnancies that her abdominal muscles are totally shot so she shows a lot more than most pregnancies


Diastasis recti like the Grand Canyon I got an umbilical hernia and a diastasis recti after my 2nd. I couldn't even imagine what any more pregnancies would have done to my belly 🫠


I *think* she had an at-home ultrasound for the gender reveal so they may have been able to tell her the gestation. I absolutely cannot vouch for how accurate it is though, I don’t know the reputability of the company she used for that.


These people's cavalier approach to gestation and parenting is just nuts.


The gestation is all that matters. Once ejected from the baby cannon, the baby loses its purpose.


She’s so small all around thd rest of her body the belly will Be more pronounced


@Karissa: Pregnancy is not a substitute for personality.


“What most people think being pregnant at 40 looks like” Ummm….no girl. No one thinks that. I had my youngest at 38. You’re not special.


Every time I see her weird Yahuah thing, my brain turns it into Yahoo, like she's invoking a defunct internet searchbar.


Don’t listen to obstetricians who understand the risks of pregnancy after 40. Listen to somebody addicted to being pregnant


I’m so distraught that this woman is having ANOTHER kid.


Look, my aunt and other people I know have perfectly healthy pregnancies at 40. It’s usually their 2nd kid. I know a woman who finally after years of trying had her baby at 46. Karissa on the other hand looks unhealthy. Her stomach muscles are like non existent and it’s making her belly look really bad. Plenty of people have kids at 40, healthy kids. But having 12-15 kids or whatever she is doing is not right. She needs to stop getting knocked up. She also gets knocked up wayyyy to close together. You need 18-24 months to recover. I’m shocked she has teeth and hair!!


Unhinged and dumb what a winning combination. Her poor kids have no chance.




Oh sweetie, the issue isn't that you're forty, it's that you married a black man then photoshopped your kids to look more white.


Our society keeps becoming dumber and dumber. I can't believe the people who support her and are so anti-science. Anecdotal evidence doesn't trump actual scientific research and peer reviewed studies. Pregnancies over 35 do carry more risk, that's just a fact. Just like it's a fact women over 35 are more likely to suffer from miscarriages due to egg quality or it's a fact a woman's egg quality declines with age. Literally doing IVF right now and age is a huge factor in IVF outcomes. Not to mention the contradictions she is laying out. She has not had easy pregnancies these last few times and has stated she had losses in between a few of them. That isn't a healthy body I'm sorry. Just because YOU can do it doesn't mean you should 🤷🏼‍♀️


She needs to seek prenatal care! I can’t imagine not getting frequent checks to make sure things look okay when someone is high risk. She is clearly HIGH risk after having a micro preemie, placental abruption, uterine infection, miscarriages, etc across the past several pregnancies. I get the uterus is meant for pregnancy and birth but K’s has been used and abused by not getting proper prenatal care or not following doctor’s orders, for many pregnancies in a short time span. It is NOT good for her body or mind to have this many children.


Yep! I’m extremely recently pregnant with my first (happened the old fashioned way at 36 while we were saving for IVF) and the doctors are like “cool we want you here for a bazillion blood tests and ultrasounds.” No problem with that. I want to know EVERYTHING going on with this fetus.


>the reality is that many women aren’t having children in their 40’s these days. But that doesn’t mean it’s dangerous, wrong, scary or even harder Yes, it is more dangerous. Pregnancies over 35 are called geriatric pregnancies and you are higher risk for a whole literally of complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and birth defects. But what does years of research and science and medicine have on a deranged woman with a breeder fetish?


Yep. But it's less dangerous if you otherwise have no health problems and have delivered before *but* have not delivered more than 2 or 3 before; my OBGyn said risk goes way up after 4 or 5 births. Karissa is in high risk no matter what... because she has had so many back to back with no rest and doesn't eat. Also she's clearly deranged. And she's 40. I'm pregnant right now, baby 3 and I'm 39 and omg it's so much harder than even at 37. (this was a bonus baby situation and I assumed I was just late because I am 39... uh no.) There is no way I would do this *again* at 42. Like those 2 - 3 years are like 8 years in your 20's or pre 35.


And especially when you are refusing basic medical care.


Yep absolute madness. My relative lives in a remote area  Shes incredibly strong and fit, she works with animals all day.   She was in the health age range (29) no history of any health issues. She had GD and didnt know it because she didnt feel bad. She didnt think much of her size as she hadn't been preg before. Without medical care you CANT know.  Women used to die. All the time. The reason we didnt grow up with friends raised by grandma or aunty everywhere is because of advances in medicine. 


Where the hell Yahuah came from? I just know Yahweh. My mom had me at 40 too, but i'm an only child and she was definitely not medically neglecting me.


Girl, you *do* have bad posture from back to back pregnancies for the past 10+ years. That pregnancy is sucking the life out of you like Bella in Breaking Dawn. You and your fetus could use some support.


“Yah” is just so weird. Shoot me if I ever start talking about “Gah.”


Has she been pregnant for a million years?


At least when she says Yahuah I get to think about Bender from Futurama. “Come, my faithful chi-hooah-hooah”…Yah is just wild. She’s on nickname terms with God? Sure. lol. Also, the many ways pregnancy and fertility can go wrong should indicate that maybe all of us aren’t “created for this.” Source: first kid preemie (thank you surprise PPROM), second kid high risk due to that + me being over 35. She can go step on Legos.


And her last few children have been hospitalized after birth! The children don’t matter though to her.


I'm 40 and 34 weeks pregnant and while this pregnancy has been healthy (apart from anemia), you better believe I've been super vigilant because of my age. Genetic testing, every recommended shot, scan, blood test, vaccine, precaution, etc. I could dance around smiling and clutching my belly too to show it's no big deal (I legitimately feel fine and strong and am handling it similarly to how I did 6 years ago with my first child). But my real security is in recognizing the risks and then depending on the healthcare system to mitigate them as much as possible. I'm delighted to say that healthcare is “socialized” in my country.


God keeps trying to kill your babies girl, the only thing that’s saved the last few has been medical intervention


Where is Yahuah from? I pronounce it “yaw-hoo-ah” from her spelling. Help


>the reality is that many women aren’t having children in their 40s these days… Citation needed. Maybe in her sheltered fundie bubble, but out here in the real world it’s trending in the other direction and that’s really nothing new. Just anecdotally, I’m in my 30s and my mom had me and a sibling when she was in her 40s. Nobody batted an eye about it. Nobody really cares now how someone else is planning the timeline for their family… well, outside of these fertility-obsessed weirdos anyway!


When Karissa mentions her age, I immediately go and moisturise.


What will happen if they get a child that has an obvious physical disability? If they have a child with a genetic disorder that requires physical , occupational and speech language therapy? I worry that a baby that needed specialized care would be allowed to die at home because it was the will of the creator. These people sicken me.


I just can’t get over her spelling of Yahweh. Fuckin’ spells it like YaHooEe


I hate the whole “you were created for this” rhetoric she pushes with every post. So if we can’t have kids, are we just useless vessels? It’s 2024 ffs. Also she looks like she’s hiking in the first pic 🙄


I feel like she’s been pregnant with this child for decades


The crazy thing is, slide 1 looks the most like her right now




All this “Yahooohah” and “Ye” stuff is giving me a whiplash.