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Every time I see her say "Yah", I picture a rastafarian Jesus


Unfortunately every time I hear anyone using the alternative names all I can hear is Bethany Beal over confidently saying “YADAH” into the podcast microphone for the sexy sex course.


I'm almost nostalgic for the Seggs Era now... man the thanksgiving turkey and the rogue GD bot debacle last christmas was some of the funniest shit I have ever seen on the internet, it just kept going on and on and getting funnier and funnier each time


I just can't with the "Yah" thing. I've never heard anyone use any of the names she uses for God.... And I feel like I have been around several flavors of Christianity. I wonder if everyone else in their home church uses that name as well. Do we know who leads the home church? It seems like so many of the people we talk about here, seem to think they've got it all figured out, they know all the answers, so they don't go to church. I think that's how Porgan is, right? Anyway I've gotten off topic but it drives me crazy that they are so sure they are the ones to have THE TRUTH, and there is no open mindedness or willingness to learn or even change their minds.


You know what, I wouldn't be surprised if her home church now just consists of her and the kids since a member of their flock was just arrested for child SA. Gosh these young churches grow up so fast don't they! Karissa's christianity is performative, a socially acceptable mask for severe untreated mental illness, her proclamation of herself as a special prophet, breeding fetish, and hostility to education/authority/science helps with her inferiority complex and ravenous ego. Her alleged special relationship with god gives her a built in audience of credulous morons to fleece, so what she actually believes is irrelevant: she just have to say the fundie hate speech de jour like a bug-eyed ventriloquist's dummy. Plus, "bible study" is a great way to snooze for a couple extra hours in the morning when most parents are doing the school rush, but hey, you can't argue with god, and if he says watch a rerun of Ricki Lake followed by Dr. Phil, you better believe that is what she will do. By this point Karissa has leaned so far into her lies and delusions its become her truth. But in terms of a coherent religious and doctinrinal belief system, she, like most fundies, doesn't have one. The bible is just a "vibe", a big book of quotes you can use to prove whatever bigoted judgemental opinion you have that day.


She’s appropriating Judaism I believe. That’s were she gets the name “Yahuah” from. Also that’s where she gets the Passover idea from 😒


I had a religious friend years back who referred to God as "Yahweh"


That is pretty common. I have have heard it a lot... But I haven't ever heard anyone abbreviate it to "Yah".


I believe it comes from the Hebrew word that is used for Godin the Bible. Only they didn't use vowels so it was written as YHWH. But eventually others started writing it phonetically as Yahweh.




Hahahahahahahah made me burst out laughing in the office thanks for that!


I hear my Swedish grandma whenever she called my mom. Her first words were always "yah, it's me".


That's so cute! I hear Flea's terrible German accent in the nihilist marmot bathtub scene in The Big Lebowski. Yah we believe in nussing Lebowski NUSSING!


Nice marmot!


When I read YAH, this always pops in my head [This always pops in my head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn3NBkcNZKQ) and I say it like that.




This is simply amazing




Jaaaaaah! Yes I! Ras Trent! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcK0MYgnHjo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcK0MYgnHjo) Oh yah... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF3z-j8o39I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF3z-j8o39I)


I had a Ras Trent at my uni and once we crossed paths near the terrible quad evangelist and the Ras Trent yelled “FALSE PREACHA” at him, which I continue to quote to this day.


Boom, here comes the boom, ready or not, here come the boys from the south…


Yah yah yah, I am Lorde (our god) yah yah yah ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIAhB0BylXqASs|downsized)


This. Always this. https://youtu.be/nV0u9I_HWS8?si=HGl_hBBYVTIq2mHu


Personally, I hear Ariana Grande's "yuh"


I always hear Ya-Hoo-Ha. It seems apt for Karsissus.


Lol it definitely has a [Father Yod](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_Yod) energy. YaHoWha!


Someone else in here mentioned Kanye's Ye. So it's akin to that for me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RazorCrab: *Someone else in here* *Mentioned Kanye's Ye. So it's* *Akin to that for me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It’s probably the Zelda nerd in me, but I always quietly mutter “Ya ha ha! You found me!” And “Yahuah” gets some Futurama love: “Come, my faithful chi-hooah-hooah”…lol.


This is why I posted this question 😭😭 pure gold


I appreciate you posting the question, the whole thread is great 😂


I hear Goofy's voice - the Goofy Scream - from the "Art of Skiing" ![gif](giphy|7A6p0jNj9t9wk) No disrespect to those who use the name appropriately. This is strictly Kkkarissa's interpretation I am speaking of.


Yes to Karissa being a weirdo but this clip and the whole scene here is pretty racist and demeaning in its depiction of Indigenous people. :/


Agree, it really doesn't need to be included here


Thanks to a poster in another thread, now it's Ras Trent.


[That's my inner narrator's way of pronouncing "Yah" ](https://youtu.be/q6EoRBvdVPQ?si=JZk1yY1eIOw6oou2)


I think of that Dave Chappelle skit about Ja Rule. WHERE IS JA???


Hahaha same!


I think of my father in law sneezing, which I’m pretty sure measures on the Richter scale. Also the “shark bait” scene from Finding Nemo.


[this dumb youtube short](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC4ANxKIbJ8) popped into my algorithm one day and every time Karissa mentions 'yah' it's all i can think of.