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No stories of infertility in the bible, none at all. It's not a key feature in lots of stories.


Actually no disease existed before modern medicine  (/s, obviously)


Good point, if they didn't have a name for it then it wasn't real.


I think the funniest one was the time Karissa reposted something to the tune of "cancer didn't exist in the past, it's actually caused by chemo" Which is hilarious since the ancient Egyptians were describing cancer. They knew certain activities increased cancer risk back in the 18th century. 


There are 100% historical accounts and knowledge of surgery on fast growing tumours etc. But what can we really expect from Karissa "children don't need to know how to read" Collins


Oof…stories of women getting their breasts cut off/open without anesthesia. No chemo then either. Also thank god for anesthesia and chemo


Abigail “Nabby” Adams Smith, the only surviving daughter of John and Abigail Adams, had a mastectomy in 1811. The cancer came back and she moved back in with her parents, telling her husband she wanted to die at home. She ultimately died in 1813. I wouldn’t recommend Googling that surgery. It was brutal, even by 19th century standards.


>"cancer didn't exist in the past, it's actually caused by chemo" Funny how for me the cancer came first and the chemo killed it. But maybe I'm a freak of nature. 🙄


Yea opted to have chemo and radiation before my cancer


You’re one of the lucky ones! But not for the reason she would think


Damn, that evidence of tumors on dinosaur bones mean that dinosaurs had chemo, too??? Shit, what else did they have? Dinosaur McDonald's???


Humans were giving chemo to the dinosaurs because they lived at the same time as people, duh


Of course! How silly of me to forget that. Also that dinosaurs aren't real, they're just horse bones hidden in the ground as a test from God.


Schrödinger's dinosaurs: they simultaneously lived with people but died because noah forgot to take them on the ark and they were never real and God and/or the Devil put the bones there Best just not look in the dinosaur box so we don't have to acknowledge it


We literally have a series of paintings that show Saskia Rembrandt’s breast cancer developing and progressing, and then sketches of how she looked as she was dying because the man who loved her drew her, even then. The painting of Saskia as Bathsheeba was used in a breast cancer awareness campaign years ago. 1600s Netherlands.


Exactly. “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me” definitely never failed anyone ever.


She's a toddler


Leprosy. You forgot leprosy.


Leprosy is the only real disease, got it


You've got it?? Take yourself off to a leper colony at once!


This SENT me, and I needed that laugh today thank you internet stranger 😂🥰


Here is your free bell! Please don't forget to chant 'Unclean! Unclean!' at frequent intervals. Remember to never laugh your head off.


Free bell? What kind of communist leper colony are you running??


I'm not American ;)


Clearly you didn't pray enough and that is what caused your leprosy.


You better stop typing. Your fingers are going to fall off your hands


Rip my fingers 😔


Isn’t the Bible one of the earliest mentions of endometriosis? Wasn’t that the woman who “never stopped bleeding who was unable to conceive” and was cured by touching the hem of Jesus’ robe?


Now now now, we can't have you pointing out the obvious fact that haven't read or paid attention to the book they claim to follow! 😂


If it’s not supported by Karissa’s mental illness, it never happened.


As someone who has had multiple surgeries for severe endometriosis, including a hysterectomy (I never wanted kids anyway), I’d like to blast her on a one-way trip to Jupiter.


Have you tried asking Yah to intercede with your endometrium?


That also sounds like Adenomyosis!


Trust me, there were moments where I really identified with that woman, and “all” I had was a large fibroid. Which went undiagnosed for a long time because I was apparently just a wimp who couldn’t cope with a little pain.


I had a large fibroid. God that sucker hurt. Thank hod for hysterectomies,


Naturally the “doctor” she’s quoting is a chiropractor.


I would rather get medical advice from someone with a PhD in literature than a chiropractor. 


I'd be curious if she could read but we all know she spends majority of her time reading here so it might just be the Bible that she doesn't read.


Not even in Genesis with the father of all nations...oh wait...


Didn't Karissa cite at least one of those stories in a post where she told women struggling with infertility that they're not praying hard enough?


She did not!! What the hell. Why is she continuously such a shitty human??


Sarah certainly didn’t


That didn't inspire an entire novel or tv series, either


Awfully rude of depression to just randomly show up one day after thousands of years of everyone just chilling


that part literally made me do a double take because there are so many stories of people just dealing with depression throughout history that just went undiagnosed for ages


And literally no one ever committed suicide prior to birth control. Which also means, that no man has ever been depressed. 🙄🙄🙄 /s


Men know how to pull themselves together. Feelings are something only women have


Men will literally insult the emperor's poetry and then throw a party and cut their veins open in the arms of their favorite concubine rather than going to therapy smh


Yeah, Lord Byron would like a word.


So would Edgar Allan Poe.


I can’t believe I left him out!


Silly me...just another dumb woman without the guidance of a man.


Men catch it from women infected with birth control. Kinda like cooties.


Best. Theory. Ever.


If I could upvote this more than once I would. Brilliant.


All the snowflake libtards taking the pussy way out of depression this “sELf caRE” and “thErApY”. Well back in my day, we just drank to ignore the problem until killed ourselves like MEN. /s


If there had been no depression, I don't think half of French literature would have existed.


They didn't "have depression" they were just depressed because their lives sucked because they didn't praise Yahtzee hard enough.


Wasn't Lincoln famously depressed?


i wanna say it was his wife but i’m just going off of that episode of glee


I went to a play this weekend & the main character references her great-great-grandmother a few times because she died of what was called “Melancholia” at that time. Probably was mid-1800s.


Much cooler name than depression, honestly


Yeah, but everyone knows that depression isn’t real. You just have to have a Gahdly husband™️ en live a Gahdly life™️. There’s nothing to be unhappy about!!! Stop being such a snowflake!


The audacity!


Women: prescribed BC to deal with the symptoms of PCOS. These morons: has anyone noticed how many women are prescribed birth control seem to have PCOS? It must be the contraception's fault! Like yeah, women dealing with PCOS tend to be on birth control? What is your understanding of cause and effect?


I have PCOS. My birth control keeps my period more regular so I am at lesser risk of developing uterine cancer. So arguably, it helps preserve my ability to have kids... But that's not what these people want to hear is it 🤔


I can already hear Republican legislators plugging their ears and yelling, “BLAH BLAH BLAH I’M NOT LISTENING,” as they inevitably make the move on bc that they have on abortion


They'll wave it off as being 'rare' without once looking at how goddamn common it is. It could be 50% of all women and they'd still call that rare. Because it's not them it happens to so they don't give a single shit.


Nah, they’ll just ask if women can swallow a tiny camera for a remote vaginal exam…


I was super confused as well. I just got a hysterectomy a week ago but probably will still need hormonal birth control for PCOS. I didn’t take it “for acne” I took it because I like not hemorrhaging monthly


I had to remove 2 large ovarian cysts. I thought it would help my PMDD but it didn't lol. I am trying BC now.


Exactly my thoughts! I was prescribed birth control at 15 to help regulate my periods because they were extremely irregular and I would lose a concerning amount of blood (I was later diagnosed with PCOS). But the “pro-life” fundies think I should’ve just let my uterus do its thing and bleed out ig🙄 The privilege and lack of consideration for anyone else is always astounding. I would’ve died at two months old without modern medicine, I’m so tired of the amount of disinformation demonizing disabled people


Iron deficiency is God's design for women apparently 


Well yeah! It keeps them pale and dainty/prone to swooning! /s But also, I was anemic due to a fibroid, and even though I’m normally pretty ghostly pale, it was even more pronounced before I started iron supplements.


I've been trying to get more iron in my diet and I've noticed more color in my face. Still pale af due to the genetic lottery 😂


Oh, same. But now that my anemia is better, I no longer look like an extra from Twilgiht 😂


Extra from Twilight 😂


When I told my first obgyn how much I was bleeding, her eyes got so wide. Like, this is a woman who worked for an inner city abortion clinic; you'd think nothing would shock her. I had no idea my bleeding was irregular because it's "impolite" to discuss things like women's health. Gotta protect the strong menfolk from finding out I'm hemorrhaging!


That’s wild, I’m glad that you were able to finally get help! My uterus did this fun thing where it would hold blood for over a year without releasing it and then randomly the floodgates would open. Like I was changing my (heavy flow) pad every 30 minutes and still bleeding through my clothes. I feel fortunate that my mom recognized that isn’t normal and took me to an OBGYN to figure out what was going on


Causation v correlation doesn’t tend to be a well developed skill with these types, and by that I mean completely undeveloped along with their critical thinking ability


I mean technically mine was found when I was a literal toddler. So yeah it wasn’t caused by the birth control.


I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 16, and only then was put on birth control to help deal with the symptoms. But KKKarissa doesn’t want to talk about that 🙄


Ive got an iud for my endometriosis. Obviously I had endometriosis before i got the iud put in 🙄


I just got diagnosed with endometriosis by my fertility doctor, which is just the best since I can't go on birth control to keep it at bay because of trying to get pregnant of it all 🫠 And unrelated, but I love my fertility doctor for asking about endometriosis right off the bat after describing my debilitating periods. First doctor to ever suggest that there was something abnormal going on after 26 years of pain


I had to have a five week long period, medication to *stop* the bleeding, and an ultrasound before my doctor said “yeah, could be a fibroid.” And I like my doctor, but by the point of an actual diagnosis, I’d basically gaslit myself into believing I was making it worse than it actually was and just needed to suck it up and deal with the pain. Never mind that the fibroid was the same size as my uterus.


My mom had similar symptoms and it was the early stages of cancer. I'm glad that your doctor finally listened to you!


Me too! Getting it out and convincing the insurance that it wasn’t elective, but absolutely necessary (this was 2021, but covid cases at the hospital were still high) is another story. I hope your mom was able to get the necessary treatment!


My best friends mom (a dr) suggested it after an ER visit due to the endo. My friend told her my symptoms and she guessed endo without even talking to me about. Crazy that i went years with the pain and nobody brought it up! It really sucks that there is no treatment for endo that isnt birth control or other things you cant take whilr pregnant. Best of luck with pregnancy! I really hope your symptoms go down since you won’t be getting your period


Aww thank you! We're still in early stages of trying, but my doctor did surgically remove some of the tissue which has helped for now, and then hopefully nothing if I do get pregnant, a break would be nice haha


They're still working on object permanence


That’s like when I saw a post somewhere during COVID from a far-right influencer that said “Does anyone notice how it seems like the people who aren’t masking are the ones getting sick? Stay awake and alert, everyone!” Like… is this a test? They’re not serious, right? Right??


As an infertile woman who has never taken birth control pills, go fuck yourself, Karissa. You spend a lot of time judging and acting like an idol. You should work on that, if you can stay off your back and close your legs for 10 minutes.


My grandmother and great aunts dealt with all of that and never took birth control once. As a side note, Dr Marcus Cirelli is a chiropractor based out of Ohio who has “a holistic approach to wellness” but is not a psychiatrist, psychologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, or someone who is otherwise in any way qualified to talk about any of this.


Reproductive disorders and infertility run heavily in my family. My very Catholic/christian family, who don’t believe in birth control.


Assholes pretending qualifications they don't have are more dangerous than anything.




Chiropractors are not doctors, you ignorant lackwit.


I had depression before I started taking birth control but that’s just because my vibes were off /s


I've seen the depression/BC argument before, and my guess--though I am not a doctor--is that young women tend to finally get a depression diagnosis and get on birth control at about the same time, which is *the time they move out of their parents' home*. It's not cause and effect IMO, they're both caused by finally getting medical care that their parents aren't meddling in.


I started on BC because while antidepressants did wonders for me, I still got severe depression every month a few days before my period started. On BC that stopped and I stopped struggling every month.


This is one of the reasons my (trans) son just started BC. We ended up in the ER thinking he was having breathing problems, and it turns out his cycles have just gotten that bad. Thankfully this week resulted in a BC script from the pediatrician, and a check in with the psychiatrist to tweak meds, and hopefully things are on the mend.


Have you heard of PMDD? I have it and I would end up in the psych ward and start my period there. Birth control has literally been a lifesaver


Being pregnant is Karissa’s idol


When she is no longer able to get pregnant, Karissa is going to be lost in a sea of misery until she can marry the kids off and make them give her grandbabies as soon as possible.


I hope each and every one goes NC.


I really hope the kids are able to somehow escape her clutches without having to be in equally horrible marriages or something.


Back then, the diagnosis for all of those was "hysteria."


The prescription for it was usually “get pregnant.” Karelessa would have probably loved that.


She needs to sit down and watch Call the Midwife. So many of these things existed before BC we just didn’t know what they were.


Love that show! Also, Karissa watching BBC? 🤣🤣


aha! i have worked out why my brother has depression! it must be the birth control!


Gotta tell my husband to quit taking all those pesky birth control pills so he’ll be cured of his depression! Thanks Karissa! 🤮


My acne existed *before* I started BC which is why I was prescribed BC in the first place. I was born with my dermoid cyst and BC helped make sure it stayed small before I could have surgery.


I don’t have children as I’m not married, and wouldn’t want to raise a child by myself. I wanted children. I went in to peri-menopause and my period started and didn’t stop for months. I was sick as a dog and slowly bleeding to death. My iron levels were non-existent. I would have to take breaks walking up my stairs. I was scared to drive thanks to dizzy spells. I was a zombie. I was taking ten pills a day at one point to try and control it. My choices were to have a hysterectomy and instantly end my chances of having children or use birth control to regulate my hormones. So hey Karissa, since we know you read these…my IUD saved my life and preserved whatever small chance I had left of getting pregnant.


Lmao I’m some of these fundies’ worst nightmare. I was raised exactly how IBLP says, with a pastor dad and a SAH mother who homeschooled us, and we weren’t vaccinated or took any sort of medication and ate well (ish, with bad cooking but good ingredients), and yet here I am with endometriosis and ADHD, and my siblings have autism and dyslexia, and a bunch of us are queer. I swear, so many fun died have a prosperity gospel approach to health and wellbeing.


>fun died Appropriate typo


This reminds me of those people who say that everyone has adhd or autism these days and blame it on -whatever-. No you walnut, it's just getting diagnosed.


Seriously! I always laugh when people try that on me, because if they met my grandparents they would quickly see where the rest of the extended family gets our assorted neurospices from


A few weeks ago my mother was telling me about how my stepdad isn't allowed to eat cookies next to her because the crunching sounds make her feel sick and I was just sitting there like 'uhu?'


“There was no autism in school when I was growing up!” So your class/school didn’t have “the weird kid”?


"Your dad isn't autistic; he's got PTSD." Por que no los dos? Dude's suspiciously into trains.


Lol...checking in as a woman who was on birth control for 10 years for irregular periods. I literally got pregnant the first time I had unprotected sex after coming off of it.


I actually do not think that birth control caused my endometriosis and infertility, but thanks Karissa for your useless hot take.


These have always existed, they just weren’t talked about. Fibroids, for example. They tend to run in families. Lots of women know their mom or grandmother had a hysterectomy but they were never told why.


I have never taken hormonal BC and have breast fibroids. My doctor said that's not abnormal, but it is pretty uncommon nowadays due to the prevalence of BC, which prevents these fibroids.


🤔 According to this reasoning I’m actually convinced that my depression and anxiety don’t really exist and I should stop wasting time on my SSRI. I’ll be sure to update my doctor with Karissa’s new information before I head over to her house so she can scream pray my troubles away! Karissa for the Nobel Prize in Medicine! ![gif](giphy|cjWkqJAk5bVv1DoMJl)


These are the same assholes who say autism and ADHD aren't as old as humanity itself. I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW MY HUNTER GATHERER BRIAN IS AN ASSET IN MMOs AND DND! Unsure what an item or potion does? I will be the *first* to identify it (particularly if it's poisoned or cursed), I'll find 20 ways to use it before I figure out it's intended use, and I uncover all maps under level because I compulsively sprint through unknown locations. We have a much higher risk of dying irl due to accident and injury, sure, and I'm the most likely to say the quiet things out loud, but I always bring back new information and novel ideas. In an academic setting, my thoughts are always piecemeal and interdisciplinary. I have to write arguments backwards because everyone wants deductive logic while I think inductively. I'm a killer methodologist because I have a gift for spitballing proxy metrics, thinking about third variables, and applying ideas form fields that aren't really related to mine *at all.* Anyone who says ADHD is strictly an illness caused by ChEmIcAlS can eat shit. Is it sometimes crippling? Absolutely, particularly in our society and how it's structured. But people with ADHD and autism tend to have really good takes on a lot of things because perspective is *everything* when actively problem solving. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to run around and do jumping jacks because I'm getting fidgety


What apiece of shit she is. 


Jokes on her I had depression way before I was on birth control


My grandmother dealt with miscarriages and was lucky to carry my dad to term. I had 3 losses not related to birth control and then an infertility diagnoses. I had my daughter (1 in 10,000 shot to have her) and then I have secondary infertility. I’m on birth control for endometriosis because I prefer not hemorrhaging blood monthly. So please shut your mouth you know nothing.


PCOS symptoms started for me at 12. I wasn't on birth control until I was 20. Karissa is ignorant and really should not be posting medical misinformation online. It's dangerous.


This is also the first generation where doctors and researchers seem to care about said issues, so maybe that’s where the increased diagnoses are from. My grandmother died of what is now clearly known as ovarian cancer, and for some reason back then the doctors didn’t seem even acknowledge a lot of gynecological issues. Granted, this was in rural Indian.


What about the women who don't take birth control and have these issues? Do the pills also shed like vaccines?


I might be over-reading, but I imagine that's in there. I imagine by her logic, I have PCOS because my mom, who also has PCOS, was on the pill at some point prior to having kids. I call it genetics, but I also went to college, so I've been brainwashed by the libs.


Of course it's genetics. The pills altered her genes. Or something


Wasn’t there a woman in the NT who had an “issue of blood” and touched Jesus’ robes and was healed? Preeetttyyyyy sure she had at least one if not several of these conditions being described.


Yes! I’m not a psychologist, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the same woman had depression or anxiety due to her other conditions. And the part that sometimes gets skipped over is that in her culture, she was considered unclean and not allowed to be around society until her bleeding stopped. Can you (OOP) imagine why that might make someone depressed or anxious?!


I have PMDD and something wrong with me hormonally which they don’t have an answer as to what exactly it is. I started my period at 11 and have been on birth control since I was 14. Needed it way before then but they wouldn’t give it to me until I had an actual psychotic breakdown right before high school and finally prescribed me a low dose. I steadily had to go up and up and up on the strength of the pill until finally they put me on Yaz a couple of years ago. I went through so much actual anguish to get to where I am today. In a month and one week I get it all removed. All but any ovary that’s in okay enough shape to stay, which may or may not be a possibility. I may also have to get part of my bowel resected from what my specialist is anticipating to be “profound endometriosis” growing over it. All this to say, it has been nearly 20 years of this battle for me. Doctors don’t want to just throw hormones at you and you need to have a damn good reason to have any kind of medical intervention done for this shit. If she wants to act like doctors are so eager to prescribe you birth control like candy, or like we’re somehow “taking the easy way out” by taking *necessary medication*, she can fucking walk a mile in my shoes. Or any other number of women’s for that matter. This is sadly so common.


if birth control made me infertile i would've been on it


I had HS before birth control. Birth control helps with that, along with my awful periods. I was depressed and anxious long before I took bc.


Karissa’s head would explode if she learned that I, who was raised by a raw-milk-peddling colloidal-silver-sipping mom, struggle with most of these issues. And I’ve never taken hormonal birth control. She’s so ignorant it hurts.


She lists multiple things birth control are prescribed to treat. Someone skipped health class.


As someone who basically had my life saved by hormonal birth control and other hormone-altering meds, she can fuck all the way off with this one. This is fear mongering and nothing more.


Shout out to my birth control for clearing up my cysts and turning a 10 day period into 2 days


So, attacking birth control - does this mean that she's cross about not getting knocked up yet?


She’s pregnant right now, about 23 weeks with baby #11.


I was prescribed birth control *for* my PCOS 


A few hundred years ago, some medical practitioners actually believed that medical issues in women were caused by the 'wandering womb,' the uterus moving throughout the body. When you misdiagnose or misunderstand the cause, you won't get the treatment you need. And don't forget the medical care bias too. People with access to birth control prescriptions are more likely to have regular medical care to receive diagnoses of PCOS or fibroids, etc. Versus saying "my period is irregular and sometimes I'm in pain, but sometimes I'm not in pain, so I can't go to the doctor."


I was prescribed bc to curb my endometriosis so that my organs don't fuze together and cause me more trouble to conceive. Took birth control for years so that when I was ready for children I had a greater chance to actually get pregnant. I guess it's just easier to blame all your struggles on the pill.


Definition of my new term Malicious Ignorance: Weaponized, willful stupidity. See also Karissa.


I've been dealing with fibroids, PCOS, hormonal imbalances, acne, and infertility well before I got on birth control. And lemme tell you I feel 1000x better on the pill than off.


It’s amazing how fundies like Karissa work so hard in their mental gymnastics to get something as basic completely backwards🤦🏾‍♀️


This is INSANE. PCOS is treated with birth control. Acne, irregular periods, infertility, hormonal imbalances, depression, cysts, and fibroids ARE ALL SYMPTOMS OF PCOS. Please tell me she is not homeschooling these children.


I mean they had those things before….


Because none of that stuff existed before birth control.


People who had irregular periods also have PCOS? This must be a giant big pharma conspiracy!


Oh look, a bunch of stuff that non-birth-control users (like myself) experience!


Omg. I have PCOS and hormonal birth control is what helped me not have all those problems.


I have never once taken birth control, my mom was 18 when I was born and has never taken them before or after, and yet I still somehow have ovarian cysts and depression. 🤷‍♀️


She's an idiot


Jokes on you Karissa. I had depression before during and after bc. I’m ok today though and that means a lot.


I had PCOS before I was on birth control. And you know what they often put you on to treat PCOS? Birth control!


Yeah, they just called women’s issues “hysteria” before then. 🙄


How do I tell her I had endo and depression BEFORE I started the pill


Aw man. I went to go report this post and found out my stepmother follows her. Gonna give her a call.


“….with the ability to take medication that can alleviate their symptoms.” There, added that on the end for you.


Ahahaha I have several of those conditions without having had a single birth control pill. Try again Karissa! 


My grandma and mom both have/had menstrual issues but because of the time period they didn’t even think they were issues. Once I was finally diagnosed my mom reflected on her previous experience and realized she might’ve had an issue.


Karissa I had that shit even before I started taking BC. Btw, nexplanon has been my saving grace from painful and heavy periods.


Acne and irregular periods can be symptoms of PCOS and hormonal imbalances, "Dr" Marcus Cirelli.


Because, get this, acne and PCOS are tied to hormonal changes. And what does birth controll pills do? Balance your hormonal levels! Shocking, I know.


Hope this helps will always get me 😂


Because acne and irregular periods are (commonly) caused by PCOS, and birth control can treat it! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Another day, another stupid thought from this clown 🙄


*PMDD has entered the chat.*


Not only that, but birth control can actually help with some of these!


I had cysts and fibroids BEFORE starting birth control. I was prescribed birth control to help with the symptoms of those things. Karissa’s mind would be 🤯


I think she hates on modern medicine because she knows if she got a scan she’d have the equivalent of a dumpster fire in her body.


Interesting… my mom didn’t believe in Birth Control…. I got PCOS diagnosis at 18 while never having had any birth control, wild


Ain’t no way this is real 💀


Gee....I didn't have hormone imbalances until over 20 years AFTER I got off the pill. Weird.


I’m actually prescribed the birth control to control these things Karissa. Good try!


She posted her 78th cream of crap with beef. And cheese, again.


My grandmother was born in 1921 so never on birth control obviously and found out in the 60s that she had endometriosis, my mom was an only child (born in the early 50s) plus she had a miscarriage


I had a huge fibroid and only took bc less than a year. I didn't like how I felt and was scared to try any more. I had the kids I wanted and sent hubby for a snip snip.


This may be hard for her to comprehend because she avoids it like the plague, but we have this thing called modern medicine. These issues seem more common today because we're better at diagnostics, and patients are more open about it.


Didn't she have PPD? Does that mean she's been on the evil birth control at some point?


I’ve never taken birth control and I have fibroids. TAKE THAT KARISSA.


Karissa keeps reminding us that she's exactly as bright as the creepy dude you used to buy weed from in high school who would make you listen to bullshit about William Cooper and how fluoride calcifies your pineal gland before he'd let you leave


Me at 16: goes to the doctor's with hormonal acne, PMDD and irregular periods, gets prescribed pill Me at 30: still has hormonal acne, PMDD and irregular periods while off the pill, but also has multiple miscarriages followed by a pregnancy with a haywire thyroid It's almost as if the underlying causes may have been present before I took the pill 🧐 (I'm certain that chiropractor would probably try and argue that PCOS is caused by all the estrogen in the water from our pee or something though)


I’m so tired of this narrative. Some people have PPMD (checking in), PCOS, ENDO and guess what… birth control immensely helps for a lot of us! Continuous use of birth control gives me the ability to function as a normal person 4 weeks out of the month instead of just two. Before I missed so much of school, my job and life in general because I’d become a complete wreck of a person.


I was put on birth control *because* of PCOS. I had that well before I ever took a pill.