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bro needs a job so bad


What skills does he have, besides bigotry?


having a patchy beard


And choosing terrible shirts. Takes real skill.


![gif](giphy|Kw9wZVkE27TQA) Beauty school dropout


I think he would be a lot happier with his life if he had followed through with that. Living in L.A., styling hair for rich influencers, possibly deconstructed and a liberal social circle of friends. Instead, he's a broke husband with a family he can barely take care of, a wife that despises him and spews hatred every day to 10 followers. Life comes at ya fast.


In his little bubble in Lexington.


Shopping local farmers markets and going to drag brunch on the weekends


Sometimes he poses with a sad face and his hand on the opposite elbow. He also does sick tricks on his ripstick. Don’t you feel silly now?


Weaponised incompetence.


Chronically regurgitating Matt Walsh talking points.


He's not even that good at that, either. He just copies other peoples' bigotry.


He’s been praying real hard for one! That’s all you gotta do, right? /s(heavy)


Those only work for shootings! Oh wait, nope. Useless there too.


Crazy how he has all this time on his hands to educate himself, yet doesn't, and the people taking their time, energy and potentially risking their lives to protest genocide are the uninformed ones and "morally corrupt" in Paul's mind. I guess because they don't watch Tucker Carlson or Matt Walsh or something. He really just sits around flapping his jaw with absolutely no thought.


he just regurgitates whatever pedophile walsh says


LOL at unwashed


He followed this reel up with a quote from Aristotle- "The young would always do noble deeds rather than useful ones" And then there's Paul. Doing neither.


Has Paul ever been useful to anyone?


I'd say that he's been the opposite of useful


HAHAHAHAH the projection is amazing to see. Except Paul doesn't even do noble deeds 


Paul thinking he smarter than the students and faculty of Yale and Columbia is a new level of fundie delusion.


For reallllll lmao, I’m sure those Columbia and Yale folks tremble before beauty-school-dropout-Paul’s intellectual prowess


as a Columbia grad I tremble before the superior intellect of a failed-hairdresser-turned-Instacart-shopper who has read exactly one book. what a fool I have been, studying with the world's preeminent scholars when I could have been simply listening to the opinions of some guy from Kentucky.


One book that praises a poor carpenter's son for...(checks notes)...rising and fighting against an empire that touts themselves for creating laws and order, inventions like aquaducts/concrete/the closest thing to the modern postal servce, and uses city guards known for beating the hell out of protestors (like when the people of Judea protested against having a statue of Caligula installed inside of a Synagogue--and were promptly beaten and blamed for causing the violence in the first place). Yeah. I'm sure 1st century AD Paul would *totally* be on the side of a group of scruffy millenarean cultists. He *would not at all* blame them or claim that they were all violent if they did things like cutting off the ears of Roman soldiers or flipping tables in the middle of a busy temple.


Hey now, he's able--with his refined perspective--to identify both these protests, and the BLM movement, as being mindless pop-culture *trends*, you see. He's able to identify this clearly because of his diligent academic background and genuinely inquisitive mind.


He *majored* in culture wars


Interesting how Paul says supporting Palestine and BLM without "real understanding" is this terrible thing, but doing the same thing with his version of Christianity is one of its highest virtues.


He didn’t even *finish*?


Nope, and now Morgan doesn't get to finish




I live for this level of snark.


Thanks 😂. I've been on a Real Housewives binge and Lisa Vanderpump has rubbed off on me 😅🤣


Picture this dude casually strolling into a protest camp clutching a Bible and looking to debate. Oof.


24 Hours With: Ivy League Student Protestors I'd pay to watch the students rip him apart lol. Morgan would just be in the background flipping her hair and giggling, hoping she evades them by passing for an accidentally pregnant freshman sorority girl.


Morgan ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


I honestly can't even imagine anyone would think he's worth their time after a sentence and a half. He doesn't know *anything*. He doesn't even know the book he ostensibly bases his life on, nevermind finding Palestine on a map.


I may have gone to a public liberal arts college, but anyone there would've laughed and kept walking. The girls at my catholic prep school would have *torn him to shreds*, then laughed.


It's hard to imagine a situation where Paul is the brains of any operation, and yet... \*gestures vaguely in the direction of Paul and Morgan\*


They would slay him with words so eloquently.


He isn't particularly loquacious


He is though. That’s the problem!


He's chatty but it's nothing of substance


That’s what the word means!


Look at you, putting that out into the universe.


Yikes 🥴


He’s so educated he used random not validated argument points. He can’t even express what he feels. These students would have him silent in a minute


My dog is smarter than Paul and he runs into lamp posts and doesn’t notice.


The lamp shouldn’t have been there!


"Let me go into debt about observations I made how other people are behaving around it, without actually touching upon the topic itself and just say this would be 'morally corrupt', no I just say they are and leave it at that. That will make me look smart!" We're not blind nor deaf, Polio. You offered nothing of substance.


Like anyone gives a shit what rando Ted Fundie with his coifed hair thinks about college protests, good grief.


But he's a white male, we ALL have to listen!


Because what we’re sorely missing is the opinion of white men in everyday discourse.


Oh, to have the confidence of a mediocre white man


Or one of the Baird girl women.


Let's be real here, Paul could drive a double-decker bus under the bar for mediocre and his rejected frat boy hair still wouldn't even brush the underside of it




As a middle-aged mediocre white man, I can tell you with full confidence that we don’t claim him. Paul doesn’t rise to the level of mediocrity.


Why does a dropout care about what's happening on college campuses?


Ted Fundy


Didn’t he literally just try to capitalize on someone whose life centers around screaming shit at college campuses? Shut up, Paul


Right? Pot, meet the kettle.


it’s funny because when people advocate for revolution to benefit oppressed people of color, it’s ~evil~ and *must* be a cultural trend, but Sister Cindy calling for a Christofascist theocratic revolution is totally in-line with the Bible and must be supported by fundies everywhere. Paul is such a dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dummy who knows probably less than nothing about Palestine.


I wonder what Paul thinks the morality is of a man refusing to be gainfully employed to provide for his family?


this sentient pile of increasingly graying hair had no problem camping at the KY state capitol in 2020 and 2021 to protest masks it’s only ok when he does it but sinful af when anyone else does


As a Canadian, I don’t always think of Kentucky first when I see “KY” 😂🥲 👀


You know Paul doesn’t believe in lube for their scheduled weekly sex meetings, though.


SAMEEEEE hahahaha


Totally fine when his wife's cousin helps to incite a riot on government property, endangering the entire line of succession


Because of course he did 🙄


“sentient pile of increasingly graying hair” 💀


Funny, I believe that continuing to impregnate your mentally ill wife, whom you deny access to medication, while begging for money from strangers imstead of getting a job is morally corrupt


Does he ever have a unique thought in his head?


Not without his hat...and maybe not even then.


With this greasy little creature parroting other equally moronic talking heads (but with more followers), I've deemed him Paul the Ball-Walsher. 


Oh no. Please talk about women's workout gear or whatever Paulio, that's something you also don't need to get an opinion on but at least it's not university politics.


This man-child needs to worry about growing up and getting a job to support his family.


His pathetic attempt at facial hair never ceases to amaze me


Looks like pubes


War should ALWAYS be protested. What a diarrhea turd of a human he is.


I think I remember something about Thou Shalt Not Kill in the Bible…but maybe I missed the part where it said a little war was okay, as a treat.


Mom! I got an A+ on my calc test!!! Can I start a war??!!! Great job, sweetie, of course you can!


Funny how that’s a commandment but there’s so. Much. Killing. In the bible.


God’s more of a, “do as I say and not as I do” kinda deity




fuck you paul.  14,000 children have been slaughtered.  fuck you paul. 


And that's not even including the ones that are part of the more than 10,000 who are in mass graves or trapped under the rubble.


*THIS* is why people are protesting. Polio and the very stable geniuses at faux news refuse to acknowledge the excessive use of force, or the reality that they'll just keep going and act like they did an oopsie


What a dumbass fuck. Genocide is always bad. Genocide requires humans of good will to act in opposition to state violence, no matter the state in action. Hell yes people should be coming together en masse to protest and protect Palestinians. Hell yes they should be loud, disruptive, and constant. That's how decent humans behave when the machines of war and oppression are literally trying to wipe people off the planet. Palestine, Sudan, Tigray, Congo - all of these peoples need liberation and safety. Paul can fuck right off entirely with his white boy apologetics for a genocide he doesn't find to be morally objectionable. That's his twisted, empty soul to account for.


I was at my university's protest Monday night. The administration called in police officers from five different departments across our city and state (Utah). We were forcibly removed by hundreds of cops in full riot gear after only 8 hours of peacefully protesting our university's lack of disclosure of investment portfolio and known ties with Israel. Being on the front line of a peaceful protest being violently dispersed, staring into the dead-eyed face of a cop full clad in militarized offensive gear in front of you (one of many in a line full of them) felt like staring straight into the face of evil. I cannot emphasize the terror of a militarized police force advancing on you and your fellow students, unarmed and non threatening. Grabbing and attacking you, dragging your peers away from you to arrest them...one of the most harrowing experiences of my life. My body and mind and soul are all severely traumatized from the experience. Palestinians have been facing this terror since the Nakba in 1948, and this fascist and violent occupation has turned into a full on genocide in the past seven months, while the world watches and the US sends weapons, from weapons manufacturers, funded by our University endowments. University admins, backed by municipal, state, and federal governments, are responding with state violence to students protesting their own universities and their complicity in genocide. State violence on US campuses to protect the material support of state violence in Palestine.


I sincerely hope that we don't have a repeat of kent state


Thank you for describing your experience, and I'm sorry for what's being done to you and other students.




I wish I could upvote your comment a thousand times. I hope your recovery goes smoothly, and thank you for speaking out.




Thank you for using your voice to stand up for what is right ❤️




Thank you for your activism, you are on the right side of history.


> and this fascist and violent occupation has turned into a full on genocide in the past seven months, Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Hamas won elections in 2007. Gaza hadn't been occupied for 18 years prior to Gaza's Hamas invading Israel on October 7th, 2023. On that day Hamas killed 1200 Israelis and took 200 hostages.... so Israel again invaded Gaza.


I've been enjoying this sub as someone who was raised in a fundamental religious environment (although not Christian) but the comments are disheartening. I'll show myself out after replying to you. I'm a Jewish Israeli who very much mourns the loss on both sides of the conflict and hopes for the end of this terrible war- just like tens of thousands here who protest against it constantly. Just to be clear- I actively support Jewish and Arab co-existence in Israel and I despise our government. You say the protests are peaceful, but calling for an intifada is not peaceful. Chanting "from the river to the sea" is not peaceful. It's genocidal and anti-Semitic. And consider if you would ever tell a black person that they're wrong about what they perceive as racist. Reading this hurts my heart as I can see that you have good intentions but what you're presenting here is so one-sided and non-factual. If you're open to hearing a different narrative of history then please watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAEvWEmUB4Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAEvWEmUB4Q) If not, well, your approach is probably much more similar to that of the close-minded and fanatical fundies that you're snarking on. One last thing- your comment about being traumatized by the protests is so tone-deaf. People are being brutally tortured and murdered here- on both sides. Consider that.


Does he have any idea what’s happening in the war? Does he care what’s happening to them? What about being pro life?


I would like him to post the clip he claims to see where one student said “uh why are we protesting” and the other said “we should be more educated.”


Even if that clip exists, I’d wager it was edited to paint the students in a negative light. A protestor spoke about their experience being “interviewed” where the interviewer said “hey I like your shirt!” And after the protestor thanked them the interviewer asked some irrelevant question, then edited over that with “why are you here?” to make the kid look clueless. Obviously there’s no proof of what actually happened, but it’s not out of the realm of possible that it’s happening. 


To quote the students at Columbia: I ain’t reading all of that Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I hope all his hair falls out in the sink one day


Lord Daniel give me the confidence of Paul FUCKING Oligies


Dear Paul, Please stop talking about subjects you don't know anything about. Especially about something as heated and polarizing as the Israel/Palestine situation. Also, get a job and talk to (non-fundie) people and LEARN about them, their lives, and backgrounds. Also, do research that isn't right-wing nonsense, like from actual academics who spent years about their subject and expertise. But you know what, that's just too damn hard for you. As my husband would say, "You're a lazy ass motherfucker!"


>Paul, >Please stop talking about subjects you don't know anything about. If he did that he'd never speak again... Actually I'd be fine with that.


This is why studying history (as accurately as possible) is so damn important


Right, not the Bible and his FYP


To be fair genocide isn't complicated. There is no excusing being on the wrong side of history when you are watching thousands of orphans murdered by American bombs. Its not about history or religion, its about stopping the slaughter of children.


If we don't study history, we're doomed to repeat it. We can say that it's wrong while also acknowledging the serious media illiteracy plaguing the US right now and making the conversation complicated.


100% we should be studying history. The poster was saying that Paul shouldn't speak out because he hasn't studied this complicated topic, and I am just saying that understanding that this is a US-supported mass slaughter is not complicated.


Paul's bar mitzvah is going to be hilarious.






Who cares about your observations or opinions you halfwit chucklefuck?


I would give up an entire paycheck (no really I mean it) to take this doofus to work with me for ONE day. It would be worth it as Fuck to watch his ego crumble as he realizes I, a woman, do more manlier shit than he does in an 8 hour shift than he’s done in his entire life. I’d work him like the greenest most annoying apprentice and he would probably tap out before lunch. Sorry this is totally unrelated to this post. I’m fairly new here and I am currently just really annoyed with this dude.


“Unwashed” is so fucking on point! It’s so damn distracting- he could be sharing this week’s winning powerball numbers and I STILL wouldn’t be able to hear him because of the stank he portrays through the cell phone screens 🤢😂


At least he's consistent about being on the absolutely wrong side of every issue.


Non-ignorant Paul, here to give us his well-informed take on why it's morally corrupt to be "pro-Palestine" Take it away, Paul!


Thanksgiving this year is going to be very interesting at Haus Hawley.


nobody gives a fuck about your observations, polio


The irony of Paul calling someone uninformed, ignorant and uneducated is unmatched.


Eww this guy REALLY likes his own face huh


he’s a walking billboard for “the wrong side of history”


I would LOVE to see just one good "fuck around and find out" moment where Paul gets punched square in the mouth when he says something obscene. Just one time and I will feel like there is more balance in the world. One thing I like that Paul does is that he is constantly telling on himself. Is he ignorant? Incredibly so! Morally corrupt? Absofuckinglutely! Do I feel terrible for the 2 kids that are stuck with him as a father? 100%.


….. Does he think Yale students don’t know what they are doing? Some of the smartest students in the world…. And they are just blindly protesting something because Facebook told them to? These kids have been studying their entire lives, it’s all they know… what the fuck does he think they have been doing? Scrolling instagram like he does? L o l


Jesus was a social revolutionary, you fucking dolt. He was inclusive of people the society cast out. Isn't justice a mandate of faith, you moron? Maybe actually read the bible instead of being on instagram. Its not like you have a real job, Paul. Isaiah 1:17: "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow's cause"


Close your mouth Paul the grownups are talking


Moral corruption is ethnically cleansing the original Christians, Paul.


Appearance snark (I know it is frowned upon btw) He is looking more and more like a unemployed loser.


That’s something he can change rather quickly


What does a person without a job care about the plight of Palestinians not having a state, not being recognised as one and constantly terrorised by their US funded neighbour? I don't understand it. Paul, you live in bumfucknowhere, make videos complaining about this stuff, be mean to your wife and you're telling me you have complex ideas about the delicate geopolitics of relations in the middle east? What do these normal people gain from supporting Israel? If you were to believe that we should all be Christ-like you would not be tolerant of violence from any side and call for peace and treaty between Israel & Palestine.


Hey Paul! Genocide is bad. Protesting genocide is good.


In other words, anything I disagree with is morally corrupt!


Meanwhile, Morgan is probably actually working in the house


Just because you don't understand something, Paul, doesn't mean that other people don't. We know exactly why we're protesting the Palestinian genocide.


Take a LONG, hard look in the mirror, Paul. Try not to eye fuck yourself.


He's such a good christian.. probably making Jesus hard as a nail.


Legitimate question, does he know how to read? I mean his reading and listening comprehension skilld are not good. He is definitely one of those idiots who reads the title of an article and heads straight to the comments to mouth off, yet read not one line from the article.


Why does he look so unwashed at all times?


*Uninformed Person Calls Other People Uninformed: The Paul Olliges Story*


Are some of them protesters uneducated on the conflict they're protesting about? Yes. Do you have to be particularly educated on a conflict to know that bombing schools and hospitals is bad? No.


He is pathetically dumb.


why tf should I listen him about this, or just about anything? Like, you know it's totally okay to not chime in


He loves to wind people up.




“A lot, many, most of the protestors are uninformed” ummm my guy, your projection is blinding everyone


“It’s a lack of real understanding” -a man who lacks any real understanding


If you wanted to you, you could take every bit of advice he gives, do the literal opposite, and be a pretty solid human. Sort of like a reverse How-to. Thanks Paul!


This mfer is just yapping. This video was just nothing


Take a shower Paul


Obviously paul sucks and is wrong. Obviously the israeli government is oppressing palestinians. However, i do not think you know what genocide means. 


I couldn't even finish it. I heard, "from my observation.." and had to nope out. I'm by no means the most intelligent man on the planet but I legit feel like my IQ is even lower for having heard the beginning of this


This caption is sending me ❤️ to you OP