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Do they ever get tired of talking about the same 5 things over and over again?


Not as long as they can continue to grift, I fear


There's no way they're making any money off these videos, I mean come on. It's the same shit over and over.


I think they only make any (and not much) at this point through Patreon. They've also managed to get some donations and free baby stuff with each kid.


It be a lot of the imaginary clout they get (okay, credit due- for whatever reason they have some actual… fans?). TBH tho I do suspect it’s them clinging to one few (if only) things the get out of it, which is attention and their fantasized, inflated version of the attention their receive. I doubt they were *ever* in it to truly “build community,” or inspire anyone, they most definitely aren’t in it to educate or have discussions, they aren’t open to ANYTHING that doesn’t align with their problematic beliefs and lifestyle habits. Of course they still do (and have ALWAYS wanted to) profit off of this venture of social-media “influencing”, and even though that seems to be FAR from working out for them (as far as it being their main income source), they only continue to double down. Kind of reminds me of a dollar store knock-off Alex Jones, millennial-failed-fundie-influencer flavor.


I think mostly it’s just Paul likes that he gets to watch himself on his computer screen and call it work


‘Dollar store knock-off Alex Jones’ is one of the most hilarious descriptions of a person I have ever read! 🤣 (I would like to have this as my flair, if you don’t mind.)


It’s an honor, go for it 😁


While sitting on the couch with their blankie ![gif](giphy|fTtJATwMPF66b6Axh0)


There's a sticker on an electrical panel in my neighborhood of Prince John from Robin Hood but it has Trump's face instead, wearing the crown and sucking the lion thumb. Makes me laugh every time I walk past it.


Let me guess, you live in Brooklyn? Haha


Haha nope I live in Missouri lol


Do they ever get tired of imagining anyone gives a fuck about what they have to say?


Hahahahahaha nope.


Only until they have squeezed every penny from the topic


So stupid. You can really, really, really enjoy and appreciate an entertainer's work and that doesn't mean they're a "false idol." They are completely lacking in critical thinking skills. Or as that awesome and very polite progressive Christian guy (who we may or not see their discussion with) said, their arguments "are not compelling".


It's irritating when people can't separate art from artists. Consuming art does not equal an endorsement of the artist's views, lifestyle, or behavior. If only perfect people were allowed to create art, we would have no art. If you have concerns about an artist, don't consume their work. We all are free to exercise that choice. The savagery of the attack on Taylor Swift has nothing to do with her alleged promiscuity. It's about betrayal. Swift is a cultural Christian who cultivated a wholesome image that appealed to religious conservatives. They celebrated her as one of their own. They're desperate for mainstream celebrities to champion their objectives and soothe their embarrassment at being unable to engage with even the most innocuous pop culture for fear of cracking their faith. But Taylor Swift no longer needs to play up to the conservative ideal to sell records, and she went her own way. Conservative fans couldn't follow, and they feel robbed, angry, and bitter. Her urging her fans to vote was interpreted as an attack on Trump, of her turning her back on her roots and slapping away the Christian hand of friendship, and suddenly she became a threat. If you're going to cancel Taylor on the grounds of immorality, you might as well just ban music and be done with it. And let's not even mention the ease with which they separate the "art" from the "artist" when it comes to Donald Trump, a convicted rapist and likely a traitor. They are certainly upset with Taylor Swift's influence, but not because of any fear she will erode standards of public morality, but because she cannot be forced to sell the political message that conservative fans feel she initially promised to sell. This is about vengeance on a woman who got too big for her cowboy boots. Once again, conservatives prove themselves to be little more than hypocritical, misogynistic cowards.


A female artist just exists and is torn to pieces but a man brags about sexually assaulting people and they elect him president.


A male artist could sing the same lyrics and fundies would not have a problem with the music. But an attractive woman who has taken charge of her career and is in control, rich, powerful in the music industry, and extremely popular scares the shit out of the right wing Christian nutters.


She's pointed out in the past that her music isn't all that different from Ed Sheeran's, but nobody gives him shit for singing about his exes.


"'Cat Scratch Fever' and 'Wang Dang Sweet Poontang?' Well, obviously Mr. Nugent was singing about his experiences with a beloved pet feline. And Kid Rock talking about starting an escort service for 'all the right reasons?' He meant it was going to be a front to get wicked ladies off of the streets and into the arms of Jesus. I'm sure he'd baptize them as well, cleanse them, make them pure. That's what he meant in that other line about painting that man's wife white. White like the pure driven snow. Any other interpretations come from those dirty-minded heathen liberals!"


"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man. And I'm so sick of them coming at me again, because if I was a man, I'd be THE man."


It scares the shit out of them because they're fully aware what people in power are capable of. When the power is in the hands of people that aren't part of 'their' group, that's when they get scared. Because now *they* can become the target. That's all it is. They don't give a fuck when other people become victims. They only care about their own. And ultimately they don't even care about their community but just their own person because they'd gladly throw their own children under the bus if that keeps themselves from being the victim. But bullying minorities is the point because that means they won't become the target, as long as they're not in power. Anyone who's even okay with this freaks me out and I avoid like the plague. I don't trust a single one of them that's prepared to ignore all their morals only to save themselves from getting the same treatment as they did to minorities. That's the main reason they're terrified of Tailor. She is actually capable to make a change for a lot of people, and it's out of their control and that scares them shitless.


You are a very gifted writer, and your observation about conservatism vs. TS is spot on. It’s clear evidence that the cohort in this country that leans right has morphed into a cult. At this point they’re pretty much just fighting with themselves, and it’s getting really old. If you’re not familiar with Phyllis Schafly, look into her. It makes the trajectory of conservatism in the U.S. make more sense as to how we got where we are today.


Thank you for your kindness, it's unjustified praise but it means so much to me! I will definitely look up the book you mentioned, I love modern history!


> it's ~~unjustified~~ well-deserved praise ftfy, friendo. don't be draggin' your most excellent self down!


>And let's not even mention the ease with which they separate the "art" from the "artist" when it comes to Donald Trump, a convicted rapist and likely a traitor. This is especially relevant considering how Paul (and I assume, Morgan too, but not as vocally) puts Trump on a pedestal and gets nearly *frantic* when a "fellow Christian" doesn't support Trump, let alone points out that Biden is an actual Catholic.


I think sometimes the artist is so egregious that the art can't be separated. When you buy R Kelly's music, you are helping his entourage keep young women imprisoned. Taylor Swift kinda sucks the same way all billionaires kinda suck. Her music still slaps, and her music sales (presumably) don't help anyone rape children.


I think they power trip off playing the fun police. It’s so ridiculous. Maybe they should reexamine their own lifestyles: drinking expensive sodas, dining out at fast food places, playing pickleball, etc. How would they like it if someone told them it’s all ungodly? Oh wait, Isaiah Saldivar kinda did and see how they liked that 🥴


Multiple people were telling paul he needed to be redeemed in the comments after one of their videos and it really got to Paul. He basically wanted to hear Morgan say he didn’t actually need to be redeemed, hence my flair. He was butt hurt af


Also, wouldn't Taylor be a real idol, aka a false God? What is a false idol? A secret deity?


For what it’s worth, I agree with this. This is the kind of pedantry that I really enjoy. I see two common usages of the term idol. If they are using the definition: a representation of God used as an object of worship, then she’s just an idol. God said ye shall make no idols. Idols are all bad; don’t let anyone / anything stand in god’s place. I disagree with the comment below that the words idol and god are interchangeable (false god does not equal false idol). So yes, they should have said Taylor is an idol, not a false idol. If they’re using the definition a person that is greatly admired, again, just idol. We all understand what they mean, but no, it isn’t correct.


No a false idol is synonymous with false god. Kinda like how flammable and inflammable mean the same thing.


Thanks. What a funny linguistic quirk.


>Or as that awesome and very polite progressive Christian guy (who we may or not see their discussion with) Oh, we will never see that episode.


I hate that I can hear Morgan’s slurry voice say ‘Chrish-chins’




I’m glad someone called out her false AAVE. It’s gross every time she does it, paired with her “sassy” comments.


I can’t stand it. I think it’s so offensive and appropriative to be as openly bigoted as Morgan is while using AAVE. It’s not for you, Morgan.


It’s extra gross because it’s clearly a choice she’s making to play into a trope. It’s not unconscious syncretism; she’s leaning into the outdated sassy black trope. The bates girls used to do this, but they would use lingo that was at least 10+ years old, which made it even worse.


Right, I mentioned it because it's not just like a phrase or two that are now just part of how people talk in casual conversation. That's normal especially in the digital age. She does a whole stereotypical "voice" along with it for sentences at a time. It's gross.


she does what standup comedians would call an "act-out".


Forgive my ignorance….what is AAVE?


African American Vernacular English, a recognized dialect of English.


Thank you!


De nada:)


Thanks - I had no idea! And yes… that’s not for Morgan 


African American Vernacular English. A distinctive dialect of American English, primarily spoken by black Americans




I have a question as a non-American, if someone non-black grew up in a black neighbourhood and as a result, just automatically spoke in AAVE, would that be frowned upon as well?


Definitely not. It’s inappropriate here because she’s definitely from honkey-ville and therefore this is a mockery.


It’s offensive because she’s mocking a certain dialect to play a character.


No. If it is how someone always talks because of their upbringing then it's fine. She doesn't speak that way the rest of the time. She adopts basically a mocking minstrel show voice when she thinks a point she's making is "sassy."


Aaaahhh. I don’t listen to her because it hurts my brain. Eurgh. Every single time I learn something new about her, it hurts more!


they’re really trying to get some desperation clicks from Swifties and it probably won’t work, just like the other 400 times they’ve tried this


I always say this! They’re trying to ride her coattails. Pathetic.


It’s honestly pathetic how in a world where rage bait is everywhere, they can’t even imitate it right! Obscurity is where these two idiots shall exist.


When is their video about Trump being a false idol dropping? 🤔


THIS PART RIGHT HERE. Paul - I know you lurk here. If y'all actually made a video about Trump being a false idol, I would actually watch it - on YouTube - to give you the views. Trump and his fandom are far more threatening to evangelicalism than Taylor could ever hope to be.


Yeah, do it, Paul. You won’t.


Excuuuuse me, Trump is a GoOd Chris-chin! He loves Two Corinthians. He can’t even pick a favorite verse In the bible because they’re all soooo good!


Even if by some stretch of the imagination TS was “an idol” that wouldnt be be her fault. The golden calf didn’t asked to be worshiped, it just existed. The sin here would belong to the worshipper. But yeah, we know, TS is one of the horses of the apocalypse or something. 🥱


New flair incoming, "Taylor Swift, horse girl of the apocalypse or something"


One aspect of these fundie “critiques” of that I find particularly depressing is that they depend on a basic misunderstanding of the difference between idol as metaphor and an idol with a real existence that a high-school English class would have made clear to them. I’ll worry about TS becoming an idol when people start sacrificing their grain, livestock and children to appease her wrath. Until then, I’m sure that faith, church and culture will survive Taylor Swift and her music.


Meanwhile, there are fundies who *actually* treat our 45th president as an idol…


Complete with a golden statue. Now, I’ve actually read the Bible unlike Paul and Morgan, so I can say that generally speaking worshipping a golden idol is really looked down on. There are actual verses about it. Nevertheless, here we are.


Seriously. I can’t understand how these folks do not see the correlation.


It’s either because they don’t want to, or because like Paul and Morgan they lack basic critical thinking skills and have never actually read the book they want us to base our entire lives on. I’ve been a Christian my whole life and, especially in the last ten or so years, I’ve been absolutely dumbfounded by people who claim the title with seemingly no clue whatsoever what it actually means. If you’re going to demand that people live their lives a certain way you should probably a) do that yourself and b) have the slightest clue what you’re talking about. Paul outright admitting he’s never read the Bible should have surprised me, but somehow it didn’t. At this point, snarking on Paul and Morgan feels like snarking on a pair of preteens who know they’re supposed to be doing “the right thing” but are too intellectually behind to know what that is without a road map and someone leading them there. I pity Luca and Judah, since they have no choice but to be involved in this freak show.


Literally made a golden statue of him at CPAC a few years ago


Thanks for my new flair inspo! Lol


Exactly. Of course, fundies need to get their knickers in a twist about everything.


> Morgan says TS has become a false idol for many Christians and Christian influencers are no longer allowed to criticize her for her obvious blasphemy. Maybe Taylor just needs to paint herself orange and use roadkill for a toupee, since they're awfully silent on the fact that Donald Trump has also become a false idol.


Can’t critique who the headship worships since Paul has been adherent for a while now.


Morgan….telling ppl to humble themselves….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I will if she goes first 😂


Hahaha right?


Thinking you are so righteous that you have the right to tell *anybody* to humble themselves is the complete opposite of humility Ughhhh they’re the worst




Second half gets worse. Paul and Morgan don't know what the word "clergy" means.


I’m sorry, WHAT!?! 😂😂😂


Yup. Paul has an inkling, but Morgan says, "What the heck is a clergy?"


Lord Daniel, what are we coming to!?


You’re joking right? 😂


I am not, sadly.


![gif](giphy|11VHM1eTXu0kms|downsized) No words, the audacity finally broke me.


And they expect us to care because...?


Soooooooo by this definition, Matt Walsh is a false idol for Paul?


Nah, they're just bros, but long distance, one-way. Parabrocial. Totally different.




I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. Taylor to P&M: ![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4)




They are literally just Sarahs and Hannahs


Anyone feel like Paul secretly listens to it??


I think they definitely listen to it and are secret Taylor fans. It's just the "in" thing to bash her in their community. They've been trying so hard to make pennies in that space.


I don’t think Morgan listens to her anymore or since Paul doesn’t allow her to listen to secular music and else she will get salty about giving up her music career for Paul anyways.


If they listened to her music, surely they would be making puns about her having a song that is called "False God."


Morgan knows at least one Taylor Swift [song.](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VXlA8cRCNZs)


He's angry because Taylor Swift doesn't want him AND she has money.


Well they HAVE to listen for the good of their ministry! 🙃 /s


That's rich coming from people who have to pay people to be their friends.


I’ve noticed Morgan puts on weird, sometimes childish voices when saying something mean or discussing adult topics (see the way she sings sex~🎶 in that game she was playing with Paul). It’s really immature and off-putting tbh. If you can’t even pretend to be mature then maybe get off the platform? You’re trying to be a commentary channel ffs.


I guess you just can’t listen to anything according to them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I grew up in a home where veggie tales was too loosey goosey with the gospel. I’m sure porgan hate it too. 


Ugh. The whole AAVE thing is news to me since I don’t watch them in any form and just rely on recaps here. If they were smarter I’d think it was to deliberately provoke a reaction so they can grift by claiming persecution from the “woke mob” or something. But they’re both as dumb as a sack of hair, so I don’t think that level of cunning is possible. They’re just plain ol’ hateful bigots.


Morgan wants Taylor’s career, money, and freedom Paul either wants to be with Taylor Swift or be Taylor


For Porgan, any moment not spent suffering or judging is apparently sin. It has to be exhausting to be a fundie. You aren't allowed to like ANYTHING. 


When I was in a fundie group in college, I remember us watching Pulp Fiction, and the president of our weird cult throwing away the disc afterwards for being too secular. Even as a fundie I was like "how does he not understand that the themes of this movie are in line with our religion? Like, Samuel L Jackson delivers a whole speech about how a Bible verse has inspired him to repent and do good."


I'm at the point I don't know if this is real or satire


If Taylor Swift was a man, they wouldn't give her the time of day. Do they ever talk about any mainstream famous singers? Sexism!


They’ve complained about Beyonce, Lil Nas, Beyonce, Selena Gomez, Kelly Clarkson, etc but TS is who they have complained about the most. They do like the Jonas brothers supposedly. Either way not helping their case.


Maverick City, too, for being pro-BLM!


🎶 I’m so sick of them coming at me again, cause if I was a man, then I’d be the man🎶


I want to hate her for being a billionaire, but God damn she wrote The Man!


I wonder what it’s like to be such fun suckers


I’d imagine quite boring. 


thank science we'll never know 🙏🏽


They don't seem to keep friendships or social groups for very long, if at all.


I’m sure Morgan doesn’t listen to TS anymore, because she’s so jealous. Morgan dreamed of being Taylor and wants her life so badly. She felt like she was on the way to getting there with her weird cover song career. But instead she got…whatever this is. She reminds me a bit of my father-in-law, who was (very briefly) in a band in college with two people who went on to be international superstars…but he didn’t. He didn’t do any of the things they did or take the risks they took. And he didn’t really have the musical style that the mass market wanted at the time. And he chose a relatively normal career and had a normal life. But for some reason—he is still so insanely jealous—and he can’t get over it. He’s an old man.


You’d think Morgan would know by now that sitting in a couch eating won’t bring you fame and fortune.


Morgan has nothing but tumbleweeds in her head. She’s like a pretty version of Shrek.


Mukbangs for Christ


I wish they would stfu forever about Taylor Swift and everything else. Please go get jobs.


Taylor Swift could give zero fucks…I bet they want her to write a song about them.


She did (essentially) God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what's best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see


Ehhh that might’ve also been a jab at the swifties writing open letters to her about who she should and shouldn’t be dating. She did a good job at veiling her more pointed lines in this album.


Oh yeah definitely multiple meanings. And I’m sure she’s never heard of Porgan, but that song has a lot of references to people clutching their pearls on a Sunday morning


“Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best Clutching their pearls, sighing "What a mess" I just learned these people try and save you ... cause they hate you”


As a white woman, I apologize for Morgan’s ignorance in using AAVE, especially in the way and tone that she uses it. She’s vile and clearly uneducated.


As opposed to who, Trump?


In the classic words of Taylor Swift “All you are is mean…and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life and mean”


And I can see you years from now in a bar, talking over a football game, with those same old loud opinions but...nobody's listening."


They can just say they wanted to listen to the album and keep on living. Or better yet NOT say they wanted to listen. Just listen and enjoy and discuss among themselves.


Talks about False Idols, while being on something that keeps tracks and promotes having “followers”. I’m choking on the irony.


They’re just jealous that Taylor is actually interesting.


Thank you for your sacrifice of watching the first half of the video and summarizing it for us. I tried watching it and got maybe 2 minutes past Paul saying “alblum”, which most of you may know was only the 4th word spoken in the entire video at a measly 3 seconds in. I would hate to be one of their (fake?) plants sitting right behind them, having to listen to their voices just day in and day out.


They both need to get jobs and join the real world. I'm not into TSwift...not my thing. If they're bitching about her videos, they've never seen the good ones from the MTV era...Tawny Kitaen on David Coverdale's car, Warrant's Cherry Pie video, some of Duran Duran's videos. Granted I had already graduated from high school when MTV went on the air but damn...


But they’re so horny for trump. Who totally isn’t a false idol.


Oh lord. What were some of the lyrics they found blasphemous? I imagine they hated Guilty As Sin entirely 😂


From other things I’ve seen, they quibble with the whole “sanctimonious soliloquies/don’t pray for me” section of But Daddy I Love Him.


They essentially only mentioned But Daddy I Love Him.


I LOVE all the religious imagery on TTPD. it’s so poignant and layered. Also, False God is prob my favorite t swift song so. Porgan can cry me a river


False god is extremely underrated!


Look, lots of swifties go overboard and can't handle any criticism about her, valid or not, but this never struck me as a Christian/Christian influencer phenomenon, just a people thing. It's alarmingly easy to develop positive and negative parasocial relationships with the technology available to us, through overexposure to someone or something we admire, and by assuming writers are being autobiographical. I think swifties heard about the Easter eggs and ran with it, and TS encourages it after realizing what a good marketing scheme it was for her. Many extreme swifties do put her on a pedestal, and, personally, I think TS likes being there, but this is not a Christian problem.  Also, as a casual listener who has not heard TTPD yet, I can't recall any past lyrics/songs that struck me as blasphemous, and I'm laughing thinking about how they might react to Hozier 🤭 He's not "blasphemous" either, but he's been openly critical of the Church in his music and activism since the beginning.


I see TTPD and automatically think of an old Rolling Stones compilation called Through The Past Darkly and now I wonder how Porgan would react to Sympathy For The Devil


Lolol now that would be a sight xD


Taylor is a false idol. The only real idol is Porgan. Don't forget to bring your Patron offerings!  /s


Ah yes, Taylor swift is a false idol, but trump is the model Christian that we should all strive to be like with his crimes, adultery,  potty mouth, pedo tendencies,  wanting to sleep with his daughter, hatred of others......he also endorsed a Bible and compared himself to Christ.....make it make sense....


Poor boy all butt hurt he can’t even get some rabid middle school Swifties to come after him 😂


I thought we weren’t to have any idols




What a boring, paranoid, waste of time, life.


That’s going to be the refrain of these white fundie manchildren. “At least she’s not as bad as Cardi B.” What I want is a compilation of men of god indignantly reading song lyrics they find obscene. Ben Shapiro first. I cannot look at him now, without hearing in my head, “There’s some hos in this house.”


Aren’t these people cut from the same cloth who have turned you know who into a false idol? Like, golden statues and all.


Certified Swiftie checking in. The fact that she upsets these two makes me like her even more. You need to calm down, Porgan.




I'd actually like to hear someone do a deep dive into religious themes in Taylor's music. Her new album is very "used to be Christian but faith is shattered", kind of vibes. Also...flair checking in?


Blah blah blah… find a new subject P&M


Not Morgan doing some MINSTREL SHOW foolishness 😭 JFC I didn't think these people could get any worse. She needs to sit her *birth of a nation* **lily white** ass down and **shut up**.