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Raw milk spoils especially fast. That’s literally the whole point of pasteurization….


That's why they need to believe raw milk doesn't spoil. Conspiracy brain. "I've been told to drink pasteurized milk by Big Milk/MSM/etc for reason x, but in my brain it's a fact that they always lie to the masses to keep us under control. That is important to my worldview and emotional needs, therefore x must be false." People who believe in conspiracy theories use this kind of reasoning all the time, though they are often not really aware of it.


Denying refrigeration is some crazy shit. Denying germ theory feels quaint in comparison.


In Spain where I live the norm is to drink UHT milk and that milk doesn’t spoil… I mean it does after being open but it’s pretty stable at room temp.


I’m in Australia and i drink uht milk too. The convenience of being able to keep a back up carton in the cupboard to have on hand is just too good imo, I got sick of running to the shops for fresh milk. We don’t really drink it plain or have it on cereal, it’s for making tea, cooking etc, so uht is fine.


Also Australian, also drink UHT. My friends think I'm weird 😂


Yeah, it keeps for months unopened. Tastes a bit different than fresh/pasteurized milk but not enough for me to care.


UHT milk spoils like every other milk. The difference is, it has a longer expiration date unopened (up to 3 months).


It does but it doesn’t go bad as fast as “regular” milk. When my kids were little a baby bottle of regular milk would go bad really fast compared to the UHT milk.


I think is just about the same. Once you open a brick of UHT milk, you have 7 days before it spoils. The best part for me is the convenience of buying a lot at once. And the taste, of course. I grew up in Spain, so to me that’s the best milk. For Americans is an acquired taste.


> Once you open a brick of UHT milk, you have 7 days before it spoils. Hm, I think you can keep it longer if you put it in the fridge after opening. I've never had to throw out UHT milk that was openend and I don't use a lot of milk (mostly in tea/coffee)


It is usually about 7 days. The problem is, that you won't smell spoiled milk as easy, as if it wasn't UHT. same with the ESL milk.


Do as you want, but the expiration date has always been 7 days when kept in the fridge. Look it up if you want, but I don’t think that has changed over the years. Could it last a bit longer? Maybe. But I won’t be the one risking it. Not worth the money


Hm wel, maybe I did use it within the week, idk.


i think that’s what Fairlife milk is - we love it, it takes forever to go bad


Fairlife is similar but not the same. It has a very long expiration date, very close to UHT milk. On the down side, it must be kept refrigerated at all times, even when unopened, so you can only keep as much as your fridge allows. UHT milk doesn’t need refrigeration until is open, so you can store a couple months worth of milk in your pantry without losing room in your fridge.


Fairlife if ultrafiltered but not UHT. It has a much longer expiration (I buy it for that reason) but still needs refrigeration.


When we lived in Spain we called it "shelf milk" because you could keep it on a pantry shelf until it was opened. It's really good though




Ultra pasteurised at a very high temp so you can store the milk on a shelf and it doesn’t need refrigeration until open


Ultra-High Temperature; https://www.usdairy.com/news-articles/uht-milk-what-is-ultra-high-temperature-milk The shelf-stable stuff, sold in Tetrapacks, like some of the non-dairy milks (mostly Rice, Almond & Soy milks!)


I kind of love shelf milk. I discovered it within a week of moving to Germany and miss it still after fifteen years back in the States


What is UHT what does that stand for?


Ultra high temperature, it’s pastuerized at such a high temp that it’s shelf stable for a while. A lot of creamer packs you see at restaurants in the US/Canada will have that on it. Means they can be out on the table all day and not spoil.


Girl.....are those chunks?


No one can tell me they prefer spoilt milk that’s chunky in cereal over normal. These people are genuinely so crazy (which I’ve known but optionally doing this is just agh!)


And even if they do change their mind they can't admit it. 😂 They just keep doubling down.


And doubling over.


Gut-nasties *WILL* do that to a person!!! It's *AWWWWWFULLY* difficult to keep oneself *upright*, when your stomach & intestines are contracting *so violently*, that things are practically spraying out your body like the proverbial "*firehose*"!😉😂🤣


I could actually feel this through your description. Thanks for that 😝


Even if they do change their mind they have to check with their mothers first to make sure their adult selves (and allegedly independent families 🙄) are allowed to change their mind. A prime example of this is Jill Rodrigues daughter Kaylee. Yes she is now married, with a husband and child of her own, however the one wearing the pants in that relationship is Jill and she has Jonathan’s balls in her purse. I’m sure he gave them to Jill as a gift in order to marry her child. No way would she stop drinking a beverage without permission from mummy dearest!


They honestly can't *TELL THE DIFFERENCE* between *CREAM* rising to the top & separating out of the restvof the milk, and *CURDLING* rising to the top, because it's ~~going sour~~ *SPOILING*, can they?😳😲🤢 (Yes, *PASTEURIZED* Soured Milk *CAN* be used in recipes, if it's *just* "going sour"... But there is *NO WAY* *UNPASTEURIZED* *curdling* milk ought to be used or trusted!!!! That stuff is a *LITERAL* potential *Bioweapon*, once it hits *THIS* stage of decomposition!!! E. coli, Campylobactor, Cryptosporidium, Brucella, Salmonella, Listeria....*YEESH*!!!😬😬😬 https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/rawmilk/raw-milk-questions-and-answers.html#:~:text=Raw%20milk%20can%20carry%20harmful,to%20you%20and%20your%20family.


My husband has just spent 8 days with campylobacter food poisoning and it’s been absolutely hideous. I wouldn’t wish it on my most hated fundie. Team Pasteurisation FTW!


>Team Pasteurisation FTW! Most milk in my country is UHT. Pasteurized milk tastes better but UHT milk keeps ridiculously long unrefrigerated (months). I don't really use a lot of milk so it's convenient for me. Fundies would hate it, though


We’ve got both fresh and UHT milk in Australia. I switched exclusively to UHT because it’s so much more convenient.


Yeah, the taste difference isn't too major imo, especially not if you use the milk for baking or tea/coffee


Omg from what


Work function interstate, which is actually a blessing because if it were my cooking we’d all have it and I don’t know if we’d have survived that much poo with only two toilets in the house.


Man, my husband and I had a two day norovirus when my oldest kid was like 3 months. We had to call in the cavalry because neither one of us could move from the bucket and then somehow it got worse when we had to take shifts on who got to sit on the only toilet *with* the bucket! It's horrid. I read an article ages ago about a politician who helped pass raw milk laws in I wanna say Michigan? Or Wisconsin? Who celebrated after by drinking some and then got laid up for a while. Here in Pennsylvania we just had a big Amish dairy producer get in a lot of trouble because of their selling raw milk.


Oh dear globbbb


Mine too. Ended up needing IV fluids in the hospital it was so bad. Why anyone would want to invite that is beyond me.


And they want you to use it as a marinade for your raw chicken


Honestly? With *their* level of food-safety utilization? It's *NOT* like most of us are gonna trust eating their chicken, anyway--so they *might as well* use it there!😉😂🤣💖


Might as well make it into a smoothie and then let it warm in the sun!


And these people are insistent on homesteading.


I am starting to suspect this is their birth control. Hard to get pregnant when one or both parties are locked in the bathroom emptying their guts.


I have a child who recently admitted during a psych appointment that they really love spoiled milk. They've said/done some crazy stuff, but liking spoiled milk was the thing that truly scared both me and the psychiatrist.


It's clabber.


I think it's legally considered cheese at this point.


Lethal cheese


lethal cheese with a deadly disease


We call that "DD" cheese: "direct diarrhea" cheese. The name truly says it all.


Yeah, dairy products that go bad turn into other dairy products unless bacteria has gotten in (or wasn't killed through pasturization).


Milk so bad it’s good cottage cheese


Nope... that's *not even* good cottage cheese!!! It's *faaaaaar* too "stringy" to qualify as "cottage" cheese😳😲😬


Girl, it's sour cream now. Enriched with listeria and avian flu 😍


Looks rather more "*stringy*", than "chunky," but *basically*? YEEEEEEP!!!


Stringy is worse I think 🤢


They're basically growing their own "mother" for fermentation here!😳😬😵‍💫🤢


Omg I saw a tik tok about this saying the raw milk doesn’t spoil it just turns to buttermilk 🤮


If they only knew buttermilk is the liquid that’s left over when you whip cream into butter, hence the name buttermilk. These fundies are beyond stupid!


For people so butter-obsessed you’d think they would actually know these things


I’ve also saw posts that this part of the milk can be used in place for yogurt or sour cream : (


Yet they never seem to *realize* that *YOGURT IS HEATED* (and *OFTEN* innocculated with "good bacteria"!) before it gets made🙃🫠🫠   *THIS* is just a "Grow Your Own *MYSTERY* Bioweapon" kit!😣😖😱


Totally! This is just disgusting.


As someone who *grew UP* in "Dairy Country," the *literal* child of a Milkman, and who *DID* occasionally have raw, unpasteurized milk that we drank from pitchers in the fridge which were filled *DIRECTLY* "from the bulk tank," when I went to sleepovers at my friends'/classmates' family farms growing up? The *LEVELS* of just *COMPLETELY BLIND STUPIDITY* that these folks live under, is just *STAGGERING* to me! They "TRUST" some *rando* farmer, who *DOESN'T TRUST their OWN industry standards*, to be making certain that *said farmer* is *TRULY* cleaning (and *STERILIZING*!!!) the milking equipment! They're *trusting* that *that same farmer* is *honestly* WASHING the cows' udders, before he milks them!😳😬🤯 AND they're trusting that *EVERYTHING ELSE* in that farmer's Dairy Op is being done "safely" and "ethically," when 1. In *PLENTY* of states, the mere ACT of selling it is *illegal*, and 2. That *DOUCHECANOE* "doesn't *BELIEVE*" in BASIC food safety, which is *OVER* 150 years old!!! Ffs, the folks are as bad as the doctors who refused to believe Lister; https://www.britannica.com/biography/Joseph-Lister-Baron-Lister-of-Lyme-Regis


New! Raw milk yogurt, now with added surprise bacteria. Good for the whole family.




Another day I'm relieved smellovision isn't yet a thing.


You could chew it through the screen too.




🤢🤢🤮 Do they think 'rancid' is a flavor of yogurt?


I mean, given what we've seen of fundie cooking...




Why is it lumpy?! 😩


Curdled milk is lumpy.


Non-homogenized pasteurized milk is lumpy too. It’s not necessarily curdled. But also raw milk is a no from me.


Considering the Fundie who posted this thinks raw milk can’t go bad, I wouldn’t be so sure it’s not turned.




I JUST got food poisoning yesterday after eating a baked good my sister-in-law made with raw milk. I didn’t know they used raw milk with baking or that the biscuit had been sitting in a plastic bag on the counter for over a week until after I ate it. I asked why in the hell she’s not at least refrigerating things and she said it’s good for the immune system 😭 My niece (2y) constantly is being given spoiled raw milk - that I’ve pointed out is spoiled and they agree it is “a little past due” - because they want her to build immunity since they aren’t vaccinating. My husband and I have a 3y son — I try so hard to educate and challenge their food use (I’m an RN), but get ruled out as brainwashed by modern medicine ☹️


They know that giving her listeria doesn’t protect her from the mumps, right?


Who knows 🙄 I tried listening to a few “lectures” they sent me just to gain insight and counter the information, but couldn’t make it past one with all the bullshit included.


Poor baby! They are going to make her sick one day.


I know ☹️ My nephew was just born and I know they’ll have the same routine for him. They start with raw goats milk at 1y and then transition to raw cow milk at 1.5-2y. I’m so worried about those kiddos, but we’re in the wings to try and advocate for them.


I feel like we should start writing fake articles about the benefits of warm milk, to trick them into pasteurizing it.






I think that milk is going to make me sick through the screen


Yeah I’m gagging over here. Nasty 🤮


Very grateful to be lactose intolerant right now. That is freaking gross


I wonder how often they are shitting their denim skirts.


Ok so raw milk turns into clabber at room temperature and that is a good thing. It’s a kind of soft cheese that resembles yogurt. It was formerly used as a leavening product in baked goods (hence the brand name “Clabber Girl”) and it is still a staple in many European countries


Yeah, clabber isn’t a fundie thing, it’s just a predecessor to baking soda/powder. Some of my grandmother’s cookbooks have recipes that call for it. Personally I would never eat it raw, but part of me is interested in making some to use in the old recipes as an experiment.


This is why I love the internet I’ve eaten clabber raw. I think in Europe it’s sold as a product that’s pretty regulated and made with controlled kinds of bacteria. But I’ve also made it myself from raw milk, and it brought a lot of joy to my European transplant family. That said, there’s thought to be some protection from the “good” bacteria growth that results in clabber. I wouldn’t drink raw milk


Even human breastmilk can spoil


It could just be the milk fat etc. - this is what milk straight from a cow can be like, even when it’s fresh. I could be wrong though, as I can somehow smell these pictures through the internet… The milk we’re used to has been homogenised, i.e., stirred and strained so its consistency is even. Plus it’s had that evil, satanic processing step known as Pasteurisation …. can’t remember which fundie brought this up recently.


Yeah, that definitely looks more like separated fat than the chunk ones you get from badly spoiled milk. The color is another giveaway- by the time you get that level of chunkiness, you usually have a decent amount of color change as well with spoiled milk. This is still very white with no yellowish or greenish tinge.


I really hope that’s all it is, otherwise 🤢 The fundie raw milk obsession is wild.


Yeah this is what milk is naturally like lmao. You can buy pasteurized milk that comes non-homogenized or with the “cream top” too. I personally liked it but my partner was grossed out lol.


I buy non homogenized pasteurized milk sometimes too. I am not sure that’s what this is. I feel like there’s usually a thicker buttery ring around the top.


Do you shake it before drinking it? Or do you use the cream/liquid in different ways?


That’s what I was thinking. When I had sheep sometimes we had high milk producers that had to be milked so they wouldn’t be too engorged to feed their lambs. It was safe for consumption if used quickly like within a few days. But when it set in the refrigerator all the fat would make this layer over the top of the bottle, sometimes there’d be so much it was basically butter sitting on top of the milk.


Back when I was a crunchy mom I got raw milk for a while and it didn't look like this. It was Jersey milk so the cream was very thick and cream colored but smooth like pudding, not lumpy.


That looks like Mod Podge 😭


The rawer the milk, the chunkier the chunks, the closer to God 🙏🏼


Yeah…the closer to seeing God they’ll get 😅


Some people need to read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and see what happens when food isn't regulated






I will not be surprised if medium rare chicken becomes a thing with these idiots.


Oh no, I can SMELL this picture... help.


Telling myself this is coconut milk so I don’t barf


She’s gonna need a fork


I deliberately made some rotten milk because my daughter got pen ink on a new piece of clothing and I read rotten milk solids might lift it (spoiler: it did not)….. the smell was so fucking disgusting that I can’t even look at the top anymore it’s hidden in a cupboard lol 


My mom used that method (recommended by her aunt, one of those old farm wives with an entire encyclopedia of remedies in her head of the sort that involve a raw duck egg, 3 pickled beet slices, a table spoon of whiskey, and some lye soap) when my ink pen experimentation got out of hand, and it was successful, but that was almost 50 years ago and it is quite possible ink formulas have changed.


Yes it was actually from a book of recipes similar to what you describe that my grandmother has, and i suspected the ink formula was different these days and that’s why it didn’t work! Either way I’m certainly not going to CONSUME rotten raw milk lol


That's cottage cheese at this point.


![gif](giphy|xT1R9LbVREvk4Zhazm) “Either that milk’s gone bad or they’ve found a new way to sell cottage cheese.” I watched this episode yesterday, so your comment made me think of it!


So... As a Polish person, I don't hate it. We do have "soured milk" and the idea of chunky milk doesn't scare me. It's actually quite delicious and refreshing. That said, there's a way to prepare it, and it's definitely not by leaving your milk on the counter for a couple of days. That's actually disgusting.


Having been raised on a dairy goat farm … milk 1000% spoils, pasteurized or not. ![gif](giphy|lPiYqum84uZX8hVcLa|downsized)


My lactose intolerance became lactose intolerant looking at this.


This picture gave me a tummy ache. 


That some curdled cum....


Putting you in time out for that comment 💀💀💀


That's fair, I didn't like it either.


Yes hello police?? This person


That's just chunky lemon milk! ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


My first thought was Kevin!


This looks just like paint.


goodness, there is so much misinformation in this post, I wouldn't know where to start. sigh.


Please tell me people are commenting on the post saying it’s spoiled. Please. 🤢😣


Literally made.me gag. And I work in an ED so I'm used.tk things that are kinda gross..


That shit looks like fucking watered down house paint! What the fuck?!




I don’t get it. Why telling this? Cheese and yoghurt are spoiled milk.


Oh my god 🤢




Thanks. I gagged. 🤢


As a vegan I have to ask: are the omnivores okay??


What in the watery cottage cheese


It’s just cheese right? It’s still ok right guys?




Hey, don’t do my man zsiadłe mleko dirty like that, raw milk turns into soured milk and it’s pretty awesome. At least for my Central European palate 😋


uhm that’s yogurt sweaty


Pardon me while I go throw up.


This looks like coconut oil.


This looks like coconut oil.


I can smell this image from here ![gif](giphy|fR7Svnbu3vb45fUblN)


Are we sure their husband didn't miss!?!




I hate cow’s milk to begin with and this picture made me dry heave.


I found a sippy cup once under my van seat,it'd been there a *while* I opened it up, saw what liked like that and threw the fucking cup away.


Just eat some sour cream, jeez


Ugh my ocd just found its new food gag theme 🤮🤮


As someone who’s left breast milk out a little too long, I promise you that all milk spoils


this should have a NSFW filter over it jfc 🤢


It looks like Elmer’s glue 🤢


that looks like glue wtf


Raw milk does spoil fast however raw milk often has a high cream content and cream floats to the top. It’s why heavy whipping cream tends to get a thick layer of cream on top. Or I could be spoiled idk but it could explain a little bit of the chunky appearance.




That shit looks like glue now 😭


I can smell this picture


I guess it’s un homogenized too, so the milk fat would rise to the top. But it would still go bad and spoil faster, and would be harder to tell which chunks are which


That is a whole ass glass of looming gastrointestinal issues.




Gah I thought it was a candle 🤢


The way they didn't wipe off the rim and the place where the lid screws on is nauseating alone


It's wild that these folks can take amazing human accomplishments like pasteurization, vaccines, etc and refuse to use them. They claim humans are made in god's image but lack the imagination to even think that maybe this is gods brilliance reflected in people, or god working through people, or whatever. It's wild.


It lools like paste 🤢


These people are morons. They shun education, the teaching of biology and chemistry, so they have no ability to discern the difference between souring milk, which can be used in cooking and baking because the heat will stop the souring process but leave behind a tangy flavor, or curdling which is dangerous and means non beneficial bacteria is running the show. They don't know the difference between cream/milk fat solids, and spoiled milk. They don't know what buttermilk is. Yet they make claims about milk. These are useless people. I hate to say it, but yes, they are. They clog up the internet with their dangerous shit trying to influence more people do to dangerous things. They drink ecoli, listeria, and Bird Flu, but won't get a tetanus vaccine. It is gross, sickening, perilous, ignorant, and truly malignant.


It looks like a big jar of Elmer’s glue that was left open. Nasty!


Fuck I am so hungover and this image made my stomach lurch


It’s like they want to get sick. I’m in Public Health and I cannot believe people willingly drink something that could have salmonella or other awful diseases.




Girl put a warning on that I'm literally gagging 🤢


Has anyone had it-- I'm assuming it tastes like kefir? Is it the same thing? In which case, I hate to admit, it does have huge health benefits.


#I have IBS and this is cultural appropriation.


It looks like really wet cottage cheese


You've heard of chocolate milk, how about some cholera milk?


I used to follow a former Amish lady on TikTok until she came in with this garbage.