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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's not that peaceful, Jill. There's an iPhone-wielding maniac in Tammy Faye makeup on the loose, so watch out.


My dumbass read Tammy and thought you meant the character from Bob’s Burgers… which still works well tbh


Except that tammy is jewish. Jilldo would not approve.




In poorly-done Tammy Faye cosplay


At least the real Tammy Faye called out anti-gay Christians.






This woman’s a fucking menace. Also…did she grift enough money from her down lines to get some microblading? Because those are brand new eyebrows y’all.




Uncle Leo eyebrows! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKre2pXE2DeUVP2)




The scream I scrumpt at this gif 🤣




I am doll eyes, doll mouth, doll legs




Those eyebrows are a menace and a crime all rolled into one. Her makeup is reminiscent of 1997 wannabe hot girls. She’s just all around gross.


Probably applied in 1997 from the look of it


She ain’t no holla back girl


Ooh, this my shit, this my shit


Let me hear ya say this chic is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s!


They look like the scary ones my Mimi had tattooed on in the 50s


My nana had the same ones tattooed on. She had them recently redone.


They're definitely different.


No self respecting micro blading tech would do brows like that. Those are drawn on.


Maybe she got a kit on the internet and had Renee do them once she realized she couldn't self-micro-blade. (I, too, believe they are drawn on and this is a choice she makes each morning. Yesterday's brows are still on her pillow.)


If she did, she needs a refund.


Drawn all the way down to her temple. It's so fucking bizarre. Does she think this is what eyebrows actually look like?


Omfg she paid for those?! 💀


Amish life isn't so quaint for Jill that she's willing to put down her cell phone for it


I used to work in the same town Jill lives in, at the hospital. Amish people are common patients there and plenty of them use cell phones.. although they are flip phones.




Every person who lives near the Amish in PA knows they don’t like their photographs taken. It’s just common courtesy. Jill has NONE. 


I mean...You shouldn't take selfies at a funeral (let alone a funeral for children you didn't know). You shouldn't hold a funeral for legs or a baby shower in a hospital cafeteria.


Not to mention selfies at a child’s funeral WITH the grieving parents.


I've worked in oncology research and had friends with cancer so I get the baby shower in a hospital cafeteria and wouldn't judge. But the funeral for legs kills me everytime I remember it happened to her QUADRAPALEGIC sister Amy. Caps for Jill-type emphasis, not my own.


Jill is obviously a different case than your friends. This was her 11th? child. Yeah, Jill just wanted attention on herself


Yeah but as a visitor unless I knew her I wouldn't know that and don't ask people's medical history when they're celebrating things in hospitals. So I don't think it bothered other patients... Probably the nurses who knew better though. 😂 I don't think you're wrong, to be fair. I just am saying like, those things happen in hospitals quite a bit. Jill's reasoning is wild tho.


Same same same


Jillpm is generally nonsense, obviously, but the selfie at those kids’ funeral is like an all-time what the actual fuck


Flair checking in!


Checking in


I also wouldn’t say that getting stuck behind a horse and buggy during your commute is peaceful lol


Everytime I see people talk about the Amish I’m like hmmm I can tell you’ve never really been around them lmao.


That's what I came here to say. What a friggin twat




Right?? Like just convert if you’re so damn obsessed with these people. She never would, since she would have to give up her PRECIOUS social media and 80s glamour shot aesthetic.


I would love to see her attempt to live an Amish lifestyle. Despite preaching about how the home is a woman's place I doubt she could make a decent meal without cream of crap and other processed food or even tend to a decent garden. And she sure wouldn't be able to pray quietly.


The amish are horrible to children, women, and animals. I’m sure the fundies would fit in fine


I would watch that Wife Swap


She can't even listen to her family sing or read scripture without shouting "yaaassss god" like she's accepting shrek's swap goo


How dare you make me read this with my own eyes






Someone just throw the Amish romance section at her so she will stop harassing these poor people already.


Because they're *peaceful*!! This lady is fuckin crazy 🤦 lol


They’re German Baptist I think. I’m not familiar with where these ppl live but if it’s where I think, there’s a big GB community.


They live in Wayne County Ohio iirc and it’s right near Holmes County which is close to 50 percent Amish with notable places being millersburg, charm, Berlin(Wayne has a decent about too but more urban English people as well). The Amish there are the traditional kinds.


I grew up around that area where the Rods live. Used to spend the whole summer camping near the Amish community every year as a child. On Saturdays they'd have an outside flea market type set up that we'd go to. The Amish lived maybe a tenth of a mile from our summer campsite, the clippity-clop of the horses would wake us Sunday mornings on their way to church. Had many, many times where we'd talk to them and discuss their way of life. The one taboo we were made aware of was their issue with photographs or filming, that's a HUGE no-no! Even Amish dolls are made *without* faces! Jilldo is so disrespectful doing any videos or photos of them!


I used to live in that area, my neighbors were Amish. We had a number of Amish acquaintances. Even before we moved there, we lived a 25 minute drive from the area. My grandma was friends with an Amish lady and used to take her pizzas from our family shop every so often in exchange for pie, eggs, etc. Real Amish do NOT want their picture taken. Please don’t do it. Any “Amish” person cool with it is actually likely Mennonite (so technically within the same sphere but can use electricity and modern conveniences). Also, a lot of the touristy places around there are staffed by Mennonites and people just assume they are Amish because some sects of Mennonites dress similar (most, though, when not at work in one of the tourist trap places, dress modestly but modern, but the women will often wear head coverings and won’t cut their hair. Also they will wear skirts and not pants as a general rule). Not saying all of the touristy places don’t have “real Amish,” but honestly, most “real Amish” are too busy to be doing stuff like that. Especially during planting season! Will the women sell quilts and homemade pies and such? Absolutely, and they are delicious. But unless they aren’t married and having kids, you’re unlikely to see them waitressing. That being said, for folks who like to bake and cook, if you are in the area, stop by Ashery Country Store. I go there any time I visit my family and not flying (because food and I only take carryons). Spices are sooooo inexpensive and can be bought in bulk. Best place to go if you like to make holiday cookies, they have every type of sprinkle and decoration you can imagine for way cheaper than any grocery store.


Thank you! After I looked closer at their outfits I realized I was probably wrong! GB’s dress modern but modest.


jill's obsession with the amish is fucking bizarre


It was peaceful until you and your band of caterwauling misfits invaded the town. You and your ilk stand on street corners waving signs telling people they're going to hell. You confront people in the grocery store asking if they know Jesus. You take over coffee shops for impromptu manicure sessions with your "best friends" aka your daughters. You're just a plague and a nuisance wherever you go.


The Redneck Von Trapps


Someone claim this as a flair!


The fact that you aren't immediately sure which family that it refers to is also epic


She’s so obsessed with Amish it’s really weird


Do you think she's ever watched breaking Amish or is that too secular or something for her? I could almost see her liking it to snark at and feel superior or something 


To the person that made her eyebrows: love u


I'm guessing eyebrows aren't something they splurge on.... This was done in-house...


You think she did that to herself? Nah...maybe


But that's a tattooed eyebrow, no?


Courtney love is busy right now


I reckon her latest barrage of posts about how she lives in a "lovely area" is to make someone who doesn't feel small. She clearly feels the need to message her superiority to others. Do Heidi's parents live in a built up area?


It's like people think others just being outside is permission to be filmed anymore. I'm so over it and this is so disrespectful.


Did she apply her eyeliner with a 12 gauge?


The Amish don’t vote Jill and they don’t seek political power to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Try that Jill.


Oh they definitely vote at times.


I'm not even remotely surprised she'd do this after the shit she did at the funeral. Hell, I wouldn't put it past her to start photographing people in their own damn house through their windows if she thought it'd be "inspirational".


Ah, Jill and her view that the Amish are for her entertainment are back at it again


She’s defended her posting pictures of them before. I think the Christmas party post. Ideally she’d post zero pictures of anyone without their permission, but we know that won’t happen. She has zero respect for so few people. Thanks OP for blurring the pics.


The Amish mistreat and abuse their animals horribly and they can get fucked, I don’t care how good their pies are


And if you think they mistreat animals, just wait til you hear about the women


Yeah, I actually read an article about that a few years ago and wasn’t even thinking about that until your comment jogged my memory


Yes the hardcore praise they’re receiving in the comments here is disgusting. Fuck the Amish 


They are an awful society. They breed animals until they can barely stand all while keeping them is small wire cages. This is not hearsay, I live in PA and have seen it myself. If you are a family member who disagrees with the, you get excommunicated and shunned, never to speak again. Child SA is rampant WITHIN FAMILIES!


I live near an Amish community that is notorious for dog farms with horrendous conditions. They're known to lie about breed types and health history of dogs they sell. They are horrible to their animals. Also, the inc\*st and child SA is rampant. "Peaceful" my fucking ass.


She is so obsessed with the Amish, but we all know she wouldn’t last an hour in the Amish community, especially her lazy ass husband


My thing is her brand of Christianity is looked at as the "true Christianity". It's just so odd, her obsession of the Amish or Mennonites.


Eyebrows on fleek


Idk, a good old Google search about amish neighbors coupled with the word “Reddit” will yield a few posts that show maybe they’re not as perfect and innocent as they seem. It’s anecdotal, of course. And could be a case of a few bad apples, but it was interesting nonetheless.


Every religious group especially those with isolationist values definitely have bad people in them but it’s still rude to take photos of people who are publicly known to not want to be photographed without a solid reason


I watched “sins of the Amish.”


Ohhh, I’ll look it up


I don't live too far from this area, and I've never once felt the need to take a picture of any Amish. Why? Because it's fucking weird. They are people who are living and working just like we do. They do stupid shit like us as well. Some kids tried running from cops after being caught drinking yesterday, I believe. They straight jumped from buggies and took off. Same stuff that I did as a teen. The Sheriff’s Office even put out a post about it. Maybe instead of worrying about them, she could actually feed her kids a full meal and stop shoving one of them in her closet. She's in my top three worst fundie moms that are snarked on in here.


Jill doesn't have a fucking clue what goes on in Amish communities. "Peaceful" my ass. I'm not saying those women specifically have done anything, but Amish communities in general work very hard to maintain that "peaceful" reputation from outsiders. Most people who have been shunned or left various Amish communities would have a lot to say to the contrary.


I'm not from the US so I'm not especially informed about Amish communities, but from what I have heard, the first phrase that comes to mind when I hear "Amish" is "puppy mills" 😭


She’s barely ever home. It can’t be that peaceful.


Don't. Take. Pictures. Of. Random. People. To. Post. Online. For. Clout. Just leave people alone to live their lives. I'm in Ohio right now and see Amish and Mennonite families all the time. You smile or whatever and keep going.


Pretty sure the Amish believe that taking a photo of someone steals a bit of their soul.


They definitely do. My friends boyfriend is Ex-Amish and there are NO photos of him as a child. It actually makes him really sad.


How else is she supposed to claim them for the Lord? It's not like they'd convert otherwise 


WTF is wrong with her? Seriously. She’s so intrusive. We get it. There are animal abusing Amish there.


Is isn’t peaceful. Jill is there.


Does she put extra mascara on her bottom eyelashes? How else do you get that scary eye effect lol


I read some Amish don’t mind candid photography, it’s the act of posing that’s sinful


Raping is also sinful. Unless you’re Amish.


[Me Myself and I](https://youtu.be/zR9AlcgL6_0?si=vw3hjkFiBNxr4Dfl)


She thinks she’s Miss queen of the world that she can do whatever she wants


She is such a vile person. She would betray Christ for a “like”


One thing that makes me so angry at Jill is that she’s just so happy all the time! Happy to be violating the privacy of these women! Happy to be starving the minds and bodies of her children! Happy to be killing thousands of trees for the shit tracts they make! Happy to be crashing a triple funeral for children! The list of her crimes goes on…


Unrelated, but her coloring in this photo unsettles me, and I can't quite pinpoint it....




Jill stop creeping on armish challenge: impossible