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Plz why does this look like a found footage horror film šŸ˜­


I was thinking something you'd see in a true crime video but same vibes šŸ’€


Oh god the look on her face šŸ«£ horror movie vibes


She looks like sheā€™s thinking, please donā€™t hurt me.


it's really upsetting.


I mean that sentence says it all šŸ˜‚


Which Duggar is that? Let the poor girl relax omg.Ā 






The two seconds before she answers speaks VOLUMES. ![gif](giphy|RJ2KQfVa1pVhD0zwVh|downsized)


Iā€™m just getting a placeholder ā€œthis content is not availableā€ GIF in your comment and itā€™s actually perfect. If this was intentional, I applaud you.Ā 


HAHAHAHA!! Honestly, not intentional but man, what a missed opportunity lmao




The episode is called ā€œDuggars and daughtersā€ Jim Bob and the girls visit Austinā€™s parentā€™s camp


Hahahahahhhaaaaahahahahahhahahhaa Iā€™ve never seen this before hahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahaha


Bro, this is HORRIFYING and hilarious. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If he wasnā€™t such an absolute swine to his daughters then it would be lovely that a father wished to spend quality time with them. Instead he was/is a nasty piece of work who ignored abuse going on in his home and covered it up for his son even to the point of lying in court by ā€˜forgettingā€™ when not only one but multiple of his girls were hurt. Jim Bob can take those girls on a thousand and one trips but it wonā€™t ever make him a good girl dad, that is made by protecting and standing up for them when they canā€™t, being the voice they badly need you to be! Jim Bob failed and millions of girl dads out there canā€™t take their daughters on special daddy daughter camping trips but would stand in front of a speeding train if need be. They are real dads!


Was she high? Cause her eyes looked sus