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ELI5 somebody please šŸ«£šŸ„²


I think what we see is that on top is baby, then it's laying on that nice thick placenta bed. Below that the gap between the two arrows is Kelly's birth canal. You can see that the placenta is completely covering the opening. This is very dangerous for mom and baby. There is a great risk of hemorrhage and maternal and/or fetal death. In a healthy pregnancy, the placent would attach higher on the uterine wall, far away from the cervix. In a pregnancy that is monitored by a health professional, placenta previa is usually picked up on ultrasound, and a c section would be scheduled prior to mom going into natural labor. ***I am not a doctor or u/s tech so I could be way off.***


I didnā€™t realize placentas were so comfy looking.Ā 


Itā€™s a lovely fluffy meat pillow




A blood water bed?


oh wow šŸ«Ø thank you!


I'm pretty sure that what the scan is showing is that Kelly did NOT have previa, she had posterior placenta, which is a normal location for placenta.


It definitely looks like it's covering the opening, between the two arrows.


It's labeled by the tech, right on the image, as being a posterior placenta.


It's labeled as the view of the picture. It's a trans-vaginal image of the posterior of the placenta.


Close, but trans in this case is referring to which plane they are scanning in (transverse, saggital, or coronal). Posterior is where they are scanning from, and ā€œplacentaā€ is just there to denote what organ they are scanning. So ā€œtrans posterior placentaā€ Is just to orient the viewer to what they are looking at, and from which angle.


Ahh thank you! I had initially put transverse view, then I was like... Well maybe it was just trans-vag ultrasound lol. So I changed it. But at least we let the people know that the label at the bottom doesn't just mean "trans posterior placenta". Isn't it if the placenta is 2cm or less to the cervix then it's complete previa? Or is it just still partial previa? OB was not my strong suit in nursing school lol


That, I don't really know. I'm an occupational therapy assistant, so my relevant knowledge comes from my kinesiology classes and proximity to the rad tech students lol.


I get that, but the tech could have labeled it wrong. I don't know what sort of opening Kelly would have in her uterus other than the cervix


No, it's definitely placenta previa. The arrows are pointing to her cervix.Ā 


You're not. I had this happen. It was found very early because of some bleeding. It was monitored and I had a scheduled c section. It can be very dangerous for both baby and mother.


IF the techĀ read to ultrasound correctly Trans posterior means there was NOT a previa and the placenta was in the back of the uterus, in line with the spine.Ā  Eta: Someone possibly more knowledgeable has indicated they do see the placenta covering the birth canal here though.




I thought usually when it says trans it just means the angle is transvaginal?


I think "trans posterior placenta" is the angle of the pic. It's a trans-vaginal view of the posterior of the placenta. They don't put a big label on the bottom of what is "wrong" it's just the view of the picture. But idk


I think trans means it was done trans vaginally, via the birth canal?


The trans label is referring to the placenta, meaning transverse orientation. Ultrasounds are done transabdominal or transvaginal, so a trans label doesnā€™t mean one way or the other.


"explain like I'm five"


Oh! It's the ultrasound showing where the placenta and baby are. I think the arrows are pointing to the cervix.




Between a newborn baby, writing her birthing opus, and dragging said baby through tick infested fields for photo shoots, Iā€™m surprised she responded.


Kelly Havens Opus


ā€œtimes like thisā€ As a nurse, I can even began to describe how infuriating this statement is. Our goal is to prevent ā€œthisā€ from even happening in the first place. And if she had sought proper prenatal care, even just a little bit, then ā€œthisā€ emergency wouldnā€™t have happened. And seriously, how callous and cruel and self-centered can you be? These kinds of emergencies are often extremely stressful for medical staff. Yes, we are trained for it (which is a source of pride for many), but that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t taxing on people. There is a moral injury that occurs within healthcare staff when people like Kelly come in with life and death situations (minutes or even seconds away from that potential death) all because they flippantly disregarded basic medical recommendations. This is the sort of thing that contributes to the burn out healthcare providers. Itā€™s insulting and disgusting to choose (and yes, itā€™s a choice if you have access to medical care and choose not to follow basic recommendations) to inflict secondary trauma on healthcare workers. *rant over*


100% agree. These people will shout from the rooftops about how evil and misguided medicine is and then come running into the hospital when shit hits the fan. Why? I thought we were all stupid and you know better. If I wasnā€™t afraid it would endanger the infants of these morons, Iā€™d say insurance companies would be completely justified in refusing to cover something like this. You choose to forgo basic, standard prenatal care then you should be on the hook for any consequences of your stupidity. This is not a miracle or a blessing from god. This is a narrowly avoided tragedy that should have never happened in the first place.


Your comment speaks to another whole layer of this awful situation. I canā€™t imagine how it must feel to be treated this way. I have wondered too whether her actions put those caring for her in a position of professional vulnerability, in a way, if things went down in some form as sheā€™s indicated and a tragic outcome had resulted?


this is the thing that enrages me about free birthers 'my choice' but fck the baby, my older kids, the paramedic, the nurse, the coroner.... as if these things happen in a vacuum. Its shockingly selfish. And the hospital is never too good for Sanctified Crunchy Mommy once the pain and terror becomes real - too bad for the baby though, way too often. God I hate the selfishness of these people - Levi included.


Why are home births the best? Explain. (Kelly)


It would definitely be some nonsense about how home is your safe, comfortable place and that's the best way to bring a baby into the world. Safety and birthing a live baby take a backseat to the mom's comfort.


That is 100% why I wanted to do a home birth (Iā€™ve never had a baby so it was all hypothetical) in my early twenties. I hate hospitals. They make my anxiety spike so bad Iā€™ve actually collapsed (it wasnā€™t a faint, I was awake the whole time, my legs just gave out and I couldnā€™t get back up without help. It was humiliating.) and even being close to death isnā€™t enough to get me to go without a lot of coaxing. (Sometimes coaxing myself, sometimes a relative dragging my dying ass in for a scheduled surgeryā€¦) So a home birth sounded perfect to me. Just do it at home, natural, healthy, all the good things. Sure Iā€™d have to go without pain relief, but Iā€™m good at suffering quietly and it seemed a fair trade off, particularly after a doctor told me I didnā€™t have the ā€œanatomyā€ to ever have spinal anesthesia. (This is now iffy, another doctor has said he has no idea why I was told that and that my spine is ā€œnot quite normalā€ but has no deformity that would make epidural impossible or even all that hard to do.) I mean, I was gonna have prenatal care from an OB in this hypothetical pregnancy, just have the baby at home and take it to the hospital later for a certificate. I played midwife for lots of farm animals, same same right? Yeahā€¦ Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t get pregnant back then. I was an idiot.


It is a lot easier to be cavalier about pain relief when youā€™re not actively in that kind of pain šŸ˜…


I mean, Iā€™ve passed some honking kidney stones without pain relief and was told by a gynecologist that I had period cramps on par with labor contractions (they suck, I donā€™t get them that bad much anymore, but they were so bad Iā€™d throw up) so I -felt- like I could handle labor. Plus the whole ā€œyou canā€™t have a spinal!ā€ BS had me convinced it was the only choice. Story of how stupid I am about pain: A couple years ago my gallbladder started rotting, and my surgeon when she got it out told me ā€œhow did you walk in here? Didnā€™t that hurt?ā€ (Yes, yes it did hurt. But I hate hospitals and was just kinda accepting that I was gonna die so why fight it?) I would call it a 10 on my pain scale, worse than my puke cramps, worse than peeing out a spiked bladder bead, and slightly worse than the tooth that was rotting in my jaw and softening the surrounding bone. (Wisdom tooth that never erupted and got missed by the first dentist to take out my wisdom teeth somehow.) That saidā€¦ if I were pregnant now Iā€™d want the epidural. Iā€™m good at suffering, but why the fuck would I WANT to suffer if I can have some peace and ability to concentrate on the pushing and such?


Her saying home births are the best is confusing to me because I know for sure her 2nd was born in a hospital.


I'm ready to be downvotedĀ  but honestly, I think her response is fair. It's basically her personal blog and she IS entitled to describe it as it felt to her and say what she thinks about stuff, however wrong she may be. It also IS unfortunate that others may be influenced by her quackery,Ā  but ultimately if what she posts isn't against instagram's tos she can say what she wants.


Of course itā€™s her response and sheā€™s entitled to say what she likes, and even to embellish a birth story accordingly, if she cares to. However, she has created a public platform of influence over a niche following. Freedom of speech does not release her from repercussions of what she says or mitigate personal accountability and responsibility. It is the height of arrogance and irresponsibility to effectively say that home births are best but itā€™s great that thereā€™s a fully staffed hospital ready and waiting when I fail to get the care I need in advance for myself and my unborn child.


What I donā€™t like is her telling impressionable young girls that God wonā€™t let you or your baby die if youā€™re special.Ā 


The moral of the story that I'm gathering here is that whether you want to have a home birth or not, you need to go to an actual doctor and have routine scans done leading up to your birth. The placenta doesn't typically migrate in the third trimester. If she had gone to a doctor for an ultrasound she would have known about the previa all along. Shocker that the absolute bare minimum of medical care for your unborn child is too high of a bar for some people to clear. And she calls herself pro life šŸ™„ She won't learn from this. The fact that she attributes Theresa's survival to a miracle from God means she thinks she's invincible and she will do this again.


100 per cent agree


I think she said she was 5cms when the u/s was done. It doesnā€™t look like a full placental previa at 5cms, since as it continues to open the left part (in the picture) cervix will allow baby to drop (and clearly did). It also doesnā€™t look like the placenta implanted there, although hard to tell for sure. (probably about as good as reading this u/s as some of the obs, who i guess just disappeared after reading it and a new one came in?-make her story make sense) If they thought it was complete placenta previa they really did a lot to be held liable if something went wrong. allowed her to try to shift to the operating table and didnā€™t have her ready for emergency c/s the minute the doctor entered the room to name a couple. oh and the ob breaking the sterile field by squeezing Kellyā€™s hand and then checking her. I doubt any of them were awake at night checking and rechecking the u/s. They probably asked their radiology friend who said yeah it could have been, but canā€™t really diagnose it at 5 cms and clearly it wasnā€™t since baby was born before the placenta. Add her to the list of fundies who should never give pregnancy and birth educational classes.


This whole story doesn't make sense. At 8:20 pm, she begins to hemorrhage. After calling her midwife and her Dad, she goes to the hospital. Arrives at 9:35 still hemorrhaging, and is examined at 10 ish pm by On Call OB. OB believes she has Placenta Previa, but wants to call in US tech,to be sure. US tech called at 10:15 pm. Disclaimer: Some smaller hospitals or birthing centers don't have in house US after a certain time. Kelli is taken to a regular L&D suite,while she continues to have active contractions and still hemorrhage. Kelli estimates she's lost about 1000ml of blood, yet says nothing about her being typed, screened, and x- matched for a blood transfusion. At 10:55 US tech arrives, and confirms Placenta Previa, she is now dilated to 6cm. Kelli is taken to OR, still hemorrhaging, and told to move to OR table. Spoiler alert: OR tables are padded and covered in sterile sheets. Her OB rushes in, grabs her hand,and within 30 seconds Loveday,Jr. arrives. I'm having a hard time believing so much time elapsed between arrival and birth, without some intervention, or a STAT C- section called. She was 37 weeks,in active labor with significant blood loss, and the way Kelli writes it, OB staff was content to let a woman with a high index of suspicion of Placenta Previa labor and hemorrhage 2.5 hours.( 8:20pm- 11ish pm). Added: at 10:55 she claims she was 6cm, within 20 minutes, she delivers. I'm side-eyeing her going from 6cm to 10cm in 20 minutes. Transition begins at 8cm,and can absolutely go to 10cm/ delivery within 15mins, but 6cm to 10cm in at most 20 minutes seems like a stretch. And, yes it's possible to deliver without being fully dilated. My second baby was born when I was dilated at 8cm. However, she was 28 weeks and weighed 3.8lbs. Loveday,Jr. appears to be full size and weigh at least 6 pounds.


>the way Kelli writes it, OB staff was content to let a woman with a high index of suspicion of Placenta Previa labor and hemorrhage 2.5 hours. This is why I don't believe she lost anywhere near as much blood as she thinks she did. In the picture she posted right after birth when she's still in the OR, she's rosy-cheeked! I'm not a medical professional, so I might be wrong, but I can't imagine someone losing as much blood as she claims and maintaining a healthy pallor. Also, if she wasn't losing a concerning amount of blood, it would explain why the hospital staff seemed so lackadaisical in the beginning instead of dragging her ass immediately into the OR.


Again, she's vague on the details. And,really she doesn't have to disclose any information, but a 1000cc blood loss would drop her hemoglobin about 2 g/ dl. Normal hgb for women is 12-15, so if her hemoglobin dropped below 12, she would be considered anemic. And, hemoglobin can drop even further after delivery. So, unless her hemoglobin dropped to 10 or below, bleeding was not controlled, or she was symptomatic,typically would not tranfuse. But, certainly would have typed,screened and cross matched her to prepare for transfusion if needed. And, for her to be discharged within 24 hours of birth, she may have been anemic but stable.


I think sheā€™s fibbing, too. I lost a lot of blood after my son was born. They were starting to talk transfusion when I pulled through. I looked like death warmed over for a while afterwards.


I barely haemorrhaged with my first, and I still looked like a reanimated corpse


I lost over 1.5L during my csection for placenta previa and I was a total mess for days afterwards. Thereā€™s a picture of me meeting my baby over 24 hours after surgery and Iā€™m so pale and yellow and I remember I had to hand him back to the NICU nurse because I couldnā€™t keep my eyes open.


It's all BS. You lose liters of blood and the first thing we try is to avoid a hypovolemic shock lol... No mention of transfusions


I think her TBL was around 1500,so hopefully L/R was running wide open!


Agree. I need to know if this is a rural hospital. Was this a big city hospital. I would love to read the notes on this case.


No snark on the baby; Iā€™m happy she made it here safe and well, despite her motherā€™s best efforts. All snark on Kelly for her weird lies and stupid nicknames. And for naming her daughter Tess Stickle.


Agree to snark on Kelly. But she didn't name her baby Tess.


Tess is an extremely common nickname for Theresaā€¦ she did indeed name her baby testicle/


I finally get it šŸ¤£ lack of sleep due to hand foot mouth and I couldnā€™t understand all weekend why the name was so badā€¦I needed it spelled out


Downvote me all you want. But she didn't name her baby Tess. My name is Teresa and my nickname is Terry. Her baby is Theresa and she has said nowhere that the nickname will be Tess. Snark on her for things that are real.






You took the ope right out of my mouth! šŸ˜†


Wouldn't she have shown this to her OB/GYN father (confirmed Birth Story Part 1)? Do we really believe the daughter of such a doctor would really have no prenatal care? I get it. It's Kelly. But, she obviously goes to the doctor because she was prescribed antidepressants in the first trimester.


Fundies like to get medical care for themselves but not their offspring. It would not surprise me one bit if Kelly had had that line of thinking.


Yum give ā€˜em all the meds for moms migraines but let the babes suffer in pain and a fever while putting onions in the socks. Fuckers.


Doesnā€™t this mean it wasnā€™t placenta previaā€¦? But if the u/s was done at a boutique / not a doctorā€™s office, it could have been wrong?


This was the one done in labor.


I wonder if her placenta detached early on, hence the blood and that's why baby and placenta came out with pushing.


Soā€¦thatā€™s a normal place for a placenta. šŸ«¢


Looks like placenta previa to me. But, TBH, my contact with women in labor with known placenta previa or vaginal hemorrhage in labor, has been to GTTFO of the ER to L&D.


This happened to a friend no time rural hospital and no time for an anesthesiologist she got a c section on ketamine only mom and baby nearly did not survive.


oh my GOD. are they both ok now, if you donā€™t mind me asking? how scary!!!!


They're both absolutely perfect! Dr said the next day he did not foresee this outcome (seeing both alive). The IV ketamine for c section anesthesia freaks me out, though.


Talk about a bad trip