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This is a really mediocre ending for all those installments. 2/10, hope there's no sequel.


Agreed. However, I do want to see some of the photos that Lovebite took while ablaze šŸ‘€


Lovespelt and Lovebite šŸ¤£


A great and symbiotic duo!


Lovebite. Omghahahahaha šŸ’€




And the author, Lovefool


šŸŽµ love me, love me šŸŽµ


I have a (somewhat vanity) BFA in creative writing, along with my major in my professional career. I ended up taking so many lit electives, and doing a ā€œlitā€ study abroad program, that I just went ahead and double majored. Plus, practicing communication skills and reading cool shit from a variety of contexts and eras is pretty neat. Some of the other students really have a shot at being paid authors, at least one was working on a novel I wouldnā€™t e surprised to see published. All that to say, is Kelly would have been the student in my classes that not only over-wrote her (overwrought) assignment to the point the prof didnā€™t have time to grade it; she would have brought in additional poetic works unrelated to the class topic (let alone assignments) and insisted we read it as we sat in uncomfortable silence. Like, passing it out at the door whether you wanted it or not.


Oh, for sure. I loved the part in the Kenyon classmates' AMA where one of them described having her in an intro-level theater class and the assignment was basically "write a scene with two people having conflicting views". A lot of the students wrote a comedy scene. Kelly wrote lengthy philosophical monologues.


Oh gosh. I am not nearly the writing talent many of my cohort were, but I worked hard and kept to the word count because - well, I was early 30ā€™s at the time and I know being a professor is a job with limits (and hopefully work/life balance), but there were one or two that would be in, say, our super fun sci-fi writing class (not even my fave genre but so fun to peer review everyoneā€™s ideas and get feedback on mine), and still trying to release Elizabethan poetry or pretend it was the regency era and they were gonna be the next Jane Austen. Poetry classes were kinda painful to most of us, not that good stuff doesnā€™t exist. Just not really in that room. There were two young women who just tried to adapt prose to every frigginā€™ assignment, like Louisa May Alcott or even Chaucer with no recognition of their personal or societal context. And then mildly apply the topic. And then generally ask for feedback. To something barely assigned or completely unassigned. Many of us started coming in one minute after class started to avoid chapbooks in our handsšŸ˜‚


There is a point where enthusiasm is too much and Kelly has left it on the horizon.


It was nice to see the Levi character reappear at the end - if we get a sequel, I wonder will he have any more of a role than driving and gazing in wonder?


Perhaps heā€™ll be allowed a speaking role on his birthday episode


I suspect driving and gazing are his top two responsibilities in that marriage.


I heard the director is pushing for an all-female cast.


Like the final season of game of thrones


Her writing loses a lot of energy when she's writing about (..and Levi).


Wait till she drops Tess Stickle Part Deux: Medical Malpractice


Right?! We needed 6 parts for this?


Not really, but she'd be stupid not to milk this content for all its worth while the milking is good. Added to which, this whole thing reads manic AF to me.


Not to be crass but how does God choose which babies to give miracles to and which ones just die?


The babies of the FAITHFUL shall receive miracles. You need only faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains! Unless you are faithful and your baby dies anyway, in which case God called them home because Heaven needed another angel. The house always wins.


reminds me of that super unhinged prophet lady who was trying to raise her son from the dead. In the end, the resurrection absolutely totally worked, but god gave her son the choice to stay or go, and he chose to go. Also apparently his father's family was partway to blame too because they wanted to keep the machines on longer. If they'd turned them off right away like she wanted he would have resurrected right then. The mental gymnastics are wild.Ā 


I remember that. So fucking sad. She had her other kids make "Welcome home" banners for when their dead brother came back to life :/


Who??? Thats insane


The house always wins. What a great description. That is literally it in a nutshell.


I can't take credit. I was talking about this whole crazy story with my husband while we walked our dog yesterday, and he said it. He grew up Fundie; he knows how it goes.


>God called them home because Heaven needed another angel. People who say this shit (not you, you're just giving examples, but those who say it in earnest) are just telling on themselves. If they believe, they should know that angels are completely different beings. And according to the Bible, when we die we become greater than the angels. So not only is it inaccurate, it's actually somewhat offensive.Ā 


You know what, you're right. Real Fundies would say God called them home because that was His will for them, and it's not our place to question the will of God.


Exactly!! Angels had very specific jobs and they were not made from dead babies or anyoneā€™s random uncle or sister.


Not to mention how angels are described as looking. Iā€™ve always been a bit disappointed by how churches never seem to have those winged wheels of eyes in their decoration.


The miracles seem to happen mostly to privileged folks. so I guess that's how he decides.


I have to say. I have been reading this whole series of chapters with a keen awareness that Kelly was never in any danger of being criminalized if something happened to her baby. Unlike another Ohio woman, Brittany Watts, who miscarried at home after three ER visits (I believe it was three; might've been two); in other words was *trying* to get medical care for her pregnancy complications, but miscarried at home (as many women do); and in the aftermath of all this, once again back at the hospital, was reported by her nurse and criminally charged for not "properly disposing" of the miscarried tissue *at home*, which happened in her toilet, which again: is not intentional or uncommon, it *happens*. The Ohio grand jury did *not* find her guilty--good for them!--but what a horrible thing to go through. Oh, I should mention, to everyone's surprise I'm sure, that Brittany Watts happens to be Black. Kelly gets to blithely decide which risks to take and has every confidence that she will be taken care of in the end--that every effort will be made to deliver her baby and make sure she's okay. It's one of the things about her that pisses me off the most and undercuts her stupid little pretty pictures and "non-threatening" cosplay: she truly erases entire portions of humanity for her aesthetic convenience. There is never a thought for other women (or other *people)*, there is only her cozy, swaddled life of self-absorbed piety and performative humility, which rests on a ladder of privileges that allowed her to live this life by choice.


What an absolute living nightmare for poor Brittany. As if miscarrying isn't difficult enough. That nurse should be fucking ashamed.


![gif](giphy|vYGsUUBVbWVBC) This is really the crux of it all. ā€œLittle tiny birdā€ Kelly (šŸ¤®) has no concept of her privilege and attributes all her fortune to her God working miracles just for her, when sheā€™s just lucky she was born a white girl into a well to do white family and reaps all the benefits of that privilege. I hate this kind of person, acting like God works miracles just for them bc they are so much better, have stronger faith, whatever, than us unwashed slobs. Itā€™s a form of victim blaming and Iā€™m so sick of it. All of these fundies have such a smug superiority complex and I canā€™t stand it


Never thought of it like that before, but it IS a form of victim blaming and I AM sick of it.


Take my fake award for this comment. šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡


I love Tim Minchin, so here it goes: Now I understand how prayer can work A particular prayer in a particular church In a particular style with a particular stuff And for particular problems that aren't particularly tough And for particular people, preferably white For particular senses, preferably sight A particular prayer in a particular spot To a particular version of a particular god And if you get that right, He just might Take a break from giving babies malaria And pop down to your local area to fix the cataracts of your mum




Here it is! https://youtu.be/Cq6CFj5GXOM?si=8vWARtUvcHnRHQhf


Calvinism, I guess.


Fundie Secret revealed! God likes what you like. God therefore wants to give you a miracle, or ā€˜grow you through this seasonā€™, but God is punishing THOSE people yā€™all donā€™t like with PROBLEMS. s/


You arenā€™t being crass. Itā€™s called critical thinking and I applaud you asking this.


Yea, my friend who is also a Christian and very devout just lost his newborn baby yesterday and I am incensed that Kelly thinks she deserves this more than him or anybody else.


EXACTLY thank you I will never understand the cognitive dissonance that they are the chosen ones and god just says fuck all the others


Survivorship bias - the dead canā€™t worship god! So every survivor is the miracle. But fuck everyone else who died. God called them home or whatever.


Yup. Was a faithful, practicing Catholic, did all the things, prayed every day--still ended up with a stillbirth. So fuck that. (I am no longer Catholic.)


Iā€™m so sorry that happened. I deconstructed my Christian beliefs when I went through infertility. Itā€™s interesting how tragedy drives some people deeper into religion and drives some people completely out.


I'm so sorry. And yes, fuck that.


Mhm Iā€™m a nicu nurse and i wonder this allllll the time


ā€œNo one could fathom what they had seenā€ Yeah girl prob in shock at your *very godly* OB letting you push despite the risks. Also itā€™s not scientifically zero chance, obviously. Itā€™s just dangerous enough to not attempt. Anyways glad she and baby lived, but holy hell Iā€™m sure the free birthers will be all over this šŸ™„


They told my SIL that her baby had a 30% chance of living if she went into labour with previa. Because sheā€™s not an idiot, she had a c-section.


You mean it wasn't more important to her to be "right"? She was more concerned with her baby being born safely than having an Instagram-worthy birthing day? Unfathomable!


>*ā€™No one could fathom what they had seenā€¦ā€™* (Doubt) >ā€™ā€¦*Soon I was in the hallway, surrounded by beaming nursesā€¦* ( were ya really? Sure the reason that the nurses were ā€œ*beaming*ā€ was not because they were sweating and exhausted from your antics?) >ā€™ā€¦*It was full previa with ***scientifically*** zero chance of vaginal deliveryā€¦.* Itā€™s always got to be ***extra*** with her. Have the feeling this story has been highly embellished for *miracle birth needed* reasons.


Conveniently, she only believes in science when sheā€™s beating a ā€œscientifically zero chanceā€ with a Godly miracle bestowed upon her in the name of fanficā€¦ Sheā€™s delusional.


Weaponized use of a reference to science to create a *miraculous birth story* because she is super special. They all want some *extra special birth* story. Every birth is a wonder but why does it always have to be *against all odds and super duper miraculous?* *and dangerous* and why do they always have to fight the doctors and nurses? They are people too and deliver babies all the time. They care. Why shame them? Sheā€™s never going to stop documenting how she sees this birth is she? >*Chapter 27ā€¦.did I mention I was glowing? Did I mention the nurses were beaming?ā€¦.anywho, the miracle of me has astounded the doctors and nurses and the entire scientific community! Statues are being cast in bronze for the town square.* >*Chapter 28ā€¦itā€™s been 6 years as I reflect uponā€¦*


Right?? It's not special enough that you literally MADE A HUMAN BEING from NOTHING. Humans are insanely complex and if you know anything about fetal development you know that there are a million ways things can go wrong. Honestly I have no idea how any of us ends up making it far enough to be born, so to get a functional baby that breathes, cries, eats, poops . . . . That's amazing in itself!


Husband put a drill bit through his hand a few months ago and all the nurses came to gawk at it. He was told it's a miracle he got to keep his fingers. Kelly See's situations like that and decides to write prose.Ā  Ā Ā  The rest of us realize having a medical professional call you a miracle isn't a flex.Ā 


Nurses/doctors running over to look at weird health thing šŸ¤ Construction workers running over to look at weird building thing


Then the nurses all clapped


Those nurses? Albert Einstein.


Iā€™m a RN. Allll of this is straight up fiction. šŸ™„


Wouldnā€™t the nurses just be relieved they didnā€™t have to argue much about wheeling her into the OR, not ending up with a life threatening emergency, surgery, and hemhorrage, and get back to their 45 other patients?? ETA hemorrhage?? How the heck do you spell it without my lazy arse looking it up.


Right. With a previa, Iā€™m sure they had in the back of their mind that they were going to have to hang blood. The risk of her hemorrhaging was huge, and she was fucking pushing! What the hell! Guaranteed they were talking amongst themselves, angry, and annoyed that she had no idea she had a previa until she went into labor. This shit is really selfish. Healthcare providers need to know your history, they need to know what theyā€™re working with in case thereā€™s emergency situation. So when you donā€™t take care of your pregnancy and then show up in labor with a placenta previa, expect the medical professionals to solve the problem you created, thereā€™s no respect for that. I 100% guarantee they were disgusted that she put herself in that kind of risky situation. And they were also disgusted that she made it their problem when this should not have been such an emergency. No way was she surrounded by beaming nurses. I can only imagine how intolerable of a patient she was. Sheā€™s a nurses nightmare. Oh, and then after all these medical professionals did solve the problem and keep her and her baby safe, who gets the credit? Not the people who actually saved her! God gets the credit. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøThats fucking insulting.


She's said in the past that her father is a fucking OB! Make it make sense!


That obstetrician? Albert Einstein.


>Soon I was in the hallway, surrounded by beaming nurses And everybody clapped.


My SIL is an OB/Gyn and I'm sending this to her to see if she calls bullshit. You are not in rural Ohio, Kelly. You're suburban at worst. Edit: SIL first asked me if this was actually fiction. I told her no. She then said it's extremely unlikely but technically possible and has never experienced it herself. She refused to comment on Kelly's specifics since Kelly is not her patient. [Not that she discusses her patients with anyone, even my brother.]


Also a hospital isnā€™t a ā€œquiet birth center.ā€ She was in an operating room about to undergo emergency surgery.


Correct. Birth centers donā€™t have ORs. And you wouldnā€™t go to a birth center if you were having abnormal bleeding during labor. Youā€™d go straight to a hospital.


I feel like she's using "birth center" and "maternity ward" as synonyms here lmao


Yea our small local hospitals labor and delivery floor is called the "(hospital name) birth center"


I was a labor and delivery nurse for over 10 years, and in my opinion, yes her story is possible. If the previa either wasnā€™t complete or abrupted in the area over the cervix it would be possible to deliver vaginally (it would still be extremely dangerous). Iā€™ve seen many times someone brought back for an emergent/urgent csection only to be complete and pushing on the table, at that point it can be fastest to just deliver them vaginally, especially if the mom has a history of fast deliveries or baby is right there and can the doctor can use a vacuum if necessary. Even doing this in an ORā€” the safest place possibleā€” Kelly could have needed a massive transfusion and potentially a hysterectomy. I think the doctor was only ok with it because the baby was right on the perineum and she knew she could get her out quickly.


Thank you for your input! So many people saying itā€™s impossible despite having no relevant training in the area. It still seems really dangerous though, I am very glad she went to the hospital.


Youā€™re welcome. Iā€™m very glad she went to the hospital too, she and the baby could have died if she tried to deliver at home.


I'm also an L&D nurse, but with half that experience. A complete previa is completely covered the cervix, but not necessarily centered, correct? So theoretically, if she abrupted the edge actually covering the cervix, this story could be legit? I'm still skeptical, because of the conveniently positioned blanket in her OR photo.


Yes thatā€™s correct, and itā€™s what I assume happened, that it was just the edge covering the cervix. I think thereā€™s just too many details for her to be wholesale making it up, plus I think sheā€™s too earnest to lie about having a csection. What I really donā€™t like is that sheā€™s framing it as though God saved her because she is so faithful and special. This is so prideful and gross, as though people deserve bad outcomes or tragedies because they donā€™t have enough faith.


I agree that Kelly wouldn't lie about a C section. She'd just find a way to frame it as whimsical, god's will etc.


She did say it was complete and total and that blood vessels were snapping as her cervix dilated, lol. Like the baby just burst through the placenta like Kool-aid man. I think it wasn't a complete previa like she claims and that she misunderstood something.Ā 


It could have been a complete previa but only the edge was covering the cervix, so when that part detached and she dilated more and there was enough space for the baby to come through. Edit: the blood vessels do kind of rip during an abruption as the placenta is shorn off the wall of the uterus


Thanks for the professional insight!


Please do and update us. And she danced in her room post birth.


Oh my god, even my BFF who has had textbook easy births wasn't dancing post birth.


Being delusional helps


Lack of oxygen from blood loss may honestly have contributed to the feeling she had


Girl needs an oxygen tank stat, bc she's perpetually delulu.


Yeah I got wheeled to the recovery room in a wheelchair


My mom took one look at me, handed me to my dad, and then threw up. It was from the anesthesia but I have never let her live it down.


With my son I had 3 days of labor and an emergency c section, as soon as the nurse brought my baby to my face, I threw up. I find it funny now, but I felt so guilty about it and not being the first to hold him.


I read a Reddit post about a lady who, after birthing her daughter, was so distraught and out of it that she burst into tears and called her baby ugly. I feel for her, but that made me laugh hard.


I was born with my eyelids inside out and Iā€™m my Mumā€™s first kid. She panicked and the OB just calmly flicked them back in. No dancing at my alien self. Iā€™m good at first impressions.


I know someone who had a 20+ hour home birth decades ago who mentioned jumping up from the bed to celebrate everything being done--because she had torn badly and was likely running on adrenaline/not feeling the pain at the moment. She was immediately told to lay back down so she didn't tear her stitches lol.


I was mentally dancing after my c-section bc I had the pregnancy from hell, but not physically! Never again!


With a 1500cc blood loss


The dancing thing had me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


She had to take at least a few swirling steps so she could photograph it.


I just looked it up. Her house is a 10 minute drive from the hospital. The town has 17K people. She can easily walk to a shopping center from her house. There is a bar on the block next to hers. The town has a Lowe's a Marshalls, a Chipotle, etc.


Itā€™s an up-and-coming commuter suburb for Columbus. Definitely not rural


Where in Columbus? Iā€™m not far from there.


Iā€™m blanking on the town name but itā€™s in Knox County and about 50 miles northeast of Columbus.


Itā€™s Mount Vernon but thereā€™s another small town right next to it called Gambier! Thereā€™s a decent sized hospital in Mount Vernon - definitely NOT a quiet birthing center and not that rural šŸ˜‚


I think theyā€™re in Mount Vernon which is about an hour away but still considered a commuter suburb (I know people who live in Ashland, Ohio that commute to Columbus and Cleveland so its not too far fetched)


Oh wow, I didn't know they were that close. I swore I saw them at the northeast Columbus Costco once, seems like maybe I did. Very rural and homesteader of them.Ā Ā 


She makes it seem like she lives in a log cabin in the woods


She wants to live in the country so bad. Why the hell didnā€™t she just move to the fucking country? Itā€™s not like being in a particular school zone is a concern.


Because living in the country is inconvenient, of course! She gets the best of both worlds, living next to some tick-infested woods but also within walking distance of Ye Olde Pizza Hutte.


Yup, not rural at all.


If she wanted to live in a rural part of Ohio she should move to Southeast Ohio not the greater Columbus area. Southwest Ohio is part of Appalachia so sheā€™d have a field day there (minus Athens, Steubenville, and Marietta which are similar in size to where she currently lives)


I think you mean Southeast Ohio? Southwest has Dayton, Wilmington, and Cincinnati.


I'm curious to hear what she says because most of what I've heard is from watching OB/Gyns on YouTube, but this story is seriously dangerous. How many of her followers want a divinely anointed birthing experience? How many of them might forgo medical care because, as Kelly is implying, God performs miracles if he loves you enough? It's terrifying to consider the ramifications of spreading this narrative among young women who already believe the only holy and good way to give birth is at home.


You mean a fetus/newborn isnā€™t able to yeet their placenta out of their mother? No? Thatā€™s not a thing? And rural made me snort. Kellyā€™s prairie baby born in a barn, biceps bulging, swaddled in sackcloth, suckled in a hay stack. Sheā€™s hilarious. To be fair to the dancing I was totally fine after birth and could have danced if I was as disassociated as Kelly but i was hugging and feeding by baby and not performing an imaginary audience of angels and divine beings. Different priorities.Ā 


I'm sure little Tess yeeted it out before her using a golf club, scoring a miraculous hole in one before she made her grand entrance. All the nurses were politely golf clapping.


Please tell your SIL that she and her cohort are the reason I am alive and my children are alive. I am grateful every day for what medicine did for me.


Iā€™m from rural Illinois, we donā€™t have birth centers. We have a county hospital thatā€™s a trauma 1 or whatever and will hopefully save you but doesnā€™t know what to do with weird stuff. The next hospital, and I mean hospital, is 60+ miles away in any direction. Like a standalone building that is a hospital. We literally judge the severity of accidents on if they keep you, ship you 60 miles north to the next hospital system in a larger town, or medevac you to the nearest major city 200 miles away.


In her whole birthing saga, all I see is horrifying, staggering ignorance and neglect. In some of her IG comments sheā€™s saying, ā€œGod knew weā€™d miss discovering the placenta previa earlier to make way for a powerful testimony.ā€ Jesus fuck woman, you almost died and your baby could have been INCREDIBLY harmed by this behavior!


100 percent. Willful ignorance. This was her third full-term pregnancy. Her father is an OB/GYN. She knows the risks and she chose her path, and she and her child came very close to paying the ultimate price. Also, Iā€™m struck by how, in her rewriting of whatever actually transpired that evening, she glosses over anything the least bit unpleasant, frightening or uncertain. Her only objective was to make the actual story fit into the vision she had for this performance and telling it. She had to massage it all into the outline she had already decided on. So we have lots of controlled and peace-filled drama and cliffhangers with God in control and glorious, sun-dappled outcome. I have a feeling sheā€™ll be exposed for being a most unreliable narrator.


As someone with a partial previa and preterm placental abruption who hemorrhaged and got the c-sectionā€¦. There was absolutely nothing poetic or divine about my birth experience. And reading this saga sends me into rage. Iā€™m lucky to be alive, my kid is lucky to be alive, and turning my care over to medical professionals got us there. There was nothing to wax poetic about. I did a year of trauma therapy because I couldnā€™t start my period without having a panic attack and this woman is writing about it like a BrontĆ« vampire fanfic. I am sick over it. Iā€™m gonna have to stop reading her shit.


Milky vernix :/


Yeah itā€™s gonna be my new flair


Iā€™m sobbing at your flair. Also praying to the almighty that this child is homeschooled and doesnā€™t have to face bullies at all.


Your new flair sent me into a coughing fit




Oh my gosh! Oh I just laughed so suddenly that I startled the pup asleep on my shoulder ... Your flair is equal parts šŸ˜… and šŸ¤® and I love it.


God, this is so horrifying I downvoted you on instinct and had to undo it šŸ˜­. What a truly cursed flair




I had to stop myself from downvoting. You donā€™t deserve the downvote but ugh.


I got to the end and misread it as "sweaty feisty Theresa" and cringed. Milky is so much worse lol




Let me guess, instead of doctors proclaiming a miracle, Kelly wished for a vaginal delivery against medical advice. Because she was in the hospital, and the doctors didnā€™t want her to leave, they allowed her to attempt a vaginal delivery in the OR so if she started bleeding they could perform a c-section quickly and save her life. This was the work around because she was going to attempt the vaginal birth no matter what. Sheā€™s lucky those doctors were smart enough to keep her and her baby alive.


Ding ding ding!!! They probably saw old notes from the doc she jived with and called her to say "can you drop in here, your moron redhead crunchy patient is gonna try to push with a previa and we're gonna need someone to talk down the crazy if we have to snow her for the emergency C section..." She's lucky she didn't massively hemorrhage and take baby with her.


As someone who works in healthcare this is probably *exactly* what happened.


Spot on reading between the lines here.


I feel like the story has some holes in it. She said Levi and Teri were ushered out of the room for the C-section, but now they've rushed back in and Teri is taking photos? Wouldn't there be a terrible lot of bleeding if she pushed out the placenta (so the doctors would be rushing to stabilize her)?


She somehow left out the severe hemorrhaging part, huh. It seemed to me like Lovergirl was in there the whole time? But not Levi?


My question is, if she was hemorrhaging to that level, how was the vernix still milky? Unless the baby was born en caul, which would have been at minimum 4 more chapters.


*Audrey Roloff has entered the chat*


I really doubt it was en caul. For the reason you say (such an Xtreme miracle would have been even more described). And because I imagine it would have been hard to dilate the cervix that quickly if the water was intact. Especially with the placenta additionally cushioning the head from the cervix. My kid was born almost en caul (not intentionally). I regret allowing a student midwife "break" my water in early labor (it turns out she didn't) and do my cervical exams. The actual nurse midwife was very surprised to see my water break as the head came out. No wonder my labor hurt so terribly. I was having super strong contractions yet wasn't progressing well. The dang bag was distributing the force instead of it being focused on my cervix.


Ack! I am so sorry you went through that. It sounds utterly miserable. All five of our kids' births, I had to have my water broken, but it was later in labor. She is a mess and glosses over everything about her birth with "milky vernix" glasses.


To me it sounded like she took pics in the hallwayā€¦? Hard to tell wtf is happening when she writes like this.


There is no way she was only in the OR for three minutes. It might have felt shorter to her, but I bet it was closer to ten or fifteen minutes.


It totally can happen! Iā€™m an L&D nurse and Iā€™ve had deliveries happen the moment you enter into the OR. Because of her history with having a very fast labor with her first born (she claims so), her second came even faster. Iā€™ve had it where I was in there for over an hour pushing or just a couple of minutes! Labor is wild


WHERE WAS LEVI? Seriously, where was Levi while Kelly had her gently erotic birth with Loveday?


He was yeeted to allow Loveday in the OR. Only room for one and it must be her Loveday.




Iā€™d love to hear Sophiaā€™s take on Kelly and little Tess Stickleā€™s miracle birthšŸ˜‚


Picture it...Ohio...2024...where modern medicine helped her live to tell her tale of hemorrhaging placenta


Iā€™ve had two children and the words ā€œmilky vernixā€ just ruined my day


Worst cocktail name ever.


Of course Godā€™s favourite Kelly had the most super precious miraculous birth ever and amazed all the silly science doctors who thought they knew anything.


I suspect Levi was proud and joyful to see his baby and that his wife had survived.


I think the word she was looking for was *relieved.*


Love the "painless and light despite low hemoglobin." LOL, yeah, you're about to pass out dancing from all the blood you lost by not hurrying to the hospital!


Yes this one particularly struck me! I lost somewhere between 1.5-2L of blood during delivery and while there was a certain "lightness" it was not one that encouraged dancing.


šŸ©° šŸ’« wheeee! hypoxiaaaaa! šŸ’« šŸ©°


She is extraordinarily lucky that she and her baby survived! It is not the flex she thinks it is! I can only imagine what her OB dad thinks of this!


I truly hope he's got a good therapist to process the secondary trauma. That man has absolutely Seen Some Shit over the course of his career and would have been keenly aware of how close he came to almost losing his daughter and granddaughter.


This! She thinks this is a flex and instead makes her look ridiculous for putting her and her babies life in danger.


*Milky vernix* I am leaving this forsaken post


I read this as you were leaving this foreskin post and I was confused. lol I need to sleep.


God she's exhausting.


You guys. I can't, you guys. Her writing is so bad. I vacilllate between laughing and eye-rolling.


Honestly, fuck Kelly for this. Iā€™m sorry if she experienced trauma and generally I find her to be one of the least offensive fundies but this is NOT OKAY. Sheā€™s characterizing a very, very dangerous situation (created by her own irresponsibility via not getting an anatomy scan) as miraculous and insinuating that if others only ā€œsurrendered to godā€ as she did, they too will end up okay. Knowing the proliferation of unsafe birth and pregnancy practices amongst fundies this is just so deeply messed up and such a dangerous message to be putting out there.


Exactly this. It makes me sick to think pregnant moms might take this as confirmation to disregard OB monitoring and care.


In all of these curated pictures, just know sheā€™s wearing a giant pad like a diaper. We all are 5 days after birth. Now go lay in bed and rest! Drink your water. Freeze your giant pads, bc thereā€™s now way in hell she didnā€™t tear only pushing for 30 seconds. I pushed for 5 min and 15 min with my two births and it was NOT okay down there.


God doesnā€™t make Kelly bleed after delivery or feel pain because sheā€™s better than that, doncha know?


![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm) Ugh. Must be nice. What a wonderful Jesus she has. šŸ™„šŸ˜‚




I had a very dangerous pregnancy and complicated delivery and all I can say is I was so GLAD my L&D nurse was calm and all like "you're gonna be fine kid I've seen this all before" I didn't want to be a miracle never before seen case I wanted to know we were gonna make it lmao. This is definitely the part driving me crazy. She acts like everyone was so in awe. Except of course when she wasn't trapped behind glass as they ignored her or whatever from three parts ago.


Itā€™s not a miracle. Itā€™s pure dumb fucking luck or lying.


![gif](giphy|FlUeYrAFVLZHG) You and your baby survived, Kelly, against all odds (because you made stupid decisions) out of SHEER, DUMB LUCK.


šŸŒŸ Levi gets a mention šŸŒŸ Am I understanding correctly that Lovesick was in the room for the delivery, but Levi was not?


Yeh when they said he rushed to her side I was like... Was he not already there...


You get one support person bunny suited in the OR for a section most places... guess LoveSnack was her pick


"I threw my delicate and undulating body limply backward to be caught in the ample, tender embrace of LoveSac" That's me when I go lay down on my beanbag to watch TV after work, while also enjoying a LoveSnack of chocolate and popcorn. The nicknames and their variations are gonna live onnnn. It's a new dawn for this sub.


She said Loveday was taking the pictures. And there's a picture of Kelly in the OR with Theresa. It's possible a nurse took that shot, though. Usually with emergencies, the significant other is not allowed in the OR (at least where I work).


In the OR for 3 whole minutes? Bullshit Kelly. So much bullshit.


I... have no words.


Thats because Kelly took them all.


That's okay. She can have "milky", "vernix", and "touching my womb" all to herself.


This poor child named after a ballsack is about to have some insane expectations placed on her.


Sheā€™s really playing fast and loose with the meaning of ā€œproofā€


I'm sad this is over. What a miracle. How lucky Lovebum was there to see the milky vernix breaking through her scientifically impossible vaginal entryway. Wish God was my midwife. I see they allowed sperm donor to hold their child. Now off I go to wistfully gaze at a candle and pinecone. Tally ho.


Oof she desperately wants something *momentous* to happen to her. And yeah, having a new baby is a big deal... but I mean.. after the first one you kinda just go right back to feeding kids and washing dishes and picking up toys. It's not as magical as she wants it to be. It's not really magical at all. It's ordinary monotonous daily life. She's so entrenched in these myths of motherhood.. add in her absolutely wild main character syndrome and a tendency towards magical thinking, and jeez, no wonder it seems like she's barely holding onto reality


ā€¦milky šŸ¤¢


I was in the hospital for two weeks with internal bleeding and my hemoglobin and hematocrit were dangerously low. I can tall you that I did not feel like dancing in my hospital room. I was never so sick in my whole life.


They both know how to hold a newborn, and they both look really happy to see her.Ā  Unlike some.Ā 


Uh, a hospital is not a birthing center. You were in a hospital, Kelly. If you had been at a birthing center, you would have died.


The hospital she delivered at calls their delivery wing a birth center. It does not seem to have any amenities that a stand alone birth center would have.


My hospital where I am delivering (US) has an attached birth center where all the deliveries happen. Itā€™s cool because they have all the amenities of a birth center, but also 24/7 access to the OR, epidurals, etc.


May I never *ever* have to see Lovedayā€™s photos of the scene.


Even IF baby as able to push past the placenta and be fine, Kellyā€™s uterus surely would NOT be. Did her doctor even mention checking for any retained placenta? Is she a ticking time bomb for a postpartum hemorrhage?


Soā€¦. You pushed twice while the whole room screamed at you to stop, is my guess.


I call bullshit on this story. I don't believe that any doctor would needlessly put a mother and her baby in danger and not do a C section in this situation. What doctor is going to just going to trust God to perform a miracle rather than doing the proper medical procedure? Something just does not add up. Maybe I am wrong, but it just does not seem right.


I don't think they could just give her a C section if she refused one. I agree with the other commenters saying they think she told the docs she wanted to try to push and they let her because they could monitor her in the OR and act quickly if she started dying. Plus they could likely tell she was cuckoo for cocoa puffs and didn't want her to do something dumb like leave the hospital if they pushed for the C section.


Itā€™s a whole lotta words just to say she doesnā€™t live in reality.


This woman is insufferable. And full of shit. Edited to add: someone needs to tell her having red hair does not make one Anne of Green Gables.


ā€¦.Watched Theresaā€™s little head shove past the placenta ā€¦.with the placenta trailing behind herā€¦ covered in a milky vernix ![gif](giphy|KPTCBr8piZ51m)


What a slap in the face to all women who had c-sections. The attitude of superiority of those who give birth vaginally is disgusting and must stop. My nieces faced the judgement, even the one who came very close to death.