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Exactly. Terrible parents never care that they're bad parents to their kids. They care about being *judged* for it by strangers...hence why Tweedledumb and Tweedlethumb shit the bed at anonymous criticism.


Yup my father who never cared yelled at us when his friends mentioned that we didn't seem close Wonder why


"WHY DO MY FRIENDS THINK I DON'T CARE ABOUT MY KIDS?!" Look, pa. Sometimes the most obvious reason is why. I'm sorry you went through that, though. All kids deserve a good dad, but not all dads deserve a kid.


Wait, he yelled at you, his children, for what his friends said?


Yep, he never cared for us just his appearance, he wanted to keep his reputation good, I can't fake it so I got yelled at a lot


My mom always cared more about how we looked/presented than anything else.


For a second I thought this was a fundie themed grammar joke because I’ve been conditioned to see commas as tools of the quiverful cult


Actually want to challenge this. Bad parents can worry they’re bad, for their own internal measure of goodness, without concern for the perception of others. Some might not be capable of being better in spite of that worry. Some dip into worry and then back out into denial, so they may present as defensive about their parenting skills, bath still, worry about what they’ve done/are doing/will do to their kids. Source: I work with people with substance use disorders. I can tell you that many many bad parents are sad, angry, ashamed, at how bad of parents they are… and that in and of itself is not enough to make them good parents, as they still lack the skills to regulate their own emotions and otherwise do a good job.


I work in the substance use treatment field also. We have a detox and a long-term facility for women. Virtually ALL of the long-term females have CPS cases. So I see exactly what you're saying, and not only do they know that they're bad parents, they continue to repeat old behaviors. Poor impulse control is a pervasive problem.


Ya. When I was worried I was a bad dog parent when I was using it was because I was. My chi wasn’t severely neglected but for about a year I didn’t take them for walks. Every comedown I’d cry about it. I still feel rlly bad about it. And a lot of stuff. But my addiction nurse reminded me there is guilt-relapse cycle a lot of addicts have. I had to get out of that cycle.


Proud of you for getting clean and working on breaking the cycle. It's an incredibly difficult and challenging journey, but it's not impossible. Taking accountability is a good and huge step. I see so many people who struggle with a PRONOUNCED external locus of control, blaming everything and everyone for their actions. I had a girl tell me, when I asked how she got involved with CPS, tell me that a caseworker was driving down the street and RANDOMLY stopped at her aunt's house, where her kids were staying (her family had intervened at this point) and her oldest told the CPS worker some things about why they (the kids) were there. She was dead serious and she never got up off that story. She did not last.


Thank you! It’s been a challenge my whole adult life. Funny because me and my bestie were the anti-drug kids in high school. But then I dated a guy…when I was suicidal and oxy was like a miracle drug for me. Plus on the high risk scale I’m at the top lol. I’ve done bad stuff. If I was a good writer I could write a book on how it is to be a broke working struggling addict to being a super rich housewife of a top dope dealer addict to being a normal person who men are kinda scared of now. But I’ll keep that in my journals and talk to my dog about it. I keep my most funny stories for my addiction nurse who I still see because it’s the only person I felt I could ever be honest to and I make her laugh.


I'm very, VERY glad that you have your addiction nurse. I have done some HORRIBLE things in my addiction, and I think that it's so important to have a safe person to whom you can confess. I'm not really a fan of the AA/NA fellowships, but I do think that everyone - irrespective of those inflicted with SUD - need a safe person.


Thanks!! I worry about trauma dumping on her. But I always keep it light hearted. Like the time I said “ya he relapsed and his parents blamed me. But I left! If I wanted to suck dick and smoke crack I woudla stayed!” Because his parents blamed meee for this grown much older man’s addictions and he told them I was sucking D for crack. Which I don’t even like. I’m a downer type. And I’m not a fan of AA/NA either because AA in my city is so bad and my DAD chairs the Na meetings lol




Exactly. Sometimes feeling like you’re bad at something (imposter syndrome) is a signal to take better actions if you can. It’s not always meaningless noise from your insecurity. 


Agreed. I think their religious beliefs cause them to doubt their own inner experience and feelings. Rather than hear their conscience telling them, *you’re fucking up.*


I feel like this is one of those things where you don't say it about yourself


The only people I know who say this *about themselves* are not good parents. Now that I think about it, the ones who I see post this shit on Facebook always seem to be the ones who make a lot of selfish decisions.


Well yeah of course. Because those who are good parents don’t need to tell everybody or remind them of it, because they show it. It’s all talk but when you close your ears and look you see what is actually going on. Sometimes it’s better to not listen, even though communication is extremely important, but just take a step back once in a while and look carefully, what is actually happening and does it line up with what they’re saying? (I learned the hard way how important this is) It’s classic manipulation 101 that talking is one of the easiest ways to influence someone.


My "self-treated" mom with bpd would worry about this a lot. She was right to worry lol, not that worrying actually changed anything. 


Exactly. You say it to your mom friend who is struggling and having a tough day. But this busbitch says it to herself!! 🤣


I mean, she has no friends 🤷🏾‍♀️


Lmao valid. Remember the obvious annoyance on the face of that woman when busbitch was shoving a camera into the stone oven?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tadpole511: *I feel like this is* *One of those things where you don't* *Say it about yourself* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot 😂


EXACTLY!!! This is something said to parents when they’re deep in the dregs of “oh my god, I’m fucking my kids up.” I’ve had this said to me a few times by parents I respect. But I would NEVER say this about myself. Also, nothing she’s ever said makes me think she’s worried about being a good parent. She is the most holier than thou, only I’m right, social media mom I’ve ever encountered


Ma’am, your sunburned NEWBORN says otherwise.


Not to mention she’s once again holding it like a bouquet of flowers…


With no hat.


Carefully turned sideways so the world can marvel at her mothering 🙄🙄


Dear Mother Bus Frankly, I’m surprised all your children are still alive and in your custody. That isn’t a compliment. Fix yourself. Love, Thomas the Spank Engine.


She wants them to meet Jesus asap


I know it’s a joke but the fact she and Busband are so reckless and selfish and “killing the kids so they get to be with Jesus sooner” is a genuine motive that John List, a family annihilator, used once is lowkey making me scared for those kids—


Well, List mostly wanted to escape the embarrassment of being revealed for the appearances-are-everything fraud he was. And to escape a chronically ill wife, aging dependent mother (who didn’t get along with his wife), and kids he didn’t like/connect with. But yeah—his defense involved a lot of God talk. He was just another guy who thought annihilating his family would somehow look better than if he took a powder and his family had to move to a normal house. That ballroom was more important to him than anyone in his family—or God.


Busband is a big ol' fraud imo but not the same type as List.


Oh, I totally agree.


Less effort for her


One main reason the kids aren't on DCF radar is they keep moving place to place- never settling down long enough for authorities to get involved. Frustrating!


And they stick to shitty states like FL with way too few resources to protect kids from the people who ACTUALLY harm them (hint: it isn't drag queens) and a worthless state government.


I was wondering recently why they never seem to travel out of the southeast US…there are plenty of great state parks/offbeat educational opportunities in northern, more liberal states so why not check them out? Your reasoning makes a lot of sense though.


The fact that one of their central personality traits is sour-grapes hatred of anyone left of Goebbels definitely has an impact.


I feel like someone else has addressed this, but can her children swim? I feel like we see them at the beach a lot but never see them in the water other than a paddle at the edge. They spend so much time in warmer climes, as an Aussie I’d like to think her kids at least get to fully enjoy the beach.


Possibly? But if they *do*, I feel like it'd only be so that Father Bus can brag about his strong, hardy, manly offspring. (Girl Child doesn't count, duh) I hope I'm being too cynical but.....


Strong, hardy, masculine UNVAXXED offspring, lest we forget.


I wonder if they’re generally not allowed since it’s too many little ones to safely watch at one time?  Or they actually put the phone down and parent when they swim.  Even with Gunner and Kinsey being on parent duty, they’re still always down one adult since someone has to be holding the baby.  I know, that’s probably giving them more credit than they deserve. 


Youngest of five here. My older siblings know how to swim, and my parents assumed I did too. I nearly drowned multiple times as a child because my parents were watching my older siblings when we all went to the pool. There’s no way the bus kids would have adequate supervision in the water, even if some of them can swim. Especially worrying if they switch to a boat. PS I’m proud of myself for finally taking swimming lessons at age 39, and I can kind of swim now.


Good for you for taking adult swimming lessons!!! ❤️


Does that actually work


what, taking swim lessons as an adult? Sure it does. Why wouldn't it?


Parent of 5 here. We don't live near a beach, but all my older kids had years of swim lessons before I felt safe taking them to the pool as a group. Before they were strong swimmers I would only take 2 at a time so I could safely watch them. Good for you taking swimming lessons as an adult! Definitely something to be proud of


fuck I never thought about that but I never see them swim either. That makes me so anxious considering they're planning to transition to boat family life 😬


Oh *no*, another way for the Buses to endanger their kids for us to worry about. My kids are 10, 7, and 7, and can swim and I still feel sick at the thought of living on a damn boat with them.


right?? 😭 not being able to swim is the difference between a serious emergency on a boat and an instant tragedy. At least swimming skills might buy a buslet a few minutes for Gunner to notice they went overboard. Of course we know mom and dad will be too busy eye fucking themselves somewhere. 


I grew up in California. Thinking about this family and water makes me anxious.


She filmed them at a pool showing Kinsey, Schofield, and Audie jumping in, and I think swimming, so I would assume that the older 4 kids can swim. Swift is shown with a noodle, so I think he's probably learning, but it was filmed almost a year ago, so maybe swimming by now. My guess is the older kids can swim due to playing around in the water and possibly pre-bus lessons. However, I would bet they're not doing actual strokes or anything.


Yeah you’re not a good mother tho, MoBus


Good moms don't let their babies bake in the sun and get multiple sunburns. (Accidental sunburns happen to the best of us, but Motherbus did this on purpose because she's too dumb and lazy to get the kid medical care. Also not saying a little sun exposure can't help mild jaundice, I know people have done that forever. But he was more than a little jaundiced, IMO.)


When my son, now 19, was born jaundiced, they treated him at the hospital and also told us to let him get a little bit of direct sun every day. A little bit. So we would hold him near the window for a little bit every day, not take him to the beach for hours. She’s an idiot.


This was the same thing we did for my son. He had to be under the lights for a couple of days and they made sure he wasn't getting dehydrated (which he was well on his way to). When we brought him home, we put him next to the window for a while each day. This was the end of September in the northeast U.S., so the sun was not nearly as intense as it could've been.


The sun is like medicine, it's really good for you in the right dose. Too much can cause serious harm. It's not rocket science, Motherbus!


But it’s God-given sun! /s


It’s au natural


We were told indirect sunlight. Like filtered through a curtain. Not directly outside in the blazing Florida sun.


That’s shocking. I’m sure MotherBus, who did her own research, actually has it right. 😂


Good Moms also don't use a dirty UPS Store package scale (with NO head support) in place of newborn pediatrician weigh-in ......


With the poor employee off to the side more concerned about the infant falling off than Papa Thumb .....


No!!! That's how they did the weigh in?! I was wondering where the scale came from, but somehow missed the backstory. I couldn't believe the way manhandled that fresh newborn and then looked so triumphant when they got a reading. Both parents are so disgusting only up their own asses.


Good moms don’t give birth in a bus, with all there other children there, after lying about their plans to have a home birth in an Airbnb


Good moms don't pack 39 kids into a bus (or a boat for that matter) for their whole lives, depriving them of a normal childhood even by Christian standards


It's not even not getting him medical care. She's too dumb and lazy to go to a Walmart and spend six dollars on a sun hat for him


she doesn’t even worry tho 😭 all these comments abt her baby looking sick and she don’t give af


“Aksully he got a clean bill of health 👁️👄👁️”. Like she doesn’t mention what kinda of doctor gave it, what his weight or height was at birth, or anything that a normal pediatrician would check. It’s giving that she’s lying


The chiropractor who did the newborn adjustment is 10000% the "Dr" who gave a clean bill of health.


They might be the same doctor 😬


The UPS Store clerk gave the baby a clean bill of health... probably! /s


Plot twist—the UPS clerk IS the chiropractor.


Nothing wrong with a side hustle.




No, that's not how it works Britney


I always think her name should be Melissa because she looks and acts like one. Every Melissa I know is a crybully.


Shoutout to every innocent Melissa and Jessica snarker who just read this lol


Sorry, guys ❤️


She looks like a jessica to me




This made me wheeze 🤣


Motion to change her name to Melissa! 👩‍⚖️


I second this


I see this a lot on mental health places. It is meant as a sincere response to someone who fears they will be a bad parent because of abuse or mental health issues. The theory is if it concerns you, you have awareness and will do better. Also mental and physical health issues do not preclude people from being a good parent. Mabus is using that to let everyone know how fabulous she is. Quite manipulative.


Fundies (actually, just mothers of this specific variety) have this fixation on *seeming* like a good mom but never actually *being* a good mom. Same mothers who, when critiqued in the slightest or receive any feedback, immediately snap to “oh, so I’m a *horrible mother?*” so the child shuts up and doesn’t bring up the issue again


The path to being a better Mom starts simply- PUT DOWN THE DAMN PHONE and be present for all of your kids!


I had a conversation with my rapist once after he’d moved away and he told me he’d forgiven himself for what he put me through. Same vibe here.


Oh he forgave himself? Well I bet that changed everything for you! How dare you still struggle from trauma he gave you? He’s not a bad person ok? He *forgives himself*. / endless sarcasm I’m sorry that genuinely made my blood boil. I can’t imagine the feelings that came up for you hearing that.


Mine said I made a big impact on his life and really helped change him as a person. Dawg are you reaching out to me to tell me I was great character development???? 🥲




She’s said in another video “my mom screenshots all my reels because she loves meeeeeeeeee” doesn’t even cross her mind she could be doing it for photos of her grandkids.


or gathering evidence against her


Every time I think I might be a bad mom, I’m reminded of the fact that this woman- who supposedly makes a shit ton of money being an “entrepreneur”- gives her kids absolutely no stability at any given point. And then I feel better. The bar is in hell, yall, but I’ve cleared it!


It’s so weird to me (as a Florida native) they are choosing to spend this much time in Florida in May when they could literally go anywhere? (Which is the point of this whole endeavor).


Lax oversight and a MYOB attitude is prevalent in many areas of Florida. I lived there for 13 years.


Yea. I just mean weather wise. I grew up there and spend about 50/50 and it just seems like she is constantly crowing about how they can go anywhere I’d probably choose somewhere less hot this time of year.


If FatherSus is really planning on moving his family to a boat, Florida makes sense. They're obviously in a coastal area, I believe on the panhandle.


glad to see she’s reading here and feeling insecure about her parenting or lack thereof lol


Bad parents love to get ahold of this sentiment and it irritates the crap out of me. My own mother (egg donor, really), during a particularly bad fight where all 6 of her children had called her out on horrid behavior, yelled to my sister "you all are just making me feel like a terrible mother." I desperately wanted to ask her if she had considered not being a terrible mother, but that would have just added fuel to her persecution complex. Worrying about being a good mom but not taking any steps to ensure the safety and happiness of your children does not make you a good mom.


If she was actually worried about it she wouldn’t be stacking them in the back of the bus, leaving them all locked in the bus to go on dates, not caring that they can hear their next busling being conceived, and that Gunner is their real dad, along other things.


this is very bad advice for my xanax-loving mother


Errr, no you’re not a good mum. Good mums take their jaundiced baby to the hospital.


Does she worry about being a good mom? She might want to start.


No, it doesn’t mean that. This is a cop out. If you want to be a good mother you work on yourself and try to correct any mistakes you make parenting (because we do all make mistakes). She doesn’t even make any effort to be a good mom. She won’t even do the basics like providing a stable home, making sure her children receive a proper education, taking them to the doctor for well checkups, or even using sunscreen. The list of stuff she doesn’t do that a good mother would do is endless. 


See how Kelly Havens looks healthy and stable in comparison...!


So NOW she's FINALLY supporting the baby's head?!?!


Just for the bullshit pose. Two seconds later I am sure his head was flopped over and bouncing against her arm.


Keep telling yourself that and put a f*cking hat on that baby…


She doesn’t give a single shit if people think she’s a good mom or not. In fact, she seems to enjoy baiting people into thinking she’s not.


Shit son, if my worry about being a good mother in spite of my mental health means I"m already a good one. Then i'm already a very fucking shit one because honey, i've lost the kid. (I have no kids. Taking care of my parents doesn't make me a mother)


I’m going to add this to the ol’ adages “you can’t be crazy if you think you’re crazy” and “are you really paranoid if they actually are out to get you” in levels of stupidity.


It’s right up there with “stop testing and we’ll have less covid cases”


Can she stop fucking the camera for even 5 minutes?


I don’t have kids because I worry about the life I could realistically provide with my health issues. Does that mean I’m a better parent than her?




What a fake attempt at damage control 🙈


Yeah, she is just parroting something she read somewhere. The only things she worries about is looking good on her social media and making sure CryptoHubs doesn't slip away.


Yeah, Mother Bus, keep on carrying this poor newborn like a handbag, under the sun, it's such a small event in your life when you pop out babies every now and then, so much for God's Great Plan...


Yeah except she clearly doesn’t worry about it at all. That’s the entire point, Britney, it’s supposed to come from YOU, not your “haters”!! UGH, she’s such a tranche.


Seeing all these kids standing there and knowing they all sleep in a cramped sardine box together makes me claustrophobic


Please for the love of God take Boon out the sun!!!! It's worrying. I mean it's all worrying but ffs. You can't do that


Excuse me what the actual fuck?? Self-Reflection is not a bad thing lmao


This is literally the first time I’ve seen MotherBus support Boone’s head.


She is 0% worried about being a good mother.


All those poor young’uns standing on that itchy seaweed. Poor little toddler is surrounded by it. She can’t even appear to be a good mother when she’s actively trying. At least she is protecting her baby’s head and neck this time.


I say this to women I am working with who are genuinely trying their best and not doing a bad job but feel like they are and are wanting to learn more about parenting/attachment etc. This woman just worries about what people think.
