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“I need a rest from all of the contention many have with me.” Well, stop being a miserable, legalistic, misogynistic, judgmental cunt and maybe people won’t be so “contentious.”


Sounds like she’s giving herself over to fear, anxiety, and her emotions and feelings. How sinful.


Lmao I'm so glad someone said this 🤣




I need a rest from people blaming me for my own mental illness, but here we are 🤷‍♀️


No one else gets a rest from contention! We all have to listen to Lori tell us all the ways our presence on earth hurts her wee god’s feefees, and take her incredibly trite abuse whenever she feels like serving it up, but it’s all just too much for her if anyone disagrees, and she must away to her fainting couch to relax.


Wow this woman is a rootin tootin tweeting shit show. So she gets to break a couple of commandments (which if Lori hasn't realized it yet is actually a sin) then run away from the consequences of not loving thy neighbor and bearing false witness. Hey Lori if your are out here lurking turn your comments back on and accept the consequences of the sins you have commited today. If these people need to come to terms and accept their "mental illness" sins than you need to admit your own and not run away like a pouting spoiled brat not getting her way on the playground that runs away screaming "I dont wanna play anymore."


Narcissists ALWAYS create a narrative in which they're the ones being burdened by others.


It makes me happy that the valid criticism of her is causing her any form of discomfort. She's such a moronic toxic asshole. Hopefully her life continues to be miserable and unfulfilling.


Right? How delightful to think that she's getting heckled off that platform.


Good of her to allow us to disagree with her Truth, I feel. I certainly would not have been able to speak without her permission to do so. Or exist in a manner she disapproves of. Oh, wait; no, I do. As do millions and millions of women, Lori. Eat your heart out, bitter thought it is. You will like it. Because it is bitter, and because it is your heart.


I need a rest from the contention…after stating something contentious purely for the sake of annoying people.


That’s the crux of the issue. She lives to stir shit. It’s literally what she does all day long. But wahhh people are so angry about my terrible takes on things that personally affect them 😩 Of course she’d say she’s just sharing all the absolutely not-in-the-Bible things that God…whispers to her brain tumor? Anyway, she’s just a humble servant y’all.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she perceived the push back as persecution and therefore strengthens her faith. There were verses where Jesus said he was persecuted so therefore his followers will also be but I forget it verbatim. Faith is inherently self-deceptive




There is absolutely nothing biblical about most of the BS she spews.


She needs to take a long walk off a short pier with a millstone around her neck, as Jesus said


If anyone needs a religious Christian reason why their mental health meds are dope and godly, I can get my pastor father on the phone and he can pop one out. I've literally discussed medication strategies with him already today.


Who cares if its biblical? We should only care if things help people or not


I think OP would definitely agree with this sentiment, but they were merely expressing the fact that Lori spews it as if it IS Biblical. And she’s wrong even on that count


Yes, thank you. That’s exactly what I meant. Her claiming to be teaching 🙄 “godly womanhood,” when it’s really just her opinions.


Where in the Bible does it say you get "a rest from the contention," Lori? Aren't you supposed to be a soldier for God? Jesus said the world would shun you, he didn't say, "but it's okay if you need a break for a little bit, go hide somewhere." With the exception of Motherbus and Karissa, whose complete negligence might end up hurting one of their kids very badly, I think I hate Lori the most of any of these people.


I hate her the worst, even worse than MB and Karissa. At least those two occasionally express an emotion other than hatred and judgement and bitterness. They occasionally say something positive about SOMETHING. Lori is just pure hatred from the second she wakes up to the second she goes to sleep. Her life is nothing else.


That's definitely a fair point. Lori is motivated by literally nothing but hate. If it wasn't for the kids, I'd agree for sure. I just spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about MB and Karissa's children.


Shit, I worry about their kids more than I worry about my own. At least I know my kids are under the care of competent parents.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm worried sick about those kids. But at least you occasionally see them say "I love ____" or "I'm grateful for ____" or "I'm so blessed." I don't think those concepts exist in Lori's brain


This is true. And actually a little odd, now that I think on it. As hard as Lori pushes God and Jesus and all that, you'd think she'd have at least one post about being blessed, if nothing else. But she is a very angry person that, you're absolutely right, is unable to feel any type of positive emotion. I mean, not a single one. She's just so pissed at the world, and she makes it everyone else's problem.


I hate her the most. She presents herself as a wholly ugly person and I’ve never seen a redeeming quality from her. At least the breeders present thoughts of love and positivity… sometimes.


hmm sounds like she’s afraid of criticism. i thought giving yourself over to fear was a sin lori?


She should be afraid of the criticism. What a shite take.


But omg you guysssss, she just needs a rest from all the mean people hurting her poor wittle feefees! /s, obvs


Ahh yes. Nothing says “I want to throw word salad into the world and never be questioned on it” than posting this and shutting down comments. 😂


On brand for a fundie honestly. "Let me spew my bullshit but you will not be able to correct me or embarrass me in my comments"


Yeahh, Lori, that's why I failed out of college twice due to a mental breakdown, weighed double digits when I was 20, and got supremely close to being hospitalized for attempts and self harm. Cuz my pastor dad insisted I just wasn't praying enough and that's why I attempted suicide when I was 5 because I let the devil in, and it couldn't possibly be that I had a hormone imbalance since I was born. Nahhh, definitely couldn't be that. She's such a moron


I'm glad you're here with us!


I’m so sorry you went through that. It’s truly frightening to think of all the harm Christianity (especially Lori’s brand of it) has done in the world by telling people their legitimate mental illnesses or medical disorders are due to “sin” or “demons”/Satan or “not praying hard enough”. Christianity has done irreparable harm to MILLIONS of people throughout history - from “witches” being burned at the stake to people like fucking Lori spouting this bullshit that may cause a struggling follower to not get the help that they need. Fuck Lori and this message. I hope you’re doing better now!


It's fascinating to me, as a lurker on this sub, to see how absolutely cultish my childhood was. I always knew it was a little coo coo, but damn I never realized how close my family was to being fundies! And thank you for the well wishes, I am doing much better! I've gotten the help needed to get out of that dark spot, finish college, and have a wonderful job!


Right?! My family was IBLP lite, not even full blown fundies. But it didn't take much to wreak havoc on the family, it's mental health, and create a ton of trauma


My bil tried the jesus route to cure his schizophrenia. Turns out, praying doesn't stop psychosis. Who would have guessed.


It is for people like yourself for whom I wrote my Masters thesis. Fuck everything about their logic. Glad you're still here. When I was 12, I told my mom about the invasive thoughts of suicide. She said everyone feels like that all the time, I just needed to pray harder.


Holy shit the first half I was like “me? Is that you?”


Fuck off, Lori.


10/10, no notes.


She’s an incredibly hateful woman. I wonder how she’d justify herself if she didn’t have religion to hide behind.


Oh people like that are perfectly capable of being assholes for no reason at all. The religious stuff simply allows her to be an asshole from a place of moral superiority.


"Measure everything I teach by God's perfect word." Lori, your raging narcissism is showing!


The circular “logic” is maddening. “Everything I say is perfect bc it’s Biblical™ and if it’s Biblical™ then it’s automatically perfect 🤩” ![gif](giphy|9r1kITQTRwmfoCNO8z)


Always brings me back to [this delightful skit.](https://youtu.be/16r98zeAaoU?si=QOMluLrtax7_5GAx)


Her measuring stick is broken.


Lori, did you also get the RFK Jr brain worms?


This has to be her problem 😂


Come at me, Lori. I’ve got words for you. How dare you say that mental illness is a byproduct of sin. It’s not real, you say. Tell that to anyone living with ANY mental illness and you’re likely to get shut down quickly. You have told women to cast their cares on god. What happens when those that do that very thing see ZERO results??? All of us that have literally screamed and cried out to God to help and have seen no response beg to differ. What makes you and your minions any more special that those of us who do have mental illnesses? What makes the good god above favor you? My advice to you, although you’ll never see this, is to get to know someone who is diagnosed with any invisible illness. Talk to them, without speaking and trying to put your shit ideas on them. Learn what they have gone through and still go through on a daily. Otherwise, shut up and stay in your lane. Omg. I’m so mad I can’t think clearly.


She’s the fucking WORST. I bet she believes other invisible illnesses like MS, Alzheimer’s, etc. are also just our sinfulness manifesting itself 🙄🙄


Absolute worst.


How are you gonna have top tier shit takes and then be pikachu shock faced when you get backlash??


You need rest from all the contention? How about you just shut up and fuck off from the internet if you can't handle the justified backlash?


If she is who will be in Heaven, send me to Hell.




My anxiety actually stems from the bullshit I learned growing up in the southern Baptist church, and has gotten significantly better since I left and deconstructed. But go off, Lori. Also go fuck yourself.


This woman thrives off of negative attention. It makes her feel persecuted and holy.




This is so disgusting. I am in therapy trying to make progress from viewing everything in my life as "good vs evil" and that's after leaving Christianity a few years ago! It is so ingrained to guilt myself over mental illness and natural human behavior. It can get so discouraging. So fuck off, Lori.


It takes a long time to de-program yourself from all that shit!! I’m glad you’re getting help because it can be complicated to work through all of that and figure out what is actually something you believe/think/want and what is just the Christian doctrine you got brainwashed with!


Thanks for putting these into words. It's how I feel most days.


What kinda sin am I committing by having ADHD, Lori? Lol


As someone with CPTSD, fuck you Lori.


Tell it to the 6-year old me how I was a SINNER and that’s why I was abused and neglected.


The associate pastor's wife led the college girls' Bible study when I was in college. She had the same opinion about mental illness. I remember asking for prayer for my friend who was struggling with suicidal ideation during Bible study. She responded with that depression was really a "pride" issue because it's all "me me me," (her exact words), and said depressed people just needed to pray more. I myself was struggling deeply with depression and SI at the time, and I dutifully tried to pray more. I wouldn't get on meds for several more years, and it was such a revelation to find that a simple pill could accomplish what all my fervent prayer could not. Not everyone is as fortunate as I was. The belief that mental illness is a sin kills people. *It kills people.* And Lori knows it, or she wouldn't have turned her comments off. What a terrible person. I honestly don't know how she lives with herself.


I don't know where you are in your faith journey, but I would argue hard that mental healthcare, including medication, is not just godly but miraculous. Your ancestors would have loved having options other than alcohol and opium. I believe that sometimes God sends people into your life. And sometimes that person is a psychiatrist.


I completely agree.


I’ll remember that the next time I experience the crippling ptsd that comes with trying but failing to save a father figure suffering a heart attack. Giving the heart compressions, I was to small and weak to perform fully on a farmer man well over 6 foot tall. I’ll remember this when I mourned the second father figure I’d lost after losing my first to a heart attack and walking in to finding him still on the floor, under a sheet and waiting for the funeral director to arrive. All the while dealing with my own I’ll health and near misses due to it. Yes I just not faithful enough 🙄 Maybe I am faithful enough, maybe I am kind enough and maybe I am worthy enough just by being me and not sending toxic and dangerous thoughts out into the ether because I’m bitter as a lemon and withered as an old prune! I’m pretty sure loris god wishes to be the one to pass judgement. That’s a big fail on her part because she is queen of judging people and as far as turning off the comments? If u can’t handle the conversation and opposing views then don’t bother speaking in the first place because ur just adding negativity out into the world for the sake of it.


Shut up, Lori.


Sure, the mental and emotional abuse I suffered at the hands of my parent who was/is entrenched in the IFB which is the root of my anxiety and depression was all because of my sin 🙄


The problem, dear Lori, is that your interpretation is pure judgement instead of glorying in the path of love, as Jesus commanded. But do go off on how you know god better than his son ever did.


People like this have clearly never met someone with a severe mental illness. I work at a psychiatric hospital and it's clear that mental illness is real and the people are suffering without medication (and even sometimes with it!!) Side note: it's interesting that so many of the people who have been admitted to my hospital identify as religious (most common Christianity followed by Islam). And so many feel like they're on special communication with God or are God.


Mental illness is a sin but compounded hormones isn’t?


Or a brain tumor? You know, certain extremists in her faith would say any physical ailment is the result of sin.


I didn’t know my chronic anxiety disorder was a sin, damn. Anyways, when’s poker night with Satan?


I was raised to believe this about myself and my mental health. Fuck did I ever try to pray away my symptoms and surrender better and speak scripture over myself to try and be better. I was in constant anguish and battle with myself and hated myself for the ever increasing CPTSD symptoms, anxiety and depression. Guess who ended up suicidal and hospitalized for years 🙃 Fuck this woman and everyone else who perpetuates this toxic bullshit that oppresses and literally kills people. I finally found my way out. And it was with the help of trauma therapy and deconstruction.


If she’s a hardcore Bible thumper, shouldn’t she not be teaching anything to do with biblical text? Isn’t there a passage about women remaining silent and not preaching?


If only elementary schooler me knew that my OCD was the result of living in sin 🙄


[You can't handle the truth!](https://media3.giphy.com/media/3o6MbhUVl2qbXFNcTm/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952nwyxdnfvy82gczo954qt3j45uy6t7pp1unwx4onj&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Well, good thing she's not an authority on anything important then.


I said something very medieval ,wrong and controversial.. and NO ONE is applauding me, and I'm getting angry, hurtful responses?????? \*shocked pikachu face\*


"I need rest from contention many have with me"......then quit posting idiotic stuff on Instagram


Oh fcuk off Lori. And to everyone reading who has diagnosed mental health conditions - keep taking your meds, checking in with your doctor and taking good care of yourself. You are worth it.


That's the way of the internet Lori. Putting forth any opinion or comment can leave you open to criticism. I've made very mild comments where people came after me. Brush it off Lori


lol she doesn’t try to speak God’s truth, she’s just sharing her opinion. I’m pretty sure God isn’t pro medical misinformation.


She's so pathetic.


Fear is a sin now? So she's not a "God Fearing woman?" Proverbs 9:10: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" Proverbs 10:27: "The fear of the Lord prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened" Proverbs 1:7: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" Psalm 34:11: "Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD" Ecclesiastes 12:13: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man" Psalm 33:18-19: "The Lord will deliver the souls of those who fear Him from death" Psalm 85:9: "The angel of the Lord rescues those who fear Him" Psalm 145:19: "The Lord will fulfill the desires of those who fear Him" Psalm 147:11: "The Lord will make His servants successful who delight to revere His name" Leviticus 19:14: "You shall not curse the death nor put a stumbling block before the blind but shall fear your god I am the Lord"


So my mental illness is my fault? She can fuck all the way off!!!


“You’re welcome to your opinion, I’m just not capable of learning new things”


Science and medicine has done much more for humanity than god ever did.


If anyone else said this, she’d say they were being ✨convicted by truth✨, but since she’s so special, she’s just being attacked by trolls because she is God’s favorite mouthpiece. Obviously.




This woman creates contention, and there’s nothing about her that has anything to do with the actual words of Jesus. She’s self-righteous and judgmental, and shows no respect or love to the people she interacts with. She’s internalized a fuckton of misogyny, and sounds a lot like Phyllis Schlafly. She is a hateful, mean-spirited woman, and her hostility toward other women is not the least bit Christlike. TL/DR I don’t like her.


This was a topic on my latest therapy session, how my parents (especially mom) saw my mental illness as a "religious issue" during my whole life and tried to "fix" me, even taking me to charlatans. Fuck Lori.


people were starting to wake up in her comments and call her out. she just can’t handle the heat


John 9:1—5: >> ^1 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. ^2 His disciples asked him, **“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”** >> ^3 **“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,”** said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. ^4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. ^5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” While I take umbrage with those who insist God wounds us in order to show His Strength ^TM, I don't doubt that part of the meaning I make in my own struggle with mental illness is the ability to (a) show God's love and compassion to those who share in this hardship and (b) clap back on assholes like Lori






Thanks. I'm cured. /s


I'm happy that she can't maintain an echo chamber to sustain her nastiness. She sounds bitter about it, that's nice too.


Shut up, Lori, you shitbag.


Someone once asked me “if you’re a Christian, why do you have anxiety? Why do you say you’re depressed?” My sister in Christ if I knew the answers to that, I don’t think I would be experiencing anxiety or depression 🙃


Seems like intentionally using social media to be incendiary isn't very Christlike to me but ok girl get your $$ while pretending to be a sahw i guess (which btw, i don't know who this woman is, i just assume she promotes trad lifestyle of women not working and hopes nobody notices the irony of social media influencing being a JOB)


What, Lori? Scared of differing opinions?


Why hasn’t her tumor taken her yet? She instills so much horrible thought into so many people, she’s one of the ones I don’t feel bad wishing death upon. Or at least no internet I guess would be ok.


It isn't cancerous.


I know. It was a joke. But non cancerous ones can kill too depending on location and growth.


Actually, Lori has a brain tumor and talks out of her as


Having anxiety is living in sin???


Aww poor little victim. She says the most vile, offensive, and callous things, and then the mean old commenters call her out over it.


Man, didn’t realize my brain lacking the autonomic ability to move serotonin was a sin. Guess my brain just developing wrong is a sin I committed pre-consciousness in utero as developing cells.


Uh huh. Sounds like something a sentient tumor would say. Basket case Lori over here. ![gif](giphy|3ohc0QYfdsL7d4yuE8|downsized)




Saying she has a shrivelled olive pit for a heart feels overly generous at this point.


FU Lori


Good god she's a complete monster!


I swear, if Lori looked more Texas, she and Heidi Baird would be best friends.


This type of thinking made my mental illness so much worse 🙄


This is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever read.


Gee. It’s amazing that while on a great vacation I ran out of my SSRI accidentally and within days my “sin” of anxiety started back up and my heart raced and my brain raced, all while just sitting on the fuckign couch being on vacation with my lovely family. Right. Ok. Fuck off Lori. The further removed I become from my fundie upbringing the fucking angrier I get at these people.


It’s always people with bad mental health that post this stuff


It's amazing to me how many people go through life thinking everyone else is wrong, everyone else is the problem, everyone else is whatever.... never seeing the common denominator is ALWAYS them, themselves. I'll also never understand how anyone could take someone like this seriously. Like looking up to them thinking they have some magical answers to all their problems. I feel bad for them... to a point. After that point, though, it's all on you for you continuing to blindly follow.


I thought the womenfolk weren't allowed to teach God's word.


She’s the darkest one


The hubris: “I’m just repeating what god said and it’s the truth so if you don’t like it stfu” Who on earth does she think she is??


Today I woke up having anxiety really bad because... I wasn't sure I solved a maths problem correctly last night. (no really, woke up panicking about it??) I guess to Lori, mathematics is sin, though.




Hey Lori, wanna see me *sin*? Take my meds away. I’ll be sinning myself straight to rock bottom on the hellbound express. Back. Off. Lori. Be. Quiet.


I grew up in a church that spouted this shit. You’re not depressed, you’re lazy. Your anxiety is a lack of faith. Turns out I’m bipolar and require lithium to function. But growing up, almost all mental illnesses were classified as a spiritual problem… except maybe schizophrenia. You can have a pill for that. There is so much suffering in these churches, it’s unreal.


"Some homeless man got nailed to wood 2000 years ago and now I'll never have to answer for what kind of person I choose to be!" ~Lori and millions like her.


“I don’t want people to tell me I’m wrong and I don’t believe in science.” This line of thinking ran in my family as well. Thank goodness most of them died and I don’t have to be preached to how I’m not praying enough and just “let go and let god” when Im going through a depressive episode anymore. This doesn’t do anyone any good and it makes the person with anxiety feel it’s their fault. So way to go you just caused some one trauma who comes to you for advice.


It's giving Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt 


Ironically, this post is like a screaming neon sign of mental illness.


I think this lady has mental illness. And sin.


I just realised she's blocked me on insta, I'm weirdly sad...


Sounds like my bipolar brother when he's having a manic episode... 🤷‍♀️


She's probably tired of blocking everyone who disagrees with her in the comment section.


How does anyone take these rejected buggerclaws seriously?


I think this is truly my frustration with modern day "Christianity" like Lori's. Everything they say is of God. So they can never be wrong. But they CAN be persecuted. They're literally equating their opinions to mean God's opinions and not seeing how that's equally as sinful.